Morning Margy and Judy! Judy, how's your cold this AM? I was looking at an MT nest, then read EAGLE - forgot that the cam had stopped!! DUH! Now I see 2 eagles!! =)
My cold is about the same no worse and no better which is good I guess the zicam seems to be working I guess I didn't wake up at all last night with the stuffieness of the nose thats a good sign
From Robyn's post... I would say...things sound a little encouraging this morning....and Robyn sounds hopeful... Sounds like the medical team is really working hard to get things under control and comfortable for Tori
Prayers continue for the family, and the entire health care army
Judy, I heard the gunshot and heard several last weekend as well. Lynn said no hunting on the campus anymore - must be the adjacent farm and the noise just travels.
I need to go get dressed I ususal get dressed before the eagle show up but they were early today Don't tell me I need to start getting up earlier now with the arriving earlier
Supposed to hit 60 degrees here in Bethany! I asked Denny if he wanted to take a road trip to Blackwater this afternoon (I have tennis til 11). he didn't seem too enthused. He's not the eagle lover that I am though he's a great photographer and has a beautiful brand new camera with a high power zoom (he bought it in preparation for our trip to Tanzania this summer). I'll ask him again - don't get too many 60 degree days in January, gotta take advantage!
I am so very HAPPY I logged on and got to see them in the nest. I had a terrible dream this morning. Tell you all about it after they are gone TERRIBLE!!
Ok about my terrible dream this morning. My sister hates everything I like/love.
We made up and I took her and her busband to Open House it was April by now. You all were standing around talking. When we heard a shot...we looked He had shot Shep..then another shot rang out and he had shot Belle. He said and she did too, "We have always wanted to shoot an eagle". I wokes up crying this morning!!!!!! Came right out turned on computer Thank God Both where in the nest.
Dana, I am headed upstairs to get ready for tennis and am going to ask him again. I would go by myself but don't know how to use his camera, plus it would be nice to have someone to share the beauty with. Fingers crossed! Janet, happy belated birthday - keep the celebration going! Lynn, Brian and Lynnis will spend another year in Tanzania. But then Brian's next post (immediately after Africa) is a year in Yemen (not happy) and THEN they'd like 2 do 2 years in South America (they're thinking Bogota). Though I have never "met" Robyn on the blog, my heart goes out to her as a mother and I will add my prayers to everyone else's that Tori gets the new lung she needs. Enjoy your Saturday, all!
Road trip to Blackwater this afternoon - do I have a great husband or what??!! I sent Dennis the link to Bob's recent photos taken there and he said, "Let's go!"
For the non FaceBook crowd (which usually includes me) Robyn's updates on Tori are on the previous page at 3:43 and 3:48AM. Latest post says that Tori has been intubated.
Hello. Thanks, Lori, for posting Robyn's info on the blog. Tried to do it but was just too miserable to sit here. Horrible night.....waiting for Carolyn to bring me a Fleet......couldn't get hold of Bill, and hate that I had to wake Carolyn on her day off especially when she has such a bad sore throat. If this doesn't work, I'll be headed for the ER.
PLEASE someone email Paula the info that Tori posted.
Oh, Sandi, so jealous---you've got a good dubby! Bob's pics ARE an great enticement. Sorry that Brian and Lynnis will be gone for such extended assignments. They must really love their work.
Lynn, when you come back, I hope you feel better w/out the ER and am sorry you had such a bad night.
Continued prayers for Tori and Robyn.
DanaWV, in psyc terms your dream reflected Jung's archetype The Shadow -- the evil aspect of human nature. In realilty -- put the Brandy away!lol
Wanda, so glad GG was up for crab legs and for getting herself spiffyied up. Tell her hello from me, please. Hi to Capt. Father Gene, also. Hugs to you!
Lynn - So sorry you are not well this morning after another terrible night. Praying you don't end up in the ER.
Terribly worried about Tori, still. She isn't pushing that co2 put of her lungs and I know that is not good. Hated to hear she is now on a respirator. With diseased lungs, that is always such a huge worry. She is young, which is good.
That poor child has been though so much in her short life. I do remember the ICU nurses telling me it is not always bad when someone has to be incubated. I pray this gives her body a chance to rest and recover from whatever infection is in there and that she comes off easily and quickly.
GOOD MORNING LADIES... Interesting reading, here on the blog this morning. LOL You ladies-of-the-morning are great! SHEP definately does not know which end is up;) Might I suggest, to him, HP FOR DUMMIES or, fly up the road about 3 miles to Eagle School Rd. There is an old school house there and he could take a course in THE PROPER WAY TO WHOO HOO A FEMALE!
Belle even yesterday flaunted her end in his face....He did not get the clue...but at least with JudyE's video we know HP has happened. So maybe it is happening more often just off the cam. We HOPE.
JUDIE...GG was so pleased to read your Christmas card...and...she remembered who you were! It always pleases me when she remembers something that I think she probably forgot:) She ate her crab legs like a 25 year good at it for a 91 year old!
Lynn I am so sorry you had such a terrible night. I pray that what Carolyn brings will give you the relief you need. Don't want you to have to go to an ER.
LYNN, GG has that problem when she forgets her Miralax and I have supplied her with Fleet liquid and suppositories. I may have to get a supply for myself, come to think of it...if pain meds given after my surgery binds me up. Just now thought about that! My grandmother took in my cousin to raise when he was an infant and when he got bound up, she would get a cake of soap and whittle it into the shape of a suppository and that always worked on him. I guess that would be better than nothing. I feel so badly for you, dear lady, that you are going through all of this...wish I could help you in some way~
Good Morning Prayers for Tori are working - Robyn Ann Schonhans Fever broke let's hope it stays down and work to get her better Like · · Share · 16 minutes ago near Baltimore, MD ·
Good morning! Just a quick glance and looks like things are hopeful for Tori. We are heading out! See you tomorrow, though I may get on for a glimpse with my phone.
