Thursday, April 03, 2014


New thread.


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Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Pardon my manners, thanks Steve, will go get the others!

CarolAnne said...

Good eye Lolly.
Congrats on thge feather.

Lolly said...

Was not going to post til in the car, but could not pass up a feather! LOL.


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread and for having our still cam
up/running. Now if our Royal Eagle couple would shift some of that flugg around so we could see the whole family - then it would be a great day.

I'm just signing in - Lolly beautiful feather you have there.

Mema Jo said...

I am going out to lunch with some of the gals who used to work with me.
The winter has been too long and we haven't seen each other for a while.

I need to go one thread back and see what is going on this morning...

Morning CarolAnne...

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the new thread.

Congrats to Lolly on the beauteous new feather. Safe travels and happy visiting.

Cannot see anything but flug in the nest.

Hoda, how are you feeling this morning?

Paula, how terrific to have your own backyard eaglets. As JudyE would say: cool beans.

Okay, off to visit dracula. BBL

Judie said...

Ooops, have a great girls' day out, Jo.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals

Happy Trails, Lolly and Jack !

Jo, Paula: and others, STILL CAM is up and running again...
Thanks Paula !

magpie said...

Osprey pair at Blackwater look pretty
serious about the nest construction

Mema Jo said...

Kay, I am really heartbroken for your friend Shirley's situation. It must be a parent's hell to have to see your child in that condition.
No parent wants to see their child go before them. Prayers abounding being said for Gary and for Shirley and her family. I pray she has support from family and friends close to her. You have been a blessing to her, I'm sure.

Mema Jo said...

Happy trails to you and Jack, Lolly
May you have a joyful reunion.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the still cam fix, Steve and NCTC crew!

Morning again!!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like eating time again. Can see 2 eaglets.

paula eagleholic said...

Poor littlest babe getting a few pecks.

magpie said...

And Thanks Steve for the New Thread and getting the Still Cam going

Thanks Lolly for the Call over....
good to get that feather just before your trip !!

magpie said...

Dear Kay,
I join with your other friends here
on prayers for Shirley, and Gary....
a very difficult situation for your friend who has known such sadness these many years....

magpie said...

Best Wishes on your Cleansing...
I have read some things on this, the first few days can be quite awful,
but if you can SAFELY traverse through the roughest parts, it seems the next stages can be quite amazing....and restorative.
Be Careful, and follow your instincts and the directives from your doctor
(( HUGS )) xo

magpie said...

sorry I missed the TV show on the Cleansing this morning, CarolAnne...
but thanks for the notice on that

I have no guesses on all the clues
you have been giving !

Best Wishes for a Good Day,
Every One....

xoxo ttfn (( ALL DAY HUGS ))

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds


today I start my staycation gonna head out to look for frozen stuff for Angie for Jordyn Bday

magpie said...

Have a nice luncheon today

JudyEddy said...

dern it forgot to check the email box

magpie said...

And Enjoy your Staycation, JudyE...

ain't nuthin' quite like a break from work !


Hoping that Judie's visit with Dracula goes well today

LYNNE2...and results on YOUR doctor's visit the other morning
earlier this week ??

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Eaglebuds! Am at Park today filling in for lady that's off today. I had a feeling this AM that something exciting might happen here today. So far, only black vultures doing HP!!! Does anyone want film at 6:00??

Have a good day, happy travels for Lolly & Jack, Prayers for Kay's friends, Shirley & Gary and all on our list ♥

CarolAnne said...

Received an email appearing to be from post office (USPS) stating unable to deliver pkg. Instructed to print out attachment & take to post office.

The wording just didn't feel right so I called post office before opening attachment.

They do not send out that type of pkg notice. They leave note in mailbox.


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Slept late this morning as I did not sleep very well last night.

Can see just a little bit of an adult eagle. Frustrating.

We just might be in the market for a new kitchen stove. Will came up this morning to tell me that the oven was on, had probably been on all night (since he had cooked his late dinner), and he could not turn it off.

I went down, and, sure enough, the oven was on and piping hot. Will turned off the circuit breaker for the stove, so now it is off. The switch had been turned off and even the indicator light said it was off.

Might be an easy fix, but this is the stove the builder put in the house 20 years ago.

stronghunter said...

I see one baby eagle, maybe two. Can see only the very edge of the cup.

Will look out for that scam, CA.

stronghunter said...

Hunter has practice today. Not sure which park. It seems there might have been a change in the location. I do hope this last-minute notification stuff is not going to continue. I would not want to drive miles into the country and find nobody there.

Lolly said...

Got away about 10, TX time. About a 4 hour drive. Heard thunder this morn and received a few sprinkles. Really???? Why not rain?

Enjoying the TX Bluebonnets and will see more the further south we go!

magpie said...

Good Grief, Shirley!

I don't want to say Holy Smokes!

Soooo thankful all of you are OK !
And that the Fix is Easy and
not too expensive....

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

Waiting for further word from Shirley with a gnawing, sick feeling in the stomach. Can't even imagine what it's like to face the possible loss of another child. Thanks, as always for your prayers.

Thanks, too, to STEVE for the new thread and to LOLLY for being the spotter today !

JO, hope you are, at this very moment, enjoying the company of the gals you used to work with ! What a nice Spring picker upper !

JUDIE, waiting for a report on the visit with the "I vant to suuucccckkk your blahd" person. I know you won't get results immediately, but you tend to have such interesting conversations during your medical appointments !

Oh, PAULA, to have an active eagle nest within eyesight of your home--again, what a Paradise !

