Wednesday, April 11, 2012


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...


Lolly said...

Good morning Steve, and thanks for the new thread. I see Wanda has been here, will check to see if she has called the others over. I am sure she has!

Hi Wanda!!!♥

Costume Lady said...

Hi Lolly...quick on the keyboard this morning, aren't we:)

Costume Lady said...

LORI, I've been wondering if you had any time for yourself while in the Bahamas. I found it so beautiful with fish in the water that look like aquarium, yellow, stripped,all kinds and colors. Only drawback, I found it the hottest place on earth!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning
wanda and Lolly! Thanks for the calls over. ♥

Thank YOU, STEVE, for the fresh thread!

WANDA, I didn't even have time to walk out to the ocean...could see it easily from our broadcast station, but they keep you busy, and you just try to get some sleep when you're not scheduled somewhere.

Lolly said...

Stayed on the old thread long enough to read the comments.

Good to see Lynn on and hope she has a better day today!

Prayers for Kay that the shot works FAST!!!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, we saw you in the pool and lounging!!! Love your bikini! LOL

hedgie said...

Lori, sorry about the travel problems......8 hr. layover unscheduled, I take it? UGH!
Welcome home!

hedgie said...

As you can see, we have WIND sick of it.

hedgie said...

Chicks are a little feisty with each other! And walking!!

hedgie said...

Or waddling! Does look like a squirrel tail in front of Belle.

Lolly said...

Morning Lynn! Be thankful for wind and that it is not snow.

Right now it is 68 here, bright sunshine, no wind...going to work in the yard today. Also going to do some cooking for next week.

Lolly said...

Also, need to start loading the trailer. The next two days are going to be very busy!

Lolly said...

I am off to read the paper..need to get with it for sure!

Lynn wishing you a great day!

Also wishing...................................♪♫♪ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU

Lori O. said...

Good morning LYNN...sorry to hear
you had a bad day yesterday. Feeling better today?
Yes. the 8 hour layover was unbearable, then I thought about people
being snowed in for days at airports, so it went faster!

Lori O. said...




I hope you have a great and
special day celebrating with whatever
makes you smile!

magpie said...

Thnks for the New Thread, Steve and to Wanda
for hollering in her sweet Tiger voice at us

magpie said...

And another round of Happy Birthday Wishes to Paula....
Hope this day is as special as YOU are.... xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Welcome Home Lori !
we have missed you, glad you are on home turf now....

Lori: those baby peaglets are now the size of a full grown chicken, isn't that hard to believe !!

magpie said...

Thinking of Lynn, Kay and all in most need of a GOOD DAY today

time to go make dough....
oh T-Bird,
I am trying to call you in with that phrase..... ☺ ♥

ttfn xoxo

magpie said...

read back and see that Sandi has family that might be affected by the earthquake and Tanzania.....
hope everyone will be safe....

Lori O. said...

Haven't had time to caatch up yet, did Kay get her next shot early?

Lori O. said...


Definite prayers for Sandi's family if they've endured an earthquake!

Lolly said...

No, Kay gets her shot this afternoon.

Lori O. said...

Thanks Lolly! How are your 95 beds of begonias doing? :)

Lolly said...

Lori, check out my Hawkwood blog. I have 4 baby cardinals that hatched over the weekend.

They are Easter cardinals, right now they are pink and blue. LOL

Lolly said...

Waiting to return from our trip to plant more!☺

We had rain Sunday...we are still boggy!

Lori O. said...

Oh Lolly!
Your baby cardinals are adorable as baby, featherless
birds can be...but they will be gorgeous soon! How exciting!
How great that you can get so close to the nest
to keep us up to date with pictures!
Thank YOU!

Lolly said...

Only thing, Lori....we leave in two days. Sorry, no more updates after tomorrow. They will probably fledge while we are gone.

Mema Jo said...

