Wednesday, June 12, 2013


New thread.  We are working on an alternative cam, but no definitive word yet.

New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Wild Wednesday when JO gets a feather

I'll call others over

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - I sure got excited about being #1 on the new thread -
Thank you Steve and also for the update.

Any ground sightings so far this week?

CarolAnne said...

Congrats Jo,
Here's some REALLY important dates for us to know:
MARK your calendar :o)

JUNE 22 National camp out in your own backyard

JULY 21 National Ice Cream Day

JULY 27 National walk on Stilts Day

AUGUST 8 Sneak some zucchini on your neighbors porch night

AUGUST 10 National Garage Sale Day

Everyone have a great WILD WEDNESDAY!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Also don't forget:

Friday, June 14

Flag Day 2013


Sunday, June 16

Father's Day 2013

Mema Jo said...

My delete - I asked Judie if she found her 'showers' I was thinking of shower shoes.. lol
Congrats for another year notch on your belt, Candy. You gonna give one more year?

Did you find your shoes, Judie - I sure hope you made a fast getaway if you did! lol

I have dr appointment this am just to discuss my blood work and issue any other complaints I might have lol Like age related symptoms!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. I just got home from my physical therapy. A little harder today because I am really sore from trying to save the babies yesterday. Everybody is okay though!

Bird Girl said...

Morning eagle buddies!

This morning, my brother Thomas is having surgery to replace his five-year old pacemaker for an upgraded one which could potentially increase his heart function as much as *60%*. This could mean a much more active lifestyle, which would make him and me happier. Please send your positive thoughts, well wishes and prayers to Tom in North Carolina. Thanks my friends!

Steve, if we don't get another cam going soon it won't matter anyway. But honestly, I'm just thankful to have been able to watch the season thus far, and I'm very happy for Belle and Shep and their two chicks!

CarolAnne said...

Mema Jo - yes those are the Important dates to remember. Mine were more of the tongue-in-cheek kind.

Lolly said...

Morning Momsters and Dadsters!!! Granddaddy and Jacob are outside. Yea! Luke wants to be but I can not trust those two to remember to keep an eye on Luke. He does not run, tends to stay right with you, but if he saw a squirrel off he would go!!

So, Sharon, I guess all is okay with the doggies? Hope so!

No yard work for me today, It is just too hot. Right now is okay but I am slow moving in the mornings.

I question my husbands sanity. He is going for a colonoscopy Mon. So, starting today he has to watch what he eats, and Father"s Day he is on a liquid diet, and in the evening he has to drink the junk!!

We are postponing Father's Day a week.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the new thread, STEVE, and for trying on another cam. You're much appreciated!

Happy feather JO!!! Good on you!

SHARON, glad to hear the fur babies are okay.

Lolly said...

Okay, Momsters, need your prayers. Laurel just texted me. She is about to bike DOWN a mountain and she asked for prayers. :)

Lynne2 said...

Good grief. Judie is running amok through the DC 'burbs BAREFOOT, and Laurel might be BAREFOOT if those breaks on the bicycle can't keep up and she has to use her feet to slow down....

Lynne2 said...

weather forecast really going downhill. Lots of us will be affected.

CarolAnne said...

Cool & drizzly here today. Severe weather possibilities for later today & tonight.

Baking beer bread. Don't like to drink beer, but sure goes down well as bread. LOL

Hope all adventures end well today.

Lynne2 said...

OMG....too funny, the bears have knocked over the Snowman at Snowman Cam!! Pic on FB on their page!

paula eagleholic said...

Keeping fingers crossed here for an alternative

CarolAnne said...

Kay, fingers crossed that the winds miss you. Sounds like you have experience with the winds, so presume you have all the necessities covered - flashlights, batteries, non-perishables,clean undies - LOL

Kay said...

CAROLANNE, yes I have all the stuff needed to ride out the storm, including clean undies ! ☺ Mystery ? I can tell you read my post of several minutes back, but now it has disappeared. Spooky !

CarolAnne said...

Kay, apparently the winds are blowing things away already. Do not like spooky, so thats my story & I'm sticking to it.

Mema Jo said...

I am back from dr - All blood work was really GOOD. Kidneys and liver are functioning well. Go back Dec - 6 mos....... Good news ♥

Delphia - prayers for your brother's successful replacement!

CarolAnne said...

Good news Mema Jo - yea!

Mema Jo said...

I was going to put out front all my small flags but with the threat of the storm - I think Not.

Just wondering what to do with all my beautiful flower pots outside. Maybe move up closer to the house. Of course I need to take down the umbrella at the table. I'll be glad when this storm passes..... :)

Judie said...

Yes, I found my shoes.

I am now doing a Mapquest for directions to the secret place where things go never to be seen or heard from again.

CarolAnne said...

Predicting a thunderstorm cluster here abouts. High winds, hail. Have moved my pots under the patio table & pushed the chairs in close. Some I tucked under the grill for a bit of protection.

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and for your efforts to provide camera viewing for us. We all appreciate your support.

Just catching up on the fresh thread. Mema Jo, hoping all goes well at the dr., happy Sharon and Thelma and pups are okay, sorry for Jack's yukky Father's Day menu, congratulations to Sandi on another year. Speed reading so apologize for for oversights, etc. Painters are imitating Sandperson and creeping down the hallway toward my office.

Be back when I can. Otherwise, stay safe and dry.

Judie said...

Oh, if anyone has an industrial dust remover, please may I borrow?

Mema Jo said...

Judie - with the high winds predicted from the upcoming storms - Just open the windows and you will be Dust Free! Be sure the cats are anchored down! lol

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Back from grocery shopping.

Oh, no fun for Jack, Lolly.

When I finally went in for my colonoscopy, I was asked why I waited so long. I admitted it was just because I do not like to do this thing. Of course, no one does.

Glad that progress is being made, Judie. I understand about not being able to find those shoes.

Prayers, Delphia!

Glo, hoping that you are spared any nasty storms.

Going to try for a nap now. Need to be rested for the baseball game. Wonder if they will have to postpone again?

Lynne2 said...

so kind of Steve and Co to try to get a temp cam up for us...but I fear the weather is going to put a damper on this plan.

stronghunter said...

Well, not really time for a decent nap. Told Hunter to get his uniform on. Wondering if we will get rained out.