I saw an eagle flying over the nearby river yesterday. It wasn't a distinct view, but way to big to be anything but an eagle and it had that distinctive wing span. We have a nesting pair just about 5 miles north of me. There is a camera on it, but it only reacts to movement and is aimed upward from the ground. It is rare to catch an eagle there and the fledglings have to be practically ready to leave home before they can even be spotted. Their Sycamore tree is in a remote location at Highbanks Metro Park with a trail and lookout tower fairly close, but it's too remote for me to get to. The kids have been there once and were not impressed/ So little could be seen due to leaves obscuring most of the view. Very disappointing as I'd hoped to have local eagles to watch, too.

Thanks for the SCAM heads up, CAROLANNE !

stronghunter said...

Thanks for your concern, Margy. I think tonight is a good night to eat out. :) We do have a microwave and another oven, so we can do dinner if necessary, but with baseball practice, too, I think I am not going to plan to cook.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley anything electric I want a qualified electrician on hand.
I have my hubby and 2 sons working on a plumbing drain issue - sounds as though the whole house is being knocked apart.

Thanks for checking in Lolly.

Kay prayers for you waiting with anxiety for the phone call from Shirley.

paula eagleholic said...

Hopefully my plumbing repairs will be done when I get home. Had the pipe for the outside faucet break...think Larry is going to fix it today.

After radiation yesterday he went to his beach house and worked on his boat :)

Dr told him if he felt OK, to go about his normal business :) Now that the weather is nicer, I think he will be :)

So, it's radiation Mon-Fri for him and chemo every Tuesday...for the next 6 weeks or so.

So, forsythia and flowering trees starting to pop here

paula eagleholic said...

Been keeping an eye on the nest, but keep missing the activity today.

Parent brooding at present.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent off the chicks. Looks like feeding from the NHZ. Can't see much of chicks at all, flugg really flugged up!

JudyEddy said...

Back from shopping now got to go get
ready to get Jordyn and go to the park Its so pretty out 80° I stopped and saw the juvie at the tower just sitting there no action at all also add saw what was almost a rainbow of colors in the clouds I took pic will post on Paul the weather man page

Sandi said...

Hi all - just a quick check-in from school.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello my eagle budlets. I have a stomach bug today and am in the bed. :-/

paula eagleholic said...

Both eagles in the nest. Looks like Belle on the right and Shep brooding

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry to hear that Sharon. Hope the dogs are staying quiet for you.

paula eagleholic said...

I think Belle brought more food. Looks like we have plenty in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They are being pretty good today, so far. Byt and Hairy are in the bed with me now.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Love the pre-surgical people. Even dracula was fun. Claimed they are going to put my name on their "team" sign. Filled out a "compliment" form for them.

Kay, so wishing for positive news for Gary and Shirley. Dreadful situation.

Paula, good report on Larry. Sounds as if he's dealing nicely with treatment. Pipe Be Fixed!

Hi Margy. Swingin' Bridge time soon?

Jo, hope lunch was Wonderful Wednesday.

Shirley, what an inconvenience with the stove. Glad you have a backup and there is always the grill. Hope the ball park location is what you expect.

CarolAnne, thank you for the scam warning. Much appreciated.

Loweeda, vulture HP. Hmmmm.

Shar, hope you feel better soon.

Judie said...

Keep checking the nest. Can't see anything except flugg. Grrrrr.

Anyone heard from Hoda today?

paula eagleholic said...

chicklets all snugged together in the flugg cup. Belle at the 3 spot.

Shirley...wish they could practice at the same field all the time!! planned? Or just regular blood sucking? You mentioned pre-op people.

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks finally getting covered up.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE....FYI this was posted on the FB feed under the live feed.

Rob Ball · Top Commenter · IT Specialist/Computer Lab Manager at National Conservation Training Center

We think we have the sound working correctly now. As for the interference/music you are hearing, if you could give me a time of day that you are hearing it, I'll try to identify the source.


Reply · Like

· Follow Post · Yesterday at 2:28pm

Deb Stecyk · Top Commenter · Owner at Deb Stecyk Safety Services

Rob i only hear the music in the sounds like some kind of interference being streamed and it floods out the nest sounds...sometimes its music sometimes we can hear what sounds like distant a radio station its very strange....hope that helps.

Reply · Like

· 22 hours ago

magpie said...

C-5 flying over my roost, maybe it will head towards the nest and be hear from the live cam audio

Hello Afternoon Eagle Pals

magpie said...

Sorry you have the bug....kick it out, right now !!

I was going to "do stuff" today but have taken a quiet day at home....rain is just starting here as sprinkles

Judie: glad you made it through, charming folks wherever you go I see..
I can't get to Swinging Bridge until my next round of days off, since work could call me and that would really be a bummer if I am
oogling wildflowers and watching the overhead skies out there

magpie said...

I think CarolAnne is serious about her USPS message, but why is there a part of me thinking this is part of the guessing game????

Either way Thanks, and I won't up any emails about that sort of thing!

magpie said...

See You fine folks later on.... the report about the
eagle family near such it should be !

ttfn xo

CarolAnne said...

To whom it may concern: The USPS email was serious, not a hint or late April Fools joke. ;o)

As for the hint, well . . .. as I understand it, it sort of involves the eagles.

Kay said...

Hmm, doesn't involve CA directly, but does involve several people (or does it). It involves a vehicle or vehicles and it also involves the eagles---our eagles ? The Eagles as in "Witchy Woman" ? This is getting curiouser and curiouser !

Kay said...

The phone has rung several times today---I screen---they were hang ups which indicates robocalls---getting calls about bond issues lately. Shirley and all who know me well stay on line and I pick up ASAP. My heart is just standing still each time the darn thing rings. I know things move slowly at hospitals, especially when sensitive matters must be discussed with family members, but this is agonizing.

Kay said...

