Thursday, April 11, 2013


New thread.


glo said...

Good morning everyone. Wow another feather for IL. I am giving it to MeMa jo

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning. Praying for the best results for Mema Jo on her PET scan.


glo said...

Happy Birthday Paula

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!


Omigosh, I need to ask for LOTS of prayers!!! Shirley, you were saying you have been thinking about our bees, well, they're NOT back, but now we have a swarm of very large black ants humming around the lights in the shelf above my chair in the living room. They are dropping down on my chair, and as a result I have probably 15 or 20 ant bites! I put Emma in her crate back in our bedroom right away so she wouldn't get bitten. I'm really frustrated, though. This has been going on since about 4 am our time, and I still have to wait another half hour before I can get a person at the closest pest control company.
They're on Angie's List, so they're probably pretty good. I DON'T want them spraying any bug spray in the house, so this is going to be quite a challenge! Right now I think I'm going to jump in the shower--I feel like there are a bunch of ants up under my clothing, and I'm squirming!!!
I am NEVER, EVER going to ask "What's next?" again!!! AARGH!
(and Emma says, "WOOF!")

magpie said...

you are seriously getting the knack for finding these new threads!

Thanks and
Thanks Steve for a Brand Spanking
New Thursday Thread

magpie said...


this is totally beyond belief....
I am so sorry for your situation there.....

magpie said...

One beautiful orange egg at Kestrel cam in Nebraska:

American Kestrel, Nebraska

Lynne2 said...

Happy Birthday Paula! Hope it's the best ever!

ANDY....O M G. I'm beginning to think those Stinkbugs weren't so bad after all....

Safe travels back to PA Lori, should be a beautiful day for the drive!

Lynne2 said...

I've got Chipping Sparrows singing like mad this morning here!

Lynne2 said...

and Hummingbird feeder is up!

Margy, forgot to tell you...aster seeds are in the frig, hopefully being faked out in to thinking it's winter! Put them in last Saturday.

Lynne2 said...

mom and dad just flew in!

stronghunter said...

Andy, oh my gosh, aren't you guys renting that place? Have you considered moving?

Ms Bookworm said...

Yes, OMG for sure! Shirley, we are purchasing this place. Just don't ask me why right now! Been here since 1980. Trouble is, with the crazy economy, we're upside down on our loan. Another AARGH!!! Don't know what else we could afford that would allow us to keep dear Emma!
She's about 45-50 lbs., and most apartments around here only allow dogs under 25 lbs.! Any rental houses we could afford are in a not-so-nice neighborhood. Sigh....

stronghunter said...

Good grief, sounds like we have a bird's nest in the dryer vent again.

stronghunter said...

Well, keeping Emma is important. That is for sure. I did remember that you all had a house in some other location at one point.

PattiO said...

Good morning everyone!

Just wanted to pop in and tell Paula HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)

stronghunter said...

Good morning, PattiO!

Lolly said...

Just a quick good morning! Have to get ready for the service this morning. I'll be back!

Lynne2 said...

must get to work

stronghunter said...

Have a good day at work, Lynne.

T-Bird said...

Thanks for the call over Glo and thank you Steve for the new thread.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD Afternoon eaglebudlets
as I comeone I find a new thread THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD STEVE

JudyEddy said...

an the eagles are in the same position as when I went to bed last nite

Mema Jo said...

Thank you so much, Glo
Thanks for a fresh new thread, Steve.

My test this am hour was no problem
Don't know the results until 2 weeks when I have my dr appointment - that is sort of a problem - But not to worry! God is in charge.

It is still warm weather here in the valley.

Andy - good golly! Sounds like you need to vacate your house - put a tent out in the yard - you are having the worst kind of luck with insects!
Hope the problem is cleared up soon ♥

grannyblt said...

Happy birthday Paula

Mema Jo said...

Hi There PattiO
Paula said she needed to work today but for sure she'll see your birthday greetings later

Mema Jo said...

My feet are going up for a few......


JudyEddy said...

♫♪ ♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪ ♫

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥


╔═══╗ ♪
║███║ ♫
█ ║ (●) ♫


JudyEddy said...