♪♪♫♪♪ Happy Birthday Paula - Celebrate YOU ♥

Good morning friends! Praying that Kay's Shot will last a long time for her comfort!
Lynn - I am sure Irene will make you feel beautiful because she has a beauty to work on. Love ya!
Margy I am praying the good Lord watch over Dwain and all his family.
Safe travels Dana and Shirley!

Lori O. said...

I'm so sorry you will miss that. Maybe a neighbor could take a few pictures for you!

Lolly said...

Have finished reading the paper. Not much there, but just a habit, I guess.

Need to get a start on my day, plenty to do.

Glad you are home, Lori. Enjoyed your pictures, especailly the bikini shot!

Will check in occasionallty! Have a great day!

stronghunter said...

Made more progress on my tax stuff. I think I have finished the income part. The amount due the feds looks scary now, but I have not entered the deductions yet.

I will truly be motivated to enter those!!

stronghunter said...

I keep thinking that I consider myself to be reasonably intelligent, but, geesh, this tax thing gets more complicated every year. Thank goodness for the tax software stuff.

stronghunter said...

One year I broke out in hives just trying to fill out the paperwork for my tax lawyer. I think I do better figuring things out for myself.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda, I don't find the Breathing Test to be too uncomfortable - maybe breathless! It really gives your lungs a workout. Hope you feel good today.

Welcome Home Lori

Thank you Steve for this new thread for Wednesday! Hoping that your Easter was enjoyable.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

CarolAnne said...

Morning all,

Welcome back Lori.

HODA - I recently was prescribed a pocket (personal) inhaler for asthma. Adverse effects are nothing like the tests. After a use or two (every 4 hours, as needed) I can go days without needing it. Hope you find relief soon.

Prayers for all that its a good day!

Mema Jo said...

Big Girl sitting up but falling asleep

stronghunter said...

OK, now I see pinfeathers on the other eaglet.

Sitting up, too.

stronghunter said...

What big feet.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

T-Bird is sick with stomach issues today.

CarolAnne said...

Oh T-bird, feel better soon!

movin said...


GooD MornING tO aLL



It rained all night (moderately to lightly), it's dry now, but we are supposed to get more all day and evening... we'll see.

Have a happy day.

[:~D] Jim

Mema Jo said...

Look at me, Mom!! I can stand and flap my wings at the same time.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon thanks for the message about Thelma...Do me a favor and let her know that we have all been watching for her to comment and now that we know why we haven't seen hide nor tail of her - Please take care of yourself and feel better soon. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Crazy weather - we didn't have a rain shower - we had a Sleet shower!

Costume Lady said...

Lynne/ your package today and right off the bat, Capt. Gene wants it!! I'll tell you what he want's to do with it later...don't want to give it away:) NICE RAFFLE GIFT!

Lynne2 said...


Lori O. said...

Oh, LYNNE, YUCK! Snow!!!

Lolly said...

And, I am working outside in shorts! Up to 77 and sunshiney! Planted my two new easter lilies from church. Also had another plant I wanted to get into the ground. After that I repotted some aloe vera to take to church tomorrow to give away. Want some? Please come get it!!! I have more that needs to go!!!

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from Denny's colonoscopy. Everything went very smoothly and as Margy hoped, he got "Perfect Results!" When Denny had his 1st colonoscopy, the prep the day before was SO awful that I have refused to get one for myself. This time, the prep went better, the procedure went faster (went to an endoscopy center in Lewes, not a hospital), Denny is alert and feeling fine now, though I'm sure he'll nap this afternoon. This wasn't awful at all - I think I'll put it on my to-do list, since I'm only about 7 years overdue for my first one!

Boy, is it windy and cold outside today!! BBBRRRR!!!

Gotta go to the dermatologist's office this afternoon to have my stitches removed. Then I think I'll get some spring cleaning done - wanted to work outside on the gardens but it's TOO cold!!

Lori, welcome home!

Lori O. said...

Thanks, Sandi! Glad you're getting
things done during your spring break, but I hope the fun starts soon! :) Hugs for Den.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jo, I will let her know when she wakes up. Been sleeping all day.

