Tuesday, April 02, 2013


Some of you may know that we have had some drama with our birds the past few days.

We had indications that an intruder was in the vicinity of the nest on Saturday and again on Sunday morning.  Yesterday afternoon, our pair was involved with an extended altercation with another adult Bald Eagle who is likely interested in our pair's territory. 

One of our birds stationed itself on an adjacent tree watching, and soon, the other (likely the male) came flying across our entry road chasing another adult bald eagle.  These birds fought overhead while our other bird stationed itself in the top of the nest tree.  The fighting went on for some time, with the interloper bird was finally chased west away from the nest tree. 

We are not sure what the conclusion of this altercation was, but both of our birds are back in normal mode.  We'll see if there is any additional challenges.

Remember this is wild nature we are watching.  Nesting habitat is at a premium, thus nesting pairs will be challenged occasionally.

New thread.


DanaMo said...

OMGosh!! Thanks Steve for the information. WOW!

I'll go get the others!

DanaMo said...

Just made Amish friendship bread and now I can't stop eating it. I have no willpower whatsoever!

DanaMo said...

Okay...no one has followed me yet.

Sandi said...

Hi Dana! I heard ya! Thanks for the call over. Thanks so much Steve for the new thread and for the info. on our eagles, even if it isn't the best news!

Sandi said...

How incredible for the NCTC staff to witness something like that! So glad that our pair of eagles prevailed and defended their nest and the chicks!

Lolly said...

Oh, wow! Thanks Steve for the info. What a sight to see. Yea, for our pair!

Off to the dentist. Fun and games!

mimi said...

Thanks for the update! I saw that someone had posted a message about an intruder and wondered what had happened. Thank you for keeping us informed.

Lori O. said...

Thanks, STEVE, for the update on the intruder and for the new thread. Scary, for sure!

Thank you, DANAMO, for the call over! I have no willpower, either! You'll do it. Don't worry. :)

Lynne2 said...

OMG! Thanks for the info Steve...

Lynne2 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

Good Afternoon and much thanks to DANA for the call over AND to STEVE for the illumination on what Belle and Shep were busy with. My heart was in my throat just reading about the rude intruder ! Yes, it's life in the wild and to be expected, especially now that the eagle population is growing so fast. However, for those of us with our hearts invested in certain nests, it's unnerving to say the least !!!!

LORI, mega hugs for you, Kate and her dear Annie !

HODA, knee socks and turtleneck sweater is mode of the day here ! Happy for you, but green with envy !

LOLLY, safe travel and happy times with those Georgians !

Love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Steve. Bet that was pretty interesting to observe. We know there was an intruder around, it landed in the nest! Glad it seems to be chased away for now.

WV sUSAn said...

Could be why they kept covering the chicks with grasses for a couple days. hmmmmm

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks for the update, Steve!

WV sUSAn said...

Please tell me someone else is watching that eaglet with its leg stretched out on Belle's back. Soooo darn funny.... and CUTE!!

Lolly said...

Just arrived back home. WAS going to go to a nursery in Fort Worth, but guess what....it is raining! Drove home in pouring rain! Wahoooo!

Lolly said...

I must say, I do like this dentist. So, now that he has done a great job with the crown, I am going back next week for cleaning anc checking. I contacted my old dentist and this dentist contacted my old dentist to email my xrays. They said they would but guess what...they do not do as they say they will. Cutting all ties with them, will have new xrays. Grrrr!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Dana for announcing the new thread - Congrats on the feather.

Steve, I really want to thank you for the information you have given - Your description is spectacular - That was a breathtaking performance I'm sure.
I hope the interloper bird got the message not to return but at least we know that our royal eagle couple won this battle.

Lolly said...

Poop shoot, saw it and heard it. lol And now calling out. Hope no more problems with intruder.

Janet said...

WOW. What an incredible sight that must have been to watch the eagles defend their nest, babes and territory!!!!! Scary, but awesome all the same.

I am LAZY today, L A Z Y

My business lunch was canceled as well as the afternoon meeting at school It is chilly outside...need to do a few things inside and SOOOOOOO not motivated today!

Did go and have lunch with the oldest granddaughter @ her school Had lunch with the grandson some times ago. Checked out oldest daughter's new car....a mazda 5...a cross between a station wagon and a mini van. Very nice vehicle.
It should serve them well.

Well, gonna go see if I can round up some motivation to get a few things done, lol.

Later ya'll

DanaMo said...

