Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Fresh thread.  Another 60 degree day...


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NatureNut said...

Good Morning, good morning from Patuxent River Park!
Thank you, Steve!
Need to read all the news.

NatureNut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello again everybody on this fresh new threat!!!!

Lolly said...

Sharon,Sharon, Sharon! No threats on here, please!!!

Lolly said...

Lynn...so so sorry! (((Hugs)))

Looks like Jack is going to burn leaves, so I am going to hurry up and head outside with him.

Keep an eye on the nest, it is looking very promising!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just saw Shep's shadow fly over the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Too funny! Fresh threats! Love it!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle stretching her neck up 2 feet looking at something!

Red said...

She's sure rubbernecking about something.

Lolly said...

Wow, look at Belle's neck. She is really holding up her head and looking around. Wonder what's up?

Lolly said...

LOL Belle heard your "fresh threat", Sharon!

paula eagleholic said...

Now she's just hanging out in the bowl...looking around.

Lolly said...

I do not like the way she is watching something. I do not think she would be this intense if she was just watching Shep fly around.

Lolly said...

Gotta get a move on! BBL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle is standing up. Looks like a perfect position to lay an egg in!

Lolly said...

Belle just poofed!

Linda said...

Belle is standing again and looking around....

And Poof, Belle!

Red said...

My nap time. Y'all watch the store while I'm gone. Hope she's still there after my nap. Egg laying time is soooooooon. Just hoping Shep is not sterile. lol

Linda said...

Soooo anxious for another update from Robyn or Bobbie about what the surgeons told her.....

Praying recovery is peaceful and not too difficult on Tori....

NatureNut said...

Got back to read all the Miraculous news!!!!Tori is in recovery and Joe getting his heart!!! Many prayers for both!!!
Prayers for our Lynn to hurry and finish treatments, feel good and be totally healed!!!

Hoda said...

YEAY!!! NO root canal for me!!!
She is very happy with the crown. Was not happy that I was not using my night guard at night...adjusted it for me and did not charge me. I walked in thinking this is going to be an expensive visit...they remodleled the complete office over the month since I was last there...I though the rates will go up...I felt ashamed when she did not charge me for adjusting the night guard and she charged my insurance company 31 dollars to check my teeth and know what the problem is...acidy foods cause the problem, yet the crown is good.
I feel confident in her and her work...tea is acidy and rinse my mouth after each cup...

I have not read back yet...I will go get a cup of tea, yes I will rinse afterwards, and be back...I hope you are all alright.

Hoda said...

Oh no fresh brownies at the health food store, but they had fresh date squares so I ate one after the dentist!!!LOL...dates have minerals and oates improve on my good cholesterol!!!LIFE IS GOOD...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sure do wish we would hear something from somebody!

Hoda said...

SHARON the silence means our Prayers are having a chance of being heard...I agree with you it is hard to wait all the same.

Linda said...

I so agree, Sharon.........


Hoda said...

So sorry to read that LYNN was not feeling well when she went to the treatment today. ONE MORE LYNN!!! We are rooting for you...♥

Hoda said...

LOLLY I just read that they are trucking in water to a place called Spicewood Texas!!! Picture was awful with the earth so dry and cracked...I hope this is not close to your beautiful place.

JudyEddy said...

Hi home for lunch and find a new thread to go read

Kay said...

Just checking in real quick for a Tori update and I'm so pleased to know she's in recovery, heading for ICU and "the lungs are working well" ! Hallelujah. God is good, all good, all the time ! Was also hoping for a report on Joe. Still praying for both and will be back after the boys go home this afternoon. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just spoke with Donna. Joe's heart is in and beating beautifully on its own. He is still in surgery and they still have to close him up but . . . GOD IS GOOD!!!

Linda said...

Wonderful news SHARON!! God IS good!! Today surely is a testament to that!

Thank you for letting us know. Will continue to pray for his body to heal and accept this transplant...

paula eagleholic said...

That is fantastic, Sharon!

It is bright and sunny and warm today! Hope our pair is fishing down by the river.

CarolAnne said...

Hope everyone on this blog shares the stories of Tori and Joe with at least one other person and the importance of signing up as a donor.

This is one FANTASTIC day!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

Boy, what a miraculous day we are having! Praise God for his mercy and love for us!

Still praying for Tori and Joe, that they would recover quickly and perfectly, and lead miraculous, "normal" lives!

