Monday, April 22, 2013


New week, fresh thread.  Been chilly for a few days.


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grannyblt said...

GM eagle buddies. Thanks for the new thread.

grannyblt said...

wahoo, another feather..I'll call the others

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for a new thread and thanks Lynne1 for the call over. Just checking in for a quick second at school.

Have a goord day all!

Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Morning to all!
Congrats grannyblt on being first on the fresh new thread and getting that feather.
I first thought you were skipping school today, Sandi! Have a good one.

Today is my youngest son's birthday! 49 That is young!

glo said...

Good morning all. Busy Day today. Dex has a dog sitter. I have kids and a therapy dog to take my time with today. I love these kinds of days.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. I want to share my story from the weekend. I posted it on Facebook but will post it here too! I love us!

HOW GOD WORKS! - Saturday I was at KMart Pharmacy waiting on prescriptions and I have to admit I was thinking I was waiting a little too long but anyway. . . This man and woman were there talking with another woman. They were discussing a neighbor's dog who was missing. Of course, mention dog and my ears perk up. I did ask for a description of the dog which was tan and white with a diamond shape on her head and asked what area it was lost in, just in case I would ever see it. She told me. Fast forward to last night. I left a meeting, checked Facebook and saw a post from Fairy Tails Fostering about a dog that had been found. Upon looking at this dog, I saw the diamond shape on her head. Problem was, I didn't get any information from those people to even know who to tell. I did remember she was lost in the area of Sunrise Drive in Bluefield so that is where I headed. I stopped at a couple of houses and no one knew the dog. I turned around and was driving back down the road. I started turning into a driveway and asked God to please steer me in the right direction. I get out of my van and go to the porch of the house I had stopped at. I see through the window the woman who I had talked to the day before. (She looked really familiar to me but I couldn't remember from where). I knocked on the door, showed them the picture and asked if that was Martha. It absolutely was. She called her next door neighbor who belongs to Martha and had her come over. I message Fairy Tails and got the number of the woman who had her. MARTHA IS NOW BACK HOME WHERE SHE BELONGS. She had been missing since Wednesday night. Now I am really grateful that Pete took a little long at the pharmacy. The woman that looked familiar? She is my sister-in-law's aunt! :-) Absolutely perfect ending. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Happy Earth Day!!! It is also Happy Birth Day to my momma in Heaven. It would be her 97th birthday. She has been gone 7 years. :(

Saw on facebook Loo has a new partner. Won't be the same! lol
Love you, Lori!

Today, after I walk, going to work in the yard some more. Love these days of beautiful weather. Tomorrow will be cooler, so today I better get busy!!

Lolly said...

Also, tomorrow our 300 caladium bulbs are due to arrive. That is another big job to tend to in the yard. We will not plant then right away as it is still too cook. Wild! We have been know to not turn on the AC until June. Hope it is that way this year.

Lolly said...

cool....not cook. Geeeeesh, Lolly!

Lolly said...

Talk about God things and how he works in mysterious ways. A good friends mother, Margie, lived near Houston. When she was here before Christmas she fell and broke her hip. Well, of course, she has been here ever since and has decided to move here. Her house went on the market and sold right away. Another good friend here, Ann, has decided to move to Oklahoma to be near her daughter. So, Margy is buying Ann's home. Oh, and the house across the street from Ann's daughter in Oklahoma went on sale and she is buying it. Wild, right?

Lolly said...

Time to get my day started!

Have a good one!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon and Lolly - great things really happen for sure! Loved both of your stories.

Lolly - 300 caladium bulbs - don't hurt your back or your knees. That is a lot of planting! They will look beautiful

I have dr appointment today - just the 3 mo check up. I need to tell him I feel like a head cold is upon me!

grannyblt said...

Lolly, if that Houston house was in the Woodlands, I have a realtor friend there that says the market is hot...wouldn't that be wild if it were she? Probably not, but would make a Kevin Bacon story

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and I drove by the park and the poor little eaglet is still not in the nest going to FB to see if I can tell Sue

JudyEddy said...

MARGY I love the google image today thanks for the head up love the sunrise and sunset

JudyEddy said...

I got in touch with Sue and one other guy is going over they thought in the picture I posted he may be stuck in the cable I don't think so but if it gets them there all the better he is 10wks and they do fly about that age they don't want to try anything in fear of other falling out of nest LOL ok back to work I go

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,


Shar and Lolly, love both of your stories! God is indeed good!

Been busy this morning watering plants outside. Also tried to wash the bird (heron) poop off of our front walk near the front door. Yikes, what a mess that was! Yes, they're b-a-a-a-c-k! BTW, they are BLACK-CROWNED Night Herons that we have. Need to look up the Yellow-crowned ones online.

Mema Jo, hope you feel better VERY soon! Prayers for healing!

Well, need to get busy again. Will check back in later this afternoon. Hope everyone has a great day!

Janet said...

HAPPY EARTH DAY, my fellow Eagle loving earthlings!!!

I see the babies are snoozing in the sun, sooo cute...

Its been a glorious day here, sunny, warm...I've been home since 1. Work was slow and I said going home!!! Been just doing this n that, nothing major...just enjoying my day...


