Wednesday, April 09, 2014


Finally got the still cam up and running.

New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

I need a shower BBIALW

Judie said...

Cannot keep up with Lolly. Exhausted from Lollypaloozing today. You are on your own Lolly.

Sandperson is packing an extra large satchel of sleepy dust. Departure is imminent.

Night light is on. Restful sleep and peaceful dreams for all.

Mema Jo said...

I thought before I came back you all would make this SPLIT.

I am caught up in a Hallmark Movie

Be back to say goodnight

stronghunter said...

Going to say good night. Lynne, if you come on here, the GM information is on the previous thread. I hope you get the rental or loaner car. You are entitled to one.

I am sleepy. Sandperson has been here. See you tomorrow.

Hope you feel better, Kay.


Lynne2 said...

Boy, I hope everyone got out for a while to enjoy the beautiful day! I played with dogs, and did a little yard work and did NOT overdue for a change!

It's so beautiful out right now too, big bright moon, soft breeze and warm.

Goodnight and Prayers for ALL!!!

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Shirley, I see it! Will check it out!

Mema Jo said...

Back again - saying Goodnight to all ♥


JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Nelson Search and Rescue have located the remains of the Nelson missing woman. Jade was her name.

Good yoga class for me.
Raining here lots.

Town feels very unsettled.

I take refuge in prayer and meditation.

Good night all
God a Bless a Us All

Lolly said...

Doing my nails and then heading to bed. Got a lot done in the yard. Do not know if weather will permit me to work tomorrow or not. We shall see! More chance of severe weather north of us...Laurel's area. Poor Jacob!

Night all! SED!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends! It's baby shower and Wanda hug day!

Well, Lisa and I got a lot done yesterday but not the hardest part. Didn't go into Mom's closet except to pull out the 7 bags of clothes for Wanda and load them into Lisa's van. Instead, we cleaned out everything else in the condo - the pantry, the kitchen cupboards, the server that is going to Brian and Lynnis next weekend, the linen closet, the closet in the spare bedroom, the washer/dryer closet, the drawers in the night tables, the underneaths of the 2 bathroom vanities, the 2 medicine cabinets, and the computer and printer carts.

Today, Mom's neighbors, who came to visit Mom several times a week with her favorite dog Zoey, will be taking Mom's dresser & mirror, the 2 night tables and Mom's curio cabinet in the living room. Mom loved Carolyn, Tony, and Zoey and I know she would want this young couple to have whatever furniture of hers they can use instead of donating it to strangers. Denny and I have become friends with them as well and I so appreciate that they spent time visiting with Mom through this very long, cold, snowy winter when she wasn't feeling well.

From blog comments the past few days, it sounds like our chicks like the end of the nest that we can't see better than the part we can see. That's a shame - we may never know when this pair starts to leave the nest in a few months.

Jo, thanks for submitting this group's names over on the FB Eagle Cam page. I wonder if Prez. and Capt. will make it into the final 4 for their vote? It would be nice if we all agreed on the names this year.

Enjoy this beautiful day everyone! It may hit 80 degrees in Martinsburg, WV this afternoon! Sadly, I'm sure there will be no time for me to take a little detour to Shepherdstown.

Oh, I see a parent trying to cover 2 chicks - don't think that will be happening for too much longer. They are really growing!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see an adult arranging flugg at the nest. No eaglets in sight.

JudyEddy said...

good morning eagle buds

I only see the belly area of a adult cup area

no babes in sight

WVJerry said...

Good morning everyone. Hope all gas been well for you. Looks like good weather here today. I'm up early getting breakfast ready. Have a birthday party early this afternoon to attend. Then hopefully be home in time to watch last round of Masters golf tournament. As for golf been invited out for first time to play in Myersville tomorrow morning. Don't see much happening at the nest this morning. Still thinking about computer upgrade to enjot Cam more. Enjoy your day. Take care all.

Mema Jo said...

