Sunday, April 14, 2013


New thread.


Janet said...

I claim this feather and will go get the others!

Janet said...

Good morning to all! Thank you STEVE for the nice new thread!!!!!!

JUDYE: Jordyn's party looked absolutely wonderful! How creative of Angie....she made the perfect princess party I do believe!!! love all the pix!

How is your wrist? It could be several things, you know NSAIDs are good, but ice can be helpful as well in relieving inflammation.....let us know how that is going....

MAGPIE: sounds as if you had an emotional day yesterday...(((Hugs))) and love to you my friend.

HODA: i thought of you yesterday as I painted my toenails and donned sandals...I wish spring to you soon....

LORI: hope things are improving with your dad

DANAMO : good to see you checking in. let us know about the ducks!

I had a good day yesterday. In the morning I volunteered at Mind Body, which is the massage school I graduated from, also where I teach my classes....Maj Lis, the owner and friend of mine, organized a spa day with all proceeds going to Relay for Life. I couldn't give as much time as I would have liked to have (JUDYE: i bought a luminaria for mom), but I did donate some time and gave Reiki sessions. They had an area set up for massage, chiropractic adjustments, mani-pedi-s, foot massage, and paraffin dips....she raised just over $2000 for relay for life!!!!

In the afternoon we went to my grandson's base ball game. Chelsea's mother in law is in town, and if I can't say something nice I won't say anything at all. Let's just leave it with Carol adn I are like oil and water. *sigh* I just played with Lorelei, paid attention to my grandkids, my kids and watched my grandson get his first base hit!!!!

Then we had dinner at a local mexican place we love with Tom's side of the family His cousin Debbie, whom I adore, organized this dinner as a farewell to her son who is going active duty in the Air Force. She is taking this pretty hard.....its her first leaving the nest. And, her baby will be going to college later this year.....

It was a good day.

Today is my oldest granddaughter's 7th birthday and we will be going over to celebrate this afternoon. She wants Carrabbas for dinner. Kid has good taste. lol.

Well I need to get off my hiney, clean my house and get moving. The coffee mug is now empty and the dust bunnies are calling my name.......... (sigh) should I change my name??? lol

Light, love, hugs and smiles to all

glo said...

Good morning all. Magpie I loved the story about the note you found at your bil grave yesterday. How very special. I am sure it touched your heart. Prayers continue for the needs that continue on our blog. I am glad a couple of you found the link to yesterdays photo of the nesting eagle. She is actually almost an hour away BUT when you get there you can get closer to the nest than any I have ever been to. Not so good for the eagle. Hoping folks do not find her and leave her there in peace to nest and raise her young. hAGD all.

Janet said...

I have posted some pix on my blog, if you care to peek. :) HAGD

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and Janet for the call over. Time to get outside and do some planting but needed to check the box to get emailed blog comments.

Another beautiful day weatherwise! Enjoy!!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Gracious, there are some whirling dervishes amongst us!
I think Janet and Hoda must be related....
they clearly somehow pack 36 hours
into a 24 hour day....

and for some wonderful causes, including for Family and Friends...

Best Wishes for all the Birthdays out there !

magpie said...

Speaking of wishes....I appreciate ALL the well-wishes from my friends here on my hands and wrists...if wishes could do it,
I would be Well-Healed right now!
Thank You !

magpie said...

Thanks for the New Thread,
to Steve
and to Janet for the call-over

Nice Spanking Spring Sunday Thread....

magpie said...

glad Hunter was able to find the
cell phone Shirley!
Bet he was quite proud of himself!

magpie said...

and I see JudyE is back in action
with HER hand and wrist,
and figured out the cause...

Lori...thank you for the updates
on your father and Kate's sister
Annie....hope the home-healing and health care works well for your Dad.
and for Annie...I had learned
with my sister several years back...there is a period of
inner euphoria and settling that
takes place, once the body adjusts
to no oral can be
a peaceful and painless transition
and I dearly hope this is the
case with dear Annie...
(( Hugs for All of You ♥ ))

Mema Jo said...

