I am procrastinating. I was hoping to catch the "J" caterpillars when they change to chrysalis but their antennae have not gone limp yet. I'ts about an hour or so after that when they make the change. UGH!
Thank you Linda for that info...wow, bravo and congratulations to you and Dennis AND Adam...he sounds very accomplished...next question...what is his career choice?
for Andrea: I am never on here same time as you.. Belated Birthday Wishes for one-year old Sweet Emma Glad Kubby's foot is all better now and am glad to hear you are getting the transcription from the doctor...so glad also you are finished school ! xoxo ♥
Invoking the memory of Robert E Lee Judie? This is more serious than I thought!!! LOL !!!
I love it how there is this competition and rivalary, LORETTA says HONK and we love you LOLLY...
Poor Panda in its formative years people confused him for a female...I would like to know how they finally decided she was a he and who was confident enough to announce it...Certainly glad they did not try to insaminate "her" is right...LOL
It was a redicilous paddle!!! We tried different drill paddling without the paddles, paddling with upside down paddles,half of the boat paddling forwards and the other half paddling backwards, then the real challenge was to paddle in a circle...we were laughing so hard it was a soaker...
And Saturday we go to beach her and prepare her for the winter storage...she will be on tires...
Today I heard that the Nelson Teachers get isolation pay!!! It shocked me because this usually happens in northern areas...I am 15 to 20 minutes away from the border for heavens sake, almost at the 49th parallel!!! I guess the reasoning is because we do not have specialists performing surgeries in the Nelson hospital and if they needed one they would have to go to Vancouver or Kelowna. All I can say is that they have a very good union negotiator...that is between 5 to 10 thousand extra dollars a year!!!
Invoking the memory of Robert E Lee Judie? This is more serious than I thought!!! LOL !!!
I love it how there is this competition and rivalary, LORETTA says HONK and we love you LOLLY...
Poor Panda in its formative years people confused him for a female...I would like to know how they finally decided she was a he and who was confident enough to announce it...Certainly glad they did not try to insaminate "her" is right...LOL
It was a redicilous paddle!!! We tried different drill paddling without the paddles, paddling with upside down paddles,half of the boat paddling forwards and the other half paddling backwards, then the real challenge was to paddle in a circle...we were laughing so hard it was a soaker...
And Saturday we go to beach her and prepare her for the winter storage...she will be on tires...
Today I heard that the Nelson Teachers get isolation pay!!! It shocked me because this usually happens in northern areas...I am 15 to 20 minutes away from the border for heavens sake, almost at the 49th parallel!!! I guess the reasoning is because we do not have specialists performing surgeries in the Nelson hospital and if they needed one they would have to go to Vancouver or Kelowna. All I can say is that they have a very good union negotiator...that is between 5 to 10 thousand extra dollars a year!!!
Yes LINDA it was. I love hearing about the stories from your garden and the yield that speaks of abundance and those little bunnies helping themselves even though Dennis planted a second attempt for peas...your place sounds like a little heaven in its own right.
Yes, Hoda..that is a great description of your evening...
it's time to have a little get-lost time in my book, nearly 3/4 finished now, The Help
James the Wise got some rock-skipping tips today from his uncle...he is getting better at it, little by little...we import rocks from Swinging Bridge and take them to the Potomac ☺
Will catch up on the rest of the night-time posts in the morning
Hi, Everyone, Dropping in now, before it's time for Grey's Anatomy.
Oh, golly! Hope that Mei doesn't have any psychological issues due to being raised as a girl until now!
Lynne2, gosh, I can't imagine having that many stink bugs in and on your house! Eeeeeeewwwwwww!!! Maybe you should look for a shop vac at a thrift store. Prayers that the pesky critters will find some OTHER house to hang out in!
Margy, it does seem as if we two have been like ships passing in the night lately! Emma thanks you for the Birthday wishes. Thanks for the "red shirt" reminder for tomorrow! Even though we have been keeping separate schedules lately, I still love reading your posts. Say, isn't "The Help" a fantastic story? Just the best writing!
Hoda, sounds like your paddling adventure tonight was lots of fun!
Well, I'd better get going now. Have one more report to finish transcribing before Grey's Anatomy. Prayers have been said for everyone, and every creature. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, everyone! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]
Jo had email with Suz and she was on FB from the library. She does not feel ready to talk yet, so no phone calls.
I THOUGHT toms could be frozen! Thanks, Paula!
Hoda, sounds like a rip-roaring paddle evening!!
They realized that the panda was a he because NOW they see little testes popping out. She/he is in China now...but a Chinese vet was here when the initial proclamation was made that she was a she!!