JudyEddy said...

Hello eagle buds and good early evening or late afternoon Home from work Its my weekend YEAH

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Has been a good day. Went to the pet store and got doggie shampoo and breath spray. LOL Luke does have bad breath! Previous owner fed him from the table and he has bad teeth. Yuk!

From the sounds of things sure do hope none of you blow away.

Luke get a bath tomorrow. I was going to take and have him groomed but decided to stock Laurel's refrig with meat instead.

magpie said...

I would like to say HELlo Eagle Pals..

I think Jo shall have a full
set of feathers very soon,
to go with that glowing health report!

Kinda kicked to the wall on time
to say much more right now....
thinking of all....
with prayers as requested,
praises as well-deserved,
and caring for all our doins'

magpie said...

New condition
when part of a word is in CAPS and
part of it iSn'T

Hope, really hope, the
weather is not creating problems
in any of our Eagle Corners

magpie said...

And June 20 is West Virginia Day!
this year is our Sesquicentennial year....150 years since statehood
in 1863
A new postage stamp will be released that day and it is beauteous!

I understand today might
have been Peanut Butter Cookie Day?
I can't get to my email with the list
but I did not have any PB cookies today anyway

JudyEddy said...

I'm watching the West End three eaglets

JudyEddy said...

and the two harbor the humboldt also

JudyEddy said...

Here is the link to the page with all the cams on
All CA eagle cam on one page

I was jonesen for a eagle fix

Mema Jo said...

I watched one tv show this evening.

I am tired and will close down for the day.
Hoping the storms won't be too devastating. Don't want my one cat on the bottom of the stairs all day.

I am yawning big time
Good Night to all
God bless you and yours
I ♥ Us SED and AOYP
Praying our eagles are all well..♥

magpie said...

G'night from here too...
Thanks for the links, JudyE..
enjoy the eagle-watching...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

JudyEddy said...

MARGY you can also click on the name to go to the bigger camera view I have the three in the nest on it

JudyEddy said...

I love their view the ocean is so pretty funny to see them in daylight and we are going to bed

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Margy, Margy, Margy!!!! You have that wrong! June 20th, Lolly and Jack will have been married 48 years!!!! OMG! How is that possible?

Janet said...

Wow, what a busy day it has been! A new thread (THANKS STEVE)...and thanks for trying to get a working camera....

CAROLANN: lots to celebrate in the coming months!!! I think I will celebrate when it goes below 85 again!

BIRDGIRL: how's your brother doing?

Its been a busy day around here. I managed to get to my morning clients, @ 9 . Then I hurried home to take Tom to PT, then Olivia to camp, then pick up Tom. I canceled my 1 p.m. clients as they had stuff going on and my day wasn't going too run run. So we rescheduled for Saturday.

Egad. It was hot today. Tom and I ran around and did some errands this afternoon.

Tonight after the sun set a bit mowed the grass. Now I am tired and about ready for bed. Back to massage envy tomorrow and Friday.

SED to one and to all!

Lolly said...

Tonight's dinner was Bacon Pasta and salad. Then we went outside for a game of croquet and then a game of ladder ball. We did a no no. While playing croquet we forgot about Luke. We lost him for a few minutes as he had crossed the street. Yikes!! Momentary slip, that will not happen again!

stronghunter said...


Home from baseball. Late game tonight. Again went down in defeat, but had some exciting moments. Hunter got a home run.

Tomorrow night's game is against an undefeated team.

stronghunter said...

Noticed a "for sale" sign in the yard next door--the house that burned. They were doubtful about coming back, so I was worried that they might not be adjusting, but it turns out that the husband got a job in Knoxville, Tenn.

Hoda said...

Glad LUKE is found and no worse for wear...earlier you had a post saying he is hard to keep track of!!! LOLLY.

Thank you STEVE for working on a possible alternative.

JUDIE seems to be surviving and even has shoes!!!

Saw pictures of LAUREL where she successfully made the ten mile down hill back ride...Breathed a sigh of relief I am sure LOLLY as I did here too...

Everyone stay safe from all those storms and the heat waves too.

Good day here. Yoga practice and two meetings and the market...posted a video of the Market on FB. There was a coolish breeze off of the glaciers that tempered down the heat of the day.

Lolly said...

Wahoo, for Hunter's home run!

Jacob has practice again tomorrow night. Jack is taking him this time, as I have a meeting at church. The practice is going to be rough. All Star coaches are tough and predicted temp of 100 tomorrow. Groan!

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Lolly. Jack should keep an eye on things. We did have one time when it got that hot that Kathryn had to pull Hunter out of a game and bring him home. He got very overheated.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Lolly. Jack should keep an eye on things. We did have one time when it got that hot that Kathryn had to pull Hunter out of a game and bring him home. He got very overheated.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to call it quits. Very sleepy.

Prayers that the predicted weather problems do not materialize.

Hoda said...

I agree with SHIRLEY LOLLY. Keeping an eye on JACOB exertion and heat.

Tomorrow ride the bicycle to Optometrist to get tested for glaucoma!!! JUDIE you will laugh hard when you hear this. I told some people in Nelson about possible glaucoma and one of the treatment for glaucoma is the smoking of the weed!!! Yes self same that goes in Brownies!!! LOL !!! I laughed so hard I was choking!!! Don't think that will be a treatment option I will take...lungs could not take it I am sure...I would cough up a storm...the tar content is high in this weed!!!



Lolly said...

Time to call it a day! Night all!


Lolly said...

They give the kids a lot of breaks and we will have lots of water.

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning my eagle friends! Today is my last day with these "horrible, terrible, no good, very bad" kids! Lolly, did I quote Alexander correctly??

Possibility of severe weather here today - it has been on the news for days. Hoping it's just a lot of media hype!

Make it a great day all - I know I will!!

Sandi said...

Had to post to get the box to check for emails. Later! Stay sfae everyone!

Janet said...

Good morning to all.

HODA: i do believe that is the first time i've ever "heard" anyone talk about air cooled by glaciers! interesting.

feeling a little puny this morning. sore throat and tired. body is telling me i've over done it.

unfortunately, work calleth. some coffee now and then an early bedtime tonight are in order i think.

hope everyone has a great day! :)

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING eagle buds

magpie said...