Very nice to find a new thread for this beautiful Sunday morning. Thanks you Steve.

Janet you are one busy woman but continue to do it all while you can.
Sandi - it is a good day for planting your mom's flowers.
Margy - are you at work today - I guess I better read the previous thread.. I had just signed on and came right to this page.
Thanks for finding it Janet.... BBL

magpie said...

Judie, glad to hear of
the enjoyable rowing expedition...
but of course sorry that GDub did not take the win

Good to hear from DanaMo this
morning ! Yes, you have been missed! Best Wishes with the
duckling hatches this week

All calm and sunny at the nest,
Belle and the Babies soaking
up the Sunday Sunshine ☼

magpie said...

Good Morning Jo!
I saw your late late late night
post..hope you slept like a baby!

No work today, it will be James today here in a little while...

Lolly said...

A quick GOOD MORNING! Need to eat a bite and then head to church.

Have a wonderful Sunday! ((hugs))

magpie said...

Hearing Red-Winged Blackbirds
singing at the nest

there was a Chipping Sparrow in my
yard this morning, hope it is nesting....never saw one HERE before

magpie said...

So glad the weather has been SO
nice for Sandi and the family's
get togethers this week-end

and hoping the weather is
Playing Nice for everyone else also

Time to get my street clothes...
reminds me of Jo when I use those
words ☺ ♥

I L♥ve Us
Thanks for all the Friendship
and Caring Here....
ttfn xoxox ♥

stronghunter said...

Checking in for the moment. Gotta go do some errands and find some food.

magpie said...

Kestrel nest holding at two eggs
for now, Judie...

'bye, friends...out the door
pretty soon

xo ♥

magpie said...

feeding time at the nest....
those babies are getting bigger and bigger bites these days...

magpie said...

just heard the Red-Shouldered Hawk in the backgroun at NCTC

I am FINALLY ready to go start the car !

xo ♥

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve, for the fresh Sunday thread.

Wow! Hedgie and Shamrock are really showing off how much they've grown. Looking beauteous along with Mom basking in the sunshine.

Jo, how is Christine? Michael? Miss Meatball?

Margy, Mom Kestrel was covering the eggs when I checked. So, two it is. I think I remember last year there were about 4 or 5 babies. Have a great afternoon with James the Wise.

So glad Sandi had a wonderful time and will do some outdoor decorating for her Mom. I'm sure she will truly appreciate the results.

Janet, enjoy your granddaughter's birthday and birthday dinner.

Just printed two final exams to be revised for May 7. Four more class days and one exam day.

Think I'll head the kitchen to look for some food challenges.


paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon all!

Got my computer connected through my phone...pretty cool!

Just saw a battle in the air! I saw an osprey fly over the house, and he was chirping...I figured at another osprey. But no, he was chasing a 2 YO juvie eagle. The juvie had a fish in his talons. But wait, there's more. Then, I see an adult eagle chasing the juvie as well! He was trying to get the fish from him, and the ospreys were trying to chase both of them away!

They circled over and around the house about 2 times, then the osprey chased the eagles out over the marsh. So I ran from the backyard to the front yard...and saw both eagles disappearing over the marsh, and the ospreys coming back.

Really amazing to see! The adult eagle was definitely trying to snatch that fish from the juvies talons!

paula eagleholic said...

OK, gotta run, going out on SueEllen's sister's boat...we thought we were going at 2, they thought I gotta go.


JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and find a fresh thread


Lolly said...

Wow, Paula! Paradice is getting better and better for you!! What a fantastic thing to see. Keep your eyes to the sky!!!

Home from church. Need to eat again, mop some floors and then out I go!!! Too bad I do not have eagles flying over me!!

Mema Jo said...

