Friday, April 26, 2013


TGIF thread. 


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magpie said...

Thank you very much, Steve...
Hope the Springtime is going nicely for you

Have a good day.....(hope you can
"duck out" early ☺ )


magpie said...

Love that, Thelma...Lots of Love with Hugs on Top....
I an "see" that ☺

magpie said...

My "REDS" are so bright today, shirt and scarf...they are almost

God Bless Our Military
xo ♥

magpie said...

Wonderful late night post from Wanda....
Yay on the Returning Blue Birds
at GG's -
Hope there is some Friday Night Family Fun lined up for tonight

must go finish making dough!

xo Best Wishes for a Good Day...

magpie said...

thanks to everyone who gives updates on all things wild cam...
R-T Hawks, Dunedin Ospreys,
Minnesota Bears...Florida and Maryland Eagles
and so on and so on...
I'm trying to check 'em when I can

Lori O. said...

Thanks, STEVE, for the fresh weekend thread...

Gracias, MARGY, for the call over and congrats on your feather!

glo said...

Good morning all. Safe travels Lori and congrats on that test!!! I am off to the vets first thing this morning. might involve a rescue of 2 cats. Not sure how this will work out bUT if I can help their owner and these cats AND they will accept Dex all will be well. The good news is they have no claws and belong to a retired vet that cared for both my dogs in the past. Have had excellent health care all their lives i think or atleast as long as he has had them. I have mixed feelings especially about totally declawing a cat but have no clue who or when that happened. Dex is of course not going to chase what he can't see and has been around cats before. So today should be interesting. MTBR later.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the call-over, Margy. Congratulations on the feather.

"The Receiver General of Her Majesty's Loyal Government received my contributions as I filed my taxes today"--I just love the way that Hoda announced the fact that she has paid her taxes.

Hooray!!! Lori is on her way. She passed the test.

stronghunter said...

Two flopped eaglets in our nest.

stronghunter said...

They are much better at moving around on those big feet.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all
Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread - Hope you have a good weekend.

Read up on the end of the last thread - Sandi so grateful that you are being heard by the higher-ups. I hope these confrontations can be resolved/stopped!

Lori, once again Congratulations! So very proud of the way you have made a decision and pursued your dreams.

Mema Jo said...

Glo - 2 kitty cats! Well, it's up to Dexter now isn't it. Lots of Luck!

Bluebirds that make GG happy! The meal worms should keep them there Wanda.
They are such a pretty bird.

New mortgage, Shirley! Hope this does the trick for your finances. You don't need any more hugs right now. lol

Mema Jo said...

I have a hair cut and then a lunch date with my Ft. Bragg Bunch. I will return with a full report!


magpie said...

Both O's at Loch of the Lowe's now

magpie said...

OH glad for that reminder, (from Jo's post)

Yay, good, Shirley....hope it all works out very well with the new mortgage....
Same as Good for Sandi...and more
encouragement from the
Higher Ups

magpie said...

How about OUR Royal Nest....
two bouncing toddlers and one
adult there now

magpie said...

And now I see the fish...
guess the kids are trying some independence trying to eat some of it on their own
and Ma is supervising( I think it's Ma)

magpie said...

And she left

Costume Lady said...


MARGIE, no Family Friday Fun, here...all of my family is/are at the OBX. We may try to take GG out to have Crab Legs, if she is up to it. I keep forgetting that you, Margie, and others on here, don't use facebook, so I will post some photos that you might like to see on one of my Blogs. LATER~

Thinking of SANDI and her PFH...that must be beyond DISTURBING, don't think I could handle that! How about a RESTRAING ORDER served on the parent or something of that nature...that situation is almost like STALKING!

GG is, indeed, elated to have her bluebirds back. Their return to her nest boxes, every Spring, was always the thought that got her through the Winter months. We believe a snake got the last babies and could be why they haven't been back for 4 years. I am going to put some of that plastic wire around the pole that is holding the box. Snakes will not attempt to crawl over or around that tangled mass!
So, now, GG has 2 Betas and at least 1 pair of bluebirds as her "Pets". She loves the Betas that Jillian gave her for Christmas...there are 2 males, separated by a divider. She "gives them a bath" every 3 days (Betas don't like a circulating pump that keeps the water clean) and sometimes forgets to separate them and they do FIGHT, that is why they are called Siamese Fighting Fish. Their fins get ragged, but do grow back. She feeds them far too much and that is why the water needs to be changed so often:)

Need to do my hair and get my laundry finished. Have a beautiful day everyone♥

glo said...

Well the 2 kitties are now in the guest room. Both have taken a treat out of my hand. I had the vet send home a small amt of cat litter until I could get to the store. Good thing. It was used by one within 10 secs of getting out of the carrier. I don't think Dex is going to mind the cats at all. He has been to the door so his nose is telling him someone is in there. He can't chase them. I don't get any sense that they would try to hurt me or anyone. Beautiful cats. I hope it works for all of us. Oh I bought them a toy and some treats :-). I so hope this relieves the heart of the retired vet. There is so much more to the story but for now I just want us all to have a happy home. Kitty prayers and well a few little doggie ones too would be appreciated.

Judie said...

Good sunshiny morning!

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and Margy for the call-over.

So much going on.

Woke up this morning because my eyelids could not block out the seriously bright red color. Seems to have been coming from the direction of Martinsburg.

Jo is healed, getting her "do" done AND having lunch with the Bragg Bunch. No need to wish a great day - it will be.