Lynn, so very sorry that you still had some nausea! Hope that improves SWIFTLY, and that you feel MUCH better, VERY soon! You're in the homestretch now. Sending many (((HUGE HUGS))) and much love! Hang tough! Love you!

JudyEddy said...

wow was Belle in the nest for over three hours and Shep on and off ??? WOW

Hoda said...

Prayers continue...headed off to yoga...♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BBL

Hoda said...

GOD IS GOOD SHARON...thanks for sharing...from difficulty getting in this morning to new heart in and beating well....PRAISES TO THE LORD...

JudyEddy said...

I need to head back to work got caught up on the blog and I have told so many people at work about Tori and they all say YEAH and to have two people at the same time is just amazing just amazing

Healing thoughts and prayers to all of our momsters and dadster who need them See you after work I put the pretty sunrise PINK video on the blog and also on Facebook fan page if anyone wants tosee them I also applied Barry white music and still waiting for it to take Later gator

Ms Bookworm said...

Need to run now--Emma needs to go outside. The gardeners were here working (many leaves to clean up after the recent winds), so Miss E. had to wait a while. Thank God the gardeners were able to get the sprinklers working again! They have not run for almost a week! The timer was working, but the gardeners had turned the sprinklers off so no water was getting to them! Geesh! BBL... :o]

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon - Thank you Steve for
the fresh thread.

Kristen is ready to leave and I have
just gotten back from my doc with some
miracle meds (I hope) Need help to get
this coughing to stop......

I need to ready and then go over to
FB for any updates.....

stronghunter said...


So glad to read the good news about our two transplant patients. Praying that all continues to go well.

Lynn, prayers for you too. Thinking of you every day.

Will go back to read more in a bit.

Want to know how Wanda is doing.

Just got a phone call from Susan. She has finished her training--She went to a store in Pennsylvania--a mall at King of Prussia.

Today is her first day of work as store manager, and she is finding it to be very nice to be the boss. That is good.

Linda said...

SHIRLEY - Good news from Susan. Hope she enjoys the position!

Mema Jo said...

Wonderful news Sharon! Just Wonderful ♥

Mema Jo said...

No Root Canal is GREAT NEWS!

Date Squares is BETTER NEWS !

Good on you Hoda! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, is Susan's store Janie & Jack?

The King of Prussia mall is beautiful
I just Googled it! It is quite large.

I wish Susan all the best! I don't think I would mind at all working
under her as my supervisor.

magpie said...

So, Shirley,
Soon those stores will be named
Jack and Jane and Susan !
Glad to hear it, and all best wishes for satisfaction and success

Hello Eagle Pals xox

Jo, hope you can stop coughing

Love to Everyone...xoxo

magpie said...

sure was exciting to see Belle wolfing down some chow earlier

But, more exciting to read of the out of surgery news regarding Joe and Tori...
Simply, amaaaaaazing.....

Continued prayers for excellent progress

Good Tooth News, Hoda....☺

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - do you think Susan's job will want her close by - like right above Philly...... Wow Shirley - Susan can
do your whole list of Christmas gifts up at that mall..... lol

stronghunter said...

Susan went up to King of Prussia for her training. Her job is at Tyson's Corner.

She said that the mall at King of Prussia is huge and has an interesting variety of stores--some very high-end and some not so high-end.

stronghunter said...

Yay, Hoda, so glad you do not have to have a root canal.

Red said...

Ok nap is over and I've been to Walgreens. I've been buying my meds from a small pharmacy that is owned by one of my neighbors but he got robbed at gunpoint last month and decided to get out of the business. Lots of pharmacies have been robbed here lately.

What has happened to our nest. Looks like someone demolished the nest cup. More work to do over again.

Judie said...

Good afternoon everyone.

Thank you, Steve.

Such promising news about both Tori and Joe. Prayers will continue for both and for all family members.

Jo, glad you got some meds to help with the coughing. Take it easy, please.

Shirley, congratulations to Susan on her new job as a supervisor. I certainly wish her every success.

Hoda, good news for you also with not having to have a root canal. What a relief that must be for you.

Lynn, do really hope you are feeling a whole bunch better. Almost over. Hugs.

Trying to catch up before heading into the traffic and home. Have a good afternoon everyone.

Lynne2 said...

checking in from work....