No motivation here. On the couch reading/sleeping/reading/sleeping. Couldn't be better for spring break. Well...if the temperature had been better that would have been good. Should have gone to visit JudyE!

Meanwhile...I have the fireplace going.

I would love to have witnessed the happenings at NCTC of course, that's only because I know it was a positive outcome for our pair.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Absolutely thrilled that Christine's surgery went well, and she is home. Wishing for a speedy recovery!

Oh, Lori! My goodness, prayers for Kate's sister Annie, for sure! Prayers and more prayers! So sorry!
((Hugs))! God bless all of you!

Lolly, you've been in my thoughts and prayers today regarding the dental appt.!

Steve, thank you for the update on the nest intruder situation. I wonder if Belle & Shep have been covering the chicks with flugg so they wouldn't be seen by the intruder....

Went to my first Physical Therapy session last night. She was able to loosen up the spasms in my neck a bit, and it feels better. Have some exercises to do.

Made a vet appt. for Emma for late this afternoon. Since coming home from being boarded she's been scratching a lot, chewing the pads on her front feet, and now she's sneezing and coughing a bit. Don't know whether it's bad allergies or a cold, but need to have her seen ASAP! (She's still got a great appetite, so not too worried.) Would appreciate some prayers for our sweetie very much, though! Thank you in advance!

Need to go get some lunch and get myself looking presentable. Will check back in later tonight. Hope everyone has a great afternoon!
I ♥ us!!!

Lolly said...

Just had to turn down the sound. That wind!

We are off to buy a new scanner, printer,....ours died. Not very old but never did like it.

stronghunter said...

Making a quick check. I see the shadow of an adult watching over Hedgie and Sham.

Thanks for your detailed description of the events at the nest, Steve. Would have been very interesting to have watched that activity.

stronghunter said...

Bowling was better today, thank goodness.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - some of the new scanners are great looking! Let me know what you decide to buy.

So Cyclone Shirley - I hope your scores were high but I'm just glad you enjoyed the activity.

Hubby just invited youngest son and family for dinner. I need to organize my important junk off the dinning table aka Jo's desk/work area.

Dana you are really spoiling yourself - good for you!

Andy I hope Emma gets a good bill of health from the vet! Happy to hear you have found some pain relief also.


paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Shep arrived with a fish

paula eagleholic said...

Shep feeding the kids from the 10 spot. New fish in the middle of the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle back. Shep still feeding

stronghunter said...

New fish being placed in the pantry by Belle.

Lolly said...

HP Photosmart 7520, printer, scanner, copier, fax. That is what we got, Jo. We lucked out too, in that it takes the same ink that we already had for the old printer.

Jack is in setting it up. We shall see how this goes. Oh, and it has the capability to receive and print emailed pictures.

Lolly said...

Ahhh, see the whole family dining in the nest.

I would have hated to see that battle in the sky yesterday. Would not have been able to tell who was who. Yikes!

Andy, so very sorry Emma is under the weather.

paula eagleholic said...

Adults are munching some lunch.

stronghunter said...

Haven't yet figured exactly how to use the printer as a fax machine, Lolly, but I like having the copier and printer functions. Guess I would figure it all out if I needed to fax many things.

Lolly said...

Our old one had fax and Jack never figured it out. He will on this one. He is communicating again and about to do some more consulting.

Lolly said...

Eaglets are really plotzed in the egg cup. Like seeing then there.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - sounds like it handles quite a good many tasks.

Love watching our royal family having meals together....

BBL this evening

stronghunter said...

Have to connect it to the phone line, that much I know, but did not need it, so did not bother with it. I am sure Jack will get it going.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle snugged up over the chicks, looks like the fish is gone.

stronghunter said...

Peeking out from under Mom!

stronghunter said...

Various parts of fish are strewn about.

JudyEddy said...

HI HONEY I am home HOW was your day?

WOW thanks STEVE For the new THREAD and the drama of our nest

this seems to be happening at several nest this year also

JudyEddy said...

Lori, so sorry about Annie. Thinking of Kate, and her family, and you

JudyEddy said...

It is such a nice day 78° right now

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

BELLE is at 9 on the edge of the nest the chicks are plotzed and down in the cup Good thing Belle is at the tree trunk otherwise I thing she would be blown out of the nest

JudyEddy said...

