Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Rain, more rain thread.


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T-Bird said...

Good morning again everyone.

T-Bird said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Thanks for the call-over, Thelma.

Judie said...

Thank you for the fresh thread, Steve.

Happy Birthday Red. Are you continuing to feel better. Sure hope so and that today is a very, very special one for you.

Thank you Loretta for thinking of the twosome video. Sorry about the tree falling and the power outage. Hope all is fixed by this morning. Thank you also, Lori.

DanaMo, hope the presentation goes well. Just keep thinking about Aric being home.

Lynn, so very happy Liesl has returned and seems to be doing well. Take it easy with the swollen knee and enjoy a rainy day together with lots of sofa/nap time. Careful outside when you take Liesl.

Shirley, have fun practicing. Bet your bowling shoes will be like the old P.F. Flyers shoes except you'll go faster and straighter. Have fun. Big storm here also. Thunder startled me awake.

Pot owl is looking lovely in the sunlight and the Decorah adults are returning mornings and some evenings.

Good morning to all others: Thelma, Judy. Hope Wanda gets a break from the shop so she can visit sometime.

Headed for a busy inside day. Need to research some in-class activities for the police. Only 3 weeks remaining. BBL

T-Bird said...

I hope you all make a great day. I will catch you all on the flip side.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Everyone and Lurkers ( :

I see I read last night all the comments. They this mornings to catch up on.

So I'll bb

T-Bird said...

Happy birthday Red. I hope you treat yourself today like your best friend.

hedgie said...

Couldn't believe how swollen my knee was last night when I got undressed. No wonder it was hurting so bad. Not much better this morning, but have knee brace on for support amd warmth.

Liesl had a fine night. She is whining at her chew toy at the moment!! Guess she wants it to talk back, LOL!

hedgie said...

No visible evidence seen on the lights. Hmmmm.....don't know what to make of it.

Grrrr----possible temps in 30's at night this weekend. Say it ain't so!

Paula, hope you have water collection system set up under your roof leak----heavy weather down that way now.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Lynn...I will trade homes with you!!! 69 when I got up, 71 now, headed up into the 90's. Definitely not wet here!

Have had my cry for today. There are some Lily/Hope fans who are fantastic writers, but oh, my...the tears!

Just this quick hi, have an appointment to get my do done.

Have a great day! So, glad Liesl is doing well!☺♥

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e so sorry that lightning hit your lights outside. Although I am very very HAPPY it did not start a fire.

Sounds like Liesl is doing good. Happy to see that ( :

DanaMo you'll do just fine with your presentation. I know you are excited about Aric coming home !!

Yes Paula catch that mouse before it has babies somewhere.

Loretta so happy the phone did not go out after the lightning hit there. Before you was able to make that phone call.


stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Red.

stronghunter said...

Had my Hunter laugh last night. I have been practicing bowling online. I have no idea if it will make any difference, but I have improved on the computer game with a lot of practice.

Hunter has played the computer game a few times. Last night, he noticed that I was practicing and said he wanted to show me how it is done. When Kathryn called him up to bed, he told her he was busy teaching grandma how to bowl.

wvgal_dana said...

lol lol That is a good one from Hunter Shirley LOL so funny !!

stronghunter said...

Nothing like youthful confidence.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The most beautiful news of the morning is that precious Liesl is doing much better!

stronghunter said...

Hey, I even managed to get five consecutive strikes on the computer game.

Would love to be able to do that at the bowling alley.

stronghunter said...

Yes, that is good news, Sharon.

Mema Jo said...

Good Good Morning!
Daughter is here with me and just heard from Jenny that lightning strike has
taken her phone and internet! I hope all
are well on the other side of the mountain...
Love the Hunter stories! You are a
good influence on him, Shirley - hope you get some strikes/spares with those
fancy new white shoes! Now you can slide!
I need to read this morning's comments.

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread - Sure let's us know you are thinking about us

Mema Jo said...

♪♪♫♪♪ Happy Birthday Red, my friend
Wishing you a great year ahead and that you will stay on 2 ltr all year long and then some! Enjoy your day and make
it Special ! ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Mema Jo that the lightning took out Jenny's phone and internet.

Mema Jo said...

Jenny was walking down her hallway and said she dropped what she was carrying when that bolt hit! She isn't sure what it struck but it scared her so badly!

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley...Hunter is a character!!! Could you share the link to the bowling online game, please?

hedgie said...

Thanks, Sharon!!! I agree! She is presently talking to her toy! Cute! She has not been a verbal doxie before, so it's kind of funny!

hedgie said...

Taking my knee to the sofa for some elevation.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

I hope that works. I have a password to get into the games.

Mema Jo said...

OK Shirley - Looks as though I need a
pair of bowling shoes! ROFL
I love to bowl

This is my bowling speed - Hunter will like this one -maybe? lol

Mema Jo said...

Oh Shirley - Now I can't get it to open!
I'll keep working on it!

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley what was that stuff you put in basement to keep mold away and smells so good. Something RID??

Costume Lady said...

I'm stopping in to say hello and to see how Liesl is. Good to read she is better and even talking to her toy:) Reminds me of Jayden...he is now singing...never did that until Brandon taught him to sing ♫♪ Hail To The Redskins♫♪!. If you haven't seen's on Just for Fun.
It is good to hear that one of our 4 footed friends is doing well.