Yes Dana, that is Belle. As I recall, she always called out to Lib when she was ready to go to work or HP! Maybe she is learning to like this new Boy Toy:)
Heard that call out and we are back to 2 in the nest. Wish I would have taken a ride today. Beautiful day and lots of activity. Maybe next week. Today we are off to Philly to watch Dayton vs Temple in basketball.
How do you spell r-e-l-i--e-f???!!!!! Whew. No ER necessary. Thanks for all well-wishes.
Good to hear that Tori's fever broke. Thanks, Jo.
Carolyn left as I was falling asleep.....and then the phone rang. Dumb solicitation call.....and then Liesl decided she didn't want to sleep, I am. See that Shep is still in nest.
Wanda, you will probably be better off than me because you are a fruit and veggie eater......I'm not! But better to have some aids on hand, just in case! Definitely a softener!
Caught up on the blog and logged onto the cam to see Shep still in the nest. Lynn, so glad you're feeling better - is this a side effect of the radiation/chemo or are you just eating too much fiber?
Good Morning, Everyone, Afraid I didn't make it back here last night. Fell asleep in front of the TV again.
Shirley, my heart goes out to Roseanna. I just cannot imagine what a shock that must have been for her! Prayers and more prayers, for sure!
Lynne2, ROFLMBO at your "50th Birthday portrait"! Too funny!
Bev, so glad that Granny Riffe is doing well! Praise God!
JudyE, glad that you found the instruction book for your new camera! YAY!
Margy, so sorry to hear of the young man and his 8-year-old son who died in the fire. Prayers for their family! Praying that your brother will have a rapid recovery from knee surgery!
Prayers continue bigtime for Tori & Robyn. The last report sounds encouraging, since the fever broke. Thank GOD!
Thanks, early birds, for the a.m. nest report! My timing has been lousy lately.
Shep is a statue! Time to hop in the shower to get the tennis sweat off, then hit the road. Keep in mind that I have NEVER seen a bald eagle live so this is really a big deal for me! Later.
Sandi, it can be a side effect....but I think I don't eat enough fiber to help things out much! Mostly it just seems like I don't have any muscle strength---seems to have been like that since surgery.
@Sandi I once took indoor tennis lessons. I broke my big toe and fractured it in two places. That was the end of my tennis lessons. I did enjoy it very much until that happened.
Andy good very good to see you dropping in. I too have some things to do. Mother tried shopping on her own yesterday. She got too tired and forgot some things. I will get them today for her.
Good News, Lynn! Sounds like a nice Nap is on your schedule this afternoon.
I also HATE & DESPISE! Infuriates me to the very end to receive those Automated calls that start talking about my credit cards - like 'There isn't any problem now' - I don't know what else they say because I have hung up by saying You bet there aren't ANY problems.
We have been on the road for over an hour. Have read the blog. Sorry you had a bad night, Lynn. Glad your prob has been resolved! We should get to Austin and have plenty of to to dress for the wedding. Looking forward to seeing lots of family. It is my cousins grandson who is getting married. His dad, a minister will perform the ceremony. He also "married" Michael and Ash, Laurel And Jory. He is good, his ceremony is meaningful as well as joyful. Have a great day!
Good to hear news on TORI and that things are improving. PRAISES.
LYNN I am concerned you did not sleep well. What is FLEET? You said Carolyn was going to bring you some or else you were going to go to ER...That is a concern...
LORI THE TAO OF POOH is a book written in the style of Whinnie the Pooh with wisdom from the Tao...what would Pooh say in any given situation that might arise.
Quotes from 'The Tao of Pooh'
How can you get very far, If you don't know Who You Are? How can you do what you ought, If you don't know What You've Got? And if you don't know Which to Do Of all the things in front of you, Then what you'll have when you are through Is just a mess without a clue Of all the best that can come true If you know What and Which and Who. --Benjamin Hoff, from the Tao of Pooh
Those who have no compassion have no wisdom. Knowledge, yes; cleverness, maybe; wisdom, no. A clever mind is not a heart. Knowledge doesn't really care. Wisdom does.
When you discard arrogance, complexity, and a few other things that get in the way, sooner or later you will discover that simple, childlike, and mysterious secret known to those of the "Uncarved Block": Life is Fun.
The wise are not learned; the learned are not wise.
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh. "Not that many listen though." "That's the problem."
You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are.
Everything has its own place and function. That applies to people, although many don't seem to realize it, stuck as they are in the wrong job, the wrong marriage, or the wrong house. When you know and respect your Inner Nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don't belong.
But the adult is not the highest stage of development. The end of the cycle is that of the independent, clear-minded, all-seeing Child. That is the level known as wisdom. When the Tao te Ching and other wise books say things like, "Return to the beginning; become a child again" that's what they are referring to. Why do the enlightened seem filled with light and happiness like children? Why do they sometimes even look and talk like children? Because they are. The wise are Children Who Know. Their minds have been emptied of the countless minute somethings of small learning and filled with the great wisdom of the Great Nothing, the Way of the Universe.
By working in harmony with life's circumstances, Taoist understanding changes what others may perceive as negative into something positive. From the Taoist point of view, sourness and bitterness come from the interfering and unappreciative mind. Life itself, when understood and utilized for what it is, is sweet.
It means just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.
