Thursday, March 21, 2013


There was a power outage at NCTC that has impacted the cam.  I am on leave but have been in contact with the tech folks.  As soon as they get clearance from the NCTC land manager to go within the nest exclusion zone they will be able to reset things.  Please bear with them; it will likely be tomorrow AM.

New thread.


paula eagleholic said...

Thank you Steve for the update, and we appreciate all that NCTC does to keep our cam up and running.

paula eagleholic said...

I have grabbed the feather and called the others over!

Think I'm up to 3 :)

Hoda said...

Thank you Thank you Thank you STEVE and GOD BLESS YOU.

Congratulations PAULA on the feather!

Safe travels Steve.

Hoda said...

The Duke of Kent suffered a stroke and is in the hospital. He would be The Queen's Cousin.

I am off to yoga.

See you all later.

Unknown said...

Thank you so very much for the update. I just read a message on the OC that said this: "Message from Outdoor Channel on Facebook......Live Eagle Cam.
Hi EagleCam fans. We apologize for the inconvenience, but the live feed will be down until further notice. The EagleCam system received a bad power outage early this morning and we have lost communication with the camera. We are working to see if the system can be repaired without major disruptions to the eagles. We'll let you know as soon as the EagleCam is back up and ready for viewing. Thank you!"

You message sounds a bit more promising Steve (but certainly I think we all agree we would not want to see anything happen that would disrupt or cause harm to our beautiful eagle family)

Unknown said...

And by the way, Congrats to PAULA on the feather!

Linda said...


Just returned from a long day at the hospital...

Dennis had to have yet another surgery to put another stent in his ureter. He has been suffering with one kidney draining at only 35% because the ureter was blocked again. The nightmare than keeps going and going and going.....

They found a piece of the nephrostomy tube that must have broke off or not been removed back in November in his ureter!!!!! No wonder there was blood and irritation!!

Hopefully this will fix things once and for all. He did say that he already feels the relief from the right kidney, so we are hopeful.....

Linda said...

Soooo, I tried to bring my comment over form the old thread and lost the first part of it...

So very sorry to hear the cam is down until they can get someone up there to fix it. I did check a couple times today briefly, hoping it would come back soon.

Good Evening Eaglet Friends!!

Hope everyone is doing okay this evening.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh geeze Linda, I sure hope they got it all this time and Dennis is done with the surgeries!

Unknown said...

I am sorry to hear this LINDA. I know we do not know each other yet, but i surely hope the outcome is good. sounds like you have had quite an ordeal

Linda said...

Thanks PAULA and LYDIA and others...

Lydia - We have been through a 5 month ordeal where a doctor error happened. The doctor sealed my husband's ureter shut during bladder cancer surgery, which sent him in excruciating pain a couple hours after surgery. It was one problem after another and it took six surgeries over 10 days to get a stent in the ureter to open it up so things could drain. The stent was removed in November, but something was left in the ureter that they didn't know about and he was having a lot of back pain and blood in the urine again.

Turns out the kidney was not able to drain into the bladder because the ureter had collapsed in a couple places. So today they put in another stent today in the hopes that this one will open things up well. They will remove the stent in about a month.

It has just been a real unfortunate situation and if a mistake could be made, or if something could go wrong, it seemed to in this case!!

We immediately switched doctors after the first mistake because the doctor refused to admit anything was wrong. A cat scan and the second doctor confirmed there was a complete blockage!!!

Even though it has been an awful ordeal, we are thankful for the doctor who is taking care of him now!!

Linda said...

Welcome Back Diann...

aka PA Nana!!

You have been missed and we are so happy to see you back.

Hope you are feeling okay. I remember you were having problems last year....seems like I remember it was your back, right??

Yes, dealing with the goverment can be slow and difficult. And they want goverment to take over more of the jobs?? Hmmmmm that is a bit of a worry!!

Hope you got things all figured out...

Judie said...

Hi all.

Not the best day for me but that's another novel yet to be written.

Shirley, hope George will be okay and glad that you located your phone.

Missing so much by not reading back beyond a few.

But, see Linda's Dennis had another surgery and, please, let this one be the answer to Dennis's problems.

So, instead of writing the novel, I have asked the sandperson to bring sleep sooner than later. Sandperson has agreed. The night light is on. Sandperson will stop by the nest to make sure the babes are okay. Restful sleep for all.

Sandi said...

Evening all - back from my association board meeting!

Thanks Steve for the new thread and the wonderful news that the cam should be back up and running soon!