Good news about Tori!!! YAY!!

Happy to hear the Joe is also OK!

And no root canal for Hoda!

Hang in there Lynn....you are almost done gal!

Jo, not so good to hear you have a cough and I hope the meds work quickly.

Back to work.....hope everyone has been able to enjoy some of this beautiful day!

Linda said...

Hopefully Robyn and the gang are finally getting a nap while Tori is in recovery.

I sure do wish we would get an update of some sort......

Prayers continue...

Lynne2 said...

oh, and great news for Susan too!

NatureNut said...

Yippee! Joe done w/surgery, too! God is Good!!
Prayers for complete recoveries for Tori & Joe!
Lynn, hope you're feeling much better! ☺ ♥
Shirley, wonderful news about Susan!
Congrats, Hoda on NO dental. I go TH for a hopeful repair to loose perm. bridge. If it won't work, worst case scenario would be pull all uppers. I will then hide in a cave & you will never see me again.

Warm, but very quiet here. Of course I haven't been out much to look around! Glad to hear about Belle & Shep in nest today. He must know how to hunt~~~has to learn to share!
Will keep eyes to the skies when I leave! BBL

Mema Jo said...

I got an email from Sparky Jones that
the Dunedin Osprey Cam was up/running.
I opened the cam (after installing Java)
and a beautiful female osprey is
perched right in front of the cam - like you feel you could reach out and touch

Dunedin Osprey Cam - Sparky Jones

Red said...

Is she missing a foot or just liking to stand on one?

CarolAnne said...

Wondered the same thing, RED

CarolAnne said...


Linda said...

There it is. She just stretched out and you could see the other foot!! Must have been holding it in!!

Red said...

Yes I saw. guess she just like to stand on one.

CarolAnne said...

Darn, just got kicked off the osprey cam, to allow others to access it.

Red said...

I did too but refreshed and got it back.

DanaMo said...

Ahhhh...parent visitation is done for another year. Thank God!

Linda said...

Good on YOU, DanaMo!!

Glad to hear you are relieved!

Kay said...

So much good news today---two transplant surgeries done and healing to begin---SHIRLEY's Susan is now the big boss, HODA had a good dental outcome, DANAMO has wrapped up parent conferences for this school year ! Belle and Shep are lookin' good ! Hip, hip, hooray.

Only flies in the ointment are JO's cough and LYNN's nausea. Praying both will be over quickly !

Kay said...

Oh, yes, and here's hoping WANDA is having a good day, all things considered !

Mema Jo said...

C/A I am glad you saw the foot stretch! I watched for some time and
only 1 leg for perching.

Doc gave me a Z-pack and a 12 day supply of good old faithful prednasone.
COPD can't continue to live without it!
What it does that I don't like is it does NOT let me sleep. It puts me into a twilight mode.

This weather is outrageously favorable!

DanaMo said...

Kay-Parent visitation was today which is worse than parent conferences. Visitation is 5 hours of parents watching your every move!! It's the time when every child forgets everything they know and make it look like they have been taught nothing all year!! It's when you ask them a question and they look at you like they've never seen you before! LOL

DanaMo said...

Of course, it's also when the SMART board decides to have a brain of it's own and not do what you tell it to do!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL DanaMO,,,,too bad they can't hide the parents behind some 2 way glass...

Kay said...

LOL, DANAMO ! Glad it's over !

DanaMo said...

I kept telling the kids the parents weren't there, they were invisible. They kept saying "no Mrs. Hilmoe, they are right there". Geez...
Let me also say that I reached over to do something on the SMART board and almost fell off the stool (it moved back as I moved forward), the SMART board math game wasn't working correctly, my aide dropped pennies all over the floor...all in all a pretty good day! None of those things ever happen when we are alone!

Kay said...

Sounds like Murphy's Law was in full force today, DANAMO ! I'm sure each parent was so focused on their own little darling that much of what you were aware of went right over their heads !

Linda said...

No wonder you are thrilled it is over.

Yep, if it CAN go wrong, it WILL go wrong, when you least expect it to!!

I can just picture it!! So glad you didn't fall over, DANAMo! LOL

Mema Jo said...

Bobbi, Robyn's mom, said that Tori is doing good. Lungs are working beautifully. Her stats are excellent. Doctors are very happy with her. She is still heavily sedated and will be for a few days. Doesn't know yet that she has had the transplant.