The Great Secret, the key that unlocks the doors of wisdom, happiness and truth. What is that magic, mysterious something? Nothing. To the Taoist, Nothing is something, and Something - at least the sort of thing that many consider to be important - is really nothing at all.
On his way back from the K'un-lun Mountains, the Yellow Emperor lost the dark pearl of Tao. He sent Knowledge to find it, but Knowledge was unable to understand it. He sent Distant Vision, but Distant Vision was unable to see it. He sent Eloquence, but Eloquence was unable to describe it.
Finally, he sent Empty Mind, and Empty Mind came back with the pearl.
When Eeyore lost his tail, who found it for him? Clever Rabbit? No. He was busy doing Clever Things. Scholarly Owl? No. He didn't recognize it when he saw it.
Lynn, glad you are feeling better. Have you thought about Metamucil? It comes in capsules now so you don't have to drink that horrible stuff.
This link has,for each month, skywatch events. I liked it because it gives me a heads up instead of ffinding out about things at the last minute. Still new at links. Hope it works.
Hello eagle buds home for lunch I put the attempt or not for sure what to call it this am on the blog I could say a M word but won't LOL silly boy must have been excited just sitting next to her and HP the nest LOL
Latest from Robyn Robyn Ann Schonhans 11 hours on ocsilator and they are slowly weaning her to move her to the ventilator. Her co2s are down and this is the second time they are dropping her. While Mary and I had lunch the nurse Jeremy told us when we returned that tori opened her eyes and tried to lift her arms . One day at a time is how we are approaching this. Love you all Like · · Share · 24 minutes ago near Baltimore, MD ·
Thank you, JO ! Things are looking up. Tori is obviously a fighter and in great hands there at Johns Hopkins ! Of course, God and our prayers are no small part of this ! Praise His name !
Good video of Shep struttin' his stuff, JUDY. Looks like a young buck sayin' "hey, babe, you want a piece of this ?" Apparently her answer was "No !". Shame on you for not telling us JANET was celebrating a birthday yesterday ! And so:
Happy belated birthday, JANET ! Sounds like it was a great ome !!!!
LYNN, so glad Fleet took care of things. Nothing more miserable than clogged pipes !
LORI, great birthday pic of FloBear ! All he needs is a cigar and he'd look very Churchillian !☺
Safe travels for LOLLY n' JACK when they head back from the joyful occasion. Also for DANAMO and family--hope Dayton prevails over Temple for Aric's sake !
MAGPIE, so glad the first new knee is in place for Fred ! Hope it won't be long before he's able to get the other one taken care of. What a wonderful age we live in !
HODA, thanks for sharing The Tao of Pooh. For a couple of my grandchildren it was required reading in college Humanities.
"The Taoist sage is the one who doesn't take everything so seriously and, as a result, can relish all the small and magic moments of being in the world." by Frederic and MaryAnn Brussat, book reviewers.
Jo, many thanks for the update on Tori. Very much appreciated.
Lynn, so glad you're feeling better. Liesl will be ready for a nap soon enough.
As for the automated calls, my solution is to stay on the line or press the number and then begin my inquisition of the poor soul who happens to be just trying to get a paycheck. Which credit card? How much interest? How does this work if there is no mortgage? You get the idea.
Sandi, I think you and Dennis will have a wonderful visit to Black Water. Seeing an eagle is an amazing experience.
Margie, glad Fred is doing well. Hope the second knee is possible sooner rather than later.
Wanda, so special to know that GG remembers me. I'm a bit surprised actually. Anyway, she gets extra hugs.
Hi again. Wonder how long I"ll be able to stay awake this time??!! LOL!
Link worked fine, Suzan. I'm familiar with that website, too.
Hoda, you have mail! And, I , too, have always loved The Tao of Pooh! AND Winnie the Pooh!
Kay, how is your hip today? Any better or worse than before PT? Therapist is right about cortisone up to 3 times in a year....BUT therapy shouldn't cause pain.
Jo, thanks for recent update on Tori. Hadn't made it back to FB yet. Praying that her progree continues rapidly.
Happy WARM Sat. Everyone! Been outside and it was warm enough for a honeybee and wasp to come real close! Go back to sleep!! LOL Worked a little late last night to finish up stuff at Chelsea, then went to Targee. Had to work on Fubby car parts pics & never got on here. Only Chelsea nature report was saw several bluebirds in the front trees. Was too shady for any pics, but they're there. Wish eagles would come back to Park nest. Hope this isn't an OFF year. Nest is ready and waiting. Got stuff to do~~BBL ♥
Oh, those credit card calls! Yes! They say that they have important information about my credit card. And this is my second and final call. (I only wish it was the final one.)
Yea, and once they said that they noticed I was making only the minimum payments. Sure.
I like that, Judie. Which card? I haven't tried that.
Booey! Getting dark here. Was 65°, but getting a little cooler/ I had some outdoor chores like trimming back the butterfly bush, but maybe will do a couple indoors (& have a Spider Solitaire Marathon!!)
Sorry about the camera being down, I went out and reset it last night, but now its down again. Im not going to be able to get out there until tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can figure out what keeps knocking it offline and can get the stability improved.
Shirley, is it you who keeps getting unsolicited calls? Are you on the Do Not Call Registry? It has made my life wonderful. The only calls I recieve are charity and Political.
LYNN, the hip is about the same today, but no worse for having had therapy yesterday and doing the exercises today. There is pain with the exercises, but that good kind---I can tell it's stretching the hamstring and other muscles and that they really need it. They very tight. I think it's still early and I'm still hopeful ! That is such a beautiful Emily Dickenson quote !!!!
