Good Grief, it's late again! We had to watch some MPT~~~British show called Dr. Martin. Well I was at Chelsea today and go again tomorrow. First heard & then saw 3 hawks zipping around when I got there. 2 landed in an evergreen top, the other soared. Lots of squealing~~think RSH.Some deer came by and just one had one antler!!I walked the edge of the field before leaving & didn't find anything.
Re:Little black cat~~~Today she did not look like a watermelion, so she had something, somewhere.If she is feeding kittens, we may try to trap her in a few months and our Vet who lives across the street will spay her & then we can turn her loose. We don't know where her roost is located. Gotta go and be on egg watch tomorrow ☺ Good Health Prayers for ALL & Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Well I am very interested in all of your observations about Belle being restless...Oh Oh Oh did PAULA hear a chirp from a little eaglette...I remember last year and how awesome it was when LYNN kept answering my questions on what I was seeing and hearing...God Rest your soul dearest LYNN.
Good morning from the office. Let me just say you all have had me in tears!!! I just love love love the name choices. I know Mom would be so honored. Its only March 15th and the days are beginning to become more difficult. This time last yr, she started feeling so ill and going downhill. I so wish she could come back to us all. Gotta run, another call to give out.
It would be nice for the hatch to come during daylight when we all can see.
I am looking forward to enjoying this season with the eaglets. Last year, in addition to everything else going on, we were in a terrible legal dispute with a neighbor. It has long ago been settled. Can't give details, but we am much happier on that front this year.
Just have to say that lawyers are very expensive, but sometimes very necessary.
Had the nest on yesterdayy and the kids were really interested. This class has been weird. They have not been as excited as others, but gee should that surprise me? It's been a weird year. Love talking about it though especially prior to our own eggs getting set up. Was hoping those would arrive today, but I'm waiting for a incubator fan that I didn't have last year, so maybe it's better if they don't come today.
Good morning all you eagle momsters and dadsters. I see it still looks like no hatching yet. :( I think they are saving that for today, so everyone watching can see it in the daylight. Hope you all have a wonderful day. I'll certainly be watching, but it isn't the same when I can't blog all the time. Keep those eagle eyes peeled. :) <3
Good morning all you eagle momsters and dadsters. I see it still looks like no hatching yet. :( I think they are saving that for today, so everyone watching can see it in the daylight. Hope you all have a wonderful day. I'll certainly be watching, but it isn't the same when I can't blog all the time. Keep those eagle eyes peeled. :) <3
PAULA, have a safe trip and a great time at the beach. Hope you have good weather.
SANDI and DANAMO - your weekend is here, almost. Just a few more hours. Yes, this has been a long week!!
JANET, glad you're feeling better!
KAY, Big first good morning HUGS!
SHARON, how are you feeling? Your back, legs, hips, etc??? Extra coolies for all the fur babies!
ANDY, hope you get the relief you need to work and stay on the blog! :) Extra cookies for Emma.
It's been a long week with 3 tutoring sessions. But, KATE and Dalai arrive today, so I am excited! We should even have some snow so Dal can go sledding!
Hope everyone has a nice, safe day filled with laughter and joy in your heart, and a PIP in the nest!
Lori, I am feeling about the same. I put off my physical therapy appointment until after I see the neurosurgeon next week. I go Tuesday for my physical, i.e. Pap smear, pelvic exam, etc. I also will have the renal ultrasound that day to see what is up with the cyst on my kidney. Thanks everyone for your concern and prayers.
Good morning all. I was just loading the cam when Belle tended the eggs so didn't get much of a glimpse yet. Dex and I are off to coffee and dog treats. Lots of errands today but will have cam up when I am home. Can those of you with smart phones get the live cam on your phone or only the still? It's about time to invest in something here LOL.
One of my Scrabble friends was telling me of seeing an eagle catch a salmon too large to carry away. The eagle had to swim to shore and eat its talons free of salmon before it could fly.
I think I have seen videos of similar things, but it would be very interesting to see it happen before your eyes.
Think I will hang out here a little while, then I will need to go to Hunter's school. I forgot to tell him his mom had put his lunch money out, so I will need to take it to him.
Glo, I can get the still cam on my iPhone but not the live feed. You can watch the cam, I think, on Android phones. Apple doesn't allow flash player. Steve Jobs is gone. Apple needs to step up and change this.
I have found an amazing browser called Puffin Browser. You can download the app for free and use it for 14 days (I think) to try it out.
It does flash beautifull. You can leave tabs open and come back to them without any issues. It's welcome screen looks much like the Windows 8 screen with your favorite sites.
You can edit it to just have what you want on the home screen. You can have bookmarks, favorites, etc.
I use it for my blog and cams, so all I have to do is click on whatever tab I want to.
It works great on iphones and ipads!!
Check it out. The app is only $1.95 to purchase if you like it.
Thanks so much for the info Linda and Sharon. I am sending myself an email about the android phone and or puffin browser for iphone. Sounds like a plan. My next question would be the amount of data usage if I like leave the cam open a couple of hours a day while out and about doing whatever. I so wish I could take the cam with me today to run errands BUT of course I can't because I still have a stupid phone :-). Thanks again ladies.
LINDA, Thank YOU!!! I have already loaded the Puffin Browser and am so excited to be able to see the next on my iPad! First thing that's really worked for me. YAY! And, I have my own data plan for it, so I get to see the pips and eaglets more than I was expecting! Thanks again!
Like I said, I also open a tab with the blog, so I can remain in that browser all the time instead of Safari. I just switch between tabs to view or blog!!