Won't that be something to awaken to --
being able to breathe Wow! ♥

Judie said...

DanaMo, now just think if you were to have such a terrific day in front of 100 wannabe adults!lol Glad it's over.

Home, now looking for inspiration for an evening repast. Hmmm. Maybe tuna salad? Maybe just big glasses of water! Now that would be easy.

MT nest.


Linda said...

Looking forward to hearing from LYNN this evening as she hasn't checked in yet.

Thinking of you, Lynn, and praying you are doing okay today. ♥♥♥


Judie said...

Jo, thank you for the Tori update. Continued prayers for that tough young lady.

Also happy that the news about Joe continues to be positive.

Mema Jo said...

I am praying for Lynn to return home with Christie - and maybe they even
got some comfort food before they got
home. and
ONE MORE DAY! only 1 more day!!!!
YAHOO! Whoo Hoo! and anyother Hoo!

Linda said...

Oh, JO, so thankful for that update. I've been anxious to hear good news all afternoon.

Praise God!!! So, so, so happy to hear she is doing well!!

I hope Robyn is getting some rest!!

Sandi said...

Evening all - I think I've pretty much caught up with everything that was said today but, since I was speed reading, I'm sure I missed some stuff. The best news is that it sounds like both transplant surgeries are over and were successful - again, what a miracle!! At the same time, my heart goes out to the family that has lost a loved one so that others may live.

HODA, good to hear no root canal.
SHIRLEY, glad your daughter is the boss now!
LYNN, how are you feeling? The countdown is at T minus 1!! Woohoo!
WANDA, are you jogging yet? =)

Now to our eagles - did I read that Shep brought food to the nest for Belle? Or did she bring it in herself? Sounds like they spent a lot of time at the nest today, yet it's been MT since I logged on.

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon all!

Lots of great news here today! YAY for Tori and Joe. Wow, life can be unreal, but as we say, God is good - all the time!

Was it Belle or Shep that brought in the food earlier? Better for Shep to bring it and get practice!

CarolAnne said...

MemaJo - can you take Melatonin (sp) to help with a deeper sleep. I see it for sale along with vitamins. I've heard good things about it.

Hoda said...

SANDI, I think BELLE brought the food in herself. She was pretty vocal before SHEP arrived and seemed to be wanting to chow down the minute he got there. I did not see a food exchange between them

Hoda said...

Yoga class was very good and I also enjoyed my walk. I just finished a salmon steak and spinch with Engevita yest for my vegetable...I had my desert earlier when I stopped in for my date bar...I have lots of oranges and yet at the dentist we went through the foods that I eat and the oranges are what is causing my tooth to bother me because they are acidic and I have a sensitivity to that...what I want for desert is an orange, so I will eat one and then rinse my mouth and brush my teeth right away. I hope this helps...could you believe it she suggested I cut down on tea too!!! NOT LIKELY like I imagine LYNN to say!!! LOL

Hoda said...

Spinach not spinch.Sorry
I heard good things about melatonin also CAROLANNE.

Sandi said...

HODA, I've started using a toothpaste called Pronamel Iso-Active that supposedly protects the enamel from acid erosion. My dentist recommended it. Is it available in BC?

CarolAnne said...

HODA - a question: Have you always been so diligent about the foods you eat? If not, what prompted the interest and decision?

Just curious - I am a rotten eater - can go days without eating a veggie . . .

Sandi said...

Cam just shook!

Lori O. said...

BONK! on the cam.

NatureNut said...

I heard geese & I'm home! LOL

JudyEddy said...

home from work and no eagle in nest little disappointed they spoiled me yesterday washoping they would make a habit of it

JudyEddy said...

HODA great news on the no RC

JO hope you are over your cough soon

KAY hope your PT is gettin better!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

LYNN not much more to go almost finished

JudyEddy said...

One of my friends got a kick out of the music I choose to go with this am HP visit Don't know if anyone has viewed it yet but I love BarryWhite and his deep voice so I picked a couple of songs from him for todays visit they are on the blog and facebook

stronghunter said...

Just checking in again . . .

Kathryn is fixing dinner tonight. She has a special chicken dish that she and Hunter like, and she is making it for us.

Someone mentioned The Catcher in the Rye the other day. I think it was banned in some places mainly because the "F" word is used in it.

