Monday, December 12, 2011


New thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just faded to black and white and both are still in the nest.

JudyEddy said...

both just sitting and looking

JudyEddy said...

that was belle

wvgal_dana said...

flew off to right then downward under edge of nest

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

One took off.

wvgal_dana said...

one still in nest 1 o'clock

Kay said...

Belle poofed at 5:06---horn honked---taxi here ? ☺

JudyEddy said...

poof Shep

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And poof. MT nest.

Kay said...

Poof Shep

wvgal_dana said...

Anyone got any pictures to put in album. I have one of the last one flying out.

Kay said...

JUDY, all that and you also got wax at the same time ! Talk about multi-tasking !

Kay said...

Good timing, moving on for a while. hope to BBL

DanaMo said...

I'm trying to upload the kindergarten dress rehearsal of the play, but Blogger doesn't seem to be doing anything. I'm not sure if its taking long, or just not working. Nothing appears to be happening. I'm going to keep trying and I will let you know when it's up. BTW...I am a decent photography, but an awful videographer. It's hard to film and direct at the same time.

hedgie said...

I missed that visit! I was putting ornaments on the tree. One box done! 2 to go---and I don't mean store-ornament boxes! Big cardboard boxes full!!

Oh, Andy, prayers for your friend Andrea. How very tragic....and sad. As I said to you and to Sissy---just can't imagine the loss of a child.

Shar and Sissy---sorry to hear about your uncle. Elderly, I assume? Had he been ill or was this sudden? Prayers, too, for him and all the family....
we sure are dealing with lots of sadness lately. We need some more good new baby news!!!

Lori O. said...

Sharon, I am so sorry about your Uncle. I hope he lived a full and wonderful life. My thoughts and prayers are with you and his family.

hedgie said...

JudyE, I think that google has ruined our blogs. Looks so generic and tacky.

JudyEddy said...

They also screwed up YOUTUBE I don;t like the new look on either But they really don't care I'm sure

Lori O. said...

Andy, prayers for your friend Andrea. So sad that her heart is just broken for so long. I pray she will find some peace. You're a good friend, Andy.

DanaMo, lots of people have been having problems with every element of Google, like Blogger. They're in some massive change phase and everything is being changed. Don't they know we don't like change??? LOL

Bedtime for me...need more sleep than I've been getting. Prayers for all in need, I've got the list!
See you in the morning. I love you all, very much. Goodnight my friends.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks everybody.

Uncle Marion never had any kids. He always proclaimed to be an atheist but don't know if he changed in his later years. His wife, Aunt Dora Belle, died several years ago. His health had been in decline and then he fell a couple of weeks ago, ended up in the hospital. My other uncle, Uncie, had him put in a rehab to try to get his strength back. He went downhill from there and today his blood pressure got pretty sporadic and they took him back to the hospital where he passed away. He was in his upper 80s I am pretty sure.

DanaMo said...

Sharon, I'm sorry about your uncle. So sad this time of year especially.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon & Sissy & Family so sorry about your uncle.^j^

DanaMo said...

Well I'm pretty disgusted! I don't want to upload to FB. I wanted it on my picture blog and I have done it before, so now I am pissed.

DanaMo said...

No for some reason it's this video. I just tried another and it automatically started to upload it!

DanaMo said...

It's telling me "server rejected"

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO you can create a youtube acct I like its so easy to upload video on blog from it also and facebook

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Odd when I noticed this the past couple of days I bet it has something to do with my issues with puter When I open up any of my picture folders my pictures you can see them they are just a white square but I can preview them that is the only way to see them ODD I wonder what the heck is up with than now always something so I can't view all in one view only one at a time what a PIA

Kay said...

Back sooner than I'd expected, but I just have to share good news ! My doctor just called and my hip is "completely normal", doesn't even show arthritis, but rather, just as LYNN hoped, a "bursa" aka bursitis that will be treated with injection(s). I'm to call The Orthopedic Center of Excellence (ain't that a high falootin' name) tomorrow and "take the first doctor available since it isn't a surgery issue". Wahoo ! I'm so thrilled with this verdict ! Thanks to all of you for today's prayers !!!!!! I guess it always was what it was, but feel like God is answering prayer ! No word on Friday's Cat Scan or today's labs, but expect nothing but good news !

hedgie said...

Well, I've thawed Omaha Steak burgers, so going out in the dark to start the grill. Tree lights help illuminate the grill so it won't be too bad----but it IS cold....down to 30 already.

wvgal_dana said...

ok trying again to bring something HAPPY to the blog click below hope it works

80 years she would not give up

stronghunter said...

Prayers for your friend Andrea, Andy.

