Sunday, September 18, 2011


Today is post number 2,000 for this blog.  Thank you all for your support, and here's hoping we have a happier, more active eagle season next time around.

Fresh thread, number 2,000.


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Hoda said...

THANK YOU VERY MUCH STEVE. For the new thread and for the 2000 blog thread. We appreciate all you do for us. I agree with your wishes for the coming eagle nesting season.

stronghunter said...

Thanks Steve. Two thousand threads! Wow! Have a good day. A good eagle season is something to hope for and look forward to.

Thanks for the call-over, Hoda.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve - this group is known to be
Record Breaking! Thanks for letting us know about 2000!

Thanks Hoda

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. Have a productive trip to Denver. Suspect we all are hopeful for a better eagle season in 2012.

wvgal_dana said...



wvgal_dana said...

It just wiggle down into the egg cup

wvgal_dana said...

it was just moving some stuff in nest

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Steve. We are all praying for a better season too.

2000-can you say longevity?

wvgal_dana said...

it is just sitting there I can't see its head

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

It just called out a few seconds ago

wvgal_dana said...

It wiggle down into egg cup, now up again.

wvgal_dana said...

It is preening

NatureNut said...

WOW!!! 2000! Thank you, Steve!Hope we haven't "talked" off your ears!
Praying for a better animal season in 2012!!

Saw a hummingbird just a few minutes ago, so will leave feeder up & redo the contents.I think last one I saw in 2010 was in early Oct. Cloudy & 64° here.

Just talked to daughter. She saw property for first time yesterday afternoon & said it looked like a holocaust.When they & friends were walking property, Jimmy sunk in a hole up to his waist from what had been a pine tree stump & roots. Even tho oak trees are there & most w/singed leaves, they won't know if they're alive until spring.Fubby thinks they should just find another house. I'm starting to agree. Sher was on way back to prop. Yesterday they found something from her dresser top Outside house in flower bed. So, she's thinking jewelry box on top might have fallen out & will do her dig there today.She thinks even what's been found is not good---all dirty. That's enough about that. My head is reeling just from listening!I have to look for more pics I have of art work on inside.

I actually put on Still cam last evening. Clock was correct, but it looked a lot darker than I think it was. If Truder stays around, I'm wondering how long he will keep head spots. Sure helps to ID.

Mema Jo said...

I caught the 'tail end' of the Decorah
eagle in the nest. I wish they would zoom back a little for now with the cam
Thanks Dana.

Can't get the Red Panda Cam to open right now.

I think it is Lunch break time......

wvgal_dana said...

Well I guess that was for my viewing only. It just flew out. Don't know if it will be back. I even went onto facebook chat. It message there to everyone. DID ANYBODY OTHER THAN ME GET TO SEE IT??? It was there from before my first post cause I was doing something in kitchen and heard it fly in. Before 12:26 until 12:39 or 12:40

Mema Jo said...

Remember Momma Owl in the Pot Plant
She is on her 3 eggs around 6:00 pm

NatureNut said...

Thx, Dana! I just missed it. Sure is windy there.

wvgal_dana said...

I had been outside and came in to get my book for some warm sunshine reading. When I realized I had something on the stove. It took me about 10 minutes and the eagle was in then but I couldn't get to the computer then. So it visited for a long time. I loved the wiggle wiggle down into where the egg cup will be.

Mema Jo said...

Yes Dana - My comment is above your last one.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Loretta, a difficult trip for Sherry and Jimmy. It would be a bleak place to try to rebuild, I would think. I do not know how long it would take for a recovery.

A fresh start in a new place might be a good idea.

wvgal_dana said...

They had the decorah cam pulled back yesterday. I too wish they would pull it back some.

JudyEddy said...


wvgal_dana said...


NOT A LINK:September 16

Juvenile female bald eagle was hit on a road in the Decorah area while "dining" on roadkill raccoon. A passing car called the Raptor Resource Project (and waited for help to arrive) and Bob rescued the eagle. After a quick call to SOAR, Bob discovered that Kay was going to be in NE Iowa the next day so could transfer the eagle to her. They agreed she (by size of beak and feet) was likely a two-year-old bird, having gone through one complete molt. She does not have any compound fractures, but is also not puttting full weight on her left foot. She is not underweight and is feisty. Her first night at SOAR will be a quiet one with food and fluids offered.