Glo, hoping all will work beautifully for the two cats and Dex. What a lovely gesture on your part.

Waiting to hear about Hoda's silent auction - bet those brownies fetched some big dollars.

Yes, Lolly. Putting my feets up was a good decision that carried over until 9am this morning - when Margy's bright red colors came shining in.

Shar, sending a prayer for a definitive diagnosis and knowing you will enjoy your meeting with Pat and Train.

Lori, safe travel to MD and enjoy being "home" again. Congratulations again on the successful test results.

Wanda, please tell Miss GG I am jealous of her Bluebirds. Never seen one around here. Hope she feels up to crab legs tonight.

Sandi, wishing a truly positive outcome with the PFH. One thing I liked about teaching wannabe adults is we legally cannot talk with parents without a student waiver.

Paula, safe travels and enjoy the weekend.

Shirley, congratulations on the refinancing of the mortgage. Makes a world of difference in $.

Off to work on completing exam questions. BBL

JudyEddy said...

Hello eagle buds find a new thread I suppose I should do something to day ya think

JudyEddy said...

GEORGE JONEs passed away toay I am not a country western fan But I did love a couple of his songs

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is in the nest with the chichs looks as if she brought in some fresh greens

JudyEddy said...

SIRENS GOING off yes food delivery a fish

JudyEddy said...

ODD BELLE just poofed and didn't mantel or go to the fish

JudyEddy said...

Shep is looking up must be watching Belle

JudyEddy said...

SHEP grabs the fish and goes to 6

JudyEddy said...

I love how he hops with the fish in his talon

Lolly said...

Time for a quick GOOD MORNING! Have already been to church and did my gardening there. Could not do as much as I wanted as the church's preschool had the parking lot blocked so the kids could do their trike and scooter riding. lol So cute! Did not want to get the weedeater near theM

Have lots to do Need to get busy!

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...


Shep is having a little one on one with Hedigie Shamrock is asleep at 12

JudyEddy said...

SHEP seems to be finishing the fish Shamrock didn't get any still up at 12 Hedgie has gone up to see him and is wing flapping in nest

Lynne2 said...

checking in from work...


WOO HOO on Glo's kitties!

Sad star George Jones has died. LOVED him!

Lynne2 said...

Steve Chase just posted an hilarious picture on FB of our Eagle....

Judie said...

Uh Oh, might be wrong but looks as if there might be a turtle in the nest. Shhhh - Jo will be jealous.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

I was thinking of all my Momster friends yesterday as we remembered our LYNN with love ! Prayers for her lovely daughters and granddaughters !

So wanted to be able to talk to her, as I always did when it came to medical info. My bone scan shows that, in spite of massive doses of calcium/D, my osteopena has advanced to full blown osteoporosis. Will be taking a weekly dose of Fosamex (sp?) for five years. Hmmm, that's certainly long range planning for a 76 year old ! GG is my role model and I just might make it !

Jumping for joy over the good news from JO and LORI---two different kinds of tests, but highly significant in both cases. Hallelujah !!!!

SHIRLEY, good news on the refi ! I was able to do that a couple of years ago and know how much it helps !

Hmmm, waiting to hear how HODA's brownies went over---also watching the news just in case things got out of hand, so to speak !

Love and prayers for all in need and for all our travelers ! (LORI, to answer your question, I'll leave for MI on the 1st and return on the 8th.)


Mema Jo said...

Hi Kay! Good to hear from you.,
My dr asked me if I wanted a yearly IV
for osteoporosis instead of a pill once a month. I know that is how Lynn got her medication. Takes about an hour - I didn't decide to do that yet - thinking about it.

Mema Jo said...

My Chinese food lunch with the Ft Bragg lunch hit the spot - tea and all!
The company was great!

My feet are going up for a while!


Judie said...

Hi all.

Jo, so glad the lunch was good but not surprised given the company.

Kay, hope the osteo treatment helps. Will need to ask some questions about that for myself.

News flash: RTHs Big Red and Ezra at Cornell now have three little bobble heads.


Lolly said...

Just finished my 2 mile "walk".

I take a once a week pill for osteoperosis. It is in my hip. Had a scan a month ago and never heard from my doctor. I see her in a few weeks and we will discuss that then. Have not lost any height...still almost 5' 9".

It is 68 and cloudy. Slight chance of rain tonight. Think I will head outside a do a little work.

GG is all our roll model. Plan to be just like GG!!!
When Laurel comes to check on me I will be outside, sitting on the ground doing some yard work!

magpie said...

on my last bone scan there was
some improvement to my osteoporosis...not much.
but now Mine is called Osteopenia with risk fracture

The pills or IV or whatever treatment...helps the body
"uptake" the calcium we get in our food....and then oral supplements of Cacium and Vit D....
but I still, like Kay.....
eat lots and lots of foods high
in calcium

magpie said...

but most of you probably know
all about this kind of stuff

magpie said...

work day will be over for me
pretty soon

Enjoyed reading the good newsand family things here...

thank you Wanda for the answer about FFFN...enjoy your time with Gene and GG

xo Later, Pals

magpie said...

Happy Trails to Paula to The Paradise...Hope you see A Big Bright Moon shining over the water,

Good Friday Evening Wishes to All....
sounds like JO had a Good Friday Day already !
Helllooo to All the Bragg Bunch !

ttfn xo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to the beach. Can't wait to see that moon on the water. Will check in later, have a great evening!

JudyEddy said...

