Monday, April 15, 2013


New thread.


magpie said...

Good Morning, Steve

Well, this is a Nice Way to start a New Day and a New Week...

Thank You !

Hope YOUR week is a good one.


magpie said...

Fresh Thread, Fresh Food,
and some Frisky Hungry Peaglets...
Belle quickly took possession of the Breakfast that Shep brought in...
Big Surprise !

glo said...

gm everyone. Heading out to change the oil and then hoping for a special photo shoot. MTBR on that one. Prayers for all for a good day.

magpie said...

THREE eggs at the Kestrel Cam now...

magpie said...

Judie, I See you Saw that about the Kestrel cam...

And wow, that weather in Scotland
has been fierce lately...

Also saw two Ospreys at the Loch Garten nest last night...they were getting buffete around also

Best Wishes to Every One's Day...know it will be busy for most of us....

ttfn...long list of to-do's awaits me also xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning from work!

Lynne2 said...

How mysterious Glo....can't wait!

Hey, anyone get the Sunday paper? In the coupon section there was a $4 off one for Rachel Ray's grain free dog food. If anyone has and won't be using it...please send it to me!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning all - the squirrels and birds are abundant here at the feed.
Lynne - when you say the Sunday paper - which one do you mean. I only get the local.
Glo, you always do that to us - keeping us in suspense!
Shirley - hope your last day of bowling goes well - especially your score.
Jenny has arrived soo I'll BBL

Lolly said...

Good morning! Presently 72 but sad to say that I read in the paper that it is going to get up close to 90. That is not good!!

Lynne, we did not get that coupon. I just checked, sorry! Did have other dog food coupons. Ok, big question. Do you say
"Q pon", or "Coo Pon?" As a friend always says...the fate of the universe depends on this. lol

Lynne2 said...



Jo, I get the Carroll Co times but they usually have the same Q-pons as the Sunpaper. I think most of the major papers carry the same MFG Q-pons packet flyer thingys.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

New rail being placed...

stronghunter said...

Please do knock the baby out with it.

Lolly said...

Good response, Lynne. :) We usually get at least a couple of Q-pon flyers in the Sun paper. Just one yesteddy!

I am off to start my day. Eat, get beautiful and then hit a plant store or two. Time to get serious about beautifying the yard.

Have a great Monday!!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, that is one plotzed peaglet!!!

stronghunter said...

I will carry my dream of being named "the most improved bowler" over to next year! It will not happen this year, but there is so much room for improvement that it might happen yet.

And it means that I have not given up. Came close there for awhile.

stronghunter said...

We do need to have a better view of that top portion of the nest. They just do like to sit up there.

I am still hoping the adult (Belle?) has settled with that stick for the moment. Babies are too near the edge for sticks to be moved around in that area.

stronghunter said...

Need to do some cleaning. BBL.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my friends. Figured I had better report in.

I went to the Pain Management Center on Friday. He reduced me to 1 pain pill a day and a muscle relaxer. He ordered aqua therapy 2x a week for 4 weeks. I will return in one month for trigger point injections and then different injections after that.

Now here are the problems with the above:

The muscle relaxer, Zanaflex, caused me to have hallucinations. The aqua therapy is not offered here anymore because the community center will not heat the pool to the necessary temperature. Not sure what the other injections are as they didn't give me the papers explaining them. :(

So, I have called for a different muscle relaxer and have to call back now to get just physical therapy and not aqua therapy.

magpie said...

Oh dear Sharon...thanks for checking in, but so sorry that the orders don't fit the problem right now....

magpie said...

and you would you please holler at
the baby eagle to stay away from
that edge ! I think it is least she oooched closer to the big branch for
better confinement

magpie said...

And there is Shep in the nest...I was somewhere else and didn't see the fly in, but one of the eaglets is with him

to-do list is getting whittled downs slowly, have to go business away from home next

Oh Belle has returned !
xo ttfn ♥

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - so sorry nothing is working well for you Yet - I am praying they find something to get you pain relief.