Oh, SHAR, sorry to hear you have a bug ! Hope one day in bed puts you back in the pink.

stronghunter said...

Mysterious things going on here. I cannot imagine what CA is up to.

Baseball has been moved to a closer park. Still a bit of a drive. Time to get ready. BBL.

Kay said...

Is it beginning to sprinkle in the nesthood ? Looks like mumbrella in play. It's been raining all day long here. Saw the first crocus blooms today. Spring hath sprung ! Wahoo !

Mema Jo said...

Glad Deb made Rob aware of the music
He has helped us out before.

Lunch was enjoyable = catching up with the girls.

Guess What? This isn't a secret - I went to the dr due to a pain in my one side - I have pneumonia. Not sending me to the hospital - prescribed a med - go back in on Monday. My feet are going UP

CarolAnne said...

OH Mema Jo, take care of yourself!

Kay said...

Oh, no, JO ! Good sign that no hospital stay is needed, but hate to hear you really have more than just a little bug. Put those feet up a lot, but also move around a bit so you stir that evil stuff up. I don't have to tell you--I know.

Kay said...

Feeding time and I think there are 3 eaglets, growing fast and vying for each morsel. Part of the time it seems there are only three, but when the screen is enlarged I think you can see a third--at times.

Kay said...

Are those eaglet peeps--sounds like a squeaky door ??

Kay said...

They are really active this time, pushing, shoving. The one nearest us turning at one point as it to try to crawl out of the cup. Then turning around to get more food.

Kay said...

Meal over and Belle settling back into place.

Kay said...

Dinner time here, too. BBL

Janet said...

good afternoon all!

MEMAJO: yes, feet up. Rest rest rest!
HODA: hope you are hanging in there.
Its been a good day. Work was wonderful.
I am happy to announce that I have made some decisions regarding work/home etc and am very pleased with myself having made these decisions. Rearranging things so that the most important things are first in my life! Blessed Be!

Severe weather in our future so it seems. I have checked and updated my weather call info from our local weather station.

I will gather stuff just in case we have to make a dash to the downstairs tonight. Hoping not. But we shall see. I like to be prepared.

Hope everyone is doing okay. Nice new thread….thanks to Steve.
Take care all. Light, love, hugs, smiles and healing energies to all!

paula eagleholic said...

Very clear look at 2 chicks in the egg cup.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Maybe Shep in? Going for the fish at the launch pad...Hope he feeds the babes...or they stretch out and watch....good viewing at the moment.

paula eagleholic said...

They are watching...lil in front and biggie behind...

paula eagleholic said...

Ha ha, little crawled on top of big ones in the back of the cup

paula eagleholic said...

Now the bigger one is facing that way too...wonder if there is feeding going on back there.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home...gotta go.

Mema Jo said...

Judie I had a terrific Thursday lunch.

magpie said...

Glad you can stay home and
have your medicine there, Jo....
Prayers for Rapid Healing from the pneumonia

Keep those feet up!

Janet...and all in the dangerous weather zones....hope all will
be OK

Lolly said...

Please pray right now! Laurel and family under a mattress! Severe weather!

CarolAnne said...

Prayers for all in the path of extreme weather.

Lolly said...

They have hail damage to roof and both cars. Sky lights have huge holes but so far they are okay . Jacob cried he was so scared. Laurel was texting me .

Lolly said...

Sky lights are in both boys bathrooms . More severe weather headed that way!

CarolAnne said...

Glad they are safe. I agree with Jacob - it is scary. Had a tornado touched down a few blocks from us a few years ago. The storm sounds are terrible. One of cats has never lost her fear of rain/thunder/wind.

Prayers that the rest of their evening is calm.

magpie said...

Immediate and Strong Prayers, Lolly....
I am so sorry to read of this...

Judie said...

Should have been more specific. The blood draw for my cardiology appt. next week is done by the hospital pre-surgical place. No surgery or procedures anticipated. My apology.

Sending Sandperson to check on Hoda. Not liking her absence.

Jo, so sorry about the p-neumonia. Please take care. Love ya♥

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, prayers for Laurel and family.

Jo, please, please, please be careful and make sure your doctor checks you out completely. We cannot afford to lose any more lung function. Take care.

Judie said...

Prayers for Lolly's family. Hoping all are safe.

Well, I guess two vials less blood have rendered me anemic and I am tired. May watch some 48 hours.

Sandperson is preparing to fill a large satchel and will be on the way soon. Plans to stop by the nest and then check on Hoda and Jo.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

paula eagleholic said...

Quick healing to you Jo.

Lolly hope Laurel and family are through the worst of it now.

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for all in the line of this extreme weather.

I have been resting well - NC Suz
I go back in on Monday - I haven't had any shortness of breath - I know if I do I head for the hospital.
I know your concerns ♥

I'll be checking in but not as much as usual - back to my recliner ♥

Mema Jo said...

Thank you all for your prayers and strong thoughts for me to heal
Love you all

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Oh, Jo, please do take care of yourself.

Prayers for Laurel and family. Hope the storms are over now.

Hope your body is busily replacing the blood taken by Dracula, Judie.

Well, we got to the correct park for practice, but the team was not on Field 5 as promised. Called Kathryn. Were told to go to Field 4. Eventually found them on Field 3. So goes baseball practice.

stronghunter said...

Oh good grief!

This time George changed the TV to the Playboy Channel. Fortunately, I have not subscribed to Playboy.

When we first moved to this house, we hadn't subscribed either, but it was leaking through somehow. We got a shadowy picture that sometimes came through clearly. The sound was perfectly clear. Lots of panting.

I had two teenagers in the house then. Adelphia had to come put some kind of attachment on the cable.

Now George is trying to watch Playboy.

stronghunter said...

