Getting ready for a cup of coffee and a quick breakfast. Hunter and I will be taking George to the vet this morning. I think he has another blockage in his bowels.
Lynn, should we have one of our California Momsters or Dadsters send you some Medical Marijuana for your nausea? You know, of course - #1 Nurse, that there are many anti-nausea drugs - if this one doesn't do the trick, get another one.
Thank you, LYNN ! I keep pinching myself to make sure I'm awake and this hip thing really is almost history ! What a grand wind up for the the year I'm having, with two medical issues resolved. I'm praying you'll be posting a victorious message like this at the end of 2012 or earlier ! Tori, too ! Mega-prayers being offered daily ! ♥♥♥
POOF! Lynn, so glad to hear that you're feeling better this AM and got a good night's sleep, though I would think a bed would be much more comfy than the sofa!
Michael will be home some time today, and my brother Steve is coming up tonight...I will pick him up in Frederick and bring him home with me. Think we'll eat Chinese tonight!
We got into the Christmas treats early, too. Jack cooked sausage and scrambled eggs to have with a cinnamon roll. Good and yummy! Let the festivities begin!
Going to mix up the dough for dinner rolls, and make the sweet potato dish this morning. Then I am making olive/cheese balls to take to Michael's this afternoon.
Oh, wow, I see that no one has been on for an hour and a half. Missed everyone! So, I will get busy. Had to laugh, my family thinks I am crazy too, being on, watching the eagles and blogging. Little do they know!!!
Back from the vet's. It was a quick trip because we left George there to be treated. I do hope he will not be there all weekend. They're closed tomorrow.
Beautiful day here. Sunny and warm. Hunter is walking Flash. Luna is waiting for her turn. She cried a bit, but I think she understands that he will be back for her.
He walks down to a friend's house and gets him to walk his dog. Hunter has to switch off so that both of our doggies get to walk.
Hi all (I know everyone is off preparing for the holiday or working or at appts), Just wanted to report - made more POTATO CANDY - but this time I added some peppermint extract, rolled it into balls, flatten w/a glass,let dry a bit, chilled, then dunked in choc. coating - ta-dah - just like York Peppermint Patties. Happy, Happy that you shared this w/me!
GOOD MORNING... I've been reading all kinds of good news on here, today. Pain relieved, animals getting better, infections gone, families will be together. Good news that Paula's son is being promoted to a better paying job. Most unusual at this time with the economy the way it is!
My good news is that a definate date has been set for my New Knee surgery! January 11...I was so afraid the doc couldn't get to me until Spring! So, I should be able to walk all over NCTC property, come April Open House:)
Good Morning Friends - George didn't want to miss Christmas at home. Tori, as Lynn said, will have her Christmas at JH but Robyn is making sure it will be just as though they were home. CarolAnne - great idea for Potato Candy
Lynn - you have so much planned for your day - I would be there to help if only I could.
Thanks, Jo, I need to make my reservations. I knew it was to be near Earth Day, just not sure when. Maybe there won't be as much competition for hotel rooms that weekend, but I guess there could be something else going on then.
PAULA congratulations on MICHAEL'S new job with same company more responsibilty and more pay... ENJOY your family around you this weekend.Will you see your grand kids too?
Glad of the good news on the blog this morning and eat away LYNN SHHHHHHHHHHHHH We will keep your secret and won't tell anyone you already had a cinamon bun!!! LOL
Hi again, Got home at 11. Reading papers and checking here and mail before I dig in! Getting hungry. Think I'll try just melting some cheese on a piece of toast and see how that goes.
CarolAnne---modifications to the potato candy recipe sound interesting! Sure hoping that Caro has or will make some as a surprise for me!!!
WANDA....marking my calendar!!! three weeks!! WHOO HOO!
Radiation dr. is in Africa for the holidays. If I start urping again, I'll have to call the onc for more meds.
Well, Lynn, hoping you do not urp!!☺ Sweet potatoes are in the oven. Now going to do the mashed potatoes. Like to have all this done today, as tomorrow we will be making party food for Christmas Eve. Also, I have promised an early dinner on Bacon Pasta to the boys. They love it. Next week I will avoid the kitchen but not this week! lol Jack is out mulching leaves. He is wearing a mask. Bless him. What a mess outside. All the leaves fell this week. It is 41 and rain and snow tomorrow.
Lori, Lynne2, and Margy safe travels and anyone else traveling.
Wising all the critters to feel better.
Lynn praying the the cheese and toast will stay down.
I called an cancelled for Dinner at Nephews yesterday for tomorrow. I want to be better so I can be with Mother on Christmas. Don't want her to be alone.
Peppermint potato candy sure sound yummy!!!
Kay is feeling better so that is good.
Wanda is scheduled for knee surgery. Prayers already in place.
Tori having Christmas at Johns Hopkins...prayers they will get her the lung ASAP.
Hoda, rather fearful that laying down could encourage the nausea to become active! It's a ways from the bathroom, too! Bucket yes, but....then the power of suggestion, if yoi get my drift!
LYNN I think you know best as to where would be a comfortable place to sleep...I liked it that you said it is easy on yo9ur hair do to be on the sofa and I thought forever elegant lady...
Se ended up going to the park got back at 1 laid down with Jordyn and must of dozed for a bit Now I want to get a shower while she is down for a nap Don't like to take a shower while she is awake Still tooo young to be trusted I think too much to get in to BBL
GREAT news LYNN sleeping and keeping the Poast down and WANDA on the 11th appt
Give TORI a group (((((((HUG))))))) from all us momsters PLEASE and will as always be prayer for her as well as all on the blog all the sick critters and people that need it
Boy was that a nice shower I love the water pressure during the day you can tell the difference I hear a bird what is it
Cooking is over for today and kitchen cleaned. Just polished my nails, so it should be easy coasting from here. Have to get ready as well as load the car. Certainly hope we do not have traffic.
AAH HODCKEY STICKS My house payments is 612.34 and I always sent in 700-800 hoping to pay it off quicker well just to my notice it is going u to 721.84 Darn CITIZEN Insurance what a rackets nothing can be done about them charging such high rates Ok now I'm done venting back to doing something
When my children were sick, I made them a "sick bag"--a paper grocery bag with lots of wadded up newspapers in it. Then, after it was used, you could throw it away without even looking at it. Works well. But use plenty of newspaper.
Of course, paper grocery bags are hard to come by now.