Storms skirted Berkeley County....lots of rain and lightning, not so much wind, and not too many other problems...

headed straight smack towards Frederick, Manchester and points EAST

Jewels got a very impressive
picture of our clouds here at the office just before the rain started

Hang on Friends...xo

CarolAnne said...

Happy Friday eve day everyone.
May all your weather be gentle.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I did not post yesterday. I was very busy preparing for a derecho . You may chuckle but we were there and di that 5 yrs ago and I will never ever forget that storm or the aftermath. YES we were spared. The closest major storm for me was about 40 miles away. It stormed there for like 2 straight hours. I felt bad for those folks effected. It is farm country mostly so in a sort of way that is good. I hope all of you will be safe from todays weather also wherever you are.

I would love to read any info at all about the eaglets/juvies at NCTC The Alcoa babes exactly the same age, that fledged Sunday are rarely if ever seen at the nest now as they have found their wings.

Magpie Thank you for the lovely card I received in the mail. Please know that I will hold you and your surgeon in prayer on June 21. I must eat and go mow the yard. HAGD all

Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone.

I'm late this morning. Had to stay off the computer because of the severe thunderstorms. It was almost like nighttime outside at 8 this morning! Got some hail, too.

JANET, I hope you get to feeling better. Early to bed for you tonight!

Wish I had mowed the yard yesterday but hate to mow when there's no one home. I always manage to get the lawn tractor stuck somewhere at least twice!

SHIRLEY, congrats to Hunter on his home run!!!

JUDYE, thanks for the CA eaglets link - great idea. Love the West End eaglets! Always have kept an eye on them. Happy day off!

HODA, good luck at your eye appointment. Keep us posted.

KAY, did you survive last night's weather? Keep hearing Ohio on the weather channel this morning.

Everyone be careful in this strong weather. Make it a great day!

Lolly said...

Good Morning! LOL Sandi, you did a good spelling job. Too funny, night before last I read "Alexander, Who's Not (Do you hear me? I mean it!) Going to Move" to Jacob. I still have two shelves of my favorite books. Have given away many but some I can not part with. Laurel has so many books that she will not take them. LOL

Another hot day here! Nothing on the schedule until this evening. Bought Jacob a box of 64 Crayons and a poster size drawing tablet. He has been very creative. This morning he drew and colored a planet of gold and it has a ring of silver. He named it Treasure Planet. Last night it was a tree with a vine wrapped around it with many animals on the tree including a bat hanging upside down.

Lolly said...

Oh man! Just remembered I was supposed to take a picture at Wal Mart yesterday. They had some boxes stacked so that it made a picture of the head of a bald eagle. Jacob spotted it before I did! It was huge!

Lolly said...

Hope all of you have "weathered" the storms!

Today I do bathe Luke. That should be interesting. Have not bathed a dog in years. Used to bathe our Keeshonds in the tub, then Jack would carry them out to shake. LOL

Lolly said...

Prayers for the campers, who started home this morning and should be home late this evening. We return Jacob to his rightful owners in the morning.

stronghunter said...

Kids and hot weather--When Kathryn was a Girl Scout, she spent a week at day camp during a very hot summer. She came home one day complaining that she did not feel well and then threw up. She explained that she was very hot and felt terrible, but could not go get in the shade because they were having a flag ceremony and she couldn't be disrespectful.

They were trying very hard to protect the kids, but I guess no one thought about having them stand in the sun for a flag ceremony.

stronghunter said...

I did tell Kathryn that it was okay to break rank during a flag ceremony if you are feeling sick.

CarolAnne said...

Lolly, bathed my two keeshond/poodle mixes tis morning.
Then bathed the bathroom. Then bathed me. Then washed a huge load of towels. TaDa job done!

Worry about heat stroke/exhaustion. Mom had it once at about 38 years old. Took her a whole summer to recover. As kids we didn't fully understand the implications, but sure took advantage of her little red pills that made her sleep for hours. :o)

Mema Jo said...

Good Thursday Morning to all!
I made it through the morning storm and it is now getting so humid that this afternoon's storm (should it come) will be a doosie.

Hair cut early afternoon - and then just help Michael get ready for Haiti on the 22nd. He is getting excited! I can tell because he just shaved his mustache and goatee - now the kids will recognize him for sure!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all.

The storm that hit therebthis morning finally made it here but it stayed north of us. Just some light sprinkles. We did get an overnight tstorm tho.

Managed to get a couple of hours fishing in this morning but didn't catch anything.

May head in to Rehoboth this afternoon.
Going to read back and catch up.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad everyone has survived the weather thus far.

Wonder hoe our eaglets are doing.

Mema Jo said...

No ground reports on the nest from NCTC staff..... I wish!

magpie said...

Neat post about Miracle Michael
I can picture this !

Good Afternoon, Eagle Pals


stronghunter said...

And thanks for the Hunter cheer, Lolly. He was very proud! I am trying to get red dirt out of his uniform for tonight. Just in case we do not have a storm them.

stronghunter said...

Two trips through the washer is about the limit for those pants, though. He will just get them dirty again.

Lolly said...

Okay, dog bathed. Resting and then will bathe bathroom. In house with AC on but I am sweating!!

Laurel says they may be home as early at 7 or 8 tonight. So, we are returning Jacob to his rightful owners this evening! Practice is at 6, but lasts til 8. (with several breaks) It is already 89. Doing his last minute laundry so he is returned with clean clothes.

magpie said...

The week went fast ! Lolly..I loved the art work report! How creative Jacob is !

Yay and Bravo to Hunter, Shirley...
sorry I am quite slow to remember
many things

JudyEddy said...

HELLO and good afternoon eagle buds

Jordyn is down for a nap
she still wants and loves her naps She has to break the habit but I hate to be the one to do it to her LOL We went to see the monkeys and its was so friggin hot out was only there a short time and then went thrift store shopping OH MY Jordyn has some new dress up cloths to wear We hit pay dirt when we when I got the prettiest dress looks like a wedding gown for her to grown in to only 595 and a pretty blue long dress she wore to McDonalds LOL over dressed she was LOL
I put pictures on FB of the dresses and the one she wore to MCD
HEY the CA nest with 3 does anyone know how old they are Parent is feeding them now and SOUND I have sound but only hear a hummm anyone else hear anything or just the static of the cam like me

PA Nana said...

