Monday, February 25, 2013


New thread.


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Lori O. said...

THANKS STEVE for the new thread! I'll go get the others!

Lori O. said...

Feather for me, YAY!!!

JudyEddy said...


.♥ F E A T H E R ♥.

☺ ☺☺☺

JudyEddy said...

How is you dad today LORI and DANAMO

magpie said...

Well, Yabba Dabba Doo !
Thanks Lori for the Bold Alert
to Steve for the New Thread

magpie said...

JudyE, I forgot your sun would set later than ours...sorry about the cloud cover....maybe later you will see it

Lori O. said...

My second feather....I'm moving up in the ranks!

JUDYE, Dad is the same today, slowly coming along and still having problems urinating. He hates doing the self catheterization. The hope is eventually his bladder will start working again. Thanks for asking.

I wonder if LYNNE2 will be unpacking tonight, or will have time to jump on the blog? Hmmmm.

SHARON and ANDY, how is your pain this evening?

LOLLY, How are you feeling, now?

HODA, How did you hold up on your second day in a row of skiing? You ARE HODA THE AMAZING!

magpie said...

Lori....what is your father's age?
I think the self-cathing thing does get easier with practice....
I can just know in my heart how wonderful it is for your
parents to have you there...

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for a new thread and thanks Lori for the call over!

I see Belle looks tucked in for the night as does Lady Blackwater.

Going to watch some TV. Later.

JudyEddy said...

WOW have the FortMeyers eaglets gotten soooo big both are plotzed for the night so cute

Lynne2 said...

Evening all! Well, I was the "laugh of the day" with my being late!

Steve and his buddy Shaun did some awesome unpacking and rearranging of things today! Just a few more things to put away, and then all the pictures and wall hangings back on the walls and we are done!

Lori O. said...

LYNNE2, YAY for you. I'm thrilled you're so happy in your new home! Awesome that Steve could help out today. Get some rest!

JudyEddy said...

did you all realize there are 9 eagle nest with EGGS now Cool Beans

glo said...

Busy day here. Yes Dex did get to go for a nice walk. Then tonight i got to do a speaking engagement at a local Computer Society about Eagle photography. I haven't done public speaking in quite a while. I thought i would be a lot more nervous than I actually was. I think Eagles is my passion and well I have learned so very much about them starting right here with this web cam and then over the years the good and bad and then the ability to photograph them locally. It was pretty fun. <b.Sandi</b. Dex has a wonderful appetite. When he doesn't eat I do know something is wrong. I will say though that what he likes has changed some over the years. Perhaps like us their taste buds diminish a little over time. Maybe that is why Bandit wants the I think it was cheese added to his meal. If it were me I would add it if that is what he enjoys. I also have Dex on no diet. I figure he has lived this long he can have whatever he wants. That's how it works at our house. I too had a very old cat for years. His appetite did decline with age.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Made a quick grocery run today. Picked up some tomatoes for hamburgers later this week. Unfortunately, I left them on the kitchen table. I found the empty package on the floor. Luna really likes tomatoes. I know she's not supposed to have them. At least she did not eat the onion, too.

glo said...

Recopied as it didn't bold and i wanted Sandi to see htis answer about my "old' dog :-) " <b.Sandi</b. Dex has a wonderful appetite. When he doesn't eat I do know something is wrong. I will say though that what he likes has changed some over the years. Perhaps like us their taste buds diminish a little over time. Maybe that is why Bandit wants the I think it was cheese added to his meal. If it were me I would add it if that is what he enjoys. I also have Dex on no diet. I figure he has lived this long he can have whatever he wants. That's how it works at our house. I too had a very old cat for years. His appetite did decline with age.

Unknown said...

Just wanted to tell you all hi and wish you SED. Hope you all are well. Crazy busy. It has been days since I have been over here :(

Linda said...

Good Evening!!

Haha - LYNNE was late to work!!
Must have slept better than you
have in a long time!!!

LORI - Praying your Dad won't have
to use that catheter for much longer.
I know that is no fun for him. One
day at a time! Sending lots of love
and (((( HUGS )))) his way ♥

DANA - This is surgery week for your
Dad, right? I have to read back on
the other blog, but I remember you
saying it was the 28th? Keeping him
in prayer, too!!

GLO - Glad Dex got some good outside
time!! Some good Vitamin D!! And
KUDOS to you for your speaking engagement!

Just wanted to check in before calling
it a day!!!

Wishing everyone restful sleep!!


Lolly said...

Watching TV, huddled under my electric lap blanket, fire going,....I am just fine! I have finally warmed up after being COLD all day.

Glo, we always were very careful with what we fed Annie. However, now we feed her whatever she will eat...short of table food. Have experimented with all kinds of canned food. She always had science diet dry food.

This Sunday in our paper there was an article where they did a study. After the age 75 your diet does not matter. Wahoooo! Something to look forward to!!! A reason for reaching 75.

Mema Jo said...

congratulations on your feather Lori
Thanks for the fresh thread, Steve.

Keeping an eye on BWE but all eagles now have their heads tucked under their wing. Perhaps tonight will be the hatching of BWE's 1st egg.