Good to learn that your treatment is getting underway, Lynn.

Shucks, missed seeing the eagles this evening. Hoping for HP soon. We really need to know that Shep knows what to do.

Hmm, Redskins are now eliminated from the playoff race. So what else is new?

JudyEddy said...

I meant to say picture all look the same like a mountain picture in blue and green Darn it makes me mad

JudyEddy said...

ok now I need to find substance to eat still not for sure if I want to eat the pizza BBL

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your steak burgers, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to fix some tacos here.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sissy fixed tamale pie for our supper!

hedgie said...

My tree seems to be leaning badly, and I can't get it to stay upright.......hmmmmm. Only metal and glass behind it-----maybe fishing line taped to the door, since I can't seem to tie knots in fishing line to save my soul????

hedgie said...

In case you aren't on momster mail:

my sister sent me the hard copy of this article. Cool stuff!

Eagles on ol' Miss in MO

hedgie said...

Of course, Glo's pics are better!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I would absolutely mess myself if I saw that many eagles in one place! I cried just seeing Liberty for the first time in the sycamore tree!

hedgie said...

Shar---tell Sissy that I would love her recipe for tamale pie!!!!!! Please???!!!!

DanaMo said...

Thanks JudyE, but I don't want to put it on youtube or facebook because it is the kids. I feel safer having it on blogger, I don't feel like just anyone can find it.

Hoda said...

Kay I am so glad Nurse LYNN'S thoughts turned out to be what it is and that the treatment is doable.
LYNN LVOE YOU AND AM SO PROUD OF YOU...glad the papeers will be delivered closer to the house and PLEASE GOD LET THE POST PEOPLE DO THE SAME.


ANDY Prayers for your friend as she continues to grieve the loss of her son...May God rest her heart and comfort her.

BEAUTIFUL sunny day here and I loved walking to places. Last night's snow did not amount to much and it was fresh today and people seemed cheerful and friendly.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I got my first ever Christmas card from Canada today! It is beautiful!

hedgie said...

Wonderful news, Kay!!! Hey, ours has the same name except it's FOR rather than OF!!!

DanaMo said...

Me too Sharon. Thank you Hoda! You are on it! ☺

hedgie said...

Shar----do we know who that card is from??? Or do you have another Canadian friend??

hedgie said...

Ha! DanaMo answered that question!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We do know who the card is from! :) I love her!

Hoda said...

Thank you SHARON and DANAMO...Others should be getting theirs soon.

I am embarrassed to say that I sent DANA MEYERS card to DANA GRAY. I discovered it and DANA GRAY is going to forward it to DANA MEYER...Sorry WVGAL DANA...

They are simple little cards which support the CFUW Scholarship FUND for young women attending Post Secondary Education.

wvgal_dana said...

Haven't had my legs up all day.

Back and shoulders hurting...too much computer.

Prayers for all that neeed them.

JudyEddy said...

OK maybe I shouldn't have but I ate two peices of pizza lets hope that it wasn't the thing that got me feeling ill last nite

OK Is this rubbin it in or not LOL

Mema Jo said...

454 Is that our lucky evening number
JudyE said last night and now Sharon's
call out tonight was 454 Yes, we can set our clocks by them.

Sharon, From where is your Uncle Marion?

Mema Jo said...

I had been out of the house and when I came into the room - boy oh boy! I
smelled Christmas from the Pine wreath

I got my large red bow up on it now.
I'll take a pic later and post.

Happy Happy Happy
Merry Christmas Everyone

hedgie said...

Burgers hit the spot! Easy kitchen clean-up!

Hoda said...

WELL!!! Miss JUDYE not only are you rubbing it in, some of us might take it as an act of aggression, as it rattles our nerves, we here in the frozen north are sitting in upper teens and low twenties!!!
enjoy your terrific weather...

Hoda said...

JO the wreath sounds terrific and you just reported it smells awesome too...Good on you and enjoy...I look forward to seeing the picture.

hedgie said...

Oh, Jo---bet it smells good! I love pine scents!! I may look for some garland this weekend.

JudyE---hope the pizza was not your culprit last night!

Shar---my paternal grandfather was named Marion! A North Carolina boy from the hills outside Winston-Salem.

hedgie said...

I don't find a post about the FL temps from JudyE----how warm is it?

29° here now. Just put wood on the fire and my nose started running with just two trips out the door. At least at the grill I was over warmth!

Hoda said...

LYNN it is her new avatar...enlarge and you will see her DECLARATION OF WAR on your Northerly neighbour!!! LOL

stronghunter said...

Where outside of Winston-Salem, Lynn? I do recall that we have discussed this before. My parents moved to Winston-Salem after I went off to college. I spent a little time there.

