Monday, April 29, 2013


New thread.


magpie said...

Good Morning and Thank You, Steve....
These Brand Spanking New Threads are much addition to all the other things you and your Staff do...

Have A Good Day.....

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread
It's a wet one so grab one of those black umbrellas as you walk of to lunch♥

Thanks Margy for the call over and for getting another feather. Margy a
Question: what happen because this is your comment....
I won't be on the Blog, Monday, at all....
I am glad things changed and that you are here... ♥

Sharon and T-Bird - HEAL!

Mema Jo said...

Both Hedgie and Shamrock are seeking cover from the rain under the adult. At least they can both get their heads under at once. So you see 1 adult and 2 tail ends lol

Glo's new additions are really welcomed by both Glo and Dex. Her kits remind me of 2 I used to have before the Rainbow Bridge and they were called Panther and Tigress.

Lolly said...

Thanks Margy for the call over and a big thanks to Steve for the new thread!

I am off to eat a quick bite of breakfast, then walk and then head outside! Got to 81 yesterday and going higher today. Want to work before it gets to hot, however we plant caladiums in the shade! That is good!

Have a great day!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yay on the new thread.

I have an appointment with a urologist on Wednesday at 2:30 to find out about the mass on my kidney.

Mema Jo said...

I am anxiously awaiting the appearance of Sandi on here.

Great news Sharon! Hope you get some positive feedback!

Lolly said...

Yes, we need to hear from Jailbird Sandi! LOL Time for her to spring from jail. :)

Just finished my walk and was watching the cam. Hedgie gave me a treat. She spread her wings with her back to the cam. Her interesting feather pattern reminded me of a butterfly. Really, really neat. Cool beans, as we know someone would say.

Lolly said...

Many, many prayers for you, Sharon!

Mema Jo said...

Just got my noon mail from
Delmarva News Leader and Sandi didn't make the news. Thank goodness!
The visit from the police could mean so many different thinks - I always think of family members - I pray her son is ok. Then I wonder if the Mother frm He** was up to something! Oh come on
Sandy and sign in..... Love you and pray all is well. ♥

I am trying to be patient

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am not sure if I talked about this on here before so I am either going to tell you for the first time or you are getting a repeat.

In October 2012, I had a CT scan of my abdomen and pelvis which had the statement "The spleen, pancreas adrenal glands and kidneys are normal". Then I had an MRI in March 2013 that stated "There is a 1.8 cm right kidney upper pole exophytic cyst". The ultrasound states "A 1.8 cm size small lesion is noted in the upper pole posteriorly of the right kidney. The lesion is not clearly cystic by ultrasound criteria. A review of CT Scan of 10/11/12 also shows a questionable possibly noncystic lesion similar or slightly smaller in size in the same region of the upper pole of the right kidney.

The CT scan report makes absolutely no mention of a lesion on my kidney. I have gone to administration of the radiology office and she is having it checked out. I am quite upset over this.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - I pray you will be told as to how someone missed seeing it or a responsible explanation as to why it wasn't seen...... Important thing is that it is there and praying it will be addresses with a sound solution.
Offer it up, Gal ♥

Hoda said...

Watched an awful video. White rock nest had an intruder. It attacked one of the two eggs and proceeded to eat it. A parent came in and chased it away and proceeded to eat the egg!!! Oh Gross!

Yes I wished Sandi would check in.

I will go read back

Janet said...

good afternoon eagle buds...

good grief! its been a 24 hours with lots of injuries!!!!! add me to that list, although, mine is pretty minor!

keeping everyone close in my heart and thought for healing and wellness!

as for me, my day started as per the norm....i started waking up just before the alarm clock, with my furry alarm clock (scout) stirring as well. then it happened, in greeting me, she quite literally stepped in my left eye with her foot. talk about PAIN. ouch!

i managed to finally get out of the bed, wash it out, and attempted to get on with the morning.

i did okay til i tried to drive. LIGHT sensitive....i managed to get olivia to school, i called work and told them i was heading back home....i couldn't get there.

went to the doc. scratched cornea....antibiotic eye drops to ward off infection.....but am okay. it is uncomfortable.....and watery.....but will be fine in a couple of days....

it was a good weekend. tom and olivia both had this virus. we kept a low profile, just did what we needed to do....and not much else.

have some localized flooding over towards work...harpeth river is over her banks. we had over 3" of rain over the weekend. the sun is peeking out today and tomorrow is supposed to be warm and sunny as well, so that is good.

hope everyone has a great day. will check in later as the eyes allow...