Hoping to hear from Hoda. Hoda are you out there? Please come in.

Also waiting for an update from Lolly about the storms.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes need to hear from Hoda

SED love and hugs for all

JudyEddy said...

Hello and goodnight all at once had a great night and day with family and I am worried that we haven't heard at all from HODA from last night

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Just typed a book pecking away on the iPad and then lost it. Just know that all is well with Laurel and family. I immediately thought of you and your powerful prayers.

Thank you? Love you! Nite! SED

Lolly said...


Lolly said...

I wrote a book. Lost it. Made a sort post....would not go.

All is well with Laurel and family. Lots of hail damage,but they are okay.

Nite! SED!

Hoda said...

So sorry everyone. Lolly said I was causing worry.
Cancelled yoga and a volunteer opportunity. Drank lots of liquids and sat in the sun most of the day sleeping off and on. Had a book in my lap but did not do much reading.
My Ayurvedic doctor said three days of feeling poorly is common. Many others reported in saying they too felt awful. So tomorrow should be the three days and the weekend I should be better.
By five in the evening I drove to town and felt well enough to go to Cooking class. African Cooking tonight.
Enjoyed visiting and cooking ate a bit and all is well. Vegetables are highly recommended so this is what I had.
Please do not worry. I will stop this if it becomes necessary. I am just not used to feeling poorly so it becomes more compounded of an experience.

I am at the flat tonight. All is well. It feels like coming home, which of course it is.

Thank you PAULA very much

God Bless Us All.
I will go read back

Hoda said...

All hands on deck for JO!!!
Prayers doubling for you.
Love and Light to you.

Glad to hear Laurel and family came through alright.
Blessed Be.

When I was in the sun, saw an eagle twice. It was good.
Headed to bed.

Love and Light to all.
Thank you MARGIE.

magpie said...

Sounds Good, Hoda...
I think you have shown us on many occasions here how WISE you are...
I trust your judgment on this one...
Hope the Feeling Well starts very soon

And Good, Lolly...the worst seems to have passed for the family in Denton...
Whew! Too scary!

Good Golly! It's RED FRIDAY already....

I got lost in some "organizing" and snail-mail projects

Shirley: Too funny, your stories.
The television channels....
But not about the floating baseball practice fields!

Prayers for Wellness All Around...

God Bless This Nest,
God Bless Us, Every One

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends TGIF! No kids today - just working on grades for the end of the marking period. Just 9 more weeks and this school year will be over!

It will be nice to stay home this weekend - the first time in 12 weeks that we haven't driven to Baltimore.

Jo, hope you start feeling better fast with the meds you're taking. Are you more susceptible to pneumonia b/c of the COPD?

Lolly, scary night for Laurel and family! Glad everyone is safe - stuff can be fixed or replaced.

Got the contract for the condo yesterday and e-signed in all the places marked so it's official. Settlement date right now is 5/5.

After a great deal of discussion this week between the 3 of us (Denny, Kevin, and me), we have made the appointment for Bandit's very last visit to the vet for next Tuesday afternoon. He had his 16th birthday on March 19th - sadly, it is definitely time to say goodbye.

Prayers continue for Larry, Gary, Charlie, and Kate and her mom.

Have a good day all - I will check in at lunchtime from school.

CarolAnne said...

TGIF everyone.
Hope all had a peaceful, restive night.
Sandi - so many difficult decisions. Know you have done your very best. Know that Bandit will be pain free & and many many Momsters pets await him at the rainbow bridge.

Make it your best day possible everyone.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about Bandit, Sandi. It is hard to say good-bye to our fur children, but it is also hard to see them suffer when it is really time for them to go. God bless.

Good to know that everyone in Denton is safe, Lolly. That was some storm.

Tomorrow is a big day for Hunter's baseball team. First game of the season, preceded by some kind of celebration. We have not done this before because we were in a different league. Pretty much the whole day is devoted to baseball.

Have to take George to the vet today. Discovered last night that he has a couple of ingrown claws. I had been noticing a click when he walked on a hard floor, and last night I saw an unusual-looking claw. It has grown into one of his foot pads. Same thing with one of his dew claws. Poor kitty.

Good to hear from you, Hoda. I really hope you feel better today. As fancy as that big house is, I am sure it is also good to be home. Take good care of yourself.

Also Jo--Be good to yourself today.

Janet said...

Good RED FRIDAY morning.
Thinking of thosein need; to include but not limited to JO, LAUREL, HODA...

Severe weather waited til just before my morning alarm went off. How Polite of Ma Nature, lol. It is storming, but really not bad.

Hopefully this will pass quickly and without too much fuss.

Hope everyone has alovely day. For those ill, sending comfort and healing. For those worried/stressed, sending comfort and hugs, for those who are sad, sending comfort and peace and to all sending light, love, healing and smiles. blessed be.

stronghunter said...

Saw the video inside the Walmart in Denton when the hailstones started coming through the skylights. Oh my gosh, that looks scary.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle up and defurring something at the launch pad...squirrel?

paula eagleholic said...

2 chicks wrestling in the background

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle back with flugg...boy are they both fluffing it up!

paula eagleholic said...

Might be uncovering something from the pantry...looks like Belle moved to the back with food

paula eagleholic said...

Might be uncovering something from the pantry...looks like Belle moved to the back with food

paula eagleholic said...

Belle took off...Shep still at the 3 spot

paula eagleholic said...

Time to cover up the kiddos

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to go to the vet's. George will not be pleased, but he should be much more comfortable afterwards.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Hoda, so happy to see you are okay.

Sandi, so sorry about Bandit. Such a very sad and difficult decision.

Jo, glad you are resting. We do not like it when you are not feeling good.