Lori - thinking of you! Annie is strong in my thoughts as are Kate & You
Very hopeful for your dad's treatment to rid the blood clot - I received those shots every day if not twice a day while in the hospital... I would have them give them to me in the stomach area - never felt a thing but I my skin turned blueish purple.. I looked like a blueberry!

JudyEddy said...

Once again home for lunch and find a


JudyEddy said...

oops forgot to click the comment box

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Lori, I do remember having to do things to avoid a blood clot when I was in the hospital, but I would never have imagined they could be so large. Hope that your dad's treatment is going well.

Also thinking of Annie today.

stronghunter said...

We seem to have an itchy eaglet this morning. Scratching and preening a lot.

Judie said...

Hoo Boy, not ready to see an eaglet with wings all flapping. Growing before our very eyes.

Lori, I too had to take blood clot precautions - in ICU it was those inflating leg wrappers and at home it was an injection into the belly. So sorry this has happened to complicate your Dad's recovery.

And Shar, I'm sure the doctor(s) can find alternatives for you. As for the water therapy, is there a YWCA nearby with a heated pool where a therapist could work with you? Maybe the hospital has a pool and a therapist?

And Cyclone Shirley has the summer off? Well, no one says you cannot practice over the summer -- so there you go!

Margy, do you see actual updates on the Kestrel nest? I just happened to tune in yesterday and saw Ms. Kestrel in labor. Don't see an actual blog or info. source.

Yep, I like the Google image today.

Have some peppers of various colors and part of a left-over pork chop so thinking stir-fry tonight. Szechuan might be good.


Judie said...

Two explosions, unexplained, near the finish line area of the Boston Marathon.

glo said...

I am sorry to have left the blog sort of hanging in another MTBR BUT life has taught me not to count my "eaglets' until they are hatched. I have been to my friends 4th grade in Sherrard IL early afternoon to photograph the therapy dog and a special little boy with his classmates. This 4th grader has buried 5 people in 2 weeks. His mother, his sister, 2 cousins and a friend of the family. I offered to come for photos once I knew the therapy dog was coming to help this little guy for a while. His Mom and Sisters funeral were last Thurs. Today was his first day back at school since their funeral. Honey came to help make today and maybe a few more days a little easier. Of course all of the family photos are gone. Teachers are rallying for past photos of any of these 4 children that they might have from past school years. I will be giving this little guy's family a photo of him with the dog who came to just sit by his side for a while. I will post Honey to Kritter Kaptures later today or tomorrow. All I ask is just prayers for a long time for this whole family but especially the youngest survivor who lost the most at such a young age. Thanks. Sherrard Tragic Fire

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Afternoon,

Yes, Judie, I understand the explosions were inside the Fairmount Copley Plaza Hotel, and there are reports of injuries. I hope none of them are serious!
Will go turn on the news to see what they are reporting, in a minute.

Lori, thinking of you, Kate, and Annie.

Shar, prayers that you will get some relief from the pain, PRONTO!

Lynne2, thank you for confirming for me that my instincts regarding Emma and the insecticides were correct! We have been going to the next-door neighbor's parkway (with a poop pickup bag, of course!), and will be for several more days. Thank God, we've only seen a few straggler ants--maybe 10 of them. Nothing compared to what was there originally! The whole interior of the recessed lighting shelf was completely BLACK with ants. The shelf is 20 feet long, and 3 feet wide. The largest ants were almost an inch long, and you could literally hear a hum from their wings flapping! Be back in a few--going to turn on the news...

Mema Jo said...

Watching the tragic news on TV of the bombings up at the Boston Marathon

It is a horrific scene of chaos

Mema Jo said...

Breaking News: Two explosions were reported near the finish line at the Boston Marathon

Judie said...

Implications regarding the "type" of explosions is disturbing. Am attempting to find out if a friend of mine, who lives in Boston, is okay. I'm sure she is but...

I certainly hope, with all my being, that the perpetrator(s) are amateurs and have left a means for identification.


Mema Jo said...

