Wednesday, April 10, 2013


New thread.


magpie said...

Well, Howdy Doo!

Thanks, Steve....

I will tell the others...

Happy Spring AND Summer all rolled up into one these days

xo ☺

magpie said...

Paula too funny your description of Shep arriving with partly devoured fish...
that was nearly exactly the
same as last night before dark

magpie said...

And Shep Panting, how did I leave
that part out of my comment !

glo said...

Good rainy morning for me and Dex. Actually its been storming off and on since 4 am. We do need the rain so very badly. Big hail. I guess I should turn on Alcoa. I thought about that adult eagle sitting in the hail trying to protect her growing young from the storm. Wishing all of you and our Royal Family a good day.

magpie said...

Good Morning Glo!
so much to see, all around the world, eh?

I was watching the Ospreys on the
Wildwatch Cam last night, in Washington State....their nest looks great and so do they!

I haven't even started checking out the Peregrine Falcons yet

How's Dex ?

magpie said...

I'd like to see some rain soon also...
although we are not on any
burn bans for outside fires....
it would not surprise me to get to that

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

glo said...

Alcoa cam is offline. Storm messed with the connection. Hoping power company will be able to reconnect. They said the nest is fine. Not sure what that means but I hope its residents are fine too. argh.

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning - Thanks Steve for the early fresh thread
How many feathers do you have Margy?

Glo when you have rain it takes about 2 days to reach us if the wind blows in the right direction. Hope Dex is feeling well.

Tomorrow morning I have a PET scan - need to see that the Cyberknife worked well in my treatment! Praying for a good clean report

Janet said...

cool! new thread! thanks steve!

hoping for good news, jo.

magpie said...

And I am definitely praying for a
Good Clean Report for you Also,

You can have all my feathers!

magpie said...

Mom Kestrel looks soooooo
beautiful in that nest box in Nebraska

and our babies and Momma
are trying to stay cool in the heat again

magpie said...

going to Winchester for my nerve and muscle function tests....

"See You All Later "

xoxo ♥ ☺

Mema Jo said...

Falcon Wire News and cam in PA

Based on past reproductive timelines, we can expect the first egg to hatch around April 21st. There are 4 eggs.

Mema Jo said...

Blackwater newsletter........
Two Eaglets on the Blackwater Eagle Cam

2013 Blackwater NWR Eaglets Check Out the Youngsters
We currently have two fast-growing eaglets on the Blackwater NWR Eagle Cam. The chicks are doing well and will probably take their first flight in late May or early June. We plan to hold our Eaglet-Naming Contest this year, so stay tuned to the Eagle Cam page for details.
Ospreys Arrive for New Season

New Nesting Season Begins
2013 Blackwater NWR Ospreys And if your taste is more for ospreys, then be sure to visit our Blackwater Osprey Cam where our adult ospreys just returned from spending the winter in South America. The couple is already adding sticks to the nest and mating, so we hope to have an egg in the next few weeks.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Lolly, sorry I forgot to comment about your neighbor who has passed. May she R.I.P. ((HUGS))

Jo, prayers for you regarding your PET scan tomorrow. Hoping for a squeaky clean report!

Margy, prayers ongoing for your nerve & muscle function tests. Hoping for a good report!

I'm happy to say that I have nearly weaned myself off of pain medication for my neck & shoulder. If I've been really busy doing housework like vacuuming floors, walls, and ceilings, I may take 1 pill per day. Sure can't complain!

Well, need to work on more of the knots in Emma's coat. When she went to puppy camp for 4 days, they say they brushed her, but they sure didn't get out any of the knots she accumulated! Will give her a shorter haircut when I'm done, which should help to prevent more tangles. Some of the problem may have been caused by whatever made her so itchy. She is doing much, much better now!

Hoping that Boomer is doing better... Sounds like Dex feels better now, too. Did Scout's test results ever come back? Guess I may have missed that.