Bravo to Hunter. Baseball games were also fun when our boys were young... where did the time go?

Lolly, glad you lassoed Luke before he got lost. The artwork sounds great. Will you share?

Paula, leave some fish for another time but enjoy yourself.

Janet, hope hubby is tolerating his recent surgery well. Was his shoulder, right? I've had both of mine done and worst part was the PT.

Margy, you'll be fine after the carpal tunnel surgery and you'll be good as new. They don't use general anesthesia only a tourniquet so recovery is faster.
Prayers for success.

For those dedicated teachers, God bless you for teaching our next generation for another year. Enjoy your summer.

Hoda, you're funny! Enjoy your posts about the "brownies." Wish I had some right now. This weather is painful. I hate summer!!

For those I didn't address directly, please know that I love you too. Stay safe - and dry.

magpie said...

Thanks Diann...

pretty serious weather all around us,
many areas in central Virignia...including the areas
where Shirley lives....

Be Careful Everyone

stronghunter said...


Hanging out in the basement with Hunter and the fur children.

stronghunter said...

There is a tornado warning here, and a storm has arrived. So far, all is okay. Just being extra careful because of Hunter and all of the critters.

stronghunter said...

Poor Lucky is confined under a crate. George and Luna are in their crates. We only have one cat crate.

Lolly said...

Tornado far from you was it spotted? Glad you have a basement to go to, wish we did!

Jacob is all packed, Luke is dry and brushed...he is one fluffy dog.

Jacob is excited about going home but is having a hard time about going to practice. I do not blame him but giving him encouragement and positive thoughts.

stronghunter said...

Maybe 7-8 miles or so, Lolly. I am not sure. Things are still being sorted out. Reports of lots of sirens in that area. We did not see or hear anything particularly bad, though there was wind and rain.

stronghunter said...

I really liked the basement we had in Ohio. We had a family room with a television and a telephone down there. We spent quite a few tornado warning times down there.

TV meteorologists are having their fun now with all of their maps and circling colors.

PA Nana said...

Shirley, stay safe and underground Until the storm passes.
Your weather is heading north to our neck of the woods.

Only have a small, very small, cellar under the kitchen that holds the furnace, water heater and sump pump.. Can't imagine trying to catch the cats. They know when it's time for the vet visit. Three adults and 2cats....
Oh, forgot to tell you youngest is home.

Margy, forgot to tell you I like your new avatar. Heard you can make coffee with it. Any idea how that would be accomplished? Know it would taste different.

stronghunter said...

We just have George and Lucky, two grumpy old men. They are not too hard to catch, but they do not like each other, so we can't put them together. And then there is Luna, who is blind, and too big to carry, so I enlisted Hunter's help and got them to the basement as soon as the warning was issued.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Gracious, I hope everyone is doing OK with the weather you're having back there! Have been saying prayers for your safety.

Shar, glad you and all your fur babies are OK! Scary situation!

Shirley, I'm glad you have a basement to hang out in! Our kids don't have one, and they have to go to a tiny powder room or their kitchen pantry, with 4 of them, 2 Bassets, and a cat! Yikes!

Have been really concerned about our eagles in all this weather. Hope they're doing all right. Sounds like Steve and others at NCTC are trying to keep an eye on them, though.

Very, very busy here today doing some laundry and vacuuming, and still working on the paper shredding that needs to be done. That's a never-ending story!

Hope everyone stays safe and well. I'll check in again later. Emma says, "Woof!"
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!

Hoda said...

Glad to see several of the East Coasters check in and that you are mostly weathering the storm.
WOW MICHAEL on his way to HAITI this month...Good on you. Safe travels.

I will miss the JACOB stories and activities LOLLY and am very pleased the week seemed to go fast for all of you...wonderful experiences for the campers and the Hawkwood Group.

Stay safe every one...I hope the storm totally passes with no damage to any of your possessions.

Mema Jo said...

Our second part of the storm was RAIN
Winds were not gusty - Hope it has now gone on its way.

Sounds like a lot of power outage here in lower MD...... I had been holding my breath and also holding my cats indoors!

Dinner time here BBL

Hoda said...

Well here it is: I will not be going on the Medicianl Marijuana program after all. The optometrist put a damper on that possibility!!! LOL !!! Amazing machinery he ultra sound to the cornea and six minute per eye spot the dot test...then I had to keep focusing on the blue dot while a whole bunch of red laser type lines moved all over the place and made designs...far more interesting that the blue dot!! I was told focus on the blue dot and so I did and missed the show.
Then I had drops in my eyes that made my eyes numb and he measured the angle with which I see things and the range it has. Eyes are still slightly numb...
Then I saw the inside of my eyes on the computer with veins and all and how I blink and the thickness of the cornea and I forget what all was exciting to see my eyes from the inside and I can see the macular degeneration that has not changed for three years and so it is all good. Little bumps it shows as...

I feel very blessed to live in a country where such technology exists and that they could do so much for eyes. My yard stick for eyes is the fear of blindness that all who come from Africa many go blind there for things that are routine and fixable here.

That is what he told me when I asked about the cataract forming. He stopped and was confused about my concern and he said it is so routine they even do it in Nelson and I do not have to go to Vancouver or even the bigger hospital two towns from here!!! They can even put a lense in when they remove the cataract to restore 20/20 vision. Oh I said!!!Do not worry he said. Thank you I said and left to find my bicycle...

Blessed Be.

Hoda said... places where there are year round glaciers which we have, depending on the direction of the wind, it feels the winter time or early spring it can be very cold too.

Today we have a cool breeze but not enough for a jacket and certainly sandal weather.

I am in before the rain. We are to get thunder storms later on today.

Thinking of JUDIE.

SANDI glad you are done with this year.

DANA is finished with camp too as of tomorrow I do believe.


Sandi said...

Afternoon all! The earlier storms stayed north of us but the skies opened up about 15 minutes ago! Shew!!!!

My students are gone and my room is pretty well packed up. Tomorrow is my last day with teachers only.

Stay safe and dry everyone!!


Lolly said...

Hoda, I have had cataract surgery on both eyes. Had an infection after the first one, but all was well after the second. I still wear glasses for reading, but they are no line bifocals so I wear them all the time. Do not like putting them on and off.

