Thursday, April 03, 2014


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Kathryn said Hunter got hit in the face with a baseball this morning but that he is A-ok. Kathryn has his pic on her page and our little Hunter has grown into a handsome young man.

JudyEddy said...

just sitting there poof

Sandi said...

Chicks are alone - I see only 2.

JudyEddy said...

see both of them looking for third I WON'T GIVE UP HOPE

Sandi said...

I have been watching too, Judy! I am 100% certain I'm seeing 2, but there could be 3. I'm not giving up hope either.

Mema Jo said...

SANDI - MAYBE YOU SHOULD GET YOUR BIKE OUT AND GET IT READY TO PEDDLE IN THE SUNSHINE....... Does bandit ever ride in your basket or is it Bella.

Mema Jo said...

There are more surprises on here to keep us guessing all month. Mid Month I may be able to share a surprise with all of you... It's not ready to be shared yet...... Love ua

Kay said...

JUDYE, what are the "they" that are heading toward LYNNE2 ?

Kay said...

I got stuck on the other side, but was watching intently through that whole sequence with chicks uncovered. I'd swear there were three early on and then only two visible the rest of the time. I hoped there would be a feeding during that time so we might get a clue...

Speaking of clues...what is it with this newly secret society we belong to ? Seems like Christmastime rather than Easter time !

Mema Jo said...

Judie - I've asked Shirley when she has time to bring over to her pictures on her blog the one of Hunter is his uniform. You will love it..... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Seems as though I have had a long morning
Going to put my feet up for a while


JudyEddy said...

chicks alone again

JudyEddy said...

being feed from teh NHZ

JudyEddy said...

adult flew in from right

JudyEddy said...

brought something in

JudyEddy said...

flyout the back door saw shadow

JudyEddy said...

eagle calling our chirping

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

both are in the nest

JudyEddy said...

saw in still cam first lives are so far behind because of the spinny arrow I guess couldn't tell if brought someth9ng

JudyEddy said...

saw in still cam first lives are so far behind because of the spinny arrow I guess couldn't tell if brought someth9ng

JudyEddy said...

tey are standing chest to chest the adults now got some snips

JudyEddy said...

so cute they seem to be peeping back and forth to each other still standing in the pantry both eagles

Kay said...

Prez n' Capt., no Lib in sight.

Sandi said...

I have been watching the cam on full screen. Can only see 2 black beaks and 2 pairs of eyes. If there was a 3rd, they would all be facing toward their parents. I think 2 is all we've got. Hope I'm wrong but ...

JudyEddy said...

adult poofed and I also have only seen two eaglets

Kay said...

Quite a difference in size and strength right now. Come on, Capt., be strong !

Kay said...

Yep, SANDI, this has been a fantastic shot at seeing what we have there. I think possible sightings of a third have been nothing but shadows and flugg.

JudyEddy said...

I got lots of snip of the two and they are on FB and will put in EM ablum also only saw two and there would have been room for the other to show up but didn't

Kay said...

Thanks, as always, JUDYE !

JudyEddy said...

KAY the package that I sent to Lynne2 is something we discussed about a year ago She was digging up skeletons remember Well I told her if I every found a Fl lizard I would send it to here Well as I was doing the spare room I ran across three caucus and that is what I sent to her

JudyEddy said...

the are plotzed now stretched out in the cup and only two

JudyEddy said...

I guess being its 49° she feels they need the sun still uncovered and she is in the pantry sitting pretty

JudyEddy said...

I really think if there was a third we would have seen it they way they were trying to get out of the cup to see the adults and there is room for a third also I must concur that we have two maybe wrong but doubt it SO SAD

Kay said...

Ah, so, JUDYE, lizard carcasses--what a great find ! I never had a lizard in my 3rd floor condo in Tarpon Springs. However, daughter, Eileen lived a little cottage in Dunedin part of that period and she frequently had such visitors. She accepted them happily which surprised the heck out of me ! She had her first Mental Health job out of college there before heading back to Ohio for her Blind Rehabilitation Master Degree.

Kay said...

Wise parents, allowing for fresh air and some vitamin D ! Two makes a nice family. Non viable eggs or the loss of one in a trio of eaglets seems to be quite common in the Eagle kingdom.