BREAKING NEWS: Boston police: 2 dead, 22 injured in explosions near Boston Marathon finish line.

Lynne2 said...

Praying for Boston....

Sandi said...

Dear God in Heaven, what is this world coming to???? Watching/listening to the news coming from Boston. Just so incredibly sad!

Good afternoon all!!

Shar, I'm so sorry that your pain relief plan isn't working out! I sure hope you and your docs can come up with an effective plan B.

Lolly, was today Jack's doctor visit to get an update?

Sending prayers and positive energy to all on our blog who need it, and to the people of Boston who have been involved in this new tragedy.

Lynne2 said...

Rumors, RUMOURS, nothing confirmed by anyone official just yet, that there has been an explosion at the JFK Library near there as well.

glo said...

And here come the dogs. They are always by the sides of humans in distress. my MTBR is about such a dog too. I was sharing my post at the very time Boston began to deal with its own tragedy.My post is at 3;38. Maybe you all could extend prayers for those in Boston and that little boy in Sherrard.

JudyEddy said...

HOME from work and so sad what is going on
we have a tv at work so heard about it right away

BELLE is with the babes

JudyEddy said...

BELLE picked up a nestover and poofed

stronghunter said...


Wanted to check in--Have been watching the news. Very sad events in Boston.

Threw away a potted plant that Lucky had decided was his potty. Therefore, he decided the corner of the living room had to substitute for the potty. Geesh. I will never get ahead.

stronghunter said...

Was able to get Will to take Hunter to baseball practice today. I have been pretty busy and it is nice to get that help.

JudyEddy said...

I never knew that they could shut down cell phone service in a area

Paul our weather man was raised up there as well as several others on our Fox new Our news is showing their Fox news

stronghunter said...

Hope you have been able to locate your friend, Judie. During 9-11, we were more successful contacting each other via e-mail.

JudyEddy said...

potty in potted plant is now a good thing SHIRLEY

stronghunter said...

Phone service gets naturally jammed up at a time like this, Judy. It happened at 9-11 and during the earthquake.

JudyEddy said...

there are quite a few people up there due to the baseball game also

JudyEddy said...

they said they the cut services for cell phones because of possible detonation of another device I just thought that would be impossible to do in a area

stronghunter said...

Judie, I had those inflatable things on my legs, too. One doctor said that I had to have them on unless I was out of the bed. Another thought I would be more likely to get out of the bed if I did not have to deal with them.

stronghunter said...

Don't know< Judy.

paula eagleholic said...

I heard about the bombings in Boston today, too. Don't know what people are thinking...

paula eagleholic said...

chicks plotzed, think Belle is on duty.

I was cold all day today. Got my sweats, socks and sweatshirt on now. Having a grilled cheese for dinner.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is screaming like there is food on the way...and here's Shep

He landed at the top of the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, he's not sharing!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is gong to steal it! Yes, she did. It's a fish.
Shep just backs up, like what the heck?

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the food, Daddy-O, now beat it, she says.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep still there. Belle is going to attack the fish now...oh time for the kids to eat. Some nice chunks there.

Guess Shep will have to go find another fish for himself.

You can tell Hedgie and Shamrock apart again. Hedgie has more pin feathers.

glo said...

My little guy I gave you newspaper info on and asked prayer for is getting lost in the Boston Bombing. I understand. I have family there and a 2 lb premie in our family in lockdown with her mom at Brighams in Boston. If anyone wants to track back and see about my photo shoot today and what I asked prayer for, I posted it at 3:38 pm

paula eagleholic said...

Shamrock is getting first dibs on this meal.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep departs to the left.

JudyEddy said...

back from shower and see and read thanks PAULA laughed as I read that they are now being feed Have you notice that the chicks get along real good I haven't witnessed pecking like we did last year

JudyEddy said...

Yep I see the feathers now that you pointed them out Is that two fishes there one under talon and the other next to it to the left??

magpie said...