I laughed at the comment of her getting wind up her bumm

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I am switching to Google chrome for the blog as well as facebook as of yesterday I had to uninstall google chrome framework
from IE because it kept telling me that my flash player has CRASHED with a little sideways frowny face in the middle of a white screen couldn't get FB so I uninstalled it may try later to redo because it had spell check for FB but not the blog and I just found out the CHROME has spell check on both so I will use chrome for now I guess

JudyEddy said...

Tomorrow is our inventory at work I dislike working on that day because you really can't do anything but stand and listen for price checks and sku checks Boring

JudyEddy said...

Well like daily here I am talking to myself LOL and breaking the rule of comments in a row Lator Gator

JudyEddy said...

This is just mentioned on the news more details at 6 I dislike teasers LOL
A couple is giving their 11 yr old son Medical marijuana

Jewels said...

Hi everyone. I am sad to learn of the news regarding a intruder. I have been busy while at work to check in... Today I have Jessica at work with me!! She needed job shadowing credits in order for graduation.

Jewels said...

not likeing where I am sitting tonight. There is a dead rodent somewhere in between my seat and Margy's seat.

JudyEddy said...

OK why do you have a DEAD RODENT there ?

JudyEddy said...

OH you can't find it but smell it?

Lori O. said...

Hello JUDYE! You are not alone here. Sorry for the boring day tomorrow. I would rather be bustling busy than bored!

paula eagleholic said...

I hear ya Carolyn...had one down in the basement...in a wall...sprayed some stuff, smell is finally gone on its own.

JudyEddy said...

What kind of stuff Paula did you spray??
Where Angie works in the shop they always have dead ones

Feeding time for the piglets

Janet said...

fyi: april 2. i have sleet. :P bah humbug!

JudyEddy said...

I had a dead one in the attic Carl went up there for me and found it a couple of months ago He also found a small baby possum that is the worst smell in the world to me

JudyEddy said...

DEAD possum no meat on it he said just the hide May have been up there for years he thought was sort of petrified

JudyEddy said...

sounds like chattering the chicks peeps

JudyEddy said...

OH NO SIS sorry we are 78°

JudyEddy said...

BELLE moved to the sides of the chicks and is now digging in the cup

JudyEddy said...

ODD I am missing a post at 6:13 its in my email but not on the blog

JudyE has left a new comment on the post "Tuesday":

JANET I like what Chelsea posted about the weather
""""Freezing rain in April! seriously?! what the hell?! who has the weather remote and please change it back to spring?!"""

Post a comment.

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Posted by JudyE to Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily at Tuesday, April 02, 2013 6:13:00 PM

JudyEddy said...

I wonder where do lost post go
must be blowing around in the wind
with the garland or lost in the
world where old appliance get dumped

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is brooding the chicks

Lynne2 said...

evening all.

Prayers, Lori, for Kate, Annie and family and friends.

Andy, glad you are feeling good after PT and hope Emma gets a clean bill of health! Hopefully she didn't pick up fleas at the kennel.

Dana, fireplace, reading, napping, AMISH FRIENDSHIP BREAD!!! Now that surely is a good break! But I do hope the weather warms up for you...

Lolly, YAY RAIN! Will you be able to be in touch during your upcoming road trip?

Well, it surely was something to read of the eagle adventures. Kay hit the nail on the head...these things will surely happen more and more often as the eagle population rebounds, and nesting territories decline. Keeping my fingers crossed that this was the intruder that's been around all along, and that our Royal Pair sent him packing for good now.

Lynne2 said...

oh dear, time to update my avatar...

Lolly said...

Lynne, I will have my iphone, so yes will occasionally peek in. Also, we are going to activate the ipad and take it with us as well. We have just been using wifi here at home. It is about $10 a month, so we will just activate it while we are traveling.

Jack has the printer up and running. I have printed from my laptop and he has printed. Will set up the email to it and the fax later

Lolly said...

Used to change my avatar, guess I have gotten lazy. :)

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Dana and Janet, I echo your lack of motivation to get anything done today. I didn't get one thing checked off my to-do list today! Did take a nice nap with Bella, and made a grocery list ... but didn't get to the grocery store to buy the stuff ON the list!

Jewels, I remember when Brian's hamster went missing when he was a kid. Never did find/catch the little rascal, but we did smell him in the basement for quite a while!

Bandit stopped eating over the weekend and was having "gastrointestinal issues" to put it delicately. We thought it was finally "his time." This morning, he ate breakfast, wanted to go for a walk, his intestines worked just fine, and he ran around the living room and dining room playing when he came back in. Just put his dinner down and he ate it right away. Seems like his old self again!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

OH I do like the GOOGLE image today Pretty cool

Lolly said...