Wonder why those credit card calls don't fall under the egis of the No Call Directory ? I once had a no interest Debit and/or Credit Card with automatic immediate deductions from the bank account. I still got those calls. No way they were applicable. I simply ignore and have never talked to anyone, but may, sometime, if bored, use JUDIE's technique just for the fun of it ! ☺ JUDIE, have you figured out what the angle is ? I'm certain my bank does not initiate such calls.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 634 Newer› Newest»she is pulling at the flugg and he is with sticks now she moved a stick to 11
It's because there is still darkness Judy, it will straighten out soon, the jerkiness
Ask for Belle and you shall receive, Lori ☺
Oh I mean Judy, ask for Belle and you shall receive
Morning Margy and Judy! Judy, how's your cold this AM? I was looking at an MT nest, then read EAGLE - forgot that the cam had stopped!! DUH! Now I see 2 eagles!! =)
both in middle of nest picking
well BOTH of you, Lori and Judy
sorry , lol
Boy, they are up early this morning... real Early Birds.
I haven't even put the weather on yet!
he wants hp and a no go what up with that
Belle just picking and he is stanidng next to here looking out
facing each other now Belle is at cup area and he is on the edge of the nest tail feathers at 3
looks like he is sitting on rail the way his tail is on the rail beak to beak but no beakering that is good just looking around
moving around poof shep he will be back
Yeah, how silly was that !
Belle is supposed to be underneath him when he does that !
Yeah, I think he'll be back
Happy Saturday to all who have the day off, no work, no appointments...
Happy Trails, Lolly and Jack...
(think you are maybe still sleeping..)
My cold is about the same no worse and no better which is good I guess the zicam seems to be working I guess I didn't wake up at all last night with the stuffieness of the nose thats a good sign
Belle was just showing off her Smudges!
Belle is sitting in the cup area picking at flugg a little at a time
When you hop on...
Great report on your evening with GG...
We have you encircled with prayers, love and (( Hugs ♥ ))
Did I just hear a gun shot????
he is back
From Robyn's post...
I would say...things sound a little encouraging this morning....and Robyn sounds hopeful...
Sounds like the medical team is really working hard to get things under control and comfortable for Tori
Prayers continue for the family, and the entire health care army
I didn't hear gunshot, Judy...
but my ears are OLD I mighta missed it
maybe he went off to read the How to do it book on HP since he sort of got it wrong a little bit ago wasnn't on her LOL
Judy, I heard the gunshot and heard several last weekend as well. Lynn said no hunting on the campus anymore - must be the adjacent farm and the noise just travels.
picking and beaking
It might be squirrel season..not sure, and probably, you're right Sandi, from surrounding area
Beakering, things back to normal there !
got to get ready for work
ttfn xo
Thanks Sandi I am partially deaf in one ear and sometimes its is hard to tell
Belle in middle just looking and he is at 6 picking now belle starts picking at flugg
you can hear him pick at the stick can anyone else hear it
I know the cam is just above his head on the branch odd how it picks it up sometimes
Shep is working to the crib rail at 6 and Belle is just sittin pretty and looking around
Shep looks like he wants to poof again
and poof he does lol
ok he went to read the next chapter in the book of How to do
she looks like she is tracking him for a sec
Shep flys out
Got here in time to see both in nest!!!
Morning Dana!
I need to go get dressed I ususal get dressed before the eagle show up but they were early today Don't tell me I need to start getting up earlier now with the arriving earlier
she is stretching her neck lookin all around she must be watching him
Belle sitting at the 11 o'clock spot where she has been sitting and looking around
She looks so good and feathers are nice this morning
Morning Dana at the same time colors on nest
he is back
Supposed to hit 60 degrees here in Bethany! I asked Denny if he wanted to take a road trip to Blackwater this afternoon (I have tennis til 11). he didn't seem too enthused. He's not the eagle lover that I am though he's a great photographer and has a beautiful brand new camera with a high power zoom (he bought it in preparation for our trip to Tanzania this summer). I'll ask him again - don't get too many 60 degree days in January, gotta take advantage!
Shep flys back in and beakering
Good morning again. My timing is good for once. Just got up at the second one flew in.
Looks like it's a return visit for Shep. That's what I get for sleeping in. So mujch beaking...
I am so very HAPPY I logged on and got to see them in the nest. I had a terrible dream this morning. Tell you all about it after they are gone TERRIBLE!!
Belle was just working in egg cup
he does a lot of in and out the wrong kind lol That was bad I know
i hear crows
Shep poofs.Will he be back?
Shep flew out
Belle looks to be practicing sitting in cup I guess
hes is back
He's back!
flys in just to beak beak beak
Did you all see that litle bird fly through the middle of the nest when Belle was by herself/
Shep flys back in becking going on
you would think they would get tired of the beaking
beak beak beak now he is going to pick on sticks at 630 and she is stillin cup
tug on the stick and looks around and back to tugging on the stick
This is a nice long visit this morning I am dressed now I need to go brush the hair ok no HP till I get back LOL
I said no HP not Leave darn it they are gone when I came back
Judy, be careful what you wish for! =) You said no HP and there was none!
Both back!
I see the tail right at the edge of the frame see it???
I can still see his tail feathers in the top left.
Love seeing the sunlight hit the nest AND an eagle!
poof belle
Oops, spoke too soon. Poof Belle
6:52 to 7:46 nice little visit
@Sandi The woman that lives next door to me is an aide in class with special ed children. She loves her work
Denny please take Sandi to Blackwater and she can put your pictues up so we can see them....please
Sandi tell him there is someone on the blog bragging him to take his camera and go.
Something just layed in top of tree
Or possibly flew out of top of tree shaking the nest
Ok about my terrible dream this morning. My sister hates everything I like/love.