JudyEddy said...

I see two dead fish and two pigletss at the 12 area looking out over the edge only see bottoms of them

magpie said...

Thank you dear Sweet Jo for reporting in...ok two weeks,
that may seem like awhile...
but I'm glad you are OK with it...
(( Hugs and Rest Well ))
and have a nice lunch if you have not eaten already !! ♥ ☺

Lolly said...

I'm baaack!! Service was very nice. Only three of us there that were not family. So glad we were able to be there for Jim.

ANDY!!!! My goodness! I do believe it is time for you to move to Texas! That would make your family happy.

Immediatly on getting home, I back two sopapilla cheese cakes. Co hostess tonight at a meeting at church. Friend, Kaye, is making little sandwiches and bringing a veggie tray. It is also her birthday, Paula's twin, I guess.


Lolly said...

I baked the cheesecakes, not backed them. LOL

Lolly said...

Jack had blood work done yesterday and he goes to the doctor next Monday. Would appreciate it if you would keep him in prayer. We have done very well with not worrying, but it does sit there in the corner of your mind. We did not tell his sister and she is a serious worrier and fretter, and her hubby would have all kinds of weird ways for healing. LOL

Lolly said...

While in the kitchen, I watched the wren come to the nest so caustiously to feed her babies, not knowing I was a foot away watching. :) Also, saw our first hummingbird at the feeder. Yea!

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY you ought to set up a cam on the werns nest

JudyEddy said...

87° out now feels like is 90° tooo soon to be this HOT

Kay said...

Good Afternoon from rainy Ohio, Eagle Buds !

♫♫ Happy Day to PAULA ♪♪♪

JO, hope you had a scrumptious lunch after the test. We'll all look forward to results in two weeks !

ANDY, it's just one plague after another ! Arrrrrgggghhhh !

LYNNE2, you are so sweet with your empathy for the little boy upstairs. That father is an *%%^@^+ !!! Hope it all resolves soon so you and Steve can have some peace and quiet ! Love your avatar !

LORI, hope your trip back to PA went well and that you found some improvement in your dad and mom waiting for you ! Hugs galore !

LOLLY, sad to lose JoAnn and sadder still that she died with so few who cared. Wonderful of you and Steve to pay tribute the way you did.

MARGIE, double carpal tunnel ? Ugh, but at least it sounds like progress to have an answer. Hope the fix is done soon and effectively !

Love and prayers for all in need for whatever reason ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

SEHP is in the house

JudyEddy said...

SHEP brought in big fish

Lolly said...

See two eaglets and a parent, I think Belle, at 12. Looks like one is holding its head over the edge and the other is safely inside. Okay, the first one has turned and now Shep arrives with a big ol fish! Belle comes over and takes charge. Her back is to the cam.

JudyEddy said...

the chicks are really panting as well as Shep

JudyEddy said...

one of the chicks is going over to Shep and the other is at Belle

Kay said...

Good Afternoon from rainy Ohio, Eagle Buds !

♫♫ Happy Day to PAULA ♪♪♪

JO, hope you had a scrumptious lunch after the test. We'll all look forward to results in two weeks !

ANDY, it's just one plague after another ! Arrrrrgggghhhh !

LYNNE2, you are so sweet with your empathy for the little boy upstairs. That father is an *%%^@^+ !!! Hope it all resolves soon so you and Steve can have some peace and quiet ! Love your avatar !

LORI, hope your trip back to PA went well and that you found some improvement in your dad and mom waiting for you ! Hugs galore !

LOLLY, sad to lose JoAnn and sadder still that she died with so few who cared. Wonderful of you and Steve to pay tribute the way you did.

MARGIE, double carpal tunnel ? Ugh, but at least it sounds like progress to have an answer. Hope the fix is done soon and effectively !

Love and prayers for all in need for whatever reason ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

That fish is still flopping too

Lolly said...

Fish is flopping. Fresh wushi for lunch.

JudyEddy said...

Belle has two feet on it now Shep is eating something at 6 with chick by his side

Lolly said...

That is funny to see each eaglet being fed by a parent at opposite sides of the nest.

Lolly said...

