Wednesday, April 09, 2014


Finally got the still cam up and running.

New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Or in the NHZ

paula eagleholic said...


stronghunter said...

Two adults in nest. Eaglets not visible

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Grabbing my red shirt to show I support our troops this Red Friday

Happy Birthday Paula
Enjoy your day and have a great
year ahead

paula eagleholic said...

Aha,,,can see chicklets moving under the flugg in the cup

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you all for the Birthday Wishes! Nice to have a pretty day here!

JudyEddy said...

Helloo eagle buds I see one talon and a fuzzy pile of flugg on top of our babes Playing hide and seek maybe

stronghunter said...

Eagle foot visible.

JudyEddy said...

AWWW just saw the 15 pg preview CA just beautiful

Mema Jo said...

I am bringing Wanda's comments over since not everyone has been here this morning... The Surprise
Blogger Costume Lady said...

Today, a Fed Ex truck pulled into my driveway. I heard a package being dropped on the porch, so I went out and brought it inside. After carefully opening up the package, imagine my surprise when I saw my Beloved Capt. Gene looking at me, so handsome in his tux and bow tie. All I could do was hold it and cry...for the longest time. I couldn't look inside the book, knowing it would bring more tears. I finally composed myself and opened the book. First picture, me and Gene, 16 and 18 years old, so in love...more tears. Page after page of two people so much in love for 55+ years and our wonderful family, by our side from beginning til end. How lucky we were to have been together long enough to see our beautiful girls grow up and have grandchildren for us to love and watch them grow up and find their own place in the world. LUCKY?! Yes, we were blessed far more than we ever dreamed possible. Lest I not forget the blessing of the friendship of the BIRD PEOPLE...without you, this beautiful book would not have been made! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU ♥

Mema Jo said...

When I first opened the cam earlier I thought I was seeing an MT nest.
Not nice to hide your eaglets under flugg........ Finally I can see them in their egg cup.

CarolAnne said...

In case anyone would like an e-book copy of Gene's book, I believe this link will get you to it.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!!

WANDA, so happy with your reaction to CAROLANNE's book, filled with all the Wright stuff ! CA is a treasure, isn't she.

CAROLANNE, you did good---I look forward to the rest of the book, the preview 15 is wonderful. Looks like you had some help from other Momsters as well as the Wright "girls". You provided a lot of fun for us during the last couple of weeks, too. God bless you ! Oh, and you have to say, given my broad hints and puns that I was on to you and your antics ! Heh, heh !

SANDI, safe travel to Baltimore and onward to see WANDA and to enjoy the shower for Lynnis and her little one. I hope WANDA is bringing the book along so you can have a peek at the real thing, if there's time anyway.

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

♫♫♪ Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear P♥ULA, Happy Birthday to YOU ♪♪♪ Have a wonderful weekend in Paradise with your sweetie and your bro !

stronghunter said...

I think I might see some eaglet eyes peeking out of the flugg. Anyway, I want to think that's what it is.

JudyEddy said...

check out google today

Angie just called and wanted me to google rock candy and see if they have it in blue and clear or white for Jordyn Frozen party Sat

Kay said...

JUDYE, I know Jordyn's birthday party is Sat., but what is a "Frozen Party" ?

Kay said...

Prez is seeking a way out of the cup, right on the back of Capt ! And is looks as if Capt is eager to climb out, too. Hope a parent is in the NHZ for that is where they're wanting to go.

stronghunter said...

Guessing it has something to do with the Disney movie, Kay.

Kay said...

Ah, so ! I'm sure you're right, SHIRLEY ! Shows how out of it this ol' gal is, huh ?

Kay said...

LORI and I have talked about, the site for many games. Any of you who enjoy Jeopardy would enjoy the mental challenge there. I fail miserably when it comes to their TV and Film quizzes, as I don't have or want Cable and I don't go to movie theaters. I've given Netflix up, too, so a film has to be mighty old before I'm likely to see it. Award shows have never turned me on, but even less so nowadays because I've never seen most of the stuff presented. All that to say---I have heard of Frozen, but it sure didn't come to mind when reading JUDY's post !

Kay said...

Can now see a parental tail just showing a bit from the NHZ.

Kay said...

Eaglets are up and out of the cup. Flashes of both parents occurred and now the chicks seem to be alone.

Oops, both chicks now in the NHZ, durn it !

Kay said...

Just tuning in ? Don't panic ! They are there. Tree just shook, a lot.

stronghunter said...


Just for you, Kay. :)

I haven't seen the movie, either. I do not have a granddaughter to take me.

Kay said...

Whew ! One eaglet now emerging at times from the 1 spot. Wish they'd both come on "down" into the nest further so we can see em'.

stronghunter said...

I saw that one wandering eaglet, Kay.

Kay said...

Awww. FROZEN looks like fun, SHIRLEY ! Thanks ! I used to see all the Disney films when the grands were little---need some great grands to get me back in the swing of things.

paula eagleholic said...

Disney MOVIES are great.

My favorite was the Lion King :)

And the Littlest Mermaid :)

JudyEddy said...

FROZEN is the latest Disney movie

theme is ice etc she had powers that turned thing to ice

just got back 1.69 is what they wanted per rock candy stick Angie said no way if she needed 31
that idea is scrapped

CarolAnne said...