We made up and I took her and her busband to Open House it was April by now. You all were standing around talking. When we heard a shot...we looked He had shot Shep..then another shot rang out and he had shot Belle. He said and she did too, "We have always wanted to shoot an eagle". I wokes up crying this morning!!!!!! Came right out turned on computer Thank God Both where in the nest.
What a horrible dream WVDana Ok its time for me to go to work
Dana, I am headed upstairs to get ready for tennis and am going to ask him again. I would go by myself but don't know how to use his camera, plus it would be nice to have someone to share the beauty with. Fingers crossed!
Janet, happy belated birthday - keep the celebration going!
Lynn, Brian and Lynnis will spend another year in Tanzania. But then Brian's next post (immediately after Africa) is a year in Yemen (not happy) and THEN they'd like 2 do 2 years in South America (they're thinking Bogota).
Though I have never "met" Robyn on the blog, my heart goes out to her as a mother and I will add my prayers to everyone else's that Tori gets the new lung she needs.
Enjoy your Saturday, all!
At the Sutton nest both are in nest the one on the right is eating in the nest.
Road trip to Blackwater this afternoon - do I have a great husband or what??!! I sent Dennis the link to Bob's recent photos taken there and he said, "Let's go!"
Hallelujah Sandi !
and a perfect day for it
Good Morning Eagle Pals again...Have a good day
interesting Graphic on Google today
xoxo at work plenty to do here...
it's my Friday
(( HUGS ♥ ))
100th Birthday of the Addams Family. Loved that show when I was a kid!
In kindergarten there is a song about the days of the week that is sung to that tune.
That's the graphic on Google. Sorry I didn't specify what I was talking about.
Clapping my hands that Dennis is taking you Sandi to Blackwater!!!!
Morning Margy (:
Are you at work?
correct, DanaWV
am at work
Thanks DanaMo, forgot if I hover my mouse over the picture it would give me some info ☺
ttfn xox
Good morning. Need to do some reading so I can figure out what is going on this morning.
For the non FaceBook crowd (which usually includes me) Robyn's updates on Tori are on the previous page at 3:43 and 3:48AM. Latest post says that Tori has been intubated.
Janet--I believe you had a birthday recently. Yesterday? Hope it was happy.
Hello. Thanks, Lori, for posting Robyn's info on the blog. Tried to do it but was just too miserable to sit here. Horrible night.....waiting for Carolyn to bring me a Fleet......couldn't get hold of Bill, and hate that I had to wake Carolyn on her day off especially when she has such a bad sore throat. If this doesn't work, I'll be headed for the ER.
PLEASE someone email Paula the info that Tori posted.
Oh, Sandi, so jealous---you've got a good dubby! Bob's pics ARE an great enticement. Sorry that Brian and Lynnis will be gone for such extended assignments. They must really love their work.
Lynn... I am so sorry you are miserable...
I do so wish I was off today, I'be be the "Fleet Fleet...."
Shirley, once again....God Bless You, for your dear attention to Roseanna
Hedgie, I hope you don't have to go to the ER. (((hugs)))
have some 911 tapes to make, and it is difficult for me to send emails from work, so I can't be the one to send email to Paula
ttfn xoxo ♥
Hellooooo T-Bird....
and Buddy !
okay 'bye
Morning all...
See Sandi is going toBW today...shucks I am hoping to go tomorrow
Paula - You have mail. An update on Tori if you didn't already get one.
Good morning everyone.
Lynn, when you come back, I hope you feel better w/out the ER and am sorry you had such a bad night.
Continued prayers for Tori and Robyn.
DanaWV, in psyc terms your dream reflected Jung's archetype The Shadow -- the evil aspect of human nature. In realilty -- put the Brandy away!lol
Wanda, so glad GG was up for crab legs and for getting herself spiffyied up. Tell her hello from me, please. Hi to Capt. Father Gene, also. Hugs to you!
Ok read back and got tori's news
Lynn - So sorry you are not well this morning after another terrible night. Praying you don't end up in the ER.
Terribly worried about Tori, still. She isn't pushing that co2 put of her lungs and I know that is not good. Hated to hear she is now on a respirator. With diseased lungs, that is always such a huge worry. She is young, which is good.
That poor child has been though so much in her short life. I do remember the ICU nurses telling me it is not always bad when someone has to be incubated. I pray this gives her body a chance to rest and recover from whatever infection is in there and that she comes off easily and quickly.
Linda I pray that is the case for Tori. That she can be taken off and is better where they can do the lung trnsplant.
Interesting reading, here on the blog this morning. LOL You ladies-of-the-morning are great!
SHEP definately does not know which end is up;) Might I suggest, to him, HP FOR DUMMIES or, fly up the road about 3 miles to Eagle School Rd. There is an old school house there and he could take a course in THE PROPER WAY TO WHOO HOO A FEMALE!
Yes Wanda I agree with you lady!!!!
Belle even yesterday flaunted her end in his face....He did not get the clue...but at least with JudyE's video we know HP has happened. So maybe it is happening more often just off the cam. We HOPE.
JUDIE...GG was so pleased to read your Christmas card...and...she remembered who you were! It always pleases me when she remembers something that I think she probably forgot:)
She ate her crab legs like a 25 year good at it for a 91 year old!
Lynn I am so sorry you had such a terrible night. I pray that what Carolyn brings will give you the relief you need. Don't want you to have to go to an ER.
Now right there is a good chance for HP ... that is why I am thinking they are HP off cam Both flew up on limb
LYNN, GG has that problem when she forgets her Miralax and I have supplied her with Fleet liquid and suppositories. I may have to get a supply for myself, come to think of it...if pain meds given after my surgery binds me up. Just now thought about that!
