Thursday, September 29, 2011


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...




Lolly said...

I am off for the night. Time to head to bed. Up to mow in the morning and then we go get the trailer. Yea!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Raining in TX

Wanda is getting her locks cut!

Lolly said...

Oh, well that surprised me!

Lolly said...

All kinds of wierd things, right, Jo?

Hoda said...

Good Lord LOLLY, Paula is right lots of swimming pools and I go to "TR Ave." and I see the large trees. It is amazing how thuis map transforms itself.It zeros in really close to the specific areas. I like the pictures on your blog and FB more though...THANKS AGAIN.

Hoda said...

Do you go to the Southside Church of Christ LOLLY?

hedgie said...

I'll try the felt-tip! Thanks, Paula---never gave that a thought!!

Wanda, WOW.....can't wait to see the results of your haircut! I didn't know that it mattered about split ends.....can't they just trim them at the "factory?"

Ready to give my puter a rest, too. Not to mention ME! Sweet dreams. See all y'all tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Glad you got it to work for you, Hoda. Yeah, not a real close up but interesting to see the neighborhood. Thanks for the compliments on the yard.


Lolly said...

No, Hoda. Go to First Christian Church Burleson. (Disciples of Christ)

PA Nana said...

Before anyone sends out a silver alert, I'm alive and here.


Have to read back a bit but will never catch up completely.

If there is anything I should know, please let me know.

Please add a cousin,Penny,who has mesothelioma but doing good for now. Her tumors have shrunk. She has 3 children and a half dozen grands. Her daughter just gave me the update but more prayers never hurt. Thank you!

Have to turn the heat on tonight.
I say my goodnights now and read back some before I fall asleep.

God bless everyone.

Hoda said...

Good night, sweet dreams and God Bless...

DanaMo said...

Good morning...

DanaMo said...

Hey Paula,
Loved the picture you posted on FB, but there were soooo many comments I thought I would just put mine here. What a beautiful sight!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMO!


DanaMo said...

AMEN, Lori!

magpie said...

Good Cool Morning Eagle Pals...

Hoping this is a good Friday for your RED on ???

can't really tell what the weather is going to be all about...maybe rain, maybe not....

Prayers for Diann's cousin Penny are on the list now!

magpie said...

just remember:

Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life !
Hope it is a Joyful One !

my Friday is Saturday, but it will get here soon enough ... ☺

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone...

time to get ready and disappear

xoxox ♥

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Glo worms sounds so neat I googled it just to see what it was this is a video and picture of them tooo coooool There are differeent pictures of them but I like this video of them
Glow worms in a cave

Lori O. said...

Good Morning JudyE and Margy.

Margy, I'm wearing a reddish shirt today - best I can do getting ready in the dark! :)

Judy, Are you ready for the monkeys today? You are a dream Grandmother!

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

You, too, are a fabulous Grandma, Margy! But I tell you that all the time! We have some lucky little kids whose Grandmothers hang out with eagles.

Lori O. said...

Hey, Hey, Thelma Loo & Buddy, too.

T-Bird said...

Morning Lori, JudyE, and Magpie.

JudyEddy said...

Woot Woot we have a cold front coming down well it won't get cold cold but with will be less humid and some what cooler and there are two hurricanes out there and they fronts are keeping them from us We have two more months of hurricane season
Highs and Low for the week
89 83 81 85 88 88 88 highs
68 59 63 67 68 69 lows


JudyEddy said...

That 59 looks nice

JudyEddy said...

When I did the map I had to changes the map thingy on the right to satellite view and it came up on map view it didn't try that HODA there is a rectangel box on top right of the map that says map drop down to satellite and see if it works I can see my house really good I like google map better can also go45 degree and look at front of house

JudyEddy said...

Did you see on the news that they are making a big deal of Michelle Obama being at Target shopping

JudyEddy said...

Off to go get Jordyn

magpie said...

I just received word from my grandson's Daddy..
their long time pal pet Harley....
(same name as my other friend's dog..)
a wonderful German Shepherd Rotweiler mix....died over night.
He has been ailing and failing...lost his hearing
He has been on the planet longer than James....who is almost 12; he has been a dear companion to my son in law....and my grandson...
James does not know yet, guess that will come after school today....

Will you please add some prayers today for James and Big James...
for comfort at this time of loss...
Thank You ... ♥
I know this is the place to come to for that....

Must leave for work now, but I really just want to go the other way and be up at Berkeley Springs...

T-Bird said...

You got it Magpie.

T-Bird said...

Later Judy.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Prayers for Big James and Little James, Margy, and for Harley.

Also for Diane and Penny.

Lori O. said...




♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Come on over!

T-Bird said...

Catch you all later.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...