SED for all and AOYP

Time to tuck head! lol
I love us ♥

paula eagleholic said...

I remember the 28th for Dana's Dad for surgery.

Just loaded up 9 boxes/bags for Goodwill tomorrow..backseat and trunk are full. Feels good to get some of the stuff out of here...

paula eagleholic said...

Blackwater Eagle Festival is the 9th...

I won't be going...I have plans to head up to NJ for Michael's birthday...not sure if Larry is coming, he doesn't have his new work schedule yet.

He did training today, and will do more tomorrow. Then he works through Saturday. He had to tell me about his day we went and grabbed a bite.

Hoda said...

Fantasmagorical, Awesome Terrific Day!!!

Had a great ski in the snow and managed a hill and did not fall and felt a sense of wellness and joy just to be out there...My oh my I think with the snow out at the Nordic Club I am sure we will ski well into the end of March.

Terrific Yoga class and wonderful company to talk with at the start and end of class.

I feel blessed. Did not have much time to eat today and did not drink as much water as I should have and that is a problem I will need to solve with skiing. I do not want to carry my metal water bottle just in case I fell. It could cause some damage. I saw people carrying flat water bottles, like a wine bag from Europe . I must explore that part.

I have not read back. I will go make a cup of tea and be back to catch up.

I love us.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, bet it's starting to feel more like home now! Too funny about being late for work!

Hoda said...

YES DANA'S DAD'S surgery is the 28th and Prayers are already happening so let us all lift him up on that day and so DANA'S Family would all know a sense of wellness and may there be healing.

paula eagleholic said...

Sent the email to Steve about the still cam.

Heading to bed, I'm beat.

SED, Love and HUgs for all ♥

Hoda said...

No Brownies for HRH LYNNE she was three minutes late!!! Gracious to ROYAL BETSY,that would be QUEEN E II, a whole three minutes what is this world coming to I wonder!!!

LOLLY very glad the procedure went well and it so much touched my heart when MARGY spoke of LYNN taking her to a few of her appointments. Good luck with it all SHIRLEY when it is your time let us know when.

JANET you are sweet. We are all good.

PAULA awesome contributions to the second hand stores it will help others and you have a big heart.

JO so glad your eye appointment well...regular check ups are key.

JUDYE good on you for talking to the Mayor. Ours likes to go out of the office to spend an hour or so walking about three times a week visiting with people on the street and in coffee houses. He is a good chap this Mayor Dooley.

LINDA you are a trouble maker you are!!! LOL!!! Love you.

GLO glad DEX had a good day.

I think I am ready for a tahini and vegetable sandwich for supper...I am beginning to feel hungry.

LORI skiing two days in a row went well and the next time I will go out is Thursday so I hope it is all well for then. I feel truly blessed and fortunate to be getting stronger as I age. I make accommodations for what ailes me and keep going on with what can be made stronger.

KAY many memories today for you. God Bless You and keep you long with good memories. Hard when we lose someone on a day and you have lost two on the same day...years apart but the same day. God Bless you.

SHAR I am so glad to hear that you are wanting to know what is causing the pain and to get off of the medication. It sounds like your abductors and your Psoas muscles have put your back out of alignment. PRAYERS for healing soon.

I love us.

BB after sandwich...

stronghunter said...

Yawning now, so I will turn off the light. I have bowling tomorrow morning, so I need to be ready. Hope to hear from the bowling teacher soon. SED, everyone.

Lynne2 said...

Can I just say that I spent a great deal of time gazing at the Snow Worm Sap Crow Hunger Lenten Moon RIGHT OUTSIDE MY LIVING ROOM WINDOW!!!

Hoda said...

YAY YAY YAY YRH LYNNE! Love it and God Bless you and how awesome is that...

Hoda said...

God is Good all the time and thank you YRH LYNNE for being an inspiration.

Hoda said...

Goodnight SHIRLEY.
Goodnight PAULA

LOLLY I hope LAUREL and JOSEPH feel better soon...sounds funny to say snow day in Texas, yet I saw pictures of the snow and the one you had on FB before and after was quite something...11 inches!!! WOW!!!

Lolly said...

Ready to shower and put my head on my pillow. Like I said, I am finally warm. My blood pressure dropped when I was sedated and I am wondering if it was still down and that is why I was so cold.

Bet Lynne, will not be late to work tomorrow!

SANDI, told Laurel about the pj's. She said she would tell the boys, but I think the most we will have is flurries. Blizzard is headed more north. We have had terrific wind today. Very hard to believe 19 inches of snow and hurrican winds in Amarillo. Wow!

Night all!!! SED!!

Hoda said...

Good night LOLLY SED

Lolly said...

Hoda, the 11 inches was overnight. More snow today...19 inches, a white out for sure!

I am really hoping both Laurel and Joseph are home tomorrow. Both sick with yucky yucky colds. She does not think it the flu, but her head hurts terribly.

Lynne2 said...

Thinking and praying tonight for Lori, her dad and family, Dana's dad and the family, Sharon, Andy, Dex, Annie.

Glad your procedure went well Lolly.'ve not yet had a colonoscopy?? must have one. Don't be a fool. A few hours of prep discomfort is the worst of it. A small price to pay to make sure a potential, but curable problem is discovered in time.