Shirley, maybe George is like some old guys and has taken to enjoying a fantasy world. Maybe the coaches could send out a list of scheduled field rotations and email parents 30 minutes in advance of a change of field.

Lolly, good news about Laurel and family. Safe travels.

Nothing unusual today. Need to get laundry done.

Wishing everyone a good day. BBL

Judie said...

Oh, and once again, I see only tail feather.

Mema Jo said...

Another Red Friday is here. I learned yesterday that there no reported American losses of life for the month of March in Iraq or Afghanistan. Long time coming - Bring them home ♥

I slept well last night - I have 2 doses of my meds in me. Can still feel a little discomfort on my right side. I is going to live ♥

Mema Jo said...

Sandi, I enjoyed the picture of Bandit and Bella on your FB page. It is a hard decision but too many pet owners don't put their pet's comfort as their #1 priority. Thankful your decision was made as a famiy.

I am so happy that your mom was up there looking after you two gals -
that is the only reason things have gone so smoothly for you and Lisa.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Sandi, I am so sorry about Bandit (((hugs)))

Lolly said...

Good morning! What is interesting is you got more on the news than we did here in south Texas. Laurel does not live far from that Wal Mart. She sent a funny pic last night. She went to grill dinner and there were hailstones inside the grill. Glad she was able to laugh.

A friend of hers saw the tornado. She was in the car with her daughter. Also, not far from their house.

Last night when Laurel put Jacob to bed, he said "I'm glad our house is not in splinters." He was so scared. On the other hand, she sent apic of Joseph in their safe place and he was grinning ear to ear.

Sun shiny and cool here. Go to reunion this afternoon.

Prayer for Jo!

Jealous of your eagles, Hoda!

Sorry, Sandi, about Bandit! He has known love!

Mema Jo said...

I will check back in throughout the day.

Hoda I am so thankful you checked in and that you are In Control. ♥

Lolly - great that Laurel and family are safe. Damages can be fixed.

Anxious to hear from Kay...
Anxious to hear from Lori concerning Kate's mom

Dana's 1st duckling in her classroom may hatch today. AND Dana was down with all of Rhoda's pups the other day.

OK Judy thanks again for all the pictures in our album.

CsrolAnne - what is today's clue.?

Paula - thanks for all the reports of the nest action.

George - your human loves you and takes good care of you. ♥ Hoping that the baseball season is a good one for Hunter.

I gotta go...... BBL

CarolAnne said...

Roundup of clues so far:

1) I know about it, but doesn't involve me directly

2) Will be revealed by someone other than me

3) When revealed it will involve several people

4) Possibly will need many modes of transportation

Today's hint: Secret may be delayed due to severe storms in parts of country

Mema Jo said...

Lunch time at the nest

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So I was sitting at my desk for a minute. The squirrels are eating the bird seed, of course. There was a downy woodpecker on the suet. Not sure if the squirrel went after the downy or it just spooked the downy, but the downy ended up on the ground flopping around and within a minute, it was dead. This just makes me sicker than I already am. :(

Mema Jo said...

Time for a nap - the eaglets that is.

Thanks for all the clues ♥

Mema Jo said...

SHARON That is alarming and very upsetting. What's in that suet??
I think you would have seen the squirrel attacking the downey but I sure don't have the answer. So Sorry

Mema Jo said...

E4 fledged on April 4 at 8:27am. 100 days old.

I m trying to find footage now of her return to the nest tree.

Hoda said...

Good morning all.
Checking in
Still not so good
Joint pain added to the list!

Sorry SHAR. Get to feeling better soon.
Sorry about the woodpecker story too.

SANDI thinking of you, your family and Bandit's journey.
Blessed Be.

Good to read your meds are working JO

C/A are you coming to visit back east? Perhaps a new RV?

Thank you JUDIE and SHIRLEY. I do like being in my flat very much. It is good space for me to be in.
Does not feel right that it isy second home as I spend only one night a week here. Very grateful for it all.

Blessed Be all the experiences we have today.

Mema Jo said...

Many eyes are on E4 - Kay Jacobs The last I "heard," she was about 50 feet up in a tree behind the church. That was an hour or so ago.

JudyEddy said...

Good Afternoon eagle buds

HODA are you staying hydrated good that is so important in what you are doing

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDYE. Yes on the hydrated. Half my weight in liquids is no small amount!!!
Laughing here!!!

I have decided to not go to yoga today again. Will go for 1/2 hour walk instead. I think all this stir up is from my lymphatic system. The Lymph herbs seem to be the strongest I have a reaction too...
Again I promise if it is too uncomfortable I will stop.


Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

Glad to read that while some across our Momster-scape have sustained damage from the nighttime and early morn storms, no person was physically hurt.

The rain goes on here, with an occasional round of thunder and lightning, but I know of no damage in Central Ohio.

HODA, I am experiencing heavy digestive problems and muscle, joint aches and pains today. While I'd like to think it is in solidarity with you, I think it's related to the angst I'm feeling for Joplin Shirley and her son. She was to call me over 24 hours ago. My mind is running through a bunch of possible scenarios and I know that's a useless thing to do. I left a message on her machine about an hour ago, saying I understand she may not be able to talk to me, but asking that she have someone call me. Will let you prayer partners know when I know something.

MARGY and JO, appreciate your RED FRIDAY sentiments and am especially holding the stressed people at Ft. Hood close to my heart today.

SANDI, it was important that Kevin be part of the discussion about Bandit and his upcoming transition.
It's so hard to say farewell to our four legged family members, I know.

JANET, glad you're at peace with decisions being made on Olivia's behalf ! Love, especially Mother Love rocks!