HOME for a day of HELL

first went to the cell phone tower in St Pete and no eagle so went to Walmart and they only have 5 gals of paint and I needed 10 so didn't get it they can't color match if I don't get all at once GEEZE




I just got dropped off by tow truck WOULDN'T START LIKE the last time so I did like Brook said called him and got it towed I also recorded a few second of it what it was doing not starting just in case so I am home no wheels what a vacation huh OH I did get to see the eagle and osprey and got pic

Sandi said...

Good afternoon/evening my eagle friends!

Glo, happy to hear that you have expanded the family and that all 3 critters seem to be getting along so far. Hope it continues!

Shirley, congrats on the refinance.

Hoda, never did hear what your bulbs turned out to be.

Lori, enjoy your time with Kate and Dalai.

Paula, you're right, the moon should be beautiful tonight!

Sharon, enjoy Train!

Today was a good day at school - only 34 teaching days left!

Gonna watch some TV - later all!

JudyEddy said...

Got a good pic and video of the Osprey family and they didn't dive bomb me today Uploading videos now and will edit in to one

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds!! Been trying to get on blog at woerk, but no luck~~~just spinning circles. At home I'm either outside, iun front of TV, or asleep!!! Get to stay home tomorrow!!!!
A little irony at Chelsea today! I told our new lady that sometimes in early May, we might see little foxes!!About an hour later, TWO adults were nosing through the front field! Unfortunaely, though, before that a little bird had hit the window. I looked all around and couldn't find anything, but then saw it upside down behind the plastic chair. Held it for awhile and it squawked when I set it down in the grass. Went in and fixed a tree-sided shallow box w/bedding and set bird in there on porch a little under some wisteria. Hoping the foxes won't find the Chelsea Motel.Think the bird is a Worm-eating Warbler!Light brown and yellowish with 4 black stripes on head.
I have pics to work on this weekend.
BTW, After my Park Eagle pictures, I questioned how many eaglets are there? Greg K. said he's seen two heads!!!!!!

NatureNut said...

P.S. that's a three-sided box! Lots of other errors, too. My Google spellcheck disappeared , but I found their new one called Spellboy! However, a little box opens into which you are to place your text!!! DUH

JudyEddy said...

BELLE landed in the nest

JudyEddy said...

hope the little bird make us LORETTA

JudyEddy said...

did you get pics of the little guy

JudyEddy said...

The video of the juvenile eagles and the osprey family is done if you care to see it
Osprey family and both cell phone tower eagle nest today

magpie said...

I have seen a worm-eating Warbler once...fix or seven years ago...
it has quite a noisy "song"
and not so very lovely so to speak,
but all bird songs are in their
own way, Beauteous !

Bummer about your truck, JudyE,
sure hope it is an EASY FIX !!
Smart, making a video of what it WAS and WAS NOT doing !

magpie said...

PS Nice rescue, Loretta, hope the little warbler makes it!
Neat about the Foxes too !
You called that one right, for
the New Lady

magpie said...

I take it back! I just listened to and looked at work-eating warbler...first, it is pretty!
Second the sound is pretty also...
must have been thinking of
another bird when I wrote that.
Sorry, Worm-Eating Warbler!
No insult intended !!

glo said...

The day has gone well given its the first day as a family. These cats have had quite a week. One is sitting beside me purring. The other one is under the bed but has come out to eat and let me pet and has purred too. It will take a while but I think we will all do fine.

Judie said...

Okay, seems in reading recent posts that some members of our blog family have been into Hoda's brownies resulting in a brain-finger disconnect. lol

Lowreeda, hope the little bird survives. Cool seeing the baby foxes.

Sorry about the paint, JudyE. Hope you find what you need. Really sorry about your truck. Is a rental possible so you don't have to ruin all your vacation? Hope so.

Going to put my feeties up. BBL

Judie said...

Glo, how very nice that your new additions seem to be adjusting. A big transition for critters who cannot understand the reasons for their circumstances. They will be just fine and Dex will also. Thank you for being so generous and helping the retired vet feel at ease.

magpie said...

Agree with everything Judie just her last two posts !!

magpie said...

except the part about the feeties...I'm painting the toenails on feeties and handies...
can't put them up yet ☺

magpie said...

sometimes a girl just has to do what a girl has to do....
the girly things...

glo said...

LOL Now i know why I can't type. Its the brownies. I am so releived.!!!:-)

magpie said...

Oh Man I am in trouble!!
Did you all catch that? I am painting the toenails
on my hands?? Oh yes, it must be the brownies !!

Judie said...

Okay ladies -- me thinks thou hast had too great an abundance of brownies.

Margy is seeing toenails on her fingers. This does not bode well.

So, detective Judie must investigate. How is Hoda transporting her brownies to the mid-west and east coast?

Perhaps an RCMP intervention is required to capture Hoda. She will then be transported and detained indefinitely on the East coast where brownies will be enjoyed by all at a momster convention.

Sandperson is on the way. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Those brownies are making you all goofy - they only make me drowsy!

Glo - Hope that Gabby and Zoey stay calm tonight and not run and play all over the house.

I will welcome the sandman anytime now.
I have had a blessed busy day and I am tired and sleepy.

Mema Jo said...

Good night and God Bless ♥
I love us ♥
Prayers for healing for all in need ♥
Sleep well in your own bed, Lori
Enjoy the stillness & beauty of your Paradise, Paula.

SED and aoyp ♥

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

Good Night, Jo...Sleep Sweetly, and to all of you
The same wish...
Sandperson has Big Duty tonight...we ALL need some Sweet Sleep....