Paula, wow, that's a LOT of stuff! This move has made me realize that I, too, am holding on to too many "things" that I can do without. You know, I actually have a box of clothes labeled "clothes I hope to fit into one day" and another labeled" clothes I will probably never fit into again". WHY?? These thing would be better suited helping some of Wanda's guests! I have 12 boxes of Christmas stuff!!! WHY?? There are some really beautiful things. But I have never used most of them! And likely never will. I have four gallon jars of matchbooks! I have collected them for years. When I was a bartender, people would go away on vacations and bring back packs from different places they visited. Many are VERY old. Many are really neat looking. But I look at them once every 2 or three years. Yep, I can remember where/who many of them came from. But why am I holding on to them?

Lynne2 said...

geez Lolly, will add Laurel and Joey. I hope they DO stay home tomorrow! but that they feel better soon. WILD weather in north Texas today!!

Lynne2 said...

whew, I need some sleep. Not doing well in that dept lately. It's so nice to have a more normal life now! I am too anxious to get everything done, but it's really getting there. My mismatched worn our furniture, beat up pots and pans, my rotten beasts....nothing feels so good right now as all of that!!

Lynne2 said...

BTW, Steve drove me to work today, but I walked home. It took 6 minutes. LOL! Then I took the dogs for a 35 minute walk up and down the mean streets and allies of the big city! Put up one bird feeder and hoping something finds it soon. Planning on what I'll do with the flower beds...

Hoda said...

So happy for you are beautiful and you are a dear and precious friend.

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Hoda!

Oh, was't I going to bed?

Good night and prayers for all!

Hoda said...

Goodnight YRH LYNNE.

Goodninght all.


Costume Lady said...

I just read back over the blog and seems everyone is CRAZY BUSY working or headed for a Dr. Appt.
That would be me, doing both...crazy busy and taking GG back and forth between 3 dentists to get her teeth fixed. We go to Dr. Queen at 1pm tomorrow to get and impression for her new bridge...then we go to Dr. Meadows to have 1 tooth pulled and 2 cut off to the roots. Then, back to Dr. Queen to get her TEMPORARY bridge put in. Then, we have to wait for her permanent bridge to be made and fitted.
Dr. Meadows has her on amoccacillian to prevent infection.
Thank goodness we got the automatic pill dispenser. She will have all pills in her by the time I go to pick her up. She loves her pill her a little bit of independance:)

Good night, everyone. Love and prayers for you all♥

Jewels said...

Good Morning!!! Been a while since I popped in. Hope everyone is well!! Prayers to everyone as well.
I bought Charlie a pill dispenser that he is not even using. $150.00 I spent on this one. I think I am going to sell it. I could use the moula back!

Jewels said...

Margy, if you see this, I am at work. Got called in to do the 0000-0400.
Was going to leave you a note, but was told you aren't here till Wed.
How has the soup been for you??

Sandi said...

Good Tuesday morning Jewels and all my eagle friends! Belle was all tucked in when I first opened the cam but is now awake. Probably anxious to get some food and exercise.

Glo, both my dogs eat "people food" not dog food, since I make it using ground turkey, eggs, potato, veggies, rice, flax seed meal, and pumpkin all cooked together. Since making that switch about 3 years ago (when Bella had all of her teeth removed), I have never had a problem with Bandit disliking his food. But now, in the past few weeks, he's not eating it all. As I said, he still eats 1 meal a day, but not 2. As long as he's eating at least once a day, I'm not planning to take him to the vet, who would want to order a lot of tests. He's 15, blind, deaf with dementia, arthritis, and bladder stones. He's not in any pain but his quality of life is declining.

Lynne2, sounds like you are settling in - glad you love the place!

Prayers for Lori's dad, Dana's dad, Sharon and Andy. Jo, what's the latest on Michael? How is his speech coming along?

Make it a great day. This morning is the hearing for the student who brought the knife to school to discuss next steps. Not looking forward to having to be there - hope I can say the right words to the young man to let him know that, though he made a terrible mistake, this event does not have to define who he becomes or what he does with the rest of his life.

Sandi said...

Belle calling out. I hear Shep answering her. Must be switch time!

Sandi said...

Parent switch taking place at Blackwater. With the light glaring on the eggs, it's hard to see but it looks like still 3 eggs and no chick yet. Dad is settled down on them now.

No switch at our nest yet.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

OH POOP we are under a tornado watch with the front moving upon us They didn't think it would reach this far WRONG they were

JudyEddy said...

But he says we still think it will be from Tampa north They why are we in a red box lol

JudyEddy said...

50miles out is the storm The weather man said stay put for the next hour HMMM I wonder if that is a excused absent for work They weather man said not to go to work LOL OK can't blame me for trying

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!!!

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is calling out

JudyEddy said...

we have a eaglet at Blackwater

JudyEddy said...

I put a pic on facebook of it

JudyEddy said...

AWWWW BELLE is tucked back in Giving up on Shep Where is that boy

JudyEddy said...