Fed Ex just delivered a large package, and I was not expecting anything. When I looked, it belonged to someone on the next street. Same house address, but different street.
I was able to wave the driver back and give it to him. I heard a loud clunk when he re-entered the truck. Oh, I hope there isn't anything fragile in that package.
Oh, Judy, I understand your frustration. It can be so hard to get ahead. I always make sure I pay the extra money to the principal, but it seems like that total comes down so slowly.
Oh-oh, Shirley.....doesn't sound good! Another gotcha-moment with an angry FedEx guy??!!
Glad George is doing better, Shirley. What did they say the problem was?
Good idea about the bags!! I was doing fine until I bent over to clean int he bathroom.....argh! At least I was where I needed to be!
JudyE---that really does stink about the insurance. How can it go up THAT much?? That's over $1200 a year!!!!! YIKES. Call state insurance commissioner!
Vacuuming done. Straw around the creche. Pie plates and large Corning dish up from the basement....cheater pie crusts are thawing. Now to mix up the pumpkin.
Can"t call the insurance commissioner because this is government agency of sort Insurance of last resort of sort All insurance agency have pulled out so there isn't any left and it is total legal That is the biggest thing always on the news how they can rape people and get away with it There are thousands of upset Fl residence in the same boat as me
Read the grocery bag thing many years ago. I think my children believed that everyone used them. If they were feeling really bad, they would request a sick bag.
I got Jordyn watching TinkerBell my back can't take any more sitting on the floor playing Just might take her back to the park to look at the Christmas lights in the park and the park is open till 11 with lites Play it by ear I guess Angie sent her with food and all just in case she know what my cupboard look like Bare LOL
Oh, George has had this problem for years. His bowel muscles are weak, so he gets constipated. I give him medication to get as much action as possible out of the muscles and a stool softener, but about once a year or so he gets plugged up.
Not the first time someone has confused my address with the one on the next street.
The worst was the night the cop showed up with lights blazing and yelled, "Where's he at?" when I opened the door. People have asked if I corrected his grammar. Heck no.
I got Angie a camera like mine today at Walmart when we went to the park and I had Jordyn give it to her at lunch today Now she can have one to fit in her pocket also she can take pic at the party tonight I didn't want to give it to her early but her cam is acting up she is taking it to a shop and have it looked at no charge thats cool I am giving her my one camera that has mute on it for him to look at also No charge can't hurt to see how much it would to fix it
Would someone mind telling me who Tori is related/connected to on the blog? I know from reading various posts that she is at Johns Hopkins and is on a lung transplant list. I'm guessing she's a teenager? What caused her lung problems?
Have been watching for a while, enjoying our Eagles and their nestorations. Figured there were enough of us reporting and no need for my 2 cents worth.
WANDA, it's grand that you can have the surgery as early as the 11th ! You'll be ready to hop, skip, jump or dance all over NCTC by April !
SHIRLEY, your kids were sick to their stomachs often enough for such a measure ? Did they get car sick or what ? I count myself lucky. I don't think I had more than 4 or 5 up chucks to deal with in the 25 years it took to get all three out on their own !
Pies are in the oven. Dressing is almost ready to be put in the casserole dish. Whew!! Had to take a break to find out about another former co-worker's passing. A young one--only 58.
Sandi, Tori is the daughter of Robyn, an original Momster. She gets on here sometimes, but we mostly see her on FB. Tori has interstital lung disease...they are now going for a transplant, after many years of various types of treatments.
Kay, I think you were lucky if you only had 4 or 5 upchucks with 3 children. I have 4, and I don't think I had more than the usual number of upchucks, but more than 4 or 5, I think. Anyway, however many there were, it was a good way to handle it.
Rus has asthma and one of the medications he took made him sick quite a few times before we figured out what the problem was.
SHIRLEY, I sure was lucky ! I have a rather weak stomach, but none of the kids do. You came up with a good solution--you should send it in to Heloise--seriously !
Thinking about how it's hard to get paper bags. That is going to have to change. Some States, especially coastal States are banning plastic bags due to harm done to sea life and birds. Kroger gives us an option, but Julie and take our cloth bags along. I see more and more people doing that all the time here.
Dressing is done! A little clean-up yet to do from all that cooking. I had the D/W open when I got a phone call and Liesl just kept barking at the open was blocking her headroom to her water dish!!!! Shame on mommy!!!!
Shirley, glad that the enema did the trick for George! Poor cat.
Red, we got heavy rain last night, so probably lots of the plugg is sopping wet! Have you seen the deer leg/hoof?
Wish we would hear from Jim as to how he got along yesterday with his cataract surgery!
I just went online to vertfy my schedule hasn't change I love it that we can check from home 830 to 530 it is I am taking Jordyn to Largo Park when it get darker to see the Christmas lights they have there to walk or drive
Good evening Momsters. I've been so interested reading back on the blog that I missed the eagles. I'm using my old laptop and also listening to a cd (Les Miserables) Not a thought in my head for the last hour of undone chores. Sandi, we were a pretty strong stomached family too. When I have my "big" purse in use, I carry a neatly folded plastic grocery bag--just in case. I've used it for other purposes but haven't needed it for a sick bag.
Kay, I use those totes also. It is easier to carry into the house and you don't have to worry about them breaking. In this small town there is only one large grocery and you have to bag your own groceries anyway. The Aldi charges for bags, but I rarely shop there. I get enough plastic bags for my use when I forget to take the totes with me to the store.
Probably got it from Heloise about 40 or more years ago. I read it somewhere. It is very convenient and worth asking for paper bags just to have a supply. I like to have a few paper bags anyway.
Dana, The vet is very hopeful that Bella's back injury will heal and she'll be good as new. The vet put her on a different pain medication (a liquid that's chicken flavored) b/c she was really fighting me about taking the Tramadol (the pills are bitter and no matter what i hid them in, she would spit them out). She's also on an anti inflammatory and, as of today, a muscle relaxer and I borrowed a crate and am keeping her in it so she can't walk around at all. We have very good friends who had a German Shepherd that developed hip dysplasia in his final years. They bought one of those harnesses with the wheels when their dog could no longer walk, and he got around using his wheels for another couple of years. Paula, thanks for the info on Tori.
I have managed to forget the totes even when I have them in the car. Need to work on that. When we shop at Costco, there are no bags provided, but they will give you boxes if you want them.