Judy, I like the idea of the cam on the wren's nest, but afraid there is no place to position the cam.

JudyEddy said...

This is from FB a video from Rocky River, OHIO

This is a story about the Eagles of Rocky River, Ohio. A few days ago the Male Bald Eagle was hit and killed. The Female Eagle with eggs in the nest is now o...

JudyEddy said...

I hope you all view the video It is amazing to the animal world I think that this happened like this the end wow I want to keep checking on this now

JudyEddy said...

suppose I should get out of my night close LOL OH I am off for three days I ask for Sat of to help with the Bday party for Jordyn gonna be 5 wow

also put in for my vacation for 27th a week and 1 day have to take by May19 or loose it

JudyEddy said...

Here is a video of HOPE and HONOR at the FTMEYERS nest

Hope and Honor at Play

Ms Bookworm said...


I'm back for a bit. Called Vector Control about the ants, but they only come out if the ants are in the YARD. They're all in the house.
Called the closest exterminator, but have no call back yet. About to call another, and another, until I get an answer. This is playing on my last raw nerve.

Lolly, how I WISH we could pack up and move to Texas and be near the kids, but Ken's job is here. He's trying to get to a milestone before he retires. He's been with the company for 47 years.

Jo, guess we'll all have to wait, but surely hope for an excellent report!!!

Well, gotta make some calls. Will BBL...

Mema Jo said...

Hummingbirds at the TX feeders - won't be long!
We stopped at I-HOPS after my testing. I love their coffee and also their buttermilk pancakes!
Lori by now your mom and dad should have you there and be quite happy about it. I'm sure it was hard to say good bye to your bed!

Lolly said...

Just finished my walking. Jack and I were entertained by the squirrels and white wing doves under the feeders and getting on one. Going to have to figure out something to keep the squirrels of that one. Also, have new feeders to put up. Niece in Georgia gave us a new feeder. I should say feeders as there are several on a pole. Hmmmm Will have to figure out a place for it and a way to keep the squirrels off. Lisa also gave us a new hummer feeder. It is a bright red strawberry.

Lolly said...

It is up to 61 and I really should venture outside.

Lolly said...

Pretty song a bird is singing. Wonder what it is? Anyone? Possibly a mocking bird?

Sandi said...

Hi all! I see we have another new thread! Thanks Steve!

Jo, 2 weeks of waiting??? GRRRRR!!

Andy, what a string of bad luck with annoying critters in your house!!!

Lolly, I'll be praying for Jack for a good report from the doctor.

Kay, clicked on the Columbus falcon cam a few days ago and see the falcon there is sitting on 4 eggs! Hope they actually hatch this year!

Lori, hope your trip back to PA was an easy one - bet your folks are happy you're back!!

Need to get some school work done so I don't know if I'll be back on the blog this evening.


magpie said...

Touching video, JudyE, of the Eagles in Rocky River, Ohio...
hope it works out and that the eggs can be hatched and chicks nurtured
Thank You

magpie said...

I think you know what you need to do by going to the Auction of the family home...glad that Tom and Livvy will be your companions....
definitely not something to
go through alone
(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

I think Father Kestrel just flew into the nest box with a critter, a rodent....or small bird,
then flew out with it! What's up with That ?
But Mother Kestrel HAD just seemed to have devoured a meal just before that

magpie said...

You did not talk much about YOURSELF but it was Swell to
see our ☼HI☼ Sunshine here today

Lolly, yes, Jack and you remain in my prayers...
hoping for a good report from the
doctor on Monday ♥

magpie said...

Happy Birthday Dinner Wishes
for Paula and Studmuffin...
Carriage House, sounds very nice

as did I-Hop for JO earlier ☺

magpie said...

It's a little cooler here this evening....Rain would not bother me a bit...
but we might get winds with it later, and that doesn't excite me at all

Best Wishes for a Great Evening, Eagle Pals...

RED FRIDAY will be here soon

ttfn xo ♥

magpie said...

Oh, Hoping that Andrea finds
a top-notch exterminator
very soon, at a good price

magpie said...