Hey....I love that Judie invoked REL! He is one of my favorite historical figures. Have a lovely print of him in a special place on my bookcase. And did you hear about the man from Harper's Ferry who bid $23K for a tintype that Goodwill had for auction? A heretofore unknown image.....it's quite good!
Wonder what has happened to Lolly this afternoon/evening????? Maybe she is busy trying to find a counter-avatar!!!
Goodnight to all turning in. Heavy rains by morning for some areas (Shirley, Judie, Loretta)and for Jo, DanaMo, Paula by noon----looks like we in the Eastern Panhandle are okay til evening. So be careful!!
From the Bear Center: Still worried At this point, we know nothing except that no one has seen Hope. We all just hope she is safe. Many are praying and lighting candles. We spent the day putting together the puzzle of Lily’s movements leading up to Hope’s disappearance. Nothing is clear.
Hope is at the top of my prayer list tonight. I hope no one minds. Peace.
Did not like reading about No Hope Found Yet. Keep praying cause that little gal has had a hard life BUT a life that may enable her to be on her own earlier then most yearlings.
I am feeling like I want to sleep! Sounds Reasonable doesn't it.
Good evening! About time for bed! Had a busy day. The funeral this afternoon was nice but long. I say nice in that it was very uplifting, a celebration of a good life. Then Jack and I went grocery shopping. We decided to do one of our evenings of cooking together, a new recipe. Are you ready for this....we had...Potato Gnocchi with pork and wild mushroom ragu. It took two hours to prepare and cook! BUT, it was so worth it! Yummy in the tummy!!!! I have never made gnocchi and it was fun. This is a definite repeat, but for company would have to cook it the day before. There were lots of steps and we were reading as we went along. We had fun!
After that I watched Grey's. It was really good. Did you see it, Paula?
DIANN, hoping you drop in tonight...wanted to tell you that the little black kitten that was often seen in my Trail Cam videos, has been adopted. Thought you's like to know that he has a good home:)
Grey's was very good tonight. Anxious for Private Practice to get started next week. That is almost as good as Grey's. Then, Sunday is THE GOOD WIFE, or is it Friday? Need to check that out!
I feel a face plant coming on...
WOW, busy day on the blog, and busy day for me so still catching up!
Foster kitten LeRoy, fomerly Alvin, was adopted last weekend! But, I had to bring Bobby home since he wasn't doing very well after LeRoy left. I'm so bummed they didn't get adopted together. Anyway, Bobby is very thin now, not eating as much but does seem to be loving being "home" again. He's got a vet appointment at 3 today just to make sure everything is okay. Andie, their sister has now moved on to the Rescue/Adoption Center. She's a Blue Tabby and spunky! Little Bobby is Mr. Super Duper Sensitive and is requiring a lot of love and holding him in a warm blanket as he gets so cold since he's skinny. Trying to fatten him up! Gee, wish I had that problem!
It's already time to get ready for RED FRIDAY, work day. TGIF!
Hi, Passing through. The dogs are restless, so I got up and let them out because Flash was crying at the top of the stairs, but he came in and is again crying at the top of the stairs. I do not know what is going on with that.
It seems that he has decided that everyone should be up and about at this hour.
Appreciate hearing that Jo and Suz made contact on Facebook..understand, no phone calls....let's just keep encircling Suz with our Love and Prayers and (( Hugs ♥ ))
Hedgie: I DO know about rock-skipping contests, thanks...I had googled that looking for tips on good techniques...saw that 53 skips might be the record!
Good Morning Lori, Hoda, Shirley,DanaMo, Margy. JudyE, Thelma and Lurkers. I see Wanda closed things up at late night or should I say early morning at 1:28am.
Still cam down
Live Feed down
What's a gal suppose to do for her Belle and Truder (until we vote on name later) sightings??????
Andy I see you received a "paycheck". Now every lady likes a paycheck when she has done the work. YEAH!!!!! Now will you spend some on a new bowling bowl?
Wow Bob your still have dizziness, headaches and fatigue from the concussion. After all this time??? They didn't put you on a new medication that can cause that did they??? Prayers for your health. We need you around to come to the RUMPELSTITSKIN LOL
Kay So happy that Julie is taking such good care of you. You need that right now!!! Just go with the flow lol Prayers for your healing and your protein level to come up with more engergy. HUGS LADY♥
Today is your last paddling day so I hope it is a Wonderful one Hoda. I am going to miss that adventure of yours.