Loved the stories.....and Lolly, hugs..... but 300 caladium bulbs!!! wow what a chore!!!!
One step at a time, eh?

Mema Jo said...

PA Falcon Wire News
4/22/2013 :: Eggs Hatch!
Sometime between 2 and 3 PM on Saturday, April 20th, the first egg hatched. Early Sunday morning the second hatchling arrived. By Monday morning, April 22nd, three nestlings were being cared for by the adults. If viable, the fourth egg should hatch soon. This close hatch time among the nestlings is good news because they should compete for food without one or another being disadvantaged by being smaller and weaker than their nest-mates.

NatureNut said...

Happy Earth Day to all the Eagle Buds!!
Shar & Lolly, loved your stories!

Think I forgot to say that the Park Osprey Cams are finally online.They're on Ustream. Greg K. switches the cam between the two nests. At last count, (& I got pics)One nest had 4 eggs and other had three. They're a little concerned about the crows who want to cause trouble when the folks are away!

I finally got my Eagle Nest pics on Blog. Saw some activity I've never seen before this year! The leaves are trying to cover the view, but maybe we'll get lucky just a little longer.

JudyEddy said...

YEAH YEAH THE EAGLET IS NO LONGER ON THE BOTTOM OF THE TOWER Let just hope he is where he is suppose to be

paula eagleholic said...

Judy, did the eaglet get back into the nest?

Cool out, but at least the sun is warm.

paula eagleholic said...

Neat stories, Sharon and Lolly.

Jo, don't you have a special Dr appt soon? For the PET scan?

JudyEddy said...

BEV put this on FB anyone near Morgantown, WVA there is a gal being sent overseas and she want to give her dog to a good home cute dog too

Location: Morgantown , WV
May 29,2013 - Dec 09,2013
Pet Name: Mason
Breed: Catahoula Leopard Dog
Gender: Neutered Male
Size: Large (46-65 lbs)
Age: Young (under 1 year)

Visit to learn more about this pet, register and contact the owner!

Direct link (must be logged in to view):
Like · · Share · 10 minutes ago
Picture of dog

JudyEddy said...

I made one little boy so happy I don't know if you ever saw the pedal cars I had for Jordyn they were race car replica Kelloggs #5 Jordyn loved them well she is to big So I took the one today to work and surprised Debbie in the office she posed pic on my fb page of him in it He loves it Makes me feel good to find someone for it
I gave the other one to a gal for her granddaughter it was a little smaller that this one it was Kodak #4

JudyEddy said...

I see a parent in the nest which I don't know

JudyEddy said...

YES PAULA he flew in by himself I guess a gal on fb took picture and I ask her to email to me But she said it was this am I was there at 2 and he was there so he must have went back down playing around silly eagle

JudyEddy said...

feeding time

paula eagleholic said...

Hmm, adult is defurring dinner

paula eagleholic said...

maybe de-feathering

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is digging in the flugg pulls up hunks of it

JudyEddy said...

picks up big hunk of flugg and takes to 12 was at 5ish

JudyEddy said...

funny the things they do in the nest rearrange

JudyEddy said...

rearranging I meant to say
forgot the ing

JudyEddy said...

don't know if Belle is still there don't see any feetsie but didn't hear a fly away

paula eagleholic said...

Belle moved some flugg around, but I can't see her now.

Lolly said...

Spen the day in the yard. Beautiful, beautiful day!!

Have Salmon in the oven and steaming some fresh veggies. Going to eat and then watch DWTS.

paula eagleholic said...

I see Belle is back in the nest, trying to provide some cover for the big peaglets!

Lolly said...

Just received this text from Laurel...."Holy Smokes Batman! Jacob just hit one to the fence!"

That's my boy! He made it to second as he is not a fast runner. :)

JudyEddy said...

You gotta check this out
Bald eagle rescued kennedy space center

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Ditto what Paula said:
Love the good news posts from
Sharon and Lolly...
also the Jacob fence line base hit

Nice New Avatar, Paula !

magpie said...

Happy 49th Birthday to
Jo's Youngest Son...
xo ! Hope the celebrations
have been great!

magpie said...

I had grilled salmon, and grilled asparagus and sugar snap peas for dinner!
Compliments of a good family
friend at Ruby Tuesday's!

I was tempted to get the Taramisu
for dessert....but that might be at a later date

magpie said...

nice, your posts, hope the eaglet DID return to the cell tower nest OK, and nice about the "New-Old"
hand me down toys for your co-workers/friends

Black Crowned Night Herons it is
for Andrea....thanks for the
correction, Andy !

magpie said...

All Things at the Park sound great....

This time....3 or maybe 4 years ago some of us Momsters and Captain Father Warden Gene had
completed our Road Trip to PRP and a wonderful trip it was!

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

Hoping that all are doing WELL tonight

Hoda said...

Glad things sound good on the blog.

Went to yoga for the first time in two weeks and did very well. I am glad to be back.

Yes PAULA I think JO'S appointment is coming just around the corner...Let us know JO please.

Beautiful day here and it was warm. It is still day light and The three quarter moon is breath taking. I had to take a picture.I will go out to the meteor showers and might just go down to the lake out of town away from the Lights and watch them from the car. It depends on how chilly it gets.