Prayers for Wellness and
Happiness ALL Around...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Arrived safely in paradise

Ill have a brownie now that I am off the road :)

SED loove and hugs to all

magpie said...

Okay, Paula!! Always good
knowing that our Momsters are safely at their destination....
Enjoy that Moon over the Water....
xo Good Night xo

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Getting ready to wind things up for the night. The sandperson will surely be here soon.

Oh my, brownies are causing some disruption on the blog. Last time I had one was at a bridge game a couple of months or so ago.

Enjoy your brownie in paradise, Paula.

Good night, Momsters and Dadsters.

Hoda said...

Just got in.
Wanted to say I ♥ US.
Met the daughter of the people who own the house where the White Rock cam is. I told he r we watched it and what a view they have.
Silent Auction is going well. We have 112 Items to sell.
I am exhausted.
I go back there for 7:15 AM so will say good night.
God Bless.

Hoda said...

Ha ha ha ha!!!
I read this thread...BROWNIES Brownies you say??? Well I did have a brownie today and I talked to an RCMP at the same time so it was all good...Ziggy Marley tickets sold in fifty minutes and I did not get any!!! By the time I got there they were gone!!! The goofy mayor from the video was a speaker for the CFUW conference...he is funny I like him.

I need to read back to find out what the Mother from Hell has done now...SANDI

Grape Hyacinth is what I was old today. They are just now blooming. They look so cute...SANDI

Hoda said...


Hoda said...

Glad you made it safely to the beach house PAULA.

God Bless you GLO.

JO no dizzy even with brownies LOL!!! Laughing!!!

Let us know you arrived safely LORI.

JUDYE sorry about the truck. I hope it is not costly.

Living back east would be cool JUDIE!!! I would also love it if you all came to Nelson. I love this little community.

LOLLY to accept an award for volunteering would take away from the joy of doing it simply for the joy of doing many people volunteer in Nelson so I am not that special really. Thank you.

I do not know how that looks with margy painting fingers on her toe nails!!!

I will be gone most of tomorrow again with CFUW.


Lolly said...

We are home. Had a great evening with Dan and Sharon. They have their RV at a state park. They are there to see grandson play basketball and then they head to a rally. The park is about 4o minutes from here. After the rally they are coning back here,so we will see then again next weekend.

Have read the blog and see that practically everyone has been into the brownies! It is as I suspected, Hoda bats her eyelashes at the RCMP and they ignore the fact she is sending those brownies to the states!!!

Lolly said...

Time to shut it down! Night all! SED!!

Costume Lady said...

No Friday Family Fun tonight...GG was in her jammies when we got at her house at supper time and wasn't up very long and then turned in for the night. She tires so very easily these days and can't stay awake, even for Crab Legs :( We will have to buy some and eat them out on her porch, some warm evening.

Good night, love and prayers for you all♥

Sandi said...

Good sunny Saturday morning my eagle friends!

Calling for a beautiful weekend here in Bethany - sunny and in the 60s. I WILL get outside to dig in the dirt this weekend!

Hoda, grape hyacinths - lovely little spring flowers! I think mine are done for this spring.

Tennis for me at 9am - then off to the garden center to buy some new shrubs to replace several that didn't survive the flood last fall - guess they got too much canal water.

Make it a great day all!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle peeps.

glo said...

Good morning all. It was a good night. And the food bowl was empty this morning. We are now roaming the house freely except one room which will probably open today. Both kitties have found the sunroom. Gabby got herself to the window sill and their she sits. Its a great lookout. She has good taste LOL. Dex and I will soon be off to coffee and dog treats. Looking forward to a wonderful day here with ALL IN THE FAMILY. We got this!

magpie said...

I hear Cheer in the morning posts...

Hi T-Bird..
how is YOUR household of
lovables doing today ??

magpie said...

Wanda...good idea,
Crab Legs,
outside porch
and family

Lolly said...

Good morning! Where is everyone? Enjoying Spring, I am sure!

We decided not to rush to Denton today. Too much going on up there to keep up with. However, I have talked with Laurel and we may find ourselves hurrying up there this afternoon, Joseph is playing his first flag football and they are in a tournament and so far doing great, winning their games. Maybe we should not miss this!!

I missed the post of why Glo has two new kitties. Need to go and find her post.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning! Beautiful day out there in the making - Love the sunshine ♥

Today is my Catonsville daughter's birthday,. Hubby and I called earlier this morning but didn't get an answer. They were probably out for a Birthday Breakfast. We'll try later.

The Ft Bragg Bunch (listen to this T-Bird) are down for the REDSKINS DRAFT PARTY! They are trying to get some more autographs for their collection.

I need to get some garden gloves before I get into the potted planters plus a few extra hands to help.l We usually do this on Mother's day.

Judy - no truck no paint What a heck of a vacation you have starting! Relax and enjoy your free time!

Mema Jo said...

Our eaglets are maturing - in their looks and in their actions! At the end of MAY they will be gone! :(

Lolly said...

Ok, went to fb and found Glo's first post.

Glo, so very happy things are going well. I think your having these two is fantastic!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all

My mama osprey down here is incubating!

JudyEddy said...

Good sort of morning for a minute or two Slept in can't go anywhere no news on truck on answering machine yet I dislike waiting so

HODA is the white rock in your area being she was there

JudyEddy said...

HEY did you all see on the news that they found 3 blocks form the buildings a piece of the landing gear from one of the planes from 911 it
about 5ft tall 18" wide in between two building that were being inspected
ODD thing there is a rope tied around

Mema Jo said...