I read the story, Glo...
It is so very sad....what difficulty this child has ahead of him...thank you for asking for our
as I offer them for all the victims in Boston....
just, incomprehensible...both events

magpie said...

first thought on the mobile home smoke detectors...
happens so very too much often

magpie said...

I just watch the Kestrels,
a Lot.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, we saw some ospreys mating while we were on the boat yesterday. I told Sue Ellen that we were watching osprey porn. Then I told her we called it HP on the blog. She called it AP, avian porn, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Judy, I'm not sure if that's a fish or a stick.

JudyEddy said...

poop shoot from Shamrock

glo said...

Thank You Magpie I knew for sure you would read and understand. You always do. We are all so blessed to know you and all of you who work 911. First responders that night have their plates pretty full of grief too. its a very small town and everyone knows everyone.

JudyEddy said...

We could use EP eagle pron I live AP too

JudyEddy said...

should have been love not live LOL

GLO Honey sure is a pretty dog soulful eyes

JudyEddy said...

beautiful fly in

paula eagleholic said...

Belle back in the nest, moving flugg

Lynne2 said...

Glo, what a tragedy and how unimaginably sorrowful for this little boy. I hope you can share some pictures with us.

Two of my coworkers have therapy dogs, and they are very active in the program. It's wonderful the work they do...children, and others, respond SO well to the dogs and I hope this young fella will, too.

JudyEddy said...

little one just moved some flugg

paula eagleholic said...

Mom liked it when the therapy dog visited the nursing home. And so did Michael in college.

Lolly said...

Dinner is in the oven. Spent the afternoon digging in the dirt. :)

Horrible about the Boston bombing. I am so very tired of tragedies. Hope they catch whoever is responsible.

See that our peaglets are being fed.

Yes, today Jack went to the doctor. His counts are down. Goes back in 3 months and will have a biopsy. This time it was a blood test. Doctor answered a few questions he had. We are doing well waiting this out. Thanks for the prayers.

JudyEddy said...

good to here progress on him LOLLY will keep you as well as all on the blog close to heart in these terrible times people have to endure

JudyEddy said...

another poop shoot saw out of the corner of my eye should have ducked LOL

JudyEddy said...

had my glowing evaluation today I should have ask for a copy only praise but no raise and as I always do I made my comments state that I feel as I am being punished for being a long term associate

JudyEddy said...

got my new balance on my house now I am under the 10T mark retirement I can smell ya now LOL

JudyEddy said...

ok gonna go check out what is coming on the tube need to go get dressed got out of the shower and still in head and body towel OK is that TMI lol

glo said...

Honey's Picture I hope

JudyEddy said...

YEP GLO it turned out tooo cool

JudyEddy said...

look at them eyes

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glo said...

Please someone do let me know if you can follow the link that says Thanks Honey. I will remove it from fb before I go to bed tonight,even though I have it set to only me. If I find you are unable to see it anyway I will remove it right away. I don't really want it there for a long time. I just want you all to remember him and his dad and big brother. OK Thanks.

Judie said...

Glo, thank you for the picture of Honey. Absolutely beautiful face that shines with love. Prayers for the young man and his future. Hope Honey can stay with him for more than a day or two.

Anyone heard from Hoda today? I get suspicious when she gets quiet. Have to wonder what she's gotten into.

Seems the sandperson escaped without my permission and made a visit to Belle and the babes. They look to be sleeping.

Speaking of sandperson, I am headed to the pillows early tonight. Sandperson will be making rounds at 11pm.

Restful sleep for all and prayers for the marathon runners and those who live in Boston.

glo said...

I am still curious if you all can see the arm around Honeys neck and the photo that says Thanks Honey. Posted at 8:05. Thats the one I will delete before I go to bed either way.

magpie said...

Glo...I saw Honey I Hope picture, that will do for me for now,
I could not see the other, but
totally respect your concerns for
(( Hugs ♥ ))
Am glad you could be there today.

Lynne2 said...