Hope everyone has a good afternoon. Will check back in later.

Lolly said...

Good afternoon. Almost forgot I had a dentist appointment this morn for check and cleaning. I happened to remember it last night, but slept to 8:30 and had to leave at 9:30 at the latest. But all is well! The pearly whites and I are doing great!

While you have summer our winter has returned. 41 here but up in Fort Worth I saw 38 and it is raining. Well, seems to be more of a sprinkle here but saw hard rain going and coming from the dentist. Bring it on!!

Fire tonight for sure!! Yea! Glad I got the yard spruced up yesterday. :)

Lori, glad you had a good time at home!

Look at that white washed tree!! So funny, but can relate. When we had the rs hawk nest in our yard, everything was white under it. Yuk!

Janet said...

MAGPIE; hoping you have a great report!

MS> BOOKWORM: yes, scout's kidney values were normal, but the white blood count is high. will repeat labs a week from this friday to see what, if anything may be going on.

SSSSHHHHH, dont' tell anyone, i am being lazy. it is sunny, 85, and i am sitting on my front porch with the lap top, listenening to and watching the birds.... noone else is out/about. shhhhhhh.....


Lolly said...

Sure wish the eaglets woukld not get so close to the edge of the nest. Can barely see the one at 11/12. Parent in nest hurried over to be beside it when he moved to that position.

Lolly said...

Watch out Janet...I am sure this front will reach you too. So very odd for us to have winter weather while the rest of you are enjoying nice weather.

Lolly said...

Think I forgot to tell everyone that our wrens have hatched. Have seen parents flying in to feed and the little ones sticking their heads out to eat. So much fun to have an up close view!

magpie said...

There is an EGG at the Kestrel Cam, and both adults are there now ☺☺

magpie said...

now only one adult there...probably MOM

magpie said...

Happy Hatching of the Wrens....Lolly, lovely little birds...
Loretta will be Happy to read of this

have to run out, will check back in later

magpie said...

I see the Royal Family at the nest...sunset will be welcome...
when things cool down


xo ♥

Sandi said...

Good afternoon all! Thanks Steve for a new thread and thanks Margy for the call over!

Janet, your lazy afternoon sounds wonderful!!

Andy, glad to hear you are able to do things like housecleaning without needing a lot of meds - that's real progress!!

Jo, prayers for a good report tomorrow!!

Saw the ISS again last night. Skies are clear right now but the pass over time this evening is before it gets dark out, so I'm not sure we'll get to see it.

Need to fix food for people and pets! Later!

Sandi said...

Shep just arrived with a fish! Couldn't see how big b/c Miss Bossy Pants stole it and covered it immediately!!

Sandi said...

Shep took off - whatta guy!! Belle dragged the fish up to the 12 spot and is feeding one chick. the other is watching but doesn't seem too interested in food.

glo said...

I am always happy when i see there is food for Belle to feed her young.

Sandi said...

Good afternoon Glo! Still raining where you are? Sunny and almost 90 here in Bethany. Temps did reach 90 at some places inland!!

glo said...

Both being fed :-)

glo said...

yes Sandi still raining. Light rain right now but more storms scheduled for overnight. Dex and i have been up since 4 am. noisy hail wind etc etc.

glo said...

I think the food supply this year is ample BUT not abundant.

Lynne2 said...

HOT. Glad to have something besides COLD to whine about! 88 here....thank goodness the humidity is low.

Glad Glo and Dex weathered the weather well. Looks like Kay is under the gun now, MAYBE some of us late tonight...

Lolly, you getting some pictures of your wrens??

Lynne2 said...

I've got my hummingbird food all made! Think I will put out the feeder tomorrow! They have been seen nearby!!

Lolly said...

Jack saw a hummingbird today, so I got my feeder out. I think the hummer was looking for the feeder. I love it when they do that and then I know it is a returning hummer. Wow!