Kay said...

Another squirrel and Shep flies away with it. Perhaps to spare us the sight of it being de-furred.

Kay said...

Feeding now from the NHZ.

Kay said...

Berry College GA nest a serene sight with no wind, filtered sunshine and an eaglet growing bigger by the minute !

Kay said...

Penny and I are going to put our feet up for a while. BBL

Lynne2 said...

afternoon all!

Lynne2 said...

My, I've been absent too long...

CA....I think the best thing for you to do it to private email me what the secret is. This way you will not be carrying the burden alone. And I won't tell a soul!

JudyEddy said...

back from picking up Jordyn and all my cams were down got back now all but the STILL is STUCK at 158

JudyEddy said...

no adults in sight right now

JudyEddy said...

I see head shadow in the NHZ

JudyEddy said...

only see one chick at the present with the pia spinning arrow

JudyEddy said...

I wonder why the STILL keeps getting STUCK

JudyEddy said...

I can see the little one trying to climb out of the cup in the NHZ I see feetsie on edge of cu are Adult is there also see shadow every know and then

Kay said...

Good try, LYNNE2 ! CA is far too crafty to fall for that one !

JudyEddy said...

PIA PIA the cam is being a BIG one today with all the refreshing I am exhausted LOL

JudyEddy said...

adult on babes again don't know which one one was in NHZ and poofed and another showed up

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, I think that is a marvelous idea...get CA to tell you the secret so she won't wear herself out with the BURDEN OF THE SECRET on her shoulders, alone!
I was finally able to get a good 5 minutes of viewing the nest without interruption...1st time!
I could only see two chicklets and they both seemed healthy, although, as usual, the littlest angel gets picked on:) Sometimes, when the chick in the back flaps it's wings, it appears to be another chick...not...just wings :(

CarolAnne said...

Hmmm, you all are so supportive of the "burden" I have shouldered. I was going to give the hint that although I'm not directly involved, it sort of involves all of us, but hey I guess I can just lay down my burden.

The secret is .. . zap,that, blink,som. . . blank . . . oh no I'm losing my internet, beep,
c o n e c t i o n . . .

Mema Jo said...

Love you CarolAnne - Please don't spill the beans just yet - we may only have a few days to go with this fun...........

Mema Jo said...

I need to read back a wyas. I have had my feet up - but before that I ate a bologna sandwich - I think I getting back to norm...

Judie said...

Good grief.

I return to find that Hunter as taken a ball to the face, and there are ever more secrets.

I suspect Jo is going to announce another gg child and CarolAnne is sending a convoy to parade the little one up Constitution Ave. to the Capitol. There will be a large parade. lol

Got my spectacles. First ever prescription sunglasses. Sure makes a difference.

I could only see what I thought were two babes but the adult was not sharing the feeding.

Off to put my feet up. BBL

Lynne2 said...

got lost in cocker world...

oh CA, you are SO droll...

OK, I went to the DR. the GP. And guess what?

Lynne2 said...


Kay said...

Okay, LYNNE2 ! Now you, of all people ! Sounds like you have a miracle in the making ! LOLLY will say she's pretty sure she knows, but isn't sharing and the rest of us will speculate in fifty different directions ! ☺

As for CA's big secret, I'm now suspecting it has something to do with WANDA---just a sneaking suspicion and I may be wrong !

Mema Jo said...

Video of last feeding - watch it full screen

Love those little wings

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - health issues cannot be kept secret... period ♥

stronghunter said...


Well, the baseball game only lasted until 2nd inning for Hunter. He twisted his ankle and Kathryn had to take him to the ER for an x-ray.

I had to bring Luna home, and was heading over to the hospital, but when I called Kathryn she said there aren't any broken bones. He was about to get a cast, so I came on back home.

His team was getting run after run--including the kid who finished the run for Hunter. Word is they won 15-1.

I do hope that Hunter will be able to play again soon.

stronghunter said...

Oh yes, baseball to the face. That happened before I got there. I don't think it was too bad.

At the salon: Made a few changes in my hairstyle. Hoping I will like them.

Considering the events of the afternoon, it is a good thing I did not visit a saloon.

stronghunter said...