Judie - Christine has had her 2 week checkup after surgery and has been given the ok to start running and exercising again. She refers to herself as the Pavement Princewss!
Michael is doing well - he still lives here with us - he is active with his church and some other groups. He is planning to go back to Haiti for a week to the orphanage in June. He is very determined to raise funds to be able to do so. Alexis is excelling in school and also with her dance - she loves the Irish step dancing and is quite good prancing around. The Ft Bragg gals are doing very well - No word yet on a date for Patrick's discharge- at which time they will come back to MD or go to WV.

Christine is very excited because she thinks she can enter this fall the USC school of Social Work. She can take advantage of Pat's GI Bill and cut the expenses which is why she thought she could only dream about going there. Very happy she can do this.

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!
Saw the Huge peaglets alone on one side of the nest. Look at those wings and feetsies! I guess they are 5 weeks old today (& yesterday).
Lovely pictures from Janet~~tried to make a comment about 1/2 dozen times, but robot ate them. I don't see any command to post them after you've written, except Home & it never worked. I sent them a Help ???, but probably won't get an answer. AARRGGHH

Margy, have a great day with James the Wise!
Jo, thanks for the reports on Christine and Michael. How wonderful if she can take the classes she wants! She must be a chip off the block~~~social work! ☺ ♥
Best to all~~~getting back outside for plant duty

Jewels said...

Good evening good people!!! I am asat work, exhausted and am only 24 min into shift. Pulled a 12 hr yesterday into this morning, and also pulled a muscle in my back righ shoulder blade, unsure how, but I am needing a massage for sure!! Will try to read back and see what I have missed and I apologize if I cannot comment on everyones posts.

Lori O. said...

Good Afternoon Everyone!!!

Thanks for the new thread, STEVE, and JANET for the call over. Congrats on your feather JANET!

Beautiful day here...finally sunny.
Glad to hear lots of Momsters are getting outside. I'm inside studying, taking breaks to enjoy the sunshine.

JO - thanks for the family update.

MARGY - have a gret day with James!

Haven't seen HODA check in yet on this thread.

PAULA, enjoy your boat trip! Thanks for the play by play from the sky. AWESOME!

Dad had his shots today and is doing okay... Kate emailed that she thought Annie would pass today or tomorrow. Thanks for all your prayers.

glo said...

Bless your heart Lori, your plate is so very full. I wish there were something I could do to help lighten your load. I do remember you and your family in prayer everyday, I just wanted you to know.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

LORI please tell her Kate we are all thinking of her and hope that Annie transition is a peacefully one No one can ever prepare for these times

Sandi said...

Hi all! Got home about 4pm and have been unpacking and then returning phone calls. Got Mom's plants planted - one neighbor thanked us for doing the planting while he was walking out to his car.

Paula, thanks for the bow lby blow of the eagles and the osprey - wow, what a sight that must have been!!

Lori, prayers for Annie and for Kate and her whole family. Sad, difficult time for them, just waiting. Your test is in 10 days, right??? Crunch time!

Jo, what a wonderful update on Christine and Michael! Haiti in June sounds wonderful!!

Need to get laundry going and then feed people and pets. Later!

glo said...

New photos on Glo's Glimpses from yesterdays outing with Dex and a Friend. If you leave a comment it will send to my email before publishing so you won't see it right away. <b.BUT</b. you also don't have to guess at those kapshaw letters/ numbers or whatever they are called.No need to comment but for me it is pretty much my way of sharing anything photo wise with anyone.

JudyEddy said...

GLO I am on your fb page and see no pictures the last entry March 14 when you updated your cover are they in aalbum I will go poke around

JudyEddy said...

is it on your Glo's Glimpses Take 2

JudyEddy said...

I think I found them GLO on your FB regular page I found some awesome pictures WOW I love the texture of the one picture just amazing how do you get it to look like that

glo said...

Yes Judy you found FB BUT I did put them here on Blogger also for those not on fb.

JudyEddy said...

I just looked at them here just now and you have more here I love them all GLO

JudyEddy said...

LORETTA there is a trick or sort in order to comment on JANETS blog why I don't know but after you type comment I just hit Edit after the robot command and it post

JudyEddy said...

piglets are up and BELLE is in the nest

JudyEddy said...

not feeding at all I see no food maybe some hidden Could be waiting for SHEP to deliver grub

JudyEddy said...