Have not taken pictures this year of the wrens. Maybe I will get one tomorrow. It has now "warmed" up to 46, No rain, but cloudy. Brrrr!

Sandi said...

Lynne, hung my hummingbird feeders before I left for school this morning, after seeing your post on FB. Thanks for the reminder!

Lolly said...

I usually put it out April 1, but the date got by me!

Lynne2 said...

I got very upset thinking of the hummers coming to look for the feeders at the old place, after 12 seasons. And the bluebirds looking for their boxes again this year :(

Sandi said...

Lynne, you mean you didn't leave a forwarding address at the old place so the hummers and the bluebirds would know where to go?? =) And, when will we be getting the video tour of the new place?? BTW, how's the noise from upstairs??

Lolly said...

Good questions, Sandi! I wanna know too! :)

Lynne2 said...

The noise is bad. Apparently the youngest who is 4 has some sort of learning disability or mental problem of some sort. Not sure. God bless the little fella because he sure doesn't have a good parental situation to help him through life. All the man does is yell and yell and yell and everyone. If my landlord was serious about getting them out, then we should know soon because they said their lease comes up for renewal on May 1 .....

I don't mind the stomping around so much now that I know more. And boy does he stomp around. It's the constant yelling that is so upsetting.

Video tour....HA HA HA!!

Firstly I can't figure out why my camera loads the video onto the computer but then won't play it anymore. I never had problems with videos. BUT....if I upload the video onto FB, it plays there?? NO COMPRENDE!!! And this applies to either computer. sigh....

Secondly, I keep waiting til we get the pictures up, and we keep putting that off. We seem to have major indecision issues! But everything else is good to go. Maybe this weekend. I'm quite proud of my nature cabinet though! Can't wait to share!

Lolly said...

Your nature cabinet sounds interesting.....many, many skulls? :)

Have to eat soon, then go to the visitation for JoAnn at the furneral home. Funeral is tomorrow morning at the Catholic Church. Jack and I feel obligated to go as there will not be many people.

JudyEddy said...

Hellooooooo Home from work and a visit to see the eagle in the cell phone tower saw all three juvies but still no branching yet

and I find a new thread Thanks for the new thread STEVE

JudyEddy said...

HODA I hope you are feeling better soon change of weather give you a cold sending healing thoughts your way to get over the headache and cough

JudyEddy said...

83° out now was so nice at the park stayed longer than I wanted but was nice

Hoda said...

It is COLD



Did I mention it is COLD

Hoda said...

My toes and fingers are blue! I am wearing a sweater in the flat and I put the heat back on!
It drops down to the upper twenties low thirties in the evening and it is sitting upper thirties lower forties right now!


Your neighbours to the North are FREEZING!

Lolly said...

It is COLD here, too, Hoda. You left the freezer door open again. Shame!!!!

Hoda said...

Oh I forgot my manners!!!

Good afternoon/ early evening to you all from the rugged frozen north!

Lolly said...

Getting down to 35 or so tonight. Have to turn the heat back on in the greenhouse. We shall freeze together!!! :)

Hoda said...

LOLLY!!! I had some solace reading that it is cold in Texas too but not enough to stop me from soliciting some sympathy and empathy from you all...

Lolly said...

We only got 3 tenths of an inch of rain, but grateful for every drop.

Lolly said...

It was up to 80 yesterday. We went to bed with windows wide open and the ceiling fan on. Woke up cold early this morn. lol I did not see the temp, but turned off the fan and thought to close the windows a wee bit, but closed all the way when I felt the cold air coming in like a fan was blowing it in.

Hoda said...

JO PRAYERS for a clean PET results tomorrow...

LOLLY make sure the plants stay beautiful. I would be heart broken if old man frost got them too. How I enjoy your pictures of the awesome garden on FB.

So sorry about your neighbour. RIP.

SORRY LYNNE too that you had worried thoughts about the humming birds in the old place and the other birds too. Yes 12 years is a long time and I hope they find other sources of food.

