Wednesday, March 13, 2013


New thread.


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Hoda said...

Does anyone else on FB experience a change of setting without you doing it??? Apparently mine changed to family since yesterday and I had no clue till a friend asked why I was not posting!!! I had not knowingly changed it any one else notice this happening?

One egg way forward in the cup and I see the other too and no pips.

Hoda said...

More digging in the cup and an egg roll and sttling back down...

Hoda said...

In comes Shep...I wondered if he brought food but it does not look like it.

Hoda said...

Belle is not moving and off he goes.

Hoda said...

Wind seems to be calmer? Still windy though...

stronghunter said...

Belle is awake and just sitting there on the eggs. Wonder if she is listening to her children?

stronghunter said...

Haven't noticed a change on FB, Hoda, but haven't posted that much either.

JudyEddy said...



WENT out to get something to eat went to bank and 5Guys after my truck would not start at all the guys came out and said it didn't need a jump battery was ok bring lights and all when I try to start it they said it sounded like it was starving for fuel it tried to start but then nothing

and off course with my new phone the only number I have in it is Angie Cell and she is answering it

so I started walking I thought I would walk home to get phone# or I knew there was two gas stations right up the road well the one guy was a AHOLE said he could help even with making a call to a towing co I just figured I would get towed home and go from there so I went across the street and they left me use the phone to call a towing co I walked back to where my truck was only a 15 walk and when I got there the b--ch started so I came home I called the towing co on the way home and thanked them so tomorrow I guess I will have to get up super early to see if it starts other wise I will walk to work and call the garage to pick it up If I can get it started I am call the garage anyway to find out why it didn't start May be the start of something breaking

Happy to be home

JudyEddy said...

my facebook page hasn't changed but yet Angies has the only difference is all the pictures and your likes are on the left side instead of the right side and underneath you COVER picture alll the stuff isn't shown like the picture and firend and likes its way down on the left side of the page now

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

I am sorry you had a tough time with the truck JUDYE. Glad you are home safe and yes I would take it to the garage any way. If it is not the electrical it could be the starter or it could be something with your fuel line? You want to be in a dependable vehicle.

The iphone changed my setting from Friends to Family. I do not know how it happens but it is the second time it happened and I reset it...if you notice I am not posting let me know so I can check it again...thank you all.

Belle is up and OMG did I see a pip, for a second and then it went all wonky. I am not sure what I saw...she is looking down at the egg and digging. One is further up than the other one. No I do not think I saw a pip...egg roll!

Hoda said...

This is one loooooooong egg roll!!!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...



Hoda said...

I do not think the peeps were from the eggs JUDYE...they did not sound like last year, when I heard them and then there was a chick.

JudyEddy said...

I tired calling Angie about 20 times but no answer I texted her that I was broke down but still haven't heard from her I guess I should let her know I am home

magpie said...

It could be fuel pump, JudyE...
I had that happen and I was 75 mi from home that was an expensive

I didn't hear or see anything....woulda helped if I had the cams on ☺

JudyEddy said...

I have a extra phone book I am putting in my glove box of my truck for phone numbers and a towing company in it also would be a good idea I think just in case

JudyEddy said...

LOL yep that may help to turn on the sound Margy LOL the winds not to bad now

JudyEddy said...

Lots of talking maybe people that live in the house are outside

magpie said...

and it happened, snap! just like that, I had stopped, then could not get restarted.

Truly distressed by Loretta's neighborhood crime report....
how does one feel safe after
being broken into ??
I think they pretty much DON'T!
am very sorry for the neighbor, nice of Frank to try to take a Bite out of Crime...sounds like the
renegade shall be caught...

magpie said...

It could be a week-end conference or training session there at NCTC.

magpie said...

Thanks for the kaput computer report at Judie's,
Thanks JO...
guess we have to do the Sandperson
duty tonight....

JudyEddy said...