Odd the chicks aren't making any noises either just sittin with MAW BELLE

Mema Jo said...

Janet I left you a lovely comment BUT I guess I pass as a robot!

Hubby and I went to Paneras for soup &
sandwich this evening.

Eaglets look comfy - an adult is watching over them.. It could be Belle

Going to check out evening TV - Good Wife maybe.... BBL

Sandi said...

I am here in Bethany Beach, DE ... BUT ... all of my school books are in Elkridge, MD!!!!!!!

Hoda said...

LORI I am here. Worked at my MLA'S Campaign office. MLA is Member of Legislative Assembly. We are having a Provincial Election here on the 14th of May. Things are picking up. After the Writ is dropped we only allow foud weeks of campaigning. It usually starts the week before the writ is dropped. Opening offices, establishing office routines and getting volunteers. So once we engage we are steady for four weeks.

That is where I was today.

MARGY I was exhausted after reading JANET'S post. She takes the cake for how much she can fit in a day. LOL!!!

LORI Glad your DAD is home. PRAYERS for KATE and ANNIE and her transition. You never know it might take longer...not on our time on God's Time always on God's Time!!!

JO sounds good about Christine and Michael. I wish them both well.

AWESOME Story about the eagles and the osprey PAULA GOOD ON YOU BIG BIG TIME GOOD ON YOU!

Heart is Heavy about the anniversary coming up and missing LYNN big time...She would have had a lot of wisdom and humour and reflection to add to our lives this year and I still find myself looking for her posts...Bad dream time to wake up experience!!!
Glad she is no longer suffering with the treatment though...God Bless Her Soul.

Hoda said...


Can a courier bring them over before school tomorrow? It will be costly I am sure, but it will save you the drive. This is a nightmare!!!

Hoda said...

NEW MATH!!! Foud really means FOUR in the old system of counting!!! LOL!!!

Sandi said...

OK, my brother-in-law picked up my school bag from Mom's, scanned the documents I absolutely have to have for tomorrow and attached them to an email to me, and will mail the whole bag to my school tomorrow - I'll have it by Wednesday. Catastrophe averted!!!

What an IDIOT I am!!!

Goodnight all!

Hoda said...

Glad it is OK SANDI.
NO you are NOT NOT NOT an idiot! I beg to differ.
Good BIL you got there and good thinking and action.
US mail works fast!!

Hoda said...

The Late Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau's Son Justin won the Federal Liberal Party leadership today...this is a first in Canadian History...

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Sandi: Sounds like you have things well under control,
and your brother in law sounds like a real GEM...
don't you talk about my friend like that, calling her an idiot!
☺ Noooooo Waaaaaaay!
Just think of all the Positives from thsi week-end, and pat yourself on the back, BIG TIME!

xoxoxox ♥

magpie said...

Oh Paula, wowser to the MAX, what an experience you witnessed, and
described so very well here to us.

It is just so proper that YOU would witness such a Wildlife
Event !

magpie said...

Exquisite Report on Michael, Christine and Alexis....
could you, would you, please adopt me into the Family Lennox ??

magpie said...

Whadda Mean ?? working over four hours this morning ??? was that planned, or one of ins that you got stuck with ???
Two hours and 8 minutes to go until freedom!
I am so sorry about your pulled muscle.....hope you can find yourself a good masseuse...I can suggest a few good ones around here, Janet is a little too far away I think...
xoxo (( Hugs for you ))

magpie said...

as always, Prayers for your Special People....
and for your studies....hope you were able to collect to some Vitamin D and K vitamins today.....

magpie said...

I had some stellar time today
with James the Wise Kidster today, and here is my favorite part...which I shared with Jo
already by email:

"James and I did a lot of things today, one was to play the game 20 questions....on the third round, here is how my questions and his answers went...trying to guess "his Person"
Is it a Female ? Yes
Is she an Adult? Yes
Is she a Relative? No
then he threw out this clue:
We know this person from the Eagle Blog.
My next question: Is it Mema Jo?
and his answer, a Rousing, Joyful YES!
We loved it...and I said I could not wait to put this on the Blog!"