I do LOVE JUDIE'S perspective on Hope and Jason♥
Still too hard to talk about it:(

HUNTER IS A HOOT! Gotta love that kid:)

Lynn, did you hurt your knee or could it be the dampness?
Mine is pretty sore today...worse affliction I have ever had. Can't wait to get it fixed!

GG was pretty down in the dumps, yesterday and is looking forward to her microwaving on Monday...I pray this will be the answer to her present pain.

Did I tell you the Barbie Dolls sold for $51.00? Not as much as I had hoped, but, they were a donation, so, it is free and clear profit for the Soup Kitchen:)

Gotta get back to work...have a good day♥

stronghunter said...

Love it, Jo!!

stronghunter said...

That link opens to my account. Maybe I should try again.

stronghunter said...

The bowling game is at under sports games.

wvgal_dana said...

Does anyone remember the name of the stuff that was inexpensive and would take up water and stop mildew
it was something RID????

hedgie said...

Nope, don't recall, Dana. I use a dehumidifier!

Thanks, Shirley. Gotta try it!

Wanda, bad knee often is affected by the damp weather for sure, but kneeling is the killer....and I did WAY too much of it cleaning up after Liesl for 3 days. I've had 3 surgeries on this knee in the past.

hedgie said...

Sun is coming out....69°. Portends more storms later. :(

RED---if you are lurking: check last thread for some more greetings!!!
Pssstttt.....he's 75 today!

hedgie said...

Good story!
Eagle to be released!

paula eagleholic said...


hedgie said...

To Geula and and our other Jewish friends,

Happy Rosh Hashanah!!

movin said...


GooD MorniNG, aLL.


Fairly foggy-hazy this morning, but it's supposed to burn off and get up to about 80 or so today in So Cal... Actually, it never got much below 65°, last night and it's been hanging at 66° for hours now......??

How's everything with you?

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e the article said it was about 5 years old. They released it on September 24th, this past Saturday at Jordon Lake.

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday Red.

Happy Rosh Hashanah Guela

Good morning/ Good afternoon everyone.

I am a bit slow this morning so will not write much. Caught up on the blog and now to get ready for Yoga class. BBL.

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda watch out for those Stinkbugs. Have a good yoga class ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I finished the book "The Help" 3 days ago. Now it is not playing at the two theaters here. Guess I will catch it on Redbox.

A friend is going to borrow it.

hedgie said...

Hi California Jim!!!! How are you??!!

Wierd that they would post that release AFTER the fact! I didn't notice the dates!

Costume Lady said...

Popping on here to wish our friend, Dadster Red/Bill, a ♫♪♫HAPPY BIRTHDAY♫♪♫.....Hope Mrs. Red bakes you a beautiful, delicious cake...oh, forgot, YOU do the baking:):)

hedgie said...

Dana, The Help is still playing at Valley Mall Cinema.

hedgie said...

Hi, Hoda! Enjoy your date with Yoga!

Costume Lady said...

DANA, what is REDBOX?

JudyEddy said...

THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD the other was about to explode

JudyEddy said...

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥


Hoda said...

I am caught up with myself and off to Yoga...See you all later...

stronghunter said...

Back from bowling practice. Tired.

Lynne2 said...


hedgie said...

Shirley, I am enjoying this bowling game!! Cool!!! And have always loved the seasonal theme ones like Jo posted!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, Redbox is a red vending machine that you can rent DVD's from. Have them at Walmart, etc.

Lolly said...

My do is done, have run errands, now to enjoy the rest of the day. Wish we were on our trip this week. I am oh, so ready!!

Lolly said...

Just found Jack's group picture of the Grand Canyon trip on fb. Great picture of my jubby. Michael is on the back row and you can just see his head with cap on.

Judie said...

Jo, so sorry about the lightning strike at Jenny's. Sure hope all is okay, especially the family.

Okay, so now we have a "talking" doxie. Too cute.

Wanda, sure wish GG was feeling better. Can't wait until the treatment is done and she starts to feel better. So frustrating for you all.

Shirley, between Hunter "teaching" you to bowl and actual practice, you'll be on the pro tour in no time.

Hoda, hope yoga was enjoyable today.

paula eagleholic said...


stronghunter said...

Bowling practice: I went in and signed up for two lanes so I could practice "league style." I had lanes 25 and 26, but accidentally stepped in front of lane 24.

The man there said, are you going to bowl on my lane? I laughed and said, "Oh, no, you don't want me on yours!" Then I turned around and made a strike. He laughed and said I could bowl on his lane anytime I wanted to. I wish I could have kept making the strikes.

Mema Jo said...


I just love it!

Mema Jo said...

I was just outside - threw some peanuts
I don't have a dog but I get throwing practice with the squirrels. I do have a few that come running when I go onto the deck. I love these funny little pleasures of life!

Alexis and her dad will be on their way up for dinner soon - fried chicken from Giant Eagle - Almost as good as what grandma's made.

Kay said...

Chimeing in with a big Happy Birthday, RED ! I'm going to catch up with you in a few months,

Mourning Hope along with all of you.

Still, missing a lot of what goes on, but enjoying reading about bowling, upcoming trips and more....

