Wednesday, June 12, 2013


New thread.  We are working on an alternative cam, but no definitive word yet.

New thread.


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Lori O. said...


magpie said...

Welcoem back Judie !!!
Good report, sounds bright and cheery

Have fun today at the cookout,
Maybe you will see some flying eagles...
the weather should be perfectomundo!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning on this exceptionally beautiful day! It is a joy to awaken to such weather.

Tennis, beach, BBQ, swimming pool and ball games - SUMMER IS HERE

Judie - very happy to see your comment of all the work that is well done. Sounds like you have quite an efficient crew of painters!

Shirley, it sounds like Hunter is doing very well with his batting average and with the catcher's position. I wish his team could get some wins before the season ends.

Lolly said...

Good morning!! There is a slight chance of rain today....pray! Today was a day of watering so no going out and holding the hose today. LOL

Instead I am going to a nursery to get some Cora Vincas. Periwinkles that stand up to very hot temps! My Larkspur are about through blooming and time to plant summer blooms.

Michael has been busy with an important trial, this past week and next week. It is in Dallas but he is not going home but staying at a hotel. Staying up most of the night working on the trial. He is literally working 24/7. Ashley and Zach are going to visit him Sunday at his hotel. Geeesh!!!

Lolly said...

Have heard from Wanda this morning. She did not know our cam was down. Certainly will be happy to have her back on the blog.

stronghunter said...


Well, Tom has come to pick up Hunter. Don't like to complain, but get frustrated with divorce issues sometimes. People can be so self-righteous when they have no right to be that way.

It is a beautiful day out there. I really need to get going.

Yay! Glad things are coming along Judie.

CarolAnne said...

Raining here in the northwoods. (Sorry Lolly). Mosquitos are the size of sparrows. :o(

Love the rain storms here. No lightning, but thunder that rolls & rolls until it fades away.

Hoping everyone's day goes well.

magpie said...

especially if the kids feel
any of the fall-out, Shirley...

hope it works out OK one of these find days

magpie said...

with time crunches it is easy
but not comfortable to get
that "I'm slipping away" feeling...but I can say it is
time if really crunching hard
these days

I honestly don't know how so many of you keep up so well with so many things....

magpie said...

one of these "fine" days, Shirley...

did you replace the batteries for the remote control?
hmmm, petty larceny, eh ?

magpie said...

one little lonely baby kestrel in the nest box


magpie said...

Today is National Hollerin' Contest day

also World Jugglers' Day

and Smile Power Day :)

stronghunter said...

We had a math teacher at Culpeper who was a talented juggler, Margy. Fun to watch him.

stronghunter said...

Hollerin'--I believe there is a good hollerin' contest in North Carolina . . . Grandfather Mountain, as I recall.

CarolAnne said...

In case anyone needs a smile I posted a cute pic on my 2013.

(Still loving that dear sweet Lynn)

magpie said...

a smile, make that
a bunch of smiles, CarolAnne...

Shirley....I love juggling...
hope to learn how to do it

Mema Jo said...

Thanks CA - smile was from cheek to cheek and then some! ♥ I do miss her

I will be headed to Mass shortly -
I have a feeling that whoever is up in the nest is having a blast today with this weather!

I made and baked a meatloaf yesterday - I'll heat it in the oven so that our supper will be ready when we walk in the door from Mass. 6:00 is a little late for us to be eating.

Lolly said...

Baby hedgehogs are adorable! Oh, and love your avatar, too! Makes me smile, CarolAnne!

Lolly said...

Have been to the nursery and the grocery store, made Jack some jello, now to put on my grubbies and get grubby outside. Only 86 but the humidity is up. No rain...again, Please pray!

Lolly said...

Storms seem to be west of us and moving NE...well dern!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I had to go to Bluefield Regional ER because I fell on Wythe Avenue and ended up sitting on the bottom of my right foot and leg. I have a deep wound on my knee, abrasions on the top of my foot and tops of my toes. Hurts from my hip to my toes. I will take all the prayers, positive energy and light you can send to me. Love and hugs. Nothing broken but Lord have mercy, it hurts.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO Home from work see everyone so far has had a good day and yepper I smiled big time seeing CA pictures they are so cute

JudyEddy said...

OH NO SHARON I just saw your boo boo on facebook YOU BROKE THE #1 rule watch out you will be flogged with a wet noodle

Lolly said...

Heck...I am going ahead and flogging her with a wet noodle!!!

Sharon, you spend too much time in the emergency room! This has got to stop!!! NOW!

Love, hugs, and prayers for sure! But, the wet noodle flogging too!!

stronghunter said...

Goodness, Sharon. They need to name a section of the emergency room for you Bluefield ladies.

magpie said...

Sharon, I am sorry, and Shirley
has a pretty cool idea about
naming a section of the hospital after The Southern Delegation...

I have some news....
I went to the road alongside NCTC
saw two juveniles and one adult,
more in next post

Hello Eagle Pals !!!

magpie said...

I realized this would be only day to take a ride to the nest area.....
around 5 or so I got there.....
One juvie was perched on a branch
down about 15 feet and to the right as we view the tree from the road...
and the nest was empty...
ten mins later, this juvenile takes off, a nice swooping flight towards the river....this juvie was mostly brown with some gold tones....

a few mins later, an adult eagle came to the next, and this same juvenile followed right along....I trust the Adult left some food, because Belle or Shep whichever one it was, did not stay long at all...but the juvie did and seemed to be eating.....

then, a minute or two later, a beautiful eagle with whitish tail feather flew to and landed gently on the I figure it was chow time.

I watched for another 15 mins, and saw two juvie heads poking up from the nest....wanted to stay longer and watch for more ins and outs....eagle ins and outs....but I had to get along to the grocery store.....
So, all looks good as far as I could tell

magpie said...

sorry for a few typos...but I am cramped up lots of typing from work and being in the car too long and
scoooching down on the ground to gaze through the binocs.....

very very nice it was.....

must go out and get a walk and
loosen up...

Good Evening and Healing and Wellness and Joyful Wishes to

Hoda said...

SHAR I agree this has got to stop!!! I literally hold my breath and tense up when ever I hear of the accidents that you have been having and it is not good!!! I am glad nothing is broken but am very upset that you are once more uncomfortable.Blessed Be I send you much Light and Prayers and Good energy andmay you heal post haste!!!

I made it through the day's obligations and am glad to be home. It was a good day and I do not know the tally of the garage sale and the Cottonwood market sale.If there are any left overs we were to sell them tomorrow so we will see how it goes. I will let you know when I know. I am sure we will do fine. When I was at Cottonwood I sold a 100 dollars worth of baked goods...there were three shifts of us and so am not sure what the other two shifts did. They like our products and there are many old ladies who like to bake for us.