Mema Jo sought out James a couple or three years ago on the streets of Shepherdstown, Easter Parade Day...I had given Jo clues to look for....
she found a young fellow, and said
are you James?
and he replied "I Am"
and she told him that she knows his grandmother Margy...☺ ♥
He shall ALWAYS remember this...

Our Milk Toast tonight was for Lorraine, Lori and family, Jo and Family, AND all our friends in need of special prayers....

xoxo ♥
Yes, I am truly blessed to have this fellow in my life.

Jewels said...

LOL, Oh no Not planned, Someone did ot know she was scheduled to work and had no babysitter, yet learned that she sign up for that ot. Wanted alternative plans that had one coming in at midnight and work till noon and she would have in turn worked noon to midnight, which was not fair for the one to comein at midnught when she had jsut got off at 4pm.
this has happened three times in a few short weeks and quite frankly getting old!!!!

magpie said...

four classes and one exam....
oh my....that is amazing....
Best Wishes on all that....
and Please....
would you ask the Sandperson to
bypass Martinsburg for a few hours?
I need to get a shower in and all the girly stuff that goes with it....
have a "to-do" list for Monday longer than both of my arms...
and am emailing with my nieces and nephews about the Special Letter left at their Dad's gravesite....

Jewels said...

sounds like you had a great day Mommm2!!!
Hoda, I was just thinking on my way to work how close it is to that one year, Still cannot think of that without crying! I wish it were all a bad dream and we would wake up already! PLanning a few things. I wanna do a plant in memory of Mom on mothers day. Waiting to see if I am approved for that day off. Possibly planning a get together with my sister on the 25th. Gotta see what is to come. Won't get called into work that day, but who knows about the 26th.

magpie said...

Jewels...I had a sneaking feeling that that four hour shift was going to be forgotten...BUT calls were place earlier in the day that
went unanswered....regarding the
4-12 shift that was needing to be filled....
Enough is Enough !!!!
I am sooo sorry....
and I love you....xoxoxo

magpie said...

Positive Thoughts, Jewels,
Positive Thoughts....
things have a way of working out...
and you have a good case to plead on the importance of it all...
and your stellar credit there at the office....
((( Gynormous Hugs )))

magpie said...

Bargain CD from Goodwill...
Alan Jackson
"Memories" Volume II
has a lot of Christian songs
on there...
really, very nice.....

Janet said...

good evening to one and all....thank you for any and all compliments on the pix. i have set the silly thing to accept any comments, but it doesn't my apologies....

what a day. got the house cleaned this morning, took olivia out to buy a slip to go under her new dress. do you know how difficult it is to find a slip, much less an EXTRA small one??????? that was a challenge.

then over to the kids' house for the granddaughter's 7th bday. she was a rock star today!

then did carrabbas for dinner, birthday girl's request. they have the MOST amazing blackberry sangria and i love their pasta weezie!!! oh my gosh. and better yet, i have half of it saved for lunch tomorrow!!!

lol, i don't believe I am related to Hoda, but how great would that be! :)
she is an awesome lady!

well let me skeedaddle......have to hit the hay soon. i assure you 5:15 comes early! good night to all! SED

magpie said...

Janet...I might have a small slip..not sure small enough for
Livvy...let me know her general size and how soon you would need it....

magpie said...

Oh I have seen the most beautiful
wildflowers these last few days....and a very long stretch of
beautiful forsythias....
saw a great patch of Colstfoot earlier today, but it was NOT in a good place to pull over and photograph it...

Lynne2: Thinking of you!
I want you to know about my
Chipping Sparrow !

Lynne2 said...

Hello, just popping in for a quick HELLO! Sounds like birthdays, grandson and family visits, surgical recoveries and positive medical attention, fabulous nature watching, playing in dirt, floating on boats....WOW!