Good Palm Sunday Morning to all ♥

Sandi, I love baby showers and sure
hope Lynnis gets a lot of needed items for their first born. Wonder what the nursery theme will be?
You and Lisa accomplished one heck of a lot at Mom's condo this weekend
Did Bella come with you?

Mema Jo said...

I think I'm seeing Prez up at `11:00
Spunky little one.

Mema Jo said...

Good to see you Jerry ! My home is right up against Hollow Creek's 13th hole. It has been good golf weather all weekend. You enjoy Monday - I think weather will be good.

Mema Jo said...

I had my surprise for the second day out on my deck with my Peanut Pot.
Woody, the red headed woodpecker paid me another visit. He just takes one peanut and heads for the tree where I can watch him trying to crack it open. Finally got some pics today of him up in the tree. He doesn't stay long on the deck and I am never sitting here with the camera

Janet said...

good morning to all.

its been a busy few days again.

yesterday we attended the cherry blossom festival downtown. it wasn't huge, but it was nice. Nashville is a city with a diverse range of people and cultures. it is nice to sample those cultures!

it was sunny and in the low 80's. perfect day for such an activity!

I took a nap when I got home. then I really didn't do much. kind of saved it for today.

we sat out on the front porch for a long while last night just enjoying the weather, the soft breezes and moonlight. our neighbors wandered over and sat with us for a long while.

hope everyone has a lovely sunday. slept in, but gonna get moving here in a bit. light, love, hugs and smiles....

NatureNut said...

Happy Sunday to Everyone! Think it's going to be over 80° and then 40° on a couple days!!!

Looks like an MT nest, but they must be in there somewhere. Consensus of opinion seems to be that there are only 2 chicks.
Think I will be outside again today. Trimmed about everything yesterday, but have a couple flower pots to MT.
Have a great day ☺

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Wow, SANDI, you sisters accomplished so much yesterday ! And now today may you relax and have fun in anticipation of the new little girl's birth ! Can't wait to hear all about it as well as the WANDA hug !

I got an elated call from my first born girl at 10 this morning. Eileen, 58, began running and training less than a year ago. This morning she ran her first 5K in the Gazelle Girls Marathon and came in 13th out of 50 entrants in the 55-59 age group ! Her BF, Kathy has been running about a year longer and is Eileen's running mentor and partner. She came in #1 ! I talked to her, too, and she says she's never been #1 in anything. They were quite literally crying for joy ! The Gazelle Girls support several Grand Rapids groups aimed at services for women and the runners were all women.

JO, so happy you submitted our names ! Capt may be too personal to our group, but they should certainly see the point in Prez's name. I have an old friend who lives on the 13th hole of a golf course in Mohave Valley, AZ ! My BF here lives on the Brookside CC course, but I'm not sure of the hole #. Some of the qualifying and practice for the Annual Jack Nickelaus Tournament takes place there and Doris and Howard love to sit out back and watch the action.

Kay said...

LORETTA, that weather forecast matches ours ! 40's and snow showers on Tuesday, but back up for a glorious Easter weekend.

NCSuzan said...

Isla laid her first egg last night!

It is very windy here today but sun is shining and temps are moderate.

Our little guys are moving around so much it is hard at times to keep up with them!

As always, take care.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the info about Isla, Suzan.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Loretta I am sorry I wasn't on here when you were - If you are still reading and not already outside:
My question is about the osprey cam
ARE there 2 eggs in that nest?

Mema Jo said...

I did submit to the FB Eagle Cam group our 2 names and their reasons.
This is the group that has always honored the name of BELLE - However when we lost Liberty they named the new male BEN and we named him Shep.
I've never argued that point due to
all of us watching the same nest and respecting each other. I like to converse with Debi and Terri about their pictures, the nest weather and recently the number of eaglets. They are all very much involved with their feelings just like we are. So to me - "what's in a name" ♥

Mema Jo said...

Right now I think the appropriate names for these 2 would be

Hidey and Seeky

Mema Jo said...