One of my professors told us that a teacher in Fredericksburg almost got fired for teaching it some years ago. That was after he had assigned it for us to read in our grad class.

I cannot imagine that there would be a problem using it in a high school now.

Lori O. said...

HODA, glad you celebrated with the date bar...any day without a root canal is a good day!

JudyEddy said...

I put in for my last week of vacation today before I forget it and loose it I am taking off next months and had already put in for April I refuse to loose the two weeks although I am not going anywhere I can just hang here

Lori O. said...

Maybe that shaking on the cam a few min ago was the eagle leaving!

Lori O. said...

And again...

JudyEddy said...

I didn't go vote today

Hoda said...

I saw the camera shake and heard the bonk. I was on the Hancock Foundation NCTC blog.
I asked if anyone saw who brought the food in and told them what I saw and wondered if anyone there saw differently as in maybe Shep brought the food in...I am pretty sure it is Belle who brought it in...
They call him Smiley over there, yet one of the moderators said I could call him Shep if I felt more comfortable and they will continue to call him Smitty. So now whe I am there I call him Shep Smitty...He comes from the Smitten family so to speak...It makes me laugh. I like Shep for a name very much and like that we went through this long process to name him...I also did want to give recognition to their own process...so when I am there I will call him Shep Smitty!!!

CAROLANNE when I was younger in my mother's house we had to have protein vegetables and carbs...then when I moved on my own I discovered I could eat without having to spend too much time to prepare foods...so I was not as careful. Now that I am working towards my mid sixities I am very careful again. I think it started in the end of the '90's that I started to think I should try to make food as medicine...I am overweight for my height but it is not my concern really. I am more concerned now that my food helps keep my body stronger...aging does not have to be a down hill experience is my thinking...

JudyEddy said...

I still could go and do it but no one interest me ;^(

JudyEddy said...

and thank you all for reporting todays visit She was in the nest a long time today

Lori O. said...


stronghunter said...

Judie gets to do her thing in front of a class of 100 students. Never had to do that.

Rus came home from a visit he once made to Cornell University with a story one professor told on himself.

It seems that he was teaching a very large class when he had to excuse himself to go to the restroom. He left the room, took care of his business and returned to the classroom.

He was greeted with applause from his students. The absent-minded professor had forgotten to remove his microphone. Oh my.


NatureNut said...


JudyEddy said...

came in from 3

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

started with cup right away and moved to the rail at 5

JudyEddy said...

slo mo of the cam is funny like we are drunk

JudyEddy said...

he acts like he is eating

NatureNut said...

Must be Belle eating her leftovers from lunch!

Lori O. said...

ROTFLMBO SHIRLEY! That is hysterical about the prof with his mic on in the restroom!!! LOL

Hoda said...


hedgie said...

Logging back on to catch up.
Dr. gave me a pain-patch....he seems to think that the discomfort I am having is more from the rad and it may be causing the vomiting, too. He will consult with the onc in the morning and they will determine more.

I did eat 1/4 of a steak and cheese sub--plain. Tasted good. So far, so good.

My bed is all put back together with the mattress turned, so I should sleep like a baby tonight. And with all Tues. shows repeats, I plan to make it an early night.

Need to read back......hopign to find lots of good news about Tori and Joe.

JudyEddy said...

He looks like he has a ghost attached to him with the herky jerky of the cam

JudyEddy said...

our temp is 78° right now I see you all had 60° today HUH

Hoda said...


Sandi said...

I think so too HODA, though it's hard to know for sure with the jerky camera.

Lori O. said...

LYNN, so happy to hear you are home and have had something to eat that you were able to keep down - fingers crossed!
One more to go, girl! You're so close! Hope the pain patch solves all the problems. ♥

Hoda said...


Mema Jo said...

Before Belle lays an egg, she makes sure that she is well fed if not overfed
Guess we will have a Feb Egg!
You should read the Home Page of the
Eaglet_Momsters site. Dates are mainly
egg laying in Feb.

Lynn - One more rad time! and you do sound
pretty chipper!

Lori O. said...

Gosh, she looks strikingly beautiful tonight.

NatureNut said...


Lori O. said...

JO, thanks for the Belle tidbit. Very fascinating. Good to know.

It's so interesting the different things we remember about eggs and eaglet time.

Hoda said...