I just got up didn't want to but did any way When I lay in bed I don't cough, blow nose or have congestion ODD but when I am up and about I do Doesn't make any sense to me why not in bed Movement makes me cough silly huh
My yard is so full of pollen from the big ole oak tree
wow lots of comment to read gonna go put on a pot of coffee just want to pop in before I began to clean up some do laundry but first coffee not that it has caffeine in it
LINDA I have my google browser homepage as the live cam also Its easy to do just go in your tool bar under internet explorer and General tab and copy and past the link you want as your home page I have about 6 different ie open not tabs I live Vista because they are on the bottom on my screen so i just click on the one if it is not on the screen I have the live still and bw up with blog fb and email stacked on top just the three I usually don't turn off puter unless of a update always on
Sara is Angies boss daughter and she spent a week in Guatemala doing volunteer hours for school Boy she really learned we have it easy here they have no heat or air no bathrooms That is what they did when they were there dug 8ft hole in the ground and laid cider blocks around the hole as a out house no Door A palm frong is used as a door and She was so surprised that they had to bring their own toilet paper since they have none there and they had to put it in a plastic bag not in the toilet Funny Sara said since they eat everything fresh she said there was nothing to wipe LOL She is 16 yrs old now OH and they have no ladders either so they had a rope down in the hole after they were done they pulled themselves out of the hole
I posted a pic of a skelton bone I found under the eagle nest funny thing it has something inside that rattles maybe dirt of small stones I put a picture on FB Its several inches long 4"
Back from shopping. Had to rush up and check the computer. Could not even find the current comments on my phone. I posted that one comment hoping it would get me to the end.
Confused, Judy. They go down into the hole for restroom time????
Just have to ask about that.
Toilet paper--yes, when Susan was in Ecuador, they did not put toilet paper in the toilet. Sewage system could not handle it. She was in the city. Did not have to dig a hole or take her own TP.
No they dug the 8-10ft hole and then build a small building around the hole They had to dig the hole and pull them selves out of the hole since they were at the bottom of the hole She was shocked they didn't have any ladders at all
I put the picture of the bone that I picked up at the eagle nest don't know what it is maybe a head its 4" long and at the widnerst point on the one end is 2"
Steve, I sure am wishing for a fresh new thread before you leave for the weekend. We are up to 525 and there is a lot going on over the next few days until Monday.
I downloaded the free Puffin browser and am watching the cam on my phone! WOOT!!! It didn't mention anything about 2 week free trial but I didn't read much either. It came up really fast.
Helen, aka Mits, sent me 2 photos of BWE osprey platform with a female there. Lisa hopes she will stay but knows she could just be passing through. Check out the osprey whenever you check out the eaglets. They are uncovered now and are really growing.
Thanks JO Pretty Pretty we see them here in Fl all over the place they are always on the light poles on the interstate Like they are watching traffic go by LOL
My eyes are getting burry - seems like I have been watching most of the afternoon - I think we need to set up "Watch Teams" I really am putting the cam aside or should I say I am putting Mema Jo aside for a while. Now is your chance Belle - Do it without me watching! lol
Just went shopping online for a bridge tablecloth. They are $50-$100. Geesh, for that I can get a new table.
Poker tablecloths are $7.99. We will be using poker tablecloths. They are felt and are decorated with a heart, a diamond, a spade, and a club. Same cards we use for bridge. Customer reviews were good. Did not even bother to read the customer reviews for the expensive ones.
I was thinking along the same lines when I went out this morning, Jo. Figured the hatch would happen while I was out.
Only think is, I think it is out of Belle's control, too. We are waiting on the eaglets.
Maybe they are as stubborn as Hunter. Asked him to walk Luna this afternoon. Got all kinds of complaints about why he should not have to do this, so I said, "Okay, I will walk her." Nope! "I walk my dog," said he. And he did.
Maybe we should tell the little buggers just to stay right where they are.
Shirley - you just can not out think Hunter. I think your poker cloth for the less money will be great - it covers the table the same as the bridge card one would I should think.
Some of my friends have been using the felt covers. Now, some of these ladies are fancy enough that they have maids to clean their already spic and span houses, but I bet they do not pay those prices for their bridge table covers.
The tables have been used for lots of things and have some scratches, etc. So I want to cover the damage. Really, I could buy a new table for less than the prices I was seeing.
Good heavens!!! A friend from the UK just told me that Her Majesty's Gov't is going to charge them a spare bedroom tax as of the first of April! So if you have a guest bedroom in your home you pay for it same if you have children or grandchildren staying with you...three bedroom taxes for you SHIRLEY!!! Stupid is as stupid does is what I told her. They are usually very aware of supporting family and health and welfare, but an extra tax for having a spare bedroom? I suggested she put a computer desk or a filing cabinet in the room and call it an office instead of a bedroom. She is disabled too at that!!! Go figure!!!
I only have heard of bed tax in resort or vacation area Hotel etc charge bed tax as well as state and city and local But to tax my xtra bed room that would suck since I have a three bed room house and only use on I would be dob-uble taxed I guess HUH silly idea she has I hope they veto it LOL
Good Friday afternoon my eagle friends! So, no eagle babies yet. Some of the kids on the team watched this morning with me from 8am til 8:30 - that's the only time all day i got to look at the nest.
Had National Junior Honor Society Induction today - of course, none of my special ed. kids were inducted (wish they'd be ABducted!!!). Still it was a nice ceremony and a nice reminder that we have a lot of hardworking, conscientious kids on the team, even though they're often forgotten in the mayhem of dealing with the large number of kids who have no clue about how to behave.
This morning in my first period math classroom, one of the young ladies (and I use that term very loosely) said out loud that she wanted to shoot every teacher on the team! It was reported by the classroom teacher. When an administrator came to escort her to the office, she shoved the female administrator. She will not be returning to the hallway - or the school for that matter.