Hunter and Kathryn have returned. Diagnosis is that he has a sprained ankle. Note for gym class for one week and he is to return to doctor if not better by then.

stronghunter said...

A picture of Hunter dressed for today's game. Judie, please do read the name of his team's sponsor. :)

stronghunter said...

And, those of you who have met Hunter. Yes, he has grown. Really grown in the past couple of years.

stronghunter said...


Lolly said...

I love reading the blog! Great for laughs and good feelings! Lunch today was fun, but I am wearing down. LOL!

Pictures at 6:30 and dinner at 7:30. We head home in the morning.

Joseph's soccer game was on the field and lights dangling from exposed wires on the poles. Laurel said that gives her more time to work on yard clean up, oak mess all over the yard. I thought of the poor Night Herons that were building a nest in her back yard.

Lolly said...

Shirley, how tall is Hunter and weight? Joseph is now 5'7 1/2" but still weighs around 100.

stronghunter said...

5'5" and 166 pounds, Lolly. He has grown taller, but he has filled out quite a bit. He has been pretty active with football and baseball.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, so glad Hunter's injury wasn't worse and hope he's back on the field for Sheetz in no time ! Love that pic of him. He looks very mature now. You made changes at the salon--now we need a pic of you !

LOLLY, too bad about all the mess for Laurel and the guys to clean up, but again, so thankful no one was hurt. Glad you're having a blast with your ol' chums !

Seth is in town for French tutoring and will be here tonight for taquitos, refries, chips, salsa, salad.... This will be his last semester of French so we may not see as much of him next school year.

Loving every moment I spend watching our eagles and every word each of you writes about them as you watch.

Prayers for all !!! See you tomorrow.


stronghunter said...

Are the new specs fueling your imagination even further onward, Judie? I love reading your speculations.

You should really enjoy the new prescription sunglasses.

stronghunter said...

Will see what I can do about a picture, Kay. Having already smashed my hair with a hat and had it blown about by the wind, I am already in need of some combing and arranging.

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your Seth tome, Kay.

stronghunter said...

When Hunter first started playing sports, he was usually the among the smallest kids on the team. That is no longer the case.

He used to be so skinny that even the slim sizes were too big. We were always looking for pants that had an adjustable waist so we could adjust them to the smallest size.

Those baseball pants are men's size large.

Judie said...

Oh my goodness. Seems as if I am involved in Sheetz whichever way I turn. Too cute. Yes, just from the picture, Hunter is quite the size of a grown up. Glad he was not seriously injured. Hope you like your new "do." A little change is nice. Lifts the spirits.

Kay, have fun with Seth. Dinner sounds really yummy.

Secrets: Lynne2 feels puny so she's pregnant; CarolAnne's secret has to do with a convoy to collect Wanda to visit the nest; Jo's secret is she didn't have the flu - she and Mr. Jo are expecting.

Okay, meatloaf in the oven. Feet going up again. Perhaps my new spectacles will help me see the answers to the secrets.

stronghunter said...

Dinner tonight so far has been a bowl of New England clam chowder. I bought a big carton at Wegmans a few days ago and found that neither Kathryn nor Hunter would touch it.

I think there might be a leftover lava cake in the refrigerator. I just might go get that.

Meatloaf--sounds wonderful, Judie.

Too bad when you go to first base on balls and manage to sprain your ankle by stepping on the base the wrong way. Anyway, nice to know that the injury should not keep you from playing for too long.

Lynne2 said...


If I am pregnant at my age then we better start preparing for the End of Days!!!

The visit was good. Had to get LOTS of blood tests. My gal Kimmie at the lab wore herself out! She's used to seeing me every few weeks for ONE tube for PT level! This time it was THIRTEEN TUBES!

It will take a few days for the tests to come back. I have a cardio followup on on Wed.

The best news is that I am Celebrexing!!! Turns out that spiffy little Cox2 inhibitor is Okey Dokey to take while on the warfarin!!!! I feel like a new woman! We will also be starting Cymbalta in a week which will replace my zoloft because it has pain inhibiting capabilities. WWOOOOT!

I felt so great the I helped Steve move more mountains of branches! Sadly, I stepped down into a rut in the field and screwed up my back...but the rest of me feels GREAT!!!

magpie said...