Prayers continue for GG and for LYNN's knee as well as a blanket prayer for all in need.

Tomorrow morning I'll see the doc in charge of this pic-line/home care phase. Hope to have good news to share with you later tomorrow ! Thanks for the prayers I know you'll be offering up, dear, sweet, Eagle Bud's !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Mema Jo said...

Hello Kay! You do have lots and lots of prayers being raised up for you.
I'll be anxious to hear from you after
dr's appointment - Praying for the best cause we don't need this commotion in our 'later years'! We need smooth sailing!

Mema Jo said...

Sun has been out today - just checked for our cam - but no show! :(

stronghunter said...

Yummy. I love fried chicken. I haven't fried it myself in a very long time.

We are going to have brats and beans tonight. Maybe some carrots, too.

stronghunter said...

Brats. I hope I do not set off the smoke alarms.

stronghunter said...

BBL. Luna is trying to leap into my chair and George is meowing constantly. It is feeding time.

Mema Jo said...

TTUL Time for me to set my table..

Hoda said...

JUDIE Yes Yoga was good. Lots of back bends and balancing poses.

LYNN did you find out any thing more from BIll about the sstrike that happened at your place...was he able to come and inspect things?

It is a BEAUTIFUL AUTUMN DAY. Wednesday Market was downtown and I think they are going to try to extend it for two more weeks...not sure.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Paula for letting Wanda know what Red Box is. They are good to rent from. Not like Blockbuster. Theirs hardly want to play. Red Box one time I got a bad "sticky" movie. People must have spilled something on it. Rented same movie out of machine next to it. Red Box charged back to my card both movies and sent me a "free movie rental".

Kay yes many prayers continue to go to God for you. Tomorrow will be praying for your doctors appointment that all goes well.

Hoda said...

LYNN is the swelling going down on the knee? Do you take anything for it besides putting on the brace?

wvgal_dana said...

Sounds like a great yoga class Hoda. That would be nice to extend the market days.

Shirley way to stepping into other guys lane...then making the strike!!! SICLMBO-sitting in chair laughing my butt off.

Judie said...

Jo, enjoy the Alexis time. Fried chicken? Yummy! May add that to my menu you for the weekend. It's been a while.

Thanks, Jo for the squirrel feeding. Reminds me I need to make that trip to the backyard myself.

Congratulations Shirley. Bet your next door lane fellow was impressed.

Have to laugh, Hoda. I've done lots of bends and balancing today also but mine involved bending to pick up dropped items and balancing course requirements for the police officers. lol

Lynn, no brats for Liesl.

Hi Kay. Wishing a good dr. report tomorrow. You've been a good patient (and a good blog friend, too).

hedgie said...

Guess it is now Good Evening!!!

Jo, forgot to say that I am sorry about Jenny's lightning strike! Hope that it hit the box out by the road and not the one on her house!! THEIR responsibility vs. hers! I went through that with the phone company many years ago!

Judie....Shirley fixing brats, not me! But I did do pigs-in-blankets! As for talking doxies: the two we had when I was growing up did not talk. So many other people's did/do. Cinnamon was the first one I had that did that....thought Liesl wasn't going to, but guess maybe she is!!

hedgie said...

Shannon's shift at fire station was on Ch. 7 at 5! Some footage of the night they did the flood evacs earlier this month...interviewed four of his pals....just when they were going to talk to him, their tones dropped and they had to go on a call.

hedgie said...

Hoda, taking Ibuprofen for knee.....was feeling better, but starting to ache again now....I think sofa is called for to elevate, but will take more pills now that I've eaten.

Kay, sure hoping that the PICC line can come out!!!! Please keep us posted tomorrow!!! Prayers continue, of course!!

hedgie said...

Shirley, how many strikes dis you roll in all??? Funny about the lane mix-up! Hey....was the guy your age? single? nice??

Hoda, Bill won't come check out the situation until things dry out! He was a lineman in his young days and has a very healthy respect for electricity!

JudyEddy said...

Watching the news for now then prob will head to beach I finally got a short video of my egret from the beach last nite on the blog I really had to shorten it to a little over a min The facebook video is better that this one but you get the gest of it

last night b---h visit with a snowy egret

Also I need to ask a question WVAGALDANA HODA and WANDA you saw the video on FB last night I see where you commented and MY QUESTION is did it show up on your news feed or did you go to my page I have noticed when I post video that they aren't showing on my news feed only on my wall profile page unless I click on the share Just wanted to know that all BRRR LYNN in the 30 s yieks not for me

JudyEddy said...

I havn't read any of the blog at all

hedgie said...

Jo, I find throwing peanuts in shells to be a VERY difficult task----they NEVER go where I want them to go!!!
Enjoy your fried chicken and ALEXIS time!!! Has she outgrown MEATBALLS?

stronghunter said...

Had on a wedding band, Lynn. I did look.

hedgie said...

GOTTA share this! My SIL Charlie like to write messages to the family on mirrors and an eraser board! This is what Jesse found today when she got home from school:
‎'girls feed this house & clean your animals NOW'....
She asked him "what are u smokin'?"

stronghunter said...

I did not count the strikes. I had several. I broke 100 once.

I seem to do best in the second game. I warm up a bit, but then I get tired. Need to build up some stamina.