I can't stand this news coverage. Every time someone comes on they contradict what has already been said! They have a person of interest, there is no person of interest, the child who was killed was a boy then a girl, it happened 2, 4 and 5 hours after the first of them crossed the finish line, the incident at the libray is possibly related, the incident at the library is not related. GOOD GRIEF. I feel like I have no more idea what the heck is goind

Lynne2 said...

oh, the cell phones were cut off, the cell phone were not cut off....geesh.

Lynne2 said...

Glo the Thank you Honey link didn't work for me.

magpie said...

A few times my older brother ran in the Boston Marathon...quite a number of years ago.
He would have been in the runners arriving later at the Finish Line.
So very sorry one of the death victims is an 8 year old.
Prayers for all these people,
for their losses, and the injured.
And all the resources helping out.

glo said...

Ok Magpie I am thinking maybe folks can't see the second one then. Yes I have no release for anything but the Therapy dog right now. I will be giving this little guy a framed photograph of him with his furry friend and some wallets too for some who need them. Family has no clue right now that there are photos but they know the dog was coming today and I am not sure how many days etc. I do think a few though.

magpie said...

I feel the same way, Lynne2
It has to be covered...but
some things ad infinitum,
ad nauseum and accomplishes very
I can only imagine what is
going on in privacy with the

glo said...

Ok I deleted the second picture as no point if you can't see it BUT the picture of Honey at 7:53 is there and will stay there for a very long time.

magpie said...

Thanks Glo, and once again...
(( Hugs )) -

these pictures will mean the world to the little fellow.
xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

It is also rubbing me the wrong way that they keep calling this the "twin" bombings. How insensitive.

Hoda said...

JUDIE I am here. Heart broken about Boston. Family spent time verifying relations in Boston are OK. They are.
As usual when a terrorist act happens I go into this shame thing and pray and pray that it is not yet another expression of hate perpetrated by someone from the Middle East.

JudyEddy said...

GLO says unavailable at this time

Hoda said...

God Bless The United States Of America

JudyEddy said...

oh I see you removed it I should read all the way first I guess

Hoda said...

Shar thank you for checking in. Sorry about difficulties with treatment suggestions.

Glo I am touched by your story.

Lolly glad the counts are down. Continued prayers.

Lynne2 said...

Hoda....shame? NO, you need not feel shame. I can understand, just a little bit. But I wish you wouldn't...

Hoda said...

Prayers for Annie, Kare and LORI

Lynne I have not gotten news from media. Mostly twitter account. I understand what you say about the quality

Hoda said...

Yes Lynne there is no other way to describe what happens to me. I understand in my head I did not do this, yet in emotions I cringe because the hate is strong. The damage to innocent lives incredible.

Hoda said...

So I spend my time praying. I hope we hear soon who and why and the how of things.

magpie said...

it is well to see you here tonight,
I had been wondering about
your Massachusetts family members....
and thanks by your post,
for reminding ME to
say Yes, good news for Jack from Lolly....still a wait and see but
good news "for now"

Lynne2 said...

My gut feeling is that it is some whacko type domestic terrorist.

magpie said...

so today was a holiday
in Boston,
Patriots' Day....
we have many UnAmerican Americans HERE,unfortunately, Hoda...this could be from anyone, national here, or foreign...
sharing your angst, friend...
God Bless All that are
searching for the answers...

magpie said...

I can't add to, or take away from, with my own comments on what has happened....will spend the time
on....letting it settle in...

But, more prayers added for many,
in addition to our many friends and family amongst us HERE.

Signing off....
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Tired tonight... have been cleaning--vacuuming, mopping, hanging pictures, etc.

Good that Will could take Hunter to baseball practice. May leave the dishes for later.

Sad and angry about Boston. Hoda, there are plenty of evil people in every part of the world, not just the Middle East. You are a shining example of the kindness and love that come from there.

stronghunter said...

Glad that there is good news from Lolly and Jack.

JudyEddy said...

This is from the guy that lives in Ohio and did the New Beginning video

""Brian Bendlock uploaded and commented 6 hours ago
Everything is going great! I was just there this morning and I could barely see the little one. The Eaglet is 5 days old now and I am working on getting new footage for the next video, it will not be up for a few weeks.""