Lots of empathy for the neighbour's child upstairs LYNNE.

Hoda said...

It sounds very "Elegant Colonial" to sleep with the ceiling fan on and the windows in the tropics LOLLY that is the image that comes to my mind...Out of Africa type plantations. I loved that movie.

magpie said...

Oh Lynne2..that is sad, so sad, about the child upstairs.

Lolly and Jack,
I am late in sending my sympathies on the death of your neighbor...
I think it will be a beautiful

magpie said...

And Super Duper Prayers for
our Mighty Jo on Thursday....
praying for all possible BEST outcomes

xo ♥

Good Evening to All Eagle Pals "behind me" me
and yet to come

Hoda said...

Get those eaglets away from that railing will you? There is an adult in the nest next to them but my I swear they are about to fall over!

JudyEddy said...

YEP I see BELLE feetsies

Hoda said...

I guess it will come dark and they will keep crawling to the edge!!! LOOK AT THEM!!! Would but MISS BELLE send them scurrying to the middle of the nest the cup area would suit me fine!

JudyEddy said...

I really think they know not to go over the edge I am sure the parents have communicated with them LOL
We are just worriers

JudyEddy said...

remember the pictures I think LORI got last year or was it DANAMO of the chicks looking out over the nest at the last NON OPEN HOUSE

JudyEddy said...

Just heard from SUE on FB the eaglets are about 8 weeks old in the cell phone tower so it will be a couple of weeks still

JudyEddy said...

HEY anyone know what the items is in the pantry corner near 530 6

Hoda said...

Oh yes I remember JUDYE!
All the same I have my rathers!

Hoda said...

Lots of talk of fish today JUDYE...could it be nestovers?

Hoda said...

PAULA I am glad you can get the nest on your iphone. Did you install the app that LINDA suggested?

Hoda said...

The Palace has made a mistake in my opinion in granting Lady Thatcher a Ceremonial Funeral! For all practical purposes it is a State Funeral except she will not be lying in state at Westminister Abby and will not get a fly past from the RAF. That puts her on the same footing as The Queen Mother and Diana Princess of Wales.
What really gets me is that Her Majesty will attend! Not good! She has only attended WInston Churchill's Funeral and the Monarch does not attend Prime Minister's Funerals. The argument is that Lady Thatcher was a transformational PM. So was Clement Attlee who brought National Health Services to England. He changed the role of individuals to the state with this act...
The Monarch's Partiality is at stake here. I think it is a mistake. The Welsh are not happy and the hundreds of thousands that Lady Thatcher starved, some to death, are not pleased either! Many Brits are in Canada because the Iron Lady caused them to lose everything and they came here to start over again.
Next Wednesday will be interesting in the United Kingdom.

stronghunter said...

Hoda and Lolly...Sorry that winter has returned. My Colorado brother is in the middle of it too.

Was summer here today. Sudden change from winter to summer.

Lynne2 said...

I read up on that Hoda. Not good. Not good at all.

Need to get a cool shower. It's warm in here! It got up to 88 today! INSANITY!

Lolly, I must have missed your post on your neighbor passing that the one that had the cancer, and the husband who went ou to town>

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne2, I will answer for Lolly, since I asked her the question last night, too. Yes, that is the lady.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, I have an Android phone, so I didn't need the Puffin app. I just tried it and it worked when I opened up the cam in a new window.

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, prayers for good results tomorrow, we will be thinking of you!

glo said...

Paula Which phone did you get?

magpie said...


magpie said...

And mating just occurred on the Osprey nest on the Wildwatch cam in Washington State, their nest
is looking mighty fine !

JudyEddy said...

I see the two chicks one at 2 and the other 10 But I don't see BELLE

Mema Jo said...

Good evening! Dr said to eat high protein dinner this evening - so I had steak. Like other test I won't eat again until late morning near lunch.
I can live with that.