Have made reservations at camp for Annie. It is at the vet's so I know she will get the care that she needs.

JudyEddy said...

BELLE calling out

JudyEddy said...

Angie and Carl use to leave their dogs at Doggie Daycare Those dogs loved it there Where excited when she pulled up and they saw the place

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is up

JudyEddy said...

Looks like she is gonna feed them approaching a fish

JudyEddy said...

standing ovr the fish and looking at her chicks

JudyEddy said...

nope changed her mind looking around now

JudyEddy said...

she is at 3 now

JudyEddy said...

wind blowing up her back

JudyEddy said...

She is standing in front of the chicks now going to start picking at food at 1

JudyEddy said...

now she is feeding them

JudyEddy said...

she has moved to 12 now dragging food with her

JudyEddy said...

Hedgie is being feed and Shamie is behind her

JudyEddy said...

OH MY that is to big BELLE

Jewels said...

Yea, its in here somewhere, dead and I can smell it. I hate having a nose that can smell things like that, others in here cannot smell it .
we had a problem once before at home that they were in the walls, I made CHarlie tear the walls apart to rid of them

Jewels said...

Oh Sandi thats awful, poor thing...

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

ONE Of the adults is peeping lo

JudyEddy said...

Shep is eating at 6 and Belle is feeding at 12

JudyEddy said...

got a good pic of Belle reaching over Hedgie to give Shamie some food

JudyEddy said...

you can see the pin feathers some know I think Paula mentioned it the other day

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

The chicks turn around and see Shep I think they may venture to him or may they are full

JudyEddy said...

Well I guess they are full and not gonna see dad

JudyEddy said...

SHEP is gonna brood the chicks or sort of they are in front of him and he is sort of in the cup

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is back with stick

JudyEddy said...

SHEP is up now and Belle is eating fish at 6 The adults are talking to each other

JudyEddy said...

soft sweet peeps from the parents POOF SHEP

JudyEddy said...

BELLE continues to eat at 6

JudyEddy said...

BELLE moved to 12 I only see feetsies

JudyEddy said...

now she is at 3 and getting ready to hunker down on the chicks

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

my delete I wanted to say such a good mom

magpie said...

Chirpity Chirpity...
Belle is awake

Hello Eagle Pals xo

magpie said...

ISS making morning rounds this week, nice flyover in the morning WNW around 5:48 hereabouts Wednesday, I'll be up and will bundle up and watch for it....

magpie said...

This does not surprise me...I picked up and trashed QUITE a pile of chips and food stuffs from that workstation PLUS a full trash can....today, early on.....
WOOF ! to the max

Jessica looks GREAT...shining...
I am so proud of BOTH of you !!
And boy do I love those HUGS at change of shift !


magpie said...

Regarding a printer, I have a nice HP in storage! Does printing, faxing, scanning....copying, all that jazz....I need to get it OUT of storage

To the Teachers ! Enjoy your much deserved and well-earned Break !
"Vedge" as needed, and who could fault you, DanaMo...for not being able to resist the Amish Friendship Bread! Just tell us where you got it !!!

magpie said...

Farmer's Market in Shepherdstown officially starts THIS SUNDAY !!

I am going to do my very best to get there and get me some Megan Plants !!

magpie said...

I could buy some dirt and be totally happy about !

magpie said...

Happy that you Enjoyed your bowling today ☺

Andrea: Yep, you have my doggy prayers for Emma...

and same for Bandit, Sandi...
glad "things were moving along normally today" ☺

magpie said...

Well, I read Steve's comment with great interest and images in my mind....
appreciate his report AND his insight on things....
Only half of the couple from the Marylad side was at the Eater gathering in Shepherdstown, the woman half, and it is the Man half that has the bead on the Maryland side of the Potomac Eagles...so I did not try to get any information on any of that.

magpie said...

that would be the EASTER gathering Sunday...

Wondering when Judie will kick the Sandperson out for the night, and wondering how the wannabe adults were, was it today ??

I KNOW it is Terrific Tuesday, so I respect all Television watchers...

magpie said...

All that stuff I picked up was on the floor, some great mouse chow!
Bleeeeach !

magpie said...

Oh! The Fox crieth out !

magpie said...

And I am finally here to HEAR it!

