Wednesday, April 17, 2013


New thread.


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Lynne2 said...

Hello from work!

Lolly said...

Hellooooo, Lynne! Just finished my walking and now going to clean house.

magpie said...

crunch and munch time

magpie said...

watching Ft St Vrain Eagle
can see one adult
one baby...
and not any interaction
between the two

magpie said...

seems the adult is waiting
or wanting the other adult to
come in

magpie said...

Home from work ??

nice hours, Lynne2: ☺
Hi Lolly

magpie said...

I can't read.....
You said Hello from work
and Lolly said
she is cleaning house
and I put the two sentences together in my mind...
sorry Lynne2
wish you WERE home !

magpie said...

2nd adult arrived at St Vrain

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

What a gut wrenching, heart breaking week this has been for our nation. Prayers for Bostonians as well as the dear souls in West, TX.

JO n' JUDY, I went into the puter system myself, as taught by our PAULA a couple of years ago, cleaning out cookies, cashes, etc.. Then I ran my Norton program which found a couple of innocuous items and Voila` ! I think the thing got loaded up with cookies last week when Seth was here so often. He goes into YouTube and I don't know where else, looking for funny song parodies for my enjoyment. Grandmother is an old Dr. Demento fan, doncha' know ? ☺

JEWELS, sorry to hear Charlie's sister is going down hill. My thoughts are with you all !

LYNNE2, bully for you ! You gave a great overview of pit bulls, their strengths and weaknesses. Columbus had a pit bull law---they need to be registered, fenced and on leashes if away from home. My neighbor says Ruby is a PB mix and probably does not have those restrictions. She looks harmless enough from a distance, but is quick and very aggressive. You'll recall her owner told me she'd never shown that side of herself before. I can't really believe that, but one thing is for sure, she's shown that side twice in 3 wks., that we know of. A dog attack leaves one feeling powerless and vulnerable.

LORI, I have a new neighbor, across the driveway. Titus looks like he's a cousin of your dear dog---he's placid and "cute" as the dickens. You'd love him !

Love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

and the first one left and flew to a nearby tree perch

Lynne2 said...

When I was watching Ft. St. V yesterday, the one adult on the nest got very huffy and puffy when the other came in, and it had a fish, and it left with the fish shortly. Then the adult alread in the nest went and ate some nestovers, but didn't feed the baby. I checked late and both adults were in the nest, baby between, but not covered up. This AM when I checked, adult in nest was eating, didn't feed baby. :(

Margy, yes, at work, here til 7 or so!

Lynne2 said...

Kay...DR DEMENTO???? OMG I used to listen to that show on the radio every...I think Sunday evening? HILARIOUS songs! Cow Pattie, Spam, They're coming to take me away, Irving the 142nd fastest gun in the west..

Lynne2 said...



over on the NEW THREAD!

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6 1 other nest/in nest nightly

 I spent the night in the nest naturally here's them flying in Here's the latest of the Little Hawk named Chance this was today'...