JudyEddy said...

I wrote a book here so sorry I just had to vent about work again

Funny cloths shrinking in the closet I'll remember that from now on DANAMO I know what you mean Has to be the humidity of the summer ya think!

Yeah Paul saw eagles again I sure wish that would happen here I know we have quite few in the area have seen a couple of times but not in my yard I am envious of it

HI LORI so glad yo see you check in You will be grounded young lady the next time you don't check in LOL My kids lived on being grounded When you went out there did you know you were bringing back another animal?

I have another walmart delima and I am just besides myself with what my boss said IDIOTS Yesterday and this mornin in the dark parking lot at the end of it where we have to park was a blue truck in the spot where I always park Well guess what there were three people under sheets in the bed of the truck sleeping and one in the cab It scared the s--t out of me to where I did scream when I saw the sheets move saw a outline of a head three of them under the sheets Well I went in the store to complain to mgmt and was just blown off one rolled her eyes at me as if I was lying Well this am I took two pictures of the white sheets and the truck to show them and yes you could see the outline of the heads bumps I told the mgr that rolled her eyes yesterday I took a picture that way you will believe me She just smirked and another manager told just to park somewhere else I said I though I should be able to feel comfortable parking for work and I shouldn't have to move that there is a NO OVERNITE Parking Just makes me mad three mgmts blew me off One of the associate told me just to call the cops I am still mad as you can tell the more I think about it the madder I get Montez the asst said let them sleep he is a IDIOT sorry but that is truth The two mgr that I complained to are Co Mgr we have no store mgr right now Thats a long story we think he is under investigation for embezzlement of company funds I was thnking of going to the market office they are in out building What do you think am I making a mountain out of a mole hill

wvgal_dana said...

I see your comment Mema Jo and Happy at least someone else got to see it. ( : I really tried to get everyone's attention on facebook chat.

Mema Jo said...

Do not Judy - but I feel a complaint to Police and let them handle it. Your
management leaves a lot to be desired.
Yours and your co-workers safety should be their foremost concern.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN the gator get there through a culvert pipe between the retention pond and the lakes that the pond drains in to and I think this little guy doesn't know how to get back MAYBE

JudyEddy said...

wow I am almost caught up

wvgal_dana said...

The chat room there is saying that was Dad. They say he has shorter feathers in tail.

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle at Decorah calling out again I think it is sitting in top of tree.

hedgie said...

It's time for SKINSball!!!!

Wow, 2000 "new" threads! Amazing!

hedgie said...

Shirley, the FD's DO make good momey off the Bingo games. Shannon's volunteer company in Charles Town (Ranson) used to do it weekly and it was VERY worth their expense, time and trouble! But then a huge corporate daily parlor opened up here at one of our shopping centers (old Penney's store) and sends buses to CT to pick up people. Much higher jackpots....and the fire company lost their players. Not fair...:(

hedgie said...

Well, steaks in freezer....I think I was robbed! I was sure I had four filet's form that Omaha "prize" and I only remember eating two. :(
Cheeseburgers it will be, which is okay, too! Love cheeseburgers!

hedgie said...

Daggone it.....Grossman through another stupid interception. I just knew he was not the one who should have been picked as starting QB.

hedgie said...

Another darn interception off a tip. Receiver's fault....BUT .....

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle back at Decorah brought in a branch with leaves

hedgie said...

Arizona up 7-0. :(

hedgie said...

7-3.....finally on the board.

Lolly said...

Home from church. Thread 2000, I do believe it is time to party!♥☺☼

Sun is shining bring...waiting for this promised rain! Already up to 85. When I was young we used an electric blanket with dual controls. I needed the warmth but Jack did not. No way would I use an electric blanket now! In fact, took that blanket to Goodwill just a few months ago.

I am off now to mow a few floors before football!

Lolly said...