Thanks Paula for the call over!

Still no update from Sharon about the cyst on her kidney?

Linda, so sorry to hear about yet another complication for your Dennis! He sure has been through enough lately!!

I'm so tired and still one more day to go in this work week! So, I will say goodnight now and just check the box to get comments sent to my inbox.

I'll see everyone in the AM!

Linda said...

Sorry your day was not a good one, Judie!

I was hoping to catch up on the posts over the past few days, but I am fading fast, too!!!

It was an early morning today!!

If I don't get back, wishing you all sweet sleep and prayers for healing and all needs.....

Hoping our Eagles and Eaglets are safe and sound and thriving.....

magpie said...

Hoping for the best for Dennis THIS time around, Linda...
though I might have just missed you on this...

Thanks to Steve and his NCTC crew...
sure appreciate their constant efforts on this cam system !

And Thanks also for the New Thread,
and to Paula for the call over !!
Gussy up that headdress, woman!

magpie said...

oh bummer a not so wonderful
day for Judie....
your graciousness and "wherewithal" for the rest of us, Judie, is a joy to behold and
embrace...makes MY day better to see you for sure ♥

magpie said...

As long as the Royal Family is
safe, warm, well-fed and playing
nicely with no unwelcome visitors or intruders....and having plenty of chow...then that is good...
but of course I want to see them !

stronghunter said...

Went to check on my bank account today and found out that it was locked because someone had been trying to get into it. The only thing I can think of is that person who got into my e-mail account.

At first glance, it does not look like they managed to do any harm. I had already changed the user name. Password has now been changed as well.

stronghunter said...

You all might want to check your e-mail accounts and anything else that you might be concerned about.

magpie said...

By the way:
The Race for the Birds is at NCTC on April 20 - that's a don't have to race OR run, you can just....walk and gaze....Paula has been there for
that in prior years !

stronghunter said...

Sorry it was not a good day, Judie. Hope you rest well tonight.

magpie said...

I check on-line banking often, Shirley, thanks for the alert !

magpie said...

happy to report that Lorraine is doing well, and loves the food!
The PT staff want to come see her home situation so that is in the offing sometime in the next week or so.
Daggone it someone stop the clock
I have too much to do and not enough time to do it!
I KNOW most of you can relate !!!

magpie said...

OH good to see Diann on the old thread... PA NANA that is...
sure hope retirement and all the health issues and also the PC comes around nicely....

the laptop I was using at The Big House[and have here at the Little Roost] wants Norton and all that stuff updated, for a price I'm sure....Boo Hiss, I don't have time or money for THAT !

magpie said...

Hoping that JO had a good day, and that things are in comfort for her sister in law's family....
(( Hugs, Jo ))

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Sharon went for the MRI the other day...and they couldn't see the cyst with the equipment, so she needs to get another scan somewhere else!

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, there's lots of free antivirus software out there..I use AVG, the free version.

Glad Lorraine is doing better...hope the home will help her to get back home!

magpie said...

I am going to see a neurosurgeon about the two disabled hands...
with the chiropractor's referral...
next week sometime, nerve and muscle function tests coming up...need to see IF surgery or other interventions can make
this better...
tying my shoes, opening bottles and everything else, buttoning buttons, turning pages in books and's a challenge,
and gardening ! Gads I can't miss out on THAT !
More to Be Revealed !
ttfn xo tubby time here...

magpie said...

Thanks, Paula, on both counts...
Lorraine and the laptop....
I'll check into the antivirus things....I want to be able to skype with James's Mother, and I can only do that on the laptop...

had a chuckle with Lolly's LOWE'S comment earlier on old thread, maybe she needs to go to Frederick !! ☺

magpie said...

I guess I could use Velcro with shoes and clothing;
and I could hire a Handsome Gardener !
I know a few handsome Fire Department fellows.... ☺

JudyEddy said...

HELLO Home from Angies and I saw we had a new thread when I was there cause I checked the cam silly me

Thanks for the fresh thread and the information on the cam STEVE hope you are having a good time while you are out of town

magpie said...

okay, bubbles are hollering for me.
Oh, I got a "do" by the way, little bit of cut, some blonde highlights, and a totally ironed head of hair...cannot duplicate that ironing at home but it's been fun !

Thanks for the update on Sharon,
you are the PULSE of the blog
with these important things.

ttfn xo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

OK, Sharon went for a renal ultrasound on Monday and this is what she said

"Couldn't visualize my kidney with their equipment so I will have to go somewhere else."