JO, SHAR and HODA, mega-prayers for what ails ya ! Get plenty of rest, drink lots of know.....

SHAR, oh, poor Downey ! May he RIP.

CAROLANNE, thanks for the clues. You are so talented, but I wish you weren't such a good secret keeper ! ☺

Kay said...

Feeding time again. Easy to see the feeding of two--seems like she goes beyond them to feed another as she alternates between her chicks. Wishful thinking maybe, but can't help it.

Lolly said...

CA is attempting to drive us all crazy! LOL

I have theories,but keeping them to myself. LOL

Have been visiting with SIL, Sandy and sister, Sharon. Nice! Too bad we all live apart! But, really fun to get together!

CarolAnne said...

No no Lolly, not crazy. . . Well maybe a bit crazier!

It is all just fun & games as we (or many of us) wait for the arrival of sunny spring weather.

Happy visiting!

Hoda said...

Well apparently I am well enough to find the incredible in Canadian news and get indignant on one and laugh at another!!!

To end the Canadian Military Mission in Afghanistan the Harper Gov't is holding a ceremony in Ottawa to honour those who served.
Now here is the clincher: the families of the fallen Canadian soldiers are invited to attend at their own expense!!! SAY WHAT? PARDON ME???
Yep they can be there in the Nation's Capital and take part in the ceremony if they foot travel bill accommodation bill and food bill!!!
Thanks for nothing Stephen!!!
I phoned the PM's office to complain!!!

The RCMP in pursuit of the criminal who ditched his car for a tractor had to bum a ride in Alberta to pursue the tractor!!! Apparently the officer did not know how to drive a snow mobile!!! HA HA HA HA!!!
How fast was that tractor going I wonder???

paula eagleholic said...

2 eaglets in view.

Lolly said...

Yep, crazier!

Did I mention that friend at home said the tornado sirens chased away the rain. We did not get anything to speak of at our house! Chance of rain Sat and Sun!

paula eagleholic said...

Emailed Steve again about the still cam...mine's been stuck since 9.09 this morning.

CarolAnne said...

Lolly, if you need it when you get home here is a rain chant (from freespells):
"Goddess bring the rain down, giving life to the ground, energy to feed the seed, mother nature gifts to me. God bring the rain down, giving life to the ground, energy to feed the seed, and a healthy harvest bring. So Mote It Be!!"


JudyEddy said...

just got home from lunch withAngie and now to head to get Jordyn at school
PAULA My still cam is fine
maybe you need to reopen it

JudyEddy said...

I see chicks exposed and I also feel someone is up in the NHZ we can't see when the feeding goes on over there

paula eagleholic said...

Mine is good now JudyE...didn't have to reopen once it was fixed

Chicks in view

paula eagleholic said...

covered up now

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle moved a partially eaten fish to the 3 spot before settling in.

Judie said...

See a wee one trying to wiggle out.

JudyE have fun with Jordyn this afternoon. Gloomy here, waiting for rain.

In addition to the list of clues, CarolAnne has added a rain chant. What fun!

paula eagleholic said...

2 eaglets wrestling in the cup...parent is feeding them some fish.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent jus took off to the left!

I have not seen any more than 2 chicks.

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks are facing the NHZ now...parent back there??

paula eagleholic said...

Wow eagle calls!

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks in view.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to Rehoboth for the weekend. Will check in later tonight...

Janet said...

good afternoon all.

My apologies to SANDI: I just went back and reviewed posts. Somehow I missed the info regarding Bandit. ((hugs))) I know this was a difficult decision.

KAY; yes some decisions were regarding Olivia. I also made some decisions regarding my work and how much I do. Thank you.

CAROLANN: now you’re talking MY language! ;)

Home from work. Feet up. Feel lazy. Sun is out. Beautiful day, about 65.

Great day at work. Looking forward to a super weekend.

Hugs to all!

DanaMo said...

Hello! Sorry I have been MIA. I have been looking in on our nest. Did only 2 hatch? I don't remember hearing anything about the third.

DanaMo said...

I see Jo has updated you on me :) Yes, I have a pip this morning, and YES I was with Rhonda's pups on Wednesday. Our weekly work includes filling water scrubbing, picking up poop, cleaning the PEC and helping with training. It was all worth it though to get a little snuggle time with those precious babies. I will post on my blog photos for those not on FB.

DanaMo said...

If I can remember's been so long!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


DanaMo said...

Thanks JudyE :D

Mema Jo said...

I love the rain chant - beautiful.

Perhaps the secret will be soon known to all. (Nothing to do with the rain chant)

I have eaten a grilled cheese and some chips - on yes and some custard.
I feel comfortable as for now - hope the meds are rapid acting.

Enjoy Rehoboth Weekend, Paula

I am headed into Jeopardy then my show Unforgettable is back for a season.

Be back to say goodnight.... ☻

Hoda said...

Feeling much better, and it is a stormy day here. Several power outages and I am sure fresh snow on the North Westerly Mountain ranges.
I am back at the lake house.

Safe travels PAULA please check in when you get there.

JANET I missed the post about some decisions you have made for your self and your work and Olivia. I put you in the Light and wish you well with it all.I am not sure what you decided but I am in support of what ever you did decide.

Glad you are better JO...counting down to the 25th and wishing you well.

Where is SHIRLEY?

Lori O. said...

Hello everyone...

Another apology from a wayward Momster. Sorry, for having been MIA lately. I'm trying to keep up. Find myself on FB more as I try to communicate with classmates and my small world.

I did get to catch up on the blog and I'll try to remember everything and by no means intend to leave anyone out. I miss you all!

Jo, prayers that your pneumonia heals, pronto! I used that pronto word on one of the patients today and instantly thought of MARGY and everyone here.