Life is so very good and I am blessed. I liked the How God Works stories from SHAR and LOLLY. I agree...GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME.

I love the story of MEGAN and the Quarter Banana MARGY. Thank you for sharing.

The bank insists they owe me a hundred dollars!!! Apparently they witheld it since 2003. I keep getting letters telling me about it and every year I tell them all my cheques are accounted for and I do not see where this hundred dollars came from. The Branch Manager phoned today to tell me that in a couple of years if I do not claim it they will have to send it to The Central Bank of Canada. I explained to him all my cheques are accounted for...he said, " Hoda the 100 dollars is yours. Come in here and fill the paper work.We do not make mistakes he said!!!" I thought that was a bit arrogant, but if they want to give it to me I will go in and do the paper work tomorrow!!!

stronghunter said...

Time for me to stop in to say good night. Will try to read posts tomorrow. SED, everyone.

PA Nana said...

Stopping by to say goodnight to all. God bless everyone.
Prayers for those in need.

paula eagleholic said...

I agree Hoda, go get the money, rather than turn it over to the Central Bank.

magpie said...

Yes, go fill out the papers, Hoda! $$$$ always welcome for sure!
Just think of all wonderful things you can do with that!

Bedtime here also....
Hoping that Jo's appointment today
went well! And that Approaching
Head Cold takes an immediate HIKE!

Prayers for Wellness All Around,
in ALL our Eagle Corners...

Good Night, Precious Pals...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

Love your beautiful avatar, Diann....
I am sorry I missed your April 19
Birthday! "A card is in the mail."
Hope it Was Happy !!! xo ♥

magpie said...

Paula, I was at our local Lowe's this evening...oh I love that store!

Good Night, for real....!

glo said...

No time to read back tonight. Very busy but good day. I will read back tomorrow. My heart feels a little lighter with what I saw at school today with this little guy and the therapy dog. he is letting down that wall of pain a little and letting the dog in to be a friend. Dogs really are heaven sent sometimes.

Lolly said...

Hoda...get that money!!!!

Put it to good use, like saving it for your trip to see USA family.

paula eagleholic said...

Glo, your link didn't work for me.

Mema Jo said...

It is late - hubby and I watched TV show and it ran late. I sure am ready to close down. Dental tomorrow - oh joy!

Enjoyed my son's b-day - Spice cake with butter cream frosting is a favorite.

Moon is bright and the you can see the nest clearly.

Good Night to all
Prayers for all
I ♥ us

Hoda said...

Thank you all.
Life is good.

Much Love and Light to all.



Lolly said...

Night all!


Sandi said...

Good Tuesday morning my eagle friends!!

Sharon, loved your found dog story!!

Glo, glad to hear that the little boy who has lost so much is responding to the therapy dog (sorry, but I forget her name). What a wonderful experience for you to be a part of.

Judy, glad the eaglet is OK.

Hoda, GO GET THAT $100!!!!!

Lolly, congrats to Joseph on the huge hit - too bad you missed seeing it, but maybe you'll be there when he hits it OVER the fence!

Prayers for all the needs on our blog, both big and small. Make it a great day!

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDS two more days for me then I am on vacation

JudyEddy said...

GLO I was able to see the dog in facebook with the link

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!

Glad all sounds well with everyone on the blog!

HODA, glad you're in the money and back in yoga! Yay for you!

SHARON,Thanks for sharing your dog story, and so glad you got it back home! God IS good all the time!

LOLLY, how long will it take you to plant all those caladiums?

Hope everyone has a GREAT day!

glo said...

Hmmm Not sure why the link to Honey's photo works for some but not for others. It is on my facebook wall Paula. Yes Sandi it is quite the experience. It's a journey for this little guy and for those of us hoping, praying and watching him have the courage to take a step forward and find that life is still good and there are things that will make him feel happy and secure all around. He said to one of his teachers aide's last week. "My school can give me every thing I need except for my Mom". He gets lots of listening and kindness from everyone including his classmate. Kids can really be very kind to each other too, which is wonderful to see. They will all be getting a wallet size photo of Honey. I also did a class photo yesterday that the teacher will have as she too has been down quite a road. I am proud to call her my friend.!!!

Janet said...

Good morning to one and all!

Its another nice mornign here in Nashville, rain on the way tomorrow though. Was going to wash the car....thinking twice about that now.

Glad I haven't planted the tomatoes yet; chilly weather overnight tomorrow yet again. One plant already has a small tomato growing on it under my indoor grow lights!

Irises are blooming this morning. The ones we have are 4th generation from Tom's great great grandmother. They are a light lilac color. Very pretty.

Olivia starts TCAP testing today;the Tennesee academic tests. They are out of school @ 2:30 the rest of the week.

Hope everyone has a great day. Light, love, hugs and wishing each of you a joyful, love filled day. ((((HUGS))))) SMILES :)

paula eagleholic said...

Shep in with a fish.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep gone, no Belle. Kids dragging sticks around the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, practicing sitting on the stick with feet..

paula eagleholic said...