She goes to see the neurosurgeon tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

I loved the picture on facebook with the snow man HODA so cute and I said I shall prepare the spare bedroom and I have a couch and there is always the floor LOL come on down right now its chilly out OK only 51° but still chilly to me 77° tomorrow and 81° on Sat so come on down

stronghunter said...

Want to thank Steve for the info on the cam. Sounds more encouraging that what was posted on the OC.

Trying to keep up with things on here. Sometimes I miss posts, though. You would think a retired lady would have plenty of time, but I seen to find plenty to keep me busy.

Margy, I hope you find relief for the pain in your hands. I have some issues opening bottles. Especially those child-proof ones, but others as well. I did buy a jar opener. The one our Lynn recommended. Ended up getting it online, as it was hard to find in a store. It is very nice.

One thing I cannot do, no matter how hard I try, is start a lawn mower with one of those pull things. Just does not happen.

Lynne2 said...

Geez, Margy, I guess the chiro isn't happy with progression. Dang. I was hoping that would be the ticket. I had nerve tests...WILD! (when I had my ulnar nerve compression and then Sx.) It hilarious to watch you hand and arm jump around when you don't ask it to! Glad Lorraine is doing so well and hopefully they will be able to get her back home for good next time, soon!

Judie, sorry you had such a bad day...hope whatever it is will work out!

And Linda, OMG, so sorry about Dennis! Surely THIS will be the end of this ongoing mess!

Diann, long winter, huh? Hope things are calming down some! Glad you could get back with us now!

I surely hope and pray that whatever is going on with the cam can be fixed tomorrow...Thanks Steve for the update!

Lori, MATH=BARF. I feel for ya!

Glad George got an AB injection Shirley! They sure are NICE to have available in these circumstances. Hopefully he'll be back to his old self very soon!

Lynne2 said...

I am not going to try to cause hysteria here, but....on the weather blogs, there is some concern, mild concern at the moment, regarding a storm brewing for early in the week. It's the winter that won't go away, isn't it?

Well, there are only 278 days til Christmas....

Unknown said...

I am so sorry LINDA--thanks for the background. Bless you!

SED's and G'Night to all ♥

paula eagleholic said...

I hope that storm will end up like the last one...not much! That's my prediction! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to the beach tomorrow night with my Bro and John...John is coming down to look at how to redo the roof that is leaking.

JudyEddy said...

Had a update on puter so just got back on and now the live cam has a message across the screen "Unfortunately, we were not able to restore power to the camera at the nest today. We will resume work on Fri, Mar 22. Please try again later. Thank you."
When I tried to cam earlier it tried to load but didn't Like it that they have the mssg now

magpie said...

Good Deal, Paula..
yes, ANY bad weather would be most unwelcome over the next few days, have some outside stuff that needs to get done, and it is NOT gardening!
Lynne2 - you crack me up, thanks for the chuckles...I saw those weather reports comning in, hoping it stays WEST.... in the Potomac Highlands, though I don't wish any ill well to folks there either !

magpie said...

I often have my co-workers open things for me...
pill bottles are impossible at times, so I offload them to another container which is ALSO impossible at times.
Lynne2: the chiropractor and the massage therapists did great service and help...but I have to face the future realistically....still hoping NOT to get cut !
I've heard about those jumping nerves and body parts !

Lynne2 said...

for my MIL....


Lynne2 said...

Everyone told me the nerve test would hurt Margy, but it didn't, it just felt weird!

Lynne2 said...

RT Hummers are inundating the deep south now, trekking northward!

Monarchs most noted in central TX right now.

magpie said...

Well if those creatures can brave the cold, I guess I can try to also...

Thanks for the information, Lynne2.

I think you are doing just great as a Retired Lady, underscore Lady ! A lot of things have come your way unexpectedly...
"The essence of Freedom is the Ability to be Taken by Surprise" -
a good friend from the past used to tell me that...

magpie said...

It's about bedtime...
and tomorrow is RED FRIDAY...

God Bless Our Military...
a HUGE part of OUR essence of Freedom ♥

Good Night, Precious Pals....

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us, Our Families, Friends, and our Pets....

God Bless This Nest,
and God Bless US, Every One
xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

BRR its 49° out here I dislike cold fronts
we are having yo yo weather this week
74 79 80 70 68 69 72
50 65 68 60 49 48 48

this is the hi and lo for the week that not spring for Fl

JudyEddy said...

that should have been a 82 not a 82 and three days up to 40 percent chance of rain F,S,S

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

boy I missed that up again 82 not 80 lol

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening!