My grandmother took in my cousin to raise when he was an infant and when he got bound up, she would get a cake of soap and whittle it into the shape of a suppository and that always worked on him. I guess that would be better than nothing.
I feel so badly for you, dear lady, that you are going through all of this...wish I could help you in some way~
Sorry you feel so bad this morning. I really hope you are able to take care of things at home and don't have to go to the ER.
Good Morning
Prayers for Tori are working -
Robyn Ann Schonhans
Fever broke let's hope it stays down and work to get her better
Like · · Share · 16 minutes ago near Baltimore, MD ·
All kinds of eagle action at the nest. Beaking big time and nestorations.
PRAISE GOD! That's great news about Tori! Thank you for posting it JO.
Thanks for the good news about Tori, Jo.
JO, Whose fever broke...Tori or Robyn's?
Thank you Jo for posting that Tori had the fever. PRAISES TO GOD THE FEVER BROKE...GLORY TO HIS NAME.
That looks like Belle in the nest. Am I right?
Good morning! Just a quick glance and looks like things are hopeful for Tori. We are heading out! See you tomorrow, though I may get on for a glimpse with my phone.
She is calling out I want some eggs boy
Wanda - Tori's fever broke. Robyn is feeling better, too and is at the hospital with Tori. She went there yesterday, if I understand correctly.
Shep flys in both in nest
Yes Dana, that is Belle. As I recall, she always called out to Lib when she was ready to go to work or HP! Maybe she is learning to like this new Boy Toy:)
Both working on egg cup
Good Saturday MOrning all.WOW Belle and Shep!
Heard that call out and we are back to 2 in the nest. Wish I would have taken a ride today. Beautiful day and lots of activity. Maybe next week. Today we are off to Philly to watch Dayton vs Temple in basketball.
We know that His grace is sufficient for us and His power is made perfect in our weakness.
Lord we appreciate the gift of Your strength in Tori's weakness right now. Please continue to heal and strengthen her for Your glory...
Belle flew out had a pic but it didn't take all the way had to exit out darn.
How do you spell r-e-l-i--e-f???!!!!! Whew. No ER necessary. Thanks for all well-wishes.
Good to hear that Tori's fever broke. Thanks, Jo.
Carolyn left as I was falling asleep.....and then the phone rang. Dumb solicitation call.....and then Liesl decided she didn't want to sleep, I am. See that Shep is still in nest.
Thanks, LINDA, for clarifying, that information!
Nest is looking very comfortable, isn't it?
Good for you Lynn...
I just plain old turn the landline phone down or particular times....
Wonderul Jo. the newer update on Tori.....steady as she goes....
So Belle leaves and Shep Stays
See Saw, See Saw
Hi More Morning Eagle Pals...
xo and bye again
Wanda, you will probably be better off than me because you are a fruit and veggie eater......I'm not! But better to have some aids on hand, just in case! Definitely a softener!
You're welcome WANDA!
Love hearing those stories of Friday night dinners with GG". She is just precious!
LYNN - Happy to hear you had RELIEF and are feeling better. A trip to the ER is no fun.
Caught up on the blog and logged onto the cam to see Shep still in the nest. Lynn, so glad you're feeling better - is this a side effect of the radiation/chemo or are you just eating too much fiber?
Linda your prayer on here is beautiful Amen
Good Morning, Everyone,
Afraid I didn't make it back here last night. Fell asleep in front of the TV again.
Shirley, my heart goes out to Roseanna. I just cannot imagine what a shock that must have been for her! Prayers and more prayers, for sure!
Lynne2, ROFLMBO at your "50th Birthday portrait"! Too funny!
Bev, so glad that Granny Riffe is doing well! Praise God!
JudyE, glad that you found the instruction book for your new camera! YAY!
Margy, so sorry to hear of the young man and his 8-year-old son who died in the fire. Prayers for their family! Praying that your brother will have a rapid recovery from knee surgery!
Prayers continue bigtime for Tori & Robyn. The last report sounds encouraging, since the fever broke. Thank GOD!
Thanks, early birds, for the a.m. nest report! My timing has been lousy lately.
Lynn HAPPY VERY HAPPY no trip for you to ER......We on here can pray for anything. I agree turn phone down and lay down and rest.
Wanda yes at least softner or both on hand.
Of course I couldn't take pain pills so I did not have that problem. Even during the rehab couldn't take the pain pills.
Shep is a statue! Time to hop in the shower to get the tennis sweat off, then hit the road. Keep in mind that I have NEVER seen a bald eagle live so this is really a big deal for me! Later.
Sandi, it can be a side effect....but I think I don't eat enough fiber to help things out much! Mostly it just seems like I don't have any muscle strength---seems to have been like that since surgery.
Ooooh! WV Dana, so sorry you had such an awful dream this morning! Mighty glad Belle & Shep were both in the nest when you looked this morning!
Lynn, SO sorry you had a miserable night! VERY habby that no ER visit was needed! Phew! Prayers for you continue!
Well, have some bills to pay online, so better get with it. Have a FANTASTIC Saturday, everyone! Will try to check in later. :o]
Lynn it could be inhesions possibly.
@Sandi I once took indoor tennis lessons. I broke my big toe and fractured it in two places. That was the end of my tennis lessons. I did enjoy it very much until that happened.
Andy good very good to see you dropping in. I too have some things to do. Mother tried shopping on her own yesterday. She got too tired and forgot some things. I will get them today for her.
He must be enjoying the sun up there.
Wonder what Shep is thinking about??