The Relay for Life was Emotional. There was a little 7 year old girl who got diagnosed with a brain tumor and has had two brain surgeries and one heart failure from all the chemo and radiation and the recusitated her and this summer is very excited to be going to camp for three weeks. She was a joy and she gave us all a high five as she was walking under the Arch of Truimph. There was a twenty something young girl who could not walk under the arch because she was too emotional so we walked to her and formed it over her and my oh my there were tears...I wish her well she is still afraid and does not trust the remission.

Beautiful day here.

Glad JUDIE came back and it sounds wonderful what is happening in her house.

Sorry about the self righteous indignation SHIRLEY...I usually find such people dig them selves further and further in a hole!!!
As MARGY says it makes it more difficult with a child...I hope it sorts itself out.

I wish JACK well LOLLY for his diet and for his procedure on Monday. I hope it all goes well and am glad that you will celebrate Father's Day a week late.
As to MICHAEL it is amazing to me how much he works. I presume he needs to foucs so strongly on the cases he takes on and that is what makes him a good lawyer...

I have to prepare a quinoa salad for tomorrow's yoga retreat. I am a bit tired but not the worse for wear...I am staying in for the rest of the day...wrapping a gift for the lady who is sharing her studio for our retreat and writing a card...making a salad and choosing a poem to read for the gathering after the yoga offering.

Life is a blessing.

Glad of the new President in Iran.
Sad about the happenings and violence in Turkey.
Thinking of the mass demonstrations called for on the 30th of June in will not be good.


I say


magpie said...

well it has happened, I "done lost my last post n"

I said Howdy Hoda
and out the door I go while there is
some daylight left....

JudyEddy said...

MARGY YEAH LOVE YOU for the great report I posted it on facebook for the others to see on the eagle cam site that is connected with facebook on the bottom of the camera

SOOO happy you saw them

Hoda said...

AWESOME report on the nest visit MARGY!!!
Way to go Way to go~!!!
Thank you very very very much.

Blessed Be...
They are on their way!
Glad they still come to the nest though...I would like to see them one more time so I hope the alternative camera gets situated before too long.

Mema Jo said...

Margy Thank you so much for the 'ground report' Lots of action you saw which proves all is well at the Sycamore Palace.

Judy thanks for spreading the word of the report in all the right places.

I asked Sharon where her Eagle cane was as to why she didn't have it with her at all times when she is walking! I feel so badly for her

Hoda said...

OK this is an ignorant question: Do we actually own EAGLE CANES?
Who carves them and how can I get in touch with them so I too can have one. I have been looking around here and maybe some of the native community can make me one but I wanted to know where you all get yours and if they are hand carved and are they sold in NCTC?
Can I ask STEVE about that? Do you have a phone number for their shop? Would the be able to send me one? Can we actually walk with them or are they ornamental?

Hoda said...

JO! MEMA JO I was actually asking you since you brought it up about the canes and it was so clear in my mind I wrote JO but it does not show in my previous post!!!

JudyEddy said...

HODA I bought my eagle can at the NCTC shop Maybe someone up there can get one and get it shipped to you

JudyEddy said...

and yes you can walk with them I took mine on vacation with me when I went looking at waterfalls worked good also use to to tap on trail to make noises when you are by yourself to alert critters

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDYE I knew you had one and that you took it to the Falls Vacation.
Now I would like to know if it is hand carved and how much it costs and how tall are you and do they have them in if I said I was 5'4 would they be able to size it for me...?

Hoda said...

Would you be able to take a picture of your cane with its eagle head and with its hight so I can see what they are like JUDYE?

Hoda said...

There was a spectacular Trooping The Colour at London today. It was Her Majesty's 61st taking The Salute. Only in 1955 was it cancelled because of a railroad strike...She took it once as a Deputy of her father King George VI. Only twice before today, in the 1960's due to trips abroad, has the Duke of Edinburgh been absent and he was absent today. He is in the hospital after exploratory surgery. The Royals did put on a fine show...last official appearance for the Duchess of Cambridge before she gives birth to the Royal Baby in the middle of July.

magpie said...

You are all welcome, and
thank you for the kind remarks,
and thank you JudyE for making the Royal Eagles news more widespread....

I am slam wore out right that's about all I can manage for now

magpie said...

I do want to say
BRAVO Hoda, your posts about
your day are very touching...
I really wish I could say more
about more.....
everything I read hear means a lot to me

Janet said...

Good evening all. Sorry about my absence....Sharon: hope all is well. That fall sure didn't sound good at all!!!

I have been struggling with this cold. A cold isn't much, but it sure knocks you out, doesn't it?

I did manage to get fathers day shopping and shopping done for chelsea's birthday on tuesday. I came home, did a few thigns and went back to sleep.

Not a lot going on here. Just going thru the day and thankful for all that is good in our lives...

Love and hugs to all.

Hoda said...

Good to see you on here JANET.
Yes you were missed and yes a cold knocks you out...good to rest and drink water...

Love and Hugs to you too

stronghunter said...

Hoda, I have seen eagle canes at the NCTC gift shop. I am sure you can get in touch with someone who works there who can answer your questions.

stronghunter said...

Hoda, I have seen eagle canes at the NCTC gift shop. I am sure you can get in touch with someone who works there who can answer your questions.

stronghunter said...

It is really time for me to wind down for the evening and rest my eyes. I have been on the computer far too long.

Rest well my friends. I will see you tomorrow. SED.

Mema Jo said...

I need to call it a day... very tired

Hoda I will t\ry to find out info for you on the canes.

Everyone take care and SED
God Bless you and your loved ones...

Good night ♥

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds!!Had to get on here before the eyeballs shut down soon!!!Zooey at Park today and not from animals!
Ms Sharon!!! That is just not allowed! Hope you feel much better ASAP~~Prayers. I have a nice walking stick from the Park. I want to try and find an Eagle handle for it. Not easy---have to know exact size around & not many sites tell you that.
Margy, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the eagle report!I could SEE what was happening from your narrative.How great they were there! Will you be allowed to drive after surgery with the other hand?? Nice field trip to go and watch the nest!
Things are much more quiet around our deck and yard. The unbelievable house wren chicks showed their tiny heads in the birdhouse doorway on TH, and Friday morning they were gone!!!!I have heard Mr.'s chirping next door, so I guess he's trying to keep the family together. Miss them.
Have a few pictures I hope to get on blog maybe tomorrow.
Talked to daughter last night~~~they might get into new house end of July!!! A few glitches, some big that have to be corrected. Some things look great, but don't work!They already have some tenants---swallows built a nest on an archway over the front porch door!!!!
Happy Father's Day to all the Dadsters, Good Health Prayers for ALL and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. Watched some TV tonight.

Thank you, thank you for a fantastic ground report on our eagles. Awesome!!!! They are flying!!!!!

Night all! SED!!!

Hoda said...

Thank you SHIRLEY and JO...

JO???I am not happy with you being very tired? I hope you are not coming down with something.
Blessed Be.