Just a few glitches...Sandi's scool stuff, Jewels extra shift and pulled muscle.

Prayers for Annie as she transitions.

Lynne2 said...

Margy, I saw that post...Very COOL! They are on the move for sure....just had our first ones singing on Friday morning!

Lynne2 said...

The House Finches are singing like crazy all of a sudden too!

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Oh Great! SEE you Lynne2 -
Hope YOUR week-end included a lot of OUTSIDE TIME !

I really want to add
Swinging Bridge to my list
for Monday!

Has Anyone seen anyting of CarolAnne anywhere? FB or anywhere else? I have sent a few snail mails...I am really hoping she and her family are doing OK!

Sorry to Magpie up the posts so much a lot of
energy rolling but I will jump in the shower soon and be quiet

magpie said...

Oh yes, Lynne2, those house finches really sing up a storm!
I DO have them nesting nearby,
and have Song Sparrows also....
cardinals, and Mockingbird....
not bad for an apartment in town....

Lolly said...

Hellooooooo all!!!! What a wonderful afternoon. Jack and I worked in the yard. We were getting plants out of the house, moving pots out of the garage, pulling weeds and spreading more mulch. It was just a perfect day outside. Love the weather! We sat on the front patio after our work and then ate dinner on the patio. Tomorrow more yard work Loving it and things are shaping up!

Jo, dearly loved your family update. So very happy things are going well for Michael and Christine.

Sandi, Sandi, Sandi! Just died when I read your post, knew and felt your panic. Glad it all worked out well. Anyone of us could have done it....we are human!! :)

Lori, prayers for Annie, Kate, and family. So, very sad.

Lynne2 said...

anxiously awaiting WOOD THRUSH! Thinking I won't hear one here. No woods for about 200 yards or so, and not a big, uninterrupted patch. But at the park....I'm SURE they'll be there!

Heard my first one last year the day Lynn passed....

magpie said...

Lovely, Lolly....
Our Perpetual Sunshine ☼
Hoping for all things Positive
with Jack in the morning.....
will be watching for your posts....

Hoping to see Wanda post about
the Special Sunday Family Fun
Day today.....

Okay, bye bye from here for

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Know I have missed some posts--

Did see the one about the eagles and the ospreys at Paula's. Wow! That would have been fantastic to watch.

Belated happy birthday to Jordyn.

Yay, Judie is winding down the school year.

Thank goodness for scanning and e-mailing, Sandi. In my very early years of teaching, I once left my grade book at my mother's house.

I knew it was in the drawer of the nightstand, so I just did not mention it to her because I had planned to be there again the following weekend and could do without it for a week.

She discovered it, thought it was an emergency, gave it to a friend to mail who sent it book rate. It was weeks before I saw that grade book again. Had already told my supervisor it was gone when it showed up in a battered package. Lord only knows where it had gone through all of that time.

Janet said...

MAGPIE: i found an extra small (18 inches) that works well....thanks though! :) (((hugs))))

stronghunter said...

NX has come to the Fredericksburg area!!

Lolly said...

Zach story......Got a phone csll this afternoon on my cell phone. Did not recognize the number but knew it was Dallas. It was Zacharooski! "Hey", he said. "I'm at my office and I've got a problem. Remember that Disney program we did? Well, I want to do it but my mouse won't work." I knew he was at Michael's office. So we discussed getting the moust to work, but asked why his Dad could not help him. He was apparently out of his office at the moment. I told him I could not help him because I was so far away and we talked about his not being able to see me from the office windows. (Two walls of floor to ceiling glass, corner office on the 44th floor.) In the background at one point I heard Michael ask who he was talking to and Michael laughed. He then told me his Dad would help him and goodbye. He hung up but did tell me he loved me. Love my Zacharooski...personality plus!!

stronghunter said...

Yes, NX from the Norfolk Gardens has come to visit us. She is in Stafford County.

stronghunter said...

Love your Zach story, Lolly.