I heard a eagle chirp and so did Belle then she tucked back in

JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Changing of the guards. Shep just came in with a really long stick. Belle flew off and Shep is wiggle-wiggling on the eggs.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It looked like Shep had his beak down in the fluff and taking deep breaths, maybe getting warm?

Janet said...

Good morning eagle people. Tired Tuesday morning.

Yoga was good last night, but not my most "successful" night. I was "successful" in that 1. I went and 2. I kept at it....I have gone and allowed myself to catch a cold and that was part of the issue..the other was the hip issue. But its all good, as I worked thru it all....

Slept great last night, so did a lot of good, even though my MIND did not FEEL like I did....

I have my chair gig today...and I want to go and get some more rocks for when the weather breaks, maybe next Monday right now....and the invivislbe dog Tom can install it...when the weather breaks.

Lots of snow it, rain. We are supposed to have snow showers by Thursday but for now, rain and in the 50's.

I hope everyone has a great day. I have plenty to do during this rainy week, lol. Indoor or out, always something to get into !

Hugs, light, love and healing to all! :)

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....
Shep sure is tuned into his
comfort zone this morning

Hoping that Terrific Tuesday has already started happening for Us'ns.

Thinking of Sandi with that hearing today.....postive thoughts that her words and actions will be spot on to help the troubled student

And Best Wishes for everything in the Wellness Department, hope the healthy things will fly off the shelf for all in need

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

waiting to see an update on Blackwater...I see JudyE said she got a picture of a chick....

magpie said...

I had a cardinal and a robin
in my neighboring trees ♪ ♫
That's a good start to MY day

Oh dear....what a day Wanda and GG have today with the dentist merry-go-round...
Hope it all goes very well, Wanda.

ttfn xo ♥

magpie said...

I'm loving Lynne2's
homesteading reports !

I'm imagining the new place
surely resembles a Palace right now.
How about that Steve and Shaun
getting the job done Monday
Men-Power !!!

okay 'bye

magpie said...

Blackwater just confirmed the first chick hatching and Lisa has put a picture on the site

Congratulations Blackwater, Lisa and all her staff...
Lady and Lord Blackwater

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - eggciting about the 1st hatch at BWE - Anxious to see a feeding.

Hoping all of you have a great day

Should rain this afternoon - maybe ?

Mema Jo said...

Sandi may you say the right words and may they be heard by this young man.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Ice storm hitting Bluefield right now.

magpie said...

Good Morning Jo ☺ and Sharon ☺

WOOF, ice storm, Shar....

looks like Shep is practicing
some Dadbrella-ing he might need to do later on today here...

magpie said...

far as I know it's not precipping at the nest yet...not her yet
in Martyburg either

Cyclone Shirley: Hope your bowling games are great today,
lots of strikes and spares,
no gutter balls and Splits !

Lori O. said...

Good Tuesday Morning All!

Getting a late start this morning.

Waiting for my SIL to come over so I can follow her over to drop off her car for brakes or tires...don't know which one.

SHIRLEY, I hope you have a great day at bowling. Go get 'em, Cyclone!

HODA, glad you had a great time yesterday and hope you rest up today for Thursday! Again, you are amazing.

Prayers that everyone is feeling better - ANDY, SHARON and JO and all in need.


Gotta run, will check in later.

magpie said...

theres an eagle at the Osprey platform now also

Hi - Bye Lori

birds at NCTC are nice and chirpy, hear the cardinal singing
Secure, Secure, Secure

magpie said...

Po$itively Amazing....

filed my taxes last Monday....
the federal return is already in the bank....
it won't last has many
places to go

Linda said...

WOW, Margy! That is great.....and the way it should be!!

Good Morning Friends!

Have finally caught up on the happenings here and there!

SANDI - Our Riley (almost 12 yrs old) doesn't eat some days and other days makes up for it. If he get nervous about the weather, he doesn't eat. I don't know if BANDIT ever has nervous issues! Also, thinking of you today at the hearing...

glo said...

Good morning all. Dex and I are back from Coffee and Dog treats and a morning walk. If the forecast is right we will be in now for a couple of days. We are good to go as long as I can open the back door every 6 hours or so LOL.
I agree Sandi feed him what you want which i know is home cooked and very nourishing and let him be. If it were me I would add the cheese twice a day since he is eating when you do that. Then again maybe he would get sick of all that cheese taste and that wouldn't work either. I won't be putting my Buddy through lots of tests and treatments at his age either. I will love him and enjoy him as long as he is enjoying life enough to let me know days hold good times. That has already happened today so we are good to go. I was just answering your question about old dogs and appetite as far as Dex was concerned. HAGD everyone. Prayers for all. argh I hate to go to the dentist.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

magpie said...

chick in view at BWE

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Love HRH's window report. Lynne, you now know how Laurel works. This is her second year of teaching all day in the basement. She hates it! She never knows what the weather is like upstairs!

Congratulations to BW. Waiting to see that cute little one! Saw the pic.

I just have to say...I feel great today. Had to lay off some meds for a week in preparation for yesterday. Back on my anti inflamatory and boy does it work and I feel so much better. Not so many aches and pains this morning.

Little one in view at BW

magpie said...