I have to make a presentation during the Yoga workshop tomorrow so have been looking for poems that I can use.

I will give a ride to two yoginis who want to go out to the workshop.
I will check in when I come back from the workshop which is around 5:00 my time which is 8:00 your time.



PattiO said...

I've known a few of you on this page for a number of years. Some of you I don't know at all.

I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone here ... but I thought the Momsters were about the Eagles..?

The cam is down and as I spend precious time scrolling through the posts I find barely a mention of them. This blog has become nothing more than a chat page. I know more about everyone's medical conditions and grandchildren than I know about this eagle pair.

I know you have all become close friends and I can appreciate that. This is why forums are more productive, IMO, given that there can be a separate page for chat.

I hope the 2 youngsters are doing well ... probably fledged by now.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

PattiO, last week Mema Ko went to the nest and gave us a report and yesterday Magpie went to the nest and reported what she saw. It is really hard to report on something we can't see, since the cam is down.

Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning my eagle friends! Happy Father's Day!

Margy, thanks so much for taking the time to visit the nest and report that both juvies are flying and still returning to the nest for food! Wonderful news!!

Shar, so sorry about the latest fall and trip to the ER! Prayers for fast healing - glad nothing was broken!

Judie, glad to hear that the painting is finished and you're happy with the new look. Always a good thing when the whole room painted looks as good as you envision - it's very hard to pick from those little color chips!

Lori, I am picturing a bulldog swimming - and it's a funny picture!! Both my dogs HATE the water, even for a bath! We used to put Bandit in our backyard pool when he was young - he made a beeline straight for the ladder every time. Used to take him in the boat and put him in the bay occasionally - same thing, a beeline for the boat ladder.

PattieO, we came for the eagles, but stayed for the friendships we've made. As Shar said, it's hard to report on something we can't see. Would you prefer that we made things up? Maybe we should give that a try?

Tennis was great yesterday. Then I FINALLY finished washing the last of the windows and screens and got all the screens in the windows. Got sheets washed and dried from the beds that were used by the tennis players so they can go back on the beds for the family arriving this week.

Today's agenda is mulching the end of the canal in front of the house that we've adopted. The stella d'oro daylilies are in full bloom, the new knockout roses we planted to replace the shrubs killed by the salt water last fall are thriving, the veronica are starting to bloom, the new shasta daisies have buds. Also need to get beds made and bathrooms cleaned.

It's looking gray outside - I think rain is in the forecast for this afternoon. Make it a great day all!

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING eagle buds

HAPPY FATHERs DAY to all the DADs out there

JudyEddy said...

I also will repeat
"" I came for the eagle but I stayed for the friendships that I have made""
We all are disappointed not being able to see our eagle family but still want to talk with each other and I do believe other forum and groups do the same thing

Judie said...

Good morning!

Just moments ago two juvenile eagles were spotted in a tree just above a nest in a very large and very old Sycamore tree. The juvies appeared to be discussing their plans for the day and were momentarily bickering about whether or not to actually attempt to make a flight to the river. Another discussion began regarding the choice of river -- Potomac versus Shenandoah? Seems one juvie heard a rumor that fishing is better in the Potomac and the Potomac would require less travel time. Menu items were then discussed and the pair decided on turtle soup as an appetizer followed by an entree of perch. Meanwhile, the parents of the juvies are chillin' out in a tree just a few wing-flaps away but keeping parental eyes on the children. Like all parents, they are protective but are happy to see their babies are well on their way to independent living.

I came for the eagles but stayed for the friendships that have enriched my life beyond measure.

Judie said...

Awake early as I fell down asleep early last night.

Trying to put the house back in reasonable order but taking the opportunity to wash windows, etc. Spackle dust is everywhere. Need to wait on some things because of the new carpet. Good time to clean what I usually avoid.

Did see Shar had a fall. So very sorry. Hope you feel better this morning.

Off for coffee and my cleaning supplies.

Judie said...


Lori O. said...

Great Sunday Morning Everyone, and Happy Father's Day, too!

I, too, came here for the eagles, but stayed for the friendships I have made. So happy to know and love all of you!

MARGY, thank you so much for the report from the nest yesterday! It must have felt fabulous to see Hedgie and Shamrock and know they're still around. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You made my day!

SHARON, what happened at the ER? Are you okay? I assume you're having some pain because I see you posted in the middle of the night.
Hope you're feeling much better today.

The cookout yesterday was lots of fun...a great group of people and bulldogs...lots of them! The food was awesome and we took a quick ride on a golf cart down the street to see the bay, and an osprey nest with the Mom and a juvie osprey in it on top of a wood sun cover out at the end of the dock. Very cool!

SANDI, good on you for getting so much done yesterday!

Hoping everyone has a great day today. Wishing you love and light, smiles and tremendous amounts of joy!

Janet said...


PATTIO; Hi. No, you don't know me, I am Janet, sister of JudyE. I am sorry that you feel so disgruntled with the group, but when we could see the eagles, there was much chatter about them. However, asthe others have said, yes, we have made friendships and I value looking in here each day and seeing how everyone is doing and how our sweet Belle and Shep are doing, as wel as thier precious babes.

It is however, nice to meet you and I hope you will join us more actively. :)

Hope everyone has a beautiful day. Hugs light, love and smiles to all.

magpie said...

Happy Father's Day, May it be a Glorious and Joyful Day...however we each and all spend the 1440 minutes of it :)

and Good Morning Eagle Pals.....

Special Wishes to our Dadsters,
Shep! and Steve at NCTC....and all those fathers will still with us, now or in precious memories.....

and once again, you don't have to have kids to have that fatherly approach to life and wildlife of all manner.....including furbabies!

magpie said...

Judie, your morning post of the Doin's at the Sycamore Palace is
Spot On !
Love your little "vignette" of
The doins' at The Sycamore Palace...
That's our Judie !

PattiO -
This ol' Momsters (and Dadsters) Blog is what it is....
we have brought each other through many a trial and travail, as well as shared joy and kindness and absolute attention to Eagles and Wildlife, Flora and Fauna of all kinds...and to each other as well as OUR time allows.
Anyone and Everyone can choose to use their precious time scrolling through the posts.....or not....
through our 8 years of posting and blogging, I think we've pretty much done an A+ job in most areas...
I have learned this acronym in Al-Anon:
T - is it true
H - is it helpful
I - is it inspiring
N - is it necessary
K - is it Kind....

And I try to apply this to what I say...

Personally I have appreciated your input to Eagle Action at NCTC and other places.....

I hope you can just try to accept us and our ways and let it go....we developed this "forum" over the years and
it has been tweaked from to time...

I came for the Eagles, but I stayed for the Friendships...
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxoxoxo

magpie said...

I would like to applaud our Blog Administrators....
Paula and Jo...for keeping
us going through these many years...
many details and communications
and a good bit of Hard Work...
and Time expenditures...

