Wednesday, April 11, 2012


New thread.


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Lori O. said...

Good Morning Sandi and DanaMo, or are you sleeping in while you're spring breaking?

Lori O. said...

Guess that Sandi is sleeping in, and DanaMo is up sitting by the campfire!

Babies alone in the nest.

Lori O. said...

They're playing beaks now after a little wing bopping. Very cute moment when Big Girl tried tucking her head behind her wing like Mom does, and Little Man beaked her.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori!! Welcome back to the real world!

Lori O. said...

Hi Sandi!

Sandi said...

Lynn, hope you have a great-feeling day ... with a fixed hot water heater element! What a PIA!!!

Kay, hope you will check in today and tell us that your 2nd dose is working already!!

Thelma, hope you feel better and can rejoin us this AM!!

Hoda and now Wanda, hope you get relief from your coughing.

Margy, continued prayers for Dwain.

A chilly morning here - sure hope the wind will die down today. Tennis for me at 9 (still indoors), then I AM going to get some cleaning done.

Found a couple of lovely looking condos just 2 min. from my sister's house. She is going to call the realtor today and go to see them. If they look as good in person, she'll call Mom and suggest that they go together to see them. We're thinking that it may be easier for Mom to think about moving if she is actually standing in the place and can picture where she would put all her stuff, can see the neighborhood, and can see how close she would be to Lisa and the grandkids. Then again, she may be ticked off that Lisa and I are conspiring behind her back - who knows!?

Hey Lori, are things working out with Kate's mom?

magpie said...

Good Morning ☼ Eagle Pals...

Thinking of Lynn♥ Kay♥ Charlie♥, T-Bird♥ and now Wanda also♥

And all of us with many important physical and emotional needs


magpie said...

Best wishes on these plans you and your family are working on regarding your Mother...

magpie said...

Yes, I second Sandi's question:
How are things working out for Kate's Mom, Morning GLori ? ...

magpie said...

I think that little white feather that USED to be on Belle, is now attached to the stick on the 3 spot at the nest and swinging in the breezes

Morning came around too fast for me!

But it's time for work soon....

Will check in from there...


Best Wishes for a Good Day for Every One !

(( All-Day Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

She is checking the pantry for breakfast and the chicks are rousing

Sandi said...

Margy, had time to read the Momster Digest that is sent to me each morning and it said that Isla had laid an egg. So, I decided to check out the site, though I am determined not to get involved with another nest. Laying her 62nd egg is pretty impressive, so I thought I'd take a look. I see an osprey on the nest (currently they're zooming in really close) but, before the zoom, she was not incubating and I didn't see any egg. Would she hide it under nesting material?? I'm pretty sure I'm on the correct site. What gives?

magpie said...

and now I don't see Mom...guess I missed a fly out

magpie said...

I checked Loch of the Lowe's also, saw the Osprey, sure it is Isla, didn't see the egg either, so it might be hidden under the nesting material Sandi....
sounds like you are at the right site....

magpie said...

at least I HOPE it is hidden...

they are five hours ahead of us there, time-wise

okay, 'bye for now

magpie said...

parent Eagle back at the Royal Nest, not sure which one but the Kids are Jonesin' for some chow

magpie said...

well never mind another fly out

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, MAGPIE/Margy!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Have to visit with the wannabe adults today so stopping by to say hello.

Isla fooled us. I saw her do the wiggle wiggle last night and also thought she had an egg. Seems she was just practicing with the egg bowl.

Sending healing thoughts for all who are in need of relief: Hoda, Wanda, Charlie, Andy, Kay, Lynn and anyone I missed along the way. Wishing DanaMo safe travels and Lowreeda a terrific day off.

Will check in later. Have a lovely morning.

DanaMo said...

Lori did you see the concern you caused me over your bikini picture! I went into diet overload!! Of course I blew it by 3:00 which is my "witching hour".

We can't believe we got up so late. I guess the dogs really are the reason I'm out of bed at 5 every day!

We need to hit the road soon and make our way home. We are currently in WV and thinking about going to a glass blowing factory before heading home. There really isn't any rush to get back to Hagerstown. Of course, I do miss the Flying Labs.

magpie said...

Good Morning More Eagle Pals....

Safe Traveling Wishes, DanaMo...
glass factory would probably be fun.....

Judie, well...what can I say, hope the wannabe adults will convert to gonnabe adults one of these days


magpie said...

Now I'm at work and thinking ♥♥♥♥♥♥ of all the people I mentioned before I left for work
I could fill this comment
box up with ♥'s and
there STILL would not be enough room

No updates from my nieces and
nephews on their we
hold on "No No News...."
and I know they'll contact me
when something changes...

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Don't think I ever said good night last night, please excuse.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is definitely approaching adolescence. When we were here before, he was up at the crack of dawn, declaring. "It's morning!!" This morning, he is saying, "Close the curtains. The sun is shining in."
(But he did get up once to admire a plane that flew over.)

Lori O. said...

Shirley, I thought you were going to say that Hunter is checking out the girls!

Lori O. said...

DanaMo and everyone, I hope you know by now that the bikini picture is a photoshop joke...we literally asked a couple if we could take their pictures so we could put our heads on their bodies in another picture! They loved it! The woman in the bikini pic is probably 5-10 and I'm 5-3.

magpie said...

lovin' the Hunter stories, Shirley,

hope each day is more fun than the one before!
be sure to tell us about your food fare...hope there is some good Seafood available

Costume Lady said...


Didn't mean to complain last night
about this unusual (for me) cough. I was wanting to hear if anyone else is experiencing the same thing. I see HODA has been coughing, also...wonder if she has the same sort of cough as I??

I also read somewhere that ISLA has laid her 62 or 63rd egg. She is an amazing birdwoman...must be a GGGGGrandma:)
I am so out of touch with our other CAMS, but I think Finny is no longer operating? Anyone know?
Suz and I used to watch that nest very early in the morning and one day, she spotted a moose on the ground, walking trough the trees.

magpie said...

I can send you the newer site for Fin-Ferry

there is reconstructed nest there now.....give me a couple of mins to find my link

complain Away! that's part of what we are here for !!!

magpie said...


Fin-Ferry Osprey Nest

magpie said...

the only thing I have seen there so far
are Hooded Crows


Costume Lady said...

I have not seen Lori's new haircut or the "Bikini Babe"...where do I look for it? Couldn't find it on facebook~

HUNTER is definately acting like a teen...rather sleep than explore his wonderful surroundings:)

I, too, have been wondering how KATE'S mother is adapting to her new home. And I see that SANDI & Sis are trying to relocate their mom.
It is a very rough and sad time in our lives when we have to make decisions for our parents. It does help to have a sibling to discuss those things with.

magpie said...

interesting pile of something or other at the top of our nest between the chicklets and the Parentlet

Costume Lady said...


***********************************NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

.just reading back

hedgie said...

Good morning, pals. Hope everyone is doing well.

Isla apparetly has NOT laid an egg yet, but they do keep zooming in everytime she hunkers down. Wish the cam would run longer. But it restarts quickly.

Waiting to hear from Shannon's uncle as to when he is coming to fix the hot water heater. Hopefully it's going to be today! If not, may have to skip a bath tonight and do a quick shower instead (ugh!).

magpie said...

DanaMo said...


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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...