Judy...I am thinking that possibly those could be homeless folks. Could they be finding a safe place to park? Some Wal Marts do provide overnight parking. I think it is a great service to those needing a place to park, as long as they do not litter. Just some humble thoughts!

Lolly said...

roflmbo.....I am really not going to mow my floors but MOP the kitchen and bathrooms. ☺

Mema Jo said...

I have a yard full of plump robins - most are taking advantage of the bird bath my son put in backyard yesterday.

hedgie said...


Lolly said...

Love my birdbaths, Jo. So far this year, besides the usual, we have seen a rs hawk and an owl at the birdbaths. One time we saw over 20 doves in just one birdbath. Amazing! Then there is our stream....the birds love it!

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle just landed at Decorah now flew up in tree

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta, so heartbreaking for the kids and I know how much you hurt for them. I think that starting over someplace else would be better. It will never be the same.....and I've heard that the smell lingers in the ground for a very long time. If the trees don't recover, they won't have shade.....just all so awful.

wvgal_dana said...


Lolly said...

I just can not imagine what it would be like to rebuild right there where the fire and former house were located. There is much to take into consideration...the cost of the land and the neighbors.
Were they friendly and close to their neighbors?

hedgie said...

Sounds like that Decorah eagle is confused as to what time of year it is!

stronghunter said...

How many of the neighbors would come back?

hedgie said...

Judy, I would be concerned, too. If the lot is plainly marked No Overnight Parking, I would call the police. Can't be too safe!

Lolly, why wouldn't you use an electric blanket?? When I was a WE, it was dual controls, too.

stronghunter said...

Nice interception.

hedgie said...

Good thought, Shirley.....if they are GOOD friends, that relationship will continue anywhere they go.

About time! SKINS picked off a pass!

hedgie said...

I keep losing the still cam....thanks for letting us know that it IS working, JudyE...haven't had to refresh it so often in a long time.

stronghunter said...

Yes, company should be concerned for employees and customers. Think I would just call the police and not mention it again at work.

stronghunter said...

The neighborhood would definitely change.

I don't know how long the smell of fire would last outdoors. I distinctly remember that smell. After we had our laundry room fire, I did not want a fire in the fireplace for awhile.

hedgie said...

Well, darn...NOT an interception.

stronghunter said...

Nice pass.

hedgie said...

I'm confused.....we still have th eball....maybe they thought they had intercepted after we did....whatever! We are on the march downfield.

stronghunter said...

Not sure what happened, either, Lynn.

hedgie said...

They scored....14-10....come ON Skins....gotta do better than this.

Lolly said...

Lynn, I am now very warm natured. One regular blanket is enough for me. An electric blanket would be way too much warmth!

Judie said...

Quick visit.

Loretta, Sherry and Jim will do what they believe is best for them but, my opinion, a fresh start might be the best option. Devastation and sad memories will be in that community for a long time.

Shirley, does Hunter like steak? lol

A gazillion Robins and other birds in our front and back yards. Lawn was dethatched and seeded. Come Spring, birds will have blades of grass instead of feathers.

Missed the Decorah visit but injured eagle sounds as if she might heal. Hope so.

'Skins on the warpath.

hedgie said...

Now settling for a field goal....14-13.....argh!!

stronghunter said...

Hunter does like steak. Definitely.

I will be looking for green birds next spring, Judie.

stronghunter said...

73-yard TD Cardinals. Oh dear.

stronghunter said...

Hmm, this was SUPPOSED to be an easy win.

The kind of games they have lost in the past. Not a good sign.

stronghunter said...

Why did you ask, Judie?

hedgie said...

21-13....:( NOT GOOD ATALL!

stronghunter said...


hedgie said...

TOUCHDOWN!!!!! Missed the 2 pt. conversion.....21-19.

stronghunter said...

Yay, Moss!!

hedgie said...

Strange, Lolly...normally losing weight makes one feel the cold more!

Shirley, the commercials are not ending before action starts on the field sometimes....we are missing something because of that, apparently! Grrrr.

stronghunter said...

Field goal!

hedgie said...

SKINS 22-21.....had to settle for a field goal least Gano made this one! Now to hold them for 1:45....FINGERS CROSSED.
Yeah, easy game...NOT!

hedgie said...