Jewels said...

Getting used to it really. I have 18.5 hrs ot in in this week and last two

stronghunter said...

Will have to check out the song of the wood thrush, Lynne. Very touching about your first hearing one the day our Lynn passed.

stronghunter said...

Will have to check out the song of the wood thrush, Lynne. Very touching about your first hearing one the day our Lynn passed.

Lynne2 said...

need to wind down and get to bed. Monday comes early.

Have a good night and prayers for all!

Hoda said...

MARGY. YES in regards C/A. I commented on some picture changes she made to her FB page and she let me know the story behind the blooming cut branches. I see her on FB when she likes a page and when she changes things. NOT OFTEN just enough to let me feel she is alright. Her sight is a problem so she does not post often on blog or FB. Gracious and Fine Lady she is.
Very talented too.

stronghunter said...

Wow, Carolyn. That is a lot of overtime.

Lynne2 said...

got to my blog Shirley, on the main page there is an audio of it!

Lynne2 said...

got to my blog Shirley, on the main page there is an audio of it!

stronghunter said...

Please pardon the double post. Got some kind of error message and was surprised it posted at all, then there it was in duplicate.

Lynne2 said...

NO NOT MY BLOG! My profile, I meant! Scroll down a little to AUDIO CLIP

Judie said...

Well, the sandperson got me first. Woke me up though trying to pack his travel bag. Said he saw Margy's request and will make a late visit to Martinsburg.

Saw earlier Jo's update on the family Lennox. Thank you, Jo. Just been wondering about everyone.

Will read back in the morning. Headed back to the pillows.

Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Well, Jewels...carve out something SPECIAL for yourself with that

Hoda, Thank You! CarolAnne is one very special lady...Please let her know I send my fondest regards...

magpie said...

There was a time, Jewels...
quite awhile back in my younger days...when I worked 18.5 hours in one day....
only 10.5 was overtime...LOL....

stronghunter said...

Well, Lynne, I have been having fun visiting your blog. It is impressive. Happened to notice lots of people I know there, and some I am related to.

magpie said...

Oh yes, Lolly....
fun post about your phone call
from your Zacharooski !

okay, bubbles are brewing...

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, I ran out of picture space last year and haven't added to it in all this time. I think it's about 2 or 3 dollars a month for more space. I didn't want to get rid of anything that I had worked so hard on to make more room!

ZACK and HUNTER....these guys make for the best funny stories!

Lolly said...

Been lost and wandering around on Lynne's blog. Love the pictures and it made me very "homesick" to see all of you!!!!

stronghunter said...

Found it, Lynne. Will have to listen for that song. Beautiful music.

paula eagleholic said...

Back form the beach...I'm lucky CBS is running so to watch the Good during commercials!

Ha ha, forgot to post this an hour ago!

stronghunter said...

Yes, I agree with others--thanks for giving us an update on the Family Lennox, Jo. Glad that healing and good things are taking place.

Lolly said...

Really very special to read about NX. God be with you little eagle!!

Thanks, Shirley for bringing the story to us.

Lynne2 said...

Pip watch for Larry and Lucy!

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I think it was you who mentioned that Joseph had gotten a note from a girl with the request to "check here if you like me." Well, Kathryn found a note like that in Hunter's pocket, and a second one that requested that he "check here if you checked the first note."

He hadn't checked anything, but he had kept the notes.

paula eagleholic said...

Off to watch Mad Men...Sunday night is my TV night...

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, took some pics on my phone of today's boating adventure...will try to post tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

I haven't encountered any requests for money for posting pictures, but my blog is not nearly as creative as yours, Lynne. Yours is fantastic.

Jewels said...

yes it is alot of ot. I am tired. our 4-12 shift has been insanely busy. I am h oping to get a tattoo with that money!! Or save it back to attach to when I get my new veh!!!

stronghunter said...

Looking forward to the pictures, Paula.

Lolly said...

Oh, just love it, Shirley. Our boys are growing up.

They have a strong suspect of the Kaufman county murders.