Sandi said...

Just read this on FB:

Lynnis Roberts Got evacuted from work (right on the ocean) but the tide was way out. The danger is past. However still raining torrential and it's starting to flood. My house stayed dry in the last flood though.

Sounds like all is well in Tanzania, except for the rains. Our original plan was to go to Tanzania this week while I was off for spring break, but Brian and Lynnis dissuaded us b/c this is their rainy season.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bird inventory: Titmice, chipping sparrows, goldfinches, cardinals, robins, chickadees, hairy woodpecker, downy woodpecker, red-bellied woodpecker, song sparrows, house sparrows, cowbirds, blue jays, mourning doves but not a partridge in a pear tree, although I got a beautiful pear in the mail just the other day!

Sandi said...

Sorry to hear that Thelma is under the weather. Thelma, feel better soon!!

Lynn, how are you feeling today?

Lori, spring cleaning IS fun for me - seriously, I love to clean! Just don't ask me to cook or bake!! And, I'm playing tennis tomorrow, Friday, and Sunday! That counts as fun!

Lori O. said...

Thelma, get well fast! We miss you around here! Prayers and big hugs for you, sweetie!

Mema Jo said...

Shep went Poof as Belle continues to feed her babies.

Hoda said...

I only read that THELMA is not feeling well today...
Get better soon T-Bird.

Good morning all.

Running late so got to run.
Wanted to check in before I headed out to yoga and to change the snow tires and run errands.

Talk to you all later.

PRAYERS♥ to all.

Lori O. said...

Have a great day, HODA!

hedgie said...

Sandi, glad t hat the kids are safe and the danger is past. Whew! Glad you weren't there!

Gee---seems like you've had those stitches a long time! Itch-itch!

Sharon, give Thelma a hug and tell her to feel better fast. :(

I am doing okay so far today! Still weak but eating a little. Thanks for asking.

Jo, really ??? Sleet? Keep it there please! Feels cold enough to do anything with the wind but it's actually 45°.

Lynne2 said...


Lolly said...

Really sorry your winter has returned! Up to 80 here. Just finished my 2 mile brisk walk and feeling more than a tad bit warm. Going to drink some water and head out to mow. When we return from our trip everything will be knee high! Yikes!

Belle just finished feeding the two little peaglets and now they are zonked!

Lolly said...

Whatever that was at the front of the nest has now been devoured, What is that coming down at the nest? Look at those peaglets trying to get under mom! Too funny!

Lolly said...

It hs presently stopped, but I saw snow or sleet coming down.

Lynne2 said...


stronghunter said...

Sunny here now, but we've been having periods of rain.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn's here! Will be leaving soon.

JudyEddy said...



Lynne2 said...

Checking in from work...very slow day today. Most unusual.

Hope to hear from Kay soon about injections!

Sorry Thelma is under the weather today, but glad Lynn is doing OK!

Glad Lori is home safely, too!

JudyEddy said...

You really can see more black at this angle on the bigger one

JudyEddy said...

Gonna go to the park before heading back to work to use my new binoculars to see if the juve is doing wingersize

NatureNut said...


hedgie said...

Trying to rain/sleet here now. Down to 42°. :( WInd is still strong.

Hair cut is done and Irene just left. Feels much better---lighter head!!

Mema Jo said...

I watched an afternoon movie - Now I am thinking about dinner. Still having rains off and on here in the valley...
I may put my feet up for a few


hedgie said...

Safe and fun trip, Shirley!!!

Mema Jo said...

Lighter head is must better then Light Headed! Love you and yes, you are beautiful! ♥

DanaMo said...

Spent the afternoon at Makers Mark Distillery. Interesting tour and beautiful grounds. Still can't say I have a taste for bourbon whiskey.

DanaMo said...

Glad it went well for Denny, Sandi, but I'm still not doing it!!

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

So much going on.

Belle and babes were resting in the late afternoon sun and wind.