I saw Judy's pics over on FB of the fireworks. WOWSER

Haven't heard yet about all the party
gifts. I bet little Miss Jordyn had a hard time staying awake ♥

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Finished coffee and paper. Now to finish the kitchen clean-out.

NCSusan has reported on Isla. Barred owl has three hatchlings. Phoebe has not been seen since late afternoon Sat. Two babes have been taken by a rehaber.

Shirley may be onto something: hidey and seeky. Most of the time I can't see them at all.

Hope Jordyn had a wonderful party.

Beautiful day to open windows.


stronghunter said...

Jo is the one who suggested hidey and seeky. :) But I agree.

JudyEddy said...

ON LUNCH must go read shouldn't be long not to many comments everyone must be enjoying the beautiful Sun

Mema Jo said...

Only a joke about Hidey and Seeky
due to their behavior.
Prez and Capt it is for real.

stronghunter said...


JudyEddy said...

no adult in nest went poof or in the NEZ while I was reading

Had a nice paragraph typed but lost it silly puter

Lolly said...

Howdy! Was in a hurry to leave for church this morn and did not have time to get on. Now have company stopping by in about 30 minutes.

We have have a little rain today but has not even added up to half an inch. Let is pour, let it pour let it pour!!! Please!

It is for just a short time that we have names for our eaglets. After they fledge..they are gone. We have our names that mean so much to us (and I like Hidey and Seeky, too. LOL) and anyone else somewhere else can call them whatever they want!!

Wow, Sandi, you worked hard and accomplished a lot. That is grand that the young couple get some furniture and Brian, as well.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly please don't misunderstand the remarks concerning the Eagle Cam folks voting on names for the eaglets
Never was it my intent for our group to change the names we have already selected.

Mema Jo said...

I have going to start getting ready for this evening's dinner at Dutch's
for youngest son's 50th. Can't wait for dessert of Peanut butter Pie ♥
Daughters and I are going few minutes earlier to put out favors.
Jenny found some small paint buckets and place black candies in them along with a small paint brush - Charles is a very experienced painter
I'll get back on here later this evening. ♥

JudyEddy said...

WOW only 3 comments since I signed off at lunch

I see one adult in nest in windy nest Lay lo

Lolly said...

I understand, Jo. Not to worry!

Company gone...I now see an eagle in the nest.

Sun has come out but they are still saying more storms possible.
Front is coming through and a low tomorrow night of 34. Really?

JudyEddy said...

WOW on the news a lady went in to her garage and was attached by 4 not 1 but 4 black bears she is in the hospital
Black bears are coming out of hibernation Its over the center part of the state

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

eagle back in NHZ

JudyEddy said...

TWO bears not 4 she was being drug from driveway in a subdivision but there were 5 black bears there but only two attached her on news now No news on woman condition 30 stable in her head and she is cut all over her body

JudyEddy said...

I can see a tad of both eaglets

JudyEddy said...

poop shoot

JudyEddy said...

looks like a feeding is going on I am headin to the cell phone tower to visit with the resident eagles

JudyEddy said...

You must see at least the first few min of this video Poor eaglet you will laugh and wish you could help him Ever wondered what would happen to a eaglet knocked over on its back

Lolly said...

Sun came out so I worked in the yard. Very pleasant! Now Jack is cooking breakfast for dinner. Very pleasant! LOL

JudyEddy said...

Adult still in the nest in the dark 819 and 78°

JudyEddy said...

Headin to TV land

Mema Jo said...

I am home and changing into something more comfy before 9:00 TV show of The Good Wife.

I am filled to the gills as the saying goes. I had friend jumbo shrimp and others had salmon, haddock, crab cakes and crab imperial, seafood salads and cream of crab soup - All delicious from Dutch's kitchen.... They brought a huge chocolate cupcake with whipped cream and chocolate covered strawberries for the b-day table. We ordered only 1 Peanut butter pie and it is so rich about 3 bites will do you in. All in all it was a fun filled evening. Of course pics are over on FB and I will try to send some out on email.

magpie said...