Sandi, when our dog Heidi had similar problems, a friend of the family made a cart for her and she used that for a while until her back healed. That was back in the early '60's. She had rubbed herself raw dragging her hindquarters. She was one determined dog. We hid her balls because she would toss them and play fetch by herself. She eventually was able to walk again and chase her balls--although a bit wobbly.
Well how about that dog that was born without any front legs. The man and lady that adopted it. Is truly a blessing. He has even made him a thing that fits so the dog can sled ride by itself. awwwww
Well. today SANTA came to town and assured me that he is heading east...several from yoga went out for Latte's and Capuchinos and while we were there in comes Santa with a couple of elves. The kids looked so cute and Santa was tall, young, handsome looking and very atheletic!!! Never you mind it was still SANTA, albeit off the ski hill perhaps!!! LOL!!! The elves gave us each a candy cane and a chocolate and it was all wonderful with bells ringing as they headed out the door...
Thank you for the visit reports. I hope I manage to be home and at my computer when they visit soon...I miss seeing them.
You did well LYNN...
PAULA sorry your BRO has not shown up...Tell MICHAEL congratulations on his raise and more responsibility...
CAROLANNE great on teh cookie department...sounds delicious.
Good Evening Eaglebuds!!! We've been playing Xmas tree engineers! I started putting lights on my articial palm tree last night and those long branches at top started snapping their plastic attachment holders to trunk! I tried to wire them to trunk, but didn't have enough hands. Fubby started today by drilling holes thru the stem & inserting branches' metal tips into those. They didn't hang right, so he used zip ties to position them. When all done, I turned the base and 2 more branches fell off! He said that part looked like a real tre, so we unhooked all of them & tied them to trunk! It's now a skinny Charlie Brown tree! The test will be to see if animals leave it alone! As for cats, when awake and exploring, there are a lot of raccoon tails displaying, hissing, & growling but no combat so far. Daughter & SIL hit the Metro again for downtown today and are going to Zoofest. I better get lots of pics! ☺ Since they're not home early for dinner am starting to make cabbage rolls for later--the Polish version which I can't spell. Something like "gowumpki". That's sort of phonetic. Hope to get back to read more tonight.
I received a fantastic gift from our CarolAnne today. She made me a book of encouragement! It is titled Hedgie.....and is full of pics of eagles, Momsters and Dadsters, hedgehogs, Liesl, etc....with so many inspirational messages. I am in awe of her talent and thoughtfulness!!!! When next we gather, I will share it with you all!! Thanks again, C/A!!!! You rock!
We noticed down at OBX that there were no plastic bags. And the grocery bags even had handles. Keep meaning to take one to FOod Lion and ask them to get them in!
Pies are out of the oven. Just need to put the gifts under the tree.....later, after Jeopardy! I'm running out of steam.
I cannot take credit for the contents of Lynn's new book. I went back thru all the blogs from 2006 until now looking for quotes. I also clicked on individual blogs looking for pictures to copy. Then compiled them into a book. So kudos to all of you.
A daughter of a real wonderful friend of mine went out with her girlfriends for some Christmas cheer. She is a mother of two lovely little boys. She was stalked, accosted and groped!!!In downtown Vancouver!!! So upsetting...she is now safe and sound at home but is very upset...For God's sake it is still day light!!!
I'm signing off for the evening to watch some TV. Paula, congrats to your son on the promotion! As someone said, it's especially good news in this economy! CarolAnne, even though the quotes and photos were from lots of different people on the blog, you took the time to put it all together for Lynn - what a wonderful gift! As Hoda says, "Good on you!" Wishing a safe trip to all who are traveling today/tonight. See you in the morning!
Now the cops are at DAWN'S place and her husband is also there...Her girlfriend had a good look at the guy and Dawn fought him off and pushed him into the street...she is thankful that there was no oncoming traffic, I am not so charitable!!!yet I know she is right...the guy needs some help...
Santa Carolyn Jewels arrived at work today with two boxes of fresh as can be doughnuts, two boxes of Jimmy Dean Microwavable Egg Biscuits, a half gallon each of milk, and egg nog!
(( Hugs ♥ )) Carolyn and to your Wonderful Momma....
Must be off for now - few Christmasy things to get done before celebrating Christmas with in-laws tomorrow.
I believe I can do a link to Lynn's book so you can each see it, read it, and identify with it. Will take me a bit to figure that part out - but will have it either later tonight or tomorrow.
I need to put the last coat of clear coat on the Walking Sticks, and BEGIN wrapping presents... not too far behind am I?
Loving the beautiful Christmas Cards I'm getting in the mail....and will organize my after-Christmas sorry-I'm-late- cards here shortly....and I have plenty of stamps!
Hope the Evening holds some Special Joys, Friends...will check back in here and there... Hoda: I LIKE the sound of the looks of that Santa coming from your direction... My Outdoor Night Light is's Christmas Green
Hedgie, I am sorry about the loss of your former co-worker, yes, young he is.... we have taken many such calls these last two weeks...
I'm sorry, I am not caught up on posts...hope to do that in awhile. I did get to the cemetery to place Christmas wreaths on my parents' and grandfather's gravesites, and the parents of a special friend...there were many beautiful Christmas things placed all around...
Medevac coming in for landing at the hospital nearby...Prayers for the patient, family, healthcare providers....
Christmas music no commercials or talking on Television channel Julie Andrews, Judy Collins, John Denver, Third Day, Amy name your favorites, they're on here
Good Evening and Merry Christmas Eve Eve! Everyone is so busy with holiday preparation and sick fur babies. My daughter's kitty has been sick ever since he had his teeth cleaned. On higher dose of prednisone and i think he is better today.
Paula, that is wonderful news about your son. In any economy, a valued employee is worth taking care of. I wish him the best.
Lynn, wish I had a remedy for your nausea. That's not what you need on top of everything else. Of course you already know that.
Hope Lolly and Jack have a safe trip and a good holiday with family. She is one cooking fool, isn't she? Wish we all were there to sample! Hope everyone rests tonight. You have all done so much to make this Christmas special for your families and friends. For those of you who have grandchildren, don't forget NORAD. They will start tracking Santa tomorrow night at midnight I think.
Looks like it will start SOMEWHERE across the world in 5 hours! Always enjoyeddoing that---we never get too old!
Feeling a little chilly....need to go downstairs to turn up the gas a little, so think I'll go ahead and take my bath while I'm down there.
Hey, MArgy----that was certainly a generous contribution from my kid! Knew nothing about it! You all are so spoiled!!! Assuming that the regular party never happened, huh??