Debeagle has a video that she also thinks its the peep I just listened to it but just got the email notice that she uploaded a video and the title is The eggs is peeping at 8:16 here is the link if anyone want to listen

Debeagle video of peeping she think is coming from eggbert and It is what I also heard

JudyEddy said...

just looked back at the time I said I heard it and yep it was 816 check it out and let me know what you think??????????????

JudyEddy said...

wind is picking up at the nest again dern it

JudyEddy said...

back to the boob tube

Hoda said...

I saw DebEagles video and I still don't thinkit is cheeping from the egg. I hope I am proven wrong, I do not know how to describe it except it sounds different from last year when I heard them and then there was a hatch. A few hours will tell...

stronghunter said...

Glad you got safely home, Judy. Yes, you definitely need a dependable car.

Yikes, Loretta! Scary!

stronghunter said...

Wow, Judy, thanks for posting the video of the peeping eggs. Yes! That has to be coming from the eggs.

stronghunter said...

How is it different from last year, Hoda? Just noticed you don't think the peeping is from the eggs.

stronghunter said...

I am thinking that it was reacting to being moved around by peeping.

glo said...

All I know is I definitely hear peeping on the video

Lynne2 said...


glo said...

eeeerie sound

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all

Wrote a post a couple of hours ago...but it got lost

No pip yet?

Got the yard all picked 2 more roof leaks in the one room

stronghunter said...

Hearing what sounds to be barking between the sounds of the wind blowing.

And then the really strange sound. I think I hear both a dog and a fox.

stronghunter said...

Oh, no, Paula. I hope not much damage from the leaks.

paula eagleholic said...

Ah good that one posted

Fvorgot to look for the cometg tonight

We went and checked out the eagle nest...might have seen an eagle in it...will try to check on Sunday...supposed to get rain here tomorrow

Are they calling for snow anywhere up there?

paula eagleholic said...

Some ceiling tiles wet...couple others came down...but no water on any furniture...hoping john can come cown soon and put new roof on...will pull all the tiles and put something else on the ceiling...other than that everything is good

I thought ther might possibly be feeding going on in the nest down here...will try and check on Sunday

No osprey yet..but the nest is raised and ready

Bird activity kind of light down here

Oh Bro is doing good...:)

Janet said...

Good evening all.

One tired human on this end of the computer tonight!

Going to bed shortly! Scout has decided she doesn't want to sleep thru the night...but wants to get up....go out, play whatever. And when you put her back in her kennel, stamps her feet and about an hour or so later, yips. Last night I corrected the problem by putting a toy in there with her. But that was the 3rd time she woke us up and i KNEW she couldn't possibly have to potty again at that point.

I will be so glad when Tom has that invisible fence installed and she can get more run time!!!!! I will try to walk her some more tomorrow.

I'd just ignore her, but a heeler's yips are very loud and piercing and would wake everyone upstairs and downstairs up...annoying to say the least!

JUDYE: I am so sorry you had that happen. Hopefully you can get the situation corrected.

Not alot else going on. Busy weekend ahead. Right now just really tired.

SED< light, love and hugs to all.....

stronghunter said...

Looks like just rain, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh just rad back on this page...maybe some peeps from the eggs

stronghunter said...

Remember when Flash was Puppy. He yipped and yipped, until finally Luna said, "WOOF!!!" That settled him.

They were not living with me then, so I got this story from Kathryn and Hunter.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks shirley...going to read back some more

JudyEddy said...

BW MOM is tucked and one of the chicks is not under her but the other is

stronghunter said...

Judy posted the link to the peeps, Paula. From Deb's post on the OC.

stronghunter said...

Hope training Scout with the invisible fence is not hard, Janet. I have not ever done that with a dog.

magpie said...

Good, Paula...
Sounds like your brother is there helping? And Nick of Course


stronghunter said...

Glad your brother is doing well, Paula.

magpie said...

I love that word:


My father used to say it to sort of tease us kids out of a funk if we were in one

I'e had a lot of fun with it with James...

was on phone with niece in Hong Kong, did not have the sound up for the Foxing sounds :(

magpie said...