I am really not ready to go back to cold cold weather. Hoda - turn the heat up!

Paula - how are you going to celebrate tomorrow? Are you expecting any big surprises?
I'll be thinking of you!

Janet said...

good evening all,

LOLLY: yes, that nasty front is headed our way. supposed to hit here between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. tomorrow for our area...... :P bleech.

SANDI : i so enjoyed my lazy time today. however, you know me, it didn't last long.....after i picked olivia up, i got motivated. i took out the weed eater and the push mower and tidied up the yard. tom had taken the lawn tractor to the majority of it the other day......but had some trimming to do.

HODA: sorry you are so chilly!!!!!! sending warm thoughts your way!

We have cooler weather heading our way for a couple of days....but i think a warm up again within a few days. that is par for the course here.

It was nice to be outside today. I wore a pair of shorts and a top that allowed me get a little Vitamin D on my skin. :)

The countdown to the auction of our parents' estate is on.....I think Tom, LIvvy and I will head up after Tom is off of work on the 19th, get a hotel, stay the night (its 2 and a half hours up the road) and then watch it be auctioned. It was a tough decision, but I think I need to be there. For my sanity and peace of mind for Judy and for me.

I will be so glad to get this done. Sad on one hand, the final goodbye if you will, but mostly, just very thankful and glad.

Watching Survivor. Hope everyone has a peaceful slumber...and good medical reports all the way around tomorrow! SED

paula eagleholic said...

Glo, I have the Samsung Stratosphere. It is about a year old, I got it free from work. It works good :)

paula eagleholic said...

Janet, glad you are going. Yes, sad, but a final goodbye is necessary.

Jo, I am working tomorrow, then Larry is taking me to the Carraige House for dinner. Dutch's of the North county, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Stopped by Lowe's on my way there at a good time...Larry took his dinner break and we went to Panera. He is feeling better today...he got a nasty cold yesterday...sure hope it is mostly gone by Saturday...he is going to the Florida Keys with 3 friends for a week on Saturday...going fishing mostly.

Hoda said...

Keep us posted on the auction JANET.

You are in my PRAYERS JO for the test tomorrow and I hope you do not get too hungfy before it is done.

The heat is on!!!

Glad LARRY is feeling better PAULA and I wish him well on his fishing trip with buddies.

Mema Jo said...

Judy it looks like they are on their own - hope not but I guess it is too warm to cuddle.
I had inquired about having the full view of the nest with our cam.
As far as the zoom on the camera -
Per Steve: sorry, the cam is zoomed out all the way. We control it here. (Meaning nctc)
Per The Live Eagle Cam: Unfortunately the Eagle Cam is already zoomed out and we can't pan the video to show more of the top of the nest. When prepping for next season, we'll investigate what can be done, but for the current season we're at the maximum viewable area.

glo said...

OK Thanks Paula

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch CSI NY


JudyEddy said...

How cute is this from the FT Meyers nest HONOR taking a bath so stinkin cute

My first bath love it

JudyEddy said...

I see parent on edge of nest now

Lynne2 said...

feisty storms pooping up all around now....

stronghunter said...

Interesting information about Margaret Thatcher, Hoda. I must admit, I did not know much about her.

About to call it a night here. I did take a nap earlier after practicing bowling and running errands.

Came upstairs to a disaster on my bed. I had laid a bag of dry cat food there. George found it, chewed a hole in the bag and ate until . . . well he ate more than he could hold. That is all I will say about that, but I have a lot of laundry to do tomorrow.

See you tomorrow. Sleep well, my friends.

stronghunter said...

As I said on FB, last night it was a motorcycle racing up and down the street. Tonight it was some kind of critter altercation. I think a cat fight. At least the critters did not take long to settle things, which is good because they were plenty loud.

Hoda said...

Sorry about the mess on the bed SHIRLEY and the noise in the neighbourhood too!

Hoda said...

Goodnight All



Mema Jo said...