Yesterday, lockers were searched on the other 8th grade hallway. Eight girls were suspended for having vodka in their "water bottles." Today, another one of our girls had her locker searched while the kids were at lunch - she never returned to the hallway. Don't know what that was about and didn't have the energy to find out at the end of the day. It's just one thing after another - unbelievable!!
Hoda, speaking of unbelievable ... a tax on having a spare bedroom???? Sounds like something the US government would think of!
Lynne2, I see the funny wing thing with Shep. I thought maybe he's trying to take up more space so he doesn't drop too deep into the egg cup, since he's so much smaller than Belle.
OK, need to find something sweet and not good for me to snack on. Later!
WOW! Sandi - I can remember when having chewing gum in your mouth was reason for detention - I could not cope with what you all do in this day and age.
Camera shakes Belle chirps Shep must have landed on the cam...Maybe it is Shep who is chirping as I did not see Belle's beak open. She just looked up twice.
It really is something, Sandi. I have had students bring guns to school--they got expelled for the rest of the year for that one.
And the principal told me that a kid knocked him down when he was trying to stop a fight on the bus. The kid's father congratulated his son for his behavior.
The principal also told me that one day he was in the midst of a bunch of fighting kids who knocked him down. It was at night--a ball game, I think. He said parents drove by looking at what was going on, but no one offered to help or called police.
On the other hand, I was subbing one day when a couple of boy almost got into a fight. Other kids jumped in, pulled them apart and calmed them down. Thanks to their intervention, I was able to get by with a simple note to the teacher.
ONGosh Sandi! Holy Cow! Hard to believe the behavior of some kids. Where are their parents? What makes them think they can do these things. I just don't understand.
I do think the teachers here could market a Survivor Show of their very own... and No One would get Kicked off !! You are ALL Survivors! God Bless You for what you do (and have done in the past, our retirees...) - day in and day out... (( Hugs )) ♥
Margy, thanks for the support! Many days this year I drive home from school singing the Gloria Gaynor song, "I Will Survive!!" =) 57 more days!!
Dana, teaching kindergarten is looking mighty good right about now!!
Weather forecast here is for rain all day tomorrow and then rain turning to ice and/or snow Saturday night and then back to rain on Sunday. Yuk! Hope the weekend weather forecast is better at the nest!
Shep is repositioning himself - don't see anything happening with the eggs.
Oh, Foodaddle, Eagle Buds. I hoped to see some pipping at least ! Mustn't rush Mother Nature, I guess.
Thanks for the big Hug, LORI ! Love you, girl !
SHAR, I'm praying for you daily. I didn't realize you have a cyst on a kidney---is that "again" or is it one they've been watching ? Can't wait for you to get answers and all the treatments necessary !
JEWELS, I loved reading your thoughts on the names we're thinking of. I lost my precious mother to cancer when I was just 28 and she only 45. I still miss her and wish she'd been able to watch my kids grow up, but God needed another angel at that time. You'll always miss your mom, but you'll be grateful for all the wonderful memories of times you shared ! We all love you !!!!!!
Time for some din love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Hello, EagleBuds. I finally got on this site w/DumDum work 'puter. Thx for the egg update. I hope I can see it at the Park tomorrow. I'm filling in for a lady who had to leave town as her mid-40's sister is very ill. We had 2 of the hawks zipping around awhile ago & being chased by crows. I think they are the same ones. Have to ID them. BTW, Got here later than usual as we were playing cops and robbers at home. Someone broke into basement window & door of house next door about a week ago. We didn't see it happen, but a couple hours later a strange guy was hopping fences a few yards up and went out to the street and walked down. He had a small backpack. A neighbor?? (he hates groundhogs-BOO)behind girl's house could see that her door was open! She was on the way home from work when we got in touch w/her. The only thing missing was a laptop she uses from the State Dept!!!!! This AM Fubby saw that original weird guy I had described seeing before coming out of her house & walking down the driveway. He started running down the street and Fubby went after him. I saw a couple cars make U turns to chase also. Then Fubby disappeared! I didn't know if one of the auto people picked him up or what. He eventually walked home & called police. I flagged one down & that officer was able to talk to the other car chasers. One lady said she asked guy where he got computer & he said it was mine!!!One neighbor knows where he lives, but he wasn't there of course. Neighbor girl came home & said he got another Gov't. laptop and the old one at that!!!Maybe they'll post a guard at her house! BBL
Well Loretta reading your post is better than going to the movies!!! Glad you and Fubby are alright and the gall of some people!!! A neighbour at that!!!
SANDI I so much know what you are talking about with the checks and the threats and the general high amount of anger at the schools. It was one of the reasons I needed out and retired with a reduced pension. I was at the magic number and I bailed. age plus experience equals 85 and I was done!!! I feel sorry for the parents.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 949 Newer› Newest»I loved your black kitty story, Loretta.
Are you saying that some where Blackie has kitties?
Going to go to bed before that sandman gets here. Friday is almost here and so might be an egg with a pip ♥
I love us and Good Night to all ♥
Loretta, Maybe you shoud name the new kitty Frances. Has she had her litter yet?
SED to all. Hoping for a pip or a hatch tonihgt.
Loved your story, too, Loretta. If she has had the babies, she will truly be in need of food.
About to go to bed but wanted to check in first. Getting up early in the morn. Ugh! See still no pip but a restless Belle. Hmmmmm??
Loved the little black kitty story. I am sitting here with Izzybelly! She is one chubby kitty!
Egg roll.
Belle is still awake.
Now tucked. And it is time for me to get tucked into my own bed. SED. See you tomorrow.
Good Grief, it's late again! We had to watch some MPT~~~British show called Dr. Martin.