The guy who sold me the shoes was talking about pushing off and sliding. It will take me awhile to be able to do that.

They have a bowling instructor there. Maybe I will check on taking some classes or whatever they offer.

Judie said...

Laughing because Lynn asked what I started to ask Shirley but fried chickened out. So, Shirley? Do you have a new bowling ball buddy? Hope he's a regular and a cutie.

And, sorry about the menu mix up. Darth has meetings so maybe just a tomato sammich for me.

Hi Judy, enjoy the sunset.

stronghunter said...

He was very pleasant, Judie, but he had on a wedding band.

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Shirley LOL!!! You checked for a ring! You GO girl! Maybe you STRIKE more than bowling pins with this new activity!

Kay, good luck at the Dr tomorrow!

SOrry your knee is giving you fits Lynn. Hope it feels better soon, and glad Liesl is doing better now!

Very bad day today at work, very sad.

JudyEddy said...

DANA you mentioned you wish the video that is on facebook to be on youtube Well I am in process of uploading it now I went and signed up for a acct Odd didn't ask for password to set up Does anyone else have a acct and why wouldn't it want a pass word??? Its still uploading and I am watching news while it is doing it May not read alot tonight My neck is bothering me I had to do over an hour on the computer at work and that has done me in CBL we have to do ComputerBasedLearning are like test we have to take on haz spill, etc, safety and you have to listen to it all no fast forward Darn it so I may be back Heading to beach sunset is earlier ever nite so I must go earlier ever nite LOL I must HA HA

Lynne2 said...

Dinner is almost ready so I must run...then shower and bed early. May not be back. In case I'm not, good night and prayers for all!

JudyEddy said...

I guess you can use my email as a search engine on you tube not forsure being I am a newbie there not Video is still up loading I will let you know DANA when its done OK

JudyEddy said...

and it seems to be as slow as the blog and facebook lately also ok now its bye BBL

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Have been pretty busy today--just now got caught up here, too.

HAPPY 75TH BIRTHDAY, RED!! Wishing you a very special day. Hoping you are feeling well!

Lynn & Loretta, sorry about both of your power outages from lightning, and hoping and praying the problems will be fixed quickly. Jo, sorry about Jenny's lightning strike, too! Glad everyone is OK!

Shirley, good job at bowling practice! Way to go!

Kay, good to see you here again! Prayers for your Dr. visit in the morning. Hoping for a REALLY GOOD report!

Judie, I like your idea about Hope--works for me, too.

Well, Kubby is home from work, so I'd better scoot. Will BBL, after dinner. BTW, Emma talks, too--but usually to us, not her toys. We've had some pretty interesting conversations! She's quite a character. Later, alligators. :o]

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE I went to your facebook page and enjoyed your video at the ocean with the white egret. Then I did a share so it would be on my page. I enjoyed it so much.

When you do youtube you could send an email with the youtube http on it or the name your using. Then I would have to do a search to see when you put videos there.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e I hope your knee gets to feeling better. Sorry it is giving you a problem. Glad Liesl is much better ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Andy Bye Andy lol

Lolly said...

What to do? What to do? Jack and I are arguing over who is going to prepare dinner. lol

hedgie said...

LOL, Lolly---GO OUT to eat!

JudyE---they write those computer learning programs for the SLOWEST readers in the world!!! Hated them! Big waste of time...just give me a handout!!! Gm was famous for that stupid stuff. They even did in-person presenters who read it off the puter or slide-show, and gave hand-outs......TRIPLE boring!!!

hedgie said...

Hi, Andy! Have a nice evening!!

HEading for the sofa for a while.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Lolly So you both want to fix dinner LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Heading to the recliner. I think my left knee in the back is having sympathy pains for Hedgie-Lynn/e's knee. I tried an Aleve on a full stomach. Messed up my stomach can't take NSAID's. Tylenol don't relieve it so I tried Aleve but won't no more. Maybe if Lynn's knee gets better so will mine LOL

Lolly said...

Marriage saved! I am thawing Italian Sausage, Jack has lit the grill....Italian Sausage and spaghetti. Sigh........

Just uninspired...just want to pack and head out!!!

Lynn and Dana, so sorry you are having knee problems. I thank the Lord that I am doing great in the knee dept. It is amazing considering the time I spend in the yard. Also, my back is doing great.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about the aches and pains, Lynn and DanaWV.

hedgie said...

Another MONSOON rain here.....thank goodness it didn't last too long....about 15 mins., and no thunder/lightning that I noticed.

hedgie said...

Going down to see if Liesl is going to have to swim to the yard!!! She's already making bedtime signals! BB.

Mema Jo said...

ROFL Jesse is one up on dad. Charlie
best slow down or Proof what he writes.
I am sure they all had a good laugh!

Lynn and Dana - May your knees snap back into action soon!

Lolly - get up early tomorrow am and just 'hit the road'! You two are more then ready and there can't be too much
holding you home.

Mema Jo said...

Alexis informed me this evening before dinner that she was now a 'vegetarian'.
So double helping of mashed potatoes, couple scoops of corn and applesauce with butter bread was her meal. Chicken
leg lay on her plate untouched. Of course the Popsicle was an after meal thought! No More Meatballs she said -
just the spaghetti MTBR

NatureNut said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RED!!! It's probably almost Cake Time!