Hoda, sorry you're feeling puny with the cleanse. Hopefully it's all worth it. I'm sure it will be.

Sandi, what a tough week for animals and their humans. I'm so sorry you'll be saying goodbye to Bandit, but have no doubt that you've given him the best life. A big hug, Sandi.

Lolly, anymore damage discovered from that wicked storm. So scary! Wish I were a quick thinking texter like you!

JudyE, thanks for the update to Dana on the eaglets. I'm so excited to finally know that we have three eaglets!!! YAY!

Sharon, I hope you're feeling better. That turned my stomach hearing about the woodpecker. I can imagine how you felt. I'm sorry.

LORETTA! Lucky YOU! I'm so jealous that you may be experiencing the beauty of black vulture babes. I loved when I had them at my house a few years ago.

Kay, any news from Shirley yet? I'm worried about you with your digestive upset and joint/muscle aches and pains. I hope you're not coming down with the flu or something.

Margy, like Judie, thinking about springtime, you and the Swinging Bridge. What a beautiful picture in my head. ♥ Can't wait for your pictures.

Shirley, Sorry to hear about George's nail problems. Glad you caught it before it became infected.

Judie, I wish all patients were like you! I worked in the Short Procedures Unit today and was blessed that all the nurses and patients were GREAT! It was a nice day, but nice patients make it so much better.

Lynne Duh, or is that still your name? Lol. I hope you're so happy in your new home with the kennel and that Steve is enjoying his new occupation.

Janet, glad you had a great day. What's up? Must have been hard to leave Va Bch. :)

Paula, I think of you and Larry everyday. I'm so relieved that he is feeling up to working on his boat. Keep his thoughts positive. Prayers for both of you. ♥

Can't believe I remembered all that! Just like the old days - now I start my report on my day, study 11 chapters for a Pharm test and write up med cards on 71 drugs for Thursday's clinical assignment. Why am I doing this??? Crazy.

I love you all so much!

Hoda said...

LORI! Three eggs have hatched and we only see Two eaglets. I am not sure we have three. I think the middle one met his/her demise!
Sorry everyone I do not think that for the few days that have since passed we still have three...I think we have two...we would have seen it by now I think...
I know that there was wishful thinking as possibly a parent was reaching out to the NHZ to feed...I just have not seen it. Sorry.

Judie said...

Okay, I think I've figured it out.

CarolAnne has received a telepathic message that aliens will be arriving, but may be delayed due to storms. The sightings will be reported by other people who will seek multiple means of escape in various types of vehicles.

Hi Lori. I'm a good patient until a bunch of total strangers begin to put their hands all over me. Hate that so much. Good luck with the studying. Let us know updates on the tests. As usual, we know you'll ace them all. Also, if you have an update on Kate's mom, please keep us posted. Prayers for them continue.

Jo, appetite is a good sign. You must be feeling a bunch better. Also very glad Hoda is feeling better.

Congrats to Dana on the duckling pip. What fun. We never did anything like that when I was in kindergarten or first grade.

Okay, nest is quiet and I'm headed to put my feet up.

stronghunter said...


Quiet here tonight. Kathryn and Hunter went out to dinner and baseball equipment shopping. He needs grey baseball pants and red socks this season.

George did very well at the vet's. They took care of his claws without any problems and gave him a shot of antibiotic.

Happy you have the first duckling pip, Dana. Your kindergarten kiddies will always remember this experience. Such fun!

CarolAnne said...

WOW Judie, that's really good.
Not even close but still really good. LOL

Have a great night everyone.

stronghunter said...

Oh, and it turns out our oven is not broken.

Will had broiled a steak and accidentally left the stove on overnight. Kathryn came down at about 6:30 and turned it off. Will came along at about 7:00 and it was still hot after having been set on "broil" all night.

Judie said...

Okay for you Miss CarolAnne. I'll think of some other riddle-buster. lol

Shirley, so happy the oven was a totally inexpensive fix and that George was a good patient today. No doubt wanted his nails done to impress the Playboy gals.

Judie said...

Now to watch the remainder of Midsomer Murders and then dent the pillows.

May meander out tomorrow for some change of scenery.

Sandperson is almost packed and ready to depart. Night light is on.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Need to wind things down.

Oh, I did find out that it was not the man next door who was taken to the hospital. It was their adult daughter who lives with them. I have not met the daughter. She was sent home. I hope she is okay.

My neighbor also told me that there is a skunk in the neighborhood that likes to poop in her flower bed and goes under our front porch. Interesting.

Brain is wearing down...SED, everyone.

stronghunter said...

George's nails look lovely. :)

Hoda said...

Good night all.
So far no head ache and joints are also pain free...
God Bless us all.

Lolly said...

Just a quick check in. Having a blast. So great to see high school friends. Tomorrow a picnic and another evening of fun.

Have not read back. Hope Jo is feeling better and all is well.

Nite! SED!

Lolly said...

Did a quick scan back. Saw your chant, CA! Love it! Possible rain at home this weekend!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Shep just arrived with a VERY fresh fish for breakfast - still flopping.

Sandi said...

Got a good view of 2 chicks - 1 much smaller than the other (#1 and #3) before Belle blocked them to start feeding. Did NOT see 3 chicks.

Gray day here - it matches my mood. This is my first weekend at home in 12 weeks but I sure wish I was in Baltimore visiting Mom instead.

Kay, the package for you is going to the post office this morning. Look for it mid-week.

Prayers for Larry, Gary, and Kate and her mom.

Have a good day all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see an adult on the egg cup and a fresh fish in the nest.

Birds chirping outdoors here.

Kathryn and Hunter are rushing around getting ready to go to the baseball thing. The plan is for me to go at 1:00 for the game itself. The festivities start at 9:30 this morning.