Oh I did not finish reading:
sorry Paula
See That Bro is doing well....
Yay for that allrighty !

paula eagleholic said...

Oh we had grilled cheese and bean soup...pasta is also good for a meatles meal....also baked potatoes with cheese and veggie toppings

JudyEddy said...

peeping you hear it

JudyEddy said...

I am recording it too

JudyEddy said...

lots of peeps

magpie said...

I thought about suggesting pasta and sauce...bought a great bottle of Paul Newman's sauce last night in is meatless....
okay someone here needs a shower, I live alone so it must be ME

xoxo Lovins' to All...

stronghunter said...

Peeps from the eggs! I was playing Scrabble and heard them.

paula eagleholic said...

Nick says woof! I am at the beach and went in the water several times today!

It was cold down bt the water today..was better up in the yard

Lynne2 said...

I heard it this time, but I think it's the adult?

JudyEddy said...

fox screaming too

JudyEddy said...

still light peeps

JudyEddy said...

BELLE listening lots of peeps

Mema Jo said...

Eggs uncovered

JudyEddy said...

pOOP shoot I thnk

JudyEddy said...

peeps peeps wiggle down

magpie said...

I hear the cheeping
and Tundra Swans too I think !!!

JudyEddy said...

geese now

Lynne2 said...


magpie said...

Listen to those Swans !!!

Lynne2 said...

I heard peeping, but I can't say for sure...maybe Belle calling gently to the babies or maybe it IS the babies!

paula eagleholic said...

Cool ..peeps :)

glo said...

I heard peeps again too.

stronghunter said...

I really think it is coming from the eggs, Lynne. Will have to watch, to see if the beak is moving, but I haven't heard an adult eagle sound like that.

magpie said...

it might be geese but I am thinking
of the hoo-hooing swans...
can't really tell now

Thanks so much for the cheeping alert

Lynne2 said...

swans??? UGH! So hard to tell when not in person.

magpie said...

OH this is eggciting...
Paula, YOU said Friday !
And we have a couple of hours of
Friday remaining..... ☺

stronghunter said...

Kathryn has to work tomorrow. She's taking Hunter to Tom's. I am going to try to get my do done.

Drying jeans for Kathryn and Hunter for tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

I was trying to see a beak moving too, but the picture is just too wonky so I don't think I can tell unless she is looking right at me.

magpie said...

Righto, Lynne...
I think I will daydream it was the Tundras....

magpie said...

Pour me another Oatmeal Creme Pie

stronghunter said...

Tired. This is when you wait until the stuff is almost dry, then hang it up to finish drying before morning.

magpie said...

I think I'm getting my Do done Tuesday, Shirley,
Cut and Color! I need me some
blonde to go with my grey

stronghunter said...

Cut and perm for me. But I haven't made an appointment yet.

JudyEddy said...

we got fireworks going off in Pinellas park right now Chili cook off and others stuff going on

Unknown said...

Hi everyone!
I Love hearing the sound of the babies cheeping inside the egg! Wahoo! So close now....
Hugs to all ♥

JudyEddy said...

I am listening right now again to the almost 3 min I recorded and it sounds like both eggs I think waiting for it get done uploading to youtube I should have gotten my lap top but its in the truck to blog on because of some key clicking but not too bad I tried to refrain LOL but you know me LOL

glo said...

I have it on my fb page. I also listened again. I am not in pip mode anylonger for at least one egg I am in hatch mode!!!

stronghunter said...

I was wondering if I saw a pip in one egg, but it is so grainy that I just do not know.

JudyEddy said...

Here is the video I did almost 3 min of the peeping sorry about the key clicking I tried to be good LOL

EGGBERTS PEEPING I think both are tooo

Janet said...

JUDYE: that is so stinking COOL\

love love love the peeping!

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is still awake
I should hit the hay early since I will get up early just in case my truck doesn't start to walk to work

Lynne2 said...

I have never colored my hair. I am sporting natural "arctic blonde" highlights!