Belle in....grabs the fish, heads to the 5 spot to eat and feed chicks.

Almost overnight, Shamrock seems to have caught up with Hedgie in feather growth.

Lori O. said...

PAULA, beautiful avatar!

paula eagleholic said...

Shamrock eating and peeping.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagelts are 5 1/2 weeks old. Getting around much better on those big ol' feets.

thanks, Lori!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Jack is in the study doing a training for reporting his hours on line, He is getting ready for approx 2 days of consulting next month. It will involve a trip to Denver.

Temp here is dropping. Woke up to 64 and it is down to 60. Would you believe it is to drop into the 30's tonight? That is totally crazy!! Our caladiums are due today, but we certainly will not plant them until next week...too cool. I AM NOT COMPAINING~!!!

Lolly said...

Lori, it will take us a few hours. We both plant the bulbs. It is Jack's favorite. We will give Laurel about 30 of those bulbs. We have very sandy soil so the digging is easy.

Lolly said...

It is so funny how the eaglets sprawl on the nest with legs extended. Does not look comfortable!

Lolly said...

My kitchen window sill wrens fledged Sunday. Did not see them, but did see a wren in the tree outside the window that sat there for quite a while. Think it was one of them, but did not realize it. When I looked yesterday they were gone. I miss the parents flying in with bugs!!

Lolly said...

Okay, this blog is waaaaaay tooooo quiet!!!

Going to start my day! Was going to work in the yard but it is damp and now 59, so I think not!!

Have a good obe!

Mema Jo said...

Out Damn Spot - OUT

I had a visit with Dr Tolino the pulmonologist yesterday as a follow-up from my bout with pneumonia. He doesn't want to see her for 6 months.
He said the PET scan report I had a week ago revealed that the lung mass has been destroyed.
I wasn't to get the results of the PET scan until Thursday of this week when I have a follow-up visit with Dr. Chomiak of the Cyber Knife - but the early news was great.

Lori O. said...

Congratulations, JO!!!! AMEN!

Lolly said...

Hallelujah!!!! Jack called from the other room for me to check the mail from Jo!!! Hurried over here as I knew you were posting here too, Jo. So very very happy for you. God is so good! Momster prayers are powerful!!!! Thanks be!!!!!

Janet said...

FANTASTIC NEWS JO!!!!! Wonderful wonderful wonderful!!!!!

magpie said...

And All the Family Lennox:


xoxoxox ((( ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ )))

glo said...

I am so very happy to see your report MeMa Jo

stronghunter said...


Back from the bowling banquet. Just saw Jo's report. Yay!! Thank God. Wonderful news.

stronghunter said...

Very sleepy. Might be a good time for a recliner nap.

The bowling banquet was nice, but I think they tried to see how many people they could crowd into a tiny banquet room. I felt sorry for the waiters who had to squeeze between the tables.

glo said...

A breakthrough in the little boys heart came when Honey's handler told him "Honey is needing some help to learn a new behavior for when she visits a nursing home. She must put her paw in a lap without jumping up on the person sitting down." She told him the commands to give the dog and the treats to reward a job well done. My eyes filled with tears as I opned this photo today because I know It was the start of a heart opening to let this dog into to help heal He stuck right by Honey all afternoon because she learned from him so well :-) Honey has a good teacher by her side now

Mema Jo said...

That picture is great Glo. It says so much. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Just got home from the dentist! Will return next Tues for 2 very small fillings. I only go to them on the days my favorite dentist is there. I am pulling a Lolly! ♥

Shirley was the banquet at the steak house. I hope the meal was good even though it was shoulder to shoulder!

Talk about a "feets up" nap - Here I go.

Mema Jo said...

leaving for a few hours


Janet said...

Good afternoon all. So, we may have lost our marbles....we have been talking about getting Scout a playmate..... Sable is not appropriate as all she does is sleep 90% of the time....and at almost 14 that is okay...Beano is a grumbly boy and doesn't want to play with we are going this evening to look at soem pups. YOUNG ones. wouldn't be able to come home for another month.... we shall see.

i may have lost my mind. egad!

if not, there is a rescue across state that we can investigate.....we shall see.

been a great day. a little work a little play...balance....

later gaters!

JudyEddy said...

HELLO eagle buds and good evening
didn't come home for lunch because I was at the park watching all THREE FLY and were they magnificent I did get some video I have yet to upload I did several small ones you know how hard it is to keep up with two eagle flying the other was on the tower but he did fly once when I was there

JO loved the news fantastic

JudyEddy said...

now I need to go read and upload bbialw

JudyEddy said...

for a sec I thought we had three eaglets in nest I see a clump of flugg that I thought was a eaglet LOL

grannyblt said...


JudyEddy said...

OK anyone interested in the video of the juvies flying at the park today at lunch here is the video and hey I added music but it doesn't cover up my talking like it use to I was hoping it would oh well didn't talk to much
Today juvies flying around Cool Beans

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, wow, what a great lunch break!

GLO, thanks for the uplifting picture! It's sweet knowing the story behind it.

JudyEddy said...