Babies visible. I see two.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Spinning arrow.

stronghunter said...

My delete above. Double posted. Please pardon.

stronghunter said...

Just made an appointment at my local salon for a haircut and perm. Wasn't sure I could arrange one on such short notice, but Jamie was available.

Will need to get ready, so I will BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
It's Saturday already - the weeks go by so fast especially when you're not
doing much! I don't think that is the norm lol

Hoda so happy to hear you are feeling great - Dana good to hear from you ♥ Good luck with the ducklings that are on their way.

Shirley, you will feel like a new spring chick with your new do! Sounds like it was meant to be. Wishing a good baseball season for Hunter.

Judie said...

Good morning.

See part of an adult.

Sunshine on the nest and here at my abode. Very, very windy.

Shirley, nice you can get your "do" did on short notice. Hope Hunter's team wins today.

Lolly, continue having fun at the reunion. Maybe lots of rain at your roost this weekend. The chant should help.

Sandi, feeling sad is understandable. Perhaps a walk in the sunshine will help just a little bit.

Hoda, good to see you are feeling better.

Okay, off to get into some kind of mischief.

Mema Jo said...

I'm pretty sure that every now and then I see one of our little ones peeking out from under the front of the adult. It is windy and I thought perchance is was some of the nesting materials but it just isn't the same coloring - lighter then the flugg.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Picnic today and it is cloudy and 56. Jack and I did not bring Jackets!!! More fun!

Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Swirling arrow is really going strong today - perhaps it is the wind
I originally had 15 min but now I can't get more the 2.


paula eagleholic said...

Morning all :-)

Sun is out here now...hope it brighten up Sandi's spirits.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh saw an eagle, osprey and vultures soaring over the house just a little while ago :-)

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

JO, hope that med has kicked in and is punting that mess right out of your lungs !

HODA, glad the worst is over--many toxins down the drain and Wellness beyond compare looming !

SANDI, thank you ever so--I will be on the lookout ! ♥

DANA, love seeing you with the pups--thanks for catering to we nonFBer's ! Hope all the duck eggs produce a downy darling for you and the kids to enjoy !

SHIRLEY, by the time you read this you will be beautifully coiffed ! Good luck to Hunter as the baseball season begins.

LOLLY, hope you and JACK were able to borrow sweaters--but then, you have your love to keep you warm !

JUDIE saw "part of an adult" this morning. Oh, oh, my bad---she was looking at Belle or Shep at the time !

Still no word about Gary--no response to my phone message. Shirley shut down on everyone for a while after losing her daughter and that may be what's happening now. Please continue praying, for no matter what is going on she and her family need God's blessing.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Woke up to all three cameras still running odd huh didn't see to be to far behind in time either So I refreshed one and now that one is getting the spinning arrow but not the other two Strange

Waiting to hear from MaryPat Jordyn other grandma She has Jordyn this am and is taking her shopping for her BDay present for clothes Since what she usually pick out Jordyn doesn't wear

Then Jordyn will be spending the rest of the day and a sleep over to night since They are having Carls 40th Birthday bash No kids will be there so I volunteered to watch her instead of attending the party

Kay said...

Sunny off and on at the nest--nothing but Belle's posterior and a couple of fish in sight. Very brisk wind !

PAULA, always love hearing about your bird sightings ! Just a tad green with envy.

Kay said...

I'm getting that whirlygig and have to "reload" about every 3 minutes. Arrggghhh !

Kay said...

Good for you, JUDYE ! I'd pick granddaughter time over the party, too ! They grow up so fast and every moment with Jordyn is a blessing !

JudyEddy said...

I am getting the spinny arrow but it stops and starts on it own BUT no refreshing needed on my end I call it stalling out and starting over

Kay give it a second see if the cam starts back up again like mine I think LOLLY even said that what happens to hers at time also

JudyEddy said...

Its so cute one of Jordyn classmate Shawn and his mom meets Jordyn and I at the park after school now so she has someone she knows to play with

Sometime but not all the times she will hook up with other kids she doesn't know she use to do it more than she does know I wonder if that is just part of growing up not doing it as often sort of shying away from Hope to that it will change back Shawns mom says he will not play with anyone he doesn't know I hope Jordyn doesn't do that He is a couple of months older that her

JudyEddy said...

Temp at nest is


Sandi said...

Hi all - sun is out here in Bethany now, but cool and breezy. Judie, I will take your advice and get out in the sunshine for a walk today.

Two packages have been mailed at the post office. Kay, yours should arrive around Tuesday. Only Jo knows who is getting the 2nd one and what's in it, b/c she had to give me an address. So that will be Jo's and my little secret until the receiver comes onto the blog to announce that she has received it.

Jo, I also saw one little one peeking out from under a parent earlier this morning. Too cute! How are you feeling today?

Hoda, glad you are feeling well enough to go out.

Let's see, I have a choice of laundry, cleaning the upstairs bathrooms, or writing an IEP. All 3 sound like great fun, don't they? But all 3 have to get done some time this weekend.

Will check in later today. TTFN.

Mema Jo said...

I have been over on FB - shared a pic of the egg cup from Debi on Eagle cam. She feels she got a good pic and ID'd 3 in the cup. I will still feel better when I see them all lined up in a chow line outside of the cup. Take a look and Judy maybe you can copy it to a
comment here for Kay and Judie to see
I am still hopeful but as we now we have only been seeing 2.

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 the receipt to the package says expected delivery by the 7th Let me know when you get it and hope they are in good shape they way I packed it

JudyEddy said...

eagle up

JudyEddy said...

Odd my live cams are farrrr behind from the spinny circle had to refresh

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 336   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...