JudyEddy said...

Hello and thanks for the new thread STEVE

JudyEddy said...

The nest looks so pretty with green leaves scattered about it

JudyEddy said...

feeding time for the peglets and my and they darker today in color

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Judy - what is that all about???

JudyEddy said...

Walker ford still has my truck till tomorrow and they are glad I made the video otherwise I don't think they would have believed me LOL they are trying and looking into anything it could be but I am still mad

Hoda said...

What is up JUDYE?

JudyEddy said...

oh I see you found us HODA I saw you were on the previous thread
They can't get it to duplicate and they can't find anything wrong and I am besides myself but like I said they are happy I made the silly video and they are scratching their heads

Hoda said...

Thanks JO you got an answer from JUDYE!!!

Do we have a phone number for SANDI? I am down right worried. School must be out by now and if she was there today she would have checked in because she gets our posts delivered. I think we should phone.

JANET so sorry about your eye.

SHAR thank you for filling in the details on the fall bite connection. I hope you and THELMA are better today.
Good news on the appointment. Keep us posted.

Hoda said...

Someone suggested starter wiring or fuel line. I think it was MARGY. Did they eliminate these two possibilities JUDYE?

I was on the other thread reading back on iPhone. Could not get past the split then saw load more option!!! Hello

Hoda said...

JUDYE could you put the White Rock nest Drama on Shepherdstown FB page? I failed. I could not bring it here either from my iPhone! It is on my FB page. Educational as to eagle behaviour even though it is tough to watch. Thank you.

JudyEddy said...

AWW wing around a eagle hug and now not

JudyEddy said...

I got the video on the page HODA just now

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDYE Tech Wizard

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - I am very hesitant to call Sandi
This could be something very private and I think we need to wait for her return. I would like to know however that she and Dennis are ok... Very worried... Perhaps no reply yet due to the knock on the door being for some very simple reason and Sandi doesn't even know her comment worries us...

A private email to Sandi would be great Hoda!

Hoda said...

Thank you JO. Excellent points. I will send an email.

Hoda said...

Email sent. Prayers and positive energies extended. Love you SANDI

JudyEddy said...

Headin out for a walk

Mema Jo said...

Email from Kay:

Letting you all know I'm leaving for Michigan Wednesday and probably won't be on line until my return on Wednesday, the 8th. Will be thinking of you and our Eagles in spite of the busy schedule the kids have lined up for me.

Lolly said...

In for a rest!! I think Sandi is okay. She would not have posted what she did if it was serious. Just MHO!

It is up to 84. I think planting all these bulbd is one of our hardest jobs!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, I see the nest has been decorated for spring with fresh greenery~~

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds and thank you ever so much for relaying my message, JO ! I realize you never know if I'll show up here or not, so I appreciate it !

Just had to check on prayer items and so glad I did---megaprayers for SHAR on all counts, for THELMA in hopes the dog bite heals quickly and well, and for SHIRLEY's Hunter as he recovers from his baseball injury.

GLO, your family is adorable !

LORI, happy to hear about the BV sighting at home base ! Fingers are crossed.

And, so as JO relayed, I may not be on here for a week or so. I must pace myself in hopes I'll really have the strength to do all the things I and others have planned. This is the first trip I've able to consider for 2 years+ and I'm facing it with some degree of trepidation. I've traveled all over this country alone and/or just with my young kids, but have to admit, heavy traffic is more daunting than it used to be. I have such traffic to face through Toledo and on in to Ann Arbor. Penny and I will stop there for a picnic lunch at a park with granddaughter, Dana Kay. The rest of the trip on in to Grand Rapids should be a breeze. Prayer appreciated !

Love you all and am praying for all in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Sandi said...

Hi all! I'm home and will explain my cryptic post on FB from early this AM. But please, do not put any of the details of this explanation on FB - Kevin would be FURIOUS! I can tell y'all b/c Kevin doesn't read the blog.

Janet said...

Was checking in...glad you are checking up with Sandi. That was indeed a worrisome comment...