Just sent email with MAY anniversary and birthday dates

Check it over please.

You may question the name of Claryce - she had emailed me this info last year
she must read the blog...

Lolly said...

Heading outdoors. Jack is trimming away dead branches....I spot the branches and haul. Jack has such a fine yard "man". lol

Just saw a nice wing spread and flap from one of our peaglets!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Yep, Hedgie and Shamrock are changing fast---can't believe we're so close to fledge time. There is always such joy at that time and yet a poignant sadness as well.

WANDA, I guess GG has earned her rest ! Bless her dear heart !

JO, HODA's brownies are supposed to make you hungry, not sleepy ! Thank you ever so much for the birthday/anniversary list for May !

MARGY, I have to do something about my nails today, too. I'm sure mine will not be as colorful and bee-yoo-tee-ful as yours, however !

LORETTA, loved reading about Chelsea's foxes and warblers ! Hope the little bird made it !

Getting set for Seth's weekly visit. Tomorrow we'll all go out to Otterbein University for a performance of "How to Succeed in Business....". Should be fun and we'll get more exposure to what will be Seth's home for the next few years.

Love and prayers for our traveling Momster's and any who may be in need !


JudyEddy said...

I see one parent well I see shadow of parent on edge of nest at 12

JudyEddy said...

WELL once again my stupid truck started from them when they got it so I just posted the video I took hoping it will help No truck till MON

JudyEddy said...

SHEP flew in and Hedgie went to him and Belle was up at 12 and has hopped up the the cut off trunk

JudyEddy said...

Belle is back in the nest at 12 with the whole family

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

I still think it is the starter,
or junk in the fuel line...
or both....
might be time to find another
mechanic ??

hope you haave reliable wheels fow now JudyE

magpie said...

Always Always Always treasure reading about the youth in our families...children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews....
making preparations to go into the future...

magpie said...

and anjoy hearing about
their endeavors in the Present as well...

Mema Jo said...

Going to get ready to attend Mass
This day has been peaceful and quiet - I almost thought it was Sunday for a while.
Kay enjoy your time with Seth. Good to
see you on here. Good luck with the nail polish!

I'll return this evening
I ♥ Us

JudyEddy said...

I got a great THANK you from Walker Ford for thinking of recording what my truck was doing when it wouldn't start

magpie said...

Shep looks very serene....

magpie said...

and so do his children

magpie said...

See you all later...
my week-end is about to

Take Care....
xo ♥

JudyEddy said...

someone is in the attic and SHEP in the nest

JudyEddy said...

and so now is BELLE

JudyEddy said...

someone brought a fish

JudyEddy said...

Belle has her talon on the fish they all are just standing there

Just off the phone with Walker ford told them to change oil was going to take it there this week anyway just for that and to check brakes I feel a hop or studder once in a while so while they have it trying to figure out what is wrong with it can do other needed things oh and ordering a passenger side mirror since I need one

JudyEddy said...

BELLE poofed

NatureNut said...

Hi Eagle Buds!!! Nature report from home~~Just saw a Hummingbird!!! Was out on deck and he flew toward the tree which holds the feeder (wasn't up yet)and right to the cord that holds it!! He landed on a branch. Well that sure got us scurrying to get everything together!! I'm thinking that this boy can't be a stranger or how would he know the exact meal spot?
Thanks Kay for the Chelsea comments. I should go do some work there over the weekend and will check on the "animals". Staying home today working on pictures now and then!
Happy Trails!! ☺

NatureNut said...

JudyE, what a great idea to record the truck when it's misbehaving.They never act up for mechanics or family members! I have fun turning mine off~~~since it got stolen and the starter was removed from steering column, the newer one occasionally wants to pull out when you turn off the key!!! If you're not careful, the key and starter will be in your hand w/the motor still running!!!Lots of fun, ☺.

Janet said...

good afternoon/early evening to all.

its been quite a day. nice to be home as opposed to being in kentucky last weekend.

i overslept this morning. i am normally up by 7, but my eyes popped open @ 9:30 and olivia had skating @ about some fast moving folks!!! we got there though.

its rained most of the day, but the sun is out now and its drying off a bit.

tom and i snaked out the washer drain and the bathroom sink drain. fun stuff.

went outside, found my fig tree has 2 tiny figs starting to grow!!! yum! can hardly wait!

other than that, not much.

JUDYE: what's the mechanic say about the truck? so sorry that happened!!

hope everyone else is doing well. i'm getting ready to feed the dogs and then start dinner. its about that time of the day again.....

hugs, light, love and smiles....

Sandi said...

Good afternoon/evening all!

Played tennis outside this morning - first outdoor tennis for 2013!! And a fun time was had by all!

Spent the afternoon pulling weeds and then digging up 2 shrubs in the garden area in front of the canal. Tomorrow I will plant some new stuff.

Saw hummingbirds at 2 of my 3 feeders today - another first for 2013!!

Pine pollen season has started - surfaces are just starting to get a fine coating of yellow dust on them. Last spring was AWFUL; hoping this spring isn't as bad.

Time to feed pets and people and then head to the grocery store.

magpie said...

I am curious, did YOU do the video-taping while you were trying to start the truck or did someone else help you with it? I know you can multi-task but I am just curious...
Vehicle problems are a Big WOOF!

Good Evening Eagle Pals and a beauteous evening it is !

JudyEddy said...

adult eagle at 12 I can see shadows of wing flapping and I see feetises

magpie said...