Thank You, Ladies xo !

magpie said...

Busy day coming up for me,
opportunity for a mini-reunion
with brother Naples Fred and his wife, and my sister Roanoke Mary ..
they are working their way up up Connecticut....I'll see them in Hagerstown in a little while...then on to see James and his Dad later...

Thinking of all, with Love and
Hugs and Best Wishes for a Very Good Day ! xoxo

Mema Jo said...

Happy Father's Day Shep ♥ We are so proud to know you as you have helped raise our eaglets!

To all the dads in my family and in yours - Have a rewarding day with your children. ♥

Once again Margy, thanks for your trip to the nest - sorry you had to park along side the road but it was a great report. Have a joyful reunion of your family today and a fine time with James the Wise and his dad.

Judie - you sure brought a smile to my face by letting us hear what we have all been thinking about our juvies' daily activities. I so wish we had our cam but our eagle season 2012-2013 has been fantastic.

Mema Jo said...

I am deeply concerned by the tongue lashing you have given to all of us PattiO here on OUR Daily Eagle blog. We are not a FORUM - We are a BLOG.

If we want forum news we go over to the Hancock or to the Outdoor reports.

Our blog gives an actual rundown of every action our Royal Couple and their off-springs make - from their Poop Shoots to their food feedings. Our picture album contains hundreds of pictures of their actions.

PattiO - Yes, we've known you for a number of years - I would think by now you know We came
for the Eagles but we are staying for the Friendships we have made.♥

I don't mean to alienate anyone from our BLOG - All are welcome to join us and learn to appreciate the eagle family we watch and the people who participate.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

PattiO, we came for the eagles, but stayed for the friendships we've made!

I appreciate all the responses to PattiO. PattiO, so sorry you felt the need to make your statement. We love our eagles, but we also love each other. I have traveled across the country to see our eagles twice. I have reveled in the friendships, and have stood in awe under the nest. We have had two very good reports of eye witness at the nest. The cam is down and there just is not very much to say about the eagles.


stronghunter said...

Good morning everyone!

Thanks for the chuckle, Judie. Samdi suggested making something up, and there you go! As soon as you finish the remodeling, you must get started on that book. I think it could be anything from a children's book to an adult novel.

"I came for the eagles, but I stayed for the friendships I have made."

I'm considering what else I need to say.

stronghunter said...


I am sorry that you are disappointed. We are disappointed as well.

As others have said, there is not much to say when the cam is down. We have chosen to keep things going by writing about other things. It is our way of cementing our friendship and filling the void left when we can't see our eagles.

You are welcome to join in our sharing of friendship or to add information about the eagles. We would love it if you could go to the nest and give us a report, as Jo and Margy have done.

Or, you can make up a report, as Judie has done. I think Judie's is very accourate.

But, I am afraid there would be a lot of blank space on this blog if the only thing allowed was an accounting of the activities of the eagles we cannot see.

stronghunter said...

--Judie's is very accurate. Pardon the misspelling, please.

stronghunter said...

Happy Father's Day to all creatures great and small.

Mema Jo said...

I am off to brunch to Celebrate Father's Day with hubby and 5 adult children and some grandchildren.


Sandi said...

#$@!&$!!!!!! Bought 12 bags of mulch for the canal end. Have spread it all and need AT LEAST 6 more bags!! GRRRR!!!!! The ground area must have grown from all the rain this spring! Off to Lowes to buy more. This is the ONLY time I wish I lived in more suburban area, so Lowes would be a 15 minute trip instead of an hour one!

Judie, thanks for the nest report - loved it!!! Just like I love the folks on this blog!! =)


stronghunter said...

Know how it is about those bags of mulch, Sandi. Good luck.

magpie said...

Oh dear I think some of my posts
are disappearing....hope this one does not

Happy Father's Day,
to God our Father....

leaving for Hagerstown now....
xoxox to the all !

Lolly said...

Home from church. Jack told me to tell everyone he is home drinking. LOL Liquids he is consuming today. Poor guy!

stronghunter said...

Oh Lolly,

Thinking of Jack and his "drinking" today.

Went back to read Margy's eagle report. It is fun to picture her descriptions in my mind. I am smiling.

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from the get -together for Brunch! Everything turned out great! Service was as good as the food ♥ Fourteen of us enjoyed every minute. Daughter had camera so perhaps some pictures will be on FB.

Feet up time...... BBILW

stronghunter said...

I see your Father's Day post, Margy.

Judie said...

What fun! Sandi is headed to Lowes and we have just returned. It's all about that spot on the kitchen floor that leads to a mop -- we just had to have new lamp shades, a new towel rack, a new mat for outside the front door, and some new "keep the area rugs from sliding" stuff. Hope Sandi gets the needed mulch.

Have done as much cleaning as I can upstairs. Have to wait until after the carpet is installed to finish. Will begin to vacuum up the spackle dust downstairs tomorrow and need to clean the windows then try to get that back to normal.

Darth has a headache. Not sure if it is from paint odor or the emptying of his wallet.

Judie said...

So glad Margy is having some family time today with Fred and Mary and especially some James the Wise time.

Now, if we could only do something about Jack's drinking problem today. Lolly, please offer Jack our sympathy and plan a special dinner for him tomorrow.

Jo, for goodness sake. At first I thought you all had brunch at a "service" as in Mass. Well, just glad the service and the food were good and family had fun together.

News report: two juvie eagles seen in the Sycamore Palace flapping wing-in-wing and twirling a stick -- a Father's Day dance for daddy Shep.

Okay, going to do a Mema Jo and put my feets up. BBL

Lolly said...

Love your comments, Judie! Keep it up so we can know what the eagles are doing! :)

Just came in from watering pots. Up to 93 now, so time to be in. I am eating leftovers tonight, nothing that Jack can smell, I hope.

Friend from church sent home a candy bar for Jack to eat on the way home. LOL Going to have bacon cheeseburgers tomorrow night. He is so anxious to get this over with! Oh, and in the morning I am making him a lemon merengue pie. not tell him. Not mentioning it today, not baking it today.

Sandi said...

Mulching is DONE! Looks great! Wrote down how many bags I bought and put it in the landscaping folder so I won't make the same mistake next year!

Judie - thanks for the update on our eagle family!

Nice weekend weather-wise. Had to close up the house today and put the AC back on after a few days of opening up - winds have shifted and are now coming from the south, so it was warmer and more humid today. Starting to get cloudy now with thunderstorms in the forecast for this evening.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE JUDIE there you go again making our day I just loved the report of what our eaglets may be doing
They have gotten along so this year I watch the CA nest and those three area always pecking at each other Its a good thing they have a big nest to each their own corners LOL
Speaking of the CA nest the ocean is so BLUE today soo pretty

OH HOME from work If you didn't guess

JudyEddy said...