Lynn, glad you are some better and looking even more beauteous this afternoon.

Welcome home Lori. Sorry about the long delay but happy it was a safe trip.

Hoping Thelma is feeling better this afternoon. Healing hugs.

Jo, dinner? Maybe Cracker Barrel could help out with some options.

Hoda, are you on amphetamines? Does nothing slow you down? lol You go girl. Hope yoga was enjoyable and you got the tires changed.

Hi to Lowreeda, Wanda, Margy, Jim, Lynne2, CarolAnne, Lolly, Sandi.


Judie said...

Doing a Margy: Sandi, glad all went well for Denny.

Lolly said...

In from yard work, showered and shampooed, I was hot, muddy, and sweaty. Yard will be abandoned for the next 10 days. Yikes!

Still have not loaded stuff, beginning to get an anxious feeling. Called the kennel to board Annie and it is closed. Panic! She is now going to board at the vets. Sure hope she has nice accommodations. LOL Learned the kennel was sold..divorce settlement. Sad! They took such good care of Annie.

hedgie said...

Hi, Judie! Hope you are doing ok. Right you are about Hoda's energy!

Yeah, right, beauty here!! But thanks for saying so!

Dinner?? What to attempt here? Maybe another piece of Caro's cake!
Really afraid to try much........

That's a shame about the kennel, Lolly. I always felt better boarding at the vet, tho'.

magpie said...

You is Kind, You is Good, and You IS Beautiful, Lynn....
Sounds wonderful, getting the do done...

Good Windy Evening Eagle Pals

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Bah, humbug! Found out that neither of my student loans is eligible for a tax deduction for 2010. In the process of looking for receipts for school books. MTBR.

Hope today is treating you VERY well!!

Lynn, hope your haircut has you feeling much better! Love you!!

Lolly, so very sorry to hear about Annie's kennel! Hope the vet comes through with 5-star accommodations for her!

Well, gotta run. Kubby will be home from work soon. I'll check back in later, after dinner, to see how things are going. Prayers continue, Margy, for your BIL, for you, and for your entire family!!!

NCSuzan said...


magpie said...

Oh dear Lolly, me too sorry about the change in plans for Annie...but rest assured, she will be well-loved and cared for, but don't let her see you packing !!

magpie said...

How'ra you doin' there Andrea and Suzan, good to see you....
sorry about no credit for the student loans, Andy :(

babies are snuggled down against the breezes....

NCSuzan said...

They seem very attached to one another, don't they?

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Good, Warm evening Folks...
well, it might already be warm where some of you are...
Lolly for example...

Thinking of Kay, will be glad when she can give us a report....and hoping it will be a good one...
also hoping that T-Bird is feeling much better this evening....

going to go zip off some emails
no change in brother in law's
condition that I know of....
maybe I'll hear something later...
Continued Gratitude to all, for the Power of Prayers and Positive thoughts

ttfn xoxo ♥

NCSuzan said...

Magpie, all is good. How are you?

magpie said...

they sure do, a couple of pals...

NCSuzan said...

You beat me to it. Know it has been stressful for you this week.

JudyEddy said...

AWW beak to beak sleeping

Lynne2 said...


JudyEddy said...

big fish

Lynne2 said...


JudyEddy said...

I turned on the camera just when I heard the siren so cute

NCSuzan said...

Sometimes I think prayer and positive thoughts are not enough. Wish there was something stronger to use for those we care about.

Sandi said...

Lolly, sorry to hear about the kennel, but I can't think of anyone to better take care of Annie than the vet who already knows and loves her!

Lynn, glad you're happy with the new do - things that make us feel better emotionally can help with feeling better physically - hope that's the case for you!! And speaking of kennels and pets and feeling better emotionally, is Liesl back home with you yet?

DanaMo, at your age, you don't even have to think about a colonoscopy yet! But I should!