Belle had brought in some fluff awhile ago, picked around at the food, but the babies did not seem
very interested....Shep was there when she arrived,
they seem to both be gone now, or
at least that is, out of view

NCSuzan said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Paula. Hope the worries and stresses of life are minimized today and the joys and laughter are maxed!

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you for all the wonderful Birthday wishes! Have had a good day...heading out to dinner shortly.

paula eagleholic said...

I see adult feet at the top of the nest :)

magpie said...

There IS an adult at the top of the nest...I think it is Belle,
saw a head, and see one adult eagle talon

Hi NC Suzan...! How are YOU ?

magpie said...

LOL Paula....seeing the same
things from miles apart

Enjoy Your Evening !!
Hope Larry is feeling much
better also

Lolly said...

Oh, wow....watching the news and the tornado damage today.

Heading to church in about 45 minutes.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, we will wait with you!

Andy, so sorry about the darned ants!

Hello Kay!

PattiO, thanks for popping in .... Suzan too!

Judie said...

Andy, so very sorry about the invasion of ants. Cannot imagine what you must be going through. Sure hope an exterminator can make the problem go away quickly.

Lori, you must be back with your parents now. I'm sure they missed you.

Jo, wish you did not have to wait two weeks but we will all be waiting with you. Hugs!

Maybe memory fades more quickly these days but it sure seems as if Hedgie and Shamrock are doing a lot more moving around sooner than eaglets in past years. Trying to actually toddle, it seems.

Margy, I think we are the only two who watch the kestrel. Mom arrived and tucked her head in after settling on the egg. I Googled kestrel and found a really nice video of a kestrel being trained for release.

Bet Paula is enjoying her birthday dinner.

Headed to put my feets up to watch Midsomer Murders.

Just in case: the sandperson will begin rounds at 11pm. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

Prayers for Dearest JO in two weeks time we will hear an all gone with you Damned Spot! BE GONE!!!

Prayers for JACK and LOLLY for JACK'S good results next Monday...No worried energy just very strong prayers and good vibes for JACK!!! I will eat that BAR-B-Qued head of cabbage and drink red wine with it as he hosts us all on our reunion to TEXAS and HAWKWOOD RANCH!.

ANDY I agree with LOLLY time to move to TEXAS even though I hear you say that KEN wants to reach 50 and he is at 47! At the end of my time, 30 years, I kept thinking they should give me time off for good behaviour!!! LOL!!!
Seriously I am sorry now for the ant situation. Glad the body is healing though.


MARGY keep us posted about those tunnels and may there be healing...

Looking to hear from LORI of her safe arrival.

JANET thinking of you and your trip to look at family connections and releasing things to the LIGHT as the sale goes through.

Good to hear your reports SHIRLEY and tell HUNTER I am so very glad to know whom to go to if I encounter a ZOMBIE!!! Love that kid!!!

Hoda said...

DANA has not been on for a while. I wonder how the chicks at school are doing and how her DAD is also doing.

Hoda said...

Still cold here but not as bad as yesterday.Woolen socks weather though I would have you know.

Cooking and staying in day as it rained cats and dogs all day here!

Hoda said...

YES JUDIE they seem to be growing much faster and moving lots faster than years past. I wished they were more in the centre too JO...

Lori O. said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAULA!!! Hope it has been a special day for you!

Hugs back at cha, KAY!

ANDY, sorry about the pest situation. When will it end?!?

JO, waiting with you for a perfect report!

Got home today, folks are happy. It was hard leaving home in Maryland. I miss Kate and the animals already. Two weeks from today until I take the test. I got a new study book today, one from the people who give the test, so I hope it really, really helps. :)

I love you all and I LOVE US!

Lori O. said...

MARGY, I got the Math Dictionary. Thank you so much! That was very kind of you. Big hugs!

Mema Jo said...

I was also going to watch the Midsomer Murders but it is a repeat. Darn!!!

Janet said...

good evening...

oh my stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MS. BOOKWORM...... i am shocked. you poor kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did you ever get a resolution???????????


MAGPIE: thank you for the kind words of support regarding mom and dad's is very definitely on my mind ....