SANDI maybe the bags of mulch are smaller LOl the do that to food change the qty and keep price the same A pound of dry beans is now 12 oz the new Pound LOL

JudyEddy said...

HEY you guys need to what the CA nest there is one juvie jumping up and down for JOY it looks like such wingersizing big time

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all.

Bro and family jnjust left. Floor is done and toilet in. Vanity top was broken and they don't have any more in stock down here.

Heard about Margy's nest vist. Many thanks Margy and relieved and happy to hear we have fledged juvies!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like a shower headed this way...have to go pick up outside. Heading home tomlorrow.


JudyEddy said...

JO I don't think anyone meant disrespect to Pattio at all JTHO

JudyEddy said...

I just asked a question on the CA nest with the three in it How old they are and when was hatch day Didn't need to log in must be with google since on Youtube channel

JudyEddy said...

Found out info on the West End nest """"The WE nest of...K-01/m & Wray/f has Triplets...2 chicks hatched on April 4th and the 3rd chick hatched on April 7th and were banded on May 27th as K-27, K-28 and K-29."""

paula eagleholic said...

Yup we post info on our eaglles when we can!

Ou rblog has always been more thanjust about our eagles...always has, always will. :)

Outside all picked up...caught up here.

Glad Judies painting is done.

Got more picking up and cleaning to do here...bbl this evening.

Mema Jo said...

Judy - I didn't think anyone was disrespectful with their comments about our blog - Not sure what you meant by JO I don't think anyone meant disrespect to Pattio at all JTHO I hope you didn't think I thought anyone did - we were all just taking a stance for our blog.

All is well - we bond well as a blog
Subject closed in my book...
I ♥ US !

stronghunter said...

Just got a call from Kathryn. She is at Potomac Mills and just discovered that someone hit her car while it was parked in the lot and left. She is trying to find out if the management there has a video of the incident.

It's her new vehicle. She is upset.

Said it is not really bad damage. And fortunately she works at a body shop, but still . . . She just bought this car.


Breaking News:

Kathryn just called to report that she found a note. The person who hit her left a note. She has called the phone number given and left a message.

She sounds calmer now.

JudyEddy said...

Back from BBQ at BK Lounge really tasty
JO I went back and re read your comment oops I thought you meant we were tongue lashing her but its the other way around Silly me read it wrong OOPS

JudyEddy said...

WOW KUDOS to the person that left a NOTE there are honest people still SHIRLEY

stronghunter said...

Judie, if thata was a rain stick those eaglets were twirling, they can stop doing that any time now. We have had enough rain.

JudyEddy said...

I can just visualize our eagles sitting in the tree I go back and re read MARGY comment so happy she went and to know they are still there for a while anyway

ARE any of you all watching West End now?? they will be fledging soon also
I guess today was the banding of the HUMBOLDT eaglets

JudyEddy said...

THE WE look like they are playing LEAP FROG

JudyEddy said...

SILLY question What does the K stand for?? the eagles at WE they all have the K with their name

JudyEddy said...

from mom and dad K0l and K02

Mema Jo said...

Judy - The different letters on the Wing blings tells from which nest location the eagle came on the Channel Islands. The Chil EagleCam has discussions on this. Register on it and there is lots of info and daily discussion.

CHIL EagleCam - IWS Updates

glo said...

Happy Fathers Day to all who have filled that kind of role in the life of another. Magpie I am so glad to read your report form the nest and JudieI loved your take on our young ones and their conversation over plans for the day. I have been there once only. I do know that as you come through the gate area and head up to the building that houses the cafeteria off to the left is the road to the day care and nest tree. I sure wish anyone of the number of folks who pass by that spot on a regular basis would glance over and tell us what they see. I believe our parents have done a great job and our young are in good health and learning well their long term survival skills. oh the relay for life Hoda cancer is such a very mean disease. I hope one day it will be gone. We are making progress in many ways so I am hopeful. I did a very quick read and tried to remember a few of the important things I have read. I haven't been by for a couple of days but just can't read back 2 full days. I trust if there is something important i need to know that someone will tell me one way or the other directly. Oh just remembering Sharon went to er. I will go exploring to see if I can find any more info about that. I no longer have any nest to watch. My car is misbehaving BUT whenever they get it fixed right I am hoping to get Dex and I out of here a lot more than we have been this spring. Just need some decent weather. SED all and AOYP.

Mema Jo said...

BTW I have Fireflies aka Lightening Bugs in my yard!

Mema Jo said...

I'll check back in one hour after my TV show of
"The Killing"

paula eagleholic said...

Jo...I have had lightening bugs here at the beach for about 3 wks.

Happy Fathers/Dadsters Day!

Fed my bro, who is a Dad crabs andcorn today :)

Hearing some thunder rumbles...not sure ifit will rain or not.

Got 3 more rooms and. Hall to mop

Janet said...

Good evening friends.
Its been a pleasant but busy day. I woke up feeling better, so I went out with the dogs. While out there I disposed of the old boat cover, ran the weed eater, picked up stuff that needing picking up. By then, it was 9:30 and sticky and hot!

After breakfast, I took some time and just chilled out. Trying not to over do it and get over this cold completely!

This afternoon we took Tom and our son in law Chris out to Longhorn Steak house. It was good Also bought myself a set of NICE steak knives while I was there We didn't have any really good steak knives and these are very heavy and met with our approval. :)

Its going to bed bed time soon. I have to hit up the nyquil and then its pillow time.

I hope everyone had a lovely day. Nice reports that I am reading.....SED to all!

Hoda said...

I came for the eagles and stayed for the friendships I made

Thank God for the quality people I have met here. Loving and caring and the love we share is the same love we have for the eagles.

Judie your Baaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!! Love you and had a terrific laugh...almost spilt my tea though and that is not good.LOL!!!

JACK has a drinking problem today and watch out a mega Texas Steak tomorrow I bet you...

Happy Father's Day to ALL the Dadsters and to all the awesome men in our lives. Blessed Be

Judie said...

Stop nagging me Hedgie. Just because you're a couple of days older it doesn't mean you can boss me around. I wanna stay up and look at the stars and watch the fireflies and dream of breakfast at the Potomac River Cafe.

Listen Shammie, you're still the baby and need your rest. You need to be strong to fly and fish -- specially if you're thinking of breakfast at the Potomac River Cafe. Now just be quiet and get some sleep!

Goodnight Belle. Goodnight Shep. Goodnight Hedgie. Goodnight Shammie. Goodnight children. Goodnight mom and dad.

JudyEddy said...

Check out GOOGLE today

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

OH I forgot to tell you I am 100% over my cold and sis I have notice you and I are getting sick at the same time LOL This needs to stop lOL
and I took the zicam and the Oscillococcinum for 7 days so I will swear by it Angie sounds real nasally and I told her I know I would be the same way but I took the above and from now on when I feel a cold comin on I will do the same so happy I got it in time

Hoda said...