Well I was at Chelsea today and go again tomorrow. First heard & then saw 3 hawks zipping around when I got there. 2 landed in an evergreen top, the other soared. Lots of squealing~~think RSH.Some deer came by and just one had one antler!!I walked the edge of the field before leaving & didn't find anything.
Re:Little black cat~~~Today she did not look like a watermelion, so she had something, somewhere.If she is feeding kittens, we may try to trap her in a few months and our Vet who lives across the street will spay her & then we can turn her loose. We don't know where her roost is located.
Gotta go and be on egg watch tomorrow ☺
Good Health Prayers for ALL & Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Sorry,NOT watermelion
Well, I am still here, and Belle is rolling the eggs again.
Could not tell what I was seeing there. Did get a look at the eggs, but pic it too fuzzy.
. . . is too fuzzy.
Saw that egg roll, too.
Will be watching in the morning before I leave.
SED, love and hugs for all. ♥
Belle is definitely restless tonight. She is awake and moving around again.
Good night, Paula.
Well I am very interested in all of your observations about Belle being restless...Oh Oh Oh did PAULA hear a chirp from a little eaglette...I remember last year and how awesome it was when LYNN kept answering my questions on what I was seeing and hearing...God Rest your soul dearest LYNN.
Posted pictures of some of the dishes we prepared in the Asian Fusion cooking experience.
Belle is tucked in now...
Belle awake, not tucked in and is egg roll.
After some pruning she is tucked back in.
All is well with the nest and Belle is comfortably tucked in.
Belle tucked. All is quiet at the nest.
Good morning from the office. Let me just say you all have had me in tears!!! I just love love love the name choices. I know Mom would be so honored. Its only March 15th and the days are beginning to become more difficult. This time last yr, she started feeling so ill and going downhill. I so wish she could come back to us all.
Gotta run, another call to give out.
I was thinking a while back Hedgie and Lynnie
Just checked the nest. Belle settling on the eggs again. Did not see them, so I do not know.
Carolyn, I have been thinking of you these days. This time last year was difficult for all of us.
Good morning!
So tired...and we have a busy weekend. I'm not thinking it will get much better.
Time to read back to see what all the night owls had to say :)
Belle is awake.
Well, she was. Tucked again now.
Good Friday morning Shirley, Dana, Jewels, and all my eagle friends!
This has been the longest week EVER ... and there is still one more day to do! UGGHH!!!!
Belle sis tucked in but it sounds like she has done a lot of checking and rolling. Maybe today will be our first hatch?
Prayers for all - make it a great day! Have a safe trip, Paula - hope the weather is nicer than the forecast is predicting!
Shirley, I cannot even begin to explain :(
I was older than you are when I lost my mother. And I still miss her.
Hi Sandi,
I so much remember those days. But it is Friday. You have the weekend ahead. And spring is coming.
It would be nice for the hatch to come during daylight when we all can see.
I am looking forward to enjoying this season with the eaglets. Last year, in addition to everything else going on, we were in a terrible legal dispute with a neighbor. It has long ago been settled. Can't give details, but we am much happier on that front this year.
Just have to say that lawyers are very expensive, but sometimes very necessary.
We are much happier... sometimes cut and paste can mess you up!
Ma Belle is awake, just did a beak to eggs check a few minutes ago
It feels a lot warmer outside and no wind this morning, how nice !
Good Morning Eagle Pals
(( Hugs to All ))
Happy RED Friday xo
And especially
(( Hugs )) to Jewels, Christie and
all the family
♥ We're With You...every day
Thinking of you Jewels and Christie. I can't even imagine.
Good morning Sandi and Margy. Yes, it has been the longest week ever. I think the closer to spring break we get the longer the days get!!
Had the nest on yesterdayy and the kids were really interested. This class has been weird. They have not been as excited as others, but gee should that surprise me? It's been a weird year. Love talking about it though especially prior to our own eggs getting set up. Was hoping those would arrive today, but I'm waiting for a incubator fan that I didn't have last year, so maybe it's better if they don't come today.
Belle calling.
Just tracked it. Looks like the fan will be here tomorrow.
chirps from nest. Love that sound. :)
Eagle Calling Out time
Has been a long night for her.
To Our Teachers:
I hope this is the Fastest Friday and the Slowest Saturday and Sunday in history for you All...
Thanks for all you do for all of us, not just your students
Yes, Dana, that was a classic eagle call.
I thnk she said: Shep, go get breakfast for me, please...
and He said: Okay, Honey
very happy for you that This Springtime of the year is free of
what Last Springtime had going on ...
And that is is enjoyable to the Hilt
back before worktime, doing
the Friday Morning Shuffle
xo ♥
good morning all.
tom begins spring break today. olivia has one more week.
i am simply going to work and gonna make it a good day.
light, love and hugs to all!!!!
Good morning my faithful friends.
Eagle calls.
So, now she is saying,"Okay, Sheppie boy, where art thou?"
Was reading about Nelson, BC, when all of the calling started.
Good morning all you eagle momsters and dadsters. I see it still looks like no hatching yet. :( I think they are saving that for today, so everyone watching can see it in the daylight. Hope you all have a wonderful day. I'll certainly be watching, but it isn't the same when I can't blog all the time. Keep those eagle eyes peeled. :) <3
Good morning all you eagle momsters and dadsters. I see it still looks like no hatching yet. :( I think they are saving that for today, so everyone watching can see it in the daylight. Hope you all have a wonderful day. I'll certainly be watching, but it isn't the same when I can't blog all the time. Keep those eagle eyes peeled. :) <3
Good Morning More Eagle Pals...
Candy, Janet, T-Bird...
and it's that time, the clock
ticketh and Tempus is Fugit-ing
"See You" from work I hope...