Old Yeller

JudyEddy said...

just now read that the link was posted by Shriley
Maybe I should read before I comment NOT LOL

JudyEddy said...

but on a good note I found the one doll of frozen Barbie doll size so happy to have found it

JudyEddy said...

sure wish the babes would stop hiding on us sill parents covering them up LOL we just worry when we don't see them huh

Kay said...

JUDYE, the party will be terrific, I'm sure---cute theme !

Fav Disney of my youth, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Fav seen with grandchildren in tow, Lion King.

Last Disney film seen, WALL-E and a good one it was, too !

JudyEddy said...

I see adult is back in the nest

JudyEddy said...

The last few Bday party Angie has been with They don't open the presents Unless the specific person request The party is to have fun is what they latest is I am not positive how I feel about that But like Angie said 31 kids will not want to sit and watch Its gonna be at Largo Central Park

JudyEddy said...

I see a chick on the edge near 9

JudyEddy said...

75° at the nest We are 80°

JudyEddy said...

only tail is showing no no chicks at all :-(

JudyEddy said...

just realized it that my cams have been running all night I did refresh one just to be up to the time since the others are behind ODD huh windy and so far no arrows that I have seen The nest looks so soft now fluffy sort of

JudyEddy said...

I am having Jordyn open my present this evening after we get back from the park since He party is at 3 - on
I will stop up at the park after work Angie got one of the pavilions booked

JudyEddy said...

should have said Since the party is at 3

Mema Jo said...

Glad you will stop at her party - Angie will need your truck to get all the b-day loot home! ♥

NCSuzan said...

Happy Birthday, Paula. Hope you have a wonderful day and a spectacular year!

Judie said...

Oh good grief. Nearly had a coronary failure. Glad I read that some of you have seen the babes. No me. Nest looks completely empty. Breathing again now.

Got my "do" did.

CAROLANNE: what a lovely secret and forever gift for Wanda. What a good friend you are.

Hope Wanda shows Miss GG the book and lets us know what she thought.

Headed to put my feet up.

Haven't seen the movie but the theme sounds like a fun time for Jordyn.

Citizen Kane


paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, how old is Jordyn...I forget! And what day is her actual BD?

Thanks, Suzan!

Kay said...

JUDIE, an animated Disney version of Citizen Kane ? I certainly missed that one. Can't feature it as a kiddie party theme ! ☺

NatureNut said...


Got a day off! So been working outside. Also have some new pictures of ospreys and eagle in the Nook.
Park online osprey cam is up and they are chirping up a storm. Might be an intruder. Saw the nest get dive-bombed!

NatureNut said...

Just remembered it's Cherry Blossom time. Here they are in front of Tommy Jeff.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Happy birthday Paula. I hope you are having a glorious day!!

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo Loretta
Now that is a beautiful pair of Osprey down at your park. The cam is
fantastic - Let Gregg know how well it is. They are really gorgeous and their nest is really built well.

Thanks for passing along the link ♥

Mema Jo said...

So you don't miss Loretta's url
Cut and paste and enjoy

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

This park is close to our hearts and due to having a road trip in the
Eagle Express with Capt Gene and
1st Mate Wanda. Funny: I was inside
their bathroom and I had stood up and all of a sudden Capt Gene hit the brakes and I almost went into the tub. Tub was full of soft drink cans. He asked me later if I were ok

Memories are so wonderful.. ♥

Kay said...

LORETTA, beautiful, wonderful pics on The Nook ! The cherry blossoms are spectacular ! Bookmarked the osprey site so I can keep track of the family. Thanks !

By the way, if you just highlight the url as if you're going to copy it, then right click, there will be an option to open taking you right to it.

Kay said...

JO, thanks for sharing that memory of good times with WANDA and GENE ! Glad you didn't fall into the tub, that would have been a big owwwweee.

Kay said...

Where is LOLLY today ?

Is HODA busy with her old school chum this weekend ?

Kay said...

Longing for LORI and DANA to check in, too !

Judie said...

Afternoon all.

Can see Capt. wiggling a bit. Prez still in seclusion.

Loweeeeda, thank you so much for the pictures. Darth and I absolutely must come visit next time we venture to Solomons. Would like to see the Park.

CarolAnne, thank you for the link. Beautiful. Book marked.

No, not an animated C.K. Just my favorite movie.

Soon off to the scullery to seek inspiration.

Jo, First 48 tonight plus Midsomer.

Judie said...

Lolly's busy doing a rain dance and perfecting her rain chant.

Yes, need a check in from Hoda and Lori. Maybe an update on Kate's mom.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - tonight I watch Unforgettable - Love her with the photogenic memory. They just started their new season. 8-9"00 Chanel 9 for me

Mema Jo said...

Last night Hoda stayed in her flat.

Mema Jo said...

I am having cheesy bread from
Dominoes for my Friday meatless dinner. Never had it before so I
will let you know how it was


stronghunter said...

Domino's cheesy bread sounds very good for a meatless dinner, Jo.

I have been working away on my taxes today. Put it off because I expected to pay. Now I am wishing I'd been better organized this year. It would have saved me a bunch of time today.

