Friday, April 05, 2013


TGIF thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread STEVE I will gather the others

JudyEddy said...

Good morning one and all Angie called I need to go pick up Jordyn at her office by 10 before the boss gets there

Family time in the nest a fly in and a fly out and a poop shoot by one of the chicks I made it repeat at the end you can always use a good double poop shoot LOL

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread! Thanks Judy for the call over!

Judy, sorry to hear that Jordyn is under the weather!

Jo, great update on Christine!

Need to get a move on - later all!

JudyEddy said...

Its funny she feels ok Last night she said she wasn't hungry And when she sat on my lap for the movie she felt warm and took her temp and it was 102.6 Angie said she didn't feel warm this am but to be safe something made her run a fever and don't want to run the risk of getting all the other kiddo sick at school She has complained of her head hurting for two days the back of it not the front I wonder if its related

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

Lynne2 said...

I just found this great website that you can customize nature sounds to coworker today doesn't like having the radio on, so this is our compromise! It's awesome!!

Nature Sounds

glo said...

Good morning all. its our last day of sunny spring until some rain over the weekend and then some cold and rain "not snow though" returns for next week. Today I shall go to Best Buy and play with some Smart Phone. Getting closer to making that decision. HAGD everyone.

magpie said...

Good Morning on the New Thread
Thanks for the New Thread, Steve,
Thanks for the alert JudyE

Hello more Eagle Pals

Steve put a new comment, April 3,
on the open up page for the Daily Blog.....
a recap of some of what he
has put on the new thread posts...

magpie said...

keep waiting to see an EGG or a few in the Kestrel Cam Nest Box....
Mom was just in the nest, she must know I watch because then I refresh and she is gone !

ttfn xo ♥

Judie said...

Good morning.

Watched Belle feed the babes who are now plotzed in the sunshine.

Sunshine here as well this morning. Although I have a few papers to grade (end is in sight), I plan to forage for food and get some laundry done today.

Seems everyone is okay, hope Jordyn is also. Safe travels for those on the move.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the call-over, Judy.

stronghunter said...

Sorry that Jordyn is ill, Judy. Yes, I think the headache is related to the fever, and that's a pretty high temperature, especially in the morning. I would not wait long to call the doctor.

stronghunter said...

The babies are out in the sunshine. one flopped, the other moving about. It won't be too long until they will be able to walk about the nest with ease. In the early toddler stage now, the time when they walk for a bit and then crash.

stronghunter said...

One parent in the nest. I cannot see enough to say which one.

stronghunter said...

Glad those papers are almost finished, Judie. From what you have said before, you have a very large class and these are essays you have to grade. Really tough.

For my English classes at Germanna, I never had such a large class. I think the max was 25 or so unless I gave permission to exceed that. Of course, I had to do a number of essays with them.

I was supposed to get them ready to do essays for their other courses--like yours. Sometimes that was a challenge.

Have thought of taking on another class there, but then I think of all of those papers. I enjoyed the class time with adult students, though. We had some good discussions.

Some of my students were adults, some wanna-bes. There was definitely a difference.

So good to read of positive results for Scout. Hope the good news continues.

And, I second the welcome to the East Coast to Lolly and Jack. You are always welcome on our side of the country. :)

Lynne2 said...

It's like working in the great outdoors with the sounds of nature!

stronghunter said...

Have fun with the smart phones, Glo.

stronghunter said...

Working to the sounds of nature. Love it, Lynne. Sounds appropriate for a vet's office.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - Thanks for the fresh new thread Steve.

I have a pair of hawks in the area - I've been seeing them each day so they must nest near by.

Judy -- Hoping Jordyn just has a bug that will leave her soon.

Margy - your 1st comment referring to Steve's NEW comments of April 3 on the open up page - I'm not finding those comments - help me out here.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY that temp of 102 was last night She woke with none but was at 100 when I picked her up so she is chilling watching Shark Tales right now eating a banana on the couch

Sandi said...

Home from the vet - 2 sets of nails trimmed, 2 sets of anal glands cleaned out (YUK!!!), 2 blood tests to check for heart worms (still waiting for a call with the results). The techs had a tough time getting a muzzle on Bandit - he is one cantankerous old man sometimes!!

Jo, Margy is talking about the NCTC page with the link to the still cam. One of the tabs is "eagle nest updates" and that's where Steve posted the info. about the recent intruder.

Sun is out here in Bethany but breezy and chilly. Real warm-up starting on Sunday and into next week. It should finally feel like spring, not that I'll be able to be outside to enjoy it! =(

Lori O. said...

Good almost afternoon everyone!

Thanks, STEVE, for the new thread, and JUDYE for the call over.

JUDYE, hope Jordyn gets to feeling much better today.

JUDIE, what's the celebration when you're done grading these papers???