How can an old lady "like me" keep up with all this intrigue ???

I did see the eaglets [what I thought was two ]
[were two? ]
finally from the office when the Still Cam was
UNstuck, but I have no idea what time it was...

Wow, what a basebally kind of day for Hunter, Shirley...wonderful picture including those neon pinky
things flapping out of his back pocket

Good Evening, Eagle Pals


Lynne2 said...

Kay, any news from Joplin Shirley since you called? Hope you have a Fiesta Bueno with Seth this evening!

Good to hear Larry is feeling so well!

Have I missed any news on Kate's mom?

magpie said...

I agree, a Frisky "do" is sometimes a very good thing!

I finally calculated my walking mileage here in the neighborhood,
it is actually almost
TWO no wonder I cannot do that in 17 minutes !

Sandi: Hope today was a wonderfully sunny and serene day for you...
you have earned it, Girlfriend!


magpie said...

Prescription sunglasses are The Bomb, Judie,
Good On You!

I did that once, but did not get
"transitionals" only bi-focals, but I know better now because they were awful!

I do have tinted windshield and window glass in the Blazer, so that does help a lot

Kay: Enjoy your precious Seth time
JudyE: Enyoy your precious Jordyn time
Paula: Enjoy your precious Larry time!

magpie said...

Well, Hello There Lynne2:

have you calculated whether you can
watch the Lunar Eclipse on the morning of April 15 ???

I have to work the day of and the day after....might have to figure something out regarding that !!

magpie said...

Balogna sandwiches are ALSO Boss!
Glad you had something you liked.
Can't wait until YOU reveal
YOUR surprise, but I won't badger you about it....

Lynnne2: YOUR doctor's report ???
Ahem, as Jo says, no surprises and no guesses allowed on that one!

magpie said...

in the meantime,
someone here needs to change into PJs and cook up some chow...
I live alone, that must be ME !

ttfn xoxoxo (( HUGS ))

Lynne2 said...

this will be my best eclipse ever! The moon will be right outside our bedroom sliding glass door!! I won't even have to get up!

magpie said...

Well, such as it should be
WeatherLynne !!!

I'll figure something out,
I saw the GREAT Lunar eclipes in Feb 2008 ?? or maybe earlier than that....from start to finish, could go right outside to the back of my apartment with blankies, long johns
and coffee and hot chocolate...I was OFF work during that week for it !!

magpie said...

okay, bye now
PJs and food in that order
coming up !

JudyEddy said...

Just got home with Jordyn went to park and had dinner She is a hoot I mentioned her bday present is hidden at my house she wants to see it and told me she would forget what it was before he party funny kid I won't fall for that lol
for the moment she has forgotten about it

Mema Jo said...

Judy - you are just like some others I know - Keeping secrets ♥ lol

I ate a little dinner after watching a good many movies on TV. Stomach isn't great but I know it is the meds

My live feed is still running..

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - 13 tubes of blood
Wow Woman - I didn't know you had it in ya!
Good report now if you just take caution with your back! ♥

JudyEddy said...

eagle calling out

JudyEddy said...

shift change

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Shirley for Hunter's picture with his uniform. Hopefully Judie will see it soon.
I knew from FB about the hit in the face which wasn't serious but am glad I now know it is for the ankle -
Question - How is he going to get those good looking socks on over the cast. I bet he finds a way.

stronghunter said...

I think Judie has already seen the picture, Jo. And I think the socks will go under the cast. As far as I know, he can take if off. May have to put them on very carefully.

Lynne2 said...

Piece of cake Jo! Until I was diagnosed with AFib, I was a regular blood donor. Used to donate platelets too! Over time, however, I developed an allergy of sorts to the heparin and they told me I couldn't donate any more. I was so upset. You can do platelets every 2 weeks, and I was a double donor meaning they got twice as many from me per donation. Those platelets are SO important, especially for cancer patients and those with leukemia. One time I was an exact match for someone once. But they wouldn't tell me who it was or why they needed them

Lynne2 said...

WOW Shirley...Hunter really has grown up! I hope his sprain heals quick. They CAN be just as painful as breaks.

stronghunter said...