Prince Phillip, The Queens husbsand, has had minor heart surgery, for a stint. He was taken to the hospital from Sandrignham and will be kept for precautionary tests.The rest of the Royals are still in Sandringham.
I much enjoyed your book CAROLANNE. I put a click on to the site where I was able to watch it with copy and paste of the address you provided. Thanks much...
oooops got a page not found on the blue link.... let me try something else...
Lynn - hope you are warming up....Neil Diamond sang Away in a Manger short time ago on my TV music channel...that would have warmed you up (( Warmth Hugs ♥ ))
Paula, I see Congratulations, Bravo and Clap Clap Claps are in order for your son Michael... Nice...!
Waiting on a Family Phone call here...will be back in a bit xoxoxox ♥
Jus tgot back from Largo Park a little bit ago Jordyn is chilling in her PJ watching what else Pixie Hollow Games with Tinkerbell she had a blast at the park at night wow it was so crowded the lights in the park were soooo awesome Dumb me took camera but forgot to put SD card back in it so I only got 5 pic on the internal memory of the cam 5 is better that nothing I guess Ok gonna go visit with time for bed in a few min BBL
Oh, My...CarolAnne.... That is absolutely Wonderful !!! Thank you for sharing that....
Hoda, I went back and picked upthe http address that CarolAnne put on...
okay, will try the graphics' noises, but not sure my computer will let me Waaaah, no music here....Now..if I had my new old computer hooked up I would have sounds !!
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 739 Newer› Newest»Oh he's moving the deer leg, it's being placed at noon
Shep's like me; he's not getting any work done either! =)
Good morning!
Getting ready for a cup of coffee and a quick breakfast. Hunter and I will be taking George to the vet this morning. I think he has another blockage in his bowels.
Lynn, should we have one of our California Momsters or Dadsters send you some Medical Marijuana for your nausea? You know, of course - #1 Nurse, that there are many anti-nausea drugs - if this one doesn't do the trick, get another one.
Oh Shirley, that doesn't sound like fun for you or for George!
Red, hope you beat the grossery crowds.
So amny things for all to do roday! Be safe in your gadding.
Kay, yes the POAST was a smart idea! Trying a cinnamon roll now.
Wanda, SO very glad your ball is rolling! Hope Tom's NY's vacation is a short one!
Thanks for the kind invite, but think I'd be wiser avoiding crowds!
LOL, Sandi....hope you are using the cheap stuff for cleaning!
Thelma---do you now that I love tea? Iced, really, but can handle hot sometimes!
Tori WILL be staying in hospital for the duration now. They are trying to fast-track her onto the transplant list. PRAYERS BIF-TIME continue.
Kay, glad your relief is almost complete.
Okay, I'm ready to hit the road. Have a great day all...hope the visit lasts a long time.
I'll check in tonight. Love you all, very, very much.
(((((group hug)))))
LOL, Lori---sure hope I don't have to resort to the wacky weed!! I'm wacky enough as it is!!
Rain stopped shortly after MN---sun is trying to shine. No wind here....
George will probably need an enema. Nope, not fun. And they tell me I don't want him at home for awhile afterward. No I do not.
With the wind blowing today, you can see a lot of dark under Shep's white head feathers. Is that true for all eagles or is it just b/c he's young?
Thank you, LYNN ! I keep pinching myself to make sure I'm awake and this hip thing really is almost history ! What a grand wind up for the the year I'm having, with two medical issues resolved. I'm praying you'll be posting a victorious message like this at the end of 2012 or earlier ! Tori, too ! Mega-prayers being offered daily ! ♥♥♥
POOF. Never saw who it was.
POOF! Lynn, so glad to hear that you're feeling better this AM and got a good night's sleep, though I would think a bed would be much more comfy than the sofa!
I believe that was Shep, LYNN.
Safe travel and good times, LORI !
I can tell this knee brace is helping my pain, Kay. But it does take getting used to. I can bem dit but it's not easy!
Sandi, it is because he is young!
Safe travels, Lori!
We got so busy with the arrival of Shep, we went right through the split with THELMA getting the wax !
Time for me to split. HAGD and here's a definite threat, I'll BBL !
Michael will be home some time today, and my brother Steve is coming up tonight...I will pick him up in Frederick and bring him home with me. Think we'll eat Chinese tonight!
Good thing about sleeping on the sofa is that my do lasts better, longer! No touch-up needed!!
Today will involve making the dressing (NOT going to stuff the bird this year), bake the pies, and vacuum. AND put the gifts under the tree!!!
Will Michael's girlfriend come with him, Paula? Glad you'll have a houseful. Hope your brother behaves!!
My "taxi" will be here soon, so will see all y'all later!
Good morning and MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE EVE!!!!
Lynn, prayers for your treatment today!
We got into the Christmas treats early, too. Jack cooked sausage and scrambled eggs to have with a cinnamon roll. Good and yummy! Let the festivities begin!
Going to mix up the dough for dinner rolls, and make the sweet potato dish this morning. Then I am making olive/cheese balls to take to Michael's this afternoon.
Oh, wow, I see that no one has been on for an hour and a half. Missed everyone! So, I will get busy. Had to laugh, my family thinks I am crazy too, being on, watching the eagles and blogging. Little do they know!!!
Love you guys!♥
Have a great day!
Back from the vet's. It was a quick trip because we left George there to be treated. I do hope he will not be there all weekend. They're closed tomorrow.
Beautiful day here. Sunny and warm. Hunter is walking Flash. Luna is waiting for her turn. She cried a bit, but I think she understands that he will be back for her.
He walks down to a friend's house and gets him to walk his dog. Hunter has to switch off so that both of our doggies get to walk.
Hi all (I know everyone is off preparing for the holiday or working or at appts),
Just wanted to report - made more POTATO CANDY - but this time I added some peppermint extract, rolled it into balls, flatten w/a glass,let dry a bit, chilled, then dunked in choc. coating - ta-dah - just like York Peppermint Patties. Happy, Happy that you shared this w/me!
Enjoy the day to its full extent!
Yay! George is already ready to come home. If we had known, we could have waited, but sometimes they keep him overnight.
Probably won't hurt to wait just a little while so that any messes he makes are there and not here, though.
Morning, all!
Merry Christmas eve eve!
Wanna hear some good news? Michael just got a new job for the company he is presently employed with! More responsibility and more pay!
Good news, Shirley!