I like your thoughts about Belle over eating JO. I DO hope you are right.♥

JudyEddy said...

the smudge on the back of her head shows up real good on the video at the end before she POOFED

Sandi said...

JO, maybe you or MARGY should deliver some Lil Debbie oatmeal creme pies to the nest to get her in an egg-laying mood?

CarolAnne said...

LYNN - hoping for a restorative sleep for you tonight and an even better day tomorrow. Would like to think the worst is now behind you and it will only be better & better from now on!

HODA - thanks for the answer to my question. I am the only not-food-smart one in the family. My children & their spouses are marathoners & eat & train faihtfully. My Mom is incredibly healthy (Thankfully)and eats correctly. I fix veggies for Bubby but usually don't eat them myself. Guess I better get myself in hand and turn things around,. Will be 60 in a few months and about time I get it right!

Mema Jo said...

Margy brought to my attention the death of Sandra Osbourne's mother. Sandra is one of the original Momsters. She
is our Lady in the corner red brick house at the 4-way stop in Shepherdstown. She and her husband Tom Hanna were with us at one recent Friday
evening meal during Open House.

Journal's article

hedgie said...

Lots of good news all around, and some funnies, too! You all have made me chuckle!!!
Glad the tooth is okay, Hoda!
Congrats as Susan starts her new job!!!
DanaMO---so glad the visitation is behind you...and that you didn't FALL! Momster's are not allowed to fall!

hedgie said...

Forgot to tell you that the transport FORGOT me today! At 12:44, I hightailed it out of here on my own. ARGH!!!! Bunch of dummies.....I was highly ticked.
SO Chris and I dealt with two vehicles during our stops.

BTW---Lynne2 and any others in need......vet totally out of Interceptor heartworm preventative.
Had to call 1-800-PETMEDS to order....they will fax order to vet today and ship tomorrow for free. 6 month supply. They only had 72 doses left on their shelves.

hedgie said...

Just saw that Sandra Osbourne's Mother passed away.....too bad, but she sure had a long life.

Hoda said...

BOO HISS onthe transport LYNN!!! However here is this other opportunity to say LYNN YOU ROCK...getting yourself there and then having the two vehicles and HURRAH ONE MORE DAY!!! ONLY ONE MORE DAY. As MARGY would say CLAP CLAP CLAP, BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO

Lynne2 said...

NBG article

wvgal_dana said...

SICU - surgical ICU
MICU - medical ICU
Neuro Special Care - Neuro ICU - mostly trauma head
CCU - cardiac medical patients
CVICU - open heart patients
PICU - peds ICU - they do medical, trauma/neuro and open
heart babies
Tori is in SICU

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY Congratulations on SUSAN's new position and how plesed I am to hear that she likes being the boss. Good on her!!

Sandi said...

LYNNE2, thanks for the interesting NBG article. An obvious question is, so what do they do now?

hedgie said...

Going to sofa for awhile. BBL. Thanks for all support and love.

DanaMo said...

Just got back from the vet with Frisbee. Itchy ears woke me up at 3:00 this morning! No fun. Shaking and flapping those ears, he couldn't seem to settle. Both ears are infected, one with yeast, the other, not sure what she said, but it wasn't the same. Also for once they gave me something (well, not gave exactly!) for him to take for the itch. I was going to give him Benadryl this morning but was too sleepy to look up the dosage online. Glad I have something now, but I'm waiting until bedtime to give it to him.

Lynne2 said...

I don't know Sandi....but I'm worried.

DanaMo said...

Lynn- I am so blown away with the transport issues you continue to have over and over. Man, they need to get their s#$% together! Hope the pain medication helps. It will be worth it though when the cancer is obliterated!

Hoda said...

LORETTA and I put evening pictures in the album

Hoda said...

JUDYE thank you for taking the video. I hope to see it here when you are done or I could go to FB too.It was very difficult to see well tonight with the slow motion and the video will give us all an opportunity to see it as many times as we choose. Thanks again for your camera work.

DanaMo said...

Interesting article. Thanks, Lynne2

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting on the NBG article....they reference "strikes" not strike. I have only heard of one eagle being killed at the airport last year...the NBG female.

I wonder what actions they will take....

It's such a shame....the eagles and the eagle cam have been good for NBG and public awareness

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update from Bobbi, hadn't seen that anywhere.

Lolly said...