Ready to call it a night - Shirley I hope George doesn't get hungry through the night! My one cat just came in - the weather is so nice that he must have thought he would stay out a while and prowl.

Thinking about all of you - praying for all to be good for you - I guess I missed the sandman and some other Momsters haven't yet said goodnight.

I'll talk with you tomorrow late morning or early afternoon. I love us ♥

Judie said...

It is time to head to dreamland but want to check in first.

Jo, will be thinking of you tomorrow although I have no doubt all will be good and you will be declared fit as a fiddle.

Paula, have a wonderful birthday. I hope you are able to enjoy the day to the fullest with the people you love the most.

Oh my, don't cha just hate pooping storms? I do. Especially when I am hungfy. lol

Hoda, please open the freezer door -- we are having July-like weather. A bit uninformed but it did seem unusual regarding the status of PM Thatcher's funeral. I'm sure most people will understand or be tolerant.

Shirley, sorry about the need for laundry. Grace gave us a serious scare last night. Got into a plant and was really sick. Was okay about an hour later. Were preparing to take her to the emergency vet.

Okay, the sandperson has departed and I must arise to begin my day with the wannabe adults.

Restful sleep everyone.

Lolly said...

Have had a bit of stomach discomfort tonight. Ready for bed and hope I wake up feeling better,

Thanks Paula, for answering Lynne's question.

Hardly anyone at the furneral home tonight. One other neighbor couple was there.

Freeze warning for the area just north of us and it includes Denton. Hope Laurel has her plants in!! It cleared today and the sun came out but it felt soooo cold!

Lolly said...

Falling asleep in my chair, so I am heading to bed.

Night all! I love us!


magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Special Prayers and
Positive Thoughts for
our JO today, and will look for updates through the day
(( HUGS ♥ Jo ))


Happy Birthday, Paula...
Hope this is your Merriest Birthday, Ever xoxox ♥

magpie said...

Oh dear, Shirley!
Never a dull moment in your
life, is there !!

and hoping that Judie's Grace will be A-OK after getting into the plant last night

Lolly....also hope you are feeling good this morning.....Very dear that you and Jack are present for
JoAnn's Visitation and Funeral...
Beautiful Ministry on your part

magpie said...

And Best Wishes for
a Very Good Day, Today,
for Every One

Getting ready for work here,
I think things cooled off a wee bit
here overnight

"See Ya' From Work"

ttfn xoxo ♥

ttfn xo ♥

magpie said...

Oh, neurologists confirmed carpal
tunnel, probably both hands...
will find out more on May 1
then decide what to do and when

and for Andrea:
Wow, you sound so
very much better....hope the healing and wellness continue,
but be careful: Don't OverDo Anything! No Relapses Allowed!

okay, so long for now
xo ♥

Sandi said...

Good morning Margy and all my eagle friends!!


Jo, extra special thoughts and prayers for you today to get a perfect report from the doctor!! Love ya!!

Lynne, hope the storms that "pooped up" didn't hit Manchester.

Hoda, I am totally ignorant about all things Margaret Thatcher - thanks for the insight about her funeral.

We slept with the sliding glass door open in our room last night - the ocean was so loud (and we're 4 blocks away)! A cool front definitely came through during the night - only in the 50s now and going into the 70s today.

Make it a great day all!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Love the sound of the ocean, Sandi.

I see two greyish blobs moving about in the nest. And a parent on the top edge of the picture. Oh, feeding now. Night vision is not the best, but at least we have it.

stronghunter said...

Daylight is arriving at the nest and the greyish blobs are becoming two eaglets.

stronghunter said...

Glad that Gracie was okay, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Paula!!

stronghunter said...

Hope that your stomach is okay today, Lolly.

Hope that you find pain relief for both hands, Margy. You have been dealing with that for some time now.

Will be thinking of you today, Jo. Prayers and good wishes.