Shirley, thrilled that George should be feeling better soon. I get such a kick out of him! He's a real character. Sorry about the problem with your bank account. Hope that all is well with that situation.

Steve, thank you for the cam update. Hope it will be working again without disturbing the eagles too much. We do appreciate all that you & NCTC do to keep it running.

Hoda, sorry to hear about the Duke of Kent. Will have to check the BBC News for an update.

Linda, my goodness! Prayers indeed for Dennis and you! Golly, no wonder he's been having problems!
So glad to hear that he's feeling relief! Hope this will be the end of his troubles.

Judie sorry to hear that today was not so good. Hope you get a restful night's sleep, and tomorrow will be much better.

Margy, so glad to hear the happy news about Lorraine! Hope the PT folks can get her in shape to come home.
Know what you mean about not enough time. When Ken asks me, "Where did the time go?" I always reply that it's gone AWAY--and much too quickly, too!

Paula, thanks for the update on Shar's situation!

Margy, I can certainly relate to the problems with your hands! My left hand has numbness and decreased strength too. Here's hoping we can BOTH get straightened out!

Diann, good to see you back here! You've been missed!

Paula, hope there will be an easy fix for the leaky roof!

Well, going to call it a day. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled.
Have said prayers for everybody.
Sleep well, everyone, with SED. God bless, and good night. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I LOVE us!

Hoda said...

MARGY prayers for the hands to heal and you get relief.
Glad Lorraine seems to be alright with where she is and that they will come and check her place.

LINDA!!! I am shocked and dismayed at yet another surgery! I am glad to read that at least Dennis feels this time something good has happened and he feels an improvement.

JUDIE...BLESSINGS and PRAYERS your way hoping that things look up real soon and that you have the energy to cope with what was bothering you today. I send BLESSINGS and PRAYERS to DARTH too.

MEMA JO has not checked back in today...

Safe trip tomorrow PAULA and I hope between Bro and John the roof could be fixed.

JUDYE I thought it was awesome that you did not bat an eye and welcomed all the momsters to come to your place to escape all the snowy weather.

Glad the bank locked your account SHIRLEY.Thank you for the heads up!

LORI'S exam is APRIL 25!!! Cheering for you LORI.

Hoda said...

I am starved again tonight!!! You would think I have not had any food to eat all day which is not the case at all!!! OK I will go prepare something to eat.

Am going skiing again tomorrow as the sun promises to be out...

Lolly said...

Hoda, did not ignore you...just did not see it. :) Come on down! Open House is officially at Hawkwood. I will ship Jack off and we will PARTY!!!

Vegged out tonight and watched two episodes of Grey's.

LINDA, poor Dennis!!! That is just awful! Surely, surely, surely this will do it and he will mend. It is just amazing all the things we have in common and now includes hubby's with urinary tract problems. Wow! Jack is fine now, but he has had surgery and has a permanently installed stent.

Lolly said...

I know, tmi, but had to tell, Linda!

Lolly said...

Oh, and Jack lied to me...Lowes sold me many more sacks of mulch.

Lolly said...

Think I am going to go shower and try to get to bed a little earlier. Have been sleeping too late lately!

Lolly said...

Oh, and I watched AI tonight, too. They let the right guy go.

Hoda said...

Your gardens will look even more magnificent with mulch.

When we all gather at Hackwood we can get gardening lessons from you and MEGAN...

Glad you enjoyed your shows.

Hoda said...

Good night.

Early start to my day tomorrow for more skiing.


Costume Lady said...

My turn...

I read about some of you having difficulty opening jars. If you don't have a Jar Opener, poke a hole in the jar's lid and it will open very easily. Use a sharp tool, like an ice pick or pound a nail into the lid...knives are not recommended, too dangerous.

To those of you who are looking into a supplemental insurance to go along with your Medicare; consider HUMANA, that is what I costs around $100 a month and is well worth it. My doctor visits cost $10, meds are $6-$12 for a three month supply of generic. My knee surgery was $27,000 and all I had to pay was $500. If I just had Medicare, it would have cost me $5,400!
Just something to think about~

Sleep and prayers to all♥

Lolly said...

Open house at Hawkwood. Bring shovels, gloves, etc. It will be hands on learning. roflmbo I will sit back and supervise!

Night all! SED!!!