Bought all kinds of lovely brushed nickel bathroom accessories today - a tub/shower faucet, towel bars, new handles and hinges for the vanity doors, a new exhaust fan/light ... now, if Dennis could just find the time to work on the project. His completion deadline is Mother's Day weekend b/c my family will be coming to visit and the bathroom will be greatly needed!

Didn't get any spring cleaning done again today. instead, I was on the phone talking with folks about senior apartments and 55+ condo communities near my sister. Have forwarded info. to my mom.

Shep just arrived with a BIG fish for dinner! The whole family is in the nest.

NCSuzan said...

Hope everyone has a good evening. Stay warm!

JudyEddy said...

belle get the fish and he poofs

paula eagleholic said...

Home from work and Baltimore...getting ready to head out to dinner.

Belle has a fish at the 11 spot...looks like she wants to feed the chicks, who are snugged together in the bowl, facing 6.

JudyEddy said...

BELLE Is starting to work on the fresh delivery Shep brought in Chicks are waking up

JudyEddy said...

the riping of the fish flesh must of woke them up

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks are up, big girl looking at Mom, lil Man facing six with his big ol feeties sticking out in front of him.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep back at the 6 spot

paula eagleholic said...

Did he bring another fish?

JudyEddy said...

Shep is back did he bring in something else??

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I think it's a nestover part...moved to the launch pad

JudyEddy said...

Paula I thought so toooo he is quick with the fishing HUH

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

He left to the right without the nestover.

Lil Man wants some grub, too

JudyEddy said...

poop shoot and cam froze on me

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta make some room first ☺

You can see more pin feathers on him during that poop shoot

Lil Gal's turn ☺

JudyEddy said...

GEESE flyin by

JudyEddy said...

wow that was a quick meal just a snack I guess

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Ok gonna go upload the quickie video I took of the family gathereing and the poop shoots then watch news

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

and now it's sleeting!

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY or anyone what is a capous is it a warrant????

JudyEddy said...

Wow LYNNe stay safe

JudyEddy said...

THE NEWS IS NOT THE NEWS it is the coverage of the ZIMMERMAN CASE Geeze!!!!!

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday to you ♫ ♪

♪ ♫ Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday Dear PAULA♫ ♪ ♫

♫ ♪ Happy Birthday to you

♫ ♫ ♪ ♪ and MANY more♪ ♪ ♫ ♫

Hoda said...

I am back...snow tires are changed and the car is ready to drive to the USA...they did an oil change and I am good to go 77 more Days.

JUDIE yoga was very good and I still have shaking hands from the ventilator puffs they gave me yesterday in the lung stress not like that feeling AT ALL!!! I just decided I stayed in long enough and gave it a chance to go on its own and now I am asking it to leave not inviting it to saty any longer...I still have the cough and I huffed and I puffed going up a hill today but felt very good about getting to the top and I was slow and deliberate...It is just time for it to be gone it has over stayed its welcome...I see so many people with it the whole town is infected I think...

I did well in yoga today and I did not cough more than twice and so I feel pleased that I went...chest eases off when I am in downward dog...

Hoda said...

I have to go read back...what happened to SANDI? I hope all is well...

The Canadian news says Zimmerman has been arrested and charged JUDYE.

LYNN I am glad you are well today and had a hair cut...

LYNNE are you going on an adventure? This is what happens when I read backwards, I I will go back to the old thread and catch up again


Mema Jo said...

Was that a beak-beak between the two siblings! Very touching. I think it is huddle time.

Mema Jo said...

Good Shot!

Hoda said...

SANDI glad everyone is OK and only having to put up with rain...

JO I found the test yesterday taxing to my lungs and while they do change the mouth piece the contrapion itself worried me as others use it too...good way to spread infections is how I felt breathing into it and then sucking air...not too healthy I wiould say...this morning the chest is worse off than it was yesterday before I went...I am glad you do not experience it as a hardship...the ventilator made me dizzy and my hands are still shaking today so it is not the solution for me CAROLANNE...they will have to find something else that is not so drastic...Promise this is the last I will say anytrhing about this test...I am not a happy camper but there is a limit to my complaining...