JUDYE: so sorry about the truck. what a pain!!! thankful that you were in the moment enough to think of the video

HODA: thanks, but that was more of a headslap moment....even the doc was shaking his head....and have the chuckle. just thankful i keep nails short.

heading out to get the kid. hope everyone checks in soon..............

Lolly said...

Okay, Sandi...mums the word! We are waiting!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...

At 5am, I heard a car pulling into the driveway b/c our slider was open a crack. Figured it was Kevin coming home - he went out at 10pm. Then heard a knock on the front door and figured Kevin was locked out without his house key. I wake up instantly, whereas Denny is very groggy in the mornings, so I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs and yanked the door open in my pajamas.

Two police officers were at my front door -one local, one state and they said ... "Do you know a Kevin Roberts? Does he live here? Does he drive a white van?" My mind instantly flashed to every TV show I've ever seen where the police have to go to someone's house to report that a loved one is dead.

Then they asked me if he was home, so I knew he wasn't dead or in a hospital. I looked past them to the driveway, didn't see his van, and said, "His van's not here so he isn't either." They explained that they had found his van in a ditch and he had "fled the scene." They had impounded the van and were searching for Kevin b/c he had knocked a mailbox down when he lost control of the van.

We both checked our phones - no calls, no texts or messages. I tried to call Kevin - no answer. We asked if they saw blood in or around the van - they said no. They asked who he might have called to pick him up and we gave them the name of one of Kevin's close friends. They left to see if they could find the friend and said that Kevin was to report to the state police barracks at 7pm on Thursday for traffic court and, if he didn't, a warrant for his arrest would be issued.

So, when I left for work this morning, I had no idea where Kevin was, if he was hurt, or what had happened, aside from the fact that his van had been found in a ditch and the police towed it.

Since this is a really long story and I'm sure you're all on the edge of your seat, I'll post this much and then continue on ...

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glo said...

Goodness Sandi

Lori O. said...

Waiting for the rest of SANDI's story, but thanks for the update that no one was hurt.

Hoda said...

Goodness Sandi seems like a good response Glo.

I deleted my previous post as I saw Sandi had already posted. Thank you Sandi

Lolly said...

Oh,my!! Not what we wanted to hear.

Sandi said...

Jo, I don't want to delete the post on FB b/c I know a lot of people are wondering what was up with my early morning status update. They're concerned for me and I want them to have some idea - I just don't want to publish all the details on FB for the world to read.

OK, so Kevin came home around 8:30. He said he was not drunk but had 2 drinks at a friend's house. On the way home (it was raining and the road he was on is very windy and has very few lights), he lost control of the van, knocked over a mailbox, and went into a ditch. he was not hurt at all - the airbag didn't even deploy.

His first thought was to go to the house with the mailbox, but since it was 2am, he called the friend whose house he had just left, she picked him up, he went back to her place and slept on the sofa, and then headed home, thinking he would call a tow truck and get the van towed to the insurance company. Instead, he discovered that his van was no longer where he left it.

Apparently, the law states that, if you are involved in an accident, even if there are no other cars or people involved, if you abandon the vehicle, you have broken the law. So now, he will have to go to court, will have to pay the towing charge and the charges for the van to sit on the impound lot until his court date on Thursday, is paying for a rental car, and will have to deal with whatever traffic citations are issued and paying the fines for that. Plus, we have been advised that he should hire an attorney.

Guess who will be picking up the tab for much of this? Young men who give piano and voice lessons don't make a whole lot of money.

So, that's the story ... for now. MTBR. Thanks for all the concern and I'm sorry that I worried people so much and then couldn't respond to your questions. I can't get on FB from school and didn't have enough time during the school day to post an explanation on the blog.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi and others - I've been there and done that and believe me it isn't any picnic. It is a parent's nightmare just thinking of the fate that could have been for your child. Now that we all know that Kevin is alive and well and that Sandi and Dennis are ok that is what matters in the long run!

Lori O. said...

SANDI, so happy to know everyone is okay. Can ony imagine your fear when the PD showed up at the door at that hour!

JANET, so sorry about your eye. It sounds painful. Quick healing wishes!

KAY, sounds like you will have a fantastic time in MI. We will miss you while you're off the blog, but have a great, great time!

LOLLY, did you get all the caladiums planted today?

MARGY, thanks for the call over and congrats on the new feather!