Lucky Hoda is missing out on all this drama!!!

stronghunter said...

I do not like to see that much time left on the clock.

hedgie said...

Thelma, where are you????

FUMBLER---SKINS have the ball back---maybe....see what the officials say! At least that would hopefully seal the win if they do!

stronghunter said...

Crucial play. Whose ball? Fingers crossed for sure.

hedgie said...

ALRIGHT!!!! FUMBLE recovery!!!!

stronghunter said...

Washington's ball!!

hedgie said...

Guess they can just fall on it now. So glad the officials reviewed it. Team can't ask for a review in the last 2 mins.

hedgie said...

Will admit that we have to play better than this to beat those ol' Cowboy's next week.

hedgie said...

That's in the book as a WIN, pretty or not!!! Hail to the Redskins!

NatureNut said...


stronghunter said...

Hail to the Redskins!!

JudyEddy said...

UPDATE from the my managers she meant to say Park somewhere else in till we get it taken care of Only after I pitched a fit It really was bothering me and I talked with several assoc and ended up going into the mgr office having a pow wow with her and I know she only threw the part in about looking into it after I made a big deal about it I told her if he was there in the am I will call the cops I shouldn't have to park else where when the securtiy guy isn't doing is job So I feel better

paula eagleholic said...

thank you Steve..hard to believe 2000th thread...and to a happier new season, I agree

paula eagleholic said...

Been cloudy and cool here the lawn mowed, then fished for some nibbles but no fish...did see an osprey :)

JudyEddy said...

when did the still cam come back

NatureNut said...

Thank you Judie about TX concerns. We talked to her again today & they did look at one nice house, but they are now 3X what they paid 10 yrs. ago!! She called to say she found big blue sapphire that was in ring of mine I gave her when she turned 16. My Aunt got it in the Orient for me when I was in about 10th grade. She said none of what they've found gem-wise is any good. Discolored & crumbly.
Time will tell what happens.Can only pray, send email ((HUGS)) & support.
I've got to shut up about this stuff---others have gone thru worse.

stronghunter said...

Glad you feel better, Judy. You definitely need to feel safe when you arrive at work, and you have every right to feel that way.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and cormorants too. One just landed in the water out front

stronghunter said...

Oh, Loretta, don't feel that you have to shut up. This is a tough situation. I would have a heck of a lot to say if this happened to one of my kids.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo skins

stronghunter said...

It is hard to lose sentimental things such as all of your jewelry, Loretta.

JudyEddy said...

In FL the lots are marked NO OVERNITE Parking because of tax revenue that the state looses we get a lot of campers that try to park there and they are asked to move but with the truck and the guy under the sheets Mgmt thinks that they aren't noticed so I hope that it will be taken care of and we have homeless shelter here big time the only this is no smoking or drinking allowed and most of the bums won't stay because of that OK enough of that Should be resolved tomorrow I HOPE one way or the other I will call the police if they are there

I LOVE THE CAM IS UP I was hoping the live would be but not Maybe we will get a visit tonight I may not go to the beach we will see

JudyEddy said...

I may just have to go to Kmart down here to see if they have elec blankets Walmart doesn't sell them for the past couple of years

stronghunter said...

Susan got really upset when the box containing her jewelry fell off Tom's truck on I-95 during one of her moves. I have been trying to give her jewelry for Christmas and birthdays since then.

She lost all of her undies and jewelry except for the few things Tom managed to grab when he pulled off the road and salvage. That must have been a picture. Tom grabbing Susan's bras.

JudyEddy said...

I just chuckled at the bra comment to funny

JudyEddy said...

Hey NILLA is coming to Fl on the 25th I told her I would be in NC otherwise I would invite her to come see me and have a cup of coffee I had made the vacation plans thinking the open house would then I put in for two week one week will be in Nc and the other was to see the nest which seems to be a bust I wanted to see in June and Terry wanted just to take a cruise over Will play by ear I guess

OH NO LYnn finds that someone has taken her meat call 911 LOL

hedgie said...