Sweet and Adorable....

raining here now and at NCTC nest I think

Lolly said...

Hi Margy! We both saw that cute little one! Yea for us!

magpie said...

Yah, Lolly it was quick!
Saw the two parents there, and then
Voila !

Lolly said...

Sunshine here, but cold and still windy. Hear my windchimes a chiming away! Off to read the paper.

I'll be back!

magpie said...

blue bird chirping away at NCTC

Hi More Morning Eagle Pals..

I SEE you, Linda, and T-Bird, Lolly of course

Lolly, glad all things seem to be GOOD to GO for you

magpie said...

OH Snap!

I see Glo and read the good dog and coffee treats report...
a good day, is a great day !

magpie said...

It's Titmouse o'clock here...

my Audubon clock ☺ at 10:00

magpie said...

rain might not have made it to NCTC quite yet, can't tell
but the windiness is

Lori O. said...

SANDI, good luck today. You'll be exactly what you need to be and say what you need to. :)

How cool for BWE and thier super cute new eaglet! Can't wait for ours!

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

My delete....sorry. Double post.

magpie said...

Change of the parent guard and an egg roll at NCTC

WV sUSAn said...

SANDI -- I spoke with (Jo's) Michael last week and he sounds great!! Better with every conversation. Also, his texting is improving in leaps and bounds. Always a joy to speak with him and hear his progress. He also said he worked a few hours last week, yes I said worked. How awesome is that?!?!? He said he was really tired but I'm thrilled that he was able to and you know it made him feel good, also.

Good Morning to all at the Sycamore Palace this morning.

LYNNE -- thrilled for you and Steve on getting moved. Ahhhhhhh, look out the windows, honey, and enjoy it all!!

WV sUSAn said...

Oh, and congrats to BWE on the hatching. One down and two to go!

magpie said...


magpie said...

Fantastic Report, Susan...
really, truly, wonderful

Terrific Tuesday, Indeed !
You are an Angel, by the way,

magpie said...

OH boy,
water leak damaging the drywall between my unit and theirs

Place is gonna get torn up here
in the next few days


Going to get my shower soon before all that starts

ttfn for REAL

xoxo (( All Day Loving Hugs )) ♥

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks, sweet Margy!!! No YOU!
Ohhhh boy, a leak sounds awful.
Maybe get some fresh paint ;-)
before it's all said and done.

magpie said...

sounds of rain at the nest now....

Thanks Susan...
and about the ceiling...there have been
soooooo many problems with this
upstairs unit....
I think the right person is
coming to take care of this time

magpie said...

there was a change of the parent guard about 30 mins ago...
guess figured out what was
about to start happening....
but I'm sure she will get her
Mombrella-ing time also today

magpie said...

and....he's cute as a button, but looks to be about 21 years old ☺

sure glad I washed my car windows last night...not the whole car, just the windows.

Hello Rain

and now Hello Shower !


Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!

Fell asleep early last night and didn't make it back here. Still hurting, so sending an e-mail to the doctor explaining that although the pain medication helps, it's not fixing the cause of the pain. Want a referral to a specialist. Need to know what to do to heal this faster, and how to prevent it ever happening again. Just sick of hurting!

Need to put the heating pad back on my shoulder. Will be back later today to check in. Prayers for all, and wishes for a VERY good day! I LOVE us!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Love and hugs Andy. I feel ya!

magpie said...

Yes, two need
some expert relief, Andrea and Sharon....
come to Martinsburg I have just the chiropractor for you !

WV DNR calendar says this is
an Excellent fishing day! Hmmm,
wonder where Belle is ?

And this is why we call this
Pulling a Margy... how many times did I already say this:

TTFN xo ☺ Lovins' to All

Lolly said...

Finally have heard about Miss T. She is officially "Sophie" and in her furever home!! I like Sophie and it fits her. Yea!

Yes, Andy, you need to find out the problem and get this fixed fast! (((hugs)))

Lolly said...

Hoda, did you see the fb picture of Sophie?

WV sUSAn said...

Lolly, that's great!!! So glad Sophie has a furever home. Love it :-)

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, so happy to hear that Sophie/Miss T has a new forever home!

Good Afternoon, SHARON, ANDY, MARGY, SUSAN and all to come!

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Lori!! Hey, are you going to make it to the Momster gathering this year?

Do we have any dates yet for the Momster gathering?

Mema Jo said...

Susan - Paula may be trying to organize an event - with NO open house dates April may still be when it occurs.

magpie said...

Sophie, that's perfect,Lolly !
reminds me of another nice name
and little girl I have seen pictures of
that would be Sophia ☺ ♥

WV sUSAn said...

Thank ya, Jo. It was the 3rd wkend in April last year. Hoping to NOT hit the scrapbooking affair in Sheptown that made getting accommodations difficult last year.

magpie said...

Shep's Dadbrella style is a little
different from Belle's Mombrella style
but it looks pretty secure and cozy
for the duo underneath

magpie said...

Howdy there to the Momsters "behind" me

magpie said...