I will go read the news to learn about the tsunami.

Mema Jo said...

I thought that I had lost my trash can - but they are just so small and stuck right in by the am or pm.

Judie - I had a breakfast dinner!

Judie said...

Capias Mittimus is a civil arrest warrant to get a person physically into court to respond to a charge or charges. Hence: Zimmerman was taken into custody.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - about the mouthpiece - it is always a new one - after I sit down in the booth, the mouth piece is then put on. Your operator can make a great difference in coaching you while giving the test. There are different inhalers and of different potency - don't take the one given to you and call you Doc and tell him of your side effects.
Wish you well ♥

Judie said...

Belle snacking. Babes plotzed together. Wonder if Belle will morph into a blanket tonight?

Good idea Jo. I love AM in the PM.

Hoda, you can fuss all you want. Just so sorry the test was so difficult for you.

Sandi, I was speed reading earlier. So happy Lynnis and family are safe.

Sandi said...

I think Shep just stepped on Lil's head! Poor kid!!

Lynne2 said...

oh boy!!! just took dogs out and we were standing quietly looking at some birds. then, I turned, and behind me was a GRAY FOX!! A REAL Gray Fox, not a grayish Red Fox! I was beautiful! I have never seen one before! Googled lots of pictures of each and I am sure of the ID! She was little....just about Puddy's size, but a bit longer in the leg. Where was the camera? UGH!

Mema Jo said...

Judie - Zimmerman did go in on his own to be taken into custody - right?

Sandi said...

Lil seems fine, gobbling food like there's no tomorrow. Speaking of food, dinner time for the peeps (dogs have eaten). BBL!

Mema Jo said...

Big Gal - get over by your dad and get some grub!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - I have only ever seen the red fox in the wild. I bet that you were startled - what did the dogs do when they spotted him. Sure glad it tweren't a bear......

Lynne2 said...

the dogs were looking the other way and didn't see it! When I turned around, I said FOX! It was just walking down the trail, calm as could be! He looked at me, and calmly turned off to the side towards the woods, and gracefully climbed over a pile of junk to do so. Very agile! By then the dogs had noticed, and they dragged me over to sniff the trail where he'd been.

Hoda said...

SANDI I saw that when Shep stepped on Lil Man's head!!!

JO according to Canadian news once the warrant was out Zimmerman did turn himself in at an undixclosed location as they are worried as to his safety.

THANKS again JO in regards your experience the test...

Judie said...

Not sure of the circumstances. Prosecutor indicated that law enforcement was in control since being asked to step in. My suspicion is that he was likely in protective custody somewhere and would then simply surrender himself to the officers.

Wow, a gray fox. Never seen one up close and personal. Have a red one that hangs around our yard on occasion.

Mema Jo said...

Latest on Mason's journey

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds. Been wanting to play catch up on here, but maybe TH~~~NO appts. on day off~~Yippee!
Think Idol will be on shortly and I may konk out in the lounge chair!
Hope Kay survived her shot, Lynn feels better today and Thelma is better since she's home! Hope Margy's BIL improves. Scary situation. Blessings to all our Momsters,Dadsters and their families! ☺ ♥
I'll get to watch the peagsters tomorrow!!!!!
If I disappear later, Pleasant Feather Dreams to all hitting the hay & Prayers for Good Health ;>)

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE thanks for the answer the one lady said that when he called in to the police to turn himself in they said that there was a Capias ( I clicked on closed captioning because I wasn't for sure what they were saying why not just say Warrant??) and closed capt spelled it capous so I just wanted to ask and thanks again for the answer

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 you need to put up a trail

Lynne2 said...

MD Birding List...reported TODAY from Conowingo Dam area, woman had her first RT hummer at the feeder!

Lynne2 said...

Shirley has arrived at the Hotel per FB post!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

Isla is all hunkered down in her nest, too!