I do know why I fall. Mine has always been the stensois if have. So I am glad I'm not yet looking at a more serious problem. Plus since the falls the left knee sometimes give way. Can't do anyting about that yet. Will only had problems due to scare tissue to go in on that knee replacement. Replaement is ok he MRI'ed it.
We have a fairly large cage that I put Flash into. He willingly went in there and was quiet the rest of the night. Sometimes he goes in there on his own when he is stressed.
Well I guess Zoo Atlant screwed that one up. Mei Lan (meaning Atlanta Beauty) is NOT A GIRL!!! UsUsually examined 24 hrs after birth for sex. Mei Len was examined until 2 day later due to Lun Lun nursing and Zoo Atlanta didn't want to disrupt her. So I guess China will change the name at least. From a female name to a male name. Or stay with Mei Lan.
All of the pandas that are returned to China have their names changed right off the bat......don't know if Mei Lan's new name was a gender specific name or not.
It showed on the news the other night. Kids fixing up their college rooms. Well one girl unwanted all her stuff to be from America. The catalog that the school gives them everything is made is China and other countries. NOT IS UNITED STATES. So the tv station helped her find her things some like the comforter was more expensive but other things where cheaper. When they finished decorating her college dorm room with all things made in UNITED STATES. IT ENDED UP BEING CHEAPER!!!!! All the other kids came in and now want the colleges to change the catalogs to include stuff made in United States!!!!!
So I see that I must once AGAIN 'splain some simple facts to a certain person on this blog. :) Dallas, along with all of the other NFL teams except Washington , are city and state oriented. The Washington team, AKA the REDSKINS, are "attached" to the CAPITAL CITY of this USA. Dallas is not the capital of this country. So only the SKINS can be AMERICA'S TEAM. Such an easy concept.....WHY do I have to repeat every year??
I would think that swatter WOULD leave a lingering odor of SB's! I noticed when I torched them out on the deck that the smell "happened" and the carcasses were even pitched overboard!
LOL your girls....let us just say there is only 1 team....Red Skins. Now who would they play????Themselves???? LOL oh this is fun...I do like the Red Skins I still have my blanket and other stuff. Along with the Pittsburg Steeler stuff Ed got me and his Steelers stuff.
Shar---did Sissy go to the commission meeting yesterday??
I think I forgot to tell you all that I ordered a new stereo. My old one is almost useless: cassette players don't work; the ON light is lit when unit is off, and not when it's on; only 2 of the 5 CD's changers play; and the clock gains 5 mins. every few days. When powering on or off, the CD tray opens and closes repeatedly, but it's very difficult to get it to do anything remotely or manually! All of these problems started very suddenly last winter. Have had a hard time finding a unit to fit my limited space--but finally did. It has arrived and now I have a JOB ahead of me. Not sure if I can do it with all the gloom---not enough artifical light in that corner...need SUN!
Once again...Good morning! Well, the front came through and once again...only a sprinkle. I try not to listen to the drought predictions...it is way to scary and depressing.
However, it is a beautiful day! 59 this morning, this first day of Fall. How about that! Presently 63 and we are LOVING IT!
Lori, so happy once kitty was adopted but so sorry the brothers were separated. Do you think that is why the one is loosing weight? Anxious for the vet report.
GOOD MORNING... Don't know just exactly when this Rivalry between Dallas & Washington started, but do know it can get very spirited! It is a fun game to watch because of the rivalry, but I say, "May the best team win!"
LYNN, I did not adopt the black kitten...our neighbors did. We hadn't seen him for a few weeks and thought something must have happened to him. Well, Wednesday, Gene went to our neighbor to get his battery charger and there among the dogs, was the kitten, playing with the dogs. Neighbor said the kitten just wandered there one day and stayed, so they feed him along with the dogs:)
Oh, too bad, Shar. Does your commission put meeting minutes on a website like ours does??? Maybe we can read them soon?? Or maybe there's a report in the newspaper??
Wanda, hope the neighbors are feedimng the kitty CAT food and not dog food!!
Shar, article says next scheduled meeting is the 11 th.....do they only meet one a month?? Ours meets weekly. That gives planning time---maybe all three of you gals could go!!!!
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 511 of 511hope this link works...
Baby Boomers Rock
Good Night, Lynne!! Miss chatting with you!! xoxo ♥
funny how Autumn and Spring dates change, summer and winter are immovable
The Electric fly swatter looks like a square, small tennis racket with a smaller handle...
not really that good for Mass Amounts of the Beast !!!
click the link Linda....we'll SING!
It works all right, the link.
That's GREAT !
Thanks...and Good Night to you and Steve....