NASCAR still on rain-delay in Chicagoland....drying track...they have lights, so if weather cooperates, looks like they will get the race in today.

hedgie said...

Loretta, you can tell us about the situation any time. We CARE, and are so concerned.

Shirley, poor Susan...that would be maddening. Hope that the jewelry wasn't of big sentimental value; that can't be replace. :(

JudyE, I got my new electric blanket at WalMart last year.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN thanks for the update on the race I thought I missed it didn't even turn on the tv yet odd for me that is usually the first think I do when I get home

Maybe we don't sell because of Fl

stronghunter said...

She had a number of pieces that held sentimental value. We all do, don't we? I had watched her when she packed it carefully in a plastic box with separate compartments.

I have to say that it concerned me that Tom took the risk to stand on the side of I-95 and try to gather up Susan's undies. The undies were replaced with a trip to Victoria's Secret.

paula eagleholic said...

Gettin ready to head out to you after 9:30

magpie said...

Happy Trails, Paula and Nick....


hedgie said...

JudyE---the plot sickens.....more evidence: my grill brush was not hanging where I put it! So whoever stole my steaks apparently cooked them on my grill, too!! ROFL!

Judie said...


Loretta, you are welcome to talk all you want to and need to about Sherry or anything else for that matter. We do care and we are a family of friends.

Shirley, I asked about the steaks because of Hunter's antics. Had an image of him skulking about with two steaks.

Judy, probably did the right thing about the people parking in the lot. Hope they disappear. Be careful.

Off to the kitchen.

magpie said...

I don't have a lot of jewelry but what I have I wouldn't want to lose. Especially the little necklaces that James has made at Church Camp for me.

I wear the two rings that mean the most to me...Mother's and Grandmother's

I am so sorry that Susan lost those dear things, Shirley

JudyEddy said...

I think we need to get a finger print dust and find out who is up to no good with your meat LOL You have me laughing so hard I almost wet myself LOL

magpie said...

don't mean to be - well - truthful, but I don't care how many blankets or clothes I pile on, I cannot get warm if I am cold...besides I cannot stand all that weight !!

Another person is the best warm blanket....

In the absence of that, I have used a Heated Blanket for six years, throughout the year..
even in the summer with the A/C on.

JudyEddy said...

112 comments in 5 and a half hours wow chatty bunch we are Ok I'm gonna go do something even if it wrong BBL I love it I can see the whole nest now

magpie said...

I am sorry I did not speak up....but I was lagging behind, and arrived at Megan's Market at 11:45.
Just wasn't sure I was going to make it.
I got the most fragrant bouquet of Eucalyptus sprigs, and another lovely bunch of something that is purple but I cannot remember the name of it.

William Barry....fantastic. Lovely music and song.
They played something and I asked if it was an original composition....he and his father? Uncle? laughed and said it was a Rolling Stones song !!
Then he played something original and it was wonderful

Megan looked just wonderful and we had a nice little visit

magpie said...

Megan said they have not seen any eagles flying lately, but she and Russ saw a bird they think might have been an Osprey:

Here is her message written on her chalk board mounted on the side of her Red Van:

"This is my Last Week with Fresh Flowers. See you the Last Week of November with Evergreen Wreaths."

Megan will be starting the Pumpkin Patch detail in the schools, soon, in October....

JudyEddy said...

I'm the same way I just turn my heat up to where I am comfortable I hate bundling up in my own house I have know some peeps to wear hats and gloves and jackets in their house because they didn't want to run the heat NOT ME I like it WARM Ok now I am gone Maybe LOL

magpie said...

Megan simply said, she is tired and her garden is tired....

now to start making ready for things that need attention in the springtime...

magpie said...

Oh, it must be a little breezy at the nest....more nest showing, leaves moving aside

magpie said...

Redskins pulled out a good win, didn't they !
Cut it pretty close though.
I was listening while in the car

stronghunter said...

Hunter is home and things are a-hoppin'; his new buddy Tavon, Travon (?) wants to dig for rocks. I am getting a kick out of this rock-hounding thing.

magpie said...