WOO HOO....tomorrow is National GRILLED CHEESE DAY! I will celebrate!

Lynne2 said...

figured that's what you meant Judy! Sure wish I did have one...maybe someday.....

Mema Jo said...

Fantastic News from Susan Hill FB

Yippee. Lady has laid her 62nd egg at

around 10:30p. What a girl!!!!

Lynne2 said...

oh my....SHE HAS LAID AN EGG!!!! I just read an email from Susan!

Lynne2 said...

thought it strange that she was hunkered down like she is....usually she's up and around!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night from the Nest ♥

stronghunter said...

Comfortably settled into the room at VA B****.

We drove right by the place where the plane crashed into the apartments. It was all roped off and guarded by police. Could see the burned buildings.

We are watching Survivor now.

Lolly said...

I see Belle tucked, but where are the peaglets? Am I blind? Or, are they under Belle?

Lolly said...

Ok, think I just got a glimpse of them sort of in front and under her.

Lynne2 said...

when she settled in , they were in front of her Lolly, only a little visible

Hoda said...

LOLLY Belle brought in BUNCHES of fluff before she came in for the night shift. The chicklettes are slightly ahead of her and I think partly covered but NOT totally covered by her...they are in teh flugg rather!!!either side of her you can see a chicklette shape.

Lolly said...

Dinner is over and watching AI. Also did some cooking for next week and put it in the frezzer to take with us.

Lolly said...

freezer lol...frezzer!!!

Lolly said...

Thanks, Hoda. I knew there had to be an explanation. It was still sort of light when I started watching and I thought, whoa...where are the peaglets???

stronghunter said...

Saw the news about Zimmerman when I was checking in awhile ago.

Judie said...

You are welcome to the explanation. The use of the legal terms is because the prosecutor was speaking.

Shirley, glad you and all arrived safely. Wishing you good weather and good times.

Lowreeda, have a terrific day off tomorrow. How's Sherry? Would love an update.

Time to be a pretend Jo and put my feets up before the sandperson arrives.

Hope Lynn is feeling okay tonight.

The night light is set for 11:00pm (which includes VA Beach so Shirley won't trip in the dark) and the sandperson will be making rounds shortly after. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Judie. I also have a flashlight just in case.

hedgie said...

Isn't it ALWAYS something? Think the hot water heater has burned out an element, as I only got half a tub of water. ARGH!!!!!

Going to bed. Prayers for all. Love you.

Lynne2 said...

oh NO Lynn.....that's awful! Hope it can be fixed FAST!

Hoda said...

Oh no LYNN!!! Not good about the hot water heater...Sleep tight and I hope you have an electric blanket or a hot water bottle to stay warm...I do not like luke warm baths.

Hoda said...

76 to USA

JudyEddy said...

My daughter has a lizard stuck under her big screen tv she put a video on facebook LOL she has one of those old projector screens

JudyEddy said...

I shared the video to my wall

Judie said...

Hey Shirley, did you check the battery in the flashlight?lol

Lynn, so very sorry about yet another problem. Hugs and more hugs.

Goodnight everyone.

stronghunter said...

Yep. I did check the battery, Judie. It is a rechargeable flashlight that you just plug into the wall. It can also be a night light.

stronghunter said...

Oh good grief, Lynn. Not fair at all.

stronghunter said...

We went down to the lazy river here in the hotel--a really neat swimming pool. It was full of squealing, happy children tonight. I didn't take my camera this time. I'll remember tomorrow.

We had lots of fun in the lazy river when we came here before. I chose to watch tonight, but Kathryn and Hunter went in.

There was so much chlorine in the pool that my eyes were burning when I was just sitting beside it. I think Hunter will need some swim goggles before he goes back in. I may need them just to sit on the edge.

magpie said...

Surprising it was warm enough to go swimming Shirley, it was not very warm up in these parts today

Lynn: check the breaker?? I would wish it would be something uncomplicated like that....

magpie said...