JudyEddy said...

so I will check back in a week or so been looking daily but won't now

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Took me a while to get back here. Have been watching the news about Boston. What a horrible thing! I especially feel so bad that an innocent child has lost their life.

Hoda, I'm glad your relatives in Boston are OK. Judie, I hope your friend in Boston is OK, too.

Hoda, please don't feel ashamed because of what happened! You are NOT to blame for it! You are one of the kindest, most loving people I know!

Glo, beautiful picture of Honey!
Praying per your request!

Well, pretty tired tonight, so think I will veg in front of the TV, watching a show we recorded a couple of nights ago. Can't bear to watch any more news. Prayers for all those people in Boston!
Just in case I don't make it back later, the porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Sleep tight, with SED. God bless, and good night. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!

Hoda said...

God Bless us all.
They are working hard to piece it together.
They will let us know in due time.
Meanwhile I pray.

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, I agree with the sentiments expressed on here. YOU have no reason to be ashamed.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - I did find 2 TV shows to watch this evening. I will wait for the 11:00 news to hear more about Boston and get more accurate statistics.
There was so much confusions when the news broke and facts were unknown at that time.

Lolly - Good report for Jack - prayers still being said for a good 3 months.

Glo, Honey is a beautiful dog and I pray he can fill the void in that young man's life.

Mema Jo said...

I am closing down for the day
Prayers for all those and their loved ones involved in the Boston happenings.

Love to all my friends here on the blog and God Bless you and your loved ones.

Good night ♥

stronghunter said...

I did watch DWTS tonight. Nice to have something fun to enjoy.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, good blood work results for Jack. Happy to hear it.

stronghunter said...

Thank you for sharing the story about Honey and the little boy.

Hoda said...

Good night

My love and gratitude.

stronghunter said...

Should have said--

"Thank you Glo,"

So nice to read of the goodness and compassion in this world.

stronghunter said...

I am ready to head upstairs for the night. SED, everyone.

Prayers for those in Boston and for everyone else.

Judie said...

Got up again to check email. No word from my friend but maybe in the morning.

Hoda, you have no reason to feel shame regarding the events in Boston -- unless you were in Boston and detonated the bombs. Remember, there is domestic terrorism as well as international terrorism.

I suspect the only terror Hoda inspires is when she's in a dragon boat!

Okay, back to try to sleep. Prayers for all.

Lolly said...

I watched DWTS, too, Shirley. Can not take in all that happened today. It is just too horrendous.

Cooking in the morning and taking a meal to Laurel's tomorrow. Going to Joseph's soccer game.

Could not believe the wind at the nest this evening. Had the sound turned down and it was still so loud.

Time to head to the shower. Yep, I bet there is still yard dirt on me. lol

Night all! SED Prayers for all touched by today's event.

stronghunter said...

Upstairs, but not quite settled. Thinking about what Hoda said--And remembering another very kind and compassionate woman from the Middle East. Shukou, my hairdresser for many years, is from Iran. She has retired now and I miss her very much.

Good people and evil ones come from every part of the world.

stronghunter said...

I started seeing Shukou about the time I had my cancer surgery and chemo. I did not lose my hair, though I think it was probably affected. She was so very kind then.

stronghunter said...

It was at that same time I was going through my horrible divorce experience and I needed kindness very much then.

stronghunter said...

Judie, I expect your friend in Boston is watching the news and checking on her friends there. Hope that she reaches out to her friends in other places very soon.

Costume Lady said...

Saying good night while I still can...
Soup Kitchen tomorrow and this will be the Grand Opening of the new Clothes Closet. Didn't get it all pulled together today...will go in early tomorrow and try to finish up. 11 huge garbage bags has taken me 2 days to process and I'm running out of hangers. I guess I will just fold the ones left over when hangers run out and lay them on a table til I get more hangers.

Love and prayers to all ~♥~

Sandi said...

Good Tuesday morning my eagle friends!

Hoda, I love you!