Think I'll take a nap before going to tutoring this afternoon. Mom is at PT for her hip, and Dad is snoozing in the chair so I have some free time. Did a lot of studying this morning. Shouldn't tell you guys that - I'm so scared I won't pass this test!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Sandi - I had just figured that out remembering that I had read it
It just didn't register as I was thinking of this blog.

magpie said...

I'm sorry Jo...I guess I really DO NEED to figure out what I want to call that OPEN UP PAGE

Thanks Sandi, and to you for figuring my weird ways.


magpie said...

Wheeee is there a LOT of sunshine out hereabouts today !! ☼

magpie said...

And I see a definite upgrade to the crib rail situation...

I think they have been reading
your comments about 6 to 9 on the nest....and trying to making

3 o'clock at tne nest looks like a stockade fence !!!

stronghunter said...

Hope Jordyn recovers quickly, Judy.

Eaglets are eating moving around the nest, now. One flopped near 6:00. The other one is with parent near 12:00 and having a snack.

stronghunter said...

Just noticed that improvement, Margy. Maybe a few more sticks and I will be happy.

stronghunter said...

Yes, the three o'clock area looks well-shored up. I did see one eaglet over there and wondered if it was gonna climb over that wall, though. But figured that seeing it from above was making it look more scary than it really was.

JudyEddy said...

OK Grandma's have you ever seen the Rescuers I am watching it with Jordyn and boy did they do a big boo boo The are rescuing a Golden Eagle but the thing is its a Bald Eagle there is a white head Hmmm who do we complain to LOL

JudyEddy said...

The Rescuers Down under is the name of it

JudyEddy said...

poop shoot from the 6 area

JudyEddy said...

both parents in the nest now flyin just now

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn is out like a light gave her some ABC soup and had her lay on the couch to watch the movie and she is gone

JudyEddy said...

BELLE poof

paula eagleholic said...

Look at those little rascals, traveling all over the nest. One is sitting at the 5 spot, the other is plotzed at 10. Looks like an adult shadow at the noon spot.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, I agree with your comment on the 3 side of the nest...probably more shored up than we realize because of the tilted view of the nest.

Hope Jordyn feels better soon...hate it when the little ones are sick.

JudyEddy said...

SHEP is out of sight only see some of his white and the shadow too I love how the chicks just sprawl out FUnny you don't see the adults sleeping in the nest like that LOL more limber as a chick

glo said...

OK correct me if i'm wrong but today I think i learned that if i connect my smart phone to wifi then it doesn't use data at that time. So I could use my phone say out side wiht Dex here at home and do things like watch a cam or listen to pandora etc on my home wifi network and not use up data. Please tell me if thats true. ALSO does anyone know if you can use skype on an Ipad. My daughter has Ipad and she thinks I need a phone with facetime to do facetime. I was told if I get the Galaxy phone I also like that she can download skype on her ipad and we could still do skype calls. Please tell me if you know anything about this also. Thanks

paula eagleholic said...

Glo, I believe that's right about the wifi hookup. But you can't always watch a live cam on your phone. I think you can skype on your phone...I think my son has skype on his iphone. Maybe you can check out the skype website.

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is at 5 and the both chicks are at her feet

JudyEddy said...

I know nothing of technology I know my lap top has it Its in the menu part and I have a camera hole above the screen But have never used it or activated it

JudyEddy said...

Belle is moving the wind blew her and she stepped on a chick very slightly

JudyEddy said...

she is now on the other side and the chicks are waking up she is at 6 picking at nestovers POOP SHOOT long one for chick over the entire nest

JudyEddy said...

one of the chicks picked up a piece of flugg and dropped it SHEP HOME

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...


JudyEddy said...

Belle is moving to the fish I was wondering what was taking her so long

paula eagleholic said...


JudyEddy said...

Shep is eating what she was Belle bring fish to the end of the nest where he is

JudyEddy said...

got a great email from the lawyer house is going on auction on the 20th keep fingers and toes crossed it goes

JudyEddy said...

both parents at 6 Belle is feeding chicks and Shep i think is eating all on his own Belle eats a piece every know and then

JudyEddy said...

SHEP is on duty I see

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn is still asleep I would normally not let her sleep this long but she needs the sleep being she is ill She is cool to the touch I just went over and kissed her forehead she didn't even budge

stronghunter said...

I suppose it depends on your plan, Glo, but what you said about the wifi and data usage sounds right to me.

I used Skype to talk with my daughter when she was in Ecuador. I have an older iPhone. You can probably find a lot of the info online. I am not an expert. Haven't used Skype since and don't remember what I did to get it. Think it is an app.

stronghunter said...

When Susan was in Ecuador, I was also able to get international calling for my phone so I could call there from work. I needed it when she got sick and had to go to the hospital. It was not expensive.

Hoda said...