Very good yoga workshop and the Kootenay Spirit Festival did a lot of work...we are pleased and we are headed out in the right direction.
My presentation was very well received and I know gratitude for that.
The food I brought to the Pot luck was also very well received and that is always a worry for me but they liked it and there was hardly any left of the Quinoa Tabouleh.

Moving right along...

Tomorrow I ride my bicycle to the Dentist. I have to be there by 8:00 in the morning and I am hoping the weather allows for bicycle riding.
From there I will go to the Kukua Pamoja after I pick up my car here and store my bicycle...I will not be back before 8:00 at night and I do not think I want to ride my bicycle then even though it is still relatively light.

The donations I helped bring in for the supper have made a big difference in our expenses being reduced. I will want to work with the young people so they do not have ANY expenses and with every thing donated they will make more money.It just needs organizing and planning months ahead instead of three weeks that I was the only one really doing anything the first week...I got nervous thinking there is no way we can pull it off and now it seems like we can. Tickets are still selling well.

Judie said...

And it is time for me to say goodnight. Tired and need to rest and sleep to continue restoring my home to some semblance of order.

The sandperson is making a stealthy approach from the far end of the hallway so I must type quickly lest I am ambushed before I can publish.

Restful sleep for all. Will check in tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

Angie got a family member to the place that I took Jordyn to the other day Great Exploration in St Pete and she added me to the membership Cool Beans

JudyEddy said...

HODA fantastic work as always YOU ROCK GAL

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Goodnight JOHNBOY??? I loved that show JUDYE and you got a loud laugh from me on that post.

Glad you will check in tomorrwo JUDIE and thank you. It is awesome to see you on here amidst all this trumoil.

Thank you JUDYE you are kind and I appreciate your kindness.

magpie said...


Loving the posts about our

But goodness, how Do You Do It All!!

and Jack, watered 93 pots....
and drinking too ! Best Wishes to Jack for a comfortable next 18 hours or so....then a real meal !

Some real nice Father's Day reports here....

JudyE: I just checked on Google before I signed is
animated on this laptop, a barrel of fun

Paula, nice, how you cooked some
nice chow for your brother.....I am sure he appreciated it very much

Shirley, glad Kathryn found the note....that was quite
thoughtful of the person who hit her car, sure hope it all works out OK !
She might want to report it to the police also in the meantime....


Hoda said...

Again a Special Word of Gratitude to STEVE to MEMA JO and to PAULA for all you do to keep us together and for your love and appreciation of the Eagles and facilitating this unique opportunity.

magpie said...

I too, thought "the service" meant
"at Mass" when Jo posted...but then I figured it out too....

Cracker Barrel at 1:30 on a Sunday and Father's Day at that, talk about busy!! But we only waited 20 mins for our table, and "the service" was also great, in addition to the Chow....
Visit with the family was great! they took I-81 N through PA and loved the beautiful scenery, they are bunked down in Clinton NJ for the night....

and the visit with "the Two Jameses" afterward was stellar!
Pizza, and then shortly thereafter
Ice Cream !

Hoda said...

Google IS a special fun Father's Day Celebration.
Did you hear that Chris Hadfield, the Canadian ISS Commander for five months is to retire from the space agency? He is a good chap that one.

magpie said...

LOL there is a restaurant in
Hancock Md, along the mighty Potomac, and it is named
the Potomac River Edge Grill...
maybe Shammie and Hedgie shall visit that some fine day...
once they are sent on their way
from The Sycamore Cafe

magpie said...

Orioles won today, 6-3 over the Bosox

magpie said...

Hoda, I saw when he left the ISS a few weeks ago, I think you steered us in that direction....
Great on his retirement, bet he will be a consultant or serve in some capacity hereafter

Bravo !

magpie said...

I have about 52 minutes or fewer before
The Sandperson departs from Northern Virginia, I better get a few things done!
Have bloodwork in the morning, have to fast starting at midnight...just don't know if I can drink water or not.....sure hope so! But I better scale it down a bit...
Would ask Nurse Lynn if I could...
so I'll play it safe in the meantime I guess

magpie said...

oh...what was I going to say !!!
I hope Glo's car gets fixed
very soon so she can venture out
with Dex for some Wildlifing !

Sandi....does Lowe's keep an update on what you buy? I think I see that on ads for them....
Happy Mulching....!
I have four or five tee-tiny
tomatos now

magpie said...

for Loretta:
I don't know about driving...after the procedure, I will find out
on Friday post-op I guess

maybe Jewels would like to take a little drive down to the nest
when she is on her days off...I will ask !

magpie said...

Best Wishes for Sweeeet Sleep for those headed to the pillows

Hope Darth kicks the Headache to the curb Pronto, same as for Glo with the cold !!!

God was very kind to me today,
did me several favors...
dearly grateful for His presence in my life

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Hoda said...

In a few years I would like to see Chris Hadfield as Governor General of Canada. Her Majesty's representative...
He lived 21 years in the US and is now back home.He will do Canada Day celebrations, July 1st, on Parliament Hill and will go to the Calgary Stampede later on in July. No one said what next.

Mema Jo said...

Evening is here - well actually Night is here!
Shirley, very glad Kathryn found the note - restores my faith in people.

Lolly - I bet Jack feels like he is about to float! Check out his eyeballs! You would think by now with all the new ways to do things that drs would come up with a prep more comfortable!

Good to hear everyone had a good day. Do it again tomorrow.
Good Night and God Bless ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

Yes Jo, God Willing we'll do it again tomorrow...

NatureNut said...

OOPS, I didn't know we were supposed to be a scientific forum. :>( (P.S. How can there be an eagle report if there is no camera?)
Loved your report, Judie. I hope the Royal Pair will continue to drop off reports to you & Steve like carrier "eagles."
Hope everyone including Shep had a wonderful Father's Day.
Good Health Prayers to ALL and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

stronghunter said...

Susan went on a hike today and posted a video of butterfly hp. The butterflies looked to be having fun.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Margy, Kathryn will likely call the Prince William County Sheriff tomorrow when she goes to work.

She has already estimated the amount of the damage to be between $700-$900, as that is what she does for a living.

Would think you might need someone to drive you home after your surgery, Margy. You do plan on having anesthesia, do you not?

Hoda said...

I would like to ask for prayers for my American sister who is going to have her esophogus removed on the 27th of June. The chemo and the radiation while rduced the tumor it is still there and it has to come out.
They will reconstruct a new esophogus but it will not be able to contract to take food down. She will have to sit up after she takes in a liquid diet...
She is struggling with that. She is such a terrific cook...and she loves to entertain.
I think it is a miracle that they are able to do such a surgery.
Thank you. She is an awesome sister.

Lolly said...