Paula: Happy Paradising it today, looks like nice weather for traveling!
xoxo ((All Day Hugs )) xo ♥
Good FRIDAY Morning, everyone!
PAULA, have a safe trip and a great time at the beach. Hope you have good weather.
SANDI and DANAMO - your weekend is here, almost. Just a few more hours. Yes, this has been a long week!!
JANET, glad you're feeling better!
KAY, Big first good morning HUGS!
SHARON, how are you feeling? Your back, legs, hips, etc??? Extra coolies for all the fur babies!
ANDY, hope you get the relief you need to work and stay on the blog! :) Extra cookies for Emma.
It's been a long week with 3 tutoring sessions. But, KATE and Dalai arrive today, so I am excited! We should even have some snow so Dal can go sledding!
Hope everyone has a nice, safe day filled with laughter and joy in your heart, and a PIP in the nest!
Pink tinge to the nest in the early morning sunlight.
Good morning my eagle budlets.
Lori, I am feeling about the same. I put off my physical therapy appointment until after I see the neurosurgeon next week. I go Tuesday for my physical, i.e. Pap smear, pelvic exam, etc. I also will have the renal ultrasound that day to see what is up with the cyst on my kidney. Thanks everyone for your concern and prayers.
Sure would love to see an eagle pop out today.
Good morning SHARON and SHIRLEY!
Bakatcha LORI.
Belle up for a stretch and a roll.
She's facing 1 now
Eggs in view briefly. Do not think there is a pip, but did not get a good view.
I am going to pick up my brother on the way to the beach. We'll see how he's doing...hope he's turned the corner...I'll let you know...I sure hope so.
I see the reddish remains of whatever that was Belle ate yesterday. At least, I don't think that is pink from the sunrise.
Hope you get it all fixed, Sharon.
Best wishes for your brother, Paula.
Something is backing up there on the grounds at NCTC.
Good morning all. I was just loading the cam when Belle tended the eggs so didn't get much of a glimpse yet. Dex and I are off to coffee and dog treats. Lots of errands today but will have cam up when I am home. Can those of you with smart phones get the live cam on your phone or only the still? It's about time to invest in something here LOL.
Getting further away. You wonder what would be backing up so much.
I don't think I can get any cams on my iPhone, Glo.
Can get pictures from FB, etc., but not the live cams.
Lots of morning sounds at the nest.
One of my Scrabble friends was telling me of seeing an eagle catch a salmon too large to carry away. The eagle had to swim to shore and eat its talons free of salmon before it could fly.
I think I have seen videos of similar things, but it would be very interesting to see it happen before your eyes.
He was in BC at the time. On a fishing boat.
Think I will hang out here a little while, then I will need to go to Hunter's school. I forgot to tell him his mom had put his lunch money out, so I will need to take it to him.
Cam image looks nice and clear this morning.
Glo, I can get the still cam on my iPhone but not the live feed. You can watch the cam, I think, on Android phones. Apple doesn't allow flash player. Steve Jobs is gone. Apple needs to step up and change this.
Shaking in the tree.
Nick is full of it this morning! I think he knows!
Belle up and wing flapping,..up into the tree she goes...eggs in view
Shep in...blocking our view.
Or maybe that was Shep leaving the tree. He has a visible white feather on his back today.
Goodl Morning!!
I think I have finally crossed over to the living again!! Haven't been this sick in a LONG time!!
Have some catching up to do, but have checked in on the cam as often as I have had energy to.
For iPhone and iPad users...
I have found an amazing browser called Puffin Browser. You can download the app for free and use it for 14 days (I think) to try it out.
It does flash beautifull. You can leave tabs open and come back to them without any issues. It's welcome screen looks much like the Windows 8 screen with your favorite sites.
You can edit it to just have what you want on the home screen. You can have bookmarks, favorites, etc.
I use it for my blog and cams, so all I have to do is click on whatever tab I want to.
It works great on iphones and ipads!!
Check it out. The app is only $1.95 to purchase if you like it.
I watch the live cam and blog on y iPad all the time and I love it!
When I am away, I can pull the live cam up on my iphone all the time.
I highly recommend those of you who have either of these products to try it.
For me it is like having different tabs open in your regular browser. They stay live like they do in windows.
Puffin Browser App is really great.
Just wanted those of you who can't see the cam with your "iProducts" to know about this little gem I have recently found.
One more plug for the Puffin Browser...
I never close my favorite tabs like the cam or the blog, but I was able to set the live cam as my home page on this thing, too.
Whenever I open the Puffin app, I see the live cam!
I used to use that iSwifter app, but everytime I went to another app, it had to start all over again and the favorites never worked properly.
Seriously.....try this app!
Great! Will have to give it a try, Linda.
Going to have to head over to Hunter's school to deliver lunch money.
Thanks so much for the info Linda and Sharon. I am sending myself an email about the android phone and or puffin browser for iphone. Sounds like a plan. My next question would be the amount of data usage if I like leave the cam open a couple of hours a day while out and about doing whatever. I so wish I could take the cam with me today to run errands BUT of course I can't because I still have a stupid phone :-). Thanks again ladies.
GLO - I am not sure, but my guess would be that you wouldn't use all that much.
They say that live streaming radio and movies takes more data, but most of my data use is through wifi. The cam would NOT be like that.
You can also open it, check it out and then close it. I don't think it will take up much data.
We have to pay for 1MB with our smartphone plan and we use next to nothing of it.
SHARON or PAULA may be able to give you a better idea of data usage.
Just clicked on the nest, and Shep looked up at me as if to say, "Well, hello there."
LINDA, Thank YOU!!! I have already loaded the Puffin Browser and am so excited to be able to see the next on my iPad! First thing that's really worked for me. YAY!