YEP LORI I am going there two times a day now at lunch and right after work Before you know it they will be gone When I am on vaca nest week I am going to the St Pete cell tower nest at the plaza its so much lower and can get better pic with this camera Now I want another camera I am going to see if Angie will left me use hers while she is on vaca at Disney to get better pictures Remember it was the cam I had when I was up there Now I want to buy a better zoom for next year LOL

JudyEddy said...

I don't think the chicks have moved since I have been home

JudyEddy said...

Looks like Shamrock is in and out of his coma with a itch or two and a stretch

JudyEddy said...

both are still unconscious

JudyEddy said...

ADULT in with a THUD

JudyEddy said...

almost landed on chick Shamie

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

and a fly over

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is digging in the flugg

JudyEddy said...

chicks are still not up

JudyEddy said...

I think what she is doing is like airing out the sheets and turning the mattress LOL

JudyEddy said...

Hedgie is at 11 laying on her side with her leg thigh drunssticks stretched out LOL looks so cute and Shamrock is at 530 out also

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is just looking around now like ok what up my kids MOM is home she looks at one and then the other and then at the flugg she up turned like a garden tiller

JudyEddy said...

I really really really do think everyone has fallen off the face of the earth LOL ok going to do something a hot shower on my neck It is killing me Eagle watching is rough on the neck looking up

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Judy! I was out mowing. Mowed over the bunny nest, all are just fine. Mama bunny had it nice and deep. 4 little bunnies :)

JudyEddy said...

the chicks are picking at the flugg

JudyEddy said...

OH good about the bunnies being ok

paula eagleholic said...

Had no clue there was a nest I know why I saw mama bunny there the other night.

This years robins nest might be right outside the front window in an evergreen...saw mama Robin dart in there...haven't peeked just yet in there.

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks picking at the big hunks of flugg...

JudyEddy said...

ok off the the hot shower

paula eagleholic said...

Guess Belle has been clearing the bowl of the clumped up flugg of late...

paula eagleholic said...

Guess Belle has been clearing the bowl of the clumped up flugg of late...

paula eagleholic said...

Hear that? LOL

Gotta go get gas for mowing tomorrow night...might find something to eat, too.

JudyEddy said...

little young for that wingersize LOL

Mema Jo said...

I wish to thank all of you for your happy comments concerning my test results! You realize I credit your Prayer Power and Positive Thoughts that brought me to where I am now!

I love us ♥

Terrific Tues TV will start as soon as Jeopardy is over. I'll return later this evening.....

paula eagleholic said...

Wonderful, wonderful news, Jo. Our prayers have been answered!!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle feeding the chicks...bites are getting bigger and bigger.

Lolly said...

Jack and I have eaten and we are sitting here with a fire going!! Glad he had not taken the firewood from the patio. lol April 23 and it is 49 and going down tonight. Unbelievable!!!

Laurel sent me a text before dinner with a picture of an article from the Denton paper. Jacob was written up. "The offensive attack, led by Jacob Fritz and Alden Lord, enabled the Marlins to take their first victory of the season."
"Fritz and Alden Fisher both had three hits......" How about that sports fans? Jacob's first write up!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Great news on your cell tower eaglets, Judy.

Oh forgot to mention I saw a bald eagle on my way home from Larry's the other Faifield, PA.

Jo, I think there is an eagles nest on the Monocacy, near Resthaven. I can't find my binocs to get a better view. It's in a big sycamore tree. You can see it from Rt 15.

magpie said...

That's wonderful,Lolly.

and I am still all AGLOW with Jo's news, and wow, even a cool dentist report to go with it!

Absolutely loved the picture Glo posted a short while backwards...
what a precious, dear that little boy hand holding the
biscuit! Thank You Glo....not just for the picture, but for your
BIG part in this ministry, and sharing with us (( ♥ ))

paula eagleholic said...

Exciting, Lolly!

paula eagleholic said...

Nite light on. Kids have finally quieted down, they were really chirping away.

magpie said...

The Visitation for Charlie's Sister was Carolyn is NOT at work tonight, two others have filled her shift....
I did not go to the Visitation....
but have my prayers going; the Funeral is in the morning

(( Prayers, and Hugs, Carolyn....for you
and Charlie and ALL the Family ))

JudyEddy said...

That is fantastic LOLLY make sure you laminate the article for him

nest look odd glow sort of

Judie said...

Good evening all.

Jo, you could not have given your blog family more joyful news. Love and hugs.

Paula, so glad the bunnies are safe. We have a Thumper in our yard but have not seen babies yet. I get nervous because we also have a hawk that shows up.

Judie said...

I am tired tonight. One more class day and then an exam day. Think I may read a few pages and then sleep.

The sandperson will depart on rounds at 11pm. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

I decided one of my plants had to be evicted as it is causing me breathing problems. It was a palm tree type of a plant and it puts out fungus spores. I had another attack today and then just took it out and seem to be improving already.

VERY VERY VERY happy for JO'S news.

Also very pleased that PAULA did not mow down those bunnies...

JACOB an Star amongst us! Congratulations LOLLY...Pleased that he put so much effort in his sports.

Have booked a doctor's appointment for tomorrow as today I did not feel well at all again and they have to let me know what is going on.Not being able to breathe and the fever are a problem.