Sorry to hear JORDYN is under the weather.

Wet and soggy here too SANDI. In the fifties...back to sweater weather.

LORI African meals are with a lot of legumes and grains. Some very good spices used up. Several salads that were delicious and I am so happy with the combinations the textures and the tastes. Covered the continent North South East and West...Great Food.

We have 68 baskets donated from the community and the CFUW club. One more yet to come from the Health Food Store which will give us 70 baskets.
The other clubs will bring in baskets too...we have at least thirty more clubs registered.

I hope we can raise enough money for the scholarships.
The last weekend in April will tell the tale.

Hoda said...

GLO Yes if you have WIFI you do not use up Data and there are no extra charges. I learnt about that when I got the iphone and it works well. I check for the wifi signal as sometimes it jumps to the 3G Data usage. Does not happen very much and has not cost me money.

SKYPE is great. My sister has an ipad and she has Skype on it...I have skypy on my iphone. It works like a charm.

Hoda said...

We started on the baskets at 8:00 in the morning and finished a bit before one. It worked well and I am glad that they are done. I am still not happy that we asked for new items and some of our memebers donated garage sale like items. The worst ones were not included...a smoked up fondue pot was the worst and I resisted it a lot. We have delegates coming in from Vancouver, Victoria, Kelowna all big cities in BC and I can not see us using these used items. I am all for recycling but if we asked other clubs to bring in new items I think we should do the same too.This was my one argument for the day. It went well and the baskets look good.

Hoda said...

68+1 is really sixty nine regardless of what my first post today says!!! LOL!!! not even in new math is 68+1=70!!!

Sandi said...

Glo, my son and daughter-in-law preferred having an ipad (instead of any other tablet) and an iphone instead of an android phone when they were in Africa because they both felt that the picture quality on FaceTime is much better than on Skype. FaceTime is for Apple devices only. Just the opinion of 2 people. I have used Skype, but not often.

stronghunter said...

Dinnertime at the nest.

Judie said...

More Jack Daniels, Lori.

Babes having an early dinner. I agree the left side of the nest seems sparse and would like to see more railing.

Congrats on all the baskets Hoda.

Hoda said...

Any suggestions for a good novel to read...rainy days and I want a it is raining right now. Phoned the library for three books and two were out and they are now on hold for me the third was has to come in through interlibrary loan from Vancouver or Victoria...
Any suggestions?

Hoda said...

Do you watch the Davis Cup Sandi?
Some friends in Vancouver are very excited about the matches there...

Hoda said...

Off for a walk as I need fresh air...rainy walk but this is what coats and rubber boots are for!!! Yes I know I mentioned the word boots and I am still calm and collected!!! LOL!!!

Judie said...

Hoda, try something by Jonathan Kellerman if you enjoy non-gory crime or Janet Evanovich or Diane Mott Davidson for laughs and crime.

Chicken stir-fry tonight. Quick and tasty. Then my feets are going up.

JudyEddy said...

Looks like another fish was brought in at 12 and Poof Belle

JudyEddy said...

Shep moves over to 12 to where the new fish is he was at 6 munching on something there Chicks are passed out in the cup

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Belle is making noises and puffing herself up like whistling Shep was eating the fish and then he stopped

JudyEddy said...

Shep is going for the fish again and here she comes making noises and heads to him

JudyEddy said...

I think she is telling him that is for the kids bed time snack LOL he did stop picking at it they both are at top of nest

JudyEddy said...

BELLE picked the fish up from 12 and sort of flew to 6 wit it

JudyEddy said...

AWW both are feeding the chicks at 12

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is tucked in already early bird

glo said...

Thanks to <b.All</b. for sharing info on skype and iphone/ipad and also confirming what I thought I understood about wifi. That will help me know better how much data I might actually need with a smartphone as I expect often I iwll use it at home or other wifi kinds of places. I also want to be able to skype with my daughter and family. Their windows laptop died and both beign teachers their friends all recommended the Ipad. I don't think she knows we can actually still use skype if I go with an android. We will talk together more this weekend. I am kind of looking at the Galaxy Note 2. Or Galaxy 3. I also here there is a great HTC 1 coming out in a few weeks. All of these of course are android phones. I was talking with a salesman from Best Buy. He actually owns and iphone 5 and plans to switch back to one of these androids at the end of his contract. Thanks again.

Judie said...

Dinner over and kitchen restored to reasonable order.

Nest seems ready for restorative sleep.

Feets, mine, going up.

Sandperson is scheduled to depart at 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

Wow. What a day.....there aren't many weeks that i a GLAD to see end, but this one, I am GLAD to see come to an end...a joyous ending...but it was a tough one.

Did take Scout for her kidney values again. That info will be in tomorrow.