Thanks Lynne2,

I've heard that sprains can be as painful as breaks. They can also take awhile to heal. I do hope heals quickly. This looks to be a promising team. I want him to enjoy a winning season. Last baseball season was a disaster.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

My delete. Double post.

Mema Jo said...

MARGY I have been in PJ's all day
Anxious to feel better and get dressed and go outside

Movie on TV - Yep another one.


Janet said...

Good evening to all

HODA: thank you for your love and support!
LORI: there is always a touch of sadness when I leave the gal pals or they leave me. It wasn’t too bad as I know they will be here in July for several days. I have to admit, when it started snowing, there was a part of me that hoped it would snow enough to delay our departure for a day…and the other part of me was ready to get home.

Secrets secrets secrets. I like surprises so secrets area good by me.

Its been a busy and beautiful day here. It was grocery day. Woo hoo.

Did my usual weekend fun; house work, laundry…Tom mowed the grass for the first time this season. It looks much better. The weather was superb today so anything we did was pleasant.

Not a lot else going on. Seems to be the general consensus that one eaglet did not make it. Sad.
Have a good evening to all. SED to people and fur babies!

Judie said...

Sandperson just blew past me as if his sleepy dust were on fire. Something about staying on schedule and some momsters needing extra healing sleep. Whooooooosh! There goes Sandperson.

And here go I to dent the pillows. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Golly I am
Lynne2 and see that I blew right past your last comment before all my magpie-ing...
sounds like good things in store for you with the change-up in medicines...You go Girl...hope all the tests come back with A+++'s on them...
sorry I missed that report earlier!

Jo, I watched Law and Order TV show, THEN put in the DVDs I have of that show a few seasons back and watched another!

PJs rule! And so does Wellness, so let's get some Swelling !
Prayers for just that very thing,
amongst us all!

Good Night, Precious Pals...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

stronghunter said...

Good night Margy and Judie!

I bought new PJ's today. I figured it is time to get rid of the ones with holes in them. :)

Mema Jo said...

I think it is that time of day - the sunset was beautiful - Shep'stwn
1t Market tomorrow - Megan won't be there this one but I'll see her later on in the season when the flowers bloom.

Everyone take care and stay well
Prayers for all of us and our needs.

SED and AOYP Goodnight ♥

Lynne2 said...

hope you feel WONDERFUL in the AM Jo, and can get outside! Gonna be a beautious day!

Must head to bed. Wow, 30 yrs ago, I would just be heading OUT on a Saturday night!

LOTS to do around here and I am so glad the weather is finally nicer! We STILL have more branches to clean up....UGH. But the worst is over! I'll take a picture tomorrow of the piles we (and by that I mean mostly Steve) have cleaned up already. You won't believe it!

Good night, and prayers for all!

Hoda said...

Glad to read the blog.
God Bless Us All.
Went to a cooking class.
Yum! The food alone makes the cleanse worth it.


stronghunter said...


Time for sleep.

I will see you tomorrow. SED.

Kay said...

Good Early Morning Eagle Buds !!!

LYNNE2, you should be on TV--what a great commercial for those oft touted drugs ! It's wonderful to hear first hand just how well they work and I'm so pleased for you ! Sounds like you feel so good you may be in danger of overdoing---so watch it kiddo ! Grand to hear how much Steve is accomplishing there---the bosses must be tickled pink with the good workers they found in him and you !

Hope this day is the turning point for you, JO !

HODA, is the cooking class in conjunction with the cleanse ? As in East Indian food that will help your bod stay in a state of wellness ?

ANDY, wherefore art thou, ANDY. I know there is major transitioning going on in your household, but hope you can check in soon !

SHIRLEY, does Hunter's cast cover the entire foot and ankle---you say it's removable and worn over socks. Is he allowed to take it off overnight ? Do you know yet if he must have physical therapy before returning to the rigors of the ball field ? Wishing him well and fast !

Seth and I had our usual good time last night. Julie will be picking him up at 10:30 this morning as there is still more French tutoring to do.

Still no word from Joplin Shirley and I've exhausted my avenues into her world. Resigned to waiting til' she's able to call. Prayers needed no matter what is going on.