Good evening! Ran some errands and then worked in the yard. I raked up over a wheelbarrow load of acorns from just a small part of the front yard.

Lynn, do hope you have been able to keep down the small amount you ate today. Hang in there! (((hugs)))

paula eagleholic said...

And yes, feeding the female A LOT before egg laying is part of the courtship ritual and prepares her body to produce the egg.

Hoda said...

OK when did LYNNE 2 Post her article? I missed it. I scrolled back on this thread and did not find it...was it yesterday? I am now very curious to find out what you all are talking about.

Lolly said...

I am very conserned about the NBG nest and cam. Wonder just what they will do.

JudyEddy said...

6:30 tonight HODA

JudyEddy said...

I want to see them serve the eviction notice

Lynne2 said...

6:30 post this evening Hoda....

Lolly said...


LOL The above is a message from Annie. I am sure it was sent with love.

Hoda said...

Thank you LYNNE and JUDYE. I am going right back to read it.

DanaMo said...

6:30 today, Hoda, for the article.

DanaMo said...

oops they got you covered. Sorry for the repeat. Missed the post with the answer to your request.

JudyEddy said...

you can see the nest real good tonight with the moon Now all we need is Belle in it ;^) ♥

Hoda said...

So odd the NBG article. Like PAULA mentioned they speak of strikes but there was only one strike...
The odd thing is that they do not consider a change in the approach to the airport or their flight patterns.Why not study where the eagles go and avoid that area?
A summative pompous article I thought...

Hoda said...

MEOW, MEWO MEO annnnnnnniiiiiiiiieeeeee

Hoda said...


Lolly said...

Hoda, Annie appreciates the message. LOL Off to prepare dinner. A repeat of last night. Love it when I cook that two meals are prepared.

Lolly said...

After dinner, back to the puzzle.

wvgal_dana said...


Shirley glad Susan is happy with
her new position.

Hoda so happy things worked out
so well for you at the Dentist
office. (:
Loretta praying for your dental
appointment for Thursday. I pray
it goes better than you think it

DanaMo glad to hear you are all
finished for the year for the
parent visitation day.

Lynn hoping that they can
come to an agreement as to
why the discomfort and vomiting
is happening. Glad you was
able to eat something. Pain
patches are Gods Blessing.

Thank you Mema Jo for posting
about Sandra's Mother.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - we know for sure that we could throw fish up in the nest to make Belle happy! Those oatmeal pies -
well, I don't give them away lol

Mema Jo said...

Still cam is great to see if any eagle
is in the nest. Right now it is Empty.

wvgal_dana said...

Sad news about the airport and
I don't even like the start of
the article. "Following the eagle
airplane strikes last April at Norfolk International Airport, bald eagles were recognized as a serious strike hazard to
aviation operations at the Airport."
So it is up to the U.S. Department
of Agriculture=Wildlife Services (WSDA-WS) program. which is responsible for resolving wildlife hazards to aviation.
I wonder what the variety of management options that they discussed where??????
Why could they not have put those in the article. So we could see
what was the ways to manage the situation?????
Does this mean no cam at the
NBG? Does it mean they have to tear down nest that would cause an eagle to fly with the direction of the airport?
Though I will wait and pray hard about the eagles and their nesting at NBG!!!

Remember at the airport at Middle River in Maryland. They removed that eagles nest!!!

Hoda said...

JO you have email.

magpie said...

Did you all notice that we had "color" not grey all the way to darkness?
I was surprised

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

Lynn, glad you are feeling better, and how ridiculous, the transport situation...One More day !

Jo, glad you got the medications to soothe and ease the cough


magpie said...

Hoping Frisbee responds well to that medication for the itchies, DanaMo
Your bedtime or HIS bedtime for it?
What a day, am sure you handled it with DanaMo Finesse

Loretta, if you go hide in a cave, let me know which we one...I'll visit you and we'll find some kind of wildlife to entertain us

magpie said...

Sure do like the sounds of Tori's Lung and Joe's Heart transplant successes today...."steady as she goes,"
one breath and one heartbeat at a time...

Many prayers of gratefulness offered

Lynne2 said...

I'm sorry to say but I think it is a distinct probability that they will remove the nest. If they feel that the eagles being there is a threat to human safety, I don't see what else they can do. I doubt rerouting the flights would be a solution, and they sure can't move the airport. As has happened all through time, when human and nature collide, nature usually looses. What a shame. So much has been learned there. And so many have learned so much. I would hope they would postpone any action until after the young have fledged.

magpie said...