Big Thanks to Jo for the May Birthdays and Anniversaries... !!

JudyEddy said...

I was in the truck and just had the camera pointed to the steering wheel so it would pick up the sound of that the truck was doing or not doing

and that was a eaglet at 12 just walked down

magpie said...

I read on the Loch Garten (not Loch of the Lowe's with Isla)
that there are FOUR eggs now...
EJ, the female, and Odin, the male...

Looks like the kestrel nest in Nebraska is holding steady at FIVE eggs

JudyEddy said...

it almost looks like two eaglets in a pile at 6 did think that was a little one at 12 when I saw the wing flap and the little feetsies

magpie said...

Poor Blackwater.....their techs cannot isolate the problem with the Eagle Cam....they need a Clayton to help out maybe...

though I am SURE their techs are top notch also !

magpie said...

REAL COOL reason that the Bragg Bunch came up for the Redskins Draft...though I am sure
meeting with The Family Lennox was a real big draw also !

magpie said...

Yup, those are Big Yellow Feeties, JudyE...

JudyEddy said...

BELLE just flew in

magpie said...

Oh Wheee there is Belle
I'm betting food and Shep are not far behind

She brought greenery

JudyEddy said...

BELLE picking on nestovers at 11

magpie said...

Well there are leftovers there too
I see

JudyEddy said...

someone has claimed the greenery laying on it now not for sure which is which right now both laying down hard to tell

JudyEddy said...

someone in the attic cam shake

magpie said...

Wonderful new pictures, Loretta !
As I was reading about your red-belllied woodpecker...I am NOW hearing in the background at NCTC ☺

magpie said...

time to tackle some
"Homework! "
There is plenty to choose from !

Good Evening, and See Ya' Later

Oh, my Megan Plants have survived their first few nights and days
in their new digs....their dirt digs....

paula eagleholic said...

So the osprey had an egg before last weekend...that would put hatching at memorial day weekend.

Got some more stuff cleared and burned

My neighbor mowed the yard for me this week :)

stronghunter said...


Quiet evening here. Kathryn and Hunter have gone to Lake Anna with some friends.

Kathryn worked until 2:00, and I took Hunter to baseball practice. He is very happy about getting a chance to pitch. He has not done that before.

Lolly said...

So funny to see the eaglets stretch out their legs. I thought for a moment one was going to roll on to his back.

Parent in the attic. There was a cam shake a moment ago.

Lolly said...

Jack and I worked hard in the yard today. Pleased with the results but we are both pooped!!!

Judie said...

Just a quick visit to say hello and goodnight.

Busy day as I went foraging for grosseries, used the new overnight delivered credit card, did not experience rejection, would love to know who tried to use our previous card number. Dinner over and kitchen restored to order.

Will be checking out tv options but likley will fall asleep trying to read.

Kestrel holding at five eggs, RTH has three adorables, Phoebe has two in waiting, Isla is at two, EJ at four, and we have two beautiful toddlers.

Hope Glo and her new additions and Dex had a wonderful day.

Shirley, enjoy the quietude.

Paula is having a paradise weekend.

Margy, Megan's flowers would not DARE to not grow and thrive.

Sandperson will be on the way at 11pm. Restful sleep for all.

Judie said...

Claryce? Hmmmm. I recall a Clarice -- friend of Dr. H. Lecter.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE My mind went to the same thing Silence of the Lambs

JudyEddy said...

“fava beans and a nice chianti.

JudyEddy said...

the race was yellow flagged for SPRINKLERS BEING ON LOL That is a FIRST

paula eagleholic said...

Going to grab a shower and get ungrubby...probably start a new book...

Mema Jo said...

Good even9ng - going to watch a show on TV at 9:30. Mystery of course on the English countryside.

Just in case I don't return....

I'll say my good nights now
I ♥ Us


NatureNut said...

Hello Eagle Buds.
Got some of my foxy pics on the Blog.May have a couple bird pics~~~Hummer came back to the feeder!
In case I Konk in lounge chair, Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for Good Health for ALL ;>)

Lynne2 said...


PA Nana said...

Geez, I'm early and some are already saying goodnight. Is it my deodorant? Promise I'll shower tomorrow.

Anyway, poor Jim didn't have to cook supper tonight. Son, Mike, invited us to his apartment along with my 90 yo daddy for a seafood dinner. I'm not a fan of seafood but did eat 3 scallops. Could have acquire a taste for fish.

I think I was born into the wrong family or found on the doorstep.

Max is suffering from an intestinal virus. Poor baby hates to vomit into any receptable so Teresa must clean up after him. Poor Teresa.

Grandson Jared will graduate from Randolph-Macon and be commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant the beginning of June but my health will prevent me from attending. Boo hiss.

Teresa will also graduate, but in May, along with her husband. T has earned her Master's and Bob his Doctorate. Max will be entering 1st grade in September. What a schedule that family has.

Jim has been enjoying his retirement by fishing - a lot! Deciding if I want to join him or enjoy the peace and quiet.

That about brings you up to date from PA, so I'll keep watching the nest and try to keep up with the comments on here.

God bless and keep you safe. Prayers for all needs in eagleland.

PA Nana said...

*could NOT acquire a taste for seafood!

magpie said...

Oh Diann...thanks for the Family is good to see those Names on here again...
Best Wishes on the all the Family Ventures...
Hope little Max kicks the punies, pronto!
Nice little dinner party with your son too !

magpie said...

Wow a whole hour after you posted...