SHARON, thanks for the update on your kidney. Hope you get the explanation you're seeking. Big Hugs! Love to THELMA, too.

HODA, are you feeling 100% again? Any yoga, cooking classes, charity work today?

Hoda said...

Thank you very much SANDI. Blessings to Kevin as he sorts all this out. Lifting you Dennis and Kevin in the Light. Brian too just for good measure!

LORI yoga and walk today. Thank you for asking.

Janet said...

So glad SANDI checked in!!!! Certainly NOT what you wanted to have happen....but could have been soo much worse.....thankful that Kevin is okay, but I am sure you all will be having a long chat......

Thanks, LORI.

Hugs to all...........later......

Hoda said...

Well what do you all think:
A 12 year old Toronto boy took a hand gun and ammunition to school. Teachers found them in his back pack. The police was called in. They informed his parents and took him to youth detention hall. Parents thought it would serve him right to spend the night there. The police conducted a strip search in the presence of a youth services child advocate. A visual strip search. The advocate did not object. The judge threw the case out as the kids Charter of Rights and Freedoms was violated. The police did not follow procedure! Take ONE article of clothing off at a time and wait for the accused to wear it before they request another article be removed!!!
I wonder what lesson this kid learnt!!!

JudyEddy said...

SANDI happy you check in and sorry about your problems-
JANET hope your eye is better and not a great way to be woken I have heard of people being pawed in the eye but not stepped in to the eye OUCH
Had a nice walk almost 3 hours such a pretty day out not a pic of a big blue heron flying down the canal was going to take pic of sittin but then he choose to fly away lots of birds on the way but by the time I pulled the camera out of the case the opportunity was gone I keep it tethered to my belt loop with a clip don't want it falling like the other did lesson learned but not fast enough on the draw for pic I tried just carrying it for a while but then gave up

Rules HODA Geeze

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Angie and Carl are on their way home

I hear Belle siren

Hoda said...

Off to yoga where no strip searches will be conducted inspite of the fact some on this blog joked about Canadian made see through yoga pants!!! Eh JANET and LYNNE!!! LOL

Lori O. said...

HODA, that is so ridiculous about throwing that case out! Shaking my head!

JudyEddy said...

Changed my avatar to reflect one of the pictures of Jordyn with the princess she had he pic taken with all I think and had a autograph book for them to sign also Can't wait to see the pictures Angie only posted pic that from her camera phone no way to download reg camera till she got home I should of let her use my lap top too late now

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, that is an adorable pic of Jordyn. I bet she remembers it forever!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

both eaglets just yawned

JudyEddy said...

adult in with flugg

JudyEddy said...

the chicks were taking turns doing wing stretches got some pic getting ready to put on fb and eventually on the EM album

JudyEddy said...

Adult jumped up the the cut off tree limb see white tail feathers

JudyEddy said...

and hello both in nest now

JudyEddy said...

moving greens around right away and Poof off the limb Shep goes

JudyEddy said...

stepped away and it looks like Belle poofed or is on the edge ok off to TV land LM LM

Mema Jo said...

Judy after this trip to Disney, Jordyn
will always want to be a Princess
She is just the right age for a Disney trip.

Going to watch Jeopardy and then Bones...


stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Conversation in the Nest

Shamrock: This green stuff, is it food? I think I'll take a bite.

Hedgie: Nah, Silly, those are leaves. Eagles are not vegetarians.

Shamrock: (Nibbling on a leaf.) Bleah, just can't get the hang of this self-feeding thing.

Hedgie: Nyah, nyah! Shammy's a vegan!

Shamrock: Yuck! Doesn't taste like fish. Why did Mom and Dad put this stuff here?

stronghunter said...

Whee! Both parents arrive at the nest.

stronghunter said...


JudyEddy said...

there is so much cooperation in the nest with the chicks taking turns

JudyEddy said...

looks like every three bite to every one bite to me LOL

JudyEddy said...

I can't believe Hedgie is walking away big wing flaps

Lolly said...

All caladium bulbs planted!! It about killed us!! LOL We celebrated with a bottle of bubbly wine, sitting on the front patio. AND, while sitting there we saw a Bluebird!!!! Yea!!!

Our family is all in the nest!!!!

stronghunter said...

Oh my goodness, Sandi. I did not read your FB post today. Have been out most of the day. I would have been beside myself.