I've been reading all kinds of good news on here, today. Pain relieved, animals getting better, infections gone, families will be together. Good news that Paula's son is being promoted to a better paying job. Most unusual at this time with the economy the way it is!
My good news is that a definate date has been set for my New Knee surgery! January 11...I was so afraid the doc couldn't get to me until Spring! So, I should be able to walk all over NCTC property, come April Open House:)
Good news, indeed, Wanda. I am looking forward to seeing you there.
Good Morning Friends - George didn't want to miss Christmas at home. Tori, as
Lynn said, will have her Christmas at JH
but Robyn is making sure it will be just
as though they were home.
CarolAnne - great idea for Potato Candy
Lynn - you have so much planned for your day - I would be there to help if only I could.
Do we have a definite date for open house yet? I need to know when to make hotel reservations.
Wanda, that sounds like the best Christmas present ever!
CarolAnne...your 'revised' Potato Candy sounds delish. I would like to try that with very chunky peanut butter, then dipped in chocolate.
Shirley, it should be April 21 - Earth Day.
I do worry that Lynn is doing too much, but, the girl can't help it;)
Great news, Wanda!
So nice to see GOOD NEWS on the blog.
Have posted pic of the potato candy peppermint patty on blog under Christmas 2011.
Back to preparations!
Thanks, Jo, I need to make my reservations. I knew it was to be near Earth Day, just not sure when. Maybe there won't be as much competition for hotel rooms that weekend, but I guess there could be something else going on then.
Good morning/ good afternoon everyone.
PAULA congratulations on MICHAEL'S new job with same company more responsibilty and more pay... ENJOY your family around you this weekend.Will you see your grand kids too?
Glad of the good news on the blog this morning and eat away LYNN SHHHHHHHHHHHHH We will keep your secret and won't tell anyone you already had a cinamon bun!!! LOL
Hi again, Got home at 11. Reading papers and checking here and mail before I dig in! Getting hungry. Think I'll try just melting some cheese on a piece of toast and see how that goes.
CarolAnne---modifications to the potato candy recipe sound interesting! Sure hoping that Caro has or will make some as a surprise for me!!!
WANDA....marking my calendar!!! three weeks!! WHOO HOO!
Radiation dr. is in Africa for the holidays. If I start urping again, I'll have to call the onc for more meds.
Well, Lynn, hoping you do not urp!!☺ Sweet potatoes are in the oven. Now going to do the mashed potatoes. Like to have all this done today, as tomorrow we will be making party food for Christmas Eve. Also, I have promised an early dinner on Bacon Pasta to the boys. They love it. Next week I will avoid the kitchen but not this week! lol Jack is out mulching leaves. He is wearing a mask. Bless him. What a mess outside. All the leaves fell this week. It is 41 and rain and snow tomorrow.
I have caught up on this mornings comments.
Nice eagle reporting ty.
Lori, Lynne2, and Margy safe travels and anyone else traveling.
Wising all the critters to feel better.
Lynn praying the the cheese and toast will stay down.
I called an cancelled for Dinner at Nephews yesterday for tomorrow. I want to be better so I can be with Mother on Christmas. Don't want her to be alone.
Peppermint potato candy sure sound yummy!!!
Kay is feeling better so that is good.
Wanda is scheduled for knee surgery. Prayers already in place.
Tori having Christmas at Johns Hopkins...prayers they will get her the lung ASAP.
Hee Hee Just saw the two eggs in the nest in OK. She is turning them now. She has been up eating. What a treat!
Both still at Sequoyah one is feeding the other is incubating...
Hoda, rather fearful that laying down could encourage the nausea to become active! It's a ways from the bathroom, too! Bucket yes, but....then the power of suggestion, if yoi get my drift!
LYNN I think you know best as to where would be a comfortable place to sleep...I liked it that you said it is easy on yo9ur hair do to be on the sofa and I thought forever elegant lady...
I will go get ready for yoga and will bbl.
So pleased for WANDA January 11th...
WOW quite morning on the blog only about70 to read What the cat get your tongue LOL
Se ended up going to the park got back at 1 laid down with Jordyn and must of dozed for a bit Now I want to get a shower while she is down for a nap Don't like to take a shower while she is awake Still tooo young to be trusted I think too much to get in to BBL
Maybe I scared everyone away. lol
GREAT news LYNN sleeping and keeping the Poast down and WANDA on the 11th appt
Give TORI a group (((((((HUG)))))))
from all us momsters PLEASE and will as always be prayer for her as well as all on the blog all the sick critters and people that need it
Boy was that a nice shower I love the water pressure during the day you can tell the difference I hear a bird what is it
A bird calling out I thought it was here but I turned down the volumn and couldn't here it so its at the nest
Cooking is over for today and kitchen cleaned. Just polished my nails, so it should be easy coasting from here. Have to get ready as well as load the car. Certainly hope we do not have traffic.
AAH HODCKEY STICKS My house payments is 612.34 and I always sent in 700-800 hoping to pay it off quicker well just to my notice it is going u to 721.84 Darn CITIZEN Insurance what a rackets nothing can be done about them charging such high rates Ok now I'm done venting back to doing something
That should have been hockey sticks OOPS
When my children were sick, I made them a "sick bag"--a paper grocery bag with lots of wadded up newspapers in it. Then, after it was used, you could throw it away without even looking at it. Works well. But use plenty of newspaper.
Of course, paper grocery bags are hard to come by now.
George is home and seems much happier. I am $90.50 poorer.
Fed Ex just delivered a large package, and I was not expecting anything. When I looked, it belonged to someone on the next street. Same house address, but different street.
I was able to wave the driver back and give it to him. I heard a loud clunk when he re-entered the truck. Oh, I hope there isn't anything fragile in that package.
Oh, Judy, I understand your frustration. It can be so hard to get ahead. I always make sure I pay the extra money to the principal, but it seems like that total comes down so slowly.
Oh-oh, Shirley.....doesn't sound good! Another gotcha-moment with an angry FedEx guy??!!
Glad George is doing better, Shirley. What did they say the problem was?
Good idea about the bags!!
I was doing fine until I bent over to clean int he bathroom.....argh! At least I was where I needed to be!
JudyE---that really does stink about the insurance. How can it go up THAT much?? That's over $1200 a year!!!!! YIKES. Call state insurance commissioner!
Vacuuming done. Straw around the creche. Pie plates and large Corning dish up from the basement....cheater pie crusts are thawing. Now to mix up the pumpkin.