Well about time for bedtime[reading]and then some sleep

Paula, love reading about your Paradise Doins' and Seeins' !

Good Night, Precious Pals...

Prayers for Wellness, ALL Around

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

magpie said...

PS Lynne2:
That was a short one word visit: But Hello !! Been missing you xo ♥

now, G'Night

Hoda said...

Good evening all.
Most of you are already in bed so I should tell you sweet dreams.
I have not read back yet.

I just came back from our Silent auction. Every thing was bid on and all items were cleared. We made over 5000 dollars and that gives us two scholarships to two students next year...We are very pleased.

There are still some more items to sell tomorrow but for practical purposes the big dollar items are gone. Some pledges to collect too so that will bring our total up which means wwe could start saving for the following years...
We met our goal.

I am tired and am volunteering at the MLA's office tomorrow. The Member of Legislative Assembly candidate for the elections on the 18th of this is the next thing and we have advanced voting the second week in May and I am volunteering those days too.

For tonight I will rest and feel the gratitude and sing praises that things worked smoothely and all is well.

I will go read back now...

Hoda said...

JUDYE The conference had delegates from 89 different communities in Nelson this weekend. White Rock is closer to Vancouver than here and it took them a good 8 hours to drive...some flew in instead. So no the WhiteRock nest is not close to Nelson.

Sorry about your truck JUDYE.

GLO glad the cats are getting along well at your house and I am very pleased DEX is not stressed out about them.

LOLLY good to slow down a day or two from being on the road...did you end up by going to Denton this afternoon?

KAY KAY KAY!!! Do you remember getting hungry with brownies from the 60's? LOL I laughedwhen I read your note to JO.

MARGY need more stories on visits with James the Wise and what is growing in the pots already and what else will you plant?

Hoda said...



Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning my eagle friends!

Hoda, congrats on a successful silent auction!

Judy, what a bummer about your truck. Hope you find something enjoyable to do on your vacation - painting walls would NOT be my idea of a good time!

Glo, hope the kitties are doing well - photos and video on FB look encouraging!

Saw my first hummingbirds at my feeders yesterday - YAY!

Lynne, any update from the landlord about the washer and dryer situation? And it's almost May 1st - empty upstairs apartment soon???

Tennis for me at 9am, then some planting. Didn't make it to the grocery store - took a nap and then watched TV last night instead. So that has to be on today's list as well.

Make it a great day all!

Lori O. said...

Good Sunday mrning everyone!!!

Trying to get caught up here.

I'm in Maryland now at home and loving it! So nice to see Kate and the critters!

SANDI, good luck with your tennis game this morning.

PAULA, I hope you're having a wonderful time and see lots of birds today!

KAY, sorry to hear about the osteoporosis will make another 5 years and another, and another....... Big Hugs!

JO, glad you got to enjoy the Bragg Bunch!

Hope to get some gardening done today, but will wait until after the rain this week to pull weeds! Got the yard mowed yesterday.

GLO, how are the new cats doing?

glo said...

Good morning all. Things at my house are fine. ALl the "kids' are getting along just great. I will get some nice photos of the cats today AND either today or tomorrow is bath day for Dex. I must take a photo of him all fresh and cleaned and groomed "my style" and let him show off his cat sisters on Dexter's Doodles tomorrow sometime LOL. For now Dex and I are off to coffee and Dog treats. HAGD everyone.

magpie said...

Lovely, simply lovely, to wake up to Friends here !

Bravo, Hoda....very wonderful, the proceeds and the scholarships...

Lori...Enjoy your wonderful time at your Roost with some of your favorite things, people, and furbabies!

Good Morning Eagle Pals !!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, MARGY!

magpie said...

for Hoda's question:
I have, some in flower pots...some in the ground...because my soil space is limited here at the apartment...
Romaine Lettuce

Foxglove, Snapdragons, Pansies,
Lantana, Sunflowers, Marigolds....
and my New England Asters (from James three years ago) are
sprouting tall!

magpie said...

I'm just giddy all over for
Glo and Dex, with their new
Oh, a squeaky clean Dex, now THAT sounds wonderful too !

Lori: been wondering: anything going on with the Black Vultures
this year?

I know your lovely gardens...
and am seeing the beauty in my
mind's eye ☺ ♥

Lori O. said...

There were some BV's circling the barn I'm hopeful we'll get some more this year! Just love 'em!

magpie said...

Well Woo Hoo on that Lori!
Best Wishes that there is nesting, mating, egg-laying, hatching, and fledging!

Going to open up a few cams now,
including The Royal Nest...

bb in a few

magpie said...

LOL Shep lands on the nest
with a Stick !
babies plotzed out together
in the very middle of the nest.
Now they move around
maybe thinking FOOD is coming up

magpie said...

And the wind is a'whistlin' this morning too

magpie said...

from Blackwater Osprey nest:

In our 12 years of running this Osprey Cam, the latest we had an egg was 4/28. On Friday we saw the couple chasing off another osprey, so we have to wonder if challenges over the nest are holding up the egg.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday Morning to all
Jenny is with me this morning - catching up on her family news.

We may dig in some flower pots and then
I'll go to Market next week....

I'll be back this afternoon - All is well

magpie said...

Sounds good, Jo...!
I might make it to Market next
week also ☺

Been watching Loch Garten for 90 minutes....their blog says Four Eggs...but I saw only TWO eggs...
waiting to see an update Monday on their blog....hmmm, curious

Lolly said...

My apologies...fell asleep last night in my chair and when Jack woke me to go to bed...I did not say good night!