DanaMo said...

I am still messing with this video. I am going to need an Amstel after this! I'm trying to shorten the video to see if that's the problem.

hedgie said...

Moon is just starting to rise....can see the glow but not the sphere yet.
TIme for Jeopardy....BBIALW.

DanaMo said...

Took Adam to scouts and boy is it cold outside! Feels colder than 32 but that's what my computer says that it is right now. Brrrrr

Hoda said...

DANAMO enjoy 32!!! It sounds so funny!!! We are at 19 and dropping. Beautiful evening though and the skies are clear so it will be lovely to see the moon and the stars in a little while...

LYNN since you wrote about a burger for supper I have been thinking of BURGIR Cookies, I know I don't have the spelling right!!! Have you had one yet today??? Have you tried them with a cup of tea?

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, sorry to hear about your uncle. My GF Debbie, with her husband Buddy, well his real name is Marion, too.

paula eagleholic said...

I see Lynne2 Popped into today! Hi Lynne!!

hedgie said...

Someone asked about the railroad tracks near the nest.....I do know that there are tracks at the lower end of Shepherdstown...not sure of exact route from there....but on up this way, the tracks pretty closely follow the river, and I suspect the same is true between S'town and here.

hedgie said...

ARGH, Hoda! Would never have noticed JudyE's avatars---too small!!! Yes, I think that was rathr aggressive, LOL!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

I think LYNN is pulling my legg LOL about the temp today OK it was NICE and 78 and as you can see gonna be nice all week that is why I live in Fl I have lived in OHIO and KY before and that is one reason I left I don't like the cold Ok gonna go watch some TV been putting video on youtube taking a while having issues saying don't recognize video but they are going on slowly just not with my tags I am having to re edit longer video take longer and these are longer I will put on blog as soon as they are done on YOUtube and they automatically go on facebook and them I just put on the fan page and delete from mine other wise its on the news feed twice but lot easier that uploaded directly on fb and blog ok BBL

DanaMo said...

We had grilled hot dogs. Maybe that's why I felt so cold. I was outside grilling in December!

hedgie said...

Oh, my, Shirley---I don't recall. I'll have to look on my genealogy stuff on the PC to find out if anything else is mentioned. Give me a few minutes to power it up.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds!
Went to Chelsea for a couple hours, then to store & picked up yummies at Ledos!
Gotta hit downstairs to do some laundry & wrap presents.

Read back some checking on today's Dr. visits! Things seem to be looking OK for Jo & Lynn. How fortunate you can get transportation, Lynn. Jo, PT might just be the trick. I had to get it for shoulder after BR surgery. Whole blade, etc. stiffened and that really worked.
Kay, hope you are on way forv ID and solution to your ailments. I have a hiking stick but want to try and find an eagle head handle!?
The trick will be getting the correct size.

The washer waits~~~rinsing things I'm giving away

hedgie said...

Hoda, I DID have a Berger cookie for lunch desert!!! I don't drink hot tea unless I'm sick or eating in a Chinese restaurant. I'm an iced-tea gal!!

hedgie said...

Loretta---you missed Kay's post----her diagnosis is bursitis in her hip! To an ortho for an imjection---the better of the possible ailments!!!

DanaMo said...

OMGosh!@#$%$# What a pain. I ended up getting about 2 minutes of the play on my pic blog, and that was pretty painful. I guess the file was just too large.

Hoda said...

Yum Yum LYNN...glad you had a BERGER cookie today...In a little while I will go prepare my supper. I have decided on Broccoli for a vegetable but not clear yet as to how I will make a meal with it and some rice and some tofu...I have some very good garlic to go with it all...Probably an Italian basil tomato sauce will do the trick for me.

Lynne2 said...

did someone say BERGER COOKIES???

Hoda said...

OH DANAMO they are so very cute. They speak clearly and are focused on their messages each one of them is so very CUUUUUUUUUTE.
I love the costumes and I like the way the tall Joseph adjusts the mic only for the short Mary to bring it down again. Well trained kids to remember all that...You have the GREATEST CLASS OF KIDS. I will look forward to part two...Thanks for posting.

Hoda said...

LYNNE why Frank Sinatra as an avatar? What am I missing?

hedgie said...

SOS...............something is very wrong with my PC......the genealogy files are all gone from my Documents folder, and the program I use says the files are in use by another program.....but they aren't. Oh, dear.......guess I'm going to need my geek. I'm afraid to even put the back-up disk in for fear that the puter might destroy it. Wow....what a scary thing to have happen with something that I work so hard on.

Lynne2 said...