We had some sun today, but very humid. Dreading the couple cool AMs approaching.
Dana, we didn't have any lightening at Park, falling tree!
Scary to hear about Jenny's lightening & Lynn's mysterious light problem!
Hope Kay, Lynn's knee & GG's leg feel better ASAP.

Nibbled some leftovers, but think I'll put a steak in the broiler! Yum!

Hoda said...

13 new fires in TEXAS and 4 old ones...he count is going up!!!
I am glad supper got settled LOLLY. When are you planning to leave, my mind thinks Monday??? I like JO's idea that maybe you two are ready to go and just head out...Let Laurel know you are starting early though and us too of course.

magpie said...

Happy Diamond Jubilee Birthday, Red ☺
xoxox ♥

Hope you come visit us soon and grace us with another beautiful avatar....or even one of the old beautiful ones...and some news from your little corner of the world

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Had a fun time mowing the back yard's a friggin swamp! Don't know why I did as much as I did...finally stopped....had to rinse Nick off, he was totally muddy!

magpie said...

sure hope your knee is doing better tonight and that you are feeling, Liesl is okay today ??

Sorry to hear that GG is down in the dumps....
sure hope that changes....most likely it will if Jayden makes it to Friday Fun Night ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Guess I was lucky we didn't have any rain this evening!

Hi Margy and Jo!

Oh no Jo, wonder how long she will be a vegetarian!

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals

Saw about 10 American Robins in the yard this evening, think they are passing through to their winter homes, but it sure was nice, and to hear them sing also ☺

magpie said...

I am really enjoying all the bowling stories...I guess the wedding ring on nice man could mean...widowed...
just a thought
glad you had some good fellowship, either way it is !

magpie said...

Bet Nick did have muddy paws, and I bet he loved the washing attention almost as much, Paula..
Hello and Arf Arf ☺

Jo: hmmm, Alexis a vegetarian...can you tell us more...this if fascinating!
sorry about Jenny's lightning strike aftermath problems

Judie said...

About to head across the hall to give Harry's Law another chance.

Alexis a vegetarian? Hmmmm. Would be interesting to know what brought about that decision. Seems as though she had a good meal, though.

Andy, glad you had a nice day.

Hi Dana. Hope the aches and pains disappear soon.

Huge storm here. Very heavy rain for about 45 minutes accompanied by much lightning and loud thunder. Just hope the power stays on.


NatureNut said...

Dana, sorry your knee is bothering you, too. I've been taking Aleve for a couple weeks for tendinitis. Newest place is left fingertip.Inflamed tendon is pressing on a nerve and if side near center knuckle is touched, "crazy bone" shock up to the tip.
I always take Aleve if I've eaten something & stomach has been OK.
Don't think it's helped anything. I'm a Tylenol person,too, but they say Nsaids are for inflammations. Dr. also said use hydrocortisone, too. And I'm covering it w/foam tube that was part of a toy rocket!

paula eagleholic said...

Raccoons at pixpa

paula eagleholic said...

Well, here comes the rain.

Lolly, do you leave on Monday?

magpie said...

Seems like this entire season every place on the OTHER SIDE OF THE BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS is getting it worse than we are in the Eastern WV Panhandle, most of the time, anyway
Hope all will be well, Judie

I was on the witness stand for 90 minutes...never ever been on that long...both sides had a lot of questions...hope I did ok.

Judie said...

Just another quick thought...

Tom Sweetie and Bowling Sweetie. What fun!

magpie said...

so sorry to hear of that ailment, Loretta...
sure hope it will be OK soon..
Love your avatar, by the way

Mema Jo said...

We have had some rain

Margy I am sure you answered all their
questions.... It is quite an ordeal though - just stick to the facts!

Getting ready for Criminal Minds
Touch base with you later Judie about
Harry's Law ...........


Mema Jo said...

Judie - I am quite concerned about the
bowling shoes man and if he is the
one to give instructions - look out!
Strikes galore!

magpie said...

thanks JO...there were some weird "Can you say" and "would you say" kinds of questions...
righto, just the facts...and the probabilities, is what I stuck with

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Dana is surely a much faster reader than I...
I am nearly finished The Help
but...I will really miss being around the characters I have come to know and love in the book...
sorry Hedgie...if you are waiting on me, it won't be much longer, about 40 pages to be exact

magpie said...

The Help is extremely well written, in my opinion, with some great mastery of dialect and imagery...

I am pretty much played out from waiting my turn (many hours of waiting...)
to get on the stand, and then BEING on the I'm cutting out early. Have three tapes to make Thursday, an endless cycle...

Good Night and excuse my manners for not saying Hey and Yay about more things here...
Please know that I Care !

Prayers that Kay gets a great report from the doctor review Thursday, and for all Wellness needs....

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

I think I gave you all the wrong link to my youtube I gave you the area I edit I think Let try this one

EddyJudy Page youtube
I have taken a couple of iubrop and waiting to take effect BBL

stronghunter said...

Oh my goodness, Judie!

I am going to call it quits and head upstairs. I have things to to tomorrow.

Good night. Rest well, everyone.