Thank goodness, Kevin is okay.

Lolly said...

Sandi, so very sorry for the problems. Thankfully everyone is okay!

stronghunter said...


Just cannot understand why some parents think it is okay to abandon their child when he is in trouble.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, chatty group today!

Making some dinner, will have to eat and read to catch up!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Hoda, sorry about the white rock nest. What kind of intruder? What is their hatch date?

Shar, I would be upset at something missed on a CT too.

Janet did they give you an eye patch?

JudyE, did they check the starter...could be a small bad spot on it.

Lolly what happens to the old caladium bulbs?

Kay, just take your time thru the traffic. Have a great trip!

Sandi, glad Kevin is OK. Hopefully, he will just get fined and the whole episode will be over.

paula eagleholic said...

Shar and Tbird, so sorry about your weekend! Ouch!

Glo, pretty kitties.

Judy, glad Jordyn was better and able to enjoy the park.

Lori, enjoy your week home!

Lolly said...

Paula, the caladium bulbs left in the ground rot!! Too many to try to save through the winter. They have to be dug up and stored in some kind of dry medium. Easier to just plant new. My sister, who lives near Houston have hers return every year. That does not happen up here.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Janet, what a thing to happen! Hope your eye heals quickly and completely.

Scrimmage was called off today, so Hunter has a little time for his finger to heal. Next practice is Wednesday.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Janet, what a thing to happen! Hope your eye heals quickly and completely.

Scrimmage was called off today, so Hunter has a little time for his finger to heal. Next practice is Wednesday.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, Lolly, thanks for the info!

paula eagleholic said...

Any diagnosis yet Shirley? Maybe just jammed?

stronghunter said...

Oh, sorry, thought I posted the diagnosis. The finger is not broken. Doctor said that he can play if he feels okay.

stronghunter said...

He wore the splint today, but I think he is better already.

JudyEddy said...

Here is another picture Tinker Bell as if you didn't know LOL

Mema Jo said...

N o Sandman alarm yet? I am going to be two steps ahead of him tonight as I am very sleepy. Tomorrow is a dental for me for 12 very small cavities to be filled - Probably big bucks!!!

Everyone sleep well and dream pleasant dreams. God bless and keep you safe from all harm.

Good Night AOYP I ♥ US

stronghunter said...

Nice pictures, Judy.

Hoda said...

Excellent yoga practice...I did very well and so I think it is another sign that I am healing.

SHIRLEY I do not think the parents abandoned the Toronto kid. He broke into the locked cabinet and out of bravado they thought they would give him a night in Juvenile detention hall. They collected him the next morning and there was no problem. No one complained. When the judge read the happenings for booking him, he was not pleased that is all. The parents think it is wrong that he took the hand gun to school.

Glad HUNTER's hand is better.

PAULA it was a sub adult eagle that destroyed the egg at the White Rock nest. I am not sure when the hatch date was for those eggs. But apparently the parents were spending hours off of the eggs and some thought maybe the eggs were not viable. I do not know for sure. The Ma in that nest came in protecting and chased the intruder off.

Janet said...

late good evening:

PAULA; no eye patch, eye drops. i just put sunglasses on and have stayed in with the blinds drawn most of the day when i wasn't asleep. thankfully feeling quite a bit better this evening.

was sad to stay inside today, it was sunny and very pretty out..... oh well, always tomorrow.

HODA: i don't know (he he he) WHO would tease you about see thru YOGA pants...hmmmm (looks away innocently).......

STRONGHUNTER: so glad no breaks!!

hope everyone has SED. sleep well. maybe i should put safety DOGgles (instead of safety goggles) on???? good night all!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for providing the details, Hoda. Pretty scary, really. Just such a young kid.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for providing the details, Hoda. Pretty scary, really. Just such a young kid.

Hoda said...

HUGS to SHIRLEY and JANET...Thank you...

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. SED, everyone. Take care.

Hoda said...

PAULA here is the youtube video of the events in White Rock yesterday.

Sub Adult Intruder Eagle destroyes egg at White Rock Nest

Hoda said...

How did that "e" get in there I wonder???

Hoda said...