As Judy has previously reported....our parents' home is finally being put up for auction....its taken a LOT of time $$ and pushing from us and from our attorney (who has been wonderful!), but finally our oldest sister has moved towards disposing of the property so that we can have to see if she follows thru....

Hoda said...

Maybe your older sister JANET can buy the property and then she can keep it and you get your share out of it also JUDYE get her share!!!

Pretty frightening British ad there JUDYE! My head hurts and I watched it over an hour ago!!! grrr! Love you dearly but do not like the ad!

How is JORDYN?

You are welcome GLO to bold you have to close the brackets. ALL will be bold.

One of my books reserved at the library already came in so I will go tomorrow after I go to the gym...Thank you JUDIE for the recommendations I wrote them down.

YAY YAY YAY!!! Did I say YAY?
We launch the boat on the 20th!!! The earliest year yet. The lake is awesome and training is going well and it is all a sign that it will be a terrific season on the lake with the DRAGONS!!! YAY YAY YAY!!!

ITS OK JUDYE hot chocolate is taking the headache away!!! When in doubt drink hot chocolate.

Missing LOLLY'S posts I hope she is having a terrific time with the Grand Nephews and JACK'S relations.
The last post I saw from her she said she stayed up late talking...that sounds like a good time...

Hoda said...

Oh dear God! I just read about a shooting in a day care in Canada!!!
The shooter and an adult man are dead. 53 Children evacuated by police. A shut gun was used.
My heart stopped. The photos of the children brought tears to my eyes. God Bless all children. The police is pretty sure that some of the kids saw the killing!

Hoda said...

Gatineau is across the river from Ottawa our capital.

magpie said...

That is tragic, very sorry to read of this

magpie said...

Your reports of the baskets is awe-inspiring....
kind of reminded me of Soup Kitchen preparations there for a that, it is a Labor
or Love ♥

magpie said...

Two minutes, count 'em: 2
'til the Sandperson departs to all Eagle Pals' Locations...
Get your pillows and blankies ready !

magpie said...

Today, was a Spring Day....
I didn't get out in it until
after 4, but it was glorious...
saw some New Wildflowers along the roadway, including Dutchman's Breeches...
waiting on the Stars of Bethlehems...
haven't even seen Grape Hyacinth
all in good time !

magpie said...

Hoping that little Jordyn is turning the corner on whatever illness she has

magpie said...

Hoping to read that GG had a good dental day, AND a good Crab Legs Day,
hoping to hear that Paula is happily ensconced in Paradise with Larry's Truck, Roofing Supplies, Nick and whoever else has tagged along...
Eyes to the Skies in the morning,

magpie said...

Anyone else Slam Wore Out?
I Am....

Saturday Carolyn will be on shift with us for four hours....that's a happy thought for me....though she is giving up some of her precious free time....covering someone's vacation shift...

Prayers for Wellness all Around,
AND for Lori's upcoming test...hope she puts it ALL out of her mind as she visits the old home place with Kate and the animals....

Good Night, Precious Pals.

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

I wished PAULA would check in.

MARGY I hd to pick myself up off the floor a couple of times today after I went to the post office.
You are a kind and generous person and it was a gift from all of us to JO. I was not expecting a check and will send it back after I take a picture because I am so very touched by your generosity.
Several times you all contributed to we have got your back messages and I was not able to contribute. This was but a small thing and it worked well with the budget.
I ♥ US.
Thank you MARGY.

Mema Jo said...

Went shopping this evening and found 2 pairs of shoes.. No stopping me now ♥

Praying that all is well for everyone
Good night and God Bless

Sandman should be passing through the valley any minute.

I love us ♥

Hoda said...

Lots of chirping in the nest and I think there was a feeding and now Miss Belle is tucked in again.

Hoda said...



Hoda said...

Woke with Grace and in God's Light JO in your new shoes. Congratulations.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. See you tomorrow. SED.

Lolly said...

No time to read back. Just wanted to peek in to say we are having a great time!

Night all, SED!!!

Lolly said...

Held , fed and diapered great great niece, Natalie. I am a happy camper. She is 9 weeks old!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all

Everyone arrived safe in's about time to hit the hay :-)

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda I have beenreading some new books by Brad. Meltzer

I got a new to me phone from work...finally got itg up and running...has some neat stuff myold one did not like talk to text...and I see it has a video calling feature werfe showing me some of thattonight...still getting use to new keyboard

paula eagleholic said...

And I will check out the eagle nest tomorrow

Costume Lady said...

I thought I'd report on GG's dental appointment today.
After throwing up 3 times, she now has a beautiful new bridge in her mouth. I think her nerves got the best of her:(
She is a Happy Camper!

Good night to all, sending love and prayers ~♥~

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone! Getting ready to leave for Maryland. So excited to see the animals and Kate!

WANDA, sorry GG had such a rough time at the dentist, but glad it ended with her being happy!