My son in law saw a Black Bear on his property in Morgan County last night...James did not see it....it ambled down into the thickets at the end of the property....the little 15-pound Pringles more or less chased it off ☺

magpie said...

Snail-mailing awaits me...
ttfn ♥

Would like to see an update, when possible, from Lori
regardng Kate's sister Annie
((Hugs)) Lori, for the Family...
xo ♥

magpie said...

There are FIVE eggs at the Stork Cam in the Netherlands...

Okay 'bye xo

Hoda said...

PRAYERS for ANNIE, KATE and LORI...yes if she is going I hope it is painless and fast.

It is all in God's Hands.

I am still stunned at the detailed report that STEVE gave us on this thread. Incredible. Excellent writing and gave a true story as to what was going on and very objective. I am glad the Royal Pair Prevailed. I am glad the eaglettes are also well.

Hoda said...

Shepherdstown Farmer's Market opens this SUNDAY!!! YAY YAY YAY!!! Sure sign of warmer weather.

I used my sun hat today!!! Honestly this is nuts.

Hoda said...

Glad you have your crown LOLLY. Where are you travelling? I missed that part. I got the stuff of hooking up the printer and the phone and the ipad with email accounts and missed where you are off to??? ANYONE ELSE???

Hoda said...

Bear already but I suppose even with the late spring it is time for them to move about.

MARGY glad you have such a positive approach in regards the renovations in your apt.

AGAIN STEVE'S account stays with me...I would have liked to see that. I also like how so very factual the account is...objective with no spin off of the drama. It is what it is!!!

NatureNut said...

Good Grief, what eagle action!!! If I had a giant movie camera, I could show you similar aerial acrobatics today by the ospreys! There was no combat, yet, just a game of chase. A pair of potential squatters flew near the occupied nest platform closest to the Vis. Ctr. (not on cam). Most of the time there were 4 birds up in the air, usually in pairs. They flew in tandem, just like mirror images.Usually there was one osprey in the nest, but after lunch nest was mostly MT. A couple of them ate fish up in the trees, not on platform. I emailed our expert,Greg, and he said he might try putting up another platform if this behavior continues.
On the cam nest this AM, we saw Mr. Osprey bring in a stick as fat as a broom stick and fight the wind trying to drop it!Later he brought in a big fish and there was an orangey ball in the nest! Can't be an egg!? One bird rolled it with beak! Maybe it was an April Fool Easter Egg!
Try to get some pics on TH ☺

Janet said...

my dear eagle friends,

tonight i am writing and asking you to send light, love and healing energies aka prayers to my sweet and beloved scout.

this afternoon, i left the house about 3:45 to go to get olivia from school and put scout in the back yard to play.

when we got home, we found that she had chewed up a bottle of antifreeze.

we had her at the vet shortly thereafter, who induced vomiting, put in an IV line and sent us on to the emergency vet across town as they didn't have the ability to care properly for her, it will a round the clock type of care.

at the emergency vet they tested first to be certain that she ingested antifreeze, and indeed, she did. thankful for 3 things: 1. we noticed the bottle 2. we acted quickly 4. it is a low level of ingestion. but we have to treat.

so scout is in the hospital for 24 to 36 hours receiving medications to flush out her system, so to speak. the antidote is NOT cheap by any means.

being young and strong, she should be okay, but the possibility of a cardiac arrest is there ( i signed a dnr order) ...and there is the possibility of kidney failure....

so that is where i am my friends. just asking for light and love be sent for her highest and greatest good.....

and thank you in advance.....

JudyEddy said...

OH SIS so sorry about Scout
Sending healing thought your way
so happy there is a antidote

stronghunter said...


Prayers and good wishes for Scout and for you and your family.

Janet said...

Thanks guys. There is an antidote, thankfully.....heading to bed shortly. I am mentally, physically, and emotionally wiped out at this time.

SED>>> light, love, hugs to all

stronghunter said...

I do hope that your quick action results in a good diagnosis for Scout.

It is truly amazing what our fur children can get into. We have all been there with them.

JudyEddy said...

You all have to watch this video
Whenever the owners of this house with a pool came home, they found puddles
of water near their pool.
They believed the neighbours’ kids waited 'till they went out, to use the pool……
So they installed a camera and this is what they saw……

stronghunter said...

Good night, Janet.

SED, everyone. I am heading upstairs to bed. Kathryn and I watched DWTS tonight. She has already gone to bed as she came home very tired.