I am procrastinating. I was hoping to catch the "J" caterpillars when they change to chrysalis but their antennae have not gone limp yet. I'ts about an hour or so after that when they make the change. UGH!
Sounds like a GREAT dinner you two had...just the two of you ♥ ♥ ?
Margy - My son is in South Florida (Deerfield Beach) just south of where Iris lived when she had her house in FL.
He loves the beach and loves to skim board. He graduated from college last May, has purchased his own home and is working full time there.
He comes up to visit at least twice a year and I go down there 2-4 times each year from one thing or another, with all the family I have there.
I do miss him terribly, but know I wouldn't see him day to day anyway.
When he comes up here we really get some great quality time together!
Thank you Linda for that info...wow, bravo and congratulations to you and Dennis AND Adam...he sounds very accomplished...next question...what is his career choice?
LOL Lynne!!!!
Need to slip this in:
Tomorrow is RED FRIDAY
(and of course the starting day for Autumn )
I finally found ONE stand of New England Asters...need to go find more !
He's a civil engineer.
oh, and brainy then too !
that takes good math !
Thanks for the heads up on the split...I would have been over there forever, LOL
Margy, I don't remove the seeds when I freeze them, just blanch, peel, quarter and put them in the bag!
for Andrea:
I am never on here same time as you..
Belated Birthday Wishes for one-year old Sweet Emma
Glad Kubby's foot is all better now
and am glad to hear you are getting the transcription from the doctor...so glad also you are finished school !
xoxo ♥
Heppy Birthday Adam and Kathryn!
Yeah, we have good math genes in the family. Adam gets that from his Dad and me, both!
Thanks Paula!!
that sounds much more sensible, Paula...hope you had a good crop this year !
Mine was feeble...better luck next year I hope!
Has anyone heard from or talked to Suzanne today? Sure have her on mind...
Invoking the memory of Robert E Lee Judie? This is more serious than I thought!!! LOL !!!
I love it how there is this competition and rivalary, LORETTA says HONK and we love you LOLLY...
Poor Panda in its formative years people confused him for a female...I would like to know how they finally decided she was a he and who was confident enough to announce it...Certainly glad they did not try to insaminate "her" is right...LOL
It was a redicilous paddle!!! We tried different drill paddling without the paddles, paddling with upside down paddles,half of the boat paddling forwards and the other half paddling backwards, then the real challenge was to paddle in a circle...we were laughing so hard it was a soaker...
And Saturday we go to beach her and prepare her for the winter storage...she will be on tires...
Today I heard that the Nelson Teachers get isolation pay!!! It shocked me because this usually happens in northern areas...I am 15 to 20 minutes away from the border for heavens sake, almost at the 49th parallel!!! I guess the reasoning is because we do not have specialists performing surgeries in the Nelson hospital and if they needed one they would have to go to Vancouver or Kelowna. All I can say is that they have a very good union negotiator...that is between 5 to 10 thousand extra dollars a year!!!
Invoking the memory of Robert E Lee Judie? This is more serious than I thought!!! LOL !!!
I love it how there is this competition and rivalary, LORETTA says HONK and we love you LOLLY...
Poor Panda in its formative years people confused him for a female...I would like to know how they finally decided she was a he and who was confident enough to announce it...Certainly glad they did not try to insaminate "her" is right...LOL
It was a redicilous paddle!!! We tried different drill paddling without the paddles, paddling with upside down paddles,half of the boat paddling forwards and the other half paddling backwards, then the real challenge was to paddle in a circle...we were laughing so hard it was a soaker...
And Saturday we go to beach her and prepare her for the winter storage...she will be on tires...
Today I heard that the Nelson Teachers get isolation pay!!! It shocked me because this usually happens in northern areas...I am 15 to 20 minutes away from the border for heavens sake, almost at the 49th parallel!!! I guess the reasoning is because we do not have specialists performing surgeries in the Nelson hospital and if they needed one they would have to go to Vancouver or Kelowna. All I can say is that they have a very good union negotiator...that is between 5 to 10 thousand extra dollars a year!!!
Going to say good night and head upstairs. I'll see you tomorrow.
Hoda - Sounds like that paddling today was a hoot!!! LOL
Yes LINDA it was. I love hearing about the stories from your garden and the yield that speaks of abundance and those little bunnies helping themselves even though Dennis planted a second attempt for peas...your place sounds like a little heaven in its own right.
Yes, Hoda..that is a great description of your evening...
it's time to have a little get-lost time in my book, nearly 3/4 finished now, The Help
James the Wise got some rock-skipping tips today from his uncle...he is getting better at it, little by little...we import rocks from Swinging Bridge and take them to the Potomac ☺
Will catch up on the rest of the night-time posts in the morning
Prayers for wellness, and Comfort for sadness...