Maybe just maybe we will get our cam back tomorrow. I sure do miss it.

stronghunter said...

Not sleeping tonight, which is a bummer because I have the mammogram and a perm scheduled for tomorrow.

At least, I will not have to think much, just let other people take care of me. But I do need to get myself there.

Had a nice chat with my brother this evening. The Colorado brother.

Oh Linda, what a mess. I do not know if this has been mentioned before, but have you all thought about speaking with an attorney? It sounds like this doctor messed up big time.

stronghunter said...

I just signed up for a supplemental insurance plan through AARP, Wanda. I hope it is as good as what you describe. About the same cost per month.

I am interested in what you say about the meds, though. I did not think the supplemental plans paid anything for medications, and I have a very expensive one that I have to take all of the time. Tier 3.

I had to choose my Part D Medicare coverage based upon this medication, and I will probably be in the doughnut hole by May or so. I do have a discount card I got from the doctor's office that might be helpful this year, but the pharmacy says they can't take it until I am in the doughnut hole.

However, the card says it expired in 2012. I asked the doctor's office about that and they said it probably does not matter. I need to investigate that.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Lolly, can we have a gardening party at my house when we are done at yours? Of course, we will need the weather to warm up :)

I am DONE for today...submitted my resume for some jobs...gotta start looking sometime!

stronghunter said...

Well, I would love to to Hawkwood to visit Lolly and Jack and to Florida to visit Judy. Sounds like we have a road trip in the making!

Now, back when I was teaching, I had students who seemed to think you could take Interstate 10 through the Gulf of Mexico. Does that make the trip between Texas and Florida any shorter? Should we bring snorkeling equipment for that part of the journey?

stronghunter said...

Hope you find a new job quickly, Paula. Somehow, I think you will with your abundance of experience. I am sure you have some networking possibilities out there, too.

stronghunter said...

Cute bunny, Paula.

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends!! IT'S FRIDAY!!!! Can you say HALLELUJAH??????

Margy, I'm sorry to hear that the chiropractor and massage therapy hasn't brought the relief you hoped for.

Judie, sorry for the bad day. I hope today is better!

Paula, thanks for the update on Sharon's doctor appointment! Glad she didn't get bad news that she didn't want to put on the blog - I was worried about her. Have a great time at the beach!

Linda, hope Dennis starts feeling better now!

We are headed to Baltimore this afternoon to see my mom. My sister's daughter has her annual ice skating show (like dance recital on ice) tomorrow - they are performing Mary Poppins this year. Madeline is a chimney sweep I think.

We'll also get together with Brian and Lynnis tomorrow evening for dinner! Can't wait to see my boy!

Prayers for all the needs on the blog and a special prayer that the techs at NCTC get the cam running today!

Make it a great day all!

magpie said...

Good Morning and Best Wishes

Oh, just think if that power outage at NCTC with the cam had
occurred during and right after the hatchings ! Sorry it's out NOW but grateful things were up and running when they were !

Great information on insurance from Wanda and Shirley...I need to check those things out..."soon."

Enjoy your Family Week-end, Sandi!

And Best Wishes to Paula on
the Job Search...

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

And thanks for all the well wishes for my hands ...

going to do the morning exercise shuffle for them NOW...them and the rest of the body...pack lunch and snacks and get presentable

Will be "watching" from work, it's a nice way to get through the day

Safe Traveling Wishes for all...

(( All Day Friday Hugs ♥ ))

ttfn ☺

Janet said...

good morning all, happy red tgif!

MAGPIE; hope those hands get to feeling better

LINDA: you know, i have to echo another thought, when all is said and done, i would not completely dismiss the idea of an least to get some compensation for the $$, etc. cannot get rid of the stress and worry, but perhaps could help with recovery of some $$$.

HODA: enjoy your skiing today.

STRONGHUNTER; how is george this a.m.?