Worked in the yard for a while. Thought I would share a couple of Jacob stories. We bought some oyster crackers when Jacob was here. Jack opened the sack and Jacob asked if it was cat food. Jack told him yes, it was, and it was really pretty good for people to snack on. Jacob believed him and told his parents. LOL

Bought him some slip on tennis shoes while he was here. He hates tying his shoes. He hugged his shoes and said "Shoes of my dreams!"

I am sure our eagles are reporting in to school on Eagle School Road.

Hoda said...

I hope JEWELS is able to come and drive MARGY home and maybe stop to see the nest so we could have a report SHIRLEY.

You must be very proud of KATHRYN and I am sorry she has to have her new car repaired and pleased that the chap left his name and contact information. He should have left his drivers license number and the name of his insurance agency and number too...I think this is the law in Canada.

stronghunter said...

Honestly, we need Judie to keep writing those eagle reports. Then, we will get an illustrator and publish a kiddie book about eagles.

Maybe a wildlife photographer or two, and a wildlife artist. We would not have to look far.

Hoda said...

Bless JACOB LOLLY pretty cute.

Hoda said...

I see LOLLY is contributing to JUDIE'S efforts too SHIRLEY!!! LOL!!!

stronghunter said...

I do need to call it quits for the night. Hope everyone sleeps well and has SED.

See you tomorrow.

magpie said...

Right on Shirley !!!
Wow, lots of damage...
I very much dislike parking lots..
aka I hate parking lots....
very concerned about people safety especially child safety
in parking lots also...

I have a driver for is not Jewels....but another friend...

Hoda, oh I am so sorry about your American Sister's condition....
my very strong prayers for
successful outcomes, and some
peaceful resolution for the drastic changes in her eating

magpie said...

Lolly, love those Jacob Stories.....keep 'em comin'!!

My dream shoes, how precious !!

I rather am liking slips on
velcro these days :)

magpie said...

Nice thing about colonoscopies....
don't feel a thing while it is going on....
I usually don't eat "heavy stuff" for a few days afterward...and in the past two times, I have always
taken the following day OFF from work...I believe in pampering myself after all the prep work! And wow, how wonderful Beef and Chicken Broths taste afterward !

magpie said...

Night-night Shirley

I think YOU with Hunter Tales,
Lolly with the three grandboys' tales, AND Judie's vignettes would make a best-selling book !
I would surely buy one, and oh yes
the photography, I think this group has a LOCK on all that !!!

magpie said...

I'd best quit magpie-ing on...but Lolly, I read about the Larkspurs on the fade....that is my birth month flower by the way [July]

Best Wishes to All, and to All,
a Good Night.....

Prayers for Wellness
and Joy All Around....

Love you, Precious Pals....
thanks for your very dear friendship...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Lolly said...

Hoda, there really is a road close to the nest named Eagle School Road. I have heard the local momsters speak of it and then when we were there we saw the road sigh. Love it!

Lolly said...

I always considered a children's book on Liberty and Belle. I can picture it with beautiful drawings.

Lolly said...

Another chance of rain tonight and tomorrow. Excuse me while I go shake my rain stick,.

paula eagleholic said...

House is finally in order, the rain has arrived. I had already closed.the windows and turned on the air. Going to take.a.well deserved shower and hit the hay.

Sed love and hugs for all

Hoda said...

That is pretty cool LOLLY about the Eagle School Road.

Goodnight PAULA SHIRLEY...

LOLLY don't shake it too much unless you know how to make it stop...

Good luck to JACK tomorrow.

Hoda said...



Lolly said...

Heading towards getting ready to put myself to bed!!

Jack goes to the doctor about 12:30 tomorrow. We will both be glad when this is over. What a pain!

Night all! SED!!!

stronghunter said...

2:03 and I am still awake . . .

Hoda, I missed your post about your American sister until just now. Definitely prayers for her. Cancer is such an awful disease.

Will be thinking of Jack tomorrow at a bit after noon Texas time.

stronghunter said...

I believe it was Lynn who posted a picture of the Eagle School Road sign some time ago.

Sandi said...

Good Monday morning my eagle friends on my first OFFICIAL summer break day! Aahhhhh ... it feels so good to be able to say that. I promise I won't keep gloating for the folks who work 12 month jobs!

Shar, hope you are starting to feel a little better after your latest fall.

Hoda, I will keep your sister in my thoughts and prayers that her surgery is a success and that she is able to adjust to the changes in her life after the surgery.

Dana, prayers also for your dad that the new round of chemo takes care of his cancer.

Judie, keep those eagle reports comin' - nice that your xray vision is working!

Shirley, bummer for Kathryn, even though the person left a note. Brand new car, what a shame!! It'll get fixed good as new but still. A Bethany Beach cop backed into my Jeep about 3 years ago and I remember my first thought was that it was the first damage to it, and it was 9 years old.

Paula, sounds like a productive weekend at the beach. Too bad about the vanity top being cracked.

Lolly, good luck to Jack today. My primary care doc told me last year that, if I'm willing to do one of those fecal sample things every year and if it continues to come back showing no blood, then a colonoscopy isn't necessary. I am FINE with that!!

It rained hard again last night. Don't know that the courts will be dry enough for tennis at 8am - MTBR.

Make it a great day all!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

ButterFly HP did they have a smoke after LOL

LOLLY between Hunter and Jacob stories that would be another book

we have a photograhper on the blog HODA for the book

Janet said...

good morning to all.....

HODA: light and love to you and your sister.....i ditto someone's comment: cancer is a terrible disease.

sending light, love and healing to all in need.....

made it thru the weekend and it was a nice one. i spent a lot of time right here on my hindquarters just chilling. trying to kick the cold to the curb. Monday morning finds me still sniffly, but doing better. :) yay!

another week ahead and a busy one. tom has PT today and i have work of course. this is the quiet day of the week, i think.

Hope everyone has a great day. btw, just my 2 cents, i think a book about shep and belle would be awesome. especially if it could be sold and all proceeds go towards the upkeep of our camera, etc. ??? just a thought.
i don't know how all of that works, but it would be pretty neat. i know people here have the talent and connections to make it happen.....

light, love, hugs, smiles, and healing to all today! :)

Judie said...

Overheard at the NCTC nest:

Pssst! Pssst" Hedgie, listen. I'm not sure I like this growing up part. Wing flapping is hard work and I feel anxious when I look down. Don't think I like heights. Then there's this feeding ourselves job. Why can't we just go back home to our nest and let Mom and Dad take care of us like before?

Listen, Shamie. Quit complaining. Once we get some more flight hours and are six months old, we can really go out on the town. I heard there's a really cool place in Hancock called the Potomac River Edge Grill. Good food and cute eaglet chicks and eaglet studmuffins. Come on, let's go practice flying.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Well, today begins another day of cleanup. Need to call the carpet people.

Shirley, so sorry about Kathryn's car but at least the offender left a note. Restores my faith.

As for the butterfly porn -- well hmmmmm.