Sounds Great, Jo....
Happy Birthday for your son, Indeed!

And good news from many others here too..

Happy Blessed Palm Sunday.
Back in the Day, my father would read
"The Passion" at Sunday Mass...

Nearly Full Moon looking good, hoping the skies will be clear for the Total Lunar Eclipse which starts
shortly after midnight Monday into Tuesday....

magpie said...

Great News about Isla's First Laid Egg of the Season....
Thanks NC Suzan for the news

'twas nice to see BEagle here the other night....

Happy Golfing Monday, Jerry...I see Bubba Watson hung on to win his
Second Green Jacket at the Masters....

magpie said...

Bedtime looms...

Best Wishes for a Marvy Sunday evening, and a good Tomorrow

Prayers for Wellness Continue,
Every Day....the list is long....

Good Night, Precious Pals

OH PS, no rampmuffin here...just an old friend, but your jokes and comments are quite hilarious.

Tom Sweetie moved away last year,
found himself a real house finally

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Lynne2 said...

OH I forgot Tom Sweetie moved you keep in touch?

Looks like our eclipse viewing potential is NADA. Storm coming in.

Very eggciting about Isla! I miss Chrissy so much. I suspect a lack of computer or possibly funding for internet access is the reason we don't see her any more.

Lynne2 said...

Well, after much research, and much thought, I have decided that I need to eliminate wheat from my diet. Not going to be easy given my junk food tendencies! There is very compelling research on the dangers of wheat (as it is today) to our health.

I am attempting the Cold Turkey approach. I may be cranky for a week or so. This will be interesting...and Cold Turkey may be replaced by gradual weaning over a two week period but I like to pull the band-aid off fast.

Lynne2 said...

I have already eliminated just about all processed foods out now anyway. I will still eat small amts of rice and will still have oatmeal for breakfast.

What I have known all along is that what we (meaning manufacturers) put into processed foods isn't good for anyone. Those things, artificial this and fortified that were never meant to be consumed by humans and therefore they will hurt us. Of course, KNOWING it vs APPLYING it doesn't always go well for me!

My Dr. supports this move, and the head nurse at the clinic started this back in November. She has lost 45bls, but more amazing she says is how great she feels!

Lynne2 said...

I must say though, that I will NOT be eliminating sugar! Not yet. I will be cutting down only for now. I'll give this 3 months and see how it goes!

Hoda said...

Good evening everyone.
Good day here.
Sun was out.
Blessed Palm Sunday to all.

LYNNE, the wheat we are sold now is not the same product we were sold in 40,50,60 and even 70!!!
It is in everything and you really have to watch what you are eating if you go gluten free. Some say things are gluten free and they are not!!! It upsets me.
Spelt for example is marketed as gluten free yet spelt is from the wheat family and it does have gluten.
Good luck with that!
It takes years to become totally gluten free.

Hoda said...

Some oats are not gluten free, LYNNE.
I believe the nurse.
Sugar is POISON!
Do not get me started!!!

Sorry everyone else. I am not preaching. Everyone is free to eat what they want.

It is LYNNE's fault that I got started.

Lynne2 said...

I wish we still had that old wheat!

I won't be going gluten free as in buy those products that SAY they are gluten free. I think too much marketing, not enough health in some of those things.

Mostly, I will stick to veggies, meat, salads, raw nuts, and then whole grain brown rice, real oatmeal, cheeses, sweet potatoes, etc. in moderation.

In a perfect world, I would go all organic of the above...but so much more expensive. But I have to start somewhere.

Lynne2 said...

Oh yes, sugar bad. VERY bad. But soooooo yummy! I have some Coconut palm sugar and am looking for some carob powder to make a tasty drink to have for an occasional treat! I use that in my oatmeal, along with cinnamon and ground flax seeds. Very yummy!

Hoda said...