Tomorrow afternoon, Hunter has baseball practice. I'll be taking him and Kathryn will be leaving work to hurry home to be at his practice. Good that he will be in an activity, but we will be plenty busy.

JudyEddy said...

Terrific Tues was a bust Reruns but I watched something I had on DVR

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lynne2 said...

oh Janet, how awful. Very serious business for sure. Very good that the ethylene glycol was detected so quickly and meds are already on board IV to keep it from metabolizing. Sounds like all was in order in just a couple of hours post ingestion, and that is a very good thing! Was she showing any physical or neurological signs? If not, more's the better.

magpie said...

Prayers for your beloved Scout,
Blessings upon you for your
quick action....
((Hugs ♥ ))

Mema Jo said...

Janet - prayers for Scout's complete recovery! Thankful for your quick actions and that Scout will have vet's care through the night.

Glad Hunter has baseball as he did so well with the extra activity of football. Hoping he has a good coach.

Mema Jo said...

Speaking of Osprey - Blackwater report

We've seen several examples of mating by two birds on the platform, but we've also seen a few instances with three birds on the nest. It's possible there's a little competition going on and it needs to play out.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Janet! Prayers and more prayers for poor Scout!!! Hopefully Scout didn't injest very much, and you caught it in time!
Prayers for your family, too!!!

Happy to report that Miss Emma is home from the vet's, with a short-acting anti-inflammatory injection, some Cephalexin 500 mg capsules, and some Hydroxyzine Pamoate 50 mg capsules to take. She also has squeaky clean anal glands. They could not find a single flea on her, and neither could I. I'm sure if she had one on her it would have found me immediately and bitten me several dozen times, but that wasn't the case. There is some kind of doggy cold or flu going around, but Emma may just have allergies. Her eyelids are inflamed, and she only sneezes and coughs occasionally. I know the feeling. She is eating like a hungry, hungry hippo, so may have to go on a bit of a diet. Gotta cut WAY back on the doggy treats!
She doesn't look fat, but I can't feel her ribs at all. Maybe more exercise, when she feels better.

Omigosh, Margy! Little Pringles chased off a bear?! He's got some serious big dog attitude!!!

Well, I need to go clean up the kitchen and load the dishwasher.
Wishing all of you a restful night's sleep with SED! The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
(Emma, Ken and I thank you for your prayers on Emma's behalf!)
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Mema Jo said...

Jewels = could it be a rotten Easter egg????? My nose is like your nose and at times it is a 'curse' plus usually no one believes what I say I am smelling!

Like Judy said - No TV this Terrific Tues All Reruns for the regulars

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - hopefully Bandit will keep up the good eating and exercising. He sounds like me with good days and bad days!

Hoda - I don't know where Lolly is off to - I missed that info also.

Thinking about all these fur friends and wishing them well - I'm glad there aren't any sock eating reports on Boomer!

Mema Jo said...

Time for that Sandman to be coming by - I may not need to wait for him tonight.

God bless you and your loved ones

Good Night ♥

I love us ♥

magpie said...

Belle and Hedgie and Shamrock
are tucked in....
Shep no doubt has Sentry Duty tonight....
JudyE has called it a day...
Jo is getting tucked in,
Emma is bouncing back....
and Andy has our Security Light on...NO Falls allowed !

And I think the rest of us are
working our way towards the pillows..
and at Midnight Jewels and Jessica will be homeward-bound ♥♥

Prayers for Wellness, for US, our Friends, Families and Pets

God Bless This Nest,
and God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

Positive thoughts and Light to Scout and JANET and family.

Thank you JO, not knowing where LOLLY is off to this time...

Hoda said...



Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. I can now email pics from my phone to the new printer....and it prints! Called Laurel and she sent a pic to the printer, too. Not sure she ever will, but I will print pics from my phone.

We set it up so that only people we have listed can send to the printer. So, if you want to send my printer a pic I will have to add your email. lol Oh, and give you the printers email address. Isn't that wild?! Still have to set up the fax.

Lolly said...

Hoda, we are going to Atlanta, Georgia. Jack's sister lives there and three of her daughters are in the area, Will get to see one of our new great great nieces. The newest baby is in Alabama.

Lolly said...

Okay, headed to bed. See you all tomorrow.

Janet, so sorry about Scout. Hope all ends well. Scary!

paula eagleholic said...

Janet, praying for your Scout. Hope you caught it in time.