There has been an eagle in the nest at BWE off and on tonight, like right now he or she is there

magpie said...

Thinking of Kay...
hoping and praying she has found comfort today ♥

Lynn, besides the bad bath water news, how are you doing otherwise?

magpie said...

Neat news about Isla, thanks for all who posted that news on here...

magpie said...

Time for me to get in the horizontal position...

Thinking of All, Wishing the Best for all, in ALL our Eagle Corners..

Prayers for Wellness

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥ (( All-Night Hugs ♥ ))

stronghunter said...

Oh, it is not that warm here, either, Margy. The pool is indoors.

Lynne2 said...

Bobcat near my MILs attack some cattle on a farm. Owner call police, said a panther was attacking his cattle. He killed bobcat. He handled the wounded cattle after the attack. Bobcat tested positive for rabies. Not good.

Lynne2 said...

hey there's Margy!

going to head to bed. Was hoping to hear from Kay.

Don't recall reading any updates on Caro's Charlie recently....

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for Lynn, and for hot water!
Kay for pain relief from today's procedure.
For Hoda's virus to go away already!
For Margy's BIL
and Charlie
and all of you!

Costume Lady said...

I've been coughing my head off for 4 or 5 days now and nothing seems to help. I feel like I have nothing but broken bones in my body from throat to hip bones.
VERY uncommon for tomorrow~

Just want to mention that a lot of VERY NICE Raffle items have been coming in or promised to come along with owners, so excited that so many of you have gotten into the spirit of our PRETEND OPEN HOUSE, even some who aren't even coming. MTBRL


Costume Lady said...

Oh, have we heard about KAY'S relief, if any, today?

Hoda said...

LYNNE I hope the farmer is alright...oh dear sorry the bobcat attacked the cattle and not good about the rabies...Prayers

Hoda said...

No WANDA I have not seen any posts from KAY today...we are all waiting on her and praying for relief.How is your daughter and how is GG and how is your amazing knee???

Hoda said...

OH WANDA NO NO NO NO!!!! Don't invite it to is awful this coughing and not feeling good...Sorry to hear about that with you too.

Lynne2 said...

forgot to shut down before my shower. So I'm back!

Wanda, NO COUGHING! Glad you are seeing the Dr tomorrow!

Hoda, I'm not sure, but I THINK cattle are vaccinated for rabies much of the time. I'm going to have to check that out. But as the farmer handled the wounded cattle, he would be at risk for exposure and need the post exposure vaccinations and imunoglobulin series. The article was pretty scare on details, like how badly the cattle were wounded, etc. I'm sure the farmer will be OK. If he needs the vaccs, they'll be uncomfortable, but bearable!

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you all once again for all the lovely birthday wishes...had a great dinner out and a great evening...enjoying the last few minutes, and then time to hit the hay...will catch up tomorrow.

(((Hugs for all)))♥

Lolly said...

Shhhhh!!! Tip toeing in to say good night. Got busy talking about our trip and forgot to say good night.

So....nitey nite! Sweet dreams! ♥


Jewels said...


I am so sorry... Charlie is still hanging in there. No news is good news. right? Still on the coumidan regimine. Once he has finished the coumadin, he can get his gall bladder removed. He is still losing weight, current is 210. Blood sugar was 108. Gets nauseated after many things he eats. so...that is about all I know on my hubby.

Hoda said...

Well it is time for me to sign off.



Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Lynn, so sorry to hear of the water heater not working correctly!
DEFINITELY not fair! Prayers that you will feel great tomorrow after a good night's sleep! Love & hugs headed your way, and many prayers for healing!

I started taking Mucinex DM tonight to try to loosen up my chest. Really tired of the severe allergies. They seem much better after our rain today, though.

Going to go hit the sack. Have said prayers for everyone, and every creature. Special prayers for Lynn, for Margy's BIL, for Wanda, Kay, Thelma, and Charlie. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!

Lori O. said...

It's time for the SPLIT!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...