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to say WVAGAL DANA I got brave and set up a youtube acct like you said and know I just can't figure out how to get to post on face book maybe tomorrow when I can tolerate it OK BBL just forgot to say Dana said something on facebook about setting up a youtube I was surprised how easy it was OK later

Hoda said...

If ALEXIS is going to continue to be a vegeterian for more than a month JO you will have to make sure she gets her protiens through legumes and tofu. The young do need their proteins and I have seen so many make themselves sick by not getting the protein component in.It is actually very complicated to be a vegetarian or a vegan...there are cooking courses here galore for people who decide to follow that path.

PAULA I am glad you gave up on mowing...any signs of MR. MOUSE?

But we are a match making group we are!!! LOL

Linda said...

Hello Eagle Family!! I see we're all dealing with more rain than we care to on the east coast! There is all sorts of flooding up here in some areas again and so many of the people affected are still trying to dry out from the floods from a couple weeks ago. What a mess.

I think our hummingbirds left a couple days ago. Last day I saw one was Sunday. :( Happy Trails!!

Our leaves are falling like crazy and are changing, too. Hopefully we will have enough leaves left on the trees to experience full peak color in the coming weeks.

Many ailments here this week - Me too! Maybe it is all this gloomy weather. Prayers for knees, tendons, hands, heads and any other aches and pains.

Kay - still praying that you're recovering nicely.

I canned another 100lbs of tomatoes in the last two days!!!! Can you believe it? We are now up to a total of 190lbs of tomatoes so far. And Dennis says we're not done yet. My fingers are sore from coring and cutting! I am cooking down my sauce and the house has been smelling heavenly!

My headache finally went away! Yipee!

Tonight...... I'm tired, once again. I've been on my feet for two days straight and my feet are killing me!!

Tomorrow I will be working and I hope Dennis doesn't go out into the garden while I am gone!! I need a tomato break!! LOL

Wishing you all sweet dreams and peaceful sleep tonight.

Praying for all needs, as well! xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Yes, we leave Monday. Have several things to do before we leave. Need to mow Friday and then get the trailer. Going to buy groceries Friday too. Then Sat we will be packing packing packing.

Judie said...

Just teasing Shirley. But I like the idea of Bowling Sweetie. Strikes and sparks all over the place.

Linda, I think you do need a tomato break. Have a good work day tomorrow.

Margy, I'm sure you did a perfect job of testifying. Tiring, of course.

Paula, glad you got some mowing done and Nick de-mudded.

Don't think I like the new plot line on Harry's Law. Somehow the dueling women theme is a little more than offensive. Oh, well. At least I had one enjoyable season.

Loretta, hope the finger and all other aches and pains disappear quickly.

Happy trails, Lolly.

Judie said...

The night light is on for anyone still roaming around or arising in the dark and Andy coming in from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the advice, Hoda. I'm not sure what brought this change on with Alexis. I have 2 older grandkids that are Veggies.

Criminal Minds was good - gory!
Watching the CSI now


paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, I think Mr Mouse is in the kitchen...Nick was very interested in the corner by the dishwasher...not sure if Mr Mouse squeezed in there or not...

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, glad the headache is finally gone! That sure is a lot of many plants did Dennis plant. My look terrible now from too much rain and not enought sun!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Boy, sounds like a lot of you have been really getting a LOT of rain.
Better get out the rowboats! Hope some of that rain goes to TEXAS!

Have been SOOO busy the last couple of days. Kubby & I have a chance to go use Sis- and Bro-in-law's timeshare at Lake Tahoe, so we will be leaving Saturday morning. Emma will go to Petopia, her "doggy camp." We will also be visiting with our friend, Andrea, who lives in Minden, NV. We will be staying at Marriott's Timber Lodge in So. Lake Tahoe, and also a couple of nights at Andrea's house. Don't worry--the trusty dinosaur laptop will accompany us, so you will be hearing from me. Gosh, we haven't even left yet, and I'm already feeling bad about leaving Emma behind, but the Marriott doesn't allow pets. Glad it's only 8 days. Isn't it amazing how much a part of our life our furbabies become?! I would almost rather stay home.

Still praying for Harley, and for Bobby, LeRoy, and Andie. Hope the meds are working, and they are all doing fine.

Lynne2, what's happening with the car? Have you had a chance to take it to the dealership yet? Any progress with the SB invasion?

Paula, hope you've caught the mouse by now. Tell Nick that Emma says "Woof!"

Got some more work from the Doctor's office today. If I get more before Sat., will be taking it along with me, and it will be a "working" vacation.

Lolly said...

I just opened up the ol sewing machine. Need to hem some new khaki pants for Jacob. Had to get 12's but they need to be shortened. Had a problem with the sewing machine and had to wind the bobbin by hand. Grrrrrrr!

paula eagleholic said...

Andy, Nick says woof woof to Emma! It's had to leave our pets behind, isn't it!

Lynn, how is Leisl this evening?

Lolly said...

Guess we were never promised fair, but I am going to scream anyway...It just "ain't fair that the east is getting so much rain!!!!

Jack and I just worked on the schedule for our yard guy to come water pots. Have a great guy that comes only when we are out of town.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to stop roaming in the dark!
News then bedtime..
Tomorrow is Flu Shot day

Good Night to all of you
God Bless and Keep you Safe
Prayers for all needs & wants
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Dear God,
I wanna take a minute, not to ask for anything from you, but simply to say Thank You, for all I have.