Even with quarterly taxes all paid, I still owe too much. Will work some more to see if I can find more deductions. Still need to put in medical expenses.

Watching those cute little eaglets. Dinner time for them.

Mema Jo said...

Just found Lolly at the Main Street, Ft Worth TX Arts Festival at Sundance Square!

Mema Jo said...

Cheesy bread was delicious - quite filling and I only ate half the serving!

Shirley - I say each year that I am going to be more organized. Our biggest saver is our contributions - Church, Goodwill, different drives I donate to persons. I got hubby doing them for the past 2 years - maybe he will organize them.

Mema Jo said...

It has been raining (sprinkling) here for that past half hour. It had been real windy - with open windows and screens in the door all my germs got blasted out of here ♥

Going to get some things in order and
head in for Jeopardy and Unforgettable


stronghunter said...

Adult eating in the nest. I see one eaglet.

NatureNut said...

Trying to see chicks. At first I thought the little whitish creature was food, but it moved a lot and just did a poop shoot! Can definitely see larger grey above and to left of tiny one, and am hoping another is above also, but can't really tell.

Judie said...

Have to wonder about Lolly being at the Sundance Festival. She's supposed to be doing a rain dance not a sun dance.

Cheesy bread sounds yummy. Had burgers tonight. Easy and filling.

Off to watch some Friday night t.v.

Costume Lady said...

Before it becomes 'tomorrow' wishing PAULA a ♫♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY♫♪ in Paradise and wishing her LARRY a full recovery from his malady!

JUDIE, I did share the book with GG. She cried all the way through it and went back through it twice. She loved Gene like a son~

Hoda said...

KAY, hoda is busy feeling her blessings and heart is full of GRATITUDE.
You all will not believe what SANDI sent me!
I am just sitting here crying and feeling the blessings of friendship and what a privilege it is so have a gift from MRS MOORE!
BRIAN had brought his Grandmother a scarf from the Yemen for her Christmas present. It is GORGEOUS! Well SANDI said BRIAN gave his permission and blessings for me to have it...I did not know all that when I received the package...I opened it and right away this most wonderful and delicate perfume and I lit a candle Light away in prayers. Then I read SANDI's note and now I cry and I pray...THANK YOU VERY VERY VERY VERY much SANDI. What an honour and what a blessing. Blessed Be...

magpie said...

So joyful, yet sad as you say,
to share the most wonderful Gene memories looking over
your book,with your Mother,

(( HUGS ))

Hoda said...

My college room mate Kristin will come to Nelson and the Lake House Easter Monday. Thank you JO for saying I was in my flat last night. I enjoyed being there and I feel blessed to have it as my space.

Thank you all for the reports on the Eagles.


magpie said...

Oh Hoda....this is GRAND,
so happy for you and your
latest Blessing

Sandi said...

Hi all - we are at Mom's place.

I see that Hoda received my gift and posted a photo of her wearing it on FB, along with a very sweet note. Her words made me cry but the photo made me smile. I hope she will post the photo on her blog for the non-Facebookers.

Hoda, you look lovely in the scarf and I can't think of a better person to have it! You are very welcome. BTW, I shared your photo with Brian on FB - I'm sure it will make him smile as well!

magpie said...

Hello there Sandi...
I hope you have some joyful times
this week-end too....

Sounds like Sunday, especially, will be nice

xo Love You...

magpie said...

Well I must not the day go by
before wishing

Happy Birthday Wishes to you,

Sounds like a nice Birthday evening and Saturday coming up also...
and may the entire year be Glorious !


magpie said...

picked some wild ramps today
(from Swinging Bridge... for a friend of mine, then bought some tomatoes and a green pepper so he can make up a real good mess!
Nope, not Tom Sweetie...just another
guy pal I know

One of the Property Owners there has given me "Roaming Rights" on the private property, and said take all the ramps I want!

magpie said...

Speaking of food, I'm hungry!


Best Wishes to All, for a
Good Evening, and a Great Week-end

Happy Birthday, JudyE, to Jordyn...
still not quite sure what day it is

And Oh, that poor old Still Cam is
still in the daylight, stuck once more....

xo See Ya'all Later xo

Sandi said...

Yup Margy, headed to West by God Virginia on Sunday!! :) Will see Lynnis and my soon-to-be granddaughter and will also see Wanda and pass along Mom's clothes and a few serving pieces that she may be able to use at the Soup Kitchen (maybe for a holiday).

I think Mom would be very happy with the choices we have made with her personal things so far. I know I am giving things to people I care about is so muych nicer than just donating them to strangers.

Margy, thank you for the card about losing Bandit - that was most thoughtful of you!

magpie said...

You're Welcome, my friend

And I absolutely agree that your Mother would, and IS, very approving of the choices you and the family are making

God Bless You !

Hoda said...

How do I put a photo from my iphone to the blog?
It wanted me to download an app. I did and I can not get it to do anything else. I did not want it to back all of my photos so I told it no. Was that a mistake...SHAR!!! HELP!! PAULA!!! HELP...any techie minds out there...SANDI wanted me to put the photo on the blog so the non FBookers could see it...

Lynne2 said...

Now isn't that a MOST fantastic secret revealed at last!!

Of course, I've known about it all along......