MEMA JO; we are focusing only on a positive outcome!!!!

its been an okay day. rain moved in around noon and it poured, but did not get severe. so i am thankful. it was really slow at work today, so i left early and pampered myself yet again (this is getting to be a habit). i took another nap. i find that lately, with everything that has occurred and is occurring, i am very tired most of the time. maybe once this house thing is in the past i can start to recover a bit.....its been this, the dog, and a few other things in the brew. so i am trying to honor my body and mind....and not overload.

am glad tomorrow is friday. its a busier day.....Saturday i'm doing some volunteer work at the massage school. they are having a spa day with all proceeds going to relay for life.

okay folks, have a good evening!!!!!!! SED! good night.

NatureNut said...

Would you believe, the toads were singing away today at the Chelsea Pond. I couldn't see them, but I remember a few Paula B'Days ago, I sent her a pic of a puffed out toad singing Happy Birthday! Maybe I'll see some tomorrow!!!

Finally got my newest Osprey & Eagle pics on the Blog!! Some exciting stuff (at least to me!!!)

Momster Prayers for Mema Jo. You will pass your test with eagle flying colors!!!!!!☺ ♥

magpie said...

Beautiful Avatar, Loretta....
Loving Lynn ♥ with that one,
for sure !
and I am headed right now over to your pictures !!

Hello More Evening Eagle Pals,
and Happy to hear from Lori...
back at the Other Roost

magpie said...

Sandperson snuck out earlier than 11 pm I think....he seems to be around here somewhere close

Good to see y'all here...
Best wishes for Sweeeeet Sleep

Prayers for Wellness, All Around.....

God Bless This Nest,
and God Bless Us, Every One xo ♥

Lynne2 said...

Great pictures Loretta! WOuld love to leave a comment but I never seem to get the verification words right.

The wind is just so disturbing tonight. It's creepy. And today has been one of those days when it all has just been TOO MUCH. Going to hit the sack. Goodnight and prayers for all.

Hoda said...

Hope it is a better day tomorrow LYNNE. Sleep well.

Lolly said...

I am home and now going to watch the recorded AI.

Hawkwood Ranch!!! LOL It is Hawkwood Gardens!!!

Mema Jo said...

Wow on your pictures Loretta and I am not a Robot! WHoo Hoo.

Going to be closing down for the day.
Belle is in the nest with the Traveling Two. It is windy now and hope if it does rain that they will run to Mom's wings for shelter.

Thanks for all your well wishes on my results from he Pet Scan. I love us ♥

Good Night ♥

JudyEddy said...

There is a second video made today check it out I am so happy this person is gonna keep recording for us and let us know what is going on with this pair There is no live cam on this nest Another video of the Rocky river eagle

paula eagleholic said...

Had a great dinner...coconut shrimp appetizer, crab imperial with potatoes and veggies, and turtle cheesecake for dessert. Larry had veal oscar (crab and asparagus atop the veal).

He has since departed to get rested....he is feeling better, but he was beat, and I want him better for his trip.

Thanks again for all the birthday wishes...I am looking forward to a new year!

JudyEddy said...

whre did my link go one more time

Second update on the Rocky River eagle

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...


Oh GARDENS not ranch! LOL!!! Got It...I think Texas and Ranch are synonymous!!!


Lolly said...

No ranch here, sorry Hoda! There are ranches all around but none right here on my land. lol

Watched AI. Scotty was on and as cute as ever. When I look at him I wish I was 16 again. lol

Then Kelly sang. It was amusing to see our little town of
Burleson plastered on the screen before she sang. Loved listening to her BUT she looked awful. Would someone please tell her to go back to her natural hair color and forget the gaudy eye make up. Geeeeeeesh!

Heading to the shower. Night all! Glad you had a good birthday, Paula.


JudyEddy said...

You got to check this out tooo its the OHIO nest the courtship of the Rocky River nest that was on the news
about it News on the eagle at Rocky River OHIO near Cleveland Courtship

stronghunter said...

Trying to wind down a bit. Have been trying to finish up my taxes.

Will had gotten the birds out of the dryer vent before I asked him to. We now have a new vent cover. Just thankful it is not bees or ants. But the birds do like to set up housekeeping in the dryer vent from time to time. Usually it is starlings.