After surgery you would just need someone to drive you home.

Lolly said...

I am boy and my dog are gone. They left about a half hour ago. Jack will leave Luke at the house unload stuff and then take Jacob to practice. His parents should be getting home at about the time practice is over.

Lolly said...

I have a meeting at 7, in the mean time I have peace and quiet. lol

grannyblt said...

Hello eagle watchers.

Finally got my internet and phone line back after being off for 24 hrs. The problem began before the storm. so probably not weather related. The cable guys are coming tomorrow anyway to see what the problem was.
The storm came through here around 330 am. I slept in the basement just in case. Hope all of you to the east are all right.
Here's hoping for more glimpses of our nest this year.

stronghunter said...

Sun shining brightly now. I think there is not any serious damage around here. Probably trees down in places.

stronghunter said...

Hunter decided he was starving awhile ago. He went upstairs with a bag of chips and some salsa. I try to keep that kind of stuff around. Much better than cookies and candy.

magpie said...

Whew, good Shirley...I can breathe again...
my sister in Roanoke was in the
target for bad weather also...hoping to hear from her soon....

I think many folks are having some
computer problems...
glad you got YOURS taken care of
grannyblt...and I hope the techies can figure out the problem....
hoping that WANDA gets hers squared away sometime soon too !

magpie said...

Okay Sandi, NOW I can say
One More Day...

Congratulations for pushing
through all that you had to do
this year

Good Eyeball news, Hoda....
wow, what a workout at the
eye doctor's !

paula eagleholic said...

Rain hit here but not too bad. We were coming back from Rehoboth and missed the worst of it. Still raining...but no more thunder or lightening..

Heading back to Paradise tomorrow to finish screwing down the floor backer and paint b4 the tile and vanity and toilet go in.

magpie said...

Yes, Diann.....local and not
general anasthesia...I will come home
with four holes in my wrist !
One week from tomorrow

I want to say so much more, but I have some forward progress going on here at the Roost, so I better press on

thinking of ALL including our Royal Eagle Family at this time...
just can't shake the time to
go view the nest right now....

Mema Jo said...

Blackwater Osprey Egg Mystery

magpie said...

fascinating time lapse video clips, Jo....thank you....
oh dear, I hope this couple has at least ONE hatch...
Thank You.....

magpie said...

back to putting winter scarves, hats and gloves and other winter
things put far far away for
a few months !

paula eagleholic said...

Go to it Margy!

magpie said...

Thanks Paula....
I enjoy your FREEDOM

Hoda said...

Love you MARGY!!! Scarves tuques mitts coats???what are they do I even own any??? How quickly I forget...glad yours are going way way waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy back in the closet...

Safe travels tomorrow PAULA

LOLLY I think it is so sweet how you as Grandparents are always there for the Grand kids. Blessed Be. Thank you for telling me you had the surgery and that you are doing fine now even though there was an infection...yes on getting someone else to drive...HUGS.

Off to yoga in a few so I will sign off for now and will check back in if the storm that is coming does not take out our internet...


JudyEddy said...

Good evening watch 4 eagle in the CA nest this is the third food delivery I have seen today Three mouth to feed Big fish in nest now

Lolly said...

Time to leave for church. Suffering great withdrawal! Called Jack to ask a lot of questions about Luke being at home and Jacob at practice. He just laughed at all my questions.

Later Gators!

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn rode her bike around the block and we ran in to a dead rat on the side walk was not a pretty sight flies no smell fresh cat kill I guess Jordyn almost freaked out to I assured her there is no harm he is dead and we just went around I let Ken know across the street that he had a unwelcome visitation waiting for him on the sidewalk before his dogs went out His cat probably killed it and left it out there
Then we went to dinner and then came home Jordyn was so cute today shopping at the thrift store Like a kid in a candy shop Her eyes got so wide when she saw the dresses she got She herself had found them in the rack ahead of where i was looking We will go tomorrow to the Sal ARmy

JudyEddy said...

It wild watching 4 eagle in a nest It really seem like a huge nest with room for more

JudyEddy said...

ADULT in with another fish at the CA nest

magpie said...

I can picture Princess Jordyn,
JudyE, sounds like GREAT fun!
Sorry about the dead critter,
oh dear :(

magpie said...

lots and lots of scarves and gloves and a few hats, Hoda....
I have some summer scarves, sometimes it is quite cool at the office....

magpie said...

Feeling for Lolly on the
sigh.....lots of precious
memories though, and surely
so for Jacob !

Safe return travel wishes for
Laurel Joey and Joseph....

and for DanaMo from her ministry
work also

magpie said...

Breezy, considerably cooler tonight,
and the sunset and clouds were very
Nice crescent moon out also,
a few days old now....

gaining in height and size

magpie said...

more work to attend to
before the inimitable Sandperson arrives....
and thinking of Judie and
her travails every day....

"One Day at a Time"

ttfn before bedtime,
Best Wishes for Good Evening
Times for All...

JudyEddy said...

I put pic on misc blog of Jordyn and the cloths I bought
Pic of Jordyn in her long gown she got today and other pics

JudyEddy said...

adult is still in the CA nest I am watching on a single cam not the whole page

JudyEddy said...

Here is the link to it if you want it
CA nest with THREE juvies

JudyEddy said...

I hope JUDIE is doing ok with the stress of remodeling

JudyEddy said...

I love that cam the there is usually a eaglet facing the cam on the nest They are so stinkin cute up close and personal Trouble is I was up late last night watching them not thinking of the time Will try not do the same tonight

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

I SEE those juvie CA Eagles, JudyE,
thanks...beautiful view there

magpie said...

Bedtime looms....
and workday after sleep time...

RED FLAG DAY FRIDAY coming up right around the corner
God Bless Our Military
and God Bless America

Prayers for Wellness and Safety,
All Around Amongst Us

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

JudyEddy said...

I am watching them to but I need to get my butt to bed That was the 6th time I have seen feeding today She is one busy fishing MOM EAGLE and such a big fishing hole

Mema Jo said...

I have come to say Good Night to All

So thankful about how the storms were not severe here. Prayers for all others that have damage.

Hope to see sunshine tomorrow
Kris and Jenny and Michael are going to do some shopping with me then lunch. It should be great fun even if we only buy something for someone else.