Hope you all have a glorious Sunday ! BBL....

Lori O. said...

Good Morning!

Lynne2, so glad you got your meds changed to something that is helping you!!! YAY!

Kay, what did you and Seth do after dinner? We had Mexican food here, too! Love it. :) Big hugs!

Shirley, sorry about Hunter's ankle. Hope he'll enjoy the week without gym.

Kate's Mom is not good. Kate has said she doesn't see how her Mom can possibly be around until Monday (tomorrow). She's still fearful, but is loving having the attention from all her kids. Your prayers for her peaceful transition are so appreciated! Thank you.

Sorry to hear we may have lost an eaglet.

Sandi said...

Goodorming Kay, Lori, and all my eagle friends.

Lynne, great news about the new meds and how well they're working!! But like Kay said, don't overdo it!

Jo, hope you wake up feeling more like yourself today. Bet your surprise involves another addition to the Lennox family! :)

Janet, how did your meeting go at Livvy's school last week?

Shirley, sorry to hear about Hunter's ankle. tell him to make up a more exciting story about how it happened - maybe sliding into second base on a steal! Yeah, I like that one much better! I missed 6 weeks of tennis when I sprained my ankle a few years ago - hope it heals quickly.

Hoda, glad that food is tasting good again - you must be feeling better.

Lori, good to see you popping on the blog once in a while.

Went to dinner at the Crabcake Factory in Ocean City last night with Denny's brother, sister-in-law, their 3 girls, and 2 great nieces who are just turning 14 and 15. Nice evening. Youngest niece, who has only been married for about a year and a half and has been trying and trying to get pregnant, recently found out that she is expecting in November!

Laundry got done yesterday, cleaning did not - spent a lot of time with Bandit instead. Today, that IEP is top priority so I will not get back onto the blog until it's finished (that'll be my motivation).

Prayers for Larry, Kay's Shirley and her son Gary, Kate and her mom. I sure hope Mom wasn't afraid at the end. Lisa said she kept staring at a spot in the room and pointed - someone she knew and loved who had gone before was right there with Mom to take her hand, I'm sure of it.

Sun is coming up on the nest - haven't seen the chicks yet. All is quiet there.

Have agreat day all.

Sandi said...

Feeding taking place - good view of the chicks when Belle got up. I am absolutely positive that I am only seeing 2 little beaks, 2 sets of black eyes, and 2 fluffy little bodies. Only 2 - one much larger than the other - #1 and #3. No #2 chick.

Sandi said...

Ahhh ... both parents in the nest. Shep at the top but I can see his beak. Belle is feeding bigger and Shep is feeding littler.

JudyEddy said...

Just a quick good morning
The feeding just ended
Off to start the day
Jordyn is getting dressed

Janet said...

good morning.

STRONGHUNTER; so glad hunter is okay….nothing too major! Yikes!!!!
SANDI: I will say this regarding the meeting; the teachers are doing all that they can. In the system here in TN, they have to teach to the test, specifically the Tennessee Comprehensive Academic Progression (TCAP) test. They cannot do they job they signed on to do; ie TEACH. They told me what they thought I wanted to hear, I suppose….encouragement. But the dean said it best that which we employed is not working as well as it could have. Meaning the plan we implemented earlier in the school year flat lined.

It is well though. It helped me to solidify decisions that were whirling about in my head. Thank you for asking.

So glad HODA is feeling better!

Quiet day ahead here. I broke a momster rule yesterday and took a spill. Banged up my elbow quite a bit. I iced it immediately and have taken NSAIDS. It is fine, just looked ugly now. Bruises, scrapes. Etc. Such is life. But I think a chill day is order around here. We have the bowling pot luck tonight. Tom has to make his “infamous” peanut butter bars. I bought 2 gallons of tea and cups.

Not a lot else going on . It is quite lovely out I am tempted to work in the yard, but will hold off til the next pay day. Mother Nature can be quite fickle!

Light, love, healing, smiles and hugs to all, to include sneaky secret keepers and furbutts!

Mema Jo said...

good morning to all ♥
Beautiful day in my neighborhood ♥
Good day for the Market to open.

Sandi, Loved your description of the feeding at the nest - all one on one.

lol no new additions in this house - I still miss Scar and Marvin but not ready to replace them.