Lynne2 said...

Margy...ramping up for a real messy time with a guy pal but NOT Tom Sweetie?

WELL. Isn't this interesting....

Lolly said...

HODA, there may be a better way but when I want to upload a pic to the blog, I email it to myself, and save it on the computer. Then I upload it.

Hi all! Reading all the comments and feeling the love. What an awesome group this I and so honored and humble to be a part. You just can not explain to anyone the feeling of love in this group!!

We had a busy day. We got out early and did the mowing, etc. Cleaned up and headed to Fort Worth to the Main Street Art Festival. Beautiful day for it. Saw some amazing and very expensive art of all kinds. Also, enjoyed music on three stages. We ate outside at a restaurant and just enjoyed the afternoon. Came home as we were exhausted, but it is still going tonight!!

Lynne2 said...

Well, I must tell you. I am really in a snit at GM right about now. My car is part of a recall for the ignition switch, which apparently can slip into the OFF position, blanking out the electrical system and all that that involves. Thirteen people have died and there have been hundreds of accidents. GM has known about this for YEARS. I was told to take the key off of the fob and key ring, and not to even drive over bumpy roads. The part was supposed to be available April 1. HA HA April Fools! I had an appt to have it fixed this week and they called from the dealer to tell me THERE IS NO PART YET. GGGGGRRRRRRR!

stronghunter said...

I see a mombrella at the nest. It must be raining. I noticed clouds gathering here when I went out with Luna.

stronghunter said...

What to do when I have a cat sitting beside me demanding to be patted by both of my hands? He will not sit on my left side so I can pat him with my left hand. Grumbles if I move him. Will respond to the temptation of a treat, but then comes back and sits over the mouse-operating hand.

stronghunter said...

Hoda, I do what Lolly does when I want to put a picture on the blog.

Lolly said...

Have a Joseph story!!!! Laurel posted on fb a picture of Joseph mowing the lawn. Laurel called him the cutest lawnboy ever. Someone commented..."I bet his girlfriend thinks so!" Laurel turned to Joseph and asked who was his girlfriend. "Who told you?" was his response! It is Tess, he said and Laurel could not remember a Tess. after school he brought Tess to her classroom. His comment was "This is Tess, you said you did not know who she was." Well, Laurel did know Tess, but but did not know for sure. She did not have her as a student as she is in EXPO which is the talented and gifted classes. They chatted and when Tess left she tried to give Joseph a hug but he stepped back! LOL Laurel said she is cute as well as smart. She asked what a girlfriend means in 7th grade. Joseph explained that they text. you know!

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, so glad you'll get some Wanda time tomorrow! Have a safe trip...let me know if the Redbuds are blooming yet!

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, there is nothing you can do, other than get up and walk away! LOL!

Lolly said...

Laurel knows his password. She reads his texts. He knows she does and that is why he is allowed to have a phone. She also said anyone who allows their young teens to have a facebook or twitter account is crazy. Being a middle school teacher she knows the problems it causes.

Lolly said...

Sorry about the car problems, Lynne! Oh, and the redbuds are blooming. ☺

stronghunter said...

I don't see rain on the weather map for Shepherdstown. I do see rain for the Fredericksburg area. Need to go look out the window.

And, Fort Collins is about to get snow. S-N-O-W.

CarolAnne said...

Love you all. The guessers, the make up storytellers, the knew it all along wise ones, and all who tolerated the silliness. Glad the "secret" was well received, in spite of its tear inducing quality.
Seems there have been a few "in the mail" surprises going on too. Such a group. Who would have thought such a diverse group of people could bond over a pair of birds.

Hoda said...

Snowing in the mountains here!!!

You won't believe this according to the Nelson City Police there was an armed robbery in Nelson Credit Union today!!! The chap fired a shot. He escaped on a bicycle! They have a pretty good description and they have not approach they tell us phone 911!!!
Oh my this is upsetting!!!

CarolAnne said...

Grrrr factor for today - roofers were to start tomorrow on new roof - 3 stories high - not something we want to attempt. Cancelled at lasr minute - it might rain. Which is just as well. The company that was to deliver a dumpster for all the old roofing material never showed up. This project is not going well. :o(

Lolly said...

CA, it is really awesome what you did, so very thoughtful. I need to go look at the preview.

We have a chance of rain Sunday afternoon and evening. Also chance of severe weather...hail, wind, tornadoes.....lovely, just lovely! Spring....don't cha love it?

Lynne2 said...

oh silly Lolly....I meant that for HERE. But feel free to post some Redbud pics!!

Everything here is SO slow in blooming. Only in the last few days have I started to see Forsythia. Lots of Daffies now though!!

Hoda said...

I think I have MRS MOORE'S Scarf on my blog for the non FBookers.
I copied and pasted so I hope you all can see it.
Because I am at the Lake House I did not want to download anything on their lap top.
If any one can see it please let me know.
Blessed Be SANDI, Blessed Be Friend.
Thank you LOLLY and SHIRLEY for your advice on computer matters.

stronghunter said...

Not the way you want to start a big project, CarolAnne.

Looked out the window. The street looks dry, but I spotted some raindrops on my car.

Lynne2 said...