Sounds good LYNNE.
I buy no packaged foods.
The longer their shelf life the shorter mine!!!
Well done you...keep us posted.

Lynne2 said...

And then we have Stevie Iron Gut Two Stomachs. Perfect blood pressure, perfect glucose, perfect freaking little waist size....he eats like a garbage disposal! I find that incredibly annoying about him.....

Lynne2 said...

oh dear, I must shower and get ready for bed. 2pm is my pulmonary testing tomorrow. Will go directly from work and hopefully it won't take too long and I can return to finish the day. I didn't ask what the test involves so I have no idea what to expect!

stronghunter said...

Hope tomorrow goes well for you, Lynne. Let us know how it goes.

Lolly said...

Ha! Have already showered and comfy. I was falling asleep in my chair, so hoped the shower would wake me up. It helped a little. Good luck with the diet change, Lynne. You are too young to be feeling bad!

Enjoyed my breakfast for dinner, however....Jo's dinner certainly sounded yummy!!

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone. I will see you tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Beautiful moon out tonight.
Will have to wait till tomorrow night for the eclipse!

Good night
God Bless

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - pulmonary breathing test - Blow out with all your might - suck it in and HOLD it then pant like a pup! There are about 3 or 4 different
exercises with the mouthpiece and it
is hooked up to the computer to get
the results. GOOD LUCK

Mema Jo said...

I must quickly say

Goodnight and God Bless

Love to all of you ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Monday ...

The shower yesterday was nice - the weather was perfect for an outdoor event. And it was great seeing and talking to Wanda. She took photos of Lisa and me unloading the bags of Mom's clothes and putting them into Gene's SUV, and said she would take photos of the folks sorting them and hanging them up at the Clothes Closet on Tuesday. We talked about GG, who hasn't had her sleepover at Wanda's yet, BTW. Wanda is trying to get GG's bedroom and bathroom looking perfect before she brings GG over to see it.

Lynne, good luck with the gluten-free. It would make me very sad - and grouchy - to give up sugar, whether it's good or bad for me. Also, good luck with today's test - sounds pretty easy from Jo's description.

Prayers continue for Larry - how many weeks to go, Paula?

Shirley, how did your taxes end up - did you find enough deductions to break even?

Four day week for me - I can do this.

Have a good one!

Janet said...

good MONDAY morning to all!
Rock On SANDI you got this 4 day week!

Lynne: (and others) yes sugar is bad. it is one of my worst addictions. I continually work to decrease the amounts in my diet. I go for a moderate diet. I allow myself small amounts of most things. the thing I TRY to overindulge in is fresh, raw veggies ....

and again, everyone eat as you like...and I am certainly no saint, we know I love a good glass of wine, a peanut butter cookie is among my favorites....I could go on and on...

had a beautiful weekend. 80's. sun. we accomplished much stuff around here. and now its Monday and raining. I am glad for the rain as the ground was very very dry.

unfortunately.....30's tomorrow night>????? seriously ma nature? well, it won't last long.

gotta get started on my day. light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

JudyEddy said...

good morning eagle buds Eagle in with food I see babes

JudyEddy said...

PREZ climbed out of the cup to adult which is now feeding both

JudyEddy said...

JO or PAULA did either of you let Steve know again that the still wend down ???

JudyEddy said...

Adult is just sitting at edge of bowl cup at 3 just looking over the babes in the cup in front of her

Hoda said...

Good morning all.
32 degrees here.
Supposed to go up to 62 by noon!

What do you all think happened to the second eaglet?
It bothers me that I do not know!
What could have happened?

Sounds good SANDI. Blessed Be.

paula eagleholic said...





:) :) :) :) :)

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Eaglets are flopped in full view. Moving from time to time. Looks like Prez is flopped on the remains of a fish.

Still need to finish taxes, Sandi. I am pushing this to the last minute for sure. I will end up paying. Need to recalculate the quarterly taxes. I should have paid something to the state, but my program said not.

stronghunter said...


GOING TO NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...