And, I have my own data plan for it, so I get to see the pips and eaglets more than I was expecting! Thanks again!
NEST, not next...
Great to hear it is working well for you, Lori.
At home, I just use my ipad with the wifi.
Like I said, I also open a tab with the blog, so I can remain in that browser all the time instead of Safari. I just switch between tabs to view or blog!!
Good morning - Shep on the nest - I liked your picture Shirley but sure hope a pip appears today rather then tonight so we can see it.
Nothing big planned for today
Taxes will be done this afternoon
Going to be PIP watching most of the day ..........
I just got up didn't want to but did any way When I lay in bed I don't cough, blow nose or have congestion ODD but when I am up and about I do Doesn't make any sense to me why not in bed Movement makes me cough silly huh
My yard is so full of pollen from the big ole oak tree
wow lots of comment to read gonna go put on a pot of coffee just want to pop in before I began to clean up some do laundry but first coffee not that it has caffeine in it
Good morning, checked the comments. See no mention of pip.
up for a roll let peak
Nice poop shoot Shep!
Good late morning all.
Just saw the first in a long time for me poop shoot from Shep. Can't see any pips, but the pic is a bit fuzzy when enlarged.
Maine Eagle Cam has an egg today.
The watch continues
wow beautiful wing spread
I am not sure I have ever seen
a Shep Poop Shoot, grannyblt, one would think I would remember
that kind of thing, for SURE.
Good Afternoon and Good Morning in some place still, more Eagle Pals
oh Maine, now that's a nest that has its troubles over the years
Thanks Lynne1 for the news.
can't check it from work though :(
Back from morning errands. I am glad I didn't miss anything :-) BUT I think there is something happening either under Shep or outside the nest
wing flaps again got a good pic off thesitll
Having lunch at Target. Just checking in.
It looks to me like Shep keeps flapping his wings at something near the nest.
I can see Shep spot really good now Steve may have done something you think???
LINDA I have my google browser homepage as the live cam also
Its easy to do just go in your tool bar under internet explorer and General tab and copy and past the link you want as your home page I have about 6 different ie open not tabs I live Vista because they are on the bottom on my screen so i just click on the one if it is not on the screen I have the live still and bw up with blog fb and email stacked on top just the three I usually don't turn off puter unless of a update always on
Sara is Angies boss daughter and she spent a week in Guatemala doing volunteer hours for school Boy she really learned we have it easy here they have no heat or air no bathrooms That is what they did when they were there dug 8ft hole in the ground and laid cider blocks around the hole as a out house no Door A palm frong is used as a door and She was so surprised that they had to bring their own toilet paper since they have none there and they had to put it in a plastic bag not in the toilet Funny Sara said since they eat everything fresh she said there was nothing to wipe LOL She is 16 yrs old now OH and they have no ladders either so they had a rope down in the hole after they were done they pulled themselves out of the hole
I posted a pic of a skelton bone I found under the eagle nest funny thing it has something inside that rattles maybe dirt of small stones I put a picture on FB Its several inches long 4"
There is an awful lot of egg rolling today.
Back from shopping. Had to rush up and check the computer. Could not even find the current comments on my phone. I posted that one comment hoping it would get me to the end.
Confused, Judy. They go down into the hole for restroom time????
Just have to ask about that.
Toilet paper--yes, when Susan was in Ecuador, they did not put toilet paper in the toilet. Sewage system could not handle it. She was in the city. Did not have to dig a hole or take her own TP.
No they dug the 8-10ft hole and then build a small building around the hole They had to dig the hole and pull them selves out of the hole since they were at the bottom of the hole She was shocked they didn't have any ladders at all
the basically built lots of outhouses with out doors
Right Sharon, lots of rolling and very little bit of view of eggs.
Good afternoon all at the Sycamore.
I put the picture of the bone that I picked up at the eagle nest don't know what it is maybe a head its 4" long and at the widnerst point on the one end is 2"
what am I
BELLE is in the house
so pretty she is
Belle just arrived with more fluff.
Shep is still on the cup and Belle is at 5
SHEP is up some eagle chirps now
Good view of the eggs for the moment there.
Eggs still look intact.
I'm still Pip watching
Steve, I sure am wishing for a fresh new thread before you leave for the weekend. We are up to 525 and there is a lot going on over the next few days until Monday.
I downloaded the free Puffin browser and am watching the cam on my phone! WOOT!!! It didn't mention anything about 2 week free trial but I didn't read much either. It came up really fast.
The Flash trial is 14 days.
Did anyone else "think" maybe they heard little chirps. Yes i have been known to have quite an imagination in the past LOL.
Its tooo windy to hear for me
I love how she cocks her head and looks to the camera
WOW BELLE do is being blown
Helen, aka Mits, sent me 2 photos of BWE osprey platform with a female there. Lisa hopes she will stay but knows she could just be passing through.
Check out the osprey whenever you check out the eaglets. They are uncovered now and are really growing.
Belle just looked down. I think we have something at least in the process.
I miss Mits! :(
BELLE is up for a roll
Egg rolls about 20 - 25 mins apart - Hope that is a good sign!
OK no clear view yet to determine about a pip.
Safe trip PAULA.
JO I thought the same thing. I hope we get a new thread before STEVE leaves for the weekend.
Goodmorning, for it is stillmorning here.
Quiet day here today and I think I am staying in.
Would like to see a hatch today...we'll see.
Keep us posted with all your medical exams SHAR please.
I read a wonderful poster today that said:
Don't mess with the affairs of DRAGONS
For you are crunchy and good with ketchup...
Now I wonder why I would have thought of sending it to JUDIE???LOL!!! Love you JUDIE.