OMG CA, that sucks. WHY can't things just be simple????

stronghunter said...

I see your picture, Hoda. Stunning. You look so elegant.

Lolly said...

Hate getting a new roof! First off the noise, the mess and no consideration for the landscape. One time when we were getting a new roof as Laurel left the house to get in her car, the roofers all stopped their hammering and stared. She hated it!

Lori O. said...

Hi everyone!

So happy it's Friday.

I wanted to thank you for your prayers for Kate and her Mom, who passed away Tuesday. The funeral is tomorrow and I so wish I could be there.

I had a super tough cardiac pharmacology test this week and got a 94! So happy with that. Lots of homework to do this weekend, of course.

I saw Jo/Wanda's post on the book from CA. I really wish I had more time to be here with you all through the good and not so wonderful that happens.

Please know that as soon as I'm out of school, I'm all yours again! :)

I love you all. Big hugs!

Lori O. said...

MARGY, I got your snail mail package. Thank you so much for thinking of me. I've already worn the beautiful bulldog t-shirt twice! You are the sweetest!



I hope it has been a wonderful day of love and celebration for you.

stronghunter said...

Hi Lori,

Prayers for Kate and her family.

Congratulations on that grade! A 94! Wow!

Lynne2 said...

Good to see you Lori!

Prayers for Kate and family. Sorry you can't be there but I'm sure Kate understands.

JudyEddy said...

JORDYN Bday is the 12th and she is 6 years old

AW LORI we miss you too and know its just a matter of time before you are back with us School is first

Just got home and did a quick skim of the blog

JudyEddy said...

My heart felt sympathy to Kate family LORI

Lori O. said...

Sandi, my love, thoughts and hugs for you and your family. Bandit was blessed to have you all. ♥

Lynne2 said...

Oh Lori, lets compare notes on cardio pharmacology...I'm getting quite the education myself!

Lori O. said...

Awwww, I love you all so much. It's so nice to know you're all here.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lynne2 said...

Oh, I have to have a pulmonary stress test on Monday. Per the cardiologist, my shortness of breath seems to have nothing to do with heart function. On to plan B....

Lolly said...

You are doing great, Lori! So very, very proud of you!! Wahooo!

Hoda, you just copied and pasted on your iPhone? Interesting! Must try that, the pic on your blog looks great.

LOL Lynne! Knew what you meant, just trying to get to you! LOL Things are slow here, too. Today my purple Dutch Iris opened. Right now I will be glad when the oak trees get rid of all their pollen it is everywhere!

Hoda said...

LORI fantastic grade.
You keep your priorities straight and keep up the good work for your studies. We have your back and we love you and we will all celebrate you in AUGUST... YAY on the count down.

Thank you SHIRLEY I am glad the photo is there, I can not believe how generous SANDI is and what a fantastic gift from BRIAN to his GRANDMA. God Rest Her Soul.

Hoda said...

Condolences on KATE'S MOTHER'S passing LORI. Will offer up a prayer for them both.

JudyEddy said...

Our poor STILL is stuck at 341 I see and seems wind has died down at the nest I don't hear it at least

gonna head to watch the news

Lolly said...

Lori, so very sorry about Kate's mom. I am sure she I very understanding on why you can not be there.

Lynne2 said...

watching the news...this standoff between the Feds and Bundy is fixin' to get really ugly.....

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lynne2, I can't believe what you are going through with your vehicle. It seems to me that you should be entitled to a rental until the car is repaired.

If you were closer, I would say you should enlist Kathryn's help in getting the part. She is pretty good at that.

stronghunter said...

Getting pretty sleepy here. I got up early and worked on taxes. Managed not to break out in hives. Just itched a little bit. I do not like doing taxes.

Still have more work to do. The part about finding deductions--I am motivated to do that part.

SED, everyone. I am going to quit for the night.

Hoda said...

LYNNE I agree with SHIRLEY about a rental. Sorry for all the trouble.

C/A what complications with the roof...sorry you are having to go through this.

LOLLY I would have been upset too had I been LAUREL with the construction workers stopping to gawk!!!

I have to catch up on Feds and Bundy??? I have no clue...

Lynne2 said...

I'm afraid every time I get in it. I've had dreams that I loose power! I don't understand why they don't have the part. But GM is in big DO DO over this. I have to take it to an authorized GM service center when the part is available.

At this point, I don't see us going to my MIL's for Easter and that makes me very angry.

Could be least I know, and I'm as careful as I can be and I'm limiting driving to what is necessary only.

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, Cliven Bundy is a rancher who has been in dispute with the Bureau of Land Management (a Federal Agency) over grazing land, to put it simply. It's been going on almost 20 years and ramping up in a bad way right now. Heavily armed Federal Agents on the scene, and his supporters who are also armed militia....not a good thing at all.

Lynne2 said...

oh, NO rental car unless my car becomes incapacitated.

Hoda said...

Thank you LYNNE for Bundy and Feds Explanation. I could not find anything here...

I am going to sign off now.

God Bless Us All

Lynne2 said...

Goodnight Hoda! I'm not far behind....

Just loving having the slider open and the breeze coming in! Smells so fresh!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

I got stuck with TV this evening


Love AND Prayers

Mema Jo said...