Good Night SED & AOYP
I ♥ us

Mema Jo said...

Sharon and Glo I am going to dream of Flag Day and Spunky ♥

stronghunter said...

Very quiet now, and I am sleepy. I will visit again tomorrow. SED, everyone.

NatureNut said...

Passed bedtime already! Kept waiting to see all day what the weather was going to do. In early AM they announced Fed. workers could get off early in PM!Schools still open were closed!
About 5 PM we got 10 whole minutes of heavy rain! We were lucky~~was worse north of us & possible tornado in Laurel.
Weather didn't hurt my plants, but in AM a squirrel jumped down from railing right onto a flower pot and broke a couple lantana branches. They are like gold to me~~~one I could wrap w/tape & hope it survives! Plant ER
I wonder if Judie found the place that all missing and discarded things gather? How funny~~Ceil and I just exchanged emails & I'll have to ask if she knows where her garland went?!!!!
Glad everyone is surviving storms~~~prayers for Delphia's brother and ALL in need.
Pleasant Feather Dreams;>)

Lolly said...

Jack and I are sitting grandson, no sad!

Laurel, Joey, and Joseph were home by the time baseball practice was over. They had a fabulous time!

Hoda said...

Very pretty picture of JORDYN spinning in her new gown JUDYE.

Rain storm here.

Very good yoga class.

Tomorrow starts a very busy weekend and it will run well into Monday.
Garage sale pricing and set up tomorrow morning. Fund raiser for the Grans. Then to yoga and then to pick up the food donations for the Kukua Pomaja supper on Monday...the donations are coming in and we need to get organized on that...
Saturday Paddling in the Morning. Relay for Life for cancer surviovours. The Dragon Team with Pipers form an ARCH OF TRIUMPH. We dress in team colours and we raise our paddles to form an arch and the pipers pipe them through with crownds cheering and families meeting them at the end of the arch. It gets very emotional. From there I go to the Cottonwood Market, Grans fund raiser...we have two going on on Saturday!!! Then to groceries and to prepare for the pot luck yoga retreat Sunday...Sunday I drop off the groceries to the Kukuoa Pamoja cooks and then pick up people to drive out to our all day retreat.
Monday I have four hours in the dentist's chair, for two crowns and then I go help cook and set up for supper to be served at 5:30 and lasts till 8:30!!!

I will check in once a day and yet do not promise that I will be able to read back each day. I will do so on Tuesday to catch up to everyone's news.

I ♥♥♥ US

Hoda said...

That is not nice JACK!!!

Now I am curious what questions were you asking LOLLY?

I hope LAUREL JOSEPH and JOEY have arrived safely and that JACK is back home too...that JACOB did well with his baseball!!!

Lolly said...

Calling it a day.

Night all! SED!

Lolly said...

Hoda, you missed my post. Everyone is safe and sound in their proper homes. :)

Ball practice went well. Better than Monday.

Does sound like you have a big, busy weekend ahead. Nite!

Hoda said...

Oh I see it LOLLY...thank you.



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mema Jo, that made me smile. Wonder how many babies Spunky had this year?

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends. Happy Flag Day/Absolutely Last Day of School Before Summer Break!

Hoda, busy weekend is right!

Jo, did Spunky fledge on Flag day? Happy to hear that Michael has a Haiti departure date - how wonderful for him!!

Judie, hope you are surviving the painting/carpet replacement!

Shirley, glad you didn't get any severe weather yesterday!

Still drizzling here and then temps only around 70 for today. My 3 tennis girls (who are all out of the tournament) are leaving today, heading to Buffalo for the next tournament. They were all perfect houseguests. I will need to strip beds, wash sheets, vacuum and dust, and clean bathrooms before the family arrives next week for their first stay of the summer.

Make it a great day all!

glo said...

Happy Flag Day everyone. You can see the nest and watch a fledge "(or 3)" at our nest today. You just need to back up a few years. We can all feel younger for 3 mins or so LOL. A Day to Always Remember in many different ways

Lori O. said...

Good Red Friday morning eagle fans!

HODA, you are SUPER busy! Good luck with all your chores and events today.

LOLLY, glad you had such a great time with Jacob and Luke. It will seem quiet now for the next few days.

SHIRLEY, happy you are safe after those close storms! Loved the term fur children! :)

JO, tell Michael hello and I'm so proud of him for returning to Haiti and all his progress.

SANDI, congratulations on your last day of school!!!! Your summer vacation is almost underway. Lucky you!

JUDYE, very cute pic of Jordyn in her new Sal Army dress! You're such a great Oma!

JUDIE, hope all is going quickly with the remodel. I know you're going nuts with the chaos, but it will be so nice when it's done.

PAULA, safe travels to Paradise today.

DIANN, so nice to see you on the blog! Big Hugs!

C/A, hope your weather is good today and our rain isn't moving your way!

Don't have any big plans today. I'll probably take the fur children (LOL) for a ride in the car, but it's too wet to mow or spray. I keep finding more poison ivy I need to kill.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO had to come home and glue my side mirror on went in the new car cash FREE today but it popped off my mirror Now it was broke before The funny thing is the glue worked just broke in a different spot OK heading out again with Jordyn

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Feeling nostalgic this morning. This is a repost of my report from Spunky's fledge. This was such an exciting time for me. I felt like I was the one flying out of the tree.

From a post by Sharon at 6:41 this am:

6:41 a.m. He is at the launching pad. Been moving his wings a little bit, trying to get up the courage. Just back over to 9 o'clock and did a little poop shoot and then back to the launching pad. Lightened that load a little bit! Oh my God, he just spread his wings out, he has the look. Nope, folded them back in! Doing a lot of flapping all over the nest. Back at the launching pad, looking around. Just moved a little closer to the edge. He wants to really bad! He is so close to the edge, his head gets out of camera range sometimes. He keeps spreading his wings out like he is going to and then back in. It is 6:50 now. A little head bopping going on. Camera freezing up a little bit. Wings back out. Now back in but head still bobbing. My heart is racing. Head keeps going out of view. 6:56 a.m. Wings back out. 6:58 a.m. SPUNKY HAS FLEDGED!!!

glo said...