Lynne2 said...

Sorry about your truck Judy, hope it runs tomorrow! And hope your cough it gone by then as well!

SOrry about your leaks Paula :( Of course it could have been worse, but wouldn't it have been oh so much more fun to NOT have to deal with it!

Lolly said...

Howdeeeeeeeeeee! I'm back!!!

Got home and have been trying to get on but having computer problems.

Had a great time in Denton, but I am exhausted!!

Lynne2 said...

I want to hear more peeps! I wonder if BOTH eggs will hatch tomorrow!

Mema Jo said...

My Oatmeal Creme Pies are sitting on the counter and are ready!

Closing down for the day - Hopefully tomorrow will be our 1st hatch day.

God Bless Us All

♥ I love us

Hoda said...

Big yawn from Belle.
She is not tucked in at all. Building up the rim on the cup...sometimes almost does face plants.The fact that she has not tucked in tells me something is going on but I still don't think these peeps are the eggs! Too strong, last year was so gentle and not as ongoing or frequent as what I am hearing tonight.

Hoda said...

Hello LOLLY welcome back. Sorry about the computer problems. Glad you had a good time in Denton.

Sorry PAULA about the leak but am glad it was not worse.

How likely is it that both eggs hatch on the same day LYNNE?

Lynne2 said...

not likely at all Hoda...wishful thinking!

DanaMo said...

Leaks are no fun! I hope my camper is okay. We haven't checked it all winter. Good luck with getting it fixed Paula.

I definitely hear peeping from the eggs in the video. Can't wait til sunrise tomorrow!

Dogs are ready for bed and I am not. Just got home from the play. They will whine and drive me nuts so I might as well take my beer and go watch tv from bed.

Play was great, but realized the I screwed up my ticket count leaving myself short for tomorrow night. I have 2 for mom and dad and none for me!! So upset because it is sold out. Maybe just mom and I can go, although I feel bad suggesting it!!

I hope the kids don't stay out too late. It makes me worry! They are going to Denny's after the play tonight and i'm sure there is a party tomorrow night after they break down the set.

Not sure how much longer I can take Boomers whining!!

Lynne2 said...

Paula, nest weather not looking so great for several days...

Overnight Rain likely, mainly after 5am. Cloudy, with a low around 38. West wind around 6 mph becoming light and variable in the evening. Chance of precipitation is 60%. New precipitation amounts of less than a tenth of an inch possible.

Saturday Rain. High near 45. East wind 6 to 9 mph. Chance of precipitation is 80%. New precipitation amounts between a tenth and quarter of an inch possible.

Saturday Night Rain likely before 9pm. Cloudy, then gradually becoming partly cloudy, with a low around 31. Light north wind. Chance of precipitation is 60%. New precipitation amounts of less than a tenth of an inch possible.

Sunday A slight chance of rain after 3pm. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 46. Northwest wind 5 to 8 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.

Sunday Night Rain and snow likely, becoming all snow after 2am. Cloudy, with a low around 31. Light east wind. Chance of precipitation is 70%. New precipitation amounts of less than a tenth of an inch possible.

Monday Snow likely before 8am, then rain and snow likely. Cloudy, with a high near 39. Chance of precipitation is 60%. New precipitation amounts of less than a tenth of an inch possible.

Monday Night Rain. Low around 39. Chance of precipitation is 80%.

Tuesday A chance of showers. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 51. Chance of precipitation is 40%.

Tuesday Night Partly cloudy, with a low around 28.

Wednesday Mostly sunny, with a high near 44.
Wednesday Night Partly cloudy, with a low around 28.

Lynne2 said...

I do NOT like this weather forecast one little bit....

Hoda said...

Welcome home DANA glad the kids did well with the play. Welcome home sleep well after they get in from Denny's.

paula eagleholic said...

But they could hatch one right after the other...a day apart

Hoda said...

No that rain is not a good forcast for new chicks!

JudyEddy said...