It's his birthday today Hoda!

Lynne2 said...

OH NO Lynn...that's terrible!

Hoda said...

Bear captured downtown Vancouver Great video of conservations officers at work

Hoda said...

Thanks LYNNE I like I DID IT MY WAY...

Oh no LYNN. I do not know what to say to help with the file thing and the computer...I hope they are not lost forever...

hedgie said...

Thanks, Hoda---not lost forever since I DID back-up on discs!!!! Enjoy your dinner---you may have my share of the veggies!

DanaMo----cute as can be, your Kinders!!!!!

hedgie said...

Wonderful story, Hoda. Poor bear---great that the officer prevented his fall, but what a rude awakening the bear must have had when he was dumped!!!! Good on him for climbing out before he got mashed!

hedgie said...

My kids always called the trash truck the mash truck!

DanaMo said...

Part 2 is posted, but part 3 and maybe even 4 will have to wait until I'm fresh in the morning!
I'm having a major allergy attack which for me is a sneezing fit. Non-stop. I'm going to take some medicine and go to sleep.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Hoda, the Berger cookies would be great with warm tea!

DanaMo said...

Thanks Hoda and Hedgie.

Oh Hedgie that's terrible. I would suggest to restart, often that's all the computer needs. A program probably didn't close properly, but I'm sure you are afraid to do that because you don't know if it will save your information. Good luck!

Good night all.

Mema Jo said...

Loved the pageant, DanaMo

Hoda said...

YUM YUM supper smells good...I did not need to but I added some cheese and the combination will be very delicious on a bed of rice...the tofu, the broccoli, the cheese and the tomato basil sauce...for dessert a a roasted sweet potato with butter.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yes, the profiles are now very sterile looking!

Hoda said...

Oh My DANAMO, almost makes me wish I was back in the classroom again. They did really well with a little help from their teacher...AWESOME so very AWESOME.I look forward to three and four. I hope you are over your alergy soon and that you rest well for tomorrows adventures.

Kay said...

DANAMO, Kute Kinder Kids ! It occurred to me that at age 5 or 6 they only have one or maybe 2 Christmas's in their memory banks. Bet they'll always remember Mrs. Hillmoe and the 2011 Pagaent ! J.C. is such an adorable dog ! All the family dogs are very photogenic !

HODA, the Vancouver bear was quite the hitchhiker ! Glad it all turned out well ! Great avatar, girl ! ☺

DanaMo said...

Yes, you have to love me saying "Mary, pull out the baby" LOL! Mary was having trouble with her lines today! Let's hope she has it tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Oh so sad that CANADA pulled out of the KYOTO Protocol...I do not like the direction we are taking in terms of protecting the environment, what with the oil sands project and now this...makes me want to cry.

DanaMo said...

The last part is loading. The second part went pretty well so I thought I would give part 3 a try! LOL!

paula eagleholic said...

The kids are doing great, Dana!

paula eagleholic said...

Enjoy your dinner, Hoda!

hedgie said...

I opened up the disc, Shirley, and the only thing I have is Laurel Branch, NC. I can't find any reference to it online......I do have a "story" that one of his sister's wrote that I'll get out in the morning and see if she has anything more specific. Possible that L.B. is a creek!!!! Fairly sure that wherever he was from, it was west of W-S!

hedgie said...

I found that I had TWO back-up discs! Of course, the program itself WAS backed up to the hard--drive....and I can't even find that.

Hoda said...

Supper done and just put the roasted yam in for dessert. LYNN your share of the veggies was delicious with extra melted cheese on the broccoli...LOL

hedgie said...

Oh, Mo, I DID reboot---it didn't help!
Gee---the sneezing fits are going around---it was me last evening!

Hoda said...

Thanks was yummy!

DanaMo said...

Oh Lynne sorry it didn't help. Wish I could offer some helpful advice. It's awful to lose files!
Final part is posted. Thanks for all the wonderful feedback. Like I said the videographing leaves alot to be desired, but it is more than I have from previous years. This is the first time I did a "dress rehearsal". And when it's the "real" thing I can't concentrate on anything but the play and what the kids are doing. I tried really hard today not to say anything, and you will see at the end we had music issues. I also didn't want anyone to hear me singing on the video so I had to sing really soft or not at all so I didn't really help them! You could also hear me snapping at one point trying to get Mary's attention!

DanaMo said...

This time I mean it. I took a Benadryl and I am off to bed.

Sandi said...