Jewels made reference during her four-hour call in shift this morning about some Soup she made and gave me...
It's a Weight-Watchers recipe,
white chicken, celery, garlic,
apples ☺ carrots ☺ , some gentle seasoning, and I think she cooked it with a little bacon...
It wasn't a big hit at her house,
but it's a big hit at My house...
It's what I call a "Clean Soup" and it has a sweetness from the carrots and apples that makes it

Thanks again, Carolyn ♥

WV sUSAn said...

Margy and Carolyn, that soup sounds wonderful!!

magpie said...

Definitely Yummers, Susan

magpie said...

Stoic, Stalwart, Sensational,

could try to creat a haiku
on his performance
in the rain on the wet nest today

but I have to disappear to get some
things ready to mail out later
xoxo ♥

Kay said...

Good Afternoon dear Eagle Buds !

LORI, those hugs felt real good ! And HODA, I do so appreciate your sweet words re:the losses I associate with the 25th of February. Again, I'm so grateful for the sweet memories of those two wonderful, inspiring women !

Penny and I are pretty much holed up for the day due to freezing rain. Thankful for wide eaves which provide us with a nice wide dry spot for our necessary outings. "Hope Springs Eternal" and I'm looking forward to Spring, springing !!!!!

Love and prayers for all Momsters, Dadsters, Kidsters and Petsters !!


glo said...

So is it rain or freezing rain at the nest?

magpie said...

right now I think just rain rain, Glo...
temps are right aroun 33...could change

magpie said...

My heart is with yours also
on the anniversary of the precious losses in your life
I am sorry my manners are
running a little behind
on these important things..
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Kay said...

MARGY, you never have to apologize for "manners" as yours are impeccable ! You have a way of making each of us feel special and loved !

Your wonderful adjectives got my creative juices flowing. A nice rainy day exercise---I decided to use your S's for Shep and then see if I could come up with 4 words for each letter in Belle and Shep. He's first and here goes....

S..."Stoic, Stalwart,Sensational, and Steadfast"

H...Handsome, Helpful, Happy and HOT!

E...Efficient, Eager, Elegant, and Energetic

P...Protective, Powerful, Proud and Plucky

Then there's our queenly Belle.....

B...Beautiful, Brave, Bright and BEST !

E...Exciting, Enchanting, Exotic and Entertaining

L...Lovely, Lively, Large and Lyrical

L...Learned, Loving, Likeable and Luxuriant

E...Excellent, Enthusiastic, Exultant and Ethereal

Ta dah ! Had to readjust my thinking cap a couple of times with those multiples E's n' L's !


magpie said...

Way Wonderful, and Clever...
and, thanks...

You know, there are NOT a whole lot of K words, but KIND is one of them...that's YOU ☺♥

Lori O. said...

KAY, that is very clever of you! And, all so true!

SUSAN, I would love to go to any Momster gathering, anytime. Can't wait until we get the news of a date.

JO, hope you're feeling well today.

SHIRLEY, how did you do at bowling?

LYNNE2, a six min. walk is perfect. How wonderful that you're so close to your office. Congrats, again!

WV sUSAn said...

Goodness, what a fab rainy day exercise, Kay and Margy!!

stronghunter said...


One of my bowling teammates wanted to help me, so we stayed and practiced. Plumb wore me out. I came home and fell asleep in the recliner.

Susan posted this on FB today:

This just completely happened -

Customer - is there anywhere in this mall that I can get a basic teddy bear?

Me - no, probably not in this mall

Customer - you can't even buy guns in Macy's anymore. I've got a new grandson, I need a new gun.

Other manager - you might be able to find a teddy bear in Toys R Us.

Customer - But Toys R Us doesn't sell guns!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

MARGY I sent you the pic of the blackwater chick since you didn't see it on facebook

and I think I was the first to grab a pic and put on that page

JudyEddy said...

WOW MARGY that is fast with the returns I just got mine in the mail this week and did auto deposit I just wish they would let you know when it gets deposited but they don't ;-(

JudyEddy said...

MARGY did you do yourself or have a agency do them I know at work we have Jackson Hewitt and they do get the money quicker I was told if you file it with them Just curious

Sandi said...

Hi all - rainy here but just rain. Radar shows a lot of it headed this way! I see Belle is tenting in WV as is Mom/Dad Blackwater. Sure hope that new little chick stays dry!

Thanks all for the input on Bandit. Today his breakfast bowl was empty when I got home - good news.

My student didn't attend the hearing today - just the parents. So I didn't get a chance to say goodbye and/or wish him well. His preliminary hearing is next week so we don't know yet if he'll be sentenced to a residential juvenile facility. In the meantime, he'll start at the alternative school in our district on Friday.

Time to fix food for people and pets. Later!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley Susan had a very odd customer! lol

Getting ready for Open faced roast beef sandwich mashed potatoes veggie and cranberry sause. This lying around in recliners looking at the rain on the window really makes me hungry lol I am at 132# and guess I won't gain until I become active again!

I have been watching BWE mostly off and on today

Nest Update

Chick Alert!
The parents are protecting our new chick from the rain. In this shot you can see the 2nd egg might have a hole.

Soon it will be our nest's turn!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I also sent to BW the pic I grabbed this am didn't realize there was a spot to send a pic till just now

JudyEddy said...