I think I hear Shep in the attic pacing the floors I hear some sort of rustling but Belle isn't moving so its has to be Shep

Hoda said...

I agree with that PAULA a day apart...

Hoda said...

One of the eggs is partly exposed
Do you guys see it?

JudyEddy said...

YEP its peaking out

JudyEddy said...

do you hear the rustling ????? on occasion

JudyEddy said...

I hear a slight peep

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDYE get to bed early rising tomorrow and drive to work garage and have them take you to work...just my thinking. It is what I would do.

magpie said...

kinda thought I saw a pip.

Hoda said...

No on the peep and the rustling here...

Hoda said...

Twirly arrow!!! I have to reboot.

No on the pip either Margy I did not see that here...

Thank you all for your reports. I am missing so much...

paula eagleholic said...

I saw that egg peeking out hoda

JudyEddy said...

Do you hear the kids or people ???

paula eagleholic said...

I don't like the snoe in the forecast...maybe it will stay north

Lynne2 said...

this wonky camera picture had me almost convince there was a baby! LOL! Listen people, I can't stay up all night....OH I hear peeps!

magpie said...

and I kinda think I am seeing an egg move

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is getting up looking down

paula eagleholic said...

or could that be part of a shell???

Lynne2 said...

maybe there IS a baby!!! Maybe I'm not seeing things?

Hoda said...

No to kids or people.
No to peeps
I am not hearing any of that here.
Both eggs in clear view.
Egg roll.
Belle face plant.

JudyEddy said...

I think its the camera that make it look like it moves I said the same thing the other night when the eggs were alone it looked like one of them moved then I think its just the camera

Lynne2 said...


Hoda said...

LYNNE I saw two eggs chick yet.

JudyEddy said...

I have three live cam browser with the volumn up high on all three being I am part deaf in one ear try it does make it louder haveing all them open stacked on top of each other so you only see one

JudyEddy said...

well I am saying nite again

NatureNut said...

Just saw Belle off the eggs and doing a wiggle wiggle! Couldn't see or hear anything. Oh Well, tomorrow is another day.

Sharon, best wishes on all your tests & hope they fix you up ASAP! ☺ Good Health Prayers for all in need and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Hoda said...

Goodnight JUDYE I hope things are good with the truck tomorrow morning.

Unknown said...

Lots of peeing form the eggs, and I do believe we have a hatch! ♥

Lynne2 said...

when I am QUEEN.....

♪ ♫ The eggs will never hatch til after sunrise ♪ ♫

♫ ♪ By Six AM the breakfish shall appear ♫ ♪

♫ ♪ There'll be a legal limit to the rain Shepherdstown! ♫

♫ Shepherdstown! Shepherdstown! ♫

I know it sounds a bit bizarre, but in

Shepherdstown! ♪♫♪ Shepherdstown!

Those are the legal laws....

♫♪ in short there's simply not ♫♪

♫♪ a more congenial spot ♫♪

♪♫ for hatchling ever aftering ♪♫


Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening!

Wow, hatching is getting close! Maybe tomorrow morning. Can't wait!

Sorry to hear about Judie's computer problems--hope it's repaired soon! This is no time to be without one!

JudyE, hope the truck starts tomorrow. Prayers that you can find out what's wrong with it. You should have reliable wheels!

Would you believe it? Emma & I fell asleep after Ken left for work at 3:20, and we both slept until after 10 am!!! Emma was in my lap with her nose tucked under my arm to keep it warm. She usually wakes me up at about 7 or 7:30 for breakfast, but I guess we were both pretty tired!

My brain is kind of fuzzy from the Percoset I'm taking. Did I mention that I had a bruise on my left shoulder blade yesterday? It's not a new one, it's sort of green. I guess it's taken a while to get to the surface. I called and left a message for the specialist today, but haven't heard back from her about it. She will probably call on Monday. Still hurting, but it's manageable most of the time.

Think I'd better call it a day before I do a face plant. It's only about 8 pm here, but I'm really sleepy for some reason. Ken and Emma have already gone to bed though. Guess it's the crazy hours we keep.