No, Hoda, worked in the yard all day. Jack did not want the drive to Denton.

Time to eat a bite and head to church. Later Gators!

magpie said...

Well, I don't think the raindrops are too far from arriving....

I am headed to Berkeley Springs soon, James visit...and we are going to see "Croods" -

Best Wishes to EVERYONE - seen and unseen, for a Very Good Sunday.

Aaaaah, nice to know Jewels has TWO more days off from work ☺

xoxo (( Hugs )) ♥ ttfn

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING Tried to sleep in later since I have no wheels and looks like I succeeded in doing that Was thinking about walking up to the park to see the eagles

and POOR POOR Jordyn at Disney has been sick she had a fever so spent half the day sleep she is ok once she has meds in her either Motrin or Tylenol They are there for 4 days

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I had planned on painting the outside of house in three days and then enjoy the rest of my vacation by going to the different eagle nest and beach etc and parks but blew that one

JudyEddy said...

AWW BELLE is tucked in

Lori O. said...

Raining here now...can't tell is the eaglets are wet, or their feathers are really shiny. :)

Hoda said...

Well CFUW AGM wrapped up today.
Work at the MLA's Office went well and here I am back at the flat feeling a need to be still for a while. Will read and take a nap too I do think.

MARGY that is a very impressive container garden you have there kiddo...I have never tried Broccoli and Lettuce but might do you have them in plastic tubs or do you have a different set up...I would have to put holes in the bottom for drainage...

Sorry JORDYN is not well on holidays...I hope she feels better soon JUDYE.

Getting a bit overcast here today and yet it speaks of sunny tomorrow.

Lori O. said...

Time for you to take it easy for a while HODA...
sounds like you've done enough for the day! You're amazing!

JUDYE, sorry that your vacation plans got all messed up. Maybe you can paint the house on the last part of your days off...that's a lot of work, though!

Hoda said...

Adult eagle arrives to the nest with a fish...I can not tell who...

Hoda said...

Adult takes off.

Hoda said...

Adult eagle flies into nest. Lots of chirps and it is Belle and I think they want to be fed...

Hoda said...

Ma Belle sheltering one from the rain! other is sitting besides her...Can anyone really tell which is Hedgie and which is Shamrock? one is slightly smaller than the other is this Shamrock them?

Hoda said...

Rain must have eased off. Ma Belle off the little chick for the last ten minutes and both chicks plotzed.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Went with Kathryn and Hunter to the emergency center for an x-ray of Hunter's finger. He tried to catch a baseball barehanded, which was not a good idea. We still do not know if he has a fracture, as the doctor wants the radiologist to look at the x-ray.

Hunter has a splint for his finger, which meant that I had to write his homework answers for him. He's working on the area of a circle.

Thank goodness, it is not too hard, as he needed a little help. I can still do 6th grade math--at least for now. Lots of discussion about multiplying decimals. Thank goodness, I remember that, too.

I think Kathryn is plumb wore out; she is sleeping with her mouth open.

stronghunter said...

Hedgie and Shamrock are so big now. Yes, I can see that one is smaller--or just scrunched up right now.

Hoda said...

Ma Belle leaves.

Hoda said...

SHAR where are you right now?

stronghunter said...

Love seeing all of those green leaves in the trees at the nest. And some in the nest as well.

Hoda said...

The Duke of Edinburgh has left Canada Today. He was here for a three day visit in which he presented the 3 Battalion Of The Royal Canadian Regiment with new Colours.He is their colonel-in-chief. He also received Canada's highest military honour, presented to him by The GOvernor General. The Duke is 91 years old and he was sporting a black eye today. Apparently he did not fall, just woke up with a black eye!

JudyEddy said...

Hello and good evening folks
I decided to walk to Freedom park and that I did got to see and get pic of the three juvies also stopped for dinner on the way home at a restaurant I pass figure what the hey uploading videos now

JudyEddy said...

I put a video on the blog of today juvies flight Some of the clouds today are just beautiful on the video
Todays visit to the park I walked up there to see the eagle just outstanding love seeing them and will be unhappy when they leave

This is about 8 mini video spliced together

JudyEddy said...

Angie has pictures on FB of Jordyn with some of the princesses there so she must be feeling better All smiles

JudyEddy said...

I got some sun with the walk today little pink on shoulders Yeah color

JudyEddy said...

nite lite on

magpie said...

SPLIT is approaching....

Good Evening, Eagle Pals...

got us some rain today allrighty.

xo ♥

magpie said...

I dearly hope that Jordyn is
all fun to get sick on vacation, and not so much fun
not to have wheels either, JudyE, but sounds like you are adjusting.

Oh bummer, a finger injury....that could affect Hunter's Pitching Career for a bit?? Is this on Hunter's pitching hand,
Shirley ?? Oh he is so fortunate to have you to help with the homework.
Someday he will recount wonderful stories of his Awesome Grandma... !!

magpie said...

I was beginning to wonder if
Sharon took off with Pat after the Train Concert ☺
Wouldn't that be loverly !!

magpie said...

Yes, Hoda....You need to rest up a bit !! You have earned it !

About my garden:
I have several things in plastic or earthen pots.....and some things in the ground. My month when the ground is WARM will go straight into the dirt !! I can't wait...I love my little gardening things so...

magpie said...

Croods" the movie, was a lot of fun....great animation, some neat animals ! Some interesting scenarios....and some very tender and moving moments...

magpie said...

and now we SPLIT !

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 221   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...