So tired and it's only Monday!! Stayed after school to watch 2 of "my boys" (sp. ed. students) play in the 1st b'ball game of the season. They may not know a quadratic function from a hole in the ground, but they can sure shoot a basketball! 8 points for one and 12 points for the other - and the team won the game! Got home at 6, ate a bowl of Cheerios for dinner, and did 2-1/2 hours of school work. Then, I still had to make the dogs' food! Bella had to have all of her teeth removed at age 5 (poor breeding, I think). I hate the smell of canned dog food and she can't chew dry kibble, so I started making her food. Then I felt guilty that Bandit got Purina dog chow while Bella got gourmet homemade food, so I started feeding both dogs the homemade stuff. Both were overweight on dry dog food and quickly lost weight and are at much healthier weights, plus their skin and coats look better, so I feel good about their diet. But I don't like that I have to cook it every 5 days! Finally finished working and it's time for a bath and bed! Goodnight - will check in in the morning.

Hoda said...

DANAMO they did not need help with their song in part three...they know where to stand and they choreographed really well...they knew thier hand motions. The tall blond girl loves music, she starts to move around with it. I noticed that in part two also...and in part two I could hear you helping them with the song and you like your students are an angel...Thank you for posting the dress rehearsal...

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, Sandi, we need some doggie pics! What do you fix for them?

Kay said...

Goodnight Eagle Buds ! Sleep tight !

Prayers for all in need and thanks given for blessings of the day.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My uncle's name is Marion McKinley Crisco from Windsor, North Carolina.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I do know he will be cremated and a memorial service will be held at some time. We probably won't be able to make it down for that. I talked to my other uncle for a while today and then went to visit my Aunt Libby (my Daddy's sister). Love her so very much.

Lynne2 said...

Hey skywatchers!!!!

Geminid Meteor Shower Peaks tomorrow night

and early enough for most of us to watch!

Lynne2 said...

Very glad to see that Lynn and Drs hae a plan, Kay and Jo are OK...well, except for Kay's hip, but sounds like easily fixed!

Sorry about your uncle's passing Sharon.

hedgie said...

DanaMo, loved the vids!!!! Such cute kids!!

Sandi, poor Bella. But in th elong run, she has lucked out---or IN---to that good homemade food! And now Bandit gets the benefits, too!

Almost time for Rizzoli and Isles and Liesl is letting me know it's her bedtime! BBL.

Mema Jo said...

My new Megan 2011 Christmas Wreath

Mema Jo said...

Enlarge my wreath pic so you can see how truly beautiful it is Up Close ♥

JudyEddy said...

Sucess on the downloads finally I don't think YouTube likes 10 min ones either I have 5 video of todays visit on the blog the evening is 10:36 and 2:16 min long and the noons visit is in three parts 3:27 - 7:40 - 4:49 min I love it I got fly out on both

12-12 Noon and Evening visit

JudyEddy said...

Very Pretty JO

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Hoda said...

JO It is indeed a full and rather rich looking wreath. I like the cones and the fullness of the foliage. The ribbon is very long andit adds to the dimensions. I see it and then think of the wonderful aroma it brings you and know cheerfullness in the abundance of Christmas. Merry Christmas JO and Family..

stronghunter said...

Beautiful wreath, Jo.

I am going to head upstairs. I'll see you tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Jo, the wreath is a beauty! So full!!

Goodnight to all turning in. Fell asleep during my show. :( Luckily I recorded it!
I am heading downstairs as soon as the weather report is over. Starting to feel as if a cold is coming on---dosing up on meds and hope to ward it off!

Goodnight, dear friends. Thanks for being by my side today. I felt you with me!!

Prayers for all. Hoping that Linda makes it home safely tomorrow.

magpie said...

Wheeee Doggy ! I have some reading to catch up on...about 330 posts since I was last here.
I Don't mind anyone breaking the speed limit, I am sure it is ALL interesting and informative....
I do see that Sharon has lost her uncle.... Prayers NOW for all the family....

Bet I missed most everyone...want you to know, I DID have bunches of prayers going today

Beautiful Wreath, Jo...Of Course !!
We all know its Creator, our very own, one and only, Floralgirl

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Daggone it I just missed Hedgie !!
Hugging you in advance for when I read back and find your updates, Lynn (( Hugs ♥ ))

Mema Jo said...

Margy, I am just now getting ready to sign off. Take note of Lynne's link
about the meteor shower.

Hoda, Margy is here to help you lock up

magpie said...

James and I have been having a teasing fest....I guess he got "The Word" about Santa Claus....and I am telling him
Of Course There is a Santa Claus !

He's almost 12, I think he knew before this, but he's at the age where he is talking about it more...