LOLLY, very happy you are having such a great time. Keep it up!

PAULA, have a great weekend at the beach though it sounds like lots of work. :)

Gotta get a move on if I'm to leave here by 8!

Wishing everyone a blessed day, with love, smile, light and joy!


Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning Lori and all my eagle friends!

Safe travels, Lori - enjoy your time with Kate and Dalai! Prayers continue for Annie.

Chicks are alone and chirping.

JudyEddy said...


Have a good trip LORI

Happy you got to feed and diaper the baby LOLLY

WANDA so happy GG has her toofers finally and is happy with them

JudyEddy said...

Chicks look alone don't see feetsie on the edge maybe up in the attic

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is back

JudyEddy said...

Feeding for one and the other is passed out still

Janet said...

good morning to one and to all.

today, one of the gals that i have mentored is teaching her first on her own, by herself, reiki class. she team taught with me back in february an di have no doubt that she will be dandy! she has a good size class to start....

i will sit there today, just to be present for support. i will have my computer, so i believe i will be watching a couple of eagles!!!

hope everyone has a great day!

light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Up early this morning, so thought I'd join the early group for once.

I had promised to give a report of what my neck x-rays & MRI showed. Will try to make it much more brief, and do it in fairly plain English.

There is straightening of the usual normal cervical curve. There is a 2-mm forward displacement of C3 on C4. Moderate to severe degenerative disc disease at C4/5, C5/6, & C6/7.
No evidence of fracture.
Because of displacement of C3 vertebra, there's a mild disc bulge between C3 & C4. Mild disc bulge between C4 & C5. Mild disc bulge between C5&6, with severe pinching of the left exiting nerve (nerve to shoulder & left arm).

The doctor says not to do any heavy lifting or go on any roller coasters. I'm relatively pain free at the moment, without any drugs, so VERY happy about that! No surgery necessary at this time. I'm hoping that physical therapy will help to stabilize my neck by building up the muscles,so it's not too likely to cause more trouble if I behave myself.

The report sounds ominous, but it's relatively good news! The only problem right now is the pins & needles sensation in my left thumb and index finger, and some loss of strength in my left hand. I hope that will improve with a little more time.

Well, gotta go spend some time with Ken & Emma (they're both up), so will check back in later. HAGD, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Congratulations to GG on her new teeth. Now for some crab legs.

I see our babies are eating breakfast. Looks like they are both getting plenty to eat.

Enjoy watching your student perform, Janet.

Hug that sweet new baby for us, Lolly.

Have a nice weekend in Paradise, Paula. It looks to be good weather-wise around here.

Enjoy your visit to Maryland, Lori.

New shoes, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Well, was going to say something about the new shoes. Just enjoy them, Jo!!

stronghunter said...

Hi Andy,

No roller coasters--I will join you on that one. I don't have to have a neck problem to avoid roller coasters. Glad you are not in so much pain now.

stronghunter said...

Gotta get ready for baseball practice. Do not know when the first game will be. Do not even know when the next practice will be. Kathryn is not happy about the lack of information at this point.

Oh, I hope it will not be so cold out there, but I plan to be prepared. Last practice, we were freezing and looking directly into the sun until it dropped below the trees, then we were just freezing. Different field and different time of day for this practice.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Had a chance to get on!

Lolly said...

Found out on the way here that BIL's. 95 year old sister died late Tues. he has been in charge of arrangements and they just left for the funeral. So, we have the morning open.

Andy, thanks for the report, sounds good. Stick with the therapy.

This evening we are going to another niece's home. Having lots of great family time!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my friends.

T-Bird said...

We have got some serious sunshine here this morning. : )

Judie said...

Good morning.

Babes in the sunshine and looking really cute. Looks like Belle is babysitting.

Hoda, so very saddened by the shootings at the daycare. Hope the children did not see the actual shooting.

On a brighter note, Miss GG has new teeth and will soon be devouring her Suddenly Salads. So glad she is pleased.

Shirley, supposed to be chilly today so bundle up and enjoy Hunter's practice.

Jo has new shoes twice over. Next thing you know, she'll be walking all over us. Wishing a short "break in" time.

Andy, glad you are improving and no surgery is required. Be careful, please.

Margy, enjoy time with Carolyn and tell her I say hi.

Paula, enjoy your paradise and hope the work part goes smoothly.

Okay, going to tackle the remaining papers.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

glo said...