I think I should have to send an RCMP cruiser to check on the where abouts of our sleuth detective and crime scene expert. She has been missing for a while now and I am sure THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE can track her down and ease our minds that she is well...
JUDIE JUDIE JUDIE where are you?
OK just because you are a University professour: WHERE ART THOU?

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Hoda. I did see it on FB, after I asked you...and hadn't gotten back here yet to tell you I saw it. Quite sad. They have had some intruder issues there this year, along with a feeling from a lot of loyal WR watchers that this looks like a different, younger, more inexperienced pair at the nest this year.

Lynne2 said...


Parents being scared to death by children, jammed fingers, broken trucks, wrecked vans, hurt backs, questionable CT scans, dog bites, scratched eyes, Ass whipping caladiums, Canadian juvenile delinquents, missing detectives and sandman....Geez, can't leave you people alone for a minute.

Lynne2 said...

oh, and the return of See Through Yoga Pants....

Lolly said...

I scratched my eye one time. Nothing is so painful!! They put a patch on my eye to keep my eye from blinking as that just irratated it more. It was an eye patch with folded gauze pad under the patch holding the eye lid still.

Just listened to the weather.
Another front coming Wed night.
Rain predicted but not much, but we are looking forward to more record breaking low temps.

Lynne2 said...

For the first time ever, I have seen CHIMNEY SWIFTS!! They are flying all over Manchester!

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynne...this blog is a regular soap opera. Who needs TV when we have the BLOG?

Lynne2 said...

And we saw an Osprey on Saturday!

Must get to bed. Easier said than done without an appearance from the Sandman.

Enjoy your time in MD, Lori! And safe travels Kay!

Lynne2 said...

Don't we have a "no injury" rule in place here?

Lynne2 said...

Margy, if you check in....

the Aster seeds came out of fake winter yesterday and will now hopefully germinate!

Hoda said...

Chimney Swifts, Chimney Swifts you say??? Picture please

Lolly said...

Chimney Swifts I have seen. Just thrilled to have seen a Bluebird in my front yard!! The Swifts are interesting and because of them we have a cap on our chimney.

Lynne2 said...

Not able to get pictures Hoda. They fly way too fast and erratically. My camera isn't able to capture.

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, put up a house and maybe they will stay and nest!

OH! So excited for GG to have BBs back! Hope they are staying....waiting for the nest update from Wander!

Lynne2 said...

Good night and prayers for all!

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

I am right behind you, Lynne. Time to say good night. I am oh so ready to close my eyes! Nice hot shower first!!!

Night all! SED!!!

Hoda said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!Leadership debate for the BC elections...according to BC twitter the number one topic was the legalization of marijuana...We might follow Colorado after all...The RCMP is actually not against it!!! We'll see May 14th will decide it...depending on the party which forms the government...

Hoda said...




Sandi said...

Good soggy Tuesday morning my eagle friends! Rained all night Sunday and all day and night last night - more rain is possible today. Great for the things I got planted on Sunday!

Janet, sorry about the eye - OUCH!

Shirley, glad Hunter's finger is healing quickly - would hate for him to have such a short pitching career!

Kay, safe travels for you!!

Thelma and Sharon, hope you are both healing. Shar, very upsetting about the CT - glad you will be getting some answers.

Hoping for an ordinary day today. Went to bed super early last night and slept well.

Make it a great day all!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, everyone!

SANDI, glad you got some rest and all is returning to normal at your house.

JANET, how is your eye this morning?

SHAR, when do you go to the doc again, is that tomorrow?

LOLLY, congrats on planting ALL of the caladium bulbs! What a task!

It's another gray, rainy day around here. Hoping everyone else gets sunshine and a wonderful day.


Janet said...

A bright and shiney good morning to all my pals! HEre's to an injury/stress reduced day!!!

Feeling much much better this a.m. One thing about me, when I don't feel well, I can SLEEP! So since all I wanted to do for a major part of yesterday was keep my eye closed, I did, and therefore I slept.

No pain this morning, I can FEEL it, but can go outside without sunglasses, and just am thankful that Doc was right, it heals quickly. Will keep on the drops for a couple more days.....just to be sure.

Wonderful sunny morning is my real day off...not an injury/sick day off. Many ideas as to what to do....we shall see waht comes my way!

Have a wonderful, love filled day, with no injuries, hopefully repaired trucks, good news and light and smiles to each of you!

grannyblt said...

Good Morning all.