I went to the bank and did the paper work for the 100 dollars. So now they send it away and then put it in my account.
They were very friendly and helpful at the bank.

magpie said...

Prayers for YOUR Wellness....
good that you are going to get
checked out Pronto!
(( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Oh My goodness, an Owl at the BWO platform...!
with its back to us...

magpie said...

Good Bunny story, indeed, Paula...

I am wondering about the Bunny situation at The Big House....
there were so many while I was brother in law's kids joked that it was their Dad, reincarnated....
I miss all of that, The Big House...

paula eagleholic said...

I see it Margy...owl is still at BWO

magpie said...

Your avatar is on fire, Paula...
it's spectacular...!!

JudyEddy said...

HODA a fever you have a infection somewhere so glad you are going to get checked out and glad you got the $ in your acct and be thankful for a honest bank also

JudyEddy said...

here is part 3 of the Rocky River eagle nest The new beginning 3

The New Geginning 3 standing Tall

JudyEddy said...

oops Beginning not geginning LOL

magpie said...

Owl has gone bye-bye for now at BWO...

Lol, JudyE, you are speed-typing!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Getting ready to watch the news

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

Cute as can be, JudyE...thanks...
eaglet is obviously eating...I SAW that poop shoot early on;
wondering what the critter-chow is!

magpie said...

Somebody here is done for the night, Hey, I live alone, it must be ME!

Shirley, Happy End of the Bowling Season Banquet....hope you keep your game going on your own, though.

Prayers for Wellness, All Around...
and Prayers of Gratitude for
Jo's GOOD News!

Good Night, Precious Pals...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Almost ready for sleep here. Watching the news for a bit.

Hoda, hope that you get some relief tomorrow. Not good to be so sick.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I will practice bowling this summer. I think Hunter will return to the Y Camp. So much better than spending his days playing video games.

His coach has decided to give Hunter a chance to pitch. I will be taking him to the coach's house tomorrow for a little extra practice along with two other boys. This coach really works hard to help the kids learn. Very impressive and so much better than last year.

stronghunter said...

Congratulations to Jacob, Lolly. What a nice sports story.

stronghunter said...

Soon you will have little bunnies hopping all over the yard, Paula. Glad they are all safe.

Lolly said...

Hoda, so very sorry you continue to have a fever. Not good! Prayers for you...for sure!!!

Janet said...

So color me crazy.

We did it.

We drove 45 min out to Franklin and there were 8 little bundles of sweet. Everything was clean, nice, cared we have a new furbaby. She is only 3 weeks old now, was born April 8. We can pick her up as early as May 15, but will pick her up the 19th as we are going away for a long weekend that particular day...

She (no name yet) is an Australian Cattle Dog, like our Luke was and our Scout is. She will be a blue merle, like Scout. We are all very excited

I posted a pix on the blog and on facebook if you want to see.

We have always gotten our furbabies in twos....There was Sable and Red ... Red died @ 4 of then we got Luke. You all know we lost Luke in Sept.

There's natasha and boris....the cats.

Beano doens't want any one.... just the humans....he is very much a loner, although he tolerates Sable and the cats pretty well. He plays with Boris a lot.

(I think he has an identity problem)

So Scout needs a friend.... I'm beginning to think heelers are like potato chips, you can't have just one.....

Heading to bed.....SED to all. Good night.

stronghunter said...

A lovely dog story, Sharon. Thanks for sharing it.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Janet. What a bunch of critters you have! Scout will surely appreciate her new friend.

stronghunter said...

Saying good night. SED, everyone. See you tomorrow.

Janet said...

Yeah, Shirley. I think if Sable weren't so old, I probably would have said no. But given that she is growing weaker with each week, sleeps most of the time, you have to encourage her to get up ..... I don't know that we will have 4 dogs for a long time....(sad thoughts)..... so it is what it is..... and I love them all. SED.

paula eagleholic said...

Congrats on the new addition, Janet.

Hoda, glad you made an appt...hope you get some meds to help you feel better soon!

Mema Jo said...

Love the puppy, Janet
Hoda - hope your health returns soon.
Paula I will try to check out that nest

TV shows were good - Seasons are almost finished.

Good Night to all
Prayers for all
I love us ♥

Hoda said...

Congratulations JANET.
Nice photo on FB

Thank you all...



Costume Lady said...

Computer continues to give me grief
Told me a virus was detected and to click on 'CLEAN'....Can't find a place to click. Shouldn't Norton tell me what to do? Isn't that why we contract with them?
I will try once again tomorrow.

Good night everyone...Prayers and love to you all ~♥~

Lolly said...

Down to it does not go below 40...hope not!

Night all! SED!!!

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning my eagle friends! Sorry I didn't make it to the blog last night - another bad day with the parent from hell and I spent the evening composing a letter to the district superintendent stating that this woman is harassing me and I am demanding that it stop. Have asked the superintendent if she will contact the parent on my behalf or if I need to do it myself. One way or the other, I will make my opinion known.

Anyway ...

Jo, your email was exactly what I needed yesterday!! What wonderful news for you that the cyberknife "surgery" was a complete success!!