Hey Janet - sorry to hear about the fall but happy to hear you're bouncing right back. No chores today for you

Mema Jo said...

Lori, thanks for letting us know about Kate nd her Mom. She will have a peaceful transition when that friend in the light comes to take her home. Just like Sandi's mom.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, I hope the new PJ's gave you a good refreshing night's sleep

Lynne, So very happy you are feeling alive ♥ Feeling badly sometimes
gives you anxiety attacks.
What are you and Steve going to do with all those piles of damaged branches. There are so many along the
roads and at people's yards. The piles would be sky=high. I did see a shredder and a pick-up along the highway. They will be forever cleaning them up.

Mema Jo said...

Yesterday (Day @#4) is when I didn't have anymore side pains (lung) I could breathe deep and freely. I think the med that helped me so much also gave me nausea - and that was

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, Hunter has a day to practice on his crutches before school tomorrow. So glad to hear he still doesn't want to miss a practice even though he would just need to watch. The coach sounds as though he is one that has his heart
in the game for his team.

Mema Jo said...

Eaglets are visible

Lolly said...

Just a quick good morning! Going to hit the road for home!

Wow! Shirley, Hunter has grown. Joseph is still so skinny, has not hit puberty yet!

Have had a glorious time. See you at home!

Mema Jo said...

Safe travels, Lolly and Jack

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Slept well in the new pajamas.

In answer to questions asked--
The cast is metal--really looks more like a brace than a cast. I truly do not know if he slept with or without it on. He also has crutches. They seem to have frightened Luna quite badly last night. She can't see them, but the sound got her very upset.

Hunter says he wants to go to baseball practice even if he cannot participate. That is a good sign. He really wants to be part of the team.

I do not think any kind of therapy is in the plans.

Mema Jo said...

I have emailed Steve about our
Still Cam.

stronghunter said...

Hi Lolly!

Have a safe trip home.

Puberty hit Hunter very suddenly. He is getting more and more facial hair. He has shaved it off a couple of times, but now says he wants to grow a beard and "be a man." Kathryn says no.

His voice suddenly became deep. Sometimes it is hard for me to tell if it is Hunter or Will talking when I'm not in the room.

stronghunter said...

Feeding. I see two little ones--as others have noticed, one is much larger than the other one.

stronghunter said...

Just confirmed with Kathryn that Hunter will need a ride to school tomorrow. I will probably need to go into the office and make sure he gets situated. He will probably need to go through some procedure to get permission to use the elevator. In Culpeper, they just issued an elevator key to kids who couldn't navigate the stairs.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, William Shakespeare's 450th birthday is this month. I remember that his 400th was the year I did my student teaching...the year I graduated from college.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Lynne2, so happy you are feeling much better and the meds are a great help. Take care, please, with the physical work.

Jo, relievedd that you are breathing without pain and headed for recovery.

Shirley, Sandperson is concerned about how well you slept in your new pajamas. Sulking in the closet because he thinks you will not need him anymore.

Hope everying works smoothly at school for Hunter.

Kay, glad you had a good time with Seth. Continued prayers for Joplin Shirley.

Lori, prayers for Kate's mom and a peaceful transition.

Safe travels home, Lolly.

Janet, enjoy the pot luck tonight. No falling allowed.

Most happy to know that Hoda is feeling better. Was very concerned.


stronghunter said...

Oh, I will still need the Sandperson, Judie. I especially need the Sandperson for George. George thinks he needs to walk across me and see if maybe I might give him a bit of food at 3:00 AM.

stronghunter said...

Hunter insists that he does not need to use the elevator at school, and that the school will not want him to. Maybe I will just call over there and tell them he's coming with crutches. Most of his classes are upstairs and that's a mighty tall set of steps to go up.

Kathryn said that Hunter got his own bowl of cereal this morning. She asked him how he managed. He said he hopped across the room, then he had to go back and crawl around to clean up all of the milk he spilled.

stronghunter said...

I see baby eagles.

stronghunter said...

Two of them.

Kay said...



GO ON OVER----I'm going to read today's posts and will join you over there soon---with a new feather in my cap !!!!!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...