Good Night, Precious Pals...
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
Thanks, Hoda! We're happy here!
Hoda, they spotted something rather obvious on Mei ☺
Hoda, the paddling sounded like fun! Great way to end the season!
Margy, my tomotoes were so-so this year...I really just want enough to enjoy one when I want one.
Well I think we are heading upstairs for the night.
I wish you all sweet dreams and restful, peaceful sleep!
May God Bless and Protect us and the critters we so dearly love xoxo ♥♥♥
Happy Birthday to your Adam, Linda!!! He's still a baby!!
Glad your day wasn't as bad as some of them have been!
Margy, sorry I goofed. I had the wrong location for your house....don't know how I did that!!
Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in now, before it's time for Grey's Anatomy.
Oh, golly! Hope that Mei doesn't have any psychological issues due to being raised as a girl until now!
Lynne2, gosh, I can't imagine having that many stink bugs in and on your house! Eeeeeeewwwwwww!!!
Maybe you should look for a shop vac at a thrift store. Prayers that the pesky critters will find some OTHER house to hang out in!
Margy, it does seem as if we two have been like ships passing in the night lately! Emma thanks you for the Birthday wishes. Thanks for the "red shirt" reminder for tomorrow! Even though we have been keeping separate schedules lately, I still love reading your posts. Say, isn't "The Help" a fantastic story? Just the best writing!
Hoda, sounds like your paddling adventure tonight was lots of fun!
Well, I'd better get going now. Have one more report to finish transcribing before Grey's Anatomy. Prayers have been said for everyone, and every creature.
Making sure the porch light is on.
Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, everyone! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]
Jo had email with Suz and she was on FB from the library. She does not feel ready to talk yet, so no phone calls.
I THOUGHT toms could be frozen! Thanks, Paula!
Hoda, sounds like a rip-roaring paddle evening!!
They realized that the panda was a he because NOW they see little testes popping out. She/he is in China now...but a Chinese vet was here when the initial proclamation was made that she was a she!!
Hey....I love that Judie invoked REL! He is one of my favorite historical figures. Have a lovely print of him in a special place on my bookcase. And did you hear about the man from Harper's Ferry who bid $23K for a tintype that Goodwill had for auction? A heretofore unknown image.....it's quite good!
Margy, do you know that there are rock-skipping contests???
Grey's was VERY good, Andy!!!
Wonder what has happened to Lolly this afternoon/evening????? Maybe she is busy trying to find a counter-avatar!!!
Goodnight to all turning in. Heavy rains by morning for some areas (Shirley, Judie, Loretta)and for Jo, DanaMo, Paula by noon----looks like we in the Eastern Panhandle are okay til evening. So be careful!!
From the Bear Center:
Still worried At this point, we know nothing except that no one has seen Hope. We all just hope she is safe. Many are praying and lighting candles. We spent the day putting together the puzzle of Lily’s movements leading up to Hope’s disappearance. Nothing is clear.
Hope is at the top of my prayer list tonight. I hope no one minds.
OOOOPPPPPSSSS PAULA!!! How so very diplomatic you are..."They noticed something obvious on the PANDA" I almost fell off my chair with laughter!!!
My tv shows were great!
Did not like reading about No Hope Found Yet. Keep praying cause that
little gal has had a hard life BUT a life that may enable her to be on her own earlier then most yearlings.
I am feeling like I want to sleep!
Sounds Reasonable doesn't it.
So I can have a rainy afternoon nap - great!
Tomorrow I will have a great grandson
turning 1 year old. He is the youngest.
He has the sweetest smile and loves to
cuddle. Marcus is his name!
I bid you all a Good Night
Sleep well and awaken refreshed
Praying for all our needs!
Hugs to every one ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Good evening! About time for bed! Had a busy day. The funeral this afternoon was nice but long. I say nice in that it was very uplifting, a celebration of a good life. Then Jack and I went grocery shopping. We decided to do one of our evenings of cooking together, a new recipe. Are you ready for this....we had...Potato Gnocchi with pork and wild mushroom ragu. It took two hours to prepare and cook! BUT, it was so worth it! Yummy in the tummy!!!! I have never made gnocchi and it was fun. This is a definite repeat, but for company would have to cook it the day before. There were lots of steps and we were reading as we went along. We had fun!
After that I watched Grey's. It was really good. Did you see it, Paula?
Guess I should be heading to the shower and then to bed. It has been a long day.