Sandi, hope Bandit continues to feel better.

Hitting the hay, been a long day.

SED, love and hugs to all ♥

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning my eagle friends! It's a balmy 26 degrees in Bethany Beach this April 3rd morning! Good grief!!!

Janet, prayers for a good outcome with Scout! Please keep us updated!

JudyEddy said...


65° out now and gonna be a warm one today

SIS I hope Scout is doing better today

DanaMo said...

Good morning!

I tried to upload a video of candling my duck eggs. It's pretty cool to watch if it worked.

Nothing on the schedule for today except a doggie appointment for Frisbee. Regular check-up.

Cold here too Sandi. I want to go for a run after eating all the Amish friendship bread, but it will have to warm up a bit before I head out!

DanaMo said...

Just checked my blog. It worked. Very cool.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!

Hope all is well with everyone this morning.

JANET, sending prayers that Scout is okay when you check on her this morning. Hoping her recovery is quick and total!

Going to be sunny and cold here today...was 21 last night!

JudyEddy said...

HODA and all just saw something on the new a teaser for tonight new at 10 DOGYA yoga with your dogs

JudyEddy said...

you are such a cool teacher DANAMO I saw the pictures on fb too

JudyEddy said...

Chicks are being feed

JudyEddy said...

time to brood the chicks Belle doing a sort of two step over the chicks

Janet said...

good morning all. the day dawns clear and chilly.

i called blue pearl vet already, of course, and she is doing well. at 9 a.m. they will be giving her 2nd dose of antidote.....and then 9 p.m. and 9 a.m. again.

so far so good. i will call again later.

LYNNE2: no, she was not showing any signs of physical or mental response to the antifreeze....she was acting normal the 30 min i watched her prior to tom coming home. i was hoping beyond hope that he had stored water or something in that jug.....if she had shown one sympton i would have left to the vet without him....but she was acting normal. they did say that the exposure was in the low range....but any is very very serious.

so she will be with them til tomorrow morning.

i felt so sad, she strained to get back with us as we left. i just wanted to stay over night with her. i knew i couldn't, but i didn't want her to feel lost and abandonded.

i need to get moving...hopefully today will be much better, no sleet, and no accidents as such.

i will check in later.

thank you my friends for your love and support. its been a rough few hours....

have a great day. (((hugs)))) light, smiles, and healing for all.

Sandi said...

Janet, thanks for the update on Scout! Wonderful news!

Tennis for me this morning from 9-11, then getting highlights and a haircut right after tennis.

Prayers continue for all the needs on our blog, especially for Dana's dad, Lori's dad, Christine, and Annie, Kate, and Kate's family.

Make it a great day!

Lori O. said...

JANET, thanks for the good news on Scout. SO glad she is doing okay!

SANDI, thanks for the thoughts and prayers. Have a great day off!

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks are peeping and Belle is up.

Good news on Scout!

paula eagleholic said...

It is 22° here this morning! And they say tomorrow morning will be colder! C'mon spring! Looks like 70° next week...finally!

Heading to the beach this weekend to fix the roof. Might end up staying there until Monday.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

Thank you Steve for that information. Guys, I really don't believe I could keep watching if something happens again to Belle's family.

paula eagleholic said...

Eating time...peeping away ☺

Judie said...

Good morning.

Read Steve's report and appreciate his keeping us informed. Surely hope the intruder has moved on.

Hope that Bandit and Emma and Scout are all on the mend this morning.

A note to Pringles: You Go Girl!

Shirley, wishing Hunter a super-duper practice today. I think you said their first game is Sat.

Isla is off doing her thing -- likely fishing or dallying in a nearby tree. Heard from Chrissy and she's fine -- just needed a long winter's rest.

Lolly, congrats on the new printer and have a wonderful trip and visit. Safe travels.

No complaints regarding grades for papers posted so far. Still have some to finish, about 30, but simply told them I had to stop grading because I ran out of Jack Daniels. They laughed. I also told them that the vast majority were really very nicely done. Sadly, a few were clearly a last-minute thought.

Okay, off to forage for coffee and then to begin the grading.

Wishing everyone a great day.

grannyblt said...

Good cold and sunny morning to all.

Janet, so glad the prognosis seems good for Scout.

Hoping all have a wonderful day.

Janet said...

new thread!!! new thread!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Wednesday Morning! The wind is brisk and so the temps are extra cold - Come on sunshine!

I need to read back and check out the nest


3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...