Some of us will always feel nostalgic on this day. I did post the link back an hour or so ago. Dex and I are off to the park. HAGD all and if you want to see a fledge or 3 just back up and hour or so on here.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Slept in this morning, but I've been up for awhile. Looks to be a lovely, sunny day out there. It was cloudy earlier.

stronghunter said...

Love the play-by-play, Sharon.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to All

What a beautiful morning it is here in my valley on this historic Flag day. Spunky who took flight on flag day will always be my first thought on this day along with Sharon and Glo! What a day for celebration.

Daughters will be here within the hour and we are going to go shopping- taking Michael along!

Every one stay well and fly your flags

stronghunter said...

Okay, how did I manage to lose all of the batteries in the remote controls for my bedroom TV?

The battery thief has been at it again.

I am learning all kinds of things on the Weather Channel because that is what is on.

I may be out of luck. I found two empty battery packages downstairs. How many batteries does it take to run an x-Box?????

Kay said...

Happy Flag Flying Day, dear Eagle Buds !

HODA, you'll be sooo happy once the cataracts are removed. A new lease on life occurs when eyesight is so beautifully and easily restored !!!

Sounds like we all escaped the worst of the big storm that plowed through Central Ohio and eastward toward so many of you. Some Columbus suburbs had horrible damage, but no loss of life. Our area was soggy, but otherwise unscathed.

So happy to read about all your activities and to find no new prayer requests !

Wish we'd get some word on "fledgeing" by our current darlings, but must assume all is well at Sycamore Palace.

Love y'all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

HOME from the Great Exploration Pretty cool place to take kids
Now she is out like a light nap time
and I am doing laundry
HI KAY good to see you on the blog as always
OH and Angie told Jordyn only two dresses if we get any today OK we went to Goodwill and Sal Army one I have never been to and yep she got ONLY TWO at each store OOPS I am in big trouble with Angie LOL and she got boots too

JudyEddy said...

each dress was only 2.17 cheap can we say The one is a shiny black dress
every gal needs a little black dress don't you think LOL

JudyEddy said...

I am watching the CA nest right now while waiting for the next step in the laundry cycle 27 is eating a fish while the others wait patiently looks like

CarolAnne said...

Hoping everyone is having a great day.

NEED BIRD ID HELP - We saw, first in one plowed field, then in another, way on the back edge birds that had white heads & dark bodies, EAGLES we thought. However, they appeared a bit smaller than an adult eagle and when one flew up it had sculpted wings more like a sea gull. Tried for a pic, but not much luck. Google was no help. ANY IDEAS??

CarolAnne said...

LORI, we have survived the "almost" derecho thunderstorms. Lots & lots of rain and thunder with a few bright flashes thrown in. Gardens & ponds well watered. Today is a beautiful sunny day. Predicting two rain storms morning & evening tomorrow.

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

CA OSPREY maybe did have a white belly

Lori O. said...

Happy Flag Day!

KAY and C/A, glad to hear you escaped harm from the storms and you're both safe!

JUDYE, sorry about your truck mirror...pia!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

So glad to hear that everyone has survived the storm that's been going on back east!

Lolly, I can SO relate to your separation anxiety! It's TOO quiet in the house when the grandkids have gone home!

Hoda, your eye doctor sounds very thorough, and I'm glad he's taking such good care of you! Thanks for the good report, and have a fabulous weekend!

Been thinking of you, Judie, and hope you're surviving with all the stuff going on at your place. Hope your kitties are adjusting!

JudyE, sorry to hear about your side-view mirror! Gosh, what a pain!

Margy, can't wait until your surgery is over, so you can be on the mend. Prayers!

Shirley, I hope you can find some batteries! Maybe you need a lock box to keep them in, and you could wear the key around your neck! LOL

Well, gotta go get some lunch. My tummy is growling at me! Hope everyone is having a great Red, Flag Day Friday!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!

JudyEddy said...

Home from depositing Jordyn at Angie work they are off to look at another house tonight
this one has a indoor pool just put on the market yesterday

LORI I glued the mirror back on It broke in a new place and was easier to glue this time and the electrical part still works on it to adjust it I used the glue that I bought in the sporting good dept for boats and wow does it work They recommend to use the whole tube at once but I have used it 4 times now and this was the last time had to cut it to get the glue to come out but its fixed

I am watching the three eagles run back and forth the nest they are so lucky to have such a big next there

JudyEddy said...

I just love that view the adult just flew in and you could see her in the distance coming in with another fist 28 claimed it now I think

JudyEddy said...

as the parent flew off all three were tracking her and are they stretching their necks looking

JudyEddy said...

fish not fist

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon/evening. See that most have checked in since the stormy weather. Glad all is well - or as well as can be expected.

Hope Judie is still sane with the redecorating. It will be worth it when it is over - really. Assume she found her shoes and is searching for the place of no return.

Safe travel for Paula going to her paradise. Looks like the weather will be good for bird watching when you take a break from the flooring.

Lori, it's good to be back if only occasionally.

Lolly, sorry your house guests went home. Now you can get some rest. Grand boys are tiring but we love them to pieces.

Time to find some food, need to go grossery shopping. BBL

Lolly said...

Howdy! Got out early to mow. Finished the mowing, edging, and blowing and then just stayed out and worked in flowerbeds. It was cloudy for a while, so not too bad. I am now clean, shampooed and sitting in my chair with a glass of wine. I drank water, but lost 2 lbs working in the yard!

Wish all of you could come over. Right now the yard looks fantastic. The caladiums are coming up. However, it will be downhill from here. Lack of water will do that to lawn and flowerbeds!

PA Nana said...

Oh, Lolly, so sorry to hear all your hard work is for naught. Shake that rain stick harder. Your gardens are spectacular and wish you could come and work in mine. Just can't make a farmer out of Jim. Can't leave him alone in the gardens. Except the roses. He can distinguish them from weeds.

He pulled out a runner of my autumn clematis and was so proud he pulled out a weed. Aarrrgghhh!

Any news from Wanda? Miss her and Lynne2.

Jim is cooking bacon for BLTs for supper so I don't have to hunt in the bottomless pantry.

Lori O. said...

Feeling the yard mowed!

DIAN, wouldn't screamed if someone pulled out my clematis. Could see how he could mistake it for a wild vine, though.

Lori O. said...

DIAN, should be I WOULD have screamed about the clematis!

Mema Jo said...