Can"t call the insurance commissioner because this is government agency of sort Insurance of last resort of sort All insurance agency have pulled out so there isn't any left and it is total legal That is the biggest thing always on the news how they can rape people and get away with it There are thousands of upset Fl residence in the same boat as me
Read the grocery bag thing many years ago. I think my children believed that everyone used them. If they were feeling really bad, they would request a sick bag.
I got Jordyn watching TinkerBell my back can't take any more sitting on the floor playing Just might take her back to the park to look at the Christmas lights in the park and the park is open till 11 with lites Play it by ear I guess Angie sent her with food and all just in case she know what my cupboard look like Bare LOL
We are loaded up and about ready to head to Dallas.
See ya tomorrow!
Safe travels Lolly & Jack
Oh, George has had this problem for years. His bowel muscles are weak, so he gets constipated. I give him medication to get as much action as possible out of the muscles and a stool softener, but about once a year or so he gets plugged up.
Merry Christmas Eve Eve to you too, Lolly.
just looked over and saw an eagle
just sitting pretty
Who is it, Judy?
I guess the Fed Ex guy is tired.
Not the first time someone has confused my address with the one on the next street.
The worst was the night the cop showed up with lights blazing and yelled, "Where's he at?" when I opened the door. People have asked if I corrected his grammar. Heck no.
I think it might be Belle not sure
just sitting
Belle sitting in egg cup
Looks like Belle I also second that
I see the VVVVVV
I'm just going by the spot on the head. Maybe you are right, DanaWV.
Yes it is Belle just got up
when she went to preen I saw the V
looks like she is puffy
looks like she may poof on us soon or not
Judy, I guess today's wind blow-dried her feathers fluffy!
POOF you can always tell
Belle flew out
that was a quickie for sure I wonder if they will be back Jordyn is watching Pixie Hollow Games for the second time
Shirley, Glad to hear that George is home - I'm sure he's happy and feels MUCH better!
I got Angie a camera like mine today at Walmart when we went to the park and I had Jordyn give it to her at lunch today Now she can have one to fit in her pocket also she can take pic at the party tonight I didn't want to give it to her early but her cam is acting up she is taking it to a shop and have it looked at no charge thats cool I am giving her my one camera that has mute on it for him to look at also No charge can't hurt to see how much it would to fix it
Would someone mind telling me who Tori is related/connected to on the blog? I know from reading various posts that she is at Johns Hopkins and is on a lung transplant list. I'm guessing she's a teenager? What caused her lung problems?
eagle back in
wow what a big stick moving flugg and stick
digging beaking beaking beaking
both digging in cup
Is anyone else's camera freezing off and on?
wow moved big flugg
Belle was in nest and Shep flew in almost landed on her
whats the dark thingie in the nest? Looks like a mouse.
Red, I didn't see either of them carry anything in tonight. Maybe it's just some wet flugg they dug up??
No mouse Red...just some stuff mixed in with the fluff.
Night light just came on.
Maybe a wet leaf.
Time to make the dogs' food. BBL
Have been watching for a while, enjoying our Eagles and their nestorations. Figured there were enough of us reporting and no need for my 2 cents worth.
WANDA, it's grand that you can have the surgery as early as the 11th ! You'll be ready to hop, skip, jump or dance all over NCTC by April !
SHIRLEY, your kids were sick to their stomachs often enough for such a measure ? Did they get car sick or what ? I count myself lucky. I don't think I had more than 4 or 5 up chucks to deal with in the 25 years it took to get all three out on their own !
Pies are in the oven. Dressing is almost ready to be put in the casserole dish. Whew!!
Had to take a break to find out about another former co-worker's passing. A young one--only 58.
SANDI, the cam has shut down on me more frequently today, too.
WOW Lynn only 58 ... so sorry you have lost another. Lady or man?
Sandi, Tori is the daughter of Robyn, an original Momster. She gets on here sometimes, but we mostly see her on FB. Tori has interstital lung disease...they are now going for a transplant, after many years of various types of treatments.
Kay, I think you were lucky if you only had 4 or 5 upchucks with 3 children. I have 4, and I don't think I had more than the usual number of upchucks, but more than 4 or 5, I think. Anyway, however many there were, it was a good way to handle it.
Rus has asthma and one of the medications he took made him sick quite a few times before we figured out what the problem was.
Kay have you ask your vet about what they call a "dog wheelchair"?
SHIRLEY, I sure was lucky ! I have a rather weak stomach, but none of the kids do. You came up with a good solution--you should send it in to Heloise--seriously !
DanaWV, that is Sandi's Bella that has the back problem.
dogs on wheels and other things on left
Thanks Paula getting names mixed up. Remembered doggies name but not owner. There is probably other places to look for different types.
Thinking about how it's hard to get paper bags. That is going to have to change. Some States, especially coastal States are banning plastic bags due to harm done to sea life and birds. Kroger gives us an option, but Julie and take our cloth bags along. I see more and more people doing that all the time here.
Dressing is done!
A little clean-up yet to do from all that cooking. I had the D/W open when I got a phone call and Liesl just kept barking at the open was blocking her headroom to her water dish!!!! Shame on mommy!!!!
Shirley, glad that the enema did the trick for George! Poor cat.
Red, we got heavy rain last night, so probably lots of the plugg is sopping wet! Have you seen the deer leg/hoof?
Wish we would hear from Jim as to how he got along yesterday with his cataract surgery!
I just went online to vertfy my schedule hasn't change I love it that we can check from home 830 to 530 it is I am taking Jordyn to Largo Park when it get darker to see the Christmas lights they have there to walk or drive
Deceased employee was a guy, DanaWV.
JUDY, you are taking Jordyn to the park from 8:30 to 5:30 ?????
Good evening Momsters. I've been so interested reading back on the blog that I missed the eagles. I'm using my old laptop and also listening to a cd (Les Miserables) Not a thought in my head for the last hour of undone chores.
Sandi, we were a pretty strong stomached family too. When I have my "big" purse in use, I carry a neatly folded plastic grocery bag--just in case. I've used it for other purposes but haven't needed it for a sick bag.
Carolyn has been trying to get out of the parking lot at the shopping center for a damn hour!!!!!!!! Unbelievable........
Kay, I use those totes also. It is easier to carry into the house and you don't have to worry about them breaking. In this small town there is only one large grocery and you have to bag your own groceries anyway. The Aldi charges for bags, but I rarely shop there. I get enough plastic bags for my use when I forget to take the totes with me to the store.