Great Shirley!
If this rock that looks like a whole fish did not weigh about 15 pounds, I would love to send it to Hunter !

magpie said...

think I will dig through my collection of little rocks though and send him some specialties

Whoa, sent to Michael's to replenish my sticker collection....
got, a lot...

Costume Lady said...

When we used to travel a lot, we parked in Walmart parking lots nearly every night. It was easier than running around in the dark trying to find an RV Park. At that time, Mr. Walton was still living and he was very adamant about letting RVs park at his stores. We even found a few that had areas set aside for RVs, with electricity and some even had 'Dump Outs'! We always knew we were welcome there and didn't worry about being told to leave in the middle of the night!
After Mr. Walton died, one by one, the stores chose to not let us park anymore. That was a big disappointment. The majority of RVers go into the stores and buy groceries and toiletries and even gifts. We have been run out of so many Walmarts, after the Mr's death, that I began to feel like a criminal. So now, we park in the back of Cracker Barrel, which is allowed and welcomed (for now).

hedgie said...

Shirley, you have a VS daughter, too!!!! Christie is mine!

stronghunter said...

That is fine, Margy. The fun is in the finding. They are having a blast. I am happy for my house to be the geology center.

magpie said...

also got a nice 15-foot sparkly Autumn garland to put on our Perpetual Season Tree at the office...

and went to visit my co-workers from yesterday and one of the Saturday on-site supervisors who was back in the office today

I was going to try to clean house, but that just wasn't what my spirit needed

stronghunter said...

Small rocks will be fine, Margy.

magpie said...

I see a good number of Tractor Trailers in the WalMart parking lot from time to time Wanda....
sure glad that Cracker Barrel is friendly

also wish JudyE's managers would be more supportive of her concerns....the call to police rightly, should come from THEM.

Lolly said...

Lynn, my internal thermostat has changed. I am not hot all the time! lol However, at night I am very happy with just my blanket...and of course, Jack!

Now, I do have an electric lap blanket and I use it those times I just can not get warm in the evenings. Before going to bed a nice warm shower does the trick.

magpie said...

am happy to read that Sherry found the Sapphire, at least...hope it is in good shape

OK Shirley I will look for some triangles, diamond, round, square and rectangles rocks ☺

magpie said...

another person works in about three minutes or less, Lolly ♥

magpie said...

I am out of energy, so will go visit the electric blanket-warmed bed for a wee bit

ttfn xoxox ♥

Lolly said...

Loretta, please continue to tell us about Sherry and Jim's finds, decisions, disappointments, etc!
We care and want to know how they are progressing.♥

hedgie said...

Shirley, I was a rockhound as a kid. Jenn was into it a few years ago and I gave her my "kit" and some of my finds.

Margy, good that you got to talk to Megan. Hope her flower season was profitable. I'm sure the greens will be for the holidays--still a lot of work for her, but not as dependent on the weather!

I have been known to turn on my electric blanket, too, when the AC is on!!! Much easier than getting up to turn it off!

JudyEddy said...

So sad in Lakeland a man went in to a church and shot two local pastors and killed his wife also at their house He use to be a deacon at that church He killed his wife first and then walked to the church and at point blank so far both pastor are alive Wow

JudyEddy said...

Speaking of rock one year my daughter asked what I wanted for my bday and thats what I said was rocks I got some really cool ones a light emerald green and other soo pretty People at worked asked what I got for my bday and was shocked when I said rocks Like coal for Christmas they thought

hedgie said...

My burgers were quite good....and hit the spot.
While the grill was heating up, Liesl and I went for a little walk---to take the trash out. She did SO well.....her loose-leash walking is gentle, and she heeled well, too. My good little girl!

hedgie said...

Oh, Judy, how tragic. Pray that the pastors survive. Hope they've arrested the guy.

Rocks for a gift.....nothing wrong with that when it's what you want!!!

I've often seen the semi's at WalMart, too...but never any RV's anymore. Maybe they are more lenient with them because of their driving hours limits.

hedgie said...

Margy, a body is good as long as it's not one with cold feet!!!!
Hope everyone at work was doing okay. I'm sure they appreciated your support.

JudyEddy said...