I would give my oatmeal creme pies away, to Momsters and Dadsters...
egg-laying-nest-watching-perched Momsters and Dadsters

Wondering how Wanda is doing today, hope she jumps on before we get to #200, much easier that way !

will go read the NBG article now, thanks in Advance, Lynne, but I see the synopsis in your all's comments and kind of know what I'm in for

Jo, thanks for the post on Sandra, prayers for comfort and peace for all the family....

JudyEddy said...

Lissa is a friend of mine at work PLEASE keep Riley Joy Allen
her 8wk old grand daughter in your prayers she hastrisomy 18 syndrome

JudyEddy said...

she is at All Childrens Hospital

JudyEddy said...

has trisomy 18 syndrome
didn't separate the two words

magpie said...

You all enjoy your Tuesday Night Television...

Tomorrow we roll over to Jo's spanking new February E-M Album....
Load it Up !

and turn over those beautiful calendar pages I bet you all have;
I have about six or seven here...

New life at Central Dispatch, one of our dispatchers there gave birth to her first child, a girl, due today, born today! At 7:27 pm,
6lbs, 9 ozs, 20-inches, Mom, Dad and Baby all doing well. Dad is a Deputy ☺

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO so sorry about the ears Poor baby this to shall pass Angie has issues with her dog ears all the time Sabari has big ears she is a Alaska Malamute/Siberia Husky

magpie said...

Judy, okay, sure will keep your friend and the baby in my prayers...

JudyEddy said...

and I bet we all have a eagle calendar I bought mine at walmart half price they are now Has a beautiful scripture on each page tooo

JudyEddy said...

2.73 a calendar not bad if you haven't got one go and get it they are all half price

magpie said...

got quite the chuckle over the Professor in the Bathroom story.
We had a lady deputy once, whose portable radio microphone button was engaged....while she was in the Ladies Room....
rather hilarious...
we actually weren't too sure what was going on until heard the toilet flushing...

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

my delete my oops

JudyEddy said...

I guess I will go see what is on TV probably reruns

JudyEddy said...

NCIS is a rerun but will watch it anyway unless I can find something else

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to say about 5 this evening at work I saw Ken Ellis he is the one that wanted to talk to me I know he saw me but he continued to walk through the receiving room door I guess he doesn't want to talk to me after all I did email our Market Mgr today and ask to speak with him I put in the email that they were asking me to take the People greeter position and take away 246 and I thought that it was not fair since all the raises I got were from my yearly evaluations and not a raise for acquiring a position so we will see I guess

JudyEddy said...

the calender are 2.37 half of 4.74 I oopsed my numbers

Hoda said...

The move to the new position will cost you 246 dollars a month JUDYE?
WOW that is unfair is right!!!

JudyEddy said...

no 2.46 an hour pay cut I make 17.90 now and the cap for that is 15.44 a big cut

wvgal_dana said...

Margy tell her congratulations on the birth of their 1st child (:

JudyE Riley on prayer list. Already
sent prayer up

JudyEddy said...

It has been now two weeks and they havn't talked to me and I have the next two weeks plus this weeks schedule as a sales associates I am just hoping they are rethinking it thats all I can do for now

magpie said...


here we go again.....
just read, post and go !

JudyEddy said...

Well I am going to go to watch TV I will check back in before I hit the sack I am watching reruns of NCIS

wvgal_dana said...

@ Margy You mentioned a wreck on I think I-81 where a tractor trailer crossed the median. Crashed into a car and the person in the car did not survive.
When did this happen? I checked Monday and todays paper did not see anything????????

JudyEddy said...

A Huntingdon, Pa. man was killed Monday afternoon in an Interstate-81 accident just north of Marshall Street and the Maugansville Road interchange that left traffic snarled in Hagerstown for hours. Leroy Corbin, 42, was killed around 3 p.m. when his northbound vehicle was hit by a tractor-trailer that left the southbound lanes, crossed the median and entered the northbound lanes which led to a ...
Read The Rest Of The Article
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Source: http://www.therecordherald.com/news/x132488751/Leroy-Corbin-of-Huntingdon-killed-in-Hagerstown-I-81-crash-Monday

JudyEddy said...

I googled it and found that I can post link

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3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

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