Hoda, missed your comment about your American sister. Certainly sending prayers for her surgery and hope she will recover quickly and adapt to the change in diet.

Paula, sorry about the broken vanity but you certainly have accomplished much. Safe travels home. How's Nick?

I'm confused. Must have missed something while I was gone. Why is Margy fasting now? Has surgery been moved up from Friday?

Glo, glad you seem to be feeling better. How's Dex?

Congratulations Sandi on the official beginning of your summer vacation.

Janet, is pt helping Tom?

Okay, enough. Need more coffee for energy to clean downstairs windows.


Lori O. said...

Good Monday Morning Everyone!!!

SANDI, congrats on your first summer vacation day! Enjoy!

JUDIE, you are just too funny! Thanks for the entertainment.

LOLLY, best wishes to Jack on his procedure today. Hope he enjoyed Father's Day anyway, and of course, you'll have the one this weekend for him. Very nice.

HODA, good luck at the dentist this morning. Hope your weather is good for bike riding. You do have a long day today!

MARGY, happy day off!

Don't know what my plans are today. Have a routine Dr.'s appointment tomorrow. Right now I have two snoring bulldogs keeping me company. :)

Have a great day everyone!

paula eagleholic said...

Judie...Margy just had bloodwork this morning.

Found a new vanity top in Salisbury...will exchange it on the way home.

Gotta finish cleaning the new tile...

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Just love these summer mornings.

Loving Judie's continuing story of The Adventures at the Sycamore Palace.

magpie said...

Yepper, Sum Sum Summertime,
Sum Sum Summertime....
just a few mere days away

Coffee here I come !!
bloodwork done...

thinking of how hungry Jack might be right about now....come on 12:30 Texas Time and thereafter....

Enjoy Sandi...Gloating is allowed on the first few days of your summer break At Least !

Good report, Paula...Whirling Dervish you are ! Happy Trails back to the other part of Maryland...

Janet...Kick harder ! Hope you feel 100% very soon

Good Morning Eagle Pals !

magpie said...

Yes, morning entertainment
- check!
See Eagle Pal Friends - check!

Sending Best Wishes for a Very Good Day to Every One - check!

Lori, best wishes on YOUR doctor appointment Tuesday.....

Day off here = Kick Butt! I really have some housecleaning to do...
so on to that "for awhile"

xo and ttfn

glo said...

Well car is in the shop. Hoping for some kindof fix this time. Dex is doing very well these days. he could care less about his cat sisters or they him but they all know each other is around and just sort of all want time with me too. No problem. Got lots of room for lovin them all.

I love the Tales from the sycamore tree. It has made a tough time so much more enjoyable. I also love the idea of a children's book. I really think we could put something like this together. I would be happy to donate some wildlife photos. We have artists writers photographers and great big big eagle hearts that have had talon tracks all over them for years now. It would be something good to work on over the down season and there are lots of kids and some adults who would probably love to have such a book.

Saw where Sharon really tore up the top of her foot when she fell the other night. Hoda I am so sorry to read of your friend needing the esophagus surgery. I will be praying for her. Magpie you are a trooper, I am sure your surgery will go well and provide ou with much needed relief. Prayers for all needs today and a good day for all.

Mema Jo said...

Goo0d Monday Morning - another beautiful weather day

Glad you finally got your coffee Margy!

Thanks for the Juvie Rundown, Judie

Having some Jenny time this morning.
I think I am going to run Michael to WalMart for last minute Haiti trip items.

I'll check back in later ♥

Lolly said...


Not sure when the rain started but I got up at 8 and it was raining and it rained until 9. It is a hair over an inch!!!! Hoping and hoping it rained on the lakes, too!! Wahooooooooooo!

I love it, Judie! "Eaglet Studmuffins!" roflmbo

Prayers for sure for your sister, Hoda. A miraculous surgery and certainly a life style change. God bless and keep her. Prayers that she can adjust and be happy.

Lolly said...

Thanks for all the good wishes for Jack. It is interesting that each time one of us does this there is something new to drink. He is complaining that it has been worse than ever. LOL He will survive!

Judie said...

Oh wow! Just now reading that Michael is headed to Haiti. So happy for him.

Guess I may still have a bit of catch-up to do.

Thanks Paula. Afraid I missed a change in Margy's surgery date. Glad you found a vanity top.

Now see Margy is into her coffee and looking to share with a hungry Jack -- hmmmm, Lolly has a hungry Jack.

Jo, have fun with Jenny.

Glo, hope the car is good to go soon and for not much $.


Lolly said...

Okay, Delphia put this on fb. I want one, have it named. lol

Yorkie Pups Cam

magpie said...

I just love taking a break
and seeing More Eagle Pals !!


magpie said...

I love what retirment does for people !!
and Summers off !

Wahooooooo Hoo Hoo on the Rain, least this will
give Jack a little Smile too I hope !

especially after watering 93 POTS !

magpie said...

So excited I just turned right back into a Magpie !

magpie said...

Thanks once again to everyone
for all the good wishes and positive thoughts on the upcoming
Carpal Tunnel Repair.....

back to the trenches....

stronghunter said...

As bad as it was, I think the liquid stuff I had to drink this last time was not as bad, Lolly. Different doctors do use different stuff. Susan did not have to buy a big jug of powder. She got a laxative of some kind.

The worst part to me is the amount of unpleasant liquid required. Would like to see an improvement there.

Expect Jack is past the drinking part now.

magpie said...

Very Joyful that Miracle Michael
is preparing for his Journey
to Haiti....
knowing he makes a difference
in people's lives, young and
old, wherever he goes....

stronghunter said...

Congratulations to Michael. Happy that he is returning to Haiti.

Lolly said...

Cam is up! Saw on fb!

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lolly!

stronghunter said...

Oh, how cool!! I see an eaglet on the branch. Wow!

stronghunter said...

Oh, I hope we can keep this cam for good.

stronghunter said...

In addition to the other one, of course.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Steve and crew!

CarolAnne said...

THANK YOU Steve & crew!

stronghunter said...


Let the celebration begin!!

stronghunter said...

Something flew by---not sure if it was the other eaglet.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, are you there?

stronghunter said...

CA--are you there?

Lolly said...

Very frustrating can not see cam. Have both phone and iPad and neither will load the cam.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, it is showing fine on my laptop.

stronghunter said...

Keep trying, Lolly. Are you at the doctors's now?

Lolly said...

Yes, jack has gone back. It just will not load. Oh, well ,will see it when we get home.

stronghunter said...

I have posted a copy of the cam view on my blog, Lolly. Maybe you can see that. Not much has changed. The eaglet--I guess I should say juvie--is still sitting on that branch.

stronghunter said...

Click on the picture to get the best view.

magpie said...

SPLIT coming up....
I am about to do some
happy dancing here !!!

magpie said...

and Shout with Eagle Cam Joy

Thanks so much NCTC and
those who hollered HERE about it !

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...