Andy, you sound so much better. That's great. Now to keep the bees away. I keep thinking of how I would react to seeing a huge swarm of bees flying through my house. Yikes! Just hard to imagine.

magpie said...

Happy Return to PA trails to
Lori...I think today is
traveling day

Thanks, Shirley...I might have been putting some of this
off for too long....
wow, gardening season approaches,
better get some stuff done
while I can!

really getting ready to leave now...
have to drop the vehicle off
at mechanics' for numerous
problems :(

xo ((( Hugs Every One )))

Janet said...

just a quick note. rain/storms heading in in a couple of hours. will miss rush hour it appears, but hate severe weather....

good morning to all. hope everyone has a good day. thinking about you.

light, love, hugs, and comfort to each of you!

stronghunter said...

Need to call my doctor back to find out what all he wanted to tell me. I thought he would be calling me but not yet. Always get frustrated when I call there because I have to deal with so many recorded messages. Guess it saves them (and maybe me) money, but it is still frustrating.

Funny thing, the day after my colonoscopy, I had such a desire for salty snacks that I went through two bags of them at bowling. Also wanted sugar and thoroughly enjoyed a bottle of sweet tea. Guess those things were out of kilter.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and I enjoyed sitting on the front porch yesterday evening. Reminded me of evenings doing that with my mother.

We watched Hunter complete some of the activities that his baseball coach had told him to do. He's complaining. Does not want homework for baseball, the poor overworked kid. After all, he must use his precious time to save the world from zombies.

Hunter keeps saying that we just do not understand how hard he has to work at school. Oh, the stress of it all.

stronghunter said...

I think you might have been putting it off for too long, Margy. But I do think we all understand that kind of thing. But now that you are on a roll, I hope you go for it and find relief from the pain you have been in.

You are so quick to help others, but now it is Margy's time to do something for herself.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Happy Birthday Paula. Hope it will a special one for you.

Two growing gray blobs with a parent just hangin' out. Isla was doing her morning wake-up routine, all is well with the bears, Ezra is on duty at the Red Tail hawk nest, and the Kestrel nest was dark.

Lolly, hope you are feeling better and it's good that Andy seems to be improving.

Will be thinking of Jo this morning.

Margy, will be anxious to know what the drs. say about the possible pain/joint remedies.

Shirley, I'm sure the dr. will have good news today. Hope George is okay (Grace is fine). As Margy said, never a dull moment at your home. Poor Hunter - perhaps he needs to report his Mom, Grandmom, and coach for child

Judie said...

Need to try to make myself less scary to go and chat with the wannabe adults.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Mema Jo said...

Good early morning to all ♥
I had to check first thing on the nest to be sure those 2 grey blobs last night were our eaglets - Adult in the nest with them now. I wish they would hang out around 3-4 position rather then up at noon.

As Shirley said, Margy, it is now time for YOU.I'll be back later today.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Paula -
Enjoy your special day and
celebrate you

T-Bird said...

Good morning my friends.

T-Bird said...

Happy birthday Paula. I hope you treat yourself today like your best friend. ((hugs))

stronghunter said...

Going to procrastinate for a bit and crawl back under the blankets this morning.

Had a nice conversation with a squirrel over peanuts yesterday. I tossed a few and he ate them nervously, but did not see him this morning. Will try again later.

magpie said...

Good Morning from the Dough Factory...

I really cherish catching up
with what people are saying...

thanks for the kind thoughts
and encouragement...

THIS here, is Friendship, Personified to the MAX

magpie said...

I don't think I can tell you
how much you and the family are on my mind....and not just today.

(((((( THIS MUCH ))))

does not quite approach it....

T-Bird said...

MAGPIE-Don't work too hard at the Dough Factory. LOL I love it.

MEMA JO-I second what MAGPIE said and the same goes for you MAGPIE.

T-Bird said...

To the "max" MAGPIE-I like that.

glo said...

NEW THREAD head on over

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...