Today is our GGD Sierra's 7th Birthday! Can't believe how fast she's growing up.

Have said prayers for everyone, and the porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, with SED! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...


No LYDIA I do not believe we have a hatch!

I seem to be of different view from many posts tonight.

Lynne2 said...

WOW Andy, that was quite a nap the two of you took! I guess the percocet helped YOU sleep so long and little Emmas was so good as to let you sleep!

Hoda said...

Good to read your post ANDY.

magpie said...

I think THAT peep is a Spring Peeper right now....
It's really so hard to tell on the views...
things are kind of pixillated for sure

Lolly said...

What have you been drinking, Lynne? I want some! lol

glo said...

LOL Lynne2 Love it

Lynne2 said...

Yeah, I can't really tell either. It could be, it might be, it might not be....and I hear the Peepers now, not the PEEPING. LOL!

magpie said...

Wonderful poetic ditty,Lynne2

It's hard to give up staring at the nest for sure but I think Something is happening there under Mom

Saturday is a work day :(

Lynne2 said...

Now Lolly, I haven't been DRINKING anything. Buy there were these brownies....LOL!

Lolly said...

Ah ha! It's the brownies! Shame on you Hoda, look what you have done to Lynne!!!

Lynne2 said...

shhhhh don't tell anyone.....

Hoda said...

Now you leave the brownies out of it YRH!!! ♥

Unknown said...

Honestly folks I clearly heard the peeing and cheaping inside the egg, and I really do think we may have a hatch. Guess we shall see for sure when there is some light. Nighty

Lynne2 said...

When I am QUEEN, there will be brownies for EVERYONE!!!

Lynne2 said...

I think you may be right Lydia! That's why I am still sitting here waiting for the big bird to MOVE so we can get another look!

Hoda said...

So here it is again MISS LOLLY supporting HRH !!! If you don't watch it I will send you two and JUDIE some Hemp Hearts and see what trouble you get into!!! LOL!!!

PS they are legal here and in Connecticut!!!

Lynne2 said...

what the heck is a Hemp Heart?

Lolly said...

You have not seen a pip, have you? I checked occasionally on my iphone.

Lynne2 said...

Belle is looking around

Hoda said...

Goodnight LYDIA. SED

Lynne2 said...

The pip is invisible Lolly.

Lolly said...

OK, I understand. Invisisble pip, uh huh...those brownies again!!

magpie said...

G'Night Eagle Pals....
Hope all remaining Night Owls
see something wonderful...

Prayers for Wellness All Around

God Bless This Nest,
and God Bless Us, Every One xo ♥

Hoda said...

It is what I have for breakfast and I mix it with chia seeds. Very high in protein but you know where it comes from!!!Shelled Hemp Seed. Very popular here Lynne and people put it on their salads too!!!

Lynne2 said...

well, it's not invisible from the inside of the egg....

Lynne2 said...

I googled it Hoda...why is it only legal in CT?

Hoda said...

The wind is picking up again I do believe.

Lolly said...

Good night, Margy! Please come and tuck me in bed. I need to be in bed sooooo bad! Just do not have the energy to get up. Also, sitting here having a G&t, only really it is just a t, no G for me tonight.

Hoda said...

It might be legal in other states too LYNNE I know about Connecticut because my American sister and I has this conversation.

Lynne2 said...

I'm going to shower. Will check back before I hit the rack.

Hoda said...

Hemp hearts are legal to ship to the US but NOT legal to grow in the USA!

Hoda said...

I hope you hit the sack! The rack however sounds uncomfortable and I saw a few in the Tower of London and in the museums and not my choice of how to relax!!! LOL!!!

Hoda said...

Shirley CBS reports fires in Ft Collins COlorado...that is where your brother is if I remember correctly. I hope he is safe.

Hoda said...

I will say good night.

A tough day rather but with blessings.

See you all tomorrow.

I will go exercise in the morning and will check in when I come back.