Judy, great video of the eaglets at the tower - how fortunate you are to get to see them every day!! I think I would cry watching something like that!!

Glo, thanks for sharing the story about Honey and the little boy. I'm glad he is reaching out to her and healing slowly.

OK, gotta scoot - have a good one!

Janet said...

good morning to all. rain today. cooler temps as well.

normal wednesday on tap...

hope everyone has a lovely day!!!!

remember to smile at all; you never know what someone else may be going thru...and they may need that bit of sunshhine! and, it always makes your face look so lovely!

light, love, hugs and smiles to each of you!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Just on the news so said the plant that makes cloths for Walmart and Disney collapses in Bangladesh has collapsed and many people are killed or injured just on the news

JudyEddy said...

Is that a lawn mower I hear at the nest ????

JudyEddy said...

the chicks seem be be cuddling in the nest and the mower has stopped

JudyEddy said...

Third hatch reported at the Hancock Lafarge nest
April 23, 2013 — bald eagle, birds, Eagle, eaglecam, eagleholic, Hancock, Hancock LaFarge, hatch, hatchling, HWF, Lafarge, nature, raptors

The third little one arrived this morning, but seems to be a bit shy. As of this afternoon, as far as I can see in reports, and I haven’t either, seen him pop his head up, but there is definitely some wiggling going on. I guess that hatching thing is really hard work sometimes! Congrats to Mom and Dad Lafarge!

JudyEddy said...

that was from facebook

Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone!!!

SANDI, sorry you had such a rough day with THAT woman! Hope your Super can help with it. Big Hugs!

JANET, congratulations on the new addition to the family. Haven't seen her pic yet, but I bet she is adorable.

Supposed to rain here today and be 66.

Getting ready for the test tomorrow then will go back to Maryland for a week, maybe longer, depending on how I do on the test.
Can't wait to see Kate and the critters!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

Oh my gosh JUDYE, that accident in Bangladesh sounds horrible.

T-Bird said...

Thank you JANET. Bakatcha with ((hugs)) on top.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Oh, Wanda, I would use Norton to scan the computer and check for viruses. Do not believe something that just pops up on your screen. It might be a virus.

I sometimes use Spybot Search and Destroy. You can find it online. But you should use something you have chosen, such as Norton or a reliable one from online.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I know what you mean about the temps. Same kind of problem here.

Well, both parents just landed at the nest with something for breakfast.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle has one on each side of her.

grannyblt said...

GM eagle friends.

Still so happy about Jo's news.

Lori, you are going back to MD for a visit, so I am presuming your Dad is holding his own. Where will you take the nurses training? In PA or MD--just curious. Thinking of you tomorrow.

Today is my daughter's birthday. I have spent way too much time trying to scan and post a baby picture of her on FB. I think I have become completely computer illiterate today. Oh well..

Hope everyone has a great day.

Lolly said...

Good morning!!!! Saw 39 this morn and up to a whopping big 44 and it is April 24th???? Unbelievable!!!

I do think that after lunch it might be warm enough to work in the yard. Certainly hope so! Our caladium bulbs arrived and Jack spread them out in his shop. Too cool to plant them.

SANDI, so very sorry that the mom from h__l gave you a miserable day yesterday. Glad you have written to your super. This is just not right!! Stand firm!!

Here in TX they are doing the STAR testing this week. Joseph had math yesterday and today reading. Laurel is really bummed. Joseph has a bad cold too. Bless his heart!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - sure is bright outside but it is calling for severe thunderstorms this afternoon and evening. Hubby and I have dinner plans with his brother and wife - I'll get to Dutch's Daughter to celebrate my good news with a yummy crab cake.

I saw your daughter's 3 mo old pic - adorable! Happy birthday to her!

I want to make an album on FB of my 5 great grandchildren but I am hesitating as I usually mess it up!

Mema Jo said...

Lori - I am getting butterflies for you! Prayers for all your brain powers to get the scores you want.

Our guys in the nest have really been digging it up. I always have a fear of them digging through and falling down the big deep hole.......... lol

Here is hoping that Hoda is feeling better. Waiting for dr report as I think I read where she had made an appointment. Hoda keeps so busy that I don't know how she has time for a cold or illness. She is our supper dragon woman!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - the newspaper article about Joseph was great - I'm sure you or Laurel are keeping a scrapbook for the boys.

I'm thinking that Margy may be at the funeral for Jewels sil this morning. My thought and prayers for Charlie and the family.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - really hoping that your letter concerning the Mother from H**l gets the attention it so deserves. I don't know what kind of action could taken to get rid of her actions especially the ones towards you personally. The situation certainly doesn't make you look forward to going into work.

glo said...

New puppies, Good health reports, we are blessed. Moms from h..l, another funeral for loved ones and sick Momsters, well not so much. Test tomorrow for Lori well I have my prayer and praise list ready to go. Wishing each of you a good day. I wore my winter coat this morning and Dex needed his sweater however come weekend maybe 70. Folks are returning to their homes and some places along the river.

Lolly said...