Lynn, happy to see that no ER visit is necessary for you this morning. Relief is right. Good on you.
I suppose that Shep has many things to think about. He does have lots to learn.
Nice take-off.
And poof!
NOW I'll try for a nap again. BBL.
Good News, Lynn! Sounds like a nice Nap
is on your schedule this afternoon.
I also HATE & DESPISE! Infuriates me to the very end to receive those
Automated calls that start talking about
my credit cards - like 'There isn't any problem now' - I don't know what else they say because I have hung up by saying You bet there aren't ANY problems.
Did to get ready to go help Mother.
Prayers continue for Tori and Robyn.
Excited about Sandi and Dennis going to Blackwater and seeing his pictures.
Eveyone take care out there.
Prayers for those that need them.
Linda thanks for the email
What a pretty day hope you can go outside and enjoy!
We have been on the road for over an hour. Have read the blog. Sorry you had a bad night, Lynn. Glad your prob has been resolved! We should get to Austin and have plenty of to to dress for the wedding. Looking forward to seeing lots of family. It is my cousins grandson who is getting married. His dad, a minister will perform the ceremony. He also "married" Michael and Ash, Laurel And Jory. He is good, his ceremony is meaningful as well as joyful. Have a great day!
Good morning/ ood afternoon to all.
Thanks for the eagle reports.
Good to hear news on TORI and that things are improving. PRAISES.
LYNN I am concerned you did not sleep well. What is FLEET? You said Carolyn was going to bring you some or else you were going to go to ER...That is a concern...
LORI THE TAO OF POOH is a book written in the style of Whinnie the Pooh with wisdom from the Tao...what would Pooh say in any given situation that might arise.
Quotes from 'The Tao of Pooh'
How can you get very far,
If you don't know Who You Are?
How can you do what you ought,
If you don't know What You've Got?
And if you don't know Which to Do
Of all the things in front of you,
Then what you'll have when you are through
Is just a mess without a clue
Of all the best that can come true
If you know What and Which and Who.
--Benjamin Hoff, from the Tao of Pooh
Those who have no compassion have no wisdom. Knowledge, yes; cleverness, maybe; wisdom, no. A clever mind is not a heart. Knowledge doesn't really care. Wisdom does.
When you discard arrogance, complexity, and a few other things that get in the way, sooner or later you will discover that simple, childlike, and mysterious secret known to those of the "Uncarved Block": Life is Fun.
The wise are not learned; the learned are not wise.
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."
You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are.
Everything has its own place and function. That applies to people, although many don't seem to realize it, stuck as they are in the wrong job, the wrong marriage, or the wrong house. When you know and respect your Inner Nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don't belong.
But the adult is not the highest stage of development. The end of the cycle is that of the independent, clear-minded, all-seeing Child. That is the level known as wisdom. When the Tao te Ching and other wise books say things like, "Return to the beginning; become a child again" that's what they are referring to. Why do the enlightened seem filled with light and happiness like children? Why do they sometimes even look and talk like children? Because they are. The wise are Children Who Know. Their minds have been emptied of the countless minute somethings of small learning and filled with the great wisdom of the Great Nothing, the Way of the Universe.
By working in harmony with life's circumstances, Taoist understanding changes what others may perceive as negative into something positive. From the Taoist point of view, sourness and bitterness come from the interfering and unappreciative mind. Life itself, when understood and utilized for what it is, is sweet.
It means just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.
The Great Secret, the key that unlocks the doors of wisdom, happiness and truth. What is that magic, mysterious something? Nothing. To the Taoist, Nothing is something, and Something - at least the sort of thing that many consider to be important - is really nothing at all.
On his way back from the K'un-lun Mountains, the Yellow Emperor lost the dark pearl of Tao. He sent Knowledge to find it, but Knowledge was unable to understand it. He sent Distant Vision, but Distant Vision was unable to see it. He sent Eloquence, but Eloquence was unable to describe it.
Finally, he sent Empty Mind, and Empty Mind came back with the pearl.
When Eeyore lost his tail, who found it for him? Clever Rabbit? No. He was busy doing Clever Things. Scholarly Owl? No. He didn't recognize it when he saw it.
WINNIE the Pooh not Whinnie!!! LOL
Good Saturday all! Another beautiful NC day.
Thoughts for Tori and family today.
Lynn, glad you are feeling better. Have you thought about Metamucil? It comes in capsules now so you don't have to drink that horrible stuff.
This link has,for each month, skywatch events. I liked it because it gives me a heads up instead of ffinding out about things at the last minute. Still new at links. Hope it works.
Astronomy Events for 2012
Hello eagle buds home for lunch I put the attempt or not for sure what to call it this am on the blog I could say a M word but won't LOL silly boy must have been excited just sitting next to her and HP the nest LOL
Shep not for sure what he was doing duh
Latest from Robyn
Robyn Ann Schonhans
11 hours on ocsilator and they are slowly weaning her to move her to the ventilator. Her co2s are down and this is the second time they are dropping her. While Mary and I had lunch the nurse Jeremy told us when we returned that tori opened her eyes and tried to lift her arms . One day at a time is how we are approaching this. Love you all
Like · · Share · 24 minutes ago near Baltimore, MD ·
Love you Robyn ♥
JO thanks for the post on ROBYN and TORI...Blessings for continued progress...
Hoda - appreciate the readings from your newest book. I love Winnie to begin with! ♥
Thank you, JO ! Things are looking up. Tori is obviously a fighter and in great hands there at Johns Hopkins ! Of course, God and our prayers are no small part of this ! Praise His name !