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Shirely....I guess I just assumed everyone has seen most of it. I think I will see for sure what the cost is. JudyE had the same thing happen. I like doing photo albums on FB, but I truly liked working on my blog much better!

OK now Hunter and the notes remind me of this really adorable George Strait song...

Check Yes or No

stronghunter said...

Need to wind down here. Will be busy this week as bridge is at my house on Wednesday night. I also have my last day of bowling on Tuesday morning, and need to finish up the mortgage refinancing. There was a call from the bank waiting for me in my phone messages and on my misplaced cell phone.

SED, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

I did get to watch my TV show but instead of 9 it started at 10. Now I am closing down and will read your evening comments tomorrow morning.

Paula's has lots of Larry's fishing pictures on FB - Shirley you need o show Kathryn and Hunter the size of those babies - whoppers!@

stronghunter said...

I do hope they find that killer (or those killers) quickly, Lolly. Very scary situation.

Mema Jo said...

Thinking of Kate sitting there with Annie. Prayers for all of us and our special needs. I love us...

Good night and God Bless you and your loved ones. ♥

stronghunter said...

Will have to do that, Jo.

They had fun, but did not bring any fish home this time. Kathryn nixed the idea Hunter had to bring home a frog he found, thank goodness. It was a big frog--I'm very happy it was left in its mountain home.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Kate and Annie.

Hoda said...

Cute about the Grand sons getting notes from girls...Bless them both.

Will do MARGY. C/A

Lolly said...

We started putting Annie in the garage at night because of her yowling. She loves it! Tonight she was at the back door, yowling to be let into the garage.
So happy she likes it!

I am closing down for the evening. My eyes are time to shut them. Night all!


Jewels said...

Prayers to all!!!! Have a good night! Time to shut down!!

Hoda said...



Sandi said...

Good Monday morning my eagle friends!!

Janet said...

good morning to one and to all!!!!

hope everyone has a lovely day today...going to be warm here, in the 70's close to 80.

wondering about danamo's ducks....hope they ahve a few that hatch!!!

i just think that that is so awesome to show kids!

hope everyone has a lovely day! thinking of each of you!

Light, love, smiles and hugs!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

stronghunter said...

Need to get Hunter going. Kathryn had to leave because there's a big back-up on I-95.

stronghunter said...

I see two eaglets snuggled nest to Momma Belle at our nest this morning.

JudyEddy said...

Shhh the kids are sleeping I see Miss Belle is snuggled with them so cute

Lori O. said...

Good Monday Morning Eagle Family!!!

Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts. I love you ALL!

Kate is calling at 8 this morning, so I'll get an update on Annie, but she emailed that she made it through the night. Kate thinks it should not be long now.

Wishing everyone a fine and wonderful day with joy in your heart and a smile on your face!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Hedgie and Shamrock have really grown! The nest looks all nice and fluffy.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like an eagle just arrived with fluff.

Oh, I see the chicks are starting to get their pin feathers in!

paula eagleholic said...

Ma Belle it is.

paula eagleholic said...

She exited to the right...took a small nestover with her.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent next to the cup, kids are plotzed.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Looks as if the babes are awake and getting ready for another day.

Lori, thinking of Kate and Annie.

Lolly, Jack has our thoughts and support for the best report.

Shirley and Lolly -- ♪♫And they call it puppy lu uh uh ov♪♫

Margy: James the Wise
Does Win the Prize

Hi Carolyn, it is difficult to remember a year ago but you know we are here for you.

Been trying to catch up.

Judie said...

Isla is in a terrific wind storm and getting buffed around this morning.

RTH nest has rain; Lily and Jewel have both dismantled their microphone casings; Ted and Lucky are not friends now; I think Ms. Kestrel has a third egg.

Hope Dana's eggs hatch for the kidlets to see.

magpie said...

Well, How Do You Do !

How do you all feel about a Fresh, Spanking Brand New Thread for the Day ??

Good Morning and SEE Ya' over there.
xo ♥

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...