He'll just have to wonder where the cookies and milk disappear to

We did some rigourous shopping at Goodwill tonight....but before I picked him back up after school....
I found some neat things that Santa will deliver right around Christmas Day.....
He likes to sing O Christmas Tree, but neither of us knows the words, so we must made up a bunch of verses

going to read back now, might not be back for awhile

Good Night in Advance to Everyone still up and about

God Bless YOU, Every One, and everyone already with their sweet heads laid on the pillows
xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

I will be certain to tell Megan about all of your compliments! ♥

magpie said...

Yo Jo.. I DID see that link..sure hope the skies are clear as crystal !
Thank You!!

I was looking for soaring Eagles when in the area of Mountain Lake Road...well I saw some crows and a hawk or two...but no Eagles....

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for all
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Everyone stay warm ♥

Hoda said...

I am on it JO, unless ANDY shows up first.
I wished JUDIE would come back because she does it with class and a sense what is important.I like her wording.

MARGY welcome back and I am glad your day with JAMES THE WISE went well.I will stay up to catcch to your posts as you read the happenings of today. We were blessed by much today and I know so much gratitude for JO, LYNN and KAY'S appointments.

Hoda said...

Did you all notice the changes on our Profiles. If you click on any of the blue sections it connects with a wider range of people who might have the same interests...I do not think it was this way before or was it? Don't know...

magpie said...

I've completed the first 200 Hoda....lots of news there...
Eagle visits at least TWO Times...mid-day and sunset time

I noticed how our profile pages look, don't much care for changes

I love this terminology from CarolAnne earlier Monday:
Additional prayers being sent up as the needs become known.

The nice thing about prayers, they work if the recipient knows about them or not.

has been said by others in different ways...but it's always nice to see it again in print

magpie said...

GOOD News from Jo, but my CRS prevents from knowing what
"AC1" means...
and hoping for swift resolution of the leg discomforts.....

Rigorous treatment schedule coming upr for Lynn.... but how blessed, 100% transportation arrangements, and newspapers coming to the door, now for the Mail Delivery part, and figuring out the Warmth Part...

Kay... see there is More to Be Revealed with you....hope the "fix" will be easy, prompt...and I am sorry about your discomfort !!! Love your Doctor's philosophy about wanting you to NOT have to ambulate with a Cane....and YOUR comment that some of your dearest friends, already Do !

xo Okay on to the next 140 or so posts....

Andy special thoughts on the anniversary of the loss of your dear friend's son (in 1993)...
I have a dear nephew who is a Navy Seal...but he was not, back in 1993....

magpie said...

Wanda might sneak on with a post or two, maybe with the Soup Kitchen Menu

See You around noon-time Wanda... my car will be full of things for the Clothes Closet...

magpie said...

before I forget !
I think you are the one who asked about the Train Tracks....
they are two lines run through the area, I think it is the Norfolk and Western...and the Amtrak and CSX lines, both roughly a mile "downstream" from the nest....
but the Whistles carry well on the Water, the mighty it makes it seem louder...

Costume Lady said...

HEY, MARGY...looking forward to your car full of Closet things. Folks have been generous this past week. We will lots of NEW things for our guests to choose from. That truly makes me HABBY1

Will see you sometime after noon...stay awhile and have a cup of coffee with me:)

Costume Lady said...

Denise and Brandon had a visit from an eagle in their back yard today. Brandon called to tell me and was as excited as I've ever seen (heard) him. Denise grabbed her camera and got a pretty good photo of it. Check it out on my WILD AND WONDERFUL BLOG.

Costume Lady said...

Headed for the SHEETZ, need extra rest for tomorrow.


magpie said...

Yay for Brandon! A Birder like he, deserves this kind of excitement...will look forward to you pic in just a wee bit, Wanda....
Sure coffee, sounds GREAT - need a lot of caffeine these days !!!

magpie said...

Hoda I am sorry about your Nation withdrawing from the Kyoto protocol.....

we're killing our planet....and few think it is really happening, "heads in the sand" I'd say.....
Global a frightful event as well
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Hoda said...

Great picture of the EAGLE WANDA.
It seems so close to the camera.

Enjoy your visit with MARGY tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Actually my tomorrow your today...later on the day!!!

magpie said...

Way back in the early 70's
I didn't want to bring any children into the world, was not sure what was going to be left for future generations....
turns out I never did, but have do have a wonderful step-daughter and grandson...hope there will be resources for them and future generations

Gasoline prices went up 10-cents today hereabouts ! WOOF !!

Hoda said...

MARGY I am down right disgusted with the direction my Canada is taking in regards KYOTO and the TAR SANDS project. The dirtiest foot print ever and people are dying next to the area of the TARsands in Alberta from the environmental effects...the NATIVES are the ones most affected. Disgusting!!!

magpie said...