Good morning all. Back from coffee and dog treats. Its about 50 here but cloudy. I think I will go rake up some peanut shells in my front yard today and then pray for rain. Our farmers need it so badly. I have had this "stupid phone" that I totally know how to use for like 3 or 4 years now. I think I will wait 3 more weeks or so for the Galaxy S 4 to come out and see what the price tag is going to be on it. it has some really great camera options that I think I would totally enjoy. I am hoping i don't have to sell the farm though to get it. If so I do like the S 3 and it will come down in price when the 4 is released. I am glad to see that things at the nest are going well. I am going to try to watch the cam some this weekend. I don't want to see the drama. Please no drama just fat and cutesie LOL. Enjoy your day everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - Our nest is looking good as are our two little eaglets - They are growing with all the food they are continuously being fed by mom and dad.
Everyone have a great day - I'll be thinking of you all


magpie said...

Seems like Shamrock had a slow time discovering her appetite early morning, and by the time she did, Mom was all cozied down on both chicks...

I think Shammie knows all about her appetite NOW, see folks's posts about chow time

Good Morning Eagle Pals !!

magpie said...

I am sorry to read of the death
of your brother in law's sister....
I am happy to read of your good family times especially anything involving babies !

magpie said...

Jo Two pairs of New Shoes!

Yay for you ☺

And Good morning everyone...
Carolyn should be here pretty soon...
I shall pass along the good wishes to her

xoxo ttfn ♥

magpie said...

Mrs. Mommy Kestrel is in the nest box and looks serious about being there....

we'll see....

magpie said...

Carolyn is here now
dressed in a most beauteous Lime Green ♥ ☺
pullover shortsleeved

She says hi back...Judie...and others.....

Janet said...

back again

so happy andy is painfree and has answers......

JO: love new shoes.... :)

sounds like everyone is busy and doing okay this morning.

i am sitting here watching Amie teach her class and I am so proud of her....she is rocking this!

and i too have been busy. watching these babies wander all about the nest....and i finally committed and did it! i've been working on getting this reiki class in michigan together..... first i had the hotel room and conference room booked....and today i booked my airline flight and my rental turning back now. now its time to beckon to the students....

have a great afternoon, ya'll...

Lolly said...

Went to Target to buy car charger for iPad and then went for a walk, beautiful day.

Lolly said...

Playing with iPad and trying to upload pics.

stronghunter said...

Looks like feeding and snacking by parent. Guess the other eaglet in in there somewhere. A little hard to see right now.

stronghunter said...

It was cold today, but good thing about Marshall Park. I can watch the activities from the warmth of my car. I eie resort to that refuge eventually. Just too cold for me.

Okay, nowI see both babies. Was getting worried. I think Shep stepped on the one right behind him. They were all piled together in that corner and he backed up. Everyone looks okay, though.

stronghunter said...

I did resort to that refuge eventually . . .

stronghunter said...

Guess the kiddies are cold today. They are snuggling up to Dad.

stronghunter said...


Mema Jo said...

Michael has bid his farewell to the Bragg Bunch in NC and is headed home on the fast train. We'll pick him up around 9....... Christine called that he got off ok and that now it is so quiet in her house.

Thinking of Lori enjoying time with Kate and also of Paula's new roof repair. Janet it is a great feeling to see someone in action using all the skills you taught her. Oh I so need a reiki treatment!

I am going to attend Mass this evening.. I think or pray the cold/flu season doesn't come near me.
I'm not going to hold hands when we say the Lord's prayer and I guess I will just smile to others to pray for them to have Peace ♥ That should work - I miss not seeing my church family.

So with that thought - I'll return later this evening. I love us ♥

Janet said...

consider it sent and done, Mema Jo.

Hoda said...

Good afternoon all.

Thank you PAULA for the suggestion of an author. Wrote him down and hope to use yours and JUDIE's ideas.

Safe travels LORI. Enjoy your weekend.

Had a very good weekend work out with the Dragons. We will have a meeting after boat launch with pot luck meal and opportunity to see the latest in life jackets and paddles.

One of the Paddlers wants to walk the Camino Del Fuego in Spain this late summer and she needs to practice so for the Victoria Day May Long weekend we will help her clock in forty miles!!! That will make for a very long day for her...
I will walk part of the way...maybe ten miles...

It sounds all are well and good reports from LOLLY and JO. Sorry GG got sick but pleased she is done with her dental work.
My turn for two crowns in June am not looking forward to it. One sitting and they said around three hours!!! UGH!!!

I am missing LYNNE and hope her weekend is going well.

Certainly in need of a jacket today. Raining cats and dogs here!!! Meow Meow Woof Woof...does anyone know the origin of the expression "it is raining cats and dogs"?

Hoda said...

JO I well understand wanting the cold and flu season to stay away from you. Hand sanitizers work. Put your hands in prayer position when you want to greet people instead of the hand shaking thing... God Keep you well and safe in HIS Grace.

magpie said...

Oh sad that Miracle Michael had to leave the Bragg Bunch.....but
happy that he gets to return to find Maryland acting more like Spring, AND he gets to ride the big beautiful Choo Choo

Warm wishes Janet on your accomplishments and your dreams.....

Hoda said...