Lolly, I had not been keeping up with your posts . . . Did not realize you had an AI contestant from Burlston. Hmm, had not thought you had a ranch. Guess you could have a few cattle and some horses, but that might interfere with your travels.

Hunter and a friend wandered off to an adjacent subdivision this afternoon. Oh dear me, I am not ready for this. But he was home before dark all sweaty from playing basketball, and the subdivision is really very close. Just told him to make sure we know where he is going next time.

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone. See you tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

JUDY, loved the video of the eagle Momma getting a new baby daddy:)

Sending love and prayers ~♥~

stronghunter said...

Lovely video, Judy.

Thinking of you, Jo.

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends - it's Friday!! No kids for me today - we have all day to work on grades for 3rd marking period!

Raining at the nest and the chicks are trying to wiggle themselves under Mom - not quite making it.

No rain here yet, but very foggy! Don't have to be at school til 8am so I have a little extra time this morning.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thunder, lightning, and pouring rain here. Wow!

I was sound asleep until I got a cold cat nose in my face; then I heard the thunder.

Sandi said...

Belle is tenting now, covering her babies!

Morning Shirley - sorry to hear about your rude awakening!

stronghunter said...

LOL. Thanks, Sandi. George likes to have his breakfast early.

stronghunter said...

Just getting ready to check the eagles, Sandi. Looks like the nest is about to get a big downpour.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals..

Pouring Down Rain here, and the winds are picking up a little

magpie said...

Glad that Will got the birds out of the dryer vent, Shirley

The outside screen from the dryer vent a few years back was the entry point for the Squirrel....

magpie said...

God Bless Our Military,
all the time xo ♥

magpie said...

in a couple of mere minutes I think the downpour is going to reach the nest....

Janet said...

its friday and good morning!!!

sunsnine today and 60's! everything really "greened up" yesterday with the rains. everythign but my car. my car was green, but after the pollen was washed off via mother nature, it turned red again. lol.

hope everyone has a great day! hugs! smiles! love!

stronghunter said...

Quite windy and rainy at the nest now.

magpie said...

Haven't had the thunder and lightning here that I know of....

Good for the extra time this morning

and Lynne2: Hoping TODAY is a much better day....

NICE dinner report, Paula...
Yummy ! both yours AND Larry's

morning shuffling here

ttfn xo ♥

stronghunter said...

Oh, poor Belle! Good that she is a tough bird.

stronghunter said...

Daylight color has arrived at the nest.

stronghunter said...

Looks calmer now. Belle is getting a break for the moment at least. Calmer here, too.

Sandi said...

Time to get ready for my day. we are headed to Baltimore this weekend to celebrate my mom's 80th birthday, which is on the 16th. Taking her out to dinner, planting some perennials for her at her new place. Brian and Lynnis will be joining us for dinner - yay!

Make it a great day everyone!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Everyone!

Finally a Friday!

SANDI, have a productive day without the kids, and a great weekend with your family.

JANET, so nice of you to volunteer for this weekend at work. Definnitely a good cause!

PAULA, glad you had a happy birthday and hope it continues today!

Prayers for all in need, and wishing everyone a great Red Friday!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

stronghunter said...

Morning, Thelma!

paula eagleholic said...

Shep just arrived with a nice fish!

stronghunter said...

Hunter caught the bus in between the worst parts of the storms this morning. I was prepared to take him, but he wanted to ride the bus. It arrived just ah he got there.

Well, her comes Shep with a big fish. Belle moved off the little one with much flapping. Babies are huddled together. They do not like this rain too much.

stronghunter said...

But they are now begging for breakfast, and Belle is feeding.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is feeding the chirping kids, they are scarfing it down.

stronghunter said...

Time to crawl back under the blankets for a few. Love sleeping in on a rainy morning. Glad that Hunter could catch that bus.

stronghunter said...

Wow, large chunk taken out of that fish already. Kiddies are crawling back under Belle.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is trying to get the chicks under her again...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Deep apologies Paula!

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!! Love and (((((HUGS)))))

Judie said...

Steve has graciously provided us with a fresh Friday thread. Y'all go on over.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...