Those eaglets are going to hatch dizzy from all of the rolling.
I lost the BW cam has anyone else refresh just get a black screen
Windy at the nest...Belle just looking around.
BW came back
JudyE The BW Osprey cam has the osprey at the platform
Thanks JO Pretty Pretty we see them here in Fl all over the place
they are always on the light poles on the interstate Like they are watching traffic go by LOL
Did some digging in the cup and an egg roll but I did not get a view of the eggs. Her back to the cam
I got a pic of her and the eggs and put on facebook tooo and I see nothing
My eyes are getting burry - seems like I have been watching most of the afternoon - I think we need to set up "Watch Teams"
I really am putting the cam aside or should I say I am putting Mema Jo aside for a while. Now is your chance Belle -
Do it without me watching! lol
Just went shopping online for a bridge tablecloth. They are $50-$100. Geesh, for that I can get a new table.
Poker tablecloths are $7.99. We will be using poker tablecloths. They are felt and are decorated with a heart, a diamond, a spade, and a club. Same cards we use for bridge. Customer reviews were good. Did not even bother to read the customer reviews for the expensive ones.
I was thinking along the same lines when I went out this morning, Jo. Figured the hatch would happen while I was out.
Only think is, I think it is out of Belle's control, too. We are waiting on the eaglets.
Maybe they are as stubborn as Hunter. Asked him to walk Luna this afternoon. Got all kinds of complaints about why he should not have to do this, so I said, "Okay, I will walk her." Nope! "I walk my dog," said he. And he did.
Maybe we should tell the little buggers just to stay right where they are.
Not yet!
Clear view of the eggs.
Down she goes.
Funny story SHIRLEY about HUNTER and I WALK MY DOG!!!
Gotta love this teenager!
Yes, great strategy and
wonderful effect, Shirley...
See you later.....
next shift is coming in....
xo ♥
we have wing leaning! I remember that from last time....not all the way down on the nest, but using wing to prop....
Very busy today not much time to chat but I'm watching!
Shirley - you just can not out think Hunter. I think your poker cloth for the less money will be great - it covers the table the same as the bridge card one would I should think.
I see the wing leaning.
Do I hear chirps? I do, but that could be a bird nearby.
Some of my friends have been using the felt covers. Now, some of these ladies are fancy enough that they have maids to clean their already spic and span houses, but I bet they do not pay those prices for their bridge table covers.
The tables have been used for lots of things and have some scratches, etc. So I want to cover the damage. Really, I could buy a new table for less than the prices I was seeing.
Maybe the wing prop is to prevent being blown over by the wind, Lynne.
Good heavens!!! A friend from the UK just told me that Her Majesty's Gov't is going to charge them a spare bedroom tax as of the first of April! So if you have a guest bedroom in your home you pay for it same if you have children or grandchildren staying with you...three bedroom taxes for you SHIRLEY!!! Stupid is as stupid does is what I told her. They are usually very aware of supporting family and health and welfare, but an extra tax for having a spare bedroom? I suggested she put a computer desk or a filing cabinet in the room and call it an office instead of a bedroom. She is disabled too at that!!! Go figure!!!
I thinks she just may be to wide to fit in the cup area LOL the wing won't tuck LOL
I only have heard of bed tax in resort or vacation area Hotel etc charge bed tax as well as state and city and local But to tax my xtra bed room that would suck since I have a three bed room house and only use on I would be dob-uble taxed I guess HUH silly idea she has I hope they veto it LOL
I hear kids in the background must be the school
lots of talking too
That sounds strange, indeed, Hoda.
How many spare bedrooms at Buckingham Palace?
We will see, Jo. I took the 5-8 day delivery, since it was free. I do not have bridge at my house until April 17, so there is time.
Turned up the volume. Now I hear children.
Was that a yawn or what Did not hear a call.
Good Friday afternoon my eagle friends! So, no eagle babies yet. Some of the kids on the team watched this morning with me from 8am til 8:30 - that's the only time all day i got to look at the nest.
Had National Junior Honor Society Induction today - of course, none of my special ed. kids were inducted (wish they'd be ABducted!!!). Still it was a nice ceremony and a nice reminder that we have a lot of hardworking, conscientious kids on the team, even though they're often forgotten in the mayhem of dealing with the large number of kids who have no clue about how to behave.
This morning in my first period math classroom, one of the young ladies (and I use that term very loosely) said out loud that she wanted to shoot every teacher on the team! It was reported by the classroom teacher. When an administrator came to escort her to the office, she shoved the female administrator. She will not be returning to the hallway - or the school for that matter.
Yesterday, lockers were searched on the other 8th grade hallway. Eight girls were suspended for having vodka in their "water bottles." Today, another one of our girls had her locker searched while the kids were at lunch - she never returned to the hallway. Don't know what that was about and didn't have the energy to find out at the end of the day. It's just one thing after another - unbelievable!!
Hoda, speaking of unbelievable ... a tax on having a spare bedroom???? Sounds like something the US government would think of!
Lynne2, I see the funny wing thing with Shep. I thought maybe he's trying to take up more space so he doesn't drop too deep into the egg cup, since he's so much smaller than Belle.
OK, need to find something sweet and not good for me to snack on. Later!
Oops, now I see that this is Belle - so much for my theory! Didn't even pay attention to the fact there's no spot.
WOW! Sandi - I can remember when having chewing gum in your mouth was reason for detention - I could not cope with what you all do in this day and age.
Time to think about dinner....
Camera shakes Belle chirps Shep must have landed on the cam...Maybe it is Shep who is chirping as I did not see Belle's beak open. She just looked up twice.
poop shoot
I think she left shep in the house
Belle off the eggs...clear view no pip . She takes to wing and in comes Shep
He does a woddle not a wiggle
It really is something, Sandi. I have had students bring guns to school--they got expelled for the rest of the year for that one.