JudyEddy said...

Hello Hello Its me up late My neck is finally feeling better thanks to ibephofen I just hate taking it only when necessary
Just started reading last nights I am at 834 this am I have lots of catching up to do don't I have been playing on facebook and trying to figure out youtube with daughter on phone Will try from her house tomorrow trying to get it to post my video without me clicking on share each time on the phone is a PIA

JudyEddy said...

LORI Thanks for the weather report I just wanted to know if the darn sun was even gonna shine on the cams to make them work I wonder how long it will take to get the hard wire thingy that Steve mentioned I will be up there the end of Oct I leave here on the 13 arrive in NC to visit with June and Terry on the 14 will stay there one week and then plan on driving on a Sat the 22nd to WVA stay overnight Go to the gift shop and hope to see the nest if possible or if I can talk June and Terry to drive with me ROAD TRIP some time the week I will be there I don't know if they will want to I had mentioned it once but never talked about it again I will call them this week and run it by there it is 437 miles from there house to the NCTC campus I goggled mapped it I may have to arm wrestle Terry I want to pay their hotel bills if they go other wise I won't invite them so there may be some heavy arguing LOL IT IS on the top of the page DUH Judy LOL

JudyEddy said...

Well being it is after 11 and I didn't take my Tylenol PM because of the Ibuprofen now I am not tired so I may have to resort to a frying pan LOL So I am going to try to lay down and go to sleep with out assistance I don't think I can do it LOL Oh I have benadryl I can take YEAH

JudyEddy said...


In other words
Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


hedgie said...

Criminal Minds surely WAS rough, wasn't it, Jo? CSI, too!
Have Harry's Law recorded....will let you know how I feel about it tomorrow, Judie!

Hey, Margy! Sure sounds like a long time on the stand just to verify radio transmissions! ARGH!! were joshing about the rain, right??? THe last month has been absurd with rain!

Linda, I see three choices for you next year! Don't plant so many tomato plants, open a roadside stand and sdell them, or see if HEINZ will buy them!!!!!! My oh my!

Lolly said...

Judy, do not think the gift shop is open on Sat or Sun. Lynn, when is it open?

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo----Hoda is right about young kids! But I betcha that Alexis will change her mind soon!! Then you'll be back to making meatballs, maybe!

Loretta, sorry about your finger. Tendonitis hurts wherever it is but it sure is much harder to baby a finger! Is it from your work??? If so---Worker's Comp claim for repetitive trauma!

hedgie said...

Oh, Andy, you do DESERVE a vacation, but so sad that Emma can't go. Hope you have a wonderful time!!! Share pics with us!

Liesl is doing well! She wasn't as ready for bed as she thought---started playing and then wanted back she played a bit more and had ANOTHER round of lap love!! Little rascal! Sleeping soundly now.

hedgie said...

Jo, glad you are getting that flu shot sooner rather than later!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, I need to go watch a couple of recorded programs. Have said prayers for everyone, and for all those creatures we love so dearly. Enabling both security systems, and making sure the porch light is on. Sleep soundly, everyone, and only sweet dreams are allowed! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

P.S.--Lolly, hope you and Jack have a FANTASTIC trip! Thanks for mentioning watering the pots--need to really drown mine if there's no rain predicted next week! 'Night!

hedgie said...

JudyE, I posted yesterday for you--the gift shop is only open (as is the entire campus) M-F. So plan accordingly!

We are heading for the beach on the 22nd for a week. Irene is calling in the morning to rent a house---and dogs are allowed, so Liesl will be going, too!

hedgie said...

Lolly, hope the bobbin works alright. Once in awhile my bobbin winder does a lousy job, but I know it's better than what I would do by hand!

Lolly said...

Time to end the day. Got a lot of little errands accomplished. Tomorrow more of the same.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

OMG, a 6-7 yr. old vegetarian? Not good for a growing child. If she is really serious about her diet, I hope parents follow up on how and what to feed her to keep her healthy...she is such a sweetie:)

Got my Flu shot at Walmart, yesterday. Went there to get toilet tissue for GG and there sat a nurse with nothing to do, so I grabbed the opportunity.
We went to visit GG and she was napping. She had left a not on the table for us: "I am completely out of toilet tissue, nothing left but newspapers!"
So, we got her 15 rolls:)
Thank all of you for your concern and prayers for her. Hope Monday's proceedure will take away her pain, or, at least lessen it!

Sounds like Liesl is getting over whatever it was that made her sick...what a relief. I think most of us were on pins and needles!

Wow, MARGY, 90 min. is a looong time to be on the stand. Hope it is over for you!

Shirley, are you new to bowling or have you brought it back into your life from another time? I love that you are being active and enjoying your retirement!

Judie, I do take a lot of breaks from shop work, but there is always something to do in the house that is not getting done because of the shop work, and I have to tend to those chores instead of blogging:(

It does sound like KAY is getting better, through her comments...Hope she is taking it easy!

LINDA, you are one busy woman! Are you freezing or canning anything else? I love frozen peaches, but have been too busy to even get to the orchards to buy some. Maybe next year:)

Going to hit the hay, early...need more sleep!


Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Wanda, make time to take care of you!!! You mustn't wear out or burn out!!

Calling it a day here, too. Y-a-w-n!!! Prayers for all. See you tomorrow!

Hoda said...

Good night and God Bless everyone. Sweet Dreams.

Hoda said...

Good Morning LORI. Have a GREAT DAY...

NatureNut said...

Hope Everyone has Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

Ooops that was me.

Lori O. said...

Good Thursday Morning Eagle Family!

Is this the slowest week, or what???
I think it's all the gray days slowing things down, except the grass growth cycle. It need mowing desperately, but I don't dare use the lawn tractor for fear it will sink because the ground is so wet!

JUDY E, I'm going to write Oct 21 & 22as days you'll be here (at the nest) so I can be sure to see you when you visit. I'm so excited! Sure wish I could see you when I'm in Florida next week.

Prayers for everyone's achy bones and joints...LINDA's feet, LYNN's knee and all! Hope KAY's doctor appointment is full of good news today!

Lori O. said...

Oh, prayers for LORETTA's finger, WV DANA and WANDA's knee and GG, too! Hope I got that right.

ANDY, thanks for prayers for Bobby and LeRoy. BOTH are here now!

Picked up LeRoy from the vets yesterday so he can recuperate here. He's frightenly thin and needs a few different meds daily. Bobby is doing much better, but still needs to eat more. He's being tough on LeRoy so that he doesn't stay on the bottom of the cat power totem pole!
Andie is doing very well and loves her jumbo, 4 story crate with a hammock at the rescue! She is in a cats only part of the rescue and has a ball when she's out to play with all the others.

Gotta run and shower - not at the same time. Getting ready for work!

DanaMo said...

Good morning!

Gotta drag Annemarie to school with me around 7 am for a conference. Poor child! Monte is going for a root canal, I don't know who to feel sorrier for this morning! LOL! It's quite possible I'll get a call that he can't drive home. He is terrible with those types of things.

I'll drive over to the nest on Oct. 21/22 and meet up with you, JudyE and Lori.

DanaMo said...

Kay thinking of you this morning! Hope your appointment goes well!

Lori O. said...



TODAY: Scattered showers and thunderstorms after 11am. Areas of fog before 11am. Otherwise, mostly cloudy, with a high near 76.

TOMORROW/FRIDAY: Partly sunny, with a high near 70.

SATURDAY: Showers likely. Cloudy, with a high near 55. Chance of precipitation is 60%.

SUNDAY: Mostly cloudy, with a high near 56.

MONDAY: Partly sunny, with a high near 68.


Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMO and the 3 Flying Labs! Woof, woof, woof!

Lori O. said...

Where is everyone this morning...



A stray dog or cat?

magpie said...

here's a stray Magpie, will that do ?

Happy to hear that LeRoy will be at your roost, Lori...
that almost guarantees a cheerful recovery !

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

skies sort of clear here for the moment, I can see Jupiter in the Western sky...

magpie said...

well, I mean I could a half hour ago when it was still dark...things started getting light on me and I didn'r realize it !

magpie said...

a four-story crate with a hammock, I could go for something like that !!

Hope DanaMo's husband's root canal goes ok and also that early morning conference with AnneMarie

Lori O. said...

A stray MARGY? There's nothing better! Good Morning Ms Margy!

magpie said...

need to finish getting ready for the workday....

I checked out that video of Jayden and the gang whoooping it up with Hail to the Redskins and also the Hokie Holler! Lots of smiles and laughters with that one....☺

Best wishes for a Good Day, Everyone

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

Love that avatar, Lori....
will be perfect for

ttfn xo

magpie said...

PS to Shirley:
I hope to see James after work today and will be taking that package ☺
Thanks in advance, and more later on that ☺

stronghunter said...

I hope he enjoys everything, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, everyone.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the info on the gift shop now I need to do some rethinking May just have to order online I just thought since I may be up there it would have been a good thing Well just have to see

JudyEddy said...

I did a quick buzz of the blog comments then I realized that I did read any of it from the time the new thread was yesterday to the point when I came from lunch Remember I get them email to my puter

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I think I would had sewed it instead of doing the bobbin by hand

JudyEddy said...

So good to here Liesl is better and swimming

JudyEddy said...

LINDA wow 100lbs

PAULA can you lay sticking traps in corners to see if it would help with the mouse they like to run along walls

also watchCrimianal Minds I love that show sick but good

JudyEddy said...

Unfortunately I have to work then LORI or it would be nice to see you

What would make her decided to be a vegetarian all of a sudden


JudyEddy said...

Now I guess I should read the comments that I didn't get emailed to me BBL almost time to get Jordyn may have to read later

JudyEddy said...

I think I may have figured something out You may know I think Google and You Tube are affiliated with each other does anyone know if this is true???

JudyEddy said...

The reason I ask is when I signed up for the YouTube it didn't ask for a password and seem all my infor was alreay there

JudyEddy said...

RAYs WON LAST NITE right at the end of the game went in a extra inning YEAH

.♥♥happy dance ♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Ok now I feel like LORI is there any strays out there LOL

JudyEddy said...

The rainbow lines on the cam were acting up a sec ago

Lori O. said...

I'm here, JUDY E!

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if that means it might come back today especially since the weather may be better up there today I hope so

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...