So funny Shep is doing a wiggle wiggle and pulling the grasses in close to him as he roosts on the egg cup area and the Eaglettes and plotzed right behind him and to the five position...

magpie said...

Welllllll It is almost time to take my leave of the Dough Factory....
been nice to SEE many smiling faces behind the avatars this day

xoxo ttfn next shift coming in soon ♥ ☺

Hoda said...

JUDIE, Mercifully the shooting in the Day Care in the Gatineau was a targeted shooting. A domestic dispute and the children were not the targets. A husband split from the wife. The wife who is director of the day care became involved with the custodian. Husband shot the custodian and then himself. They formed a triage area right away. The police was there within three minutes and the children were evacuated to a close by home where they were safe. The teachers acted well and fast and the hospital which is across the street ferried in toys for the children to play with and also bag lunches. Parents continue to praise the school and say the kids will be back there the minute it stops being a crime scene...YES INDEED THANK GOD.

Hoda said...

It helped that the weapon used was a shot gun and not a semi automatic assault riffle!

Poop Shoot. The eaglettes have a large wing span and there is a difference in their size every day it seems

Hoda said...

Poof Shep and Hedgie looked up...

Is anyone else thinking that Hedgie is a male eaglette and Shamrock is a female eaglette just from their is too early to say I suppose.
Hedgie wingerxising and Shammrock plotzed.

Hoda said...

Both eaglettes plotzed using the railing for head rest! No adult eagle in site.

Hoda said...

On site or in sight!!! Sorry!

Hoda said...

Camera shakes Hedgie looks up.

Hoda said...

Eagle call not the chirps of the eaglettes. From the sound of it I think it is Shep. Both young ones continue to be plotzed.

Hoda said...

Ma Belle comes down to the nest and looks up to the cam/ Eaglettes wake up: is there food they want to nothing came in with MA!

She picks up nest left overs and feeds.

Camera shakes. I take it Shep took off.

Hoda said...

Belle moves to the top of the nest above the cup. Can only see part of her talons.

Shamrock keels over trying to do a poop shoot!!! Funny.

Hoda said...

Belle poofs. The eaglettes moved all the way to where she was and she took off. Camera shakes and they are now in the cup or above it. Both awake.

Hoda said...

Eaglettes made their way back to their spot at five and three...

Hoda said...

Missing you all...
I have been here for a long time on my own...
Where is everyone?
I hope you are having an awesome time.

WVJerry said...

Hi Hoda. Hope you are well. I'm only here for a little while...heading out to BK to get something to eat. I am surprised how much the eaglets have grown in short time. Glad to see they are on the high side of nest. I usually think they are going overboard when at the bottom of the nest. My vacation started about 3 hours ago and I'll be checking each day until we go to Delaware on Friday. Hoping to have good weather for some outdoor work and play. Do you have any plans today?

Hoda said...

Hi JERRY. Enjoy your vacation and safe travels on Friday. It is good to be on holiday. Always good to see your posts and enjoy your meal also at BK...Yesw they have grown a lot it seems every day there is a change. Their wing span today is what I am observing.

JudyEddy said...


Home from work and see both are passed out as always

JudyEddy said...

HODA you sound like me when I am all alone on the blog tooo

Hoda said...

All is well at the nest.
I am going to go read.
Chicks not attended and are awake.
I will keep an eye on the nest and I have the volume up in cases of any noise besides the wind.

Reading time. BBL

JudyEddy said...

Hey SIS I saw that Lester has seen my email at 1054pm Just noticed it that FB shows when they viewed the message So let just sit and wait

JudyEddy said...

OH NO you are leaving me alone HODA LOL

JudyEddy said...

adult in the nest can't tell back to us

JudyEddy said...

I think food was brought in Both chicks are up and being feed Looks like BELLE

JudyEddy said...

POOP Shoot by one and now eating made room for more

JudyEddy said...

OH OH One chick is out of site I only see bottom head is out of view at 12

Hoda said...

Still here JUDYE how is JORDYN?

Good feeding yes Belle.

JudyEddy said...

still can see only bottom of chick Belle is feeding the other

JudyEddy said...

She is better no fever at all last night had to be a 24hr thingy

JudyEddy said...

good can see the other chick now but still at 12 on edge of cam screen

JudyEddy said...

the little one is peaking on the fish himself AWWWw

Hoda said...

That is why I thought the chicklette moved up above the cup to peck on the fish!!! Time goes too too fast.

JudyEddy said...

eagle calling out Shep in nest arrived when I wasn't looking just heard

Sandi said...

Hi all! Have been absent from the blog today. Had a property owner's association meeting this morning, then worked on getting the minutes of the meeting out to everyone on the board for a proofread, and then worked on updating the association website.