LORI: hope the studies improve. we are all rooting for you!!!!

thinking of everyone else as well...

its been quiet at work this week. spring break. have not been as busy. but the corporate big wigs were in yesterday inspecting. they want all massage envy's identical. they check that we are draping clients properly, ask us questions regarding our knowledge of policy. to date, for 3 years, i have not been there when they popped in. luck ran out yesterday. but it was okay, i chatted with one man yesterday for about 20 min on my break and he was quite nice. i really had mostly positive things to say about hte massage envy "culture" as he put it, but i did chime in with my OWN opinion that a large company such as massage envy is in a unique position to do so much for more for themselves, massage therapists, and the public by providing education for the public on what to look for, what to ask in their massage therapist ...WHY would someone want a licensed therapist, for example and not the cheapest thing they can find? WHY is it important that we carry malpractice insurance? WHY does my massage therapist ask me these questions regarding health, exercise, may go no further than this guy, but at least I planted a seed.

anyway, rain for the next 3 days here. tom has been busting his hiney working on putting a privacy fence on the front part of the back yard fence. the back part is privacy fence, but the front part isn't. we are in good old TN and he hits rock rock rock and more rock. big ones too. the ground is nice and soft right now, but not the rocks....

weekend straight ahead. WOOO HOOO> make it a fabulous day! light, love, healing, and hugs to all! put a smile on that face, it looks great on you!

magpie said...

Happy World Water Day....
lots of neat things to watch on the telly...

Good Morning Janet...!

Best wishes on your "do" and your
mammogram today...yes, hope everyone treats you like Royalty...

Okay work time coming up for sure...

Love Yourselves Today !
xo ♥ 'bye

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Friends!!!

SANDI, have a fun weekend and happy reunion with your son! I cAN feel your joy!

PAULA, have a great time at the beach and thanks for the Sharon update. I had not seen it, either.

DIANN, so glad to see you on the blog again. I think of you a lot and wonder how you're doing. Thanks for the update. Big HUG!

Speaking of Big ((((HUGS))))...these are for KAY and Penny! I always hope to be the first in the morning to give you a hug, KAY! Love you!

OH, LINDA, thanks for the update on you and Dennis. So sorry he's been through so much. Hopefully this saga is winding down now.

Time to help Mom change Dad's bag... BBL.

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, Happy do day, and good luck with your mammogram today.

JUDIE, I hope that whatever upset you yesterday resolves itself today and you're stress free, again! Thanks for the early sandman - it worked for me. :)

HODA, thanks for the thoughts on my test...April 25. Got a new tutoring strategy yesterday that I think will help a lot.

JANET, glad you made it through your "interview" just fine. I'm sure you were great and how nice of you to offer suggestions for public education!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

George ate up his breakfast and tried to take mine. Very good sign.

Lori O. said...

MARGY, hope your hands are not causing you too much pain. Glad you're going to see about getting rid of the pain!

Prayers for DANAMO's Dad, SANDI's Mom, GLO's MIL, THELMA's BIL, Ann Marie, JO (who I hope checks in today) and everyone in need.

Lori O. said...

YAY for George, SHIRLEY! Sounds like he is feeling much better.

stronghunter said...

Hunter was quite bothered by seeing George get a shot in the back of his neck. You know how they pull the loose skin up and give a shottherehe.

But it seems to be what George needed.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, three Marines shot and killed at Quantico. Kathryn works just on the outside of the base.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle peeps.

magpie said...

Good Morning T-Bird...
Good to see represent the Southern Delegation well!

And Good Morning More Eagle Pals...
time to start making dough here...
Oh Lori...anytime, you can email your address....I ordered up another copy on ebay overnight...

magpie said...

Very disturbing about the incident at Quantico...
will read up on that....

ttfn xo ♥

stronghunter said...

30 degrees here this morning. Brrr.

stronghunter said...

Having coffee. Need to be awake today.

T-Bird said...

14 degrees here this morning.

T-Bird said...

Magpie-if you don't watch you will make me have a big head. LOL

glo said...

Good news on . Goodness prayers for . what a mess that sounds like. I am off to do some Easter shopping and get a package off to Elia. Prayers for all for a good day. Surely hoping a cam is up when I get home. mtbr on that one.

glo said...

Magpie Get AVG free anti virus.

NatureNut said...

(no pic yet)

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon - Don't send out the Silver Alert - I am ok. When I arrived home last evening around 9PM - (1 1/2 HRS UP AND 1 1/2 HRS BACK) I was beat! Got ready for bed sat down in the recliner and don't remember a thing! So tired.

Sorry not to be able to see our royal family with the cam being down. Steve is on leave and Rob out of office until 3/22. Just praying it is fixable and not something with the camera itself up in the nest. We cannot disturb the family at the nest at this stage of the game.


Costume Lady said...


Lynne2 said...

The dogs and I have just returned from an hour and a half long walk through Manchester. What a gorgeous day! And we found a pond for Steve to fish in! He is actually fishing today. I WAS doing some cleaning but the sun was so bright and pretty....

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...