BW isn't tenting right now she is up and doing roll and maybe a peak

JudyEddy said...

no peak she is back down

JudyEddy said...

OK GONNA MAKE YA LAUGH remember yesterday I was tickled about talking to the Mayor

JudyEddy said...

well he was in the store again today and I went up to him again and mentioned it how wonderful it would be to have Pinellas Park camera on the internet may get more tourist

well to find out He is no longer Mayor I felt really duh at the time

JudyEddy said...

we now have a female for a mayor Don't know who she is yet but will try to find out

JudyEddy said...

Hey have a odd sort of question The snowy egreat was at the pond like she is daily may not be the same who know Well my question is do you know Why she shakes her legs while she is fishing for food Maybe it stirs up the muck on the bottom or something I took several video today at lunch and she did it over and over in them tought was part of the fishing ritual maybe HUH

JudyEddy said...

Just got a response from BW with a Wonderful and Thanks

JudyEddy said...

WE HAD ONE INCH of rain today with the front that moved in
News is on OH IN TAMPA today a tornado hit not bad but coming up on the news and its the first time that the city has been hit by a tornado

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

nite lite on

Sandi said...

BTW, my son Brian only has 6 more sleeps in Tanzania! =)

Am I seeing raindrops going sideways or snowflakes at the nest?

JudyEddy said...

really really large SNOW FLAKES are flying sideways in front of the camera

magpie said...

It's raining to beat the band here in Martinsburg and has been for hours.
But no snow which is Northwest of the Nest...

Sandi...sorry you did not get to
see your student, my very best wishes for a good outcome for him...
and yay, good news on Bandit...
an empty bowl is a nice thing to come home to ☺

magpie said...

So is this blog...
a nice thing to come home to

Oboy, shopped at my favorite place today:
The Post Office ☺

magpie said...

Nice going on the pictures, JudyE
I was hoping when you said you put it on Facebook it was their BW facebook, I see it was

Cyclone Shirley, always a helping hand, even with bowling...

magpie said...

I think we've laid enough fodder here and there today for Judie....
hoping she'll come on before night's end and crack on us a wee bit

chores to do here...
back later...
xoxox ♥

magpie said...

it's a hoax
"Push down and turn"
on this bottle of One a Day Daily for Women...

I'm gonna dynamite it open and offload the contents

magpie said...

Someone else did my taxes...
$67 bucks and 15 minutes...worth every second and penny of it.

magpie said...

nice young plumber and mechanic politely asked me today if I was going to be home tomorrow.
I about fainted, THEN I realized he was needing to know because he's
going to tear the walls apart.
Okay, Go with that one ☺

Lolly said...

LOL Margy, go for the dynamite!! Know exactly how you feel. At least I do have Jack to go for help in tight situations.

magpie said...

Lolly, I threw the bottle in my work bag for Wednesday...
someone there will take care of it.
I'll say to whoever it is:
"Thank You, Jack."
☺ ♥

magpie said...

I'm assuming there is rain at Blackwater....
see some Mom-brelling going on there also

paula eagleholic said...

From Steve - no tilt, pan or zoom. No info on Earth Day yet. They will decide after March 1st.

Oh Lolly, I like Sophie so much better!

Margy, Dadbrella! Like that!

Sandi, glad they have your student at an alternative school. Where is Brian going next?

Shirley, do you bowl 10 pin or duckpin?

paula eagleholic said...

Still cam is back on...might have missed that post.

magpie said...

Wowser, Paula...but we DO have the STILL Cam back, just tuned in to that...
thank you to you and JudyE for the alerts about that....

magpie said...

Nope, you didn't miss it because I don't think it was here, Paula

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, hope you are starting to unwind!

magpie said...

I think "Mombrella," maybe Sharon or Lynne2 on that one...
that's a good one also !
I don't like losing track of the
Inventors of new words on here...

paula eagleholic said...

Yum, found some caramels in the cabinet...was saving them for apples, but since I don't have any apples, I'll just have to eat the caramels plain! LOL

magpie said...

That's the spirit, Paula...
Kraft Caramels used to be my all time favorite when I was in grade school...still love 'em !

Judie said...

Good evening.

I see much has happened today. Congratulations to BW and their first eaglet. Wish the weather were more accommodating. Poor little babe probably wishes it had waited another day or two before joining the world.

Hoda apparently has no time to bake brownies as she's been out skiing and acting like a teenager. Go Girl! Margy has come into some dough and was propositioned by two young men. Bandit is eating. Sandi's miscreant is hopefully going to get some serious attention and JudyE can't tell a man mayor from a woman mayor. Michael is making huge progress and HRH has almost settled in with serious help from Steve. Shirley is plotting to become a serious threat to the bowling world and Susan could start a business called Guns R Us selling teddy bears armed with AK47s.

magpie said...

Yo Baby, that's our Judie...
Hope YOU are doing well, too,
Professor Extraordinaire !

JudyEddy said...

OH WOW the moon was soooo beautiful when it came up I was out and kicking myself because I left the camera in the house and by the time I got home it wasn't as big beautiful but not as big

Judie said...