And the principal told me that a kid knocked him down when he was trying to stop a fight on the bus. The kid's father congratulated his son for his behavior.
The principal also told me that one day he was in the midst of a bunch of fighting kids who knocked him down. It was at night--a ball game, I think. He said parents drove by looking at what was going on, but no one offered to help or called police.
Carol id'd my bone I posted as a curfex bone fish I google it and yep that is what it is
crucifix fish wow this is a supper long link
On the other hand, I was subbing one day when a couple of boy almost got into a fight. Other kids jumped in, pulled them apart and calmed them down. Thanks to their intervention, I was able to get by with a simple note to the teacher.
Couple of boys . . .
crucifix fish I misspelled it in the paragraph but correct in the blue link silly fingers
ONGosh Sandi! Holy Cow! Hard to believe the behavior of some kids. Where are their parents? What makes them think they can do these things. I just don't understand.
I'll take the silly crap I have to deal with day in and day out over that stuff any day!
Eating cereal for dinner because I don't know what other meatless dish I want to have tonight. Already had tuna this afternoon.
Well if we don't get a new thread
we WILL be hitting the triple
quite soon
Good News about those Osprey
at BWO - saw both pictures.
Thanks for the Mits via Jo
Alert on that
I betcha Paula will see some
Ospreys and a whole lot of other
Cool Stuff at Paula's Paradise this week-end
Oh, by the way, I did see a SNOW report for Sunday into Monday
sorry, I hope the forecast changes
to something nicer
Grilled Cheese Sammich and Tomato Soup, Dana!
But cereal is comforting also
I do think the teachers here
could market a
Survivor Show of their very own...
and No One would get Kicked off !!
You are ALL Survivors!
God Bless You for what you do (and have done in the past, our retirees...) -
day in and day out...
(( Hugs )) ♥
Margy, thanks for the support! Many days this year I drive home from school singing the Gloria Gaynor song, "I Will Survive!!" =) 57 more days!!
Dana, teaching kindergarten is looking mighty good right about now!!
Weather forecast here is for rain all day tomorrow and then rain turning to ice and/or snow Saturday night and then back to rain on Sunday. Yuk! Hope the weekend weather forecast is better at the nest!
Shep is repositioning himself - don't see anything happening with the eggs.
Grilled cheese it is and tomato soup
By Monday we are going to be batting
1000+ comments.
So be it
Oh, Foodaddle, Eagle Buds. I hoped to see some pipping at least ! Mustn't rush Mother Nature, I guess.
Thanks for the big Hug, LORI ! Love you, girl !
SHAR, I'm praying for you daily. I didn't realize you have a cyst on a kidney---is that "again" or is it one they've been watching ? Can't wait for you to get answers and all the treatments necessary !
JEWELS, I loved reading your thoughts on the names we're thinking of. I lost my precious mother to cancer when I was just 28 and she only 45. I still miss her and wish she'd been able to watch my kids grow up, but God needed another angel at that time. You'll always miss your mom, but you'll be grateful for all the wonderful memories of times you shared ! We all love you !!!!!!
Time for some din love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Lovely message, Kay....
sad, but glorious too...
Headed out to make a delivery of
personal items to Lorraine...
looks ... right too cloudy for comet watching later
Like your choice of songs ♪ ♫
I'll try to be a good girl Jo
and not Magpie too much ☺
xoxo ttfn ♥
Hello, EagleBuds. I finally got on this site w/DumDum work 'puter. Thx for the egg update. I hope I can see it at the Park tomorrow. I'm filling in for a lady who had to leave town as her mid-40's sister is very ill.
We had 2 of the hawks zipping around awhile ago & being chased by crows. I think they are the same ones. Have to ID them.
BTW, Got here later than usual as we were playing cops and robbers at home. Someone broke into basement window & door of house next door about a week ago. We didn't see it happen, but a couple hours later a strange guy was hopping fences a few yards up and went out to the street and walked down. He had a small backpack. A neighbor?? (he hates groundhogs-BOO)behind girl's house could see that her door was open! She was on the way home from work when we got in touch w/her. The only thing missing was a laptop she uses from the State Dept!!!!! This AM Fubby saw that original weird guy I had described seeing before coming out of her house & walking down the driveway. He started running down the street and Fubby went after him. I saw a couple cars make U turns to chase also. Then Fubby disappeared! I didn't know if one of the auto people picked him up or what. He eventually walked home & called police. I flagged one down & that officer was able to talk to the other car chasers. One lady said she asked guy where he got computer & he said it was mine!!!One neighbor knows where he lives, but he wasn't there of course. Neighbor girl came home & said he got another Gov't. laptop and the old one at that!!!Maybe they'll post a guard at her house!
Just had a call from Judie
Computer repairman is still there working on their computer. She was making sure we don't have a bobble head
So we to notify Judie and Paula when we get that PIP
Repositioning and cup digging a short view of one egg and no pip from what I can tell. Did not see the other egg clearly.
Lunch here is Kale omlette with onions.
Well Loretta reading your post is better than going to the movies!!!
Glad you and Fubby are alright and the gall of some people!!! A neighbour at that!!!
SANDI I so much know what you are talking about with the checks and the threats and the general high amount of anger at the schools. It was one of the reasons I needed out and retired with a reduced pension. I was at the magic number and I bailed. age plus experience equals 85 and I was done!!! I feel sorry for the parents.
Thank you JO for letting us know about JUDIE and her Puter. I hope all is well before too long.
Belle to Shep. "Be sure you keep those eggs well tucked in". Shep "OK Ma I'm on it!!!"
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