Has Kay been on?
Anything new about your car, Lynne?
So sorry about the sb's.
Night all! Sweet dreams?
Guess I should go to fb to see if there is any word on Hope.
LOLLY it sounds like so much fun the cook out with JACK.
No word on HOPE yet she has not been seen.
AMERICA'S TEAM??? I understand...good response. LOL
Did you read that the PANDA is not a she it is a he!!!They got it wrong at the zoo and in China...LOL
Rain? We're getting rain? Told Park Director TU that I'd see him Sat. "if the creek don't rise"!!!
Way past bedtime---sure flies when you're have fun!
Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for all, especially our sweet Hope ;>)
DIANN, hoping you drop in tonight...wanted to tell you that the little black kitten that was often seen in my Trail Cam videos, has been adopted. Thought you's like to know that he has a good home:)
Grey's was very good tonight. Anxious for Private Practice to get started next week. That is almost as good as Grey's. Then, Sunday is THE GOOD WIFE, or is it Friday? Need to check that out!
I feel a face plant coming on...
WOW, busy day on the blog, and busy day for me so still catching up!
Foster kitten LeRoy, fomerly Alvin, was adopted last weekend! But, I had to bring Bobby home since he wasn't doing very well after LeRoy left. I'm so bummed they didn't get adopted together. Anyway, Bobby is very thin now, not eating as much but does seem to be loving being "home" again. He's got a vet appointment at 3 today just to make sure everything is okay. Andie, their sister has now moved on to the Rescue/Adoption Center. She's a Blue Tabby and spunky! Little Bobby is Mr. Super Duper Sensitive and is requiring a lot of love and holding him in a warm blanket as he gets so cold since he's skinny. Trying to fatten him up! Gee, wish I had that problem!
It's already time to get ready for RED FRIDAY, work day. TGIF!
LORI SO sorry that the two cats did not get adopted together . I remember your saying that when you first took them there.
HAVE a GREAT DAY everyone.
I have yet to get to bed as it is 11:25 my time, so I will call it a night and wish you all sweet dreams and and God Bless one and all...
Hi, Passing through. The dogs are restless, so I got up and let them out because Flash was crying at the top of the stairs, but he came in and is again crying at the top of the stairs. I do not know what is going on with that.
It seems that he has decided that everyone should be up and about at this hour.
Lori, so sorry that the two kitties did not get adopted together.
A bleated happy birthday wish for Adam.
I do not know what I am going to do with this dog. He is crying at the steps again. Maybe I need to put him in his crate for awhile.
Shirely, has FLASH calmed down?
Try putting him in bed with you.
Good morning!
Good Morning DanaMO!
Sorry, I wasn't here to greet you. It's the typical busy Friday morning.
How are you? Any weekend plans?
Good Morning Eagle Pals ☼
I put the sun up, hoping to see some today, and also that Kay gets some to add some Vitamins D and K to her "diet."
Happy Birthday to Jo's youngest great grandson, turns the Big One Today xoxox ♥
and also...possibly Kay's Julie's Birthday today?? If so:
Happy Birthday to Julie ! xoxo ♥
Morning GLori
good for LeRoy, and hope so also for Andie in their new homes...
and for little Bobby, he is in the BEST place right now!
and Shirley, hope Flash...is okay...
fog and clouds pretty much precluded viewing any of the good ISS flyovers this week in the mornings...
oh well, there will be other times
Could someone please slow the clock down!
Appreciate hearing that Jo and Suz made contact on Facebook..understand, no phone calls....let's just keep encircling Suz with our Love and Prayers and (( Hugs ♥ ))
I DO know about rock-skipping contests, thanks...I had googled that looking for tips on good techniques...saw that 53 skips might be the record!
It's that time, already, to get ready to leave for work
Happy Autumn, Everyone as of 5:05 EDT this morning .. guess the West Coast has a wee bit of summertime left
and Red Friday....
try to put on a little RED for our Military folks
Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy, and Joyful Day, Everyone
ttfn xoxox ♥
Om my I have some much to get caught up on but that will have to wait
Wow we had some rough weather last nite on the drive to Angies it poured so bad and in my gauge I saw almost 2 inches last nite when I got home
Thanks for the first day of Fall reminder, MARGY. I'll get that on right away. Totally forgot!
Good Eagle-less Morning JudyE! What's happening in the world of Jordyn today? Hope you got all your rain out of the way.
Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.
Looks like there is no one here. I will catch you all on the flip side. : )
Good Morning Lori, Hoda, Shirley,DanaMo, Margy. JudyE, Thelma and Lurkers.