Which shopping center is she at?
Probably got it from Heloise about 40 or more years ago. I read it somewhere. It is very convenient and worth asking for paper bags just to have a supply. I like to have a few paper bags anyway.
Well, bro has not shown up. Must be out partying.
Heading home, catch ya later!
Hedgie, too many shoppers or too much traffic?
Dana, The vet is very hopeful that Bella's back injury will heal and she'll be good as new. The vet put her on a different pain medication (a liquid that's chicken flavored) b/c she was really fighting me about taking the Tramadol (the pills are bitter and no matter what i hid them in, she would spit them out). She's also on an anti inflammatory and, as of today, a muscle relaxer and I borrowed a crate and am keeping her in it so she can't walk around at all. We have very good friends who had a German Shepherd that developed hip dysplasia in his final years. They bought one of those harnesses with the wheels when their dog could no longer walk, and he got around using his wheels for another couple of years. Paula, thanks for the info on Tori.
Sandi I hope it all works out for Bella. Where she get all better.♥
Give her a nice petting for me.
I have managed to forget the totes even when I have them in the car. Need to work on that. When we shop at Costco, there are no bags provided, but they will give you boxes if you want them.
Sandi, when our dog Heidi had similar problems, a friend of the family made a cart for her and she used that for a while until her back healed. That was back in the early '60's. She had rubbed herself raw dragging her hindquarters. She was one determined dog. We hid her balls because she would toss them and play fetch by herself. She eventually was able to walk again and chase her balls--although a bit wobbly.
Well how about that dog that was born without any front legs. The man and lady that adopted it. Is truly a blessing. He has even made him a thing that fits so the dog can sled ride by itself. awwwww
Need to get started with supper, will check in later. Merry Christmqs to those leaving until next week--and others if I don't get baxk on before then.
Merry Christmas to you to Grannyblt.
Well. today SANTA came to town and assured me that he is heading east...several from yoga went out for Latte's and Capuchinos and while we were there in comes Santa with a couple of elves. The kids looked so cute and Santa was tall, young, handsome looking and very atheletic!!! Never you mind it was still SANTA, albeit off the ski hill perhaps!!! LOL!!! The elves gave us each a candy cane and a chocolate and it was all wonderful with bells ringing as they headed out the door...
Thank you for the visit reports. I hope I manage to be home and at my computer when they visit soon...I miss seeing them.
You did well LYNN...
PAULA sorry your BRO has not shown up...Tell MICHAEL congratulations on his raise and more responsibility...
CAROLANNE great on teh cookie department...sounds delicious.
Good Evening Eaglebuds!!!
We've been playing Xmas tree engineers! I started putting lights on my articial palm tree last night and those long branches at top started snapping their plastic attachment holders to trunk! I tried to wire them to trunk, but didn't have enough hands. Fubby started today by drilling holes thru the stem & inserting branches' metal tips into those. They didn't hang right, so he used zip ties to position them. When all done, I turned the base and 2 more branches fell off! He said that part looked like a real tre, so we unhooked all of them & tied them to trunk! It's now a skinny Charlie Brown tree! The test will be to see if animals leave it alone! As for cats, when awake and exploring, there are a lot of raccoon tails displaying, hissing, & growling but no combat so far.
Daughter & SIL hit the Metro again for downtown today and are going to Zoofest. I better get lots of pics! ☺
Since they're not home early for dinner am starting to make cabbage rolls for later--the Polish version which I can't spell. Something like "gowumpki". That's sort of phonetic.
Hope to get back to read more tonight.
I received a fantastic gift from our CarolAnne today. She made me a book of encouragement! It is titled Hedgie.....and is full of pics of eagles, Momsters and Dadsters, hedgehogs, Liesl, etc....with so many inspirational messages. I am in awe of her talent and thoughtfulness!!!! When next we gather, I will share it with you all!! Thanks again, C/A!!!! You rock!
Thanks Hoda I did read back there where Paula said Michael got a promotion and more money!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to Go!!!!!!
A Charlie Brown Christmas tree is sure sounds like it Loretta♥♥ hugs to you and Jack.
We noticed down at OBX that there were no plastic bags. And the grocery bags even had handles. Keep meaning to take one to FOod Lion and ask them to get them in!
Pies are out of the oven. Just need to put the gifts under the tree.....later, after Jeopardy! I'm running out of steam.
I cannot take credit for the contents of Lynn's new book. I went back thru all the blogs from 2006 until now looking for quotes. I also clicked on individual blogs looking for pictures to copy. Then compiled them into a book. So kudos to all of you.
A daughter of a real wonderful friend of mine went out with her girlfriends for some Christmas cheer. She is a mother of two lovely little boys. She was stalked, accosted and groped!!!In downtown Vancouver!!! So upsetting...she is now safe and sound at home but is very upset...For God's sake it is still day light!!!
The Commons, Dana.
Both, Lynne!!! And people who don't know courtesy rules!!!
NOW the police are talking about it----GRIDLOCK! I think they shouldbe out there overriding the traffic lights!
I'm signing off for the evening to watch some TV. Paula, congrats to your son on the promotion! As someone said, it's especially good news in this economy!
CarolAnne, even though the quotes and photos were from lots of different people on the blog, you took the time to put it all together for Lynn - what a wonderful gift! As Hoda says, "Good on you!"
Wishing a safe trip to all who are traveling today/tonight. See you in the morning!
Oh, Hoda, that is terrible. Surely hope she is okay. Crime doesn't stop for Christmas---sometimes it escalates. :(
Oh, CarolAnne, you are too modest!!
Paula, congrats on Michael's promotion and raise!
Ta Ta, Sandi. Have a pleasant evening.
To the sofa I go. BBL.
Now the cops are at DAWN'S place and her husband is also there...Her girlfriend had a good look at the guy and Dawn fought him off and pushed him into the street...she is thankful that there was no oncoming traffic, I am not so charitable!!!yet I know she is right...the guy needs some help...
Hello Eagle Pals...
Santa Carolyn Jewels arrived at work today with
two boxes of fresh as can be doughnuts, two boxes of Jimmy Dean Microwavable Egg Biscuits, a half gallon each of milk, and egg nog!
(( Hugs ♥ )) Carolyn and to your Wonderful Momma....
I hope Caro is out of that parking lot by now !
Must be off for now - few Christmasy things to get done before celebrating Christmas with in-laws tomorrow.