Janet, I'm with you--a stress free, injury free day.

We are supposed to have a stretch of decent weather this week so I hope to get more yard work done. Wish I had the umpth(however you spell it) of the old days.

stronghunter said...

Thanks to all of you who expressed concern and good wishes about Hunter's finger. I think he will soon be ready to pitch again. Just hoping that he does not try another bare-handed catch.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

hoping that all the mishaps/injuries from the last few days.....are healing
completely and painlessly....
and that all new illnesses/ailments....
will take a Big Hike Pronto !!!

xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Good rainy damp morning. Our nest seems to be keeping up with the rain - new flooring of fluff and leaves.

I am disillusioned with the blog... Sad to say that none of my blogger friends really reads my post - I have not been questioned about my dental comment when I said "for 12 very small cavities to be filled" How about 2 very small ones.......... lol I sure need a proof reader........ Just joking!

I am delighted that I have seen 1 BB down in the yard - but I don't see him often - I do have a pair of wrens and wish I knew where their nest was located. I am happy with Mr & Mrs Cardinal coming by every day!

BBL - need my cup of late morning coffee.
I love us ♥

magpie said...

Special thoughts from the heart
for Sandi and the family.....
so very grateful that no one
was physically injured...but what an unbearable scare, not knowing
what the situation was for so many hours

magpie said...

JO that was to be my very next comment...but an officer needed somthing !!!

I was going to say we need to start a fund for your
12 cavities !!!
Earlier I had read "2"

Ask Judie she is my witness, we joked about it on email early this am

magpie said...

I do admit to speed-reading things and missing important stuff sometimes....
AND, to answer your question of
Monday Morning Jo: I had read up on the "Friday" blog happenins' Monday morning and saw
that there was a new thread almost 35 minutes "old"
so I could not abandon
my blogging pals and not tell about it (and collect a feather of course ☺ )

I just had a very very full personal agenda Monday and had to try to behave myself


Mema Jo said...

Well I wish Judie would get in here -
We haven't had a Sandman for a while.

Good to know you were emailing each other and that all is well


magpie said...

The "vegatarian" comments last evening about the Shirley and others....were hilarious
I do see the Peaglets
learning how to move stuff around
the fluff, and stuff

Best Wishes to Every One for
a Good Day...

See ya' later, 'bye !

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

GOOD MORNING!! 67 and heading up today. Going to walk, grosserie shop, and in the yard. Was going to plant my basil but may wait until after this next front. Also was going to do the annual patio clean but think it will wait too. Not ready to move away the firewood. Having a fire in May is unheard of..,may do it just to say we did! LOL

Janet, glad your eye is better.

Sandi, glad you were able to get a good night's sleep. Going to be a better day for you!!

magpie said...

It was short and sweet, Jo...
had a few mins to spare before
work this morning...

I brought her up to date on a few things and those 12 cavities came up too ! ☺
Just a busy busy world right now
for everyone I guess

I figure Sandperson will do double-duty and send everyone to bed earlier tonight !!

stronghunter said...

Oh, Jo, I am so glad that you did not have 12 cavities. I was rendered speechless by that post. What else can I say?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


stronghunter said...

Yes, Margy, I was concerned about the expense involved in getting 12 cavities filled, too.

Mema Jo said...

Here is the kicker - I really don't have enough natural teeth any more to have that many cavities lol

glo said...

Good morning all. My family has doubled in size. My schedule is out the window except for coffee and dog treats. :-). MeMa Jo needs to stop eating all that candy is all I know to say. I hope everyone has a good day. Have one project completed for my little friend with the therapy dog BUT I have so many nice photos from having gone to be with him and the dog/ and his class of course, that I am now making him a book. The Framed print will hang on a wall somewhere I hope that dad too can find some comfort in, but especially when school gets out i want him to have something to hold in his hand that can help make the day a little better. I have no clue if he will get to see Honey during the summer for real. BUT he will have her and all they shared right in his hand. So thus another really big project. OK tea is gone, back to work for me. HAGD all.

Mema Jo said...

Glo - The book you are making for him to have and to hold should be a good incentive for the future and lots of comfort for him from the past.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The siren on the eagle cam just sparked a howling contest with my dogs. :)

magpie said...

waitin' on ya' Lolly !

Lolly said...




COME ON OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...