Lynne2 said...

Nothing yet, huh? Wind is picking up at nest but here, it is blissfully still for the first time in days and days and days. It's been brutally windy.

Costume Lady said...

Looks like we may have a chicklet in the exciting!

We had a great time at GG's tonight. Brandon brought over a married couple of his friends and they were delightful.
Jayden was the star of the day, once again. He used the lid to his toy box tote as his shield, he was Capt. America tonight.

GG seemed to enjoy the kids and Jayden's entertainment. GG was not up when we and Karla got there, so Jayden takes it upon himself to awken GG and took her hand and led her into the kitchen, where we all landed. He then announced that GG is awake now!


Lynne2 said...

oh I heard peeps! eagle peeps that is!

Lynne2 said...

PEEPING belle up, egg rolls

Lynne2 said...

she tapped on an egg!!!

Lolly said...

Fell asleep sitting here. Going to drag myself off to bed.

OMG..egg roll and I can hear the chirping you all have been talking about. Two definite hatch yet.

Lynne2 said...

settled back in after some flugging, poking and prodding but she isn't DOWN, she is more "tented" over the cup!

glo said...

Lots of loud unmistakable peeps. Belle is now positioned very high on nest. It won't be long now.

PattiO said...

Evening everyone!! I hear it! I hear it! How wonderful! :)

Lynne2 said...

WOO HOO, I'm sure we'll have a baby by morning! Those peeps were LOUD and she is propped up high now!

Lolly said...

Good night all!


Lynne2 said...

Hey Patti! Hey Glo! Glad you are here!

Lynne2 said...

Nighty nite Lolly! SED!

glo said...

She knows exactly what she is doing and is an excellent mom No head tucks yet tonight. Belle too is in hatch mode and I think it will be fairly soon.

glo said...

Hi ladies. Lynne are you off tomorrow I hope :-)

Lynne2 said...

I am Glo!

glo said...

latest peep

glo said...

Posted link to most recent peeps. I hope it works for folks not on FB it just uploads so much more quickly there. Belle still propped very high.

Lynne2 said...

well, I must get myself to bed. We'll see what's new in the dawnzer lee lite. Goodnight and prayers for all!

Jewels said...

Oh yea!!!! We are going to have a bobblehead!!!!! I heard those peeps and I was just all smiles!!!

Jewels said...

Thank you for all the kind words. I hold memories dear and close to my heart.

glo said...

I think we have a hatch but it too pixelated to tell for sure. Here is video from 2:35 am Time to say Welcome?">

Jewels said...

Shewww just got done taking about 45 min to clean out the refrigerator here at work. I got to work and there was not enough room to even put my lunch in there. I got to looking around and there were ants in the fridge and the freezer. We have had ants in the kitchen all winter. But people here think there mother lives here and they leave a mess everywhere. Evidently their mother does, cuz I cleaned up!!! Two bags of junk. Margy, I apologize if any was your stuff. Don't think there was but a small jar of what looked like hardened dry dressing. Maybe peaches in cottage cheese that was def no good. Ugh!!! Gross!!!

DanaMo said...

Good morning for now...

Video didn't open Glo.

Can't see much this morning and I'm not sure how long I will sit and stare at the screen. Might just take myself back up to bed.

I hate when the frig at work gets like that. Good for you Jewels for tossing the stuff that was icky. Our teacher frig gets the same way.

Lynne2 said...

Saw Glo's video...really hard to tell. Must go back to sleep. Watched for 15 minutes but Belle is sitting still.

DanaMo said...

The video didn't open for me? You were able to open it, Lynne2? Humph...wonder why the link didn't work for me?

DanaMo said...

Oh and do we split at 800? Guess I will find out. :)

DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...

801 LOL! Okay sorry..I have no one to keep me company at this hour.

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1/8/25 PM

  4:21 PM he comes in the nest with a nice load of bedding  4:21 PM. he leaves  4:25 PM. He comes to the nest with a load of bedding. He pic...