Glo, thanks for sharing the story about Honey and the little boy she is helping. So much sadness in his young life - he is in my prayers.

Lolly, thanks for sharing the good news about Jack!

Dana, any ducklings yet?

Lori, prayers that your dad's blood clot is dissolving.

Still having trouble processing what happened in Boston. Eighth graders will be a welcome "diversion" today.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals,
hoping that everyone hears from their special people that may have been affected by what happened
in Boston...I have a cousin who is a doctor and lives there...will try to talk to his mother later on.

Shirley, your comments about your
hairdresser Shukou are very
touching and heartwarming, glad she was there for you during those times

magpie said...

best wishes on your Busy Busy Day...

And Prayers for All of Us,
our families and friends....

And Best Wishes for a Good Day
to Everyone here...always

Hedgie and Shamrock are awake,
suddenly they are getting much darker in color...they seem to
be thriving

Weather is horrible at Isla's nest, once again...seems like all the time these days..

ttfn xo ♥

magpie said...

enjoy your time with Laurel and the family....hope Joseph wins
his soccer game !

See you all from work.....
(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

OH, I received a package and a lovely letter from
she's waiting on Springtime to
start kicking in

And she asked that I pass along
her Hugs and Hi to all Momsters and Dadsters ♥

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Will soon be scurrying about to get ready for bowling.

JudyEddy said...

Earthquakes in OK and in IRAN

JudyEddy said...

72° out now some places will be at 90° where did spring go we went right to summer

Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle friends!

Have a good day at work, SANDI.

Good morning, JUDYE and MARGY!

LOLLY, have a fun family day!

Warming up here today and only ten days til the test! I'll be studying.

Dad is still taking shots everyday for the blood clot...Annie is still with us as of this morning but is on morphine every hour.

Love you ALL!

glo said...

Good morning all. Sure praying for a sense of peace of so many folks today. Might be time for some Eagle Therapy. Wishing a good day for all.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine friends.

T-Bird said...

GLO-eagle therapy is definitely called for.

Janet said...

good morning eagle friends. haven't read back yet, will in a moment.

like all of you, i have been ..... sadly disheartened by yesterday's events. humanity's cruelty continues to baffle me.

prior to said events, i had such a lovely day. it was sunny and 80 and i had a good day at work, then some outside tasks got done, was feeling pretty good....and then as i waited for olivia to get out of school, i read facebook....and my heart sank.....

seems trivial; but on a personal note, as i told judy yesterday i spoke with the auctioneer who will be selling our parent's property on saturday. he seems like a very nice man and was able to answer my questions and explain the process to me. that was comforting, actually, to have some answers.

like judy, i will just be glad when this is done. it has never been about the money, but about closure and, sadly, that is about all we will have when all is said and done. not true, we still have each other.....and thru her, i have you all.

i am off work today, have some errands to run this morning, but will be sending much Reiki light, love, healing and blessings not only to you, but our friends, known and unknown in Boston and throughout Mother Earth....if there is a question, love is indeed the answer.

HAGD my friends. ((((hugs)))))

Janet said...

in reading back

dearest, sweet HODA: from my own experience so many people, specifically of MIddle eastern descent are some of the most kind, warm, open and loving individuals whom I have ever had the pleasure to meet.....and I miss their friendship (they are in Virginia).....and you are one of those dear, kind, loving people. You have no reason to have shame!!!!

We have our own brand of fantatics, Timothy McVeigh comes to mind, instantly....

hatred knows no boundaries, no creed, color, nor religion. it is the insidious thing that has permeated our world and it is certainly NOT in you.

We love you. We honor you, as the person whom you are.....please know that.

T-Bird said...

HODA-I think JANET said it best, "hatred knows no boundaries, no creed, color, nor religion. It is the insidious thing that has permeated our world and it is certainly NOT in you."
(((hugs))) HODA

stronghunter said...

I see two eaglets in the nest, but no adult. BBL.

Judie said...

Fresh thread.

Lori O. said...

There is a new thread...



3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...