********** Lori, please somehow let Kate know I am thinking of her and her loss. Her mom had a very long and loving life. May her soul rest
in Peace ♥

paula eagleholic said...

I love love love much love here...

Lynne..have not seen any redbuds down this way yet..but the cherry and Bradford pears are out

paula eagleholic said...

Had a nice dinner...visit and drinks with neighbor when we got home.
Larry starting ti feel more effects of radiation but still eating good.

Lolly said...

Fell asleep in my chair. I am plumb tuckered out! Going to attempt to get up and get ready for bed

Night all! SED!!

Kay said...

Good Early Morning, Eagle Buds !!!

LORI, I'll be thinking of Kate and the family as they celebrate the long and fruitful life her mother led. Joplin Shirley and family will have their tribute to Gary today, too. So, I'll have a hour of meditation for both families from 4 to 5 p.m. today. I'm sure Kate understands your not being there physically today. Your nursing education has to be 1st priority for a few more months ! You know this group is cheering you on !!!

HODA, you DO look elegant in that gorgeous scarf ! I remember when SANDI received her scarf from Brian (it can be seen on her profile/blog)and the way you explained it's origin. So sweet of her and Brian to share her Mom's Middle Eastern beauty with you !

SANDI, just has me glowing with the way she's handling everything. Wanda is going to be SO delighted with the contributions for the pantry and "boutique" ! Don't you know her Mom is glowing from halo to toe !

LYNNE2, can you and STEVE think of any way to incapacitate that car ? I'm a lifelong GM customer and I'm thoroughly disgusted with them over this recall. Their negligence is downright criminal. I hope the docs get at the core reasons for your ongoing health problems and find doable solutions, pronto !

LOLLY, love the Joseph and Tess story ! It's good that Laurel can monitor his texting at this age. Don't know about the rest of you, but my 7th grade "love" and I did some hand holding and even a little smooching ! That was back in about 1950 ! Ah, well, having a secret or two won't hurt ! You go Joseph !

Kay said...

Oh, WANDA, your mother is such a dear ! I'm sure the release of those tears while looking at CA's book was good for her. Thanks again to CA for her special contributions to our Momster family. Do tell, have you made any headway toward getting GG to move to your house ?

Belle moved off the cup and it looks like the eaglets are getting an early morning feeding. Still so dark, but their downy whiteness shows through.

Kay said...

Night light just went off. The nest and tree are pretty in the first light of day !

On to the news....BBL

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

Its 43° and foggy from what I can see under the nest
I see two fuzzy in the cup I hear small peeps but no action that can be seen in the NHZ

JudyEddy said...

adult is back

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

George is sitting here watching my every move. Sitting on the mouse again. Wonder if he would get confused if I put another mouse over there? Probably would confuse me more.

Hunter has a baseball game this morning. Coach is expected to play him part of the game. He was 3rd baseman at the last game.

stronghunter said...

Looks like the eaglets are sleeping in the cup uncovered.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

CarolAnne, what a lovely gesture for Wanda - a treasure! The preview was beautiful and I bet the rest of the book is just as wonderful! I'm sure Wanda was smiling through the tears as she looked through it!

Lori, sorry to hear about Kate's mom - I will keep Kate in my prayers, as I know too well how she is feeling right now.

Hoda, my very first thought when I woke this morning was about Mom, especially since I'm staying at her place and sleeping in her bed. But my second thought was of you in the photo wearing Mom's scarf. It makes me so happy that you have it and love it and I can just feel that Mom is happy about my decision as well. ♥

Shirley, good luck with the taxes - IMO, it's not worth getting hives over, just have someone else do them for you. Then s/he just gives you the "bottom line."

Paula, prayers continue for Larry, that he doesn't feel too awful through the rest of his chemo and radiation treatments.

Dana has posted photos this morning of her and Monte in Puerto Rico! Great spring break trip after they winter we have had!!

Today will be filled with remembrances, tears, and smiles as we decide who is taking what and what gets donated. Hoping to sort through old photos and make 3 piles, one for each of Mom's 3 children. Then I can ship one box to Missouri.

For the record, I don't know that I will ever get to "flat and benign" with my brother. But my anger is gone - instead, I feel sorry for a person who has to live the rest of his life with the knowledge that he hurt someone who loved him more than anything in this world. I know I would not want to bear that burden and guilt. I am also grateful to him for his 3 children who ARE a part of my life.

Have a great day all.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all.

Larry on his way to Rehoboth till tomorrow night.

What a lovely day...lots to do.

Thinking of you as you sort through things Sandi.

BEagle said...

Oh how cute. I've been checking in from time to time to see. Even though I missed the hatch

BEagle said...

It's a little difficult to see the babies. The tilt of the camera isn't the best.

Judie said...

Good morning.

I see so much has occurred overnight and this morning.

Wanda, glad Miss GG saw the book. So glad you will see Sandi and have lots of goodies for the Clothes Closet.

Hoda, you look absolutely serene and at peace in the scarf. Truly a treasure.

Lori, congratulations on the test grade. Please know that Kate, her family, and you have my sincere sympathy.

Lynne2, very sorry about the car problems. Good luck with the pulmonary test.

Shirley, wish Hunter a winning game and no additional injury.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Judie said...