I see a more encouraging update from KAY!!

now that I am almost caught up....

and also, that Lynne was here:
Say Eagle, and Berger Cookies, that seems to help !!

Costume Lady said...

Hoda, my daughter has a very nice camera and is pretty savvy at using it, that's why the eagle looks so close. I'm anxious to talk with her about the experience.

magpie said...

not going to be able to visit links or pictures tonight...(except for Wanda's most recent one....)
but am sure excited and heart-warmed about DanaMo's posts and others Momsters' posts also....
about the Children's play...hope I can check all these things out "sometime".

Hoda said...

I just went out again to look at the night skies. It is brisk out there...yet the skies are clear and the moon is full and stunning with stars sparkling around every direction.

I am ready to log out. So I will turn the NIGHT LIGHT on for any late arrivals and for anyone waking up in the night that they may not stumble and find comfort and direction.
The security system is also turned on so that we may all have comfort and relax in knowing that we are being watched over and protected.

THANK YOU GOD for a day of blessings and we SING YOUR PRAISES.

Good night and God Bless everyone.

magpie said...

Thanks to you, Hoda for staying up late with me....and for getting all the night light things set up !

we're about to meet Lori on the
"new" side of things....
and maybe Diann is watching....

Yes, many joyous things today to be thankful for....and many needs of the soul, heart, and body to continue our prayers for

Going to end out with one of my Christmas avatars....

Prayers, Eagle Pals....for all of us, our friends, families and pets....
And Safe Traveling Prayers for Linda...and Dennis if he is with here also.....I didn't know for sure about that....
Riley will be so happy to see Linda again
(( Hugs ♥ )

'Nighy-night now....

God Bless This Nest and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Good Morning in Advance,
Morning GLori ♥ ☺

This is my last post...C-cleaning the computer next...then beddy bye...


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!

I'm still so happy that we got three good doctor's reports and information from Kay, Lynn and Jo yesterday!

Linda should be home today. YEAH, we get our Linda back. Guess I'm a selfish Momster, but I missed you, Linda. Prayers for peace and healing for you and your family.

It's Soup Kitchen Day for Wanda and the gang. Can't wait to hear about all the NEW things your guests will be enjoying along with the great food, Wanda!

Lori O. said...

I still need to see, and am looking forward to viewing, with sound, DanaMo's play rehersal. I bet it's darling!

DMO, you were upset with Google last night, this morning I'm livid with SnapFish! I ordered prints two weeks ago to stuff in the Christmas cards, and today I get an email that the pictures will be two weeks late! That's after Christmas! I'll have to figure out something else.

DanaMo said...

Good morning all!
My sneezing fit is over, thank God! I hate when they come on, it just doesn't stop. Then one benadry, off to bed and it's gone. That's how I know it's allergies and not a cold.

I have never been able to catch a meteor shower! I am going to try hard to catch the one that was posted. I still need to go back and click the link.

Good news on the 6.8 A1C-Margy, my doctor explains it as your morning blood glucose is like a snapshot but your A1C is like a video. It gives you more enhanced information. That 6.8 tells where her levels have been overall for the past 3 months. I only have a 6.6 but that is considered the new range for diabetes. So I am no longer borderline like I was at 5.9 which I had been holding steady at, but jumped to 6.6 and put me over the top. Good for you Jo!

Good news for Kay I am so happy for you! Prayers answered for sure!

Wanda you menu sounds wonderfIul. What a kind and gentle heart you have, your soup kitchen and closet sound like they benefit so many people.

Lori-I would be sooooo P.O'd. I usually order from SAMS so this is the first time in years that I have used someone else. I have gotten email updates pretty much daily about my order. "My order is currently being proofed" But I should get a tracking number as soon as it ships. It all sounds good, I hope it's as good as it sounds.

I think I need some music.

DanaMo said...

Someone asked about the 2 girls not in costume, they are the narrators, and they will be "dressed" up today in their finest! ☺

Lori O. said...

Who are you using for your cards this year, DanaMo?

DanaMo said...

They had an ad on Facebook and a friend had posted her pics so I thought what the heck. It's They have tons of choices for templates everything from 1 picture to custom where you can add up to 11 I think.

Lori O. said...

I was going to ask you anyway, because I like that you have so many pics on your card...most places only let you have 2 or 3 MAX.

DanaMo said...

And shipping was free and the next fastest shipping rate was only $5. so I went with it.

Do we have a list of all the momsters addresses. I remember hearing about it, and Hoda sent a card so it must be out there somewhere, but I don't think I have it.

DanaMo said...

Oh no what happened to Frosty!?

Lori O. said...