I believe I can do a link to Lynn's book so you can each see it, read it, and identify with it. Will take me a bit to figure that part out - but will have it either later tonight or tomorrow.
I need to put the last coat of clear coat on the Walking Sticks, and BEGIN wrapping presents...
not too far behind am I?
Loving the beautiful Christmas Cards I'm getting in the mail....and will organize my after-Christmas sorry-I'm-late- cards here shortly....and I have plenty of stamps!
Hope the Evening holds some Special Joys, Friends...will check back in here and there...
Hoda: I LIKE the sound of the looks of that Santa coming from your direction...
My Outdoor Night Light is's Christmas Green
Hedgie, I am sorry about the loss of your former co-worker, yes, young he is....
we have taken many such calls these last two weeks...
I'm sorry, I am not caught up on posts...hope to do that in awhile.
I did get to the cemetery to place Christmas wreaths on my parents' and grandfather's gravesites, and the parents of a special friend...there were many beautiful Christmas things placed all around...
Medevac coming in for landing at the hospital nearby...Prayers for the patient, family, healthcare providers....
ttfn (( Hugs ♥ )) xoxo ♥
That is one AWWESOME gift you prepared for Lynn, CarolAnne...♥
Will look forward to seeing it...
the important thing is that Lynn has it...
that would be AWESOME with one W, ooops
Christmas music no commercials or talking on Television channel
Julie Andrews, Judy Collins, John Denver, Third Day, Amy name your favorites, they're on here
okay, See You Later !
Good Evening and Merry Christmas Eve Eve! Everyone is so busy with holiday preparation and sick fur babies. My daughter's kitty has been sick ever since he had his teeth cleaned. On higher dose of prednisone and i think he is better today.
Paula, that is wonderful news about your son. In any economy, a valued employee is worth taking care of. I wish him the best.
Lynn, wish I had a remedy for your nausea. That's not what you need on top of everything else. Of course you already know that.
Hope Lolly and Jack have a safe trip and a good holiday with family. She is one cooking fool, isn't she? Wish we all were there to sample!
Hope everyone rests tonight. You have all done so much to make this Christmas special for your families and friends. For those of you who have grandchildren, don't forget NORAD. They will start tracking Santa tomorrow night at midnight I think.
Tracking Santa on Norad
Looks like it will start SOMEWHERE across the world in 5 hours! Always enjoyeddoing that---we never get too old!
Feeling a little chilly....need to go downstairs to turn up the gas a little, so think I'll go ahead and take my bath while I'm down there.
Hey, MArgy----that was certainly a generous contribution from my kid! Knew nothing about it! You all are so spoiled!!! Assuming that the regular party never happened, huh??
Everything feels so backwards to me----or rushed or something. Have never had Christmas on the Eve before!!!! Strange....for me/us.
Lynn's book: I hope this works:
Let me know if not, I'll try again.
Hugs to you all!
Prince Phillip, The Queens husbsand, has had minor heart surgery, for a stint. He was taken to the hospital from Sandrignham and will be kept for precautionary tests.The rest of the Royals are still in Sandringham.
Good on you CAROLANNE. I love it.
I much enjoyed your book CAROLANNE. I put a click on to the site where I was able to watch it with copy and paste of the address you provided. Thanks much...
Hoda - thanks for making the quick connect for the others!
It is a GREAT labour of love and friendship CAROLANNE. It touches my heart...HUGS TO YOU♥
oooops got a page not found on the blue link....
let me try something else...
Lynn - hope you are warming up....Neil Diamond sang Away in a Manger short time ago on my TV music channel...that would have warmed you up
(( Warmth Hugs ♥ ))
Paula, I see Congratulations, Bravo and Clap Clap Claps are in order for your son Michael...
Waiting on a Family Phone call here...will be back in a bit
xoxoxox ♥
Check out the Graphics on the Google Home Page.....
maybe someone has already mentioned that...
Very Bright and Christmasy !
Jus tgot back from Largo Park a little bit ago Jordyn is chilling in her PJ watching what else Pixie Hollow Games with Tinkerbell she had a blast at the park at night wow it was so crowded the lights in the park were soooo awesome Dumb me took camera but forgot to put SD card back in it so I only got 5 pic on the internal memory of the cam 5 is better that nothing I guess Ok gonna go visit with time for bed in a few min BBL
Lynn, thank you for making the link to NORAD. I have the instructions but have not yet tried to make a link. I am a scardy cat!
MARGY if you click on any, and or all, the buttons on the google graphics it plays gingle bells!!! made me smile.
Oh, My...CarolAnne....
That is absolutely Wonderful !!!
Thank you for sharing that....
Hoda, I went back and picked upthe http address that CarolAnne put on...
okay, will try the graphics' noises, but not sure my computer will let me Waaaah, no music here....Now..if I had my new old computer hooked up I would have sounds !!
no that was my work schedule 830 to 530
LYNN I put the NORAD link on my facebook wall. So much fun...
I am just coming in on the tail end of things.
Hoda, If I hear gingle bells I will smile also!
Going to look at CarolAnne's book..
In eight posts we will have a S P L I T. Don't get lost.
So glad you all could see "my" book by C/A!!!! Isn't it special??
All warm and cozy now. Gifts are under the tree.
Now to take some pics. Of course, it will be piled high when Christie comes tomorrow afternoon! My supply will look small then!!
I've got Christmas music playing, too, Margy---CD's.
LYNN how is LIESL with the presents under the tree?
CarolAnne - The Hedgie book is Priceless !
Even with the stink bugs! Ha Ha
Paula - Congratulations to Michael
I am certain he deserves his promotion with more responsibilities and more $$.
Great Christmas present.
So far, so good, Hoda....I was a bit leery about it, but she's only nosed....hasn't tried anything!!!
Wondering how Darth's stress test went today? Wish Judie would chime in and let us know.
I almost feel asleep while Jordyn was going to sleep She had such a good time tonight
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Good NIght Judy....
Lynn: Beautiful Avatar!!!
how is the nausea tonight?
I haven't had a chance to read backwards at all, and not during worktime either...
Hallelujah, Mannheim Steamroller on the TV music now -
My favorite picture in CarolA's book is YOU, Hedgie, in that red shirt...looking skyward ...
and I love the quotes
Just droped in long enough to say have a MERRY HO HO HO. I'am gone again BYE BYE
Oh Bob....crunth that is....
Thanks for delivering some Christmas Cheer....
Merry Christmas to you and Doris and
(( Hugs ♥ ))
Hi Crunch!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
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