Babes still not visible. Boo!

Forgot to mention that Cornell has two new live cams. One for Barn Owls and one for Barred Owls. Very good picture quality.

I think Tom Sweetie has moved away. Now we have another mystery: who is Mr. Rampmuffin.

Okay, bye

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all my friends ♥

Another pretty day for us all to enjoy. Prayers for Kate and for
Shirley of Joplin and their families.

Sandi - prayers to get through the chores you have planned for today.
Good for you for lifting the spirits or Kay and Hoda with their gifts. You
did well by your Mom. Have fun tomorrow in WV at Lynnis' shower. Perhaps they will have a new name guessing game---- ♥ Enjoy your time with Wanda.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - I sure hope no runner slides into 3rd base today! Very happy Hunter will get to see some
action and his ankle is ready to do so.

Mema Jo said...

Paula happy that you enjoyed your birthday dinner - and the rest of the weekend. Praying for Larry to be able to overcome all the side effects
with his treatments for healing.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - the picture you posted wearing the beautiful scarf is there.
You look so regal wearing your present.

Mema Jo said...

I give up on our Still Cam - It must be a computer problem like Steve mentioned.

I can spot one of our eaglets up at 11:00 position. So scarey when you first tune in and see an MT nest...

Mema Jo said...

Dana and Monte are celebrating their wedding anniversary a month early with the trip. I just know Dana was so very anxious to get into some warm weather!

Mema Jo said...

Judie - I'm not sure Tom Sweetie has moved away - it just sounds like
New Guy has moved in on his territory

I am very happy for Margy... not sure about the ramps. I remember our
very own Norma Byrd going to Ramp
festivals. She said you can smell them a mile away. lol

Mema Jo said...

This morning Michael is doing another 5K race with his daughter to support Operation Second Chance.
He gets very very happy when she invites him to do these. ♥

Mema Jo said...

I need to swing over to FB
and check on all my children.. BBL

Mema Jo said...

This is Loretta's park cam for the osprey. Female is on the nest and
is chirping continuously - something
isn't right and I hope her mate
returns soon. It is really disturbing

I don't know if Loretta is working today or not. I thought she mentioned the word 'Intruder' - I sure hope not.

Mema Jo said...

Just saw adult moving the flugg
and I guess it is over the peeps.
Adult moved into the NHZ area.

Mema Jo said...


We've opened the 2014 Eaglet-Naming Contest. It will be open until April 23. Please submit your two names before then and help us name our eaglets.

Be sure to check the list on the contest page to see if a name you want has been taken. Names won't necessarily be selected as a pair, so we might have multiple winners.

Lynne2 said...

Goodmorning! nice to see you again! No, the cam tilt isn't that great. But at least it's something! This is 9th year (8?) for nest whereas most are only used about 5 or 6, and in a very diseased tree!

MR. RAMPMUFFIN. I like it.

Kay said...

The Osprey is most agitated and other birds in the area are, too. You can hear male voices and a horn honked, so maybe it's all due to humans being too close for their liking ?? He/she has left the nest now, so it's fully exposed !

Kay said...

Parent is back, must be calling for it's mate, now settling down over cup again.

Our own nest looks quite barren. I hate when the family is entirely in the NHZ !

Kay said...

JO, I didn't even know what a ramp was til' a couple of years ago when MARGY spoke of cooking some up a dish she was taking to work for her lunch. She told me about them and I read up on em'. According to the literature you don't really want to get too close to someone who has just eaten them ! Makes it imperative to find a Rampmuffin to enjoy them with !

Kay said...

Ah, finally, Belle and chicks in sight. She's moving flugg--they aren't covered, just snuggled close.

Kay said...

The osprey seems a bit more calm now. The people are so close you can make out some of the words being said, so maybe that's what all the fuss was about.

Hoda said...

Good morning all, for it is still morning here.
I am in the post cleanse phase and I did alright.
So now to start reintroducing some of my favourite foods.
I will have a bit of avocado after I go to yoga.
I can not wait!!! I will also have two cashews and two almonds and two walnuts!!! All raw of course!
Somehow I still do not feel like a cup of tea!!! How long will this last???

Prayers LARRY for strength and perseverance.
Amazing that he travels in between treatments.
Blessed Be.

Thinking of SANDI'S be day. The pictures will be the hardest I would rather think.


Lolly said...

Good morning! Being really lazy this morning. I have not even had breakfast!! Guess I should start moving.

Thinking of you going through your mom's belongings brings back memories. Mother had moved out of her home into an apartment in retirement living. So, she had downsized, but there was still a lot of personal items, pictures, etc. Prayers are with you!

Enjoy your weekend, Paula. Glad Larry felt up to doing things today. Understand radiation really tires a person.

Really need to get busy. My cam is up and running but no bobble heads in sight.

Mema Jo said...

Did you know: August, 2014, will have 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens only once every 823 years.

Mema Jo said...

Kay that was probably Gregg in the boat touring the river... I am hoping the humans were the intruders..

HODA - treat yourself to a cup of tea! lol

Mema Jo said...

Off to do something BBL

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Baseball game was interesting . . . the other team had lots of very big kids--15-year-old big kids.