I see the chicks are huddled up against Dad. It's still cold and windy here - the high was only 46 degrees but it felt colder b/c of the wind! Sure hope it's warmer where Paula is!! BRRRRR!

Jerry, I see you're coming to DE - whereabouts??

Margy, just read a post from my daughter-in-law, Lynnis, who is hiking in Harper's Ferry. She said the Virginia bluebells and spring beauties are coming out!! Had to do a Google search to see what both look like, but I'm sure you know all about them!

Jo, is a "fist bump" appropriate at the sign of peace during mass? =) That's what we do at the end of a tennis match if someone is worried about catching or giving germs.

OK, time for dinner. Later!

JudyEddy said...

both chicks are in cup area not a visible cup anymore Shep is just sitting there at 3 in nest

JudyEddy said...

70° right now

JudyEddy said...

just got done putting in pix in the album from the 1st I do tend to get behind My have they grown too when looked in the album

JudyEddy said...

Here is a update and picture from Catalina Island

WS Catalina Island update is here! Please enjoy!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

EAGLE CALLS Shep wants her down I guess

JudyEddy said...

He is moving from the chicks to 5

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I know Belle is in the attic because of the cam shake a min ago

JudyEddy said...

I see BELLE is home feeding the chicks

JudyEddy said...

that is a big fish next to Shamrock

stronghunter said...

Good evening. Feeding again, I see. Right now you can really see the whitewash on surrounding trees and crib rails. Yikes!

Kathryn has invited a couple of her friends from her divorce care group for dinner tonight. I joined them for a bit. Nice to see them enjoying one another and getting support

Judie said...

Seems most everyone is doing just fine. So happy the children were safe and cared for.

Glad you were able to watch baseball practice from your car, Shirley. It was chilly most of today.

Enjoy your vacation Jerry.

Hi to Michael and welcome home. Amazing to think he traveled alone considering all he has been through.

Remember to wash your hands, Jo.

Sorry for the family loss, Lolly.

Hope Lori is enjoying the evening with Kate and the critters.

Judie said...

It is time to put my feets up and ease myself into slumber land.

The sandperson will depart at 11pm. The night light is on should anyone need to arise in the darkness.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is tucked in for the evening

JudyEddy said...

and so is JUDIE Night SED

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

Yes, Sandi...
I know Spring Beauty and Virginia Jonesin' to go on out to Swinging Bridge to have a
look-see! Thanks for the Wildflower News!
Also: Sandi...I watch my grandson and his Dad do that fist-bump, it is pretty cute and affectionate as well

Michael's train should just about be roaring into the station pretty soon....☺♥ Happy Dance!

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

G'Night JudyE....and Judie...
Glad to hear Jordyn has bounced back and fever has gone bye-bye

magpie said...

I have finally seen Forsythia blooming....and lots of green leaves sprouting out of the ground

Welcome Spring...keep on Coming On !

magpie said...

I know what you mean about the
Night Glowing Poop Shoots on both sides of the nest! I saw that last night.....
And how nice, Kathryn and her lady pals there at your roost...sounds very cozy...

Janet said...

good evening all.

JUDYE: well, yes, we will wait and see......i made my decision btw, i am going up on the 20th. i will try my best to avoid any confrontations if anyone is there, i just think i need to go so we both know what happens....i just had to sleep on it last night to be sure. that's the best way for me to make difficult/important decisions....

had a good day. am home...made dinner, we ate. tom has been putting up the supports for the privacy fence panels he wants to put across the front of the back yard....olivia is being 11 almost 12.....yikes....

and i am tired. calling it an evening....good night all

magpie said...

That was some Great Nest Activity report earlier, Judy E and Hoda!
I think Shamrock needs to belly up to the bar a little more actively sometimes, but I think he, or coming along just fine, as is Hedgie !

Happy Vacation WV Jerry !!
Hope it feels like it lasts, forever!!!

magpie said...

Night-night, Janet, and to all at Your Roost....You put in some looooong hours, hope there is rest in the future for you "one of these days"

Hoda said...

Looks very windy at the nest!Belle's feathers are moving.

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening - Michael is home and didn't have any problems with traveling.
Everyone seems to have something good going on - GLO did say on FB that Dex was a bit under the weather.
Sandi - the fist bump sounds cool - I'll give it a try!
Enjoy your vacation time Jerry - hope you get to do some fishing.
Judy and Hoda - thanks for all the eagle nest activity comments..

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - I saw on FB that Suzi has taken up Rock Climbing! Good for her - just keep her on the low rocks!

Happy to hear that Kathryn has a good support group.

magpie said...

Welcome Home to Michael....
though I am sure North Carolina felt like home also ☺ ♥

Warm thoughts to ALL the Family Lennox, Jo....

magpie said...

Does sound "right breezy" at the nest, Hoda...

Guess I got that book mark to you just in the nick of time ☺

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 307   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...