I see Wanda closed things up at late night or should I say early morning at 1:28am.
Still cam down
Live Feed down
What's a gal suppose to do for her Belle and Truder (until we vote on name later) sightings??????
Happy Autumn! I didn't want to put happy Fall....no more falling ( :
LOL DanaWV! No falling. :)
So happy to hear that the rescue that Nick came from. Saved 5 golden's from that Mercer County mess. Thank God!!! Good news!!
Yes Lori right no more falling!!!!
Andy I see you received a "paycheck". Now every lady likes a paycheck when she has done the work. YEAH!!!!! Now will you spend some on a new bowling bowl?
You must buy Emma a present you know ( :
Lori I like your avatar!!
Wow Bob your still have dizziness, headaches and fatigue from the concussion. After all this time??? They didn't put you on a new medication that can cause that did they??? Prayers for your health. We need you around to come to the RUMPELSTITSKIN LOL
Kay So happy that Julie is taking such good care of you. You need that right now!!! Just go with the flow lol Prayers for your healing and your protein level to come up with more engergy. HUGS LADY♥
Today is your last paddling day so I hope it is a Wonderful one Hoda. I am going to miss that adventure of yours.
I do know why I fall. Mine has always been the stensois if have. So I am glad I'm not yet looking at a more serious problem. Plus since the falls the left knee sometimes give way. Can't do anyting about that yet. Will only had problems due to scare tissue to go in on that knee replacement. Replaement is ok he MRI'ed it.
We have a fairly large cage that I put Flash into. He willingly went in there and was quiet the rest of the night. Sometimes he goes in there on his own when he is stressed.
Oh, good morning. I had just read Lori's question about Flash and was answering it when I realized I hadn't even said good morning.
So Hedgie-Lynn/e Liesel's foster Mom now has other foster dogs?
Shirley Hunter is so funny lol or maybe more like Wanda said, "hysterical".
OH NO Mr.Bob Loretta will be talking to "Peggy" on the phone...Loretta don't ask to speak to a supervisor please!!!!
I see Hedgie-Lynn/e is messing around with our Lolly. Why I say that is because of Hedgies-Lynn/e new avatar "Honk If You Hate Dallas". OH NO!!!!!
I like the names the Red Pandas got at the DC Zoo. Love the meanings of their names. ( : Thanks for posting Hedgie-Lynn/e.
Lynne2 I think you need to go get a lot of Praying Mantis!!!!!!!!!! They will eat the SB head atleast killing them.
Well I guess Zoo Atlant screwed that one up. Mei Lan (meaning Atlanta Beauty) is NOT A GIRL!!! UsUsually examined 24 hrs after birth for sex. Mei Len was examined until 2 day later due to Lun Lun nursing and Zoo Atlanta didn't want to disrupt her. So I guess China will change the name at least. From a female name to a male name. Or stay with Mei Lan.
I taped that show Jo "Person Of Interest". Will watch it later. Glad to hear it was good.
Happy Belated Birthday to Linda's son Adam.
If today is Kay's daughter Julie's Birthday ----Happy Birthday Julie
Good morming all.
Happy Birthday to Kay's JULIE!!
All of the pandas that are returned to China have their names changed right off the bat......don't know if Mei Lan's new name was a gender specific name or not.
Margy the electric fly swatter. Doesn't it leave the "Stinkbug Smell"????
Margy for your little area out back on the patio. 19 tomatoes is a lot!!!! Hope they all rippen for you. ( :
Margy I think you and me will finish the book "The Help" about the same time lol
Yes Grey's was very good tonight!!
Lori prayers that Little Kitten Bobby will eat well. Start pulling on some fat. Sorry they he and LeRoy didn't get to stay together. sad :(
Mema Jo Happy Birthday to your youngest grandson Marcus!!!
Wanda so HAPPY to hear that the "Trail Cam" kitten I would call "Trail" has been adopted. No more cold winters for you little darling. ( :
Hello errybody!
It showed on the news the other night. Kids fixing up their college rooms. Well one girl unwanted all her stuff to be from America. The catalog that the school gives them everything is made is China and other countries. NOT IS UNITED STATES. So the tv station helped her find her things some like the comforter was more expensive but other things where cheaper. When they finished decorating her college dorm room with all things made in UNITED STATES. IT ENDED UP BEING CHEAPER!!!!! All the other kids came in and now want the colleges to change the catalogs to include stuff made in United States!!!!!
Hi Sharon ( : How is Justin?
Happy Birthday to little Marcus, too!
Wanda, did YOU adopt the black kitty??