DMo, Lynn has the master copy of it... I've got a copy at home I can send you later. so either way, you'll get one today.

DanaMo said...

Yes Loo I'm on my second cup, make it my third!

Lori O. said...

I'm on my second cup, too!

DanaMo said...

Thanks Lori. I didn't know if it was sent by email or not, I didn't remember but I do remember a conversation about it.

DanaMo said...

I got an email that one of my wee ones is sick. That email came in at 1 am so I am awaiting word on whether or not he is going to make it in today. Poor guy. :(

DanaMo said...

Now...what to wear today, hmmm...

Sandi said...

Morning Lori & DanaMo!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Sandi! We're helping DanaMo decide what to wear today.

I vote for elf shoes with white leotards!

DanaMo said...

LOL! Lori
Good morning Sandi. So great that you got to see your "kids" play basketball. I get the schedule of the sports my kids play and go to their games too. It means so much to them to see us there. I also do dance recitals and gymnastics if necessary. I don't want to leave anyone out! And once I go for one, I really have to try to get to something for everyone. I hope the ones I missed in the fall will have something I can go to in the spring.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning all the eagle buds in the world

JudyEddy said...

Yeah I made it though the night Must not have been the pizza I guess was the cheese cake so the one left in the refrig I will toss its a good thing I had will power LOL

JudyEddy said...

HMM I wish I would have the decisiion of what to wear each day

JudyEddy said...

Well I guess I have to decided which dark blue top and which tan to khaki pants to wear

Sandi said...

Morning Judy! GanaMo, when I taught elem. school, I went to dance recitals as well. Now, most of "my kids" are boys, so I get to stick to sports, which I prefer!

JudyEddy said...

Hey did I tell you all I got a nice compliment from a customer from last weeks on the 4th She called 1 800walmart and told them about the shopping experience she had with me I have a copy of the letter also Which I did have to get on my own knowing that management wouldn't give me a copy

JudyEddy said...

OH we are 65°
right now ;^) ♥

Lori O. said...


Today:< Sunny, with a high near 50.
Calm wind becoming northwest between 5 and 8 mph.

Tonight: Partly cloudy, with a low around 27. Northwest wind around 5 mph becoming calm.




Sandi said...

Judy, must you rub it in? We're at 27 at the beach!

JudyEddy said...

OH that is tooo cool that the parents email you when the kids are ill I would have never thought of that

Sandi said...

I was so excited that both eagles flew in yesterday just as some 8th graders came back into the hallway from lunch. I had the nest up on the Smartboard - they couldn't believe they were seeing real eagles live! Several asked for the URL to the cam - wonder if they checked it when they got home.

JudyEddy said...

WOW just on the news a man has confessed to killing 4 people 27years ago were two and 2 within the past couple of years was involved with a robbery and he didn't know the people but the two from 27 years ago were friends Wow these people finally get closure after all these years He has just found God (I wonder how people loose him) and the preacher told him he needed to confess Wow HUG

DanaMo said...

OH! 65 I would love that. It's 24 here in H'town. It is suppose to get to 50 though according to WASH FM, I'm not sure about their reliability! LOL! Just teasing you Lori, it just slipped out!

JudyEddy said...

LORI LOVE you for posting the sunrise and sunset with the forecast Thanks

Sandi said...

Gotta go. Parent conferences after school til 6:30 - LOVE 11 hour work days!! Have a good day all!

DanaMo said...

Going with "winter white" sweater dress and leggins, boots and my Santa hat. I would LOVE a uniform JudyE! Crazy how that works.

JudyEddy said...

Ok I will give you all a bad thing about the warm weather

MOSQUITOES BIG TIME mosquitoes was just mentioned on the weather/news

DanaMo said...

Ew Sandi, don't like those parent teacher conferences or the 11 hour work day. Stay strong. Have extra coffee!

JudyEddy said...

WANDA your WILD and WONDERFUL BLOG looks to be hacked again I can't find the pic of the eagle due to all the ads

Lori O. said...

JudyE, You're very welcome...I love you, too!

Lori O. said...

SPLIT coming up - don't get lost

JudyEddy said...

Well looks to be thant time agian

JudyEddy said...

I will shop at lunch today may not be home for lunch

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

We'll be sure to take good notes if we get a lunchtime visit, JudyE.

DanaMo said...

I think the answer is kisses. I'll be listening for the answer.That's probably not right, I guess everyone doesn't need that everyday. Hmmmm...hugs? Not sure. Can't wait to hear what answers come in.

Lori O. said...

You woulda's hugs!

Lori O. said...

Question: The average person craves 5 of these day, but only gets 1 or 2...what are they?

Answer: Hugs!

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...