Good video of Shep struttin' his stuff, JUDY. Looks like a young buck sayin' "hey, babe, you want a piece of this ?" Apparently her answer was "No !". Shame on you for not telling us JANET was celebrating a birthday yesterday ! And so:
Happy belated birthday, JANET ! Sounds like it was a great ome !!!!
LYNN, so glad Fleet took care of things. Nothing more miserable than clogged pipes !
LORI, great birthday pic of FloBear ! All he needs is a cigar and he'd look very Churchillian !☺
Safe travels for LOLLY n' JACK when they head back from the joyful occasion. Also for DANAMO and family--hope Dayton prevails over Temple for Aric's sake !
MAGPIE, so glad the first new knee is in place for Fred ! Hope it won't be long before he's able to get the other one taken care of. What a wonderful age we live in !
HODA, thanks for sharing The Tao of Pooh. For a couple of my grandchildren it was required reading in college Humanities.
"The Taoist sage is the one who doesn't take everything so seriously and, as a result, can relish all the small and magic moments of being in the world." by Frederic and MaryAnn Brussat, book reviewers.
Jo, many thanks for the update on Tori. Very much appreciated.
Lynn, so glad you're feeling better. Liesl will be ready for a nap soon enough.
As for the automated calls, my solution is to stay on the line or press the number and then begin my inquisition of the poor soul who happens to be just trying to get a paycheck. Which credit card? How much interest? How does this work if there is no mortgage? You get the idea.
Sandi, I think you and Dennis will have a wonderful visit to Black Water. Seeing an eagle is an amazing experience.
Margie, glad Fred is doing well. Hope the second knee is possible sooner rather than later.
Wanda, so special to know that GG remembers me. I'm a bit surprised actually. Anyway, she gets extra hugs.
Hi again. Wonder how long I"ll be able to stay awake this time??!! LOL!
Link worked fine, Suzan. I'm familiar with that website, too.
Hoda, you have mail! And, I , too, have always loved The Tao of Pooh!
AND Winnie the Pooh!
Kay, how is your hip today? Any better or worse than before PT?
Therapist is right about cortisone up to 3 times in a year....BUT therapy shouldn't cause pain.
Jo, thanks for recent update on Tori. Hadn't made it back to FB yet. Praying that her progree continues rapidly.
I am off to yoga and will be back in the afternoon...
HUGS to all.
Bureaucracy Hinders Migration
"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,..." Emily Dickinson
Jewel's Den Cam will be active sometime this afternoon!!!
Getting close to another split. Don't stumble if you are it!
Happy WARM Sat. Everyone!
Been outside and it was warm enough for a honeybee and wasp to come real close! Go back to sleep!! LOL
Worked a little late last night to finish up stuff at Chelsea, then went to Targee. Had to work on Fubby car parts pics & never got on here.
Only Chelsea nature report was saw several bluebirds in the front trees. Was too shady for any pics, but they're there.
Wish eagles would come back to Park nest. Hope this isn't an OFF year. Nest is ready and waiting.
Got stuff to do~~BBL ♥
Oh, those credit card calls! Yes! They say that they have important information about my credit card. And this is my second and final call. (I only wish it was the final one.)
Yea, and once they said that they noticed I was making only the minimum payments. Sure.
I like that, Judie. Which card? I haven't tried that.
WOW! I just read back some of AM comments and am so happy Sandi gets to go to BW today!!!!We want pics by 11!!! LOL
Prayers for Tori & Robyn.
Love & Prayers for Wanda & Lynn's treatments & everyone's health.!!! ♥
Everyone must be enjoying their day to the max! Still haven't made the split!
Temp has dropped a bit to 59° with a stiff westerly breeze.....but sun has been out all day. I could live with this all winter.....IF ONLY!
Loretta, glad that you have bluebirds, too, but sure hope your eagles come back to their nest pronto!!
Booey! Getting dark here. Was 65°, but getting a little cooler/ I had some outdoor chores like trimming back the butterfly bush, but maybe will do a couple indoors (& have a Spider Solitaire Marathon!!)
From Jordan Lake Eagle cam:
Sorry about the camera being down, I went out and reset it last night, but now its down again. Im not going to be able to get out there until tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can figure out what keeps knocking it offline and can get the stability improved.
Shirley, is it you who keeps getting unsolicited calls? Are you on the Do Not Call Registry? It has made my life wonderful. The only calls I recieve are charity and Political.
fewer than 8 comments until
sound like that should be a dessert,
Triple Split
Hurry, hurry, everybody1 I can't type! Hey but so far it is peaceful.
See them Suzan...
Beautiful/Handsome as can be
I do believe they just arrived
like a minute or two ago
oops. one gone.
now empty.
i think they are teasing us Suzan..
but I also think they will be back !!!
Well, I apologize for the poor reporting. I could not even see a head to tell who was who!!
LYNN, the hip is about the same today, but no worse for having had therapy yesterday and doing the exercises today. There is pain with the exercises, but that good kind---I can tell it's stretching the hamstring and other muscles and that they really need it. They very tight. I think it's still early and I'm still hopeful ! That is such a beautiful Emily Dickenson quote !!!!
Wonder why those credit card calls don't fall under the egis of the No Call Directory ? I once had a no interest Debit and/or Credit Card with automatic immediate deductions from the bank account. I still got those calls. No way they were applicable. I simply ignore and have never talked to anyone, but may, sometime, if bored, use JUDIE's technique just for the fun of it ! ☺ JUDIE, have you figured out what the angle is ? I'm certain my bank does not initiate such calls.
I hope so.
there IS one at Blackwater, Suzan...
been a little busy at work....still here until 8 pm...
need to backtrack and catch up
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