Lori, sorry that your "boys" were not adopted together....hope the little guy thrives under your care again.
Fog has lifted, and now it has started raining. Forecast does not osund nice for the next 4 or 5 days. :(
So I see that I must once AGAIN 'splain some simple facts to a certain person on this blog. :)
Dallas, along with all of the other NFL teams except Washington , are city and state oriented. The Washington team, AKA the REDSKINS, are "attached" to the CAPITAL CITY of this USA. Dallas is not the capital of this country. So only the SKINS can be AMERICA'S TEAM. Such an easy concept.....WHY do I have to repeat every year??
I would think that swatter WOULD leave a lingering odor of SB's! I noticed when I torched them out on the deck that the smell "happened" and the carcasses were even pitched overboard!
I am with you Hedgie. Redskins is America's team! Period! Nuff said. :)
LOL your girls....let us just say there is only 1 team....Red Skins. Now who would they play????Themselves???? LOL oh this is fun...I do like the Red Skins I still have my blanket and other stuff. Along with the Pittsburg Steeler stuff Ed got me and his Steelers stuff.
Thanks, Gals!
Shar---did Sissy go to the commission meeting yesterday??
I think I forgot to tell you all that I ordered a new stereo. My old one is almost useless: cassette players don't work; the ON light is lit when unit is off, and not when it's on; only 2 of the 5 CD's changers play; and the clock gains 5 mins. every few days. When powering on or off, the CD tray opens and closes repeatedly, but it's very difficult to get it to do anything remotely or manually! All of these problems started very suddenly last winter. Have had a hard time finding a unit to fit my limited space--but finally did. It has arrived and now I have a JOB ahead of me. Not sure if I can do it with all the gloom---not enough artifical light in that corner...need SUN!
Good morning!
Sorry Lynn, I did not give them this name. NFL films did that. What can I say? You will just have to repeat that to them.
Redskins colors are far too ugly to be called America's Team. (This comment from Jack!)
Once again...Good morning! Well, the front came through and once again...only a sprinkle. I try not to listen to the drought predictions...it is way to scary and depressing.
However, it is a beautiful day! 59 this morning, this first day of Fall. How about that! Presently 63 and we are LOVING IT!
Lori, so happy once kitty was adopted but so sorry the brothers were separated. Do you think that is why the one is loosing weight? Anxious for the vet report.
FB is just far too confusing. Really fed up! I have other things to do besides sitting and making lists. Is that what a lot of you are doing?
I have a new address program. What I really need to be doing is sitting and typing in info into that. Will get started on that soon.
Tonight Brenda is coming to dinner. She and Jack get to talk about their experiences on the Colorado River. Should be interesting!
No, Sissy did not go to the commission meeting.
Oh, Sharon, we were all hoping that Be went to the meeting. Would have been interesting to here how it went.
Bev....what happened to the v? lol
Don't know just exactly when this Rivalry between Dallas & Washington started, but do know it can get very spirited! It is a fun game to watch because of the rivalry, but I say, "May the best team win!"
LYNN, I did not adopt the black kitten...our neighbors did. We hadn't seen him for a few weeks and thought something must have happened to him. Well, Wednesday, Gene went to our neighbor to get his battery charger and there among the dogs, was the kitten, playing with the dogs. Neighbor said the kitten just wandered there one day and stayed, so they feed him along with the dogs:)
Oh, Lolly, I know YOU didn't, but the fans perpetuate it!!! :)
Nothin' ugly about the burgundy and gold, Jack! Rich, royal colors!
Oh, too bad, Shar. Does your commission put meeting minutes on a website like ours does??? Maybe we can read them soon??
Or maybe there's a report in the newspaper??
Wanda, hope the neighbors are feedimng the kitty CAT food and not dog food!!
Liesl does not want to play ball. She only wants to play with her new toy from foster mom....hmmmm!
Well, maybe they didn't have a meeting yesterday after all...???
News from Mercer Co.
Shar, article says next scheduled meeting is the 11 th.....do they only meet one a month?? Ours meets weekly. That gives planning time---maybe all three of you gals could go!!!!
Yes, Lynn, and I would not have put it up, however I had to counter your avatar.
Getting ready to start my day, need to get a move on.
Have a great Friday!!! Wish I had a nest to check on occasionally!
New thread.
Good morning/good afternoon one and all.
Happy Autumn Equinox.MARGY when it happend at 5:05 EDT it happened here at 2:05 EDT.I was fast asleep. Very sound and deep sleep I had.
Happy Birthday to MARCUS and JULIE.
Here's an interesting article.
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