The sandperson is in serious do-do with me. Left to make rounds before slinging sleepy dust on my eyes and I was awake until 2:30am. Probably off cavorting with Hoda.

Lolly glad your exam went well yesterday and I like the name Sophie.

Wishing Andy and Shar quick relief.

Pouring rain here and at the nest. So glad it isn't snow.

Okay, off to put my feets up. Try to BBL

Oh, excellent dinner tonight. Butternut squash soup and buttered toast. Bye

JudyEddy said...

I am laughing my self to death JUDIE you are a HOOT and I am still laughing OK back to TV

JudyEddy said...

Here is a video that was on facebook

Wow! That is something!!! Strange things are happening in so many of the nests this year! ... Intruder Juvie lands in the nest while both Lucy and Larry are there! (Thanks for sharing this, Rick Black) ~

magpie said...

Squash is a good starchy vegetable, Judie....
helps promote the production of of the Feel Good
things for the body...

I had potatoes and carrots for dinner, those are good also

I like your menu...
buttered toast, another one of my favorites from younger years

JudyEddy said...

BELLE doing wingersize and knocking snow off her

JudyEddy said...

doing egg roll and poop shoot from cup downs she she goes wiggle wiggle

JudyEddy said...

our cam looks a little distorated of sorts maybe rain on lens not as clear as other nites

JudyEddy said...

but it sure is nice to see her she I see only a few flakes every now and then on the cam She is doing face plant now

JudyEddy said...

sounds like rain now not snow

paula eagleholic said...

Judy, it has been all rain...

magpie said...

I think it is just rain.
Big silvery rain drops.

Lynne2 said...

Hello all...

well. Today I was 10 minutes late for work. Wanted to take the car due to rain, wintery mix. Unable to find keys. GRRRR.

Got to work, in a snit, got settled. A little later, I stood up and adjusted my scrub top and felt something in the pocket. MY KEYS.

I have NO recollection of ever picking them up, let alone putting them in my LEFT pocket which I never use.

I cannot explain this. CLEARly I have lost my marbles.

JudyEddy said...

OH I thought there was snow in the forecast Good the wind seems to have died down somewhat

Lynne2 said...

Power out at my MIL's house. Pole leaning, wires across the garage. Ice everywhere.

It's a cold windy night in these parts. Good for a blankie and some hot chocolate.

magpie said...

You'll get the hang of things,

magpie said...

nope no snow here, there were predictions of possible icy mix but it did not happen, temps were near 40, JudyE...we lucked out

oh, Lynne2 - sorry about the parents in law's weather and power

sounds like a waterfall or a babbling brook at NCTC.

JudyEddy said...

Hey don't know if your WalMart would have it at the same price but ours is for the next couple of months
Your know the frozen pouches of wine Our Arbor Mist went from $1.97 to 97¢ they have four flavors

Just thought I would pass it on I was told they aren't as good as Daily but for the price worth a try

magpie said...

Going to say my Good Nights, have some things to tend to before

Hope all the ailments, are at least somewhat...lessened today,
and more so each day to come

Prayers for Wellness,
G'Night, be alert to the upcoming SPLIT and
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ♥

stronghunter said...

Had a nice experience today. On my way into the bank, I encountered a very professional-looking young woman who turned out to be one of my former students. She told me that she works with various banks in their credit card business.

I remember her as one of those mouthy kids I dreaded seeing each day. Never would have recognized her if she had not recognized me.

She had only nice things to say about her days in my class. It is so lovely when they grow up this way.

JudyEddy said...

check out this GHO you get a peek at her chick
Alessondra's OKC Great Horned Owl-Cam,awww look at these precious chick and dinner

JudyEddy said...

thats nice SHIRLEY that she regonized you and she turned out to be a good egg

stronghunter said...

I need ice cream!! I know that there is a fresh container of butter pecan in the freezer. It is calling me.

I must have burned off a lot of calories today at bowling.

JudyEddy said...

the owl that was in the eagles nest is no longer in the nest the cam was down for a couple of days and when they turned it on no owl no egg :-(

stronghunter said...

Good night, Margy.

JudyEddy said...

Is anyone having issues with facebook and the POP up ding when someone post I have gone in the the option of chat and checked and un checked the chat sound and still will do it It started two days ago didn't know what it was for a bit Its very annoying and makes me jump LOL

JudyEddy said...

The video I posted earlier with the juvie in the 4Eagles nest Carol a friend is wondering could it be a offspring comin home???

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Regarding Susan's story about teddy bears and guns, Rus made this comment:

Somewhere in the mall, the ghost of Rod Serling chuckles to himself...

Mema Jo said...

Only 10 - long rainy evening - Shirley, Will had a good comment!
Hope you enjoy your ice cream treat.

BWE second egg has a hole started - Should have 2 chicks sometime tomorrow.

Tenting is going on big time. Love the shots you got, Judy of both eagles in the nest. It was like they were trying to help each other stay dry

I am ready to close down and do a few things before going to sleep. No plans for tomorrow but on Thurs I do get a much needed hair cut!

Everyone have a peaceful sleep

I love us ♥

stronghunter said...

Sleep well, Jo.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 265   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...