Hunter's team is for kids 13-14 years old. It seems that these kids live in another county and the age limitations are different there. The word was that many of these boys play JV ball in high school. Our guys played very well, but they were defeated. Do not know the score, but it wasn't pretty.

JudyEddy said...

HELLOOOO on lunch did a quick skim of the blog since I left this am

stronghunter said...

Lynne2, I mentioned your issues with the car to Kathryn. She said to call the GM rep at the store where you bought the vehicle and demand a rental car. Call every day. Mention that you have health problems and need your car.

I would say that you might want to write a letter and send a copy to your congressman as well.

I Googled "ge recall" and there is all kinds of stuff.

Kathryn also said that if you know the part number she can find out about the availability of the part.

JudyEddy said...

forgot to say I guess we are playing hide and seek with our eaglets have not seen them since I came on

stronghunter said...

Empty nest.

JudyEddy said...

when I can get the live feed up I can hear peeps so they are hiding
and the twirly arrow is a PIA today

Mema Jo said...

Sorry to hear about the baseball game
Really does seem unfair - Can't imagine how the teams got on the schedule. hope they don't play them again!
Well I didn't get into much since I last signed off.
I have been watching the osprey nest
I see 2 eggs being incubated...but the adults are off of them at times.

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time BBL

Kay said...

Just concluded my hour of medication for the families of Joplin Shirley and LORI's Kate. May they find peace in the celebration of those precious lives.

SHIRLEY, I've seen that kind of size/age "mishap" with school teams before. It never seems fair. Hopefully Hunter's team will use the lessons of today in a positive way.

Seth had a Community Service Day at school today. If he gets home any time today or tomorrow it will be to work with his mom AKA The French tutor.

Just as well, for I'm fighting off some kind of chest congestion and he doesn't need to be around me with his compromised immune system. Have an upper chest tightness and a glimmer of a sore throat. Dosing up with Ibuprofen, Vitamin C, fluids and using inhaler/nebulizer as needed. Don't want this to turn into something serious. Eileen and Bill are coming down here for Easter and I want to be up and at em' for that!

Have seen so little of the eaglets today---wish the family liked the bottom half of the nest better.

Ready for some soup, some Prairie Home Companion, a little TV and sleep.

Love and prayers for all !!!


stronghunter said...

GM Recall

Lynne2, you probably already know about this site, but, if not, perhaps you might find it useful.

stronghunter said...

Found this information at the above-posted site:


Any affected customer who is concerned about operating their vehicle may request courtesy transportation. Dealership service management is empowered to place the customer into a rental or loaner vehicle until parts are available to repair the customer’s vehicle. In some states, there are age restrictions that limit the ability to obtain a rental vehicle. In such cases, a legal parent or guardian will be required to sign the vehicle rental contract and take full responsibility for the rental vehicle. Additionally, in some states, drivers under a certain age may be required to pay a premium rate to rent or insure a vehicle. To address these situations, GM will cover these additional expenses.

stronghunter said...

We thought the match-up was unfair, too. This is a league Hunter hasn't played with before.

Kathryn said that these high school kids can't really feel too great about beating a group of middle schoolers. On both sides, you would think that a different match-up is needed.

I suppose it is worthwhile for the kids to be in a game like this, but Hunter was on a team last year that lost almost every game. It would be nice to win some this year.

Mema Jo said...

Dinner is over - It is still so pleasant outside.

I see the slightest action up in
the NHZ - but it is very very little.

Going to walk out and sit in my
rocker on the deck


stronghunter said...

I see our eaglets.

stronghunter said...

Coming close to a split.

stronghunter said...

Wow! That was some poop shoot. All the way to the 6:00 spot. Curved. Wind must have caught it.

stronghunter said...

That is to the 6:00 spot and over the edge.

Vegetation below the nest must be well-fertilized.

Judie said...

MT nest.

Shirley, so sorry about the mismatch for the baseball game. I recall how unhappy I was to hear the words used with the GDub players. Then realized he was trying to prepare them for the potential reality of major league baseball. So maybe playing an older team can be used as preparation for next year.

Kay, so sorry you are not feeling well. Hope tomorrow will bring improvement.

Spent the day doing a Lollypalooza in the kitchen. Have only one cabinet remaining. Time to organize (reorganize) and clean out. May need to begin a push to unloading this big house and moving to a retirement community.

Off to put my feets up. BBL

Lolly said...

Okay, Judie, time for you to come do a Lollypalooza at my house. LOL It is the time of year I ignore the interior and head outdoors. Have been outside all afternoon. Have just come in and Jack is grilling burgers.

JudyEddy said...

Just got back from Angies house

JudyEddy said...

If anyone likes fireworks like I do
this is the link to the best show Right now they are having night flying planes with lights

Thunder over Lousiville the best show ever 25th history

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn had a good party At the park was such a good idea

JudyEddy said...

Angie made out in gift bags 22 reusable one She was just as excited as Jordyn LOL

JudyEddy said...

and tissue paper also

So funny the puppies are growling and the balloons the marlar (spelling) one with helium in the

JudyEddy said...

OH the show will start at 930
the fireworks But they are showing the planes now and other stuff

JudyEddy said...

20% more fireworks this year They get bigger each year I use to love seeing that

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...