I had a really great time with 3 of my adult children today - They even took me to Taco Bells!

We are all getting together Sun at noon for Father's day brunch. Mainly adult children with their spouses and some of the grandsons. It will be nice - when we do 14 in attendance I love taking them to a restaurant

Lolly said...

I would have screamed about the Clematis too!! LOL We just went out to admire the work done today, but it is just too darn hot! 91 and no breeze.

CarolAnne said...

JUDYE - thanks for the possible bird identification. Googled osprey and it just might be. Hopoe to see them again on the return trip Sunday.

CarolAnne said...

SUCH A COMMOTION - sitting on the porch swing and a great flapping & chattering came from the nearby tree. A hawk was attempting to get a young squirrel. The hawk flew off & circled back to a nearby tree. That little squirrel posed head down on the tree trunk & whimpered & chattered for 15 minutes. We attempted to scare the hawk off, not sure if we succeeded (as company arrived) but there was no more commotion.

JudyEddy said...

CA the Hawk slayer LOL Kudos on the effort hope the squirrel can live another day

JudyEddy said...

WOW the waves are really rolling at the CA nest to the left side big time

JudyEddy said...

WANDA should be online in a week or so waiting on a new puter her old one is a PIA

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all

Back at the bathroom just about ready for new floor.

Gorgeous here all day..pretty sunset

Hoda said...

I saw the post of the sunset on FB PAULA...yes very beautiful.


SHAR I love your post of SPUNKY cool. GLO I love the video...I watched it twice today.

Glad you had a good day JO.

Garage sale items all set, we had so much we took some to the SHARE store and some will have to be taken by husbands to the dump...where do people keep all of this stuff. We have it covered with tarps right now as it is supposed to continue raining over night.

Good day here.

JORDYN is spoilt JUDYE!!!

WIll be glad to see WANDA back on here.

Thank you for your posts C/A

Hoda said...

OH DIANN sad about the pulled runner. He had good intentions I suppose.
LOLLY are you rationed on water or can you water every day to keep this beautiful yard of your looking good?

Mema Jo said...

You sunset photo on FB was awesome, Paula.

Thanks for doing the squirrel rescue, CA. I sure hope it worked.
Most of the squirrels that come for our peanuts are the very young ones.

Wanda did comment to Lolly this morning: Good morning, Lolly. Miss being able to get there with you all! Hoping for a new 'puter next week! I'm using FIREFOX right now and it freezes sometimes and won't allow me to do anything for the rest of the day!

Mema Jo said...

I have eaten my ice cream and there aren't any good programs on TV. I am headed for a couple games of solitaire and then I'll close down for the day.

Good Night and SED & AOYP
I ♥ US

It has been a great Flag Day especially remembering our Spunky!

Hoda said...

Good night JO.
Glad you had a good day!

Lolly said...

Jo, I am glad you saw that comment from Wanda because....I never saw it. Searched for it, but never saw it.??????? I had put a message on her fb page but for some reason I never got her message.

We are on water rationing. We can water with the sprinkler system 2 times a week. I can water by holding the hose, which I do. We have very sandy soil and it dries very quickly!!!

Lolly said...

Ok, found her comment. She made a reply to my comment last Wed. I just missed it. Thanks for calling it to my attention.

stronghunter said...

Home from baseball. Stopping by for a moment to say good night. Have a good night, everyone. I will see you tomorrow. SED.

Hoda said...



paula eagleholic said...

SED love and hugs for all <3

Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning my eagle friends! And a beautiful day it is here in Bethany!

Tennis and some beach time for me today - THEN I'll do some laundry and cleaning to get ready for the next batch of company. Tennis girls left yesterday.

Make it a great day all!

magpie said...

Good Saturday Morning, Eagle Pals...

Beauteous Day here,
and surrounding areas....but watching some weather in some of our
Eagle Corners....hope all be well, and safe.......

Happy Freedom, Sandi ! You made it!

Best Wishes to Every One...
for a Very Good Day....
Hope to SEE you from the Dough

7 or so posts and we go to the

xoxoxo !

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Kathryn is getting ready to go to work and Hunter's dad is supposed to pick him up at 9:00.

Baseball was interesting last night. The pitcher from the other team collided with Hunter at home plate. There was some kind of action with the pitcher's glove and Hunter which resulted in the pitcher getting ejected from the game. We were all surprised. The boy is a friend of Hunter's. They have been teammates in prior summers, and we saw nothing but an attempt to score an out, really.

However, our team got clobbered, 14(?)-2. The two runs were Hunter's. We have a play-off game on Monday, maybe against this same team. They're undefeated. We have one win.

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Oh wow, I had not seen the baby kestrels (because I had not been
looking) for oaver a week,
they lookfully feathered and colored
and ready to head on out of the
nest box

Hellloooo from the Dough $$ Factory

magpie said...

that's some excitement at home
plate, Shirley.....
tough call I guess by the umpires....

gotta type on some other
projects now..

Watch, the SPLIT is real close !

magpie said...

well, the kestrel babies
are not quite fully feathered

Judie said...

Knock knock! Knock knock! Hellooooooo? May I come in, please?

Oh thank you. I've been looking forward to visiting again. Seems I've been away for a very long time. So happy to have the computer working.

Painting is complete. Foreman returns Monday to make sure all is okay. Place looks totally different and I am very happy. The word "wallpaper" is forever on my naughty word list. Now begins the work of putting things back in order. Upstairs carpet Wed. or Thurs. so some things will have to wait.

Ever dabbed up a dirty spot on the kitchen floor only to find that was just the beginning of cleaning the entire floor? That's my world.

Hoping everyone is doing okay. Have a wonderful Saturday.

Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle family!!!

The weekend has arrived. Happy Saturday!

So glad I mowed the yard yesterday. We're going to a cook out this afternoon in Annapolis, MD. Taking RoRo because they have a pool and he loves to swim! It's quite a sight. :)

HODA, good luck with the yard sale today. Hope you makes lots of money.

PAULA, hope you get the bathroom done today. Need to search for your sunset picture.

SANDI, good luck with your tennis game!!!

LOLLY, sorry about your water rationing. At least you have two days and can water with a hose. That will help a lot. Hope you get lots of rain, soon!

Make it a great day, everyone. Lots of love, light, smiles and joy for all!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 903   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...