Article was on Jacob, the 8 year old. This was good because although tremendouly tall and big for his age, he is NOT athletic. Joseph is tall and very athletic. So, it is very good when Jacob can get praise. He is so very big for his age and people are not very careful what they say around him. You know how it is for children, they want to be like everyone else. He is not fat...just big!! He is 8 and 5 feet tall and 115 pounds. Joseph at 12 is 5' 5" and 95 pounds.

Judie said...

Good late morning to all.

Thinking of Margy and Charlies's family.

Wanda, sure hope the computer virus goes to a dark and lonely place never to be return.

JudyE, thank you so much for the Rocky River eagle video. Adorable little babe and both adults with it.

Lolly, congratulations for Jacob. Memento-keeper for sure.

Hoping Hoda has a good doctor visit and finds out what is making her feel poorly these days.

Sandi, sorry you are still in the continuing saga of the mom-from-hades. Does your school have any legal options to deal with her?

Glo, a truly heart-warming story of Honey. Amazing what furry critters can do for us while asking so little in return.

Lolly said...

Eaglets are plotzed at the top of the nest. Not much action at the moment.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....

Yes, funeral in progress right now
for Charlie's sister...
(( Comfort Hugs ))

magpie said...

and for so many to whom this applies, or perhaps did in the past, or who has relatives and friends in these fields:

Happy National Administrative Professional's Day....and
Happy Secretary's Day xoxo

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - I got the boys mixed - You have too many "J's" Joey, Joseph, Jacob and then there is Zacharoosk!

I need to make my P&B sandwich


Lynne2 said...

Hi all, checking in....


Will watch for GOOD news from Hoda after her Dr appt today!

Thinking of Carolyn today, at the funeral.

Lori, in case I forget, best wishes on that test tomorrow!

Happy Birthday to Lynne's daughter! Lynne, I often just take a picture of a picture instead of scanning, if that helps!

Glo and Dex getting ready for warmer weather, now that's a good thing!

Lolly, so cool, the article about Jacob, I saw it on FB!

Wanda, hope the virus things gets resolved fast. Love the avatar!

Sandi, I just don't know what to say about that MFH. When I am QUEEN....OFF WITH HER HEAD!

Congrats on the new addition Janet, and to you and Judy, SO glad the pain of the property is over for you now.

Lynne2 said...

Was hoping to see more of Linda now that tax season is over....

Judie said...

Quick visit.

Janet, congratulations on the upcoming addition to your furfamily.

LORI, I will be in school tomorrow so will wish you well now. Take several deep breaths, count to ten, then let your brain take over. ♫You're Gonna Make It After All♫

Wonderful video on Lily updates of the cubs first outing. Running, climbing, snow tracks everywhere, all with mom watching closely.

Mema Jo said...

Great Grandson Vincent news

Vincent took his first steps yesterday morning...and has been on the move ever since!!

Happy Happy Dance - I need a Vinnie Visit


stronghunter said...

Granny--Happy birthday to your daughter!!

magpie said...

Jewels is here
we just got our hugs in ♥♥

here at the dough factory

Could SPLIT soon ??


magpie said...

Best Birthday Wishes to your
daughter.... ♥☺

and Jo:

Wheeeee..... Vinnie's on the Move !

ttfn xoxo
shift change...

(( Hugs ))

Kay said...

Good Late Afternoon, Eagle Buds !

Busy days, seeing docs, getting a bone scan, having the car serviced, shopping for duds...All prep for attending granddaughter Dana's graduation from Michigan on the 4th. Will be in MI for a week and am taking Penny with me. It's so good to feel good enough for travel at last !

Love reading about all the "God is Good" and "Small world, isn't it stories ! Especially thrilled with JO's good news !!!!!

Thinking of Jewels and family on this sad day.

Love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Sandi said...

Good afternoon all!! 3 days down, 2 to go til my weekend!

Lori, sending positive energy your way!! I know you'll do the best you can tomorrow, and that's all you can do! I hope and pray you get a passing score!!

Kay, great to hear that you are feeling well enough to look forward to traveling. Lucky Penny that she gets to go along!!

Judie, what you said this morning about dogs is so perfect - they give so much and ask nothing in return!!

No word today from the district superintendent but my vice principal called me his hero!

Time to fix food for people and dogs. Later!

Hoda said...

JO I am HERE!!!

Doctor confirmed I had a viral lung infection and said I should have gone in for some strong tylenol and or Benadryl other than that I did all the right things. I said all I can handle is regular tylenol and I worry about my liver and she laughed and told me I was a healthy senior. She likes to see me and always wishes me well. My heart is strong, my blood pressure is good and she renewed one of my inhalers as it had expired. She showed me where to check for sucn\h things. THose inhalers have three dates on them and I was following the date on the container and apparently I needed to be following the date inside of the container!!! Not a big problem as it is only two weeks past the expiration date.

While I was walking to and from places I stopped to listen to a Harp Concert, a Violin concert and a drum and guitar concert...they were three welcome stops. I had a veggie smoothie while I was listening to the harp and felt really good to be out in the sun.

Yoga practice was terrific. I feel good with how I am able to do the poses and the healing is good as my breathing has improved.

I have not read back so I will go do so now...

I ♥♥♥ US!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I see our audio is off again thru tomorrow.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 377   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...