Check out the visit to the blog by state and how many visit This is tooo cool this is part of the Revovler Map it is the BAR option of the 3 you can choose from I thought it interesting didn't know if you would but I am passing on

Percent & Number of Visits
1 West Virginia Sept 18, 2011 21.92% 25,160
2 Maryland Sept 18, 2011 19.10% 21,924
3 Virginia Sept 18, 2011 10.26% 11,781
4 Pennsylvania Sept 18, 2011 7.08% 8,130
5 - Sept 18, 2011 4.56% 5,232
6 Ohio Sept 18, 2011 4.19% 4,816
7 Florida Sept 18, 2011 3.85% 4,420
8 New York Sept 18, 2011 3.72% 4,274
9 California Sept 17, 2011 2.73% 3,129
10 Wisconsin Sept 18, 2011 2.66% 3,056
11 North Carolina Sept 17, 2011 2.53% 2,909
12 Illinois Sept 17, 2011 2.33% 2,677
13 Texas Sept 18, 2011 2.10% 2,406
14 Maine Sept 1, 2011 1.17% 1,342
15 New Jersey Sept 18, 2011 0.94% 1,074
16 Massachusetts Sept 8, 2011 0.86% 990
17 Indiana Sept 14, 2011 0.72% 828
18 Colorado Aug 30, 2011 0.66% 755
19 Oregon Sept 10, 2011 0.61% 703
20 Georgia Sept 12, 2011 0.60% 689
21 Tennessee Sept 15, 2011 0.59% 673
22 Alabama Aug 9, 2011 0.58% 664
23 South Carolina Sept 14, 2011 0.56% 646
24 Michigan Sept 12, 2011 0.55% 631
25 Idaho Sept 18, 2011 0.54% 616
26 Iowa Sept 11, 2011 0.49% 560
27 Missouri Aug 26, 2011 0.48% 552
28 Nebraska Sept 14, 2011 0.43% 491
29 Minnesota Sept 14, 2011 0.36% 418
30 Oklahoma Sept 3, 2011 0.35% 404
31 Arizona Aug 28, 2011 0.32% 368
32 Delaware Sept 6, 2011 0.30% 344
33 Connecticut Sept 15, 2011 0.27% 314
34 Kentucky Sept 2, 2011 0.27% 305
35 Washington Sept 14, 2011 0.24% 281
36 New Mexico Sept 10, 2011 0.19% 218
37 New Hampshire July 15, 2011 0.17% 196
38 Utah Sept 17, 2011 0.11% 125
39 Louisiana Sept 12, 2011 0.09% 109
40 Kansas Sept 13, 2011 0.09% 102
41 Arkansas Aug 3, 2011 0.07% 78
42 Hawaii May 18, 2011 0.06% 67
43 South Dakota June 22, 2011 0.05% 59
44 Rhode Island Aug 17, 2011 0.05% 53
45 Nevada June 16, 2011 0.04% 49
46 Mississippi Aug 15, 2011 0.04% 48
47 Vermont Aug 26, 2011 0.04% 46
48 Montana Aug 21, 2011 0.04% 44
49 North Dakota June 20, 2011 0.02% 20
50 Wyoming June 1, 2011 0.02% 18
51 Alaska Sept 6, 2011 0.00% 9
52 Armed Forces Pacific July 18, 2011 0.00%

hedgie said...

Ugh----40's again tonight....and rain on the way (figured that with rain in Chicago).

hedgie said...

Don't understand the dates on that chart. Hardly anything for Aug., and some June in between Aug. and Sept.....????

Mema Jo said...

I would so love to see our eagles this evening. I sure do miss them

JudyEddy said...

The dates are when the last lurker was on I assume that what it means That no one in that state has peeked in on the blog

Kay said...

Hi Eagle Buds ! Have just covered more missed posts, choking up many times along the way as I read your posts in support of me !

SHARON, sorry we had to pick abcesses for common ground, but it helps to know others have survived the trauma involved !!!

JUDYE, LOL, so far I haven't sprayed the ceiling---give me time ! My set up is straight line--no pump and much easier, I imagine.

MARGY, how sweet of you to honor me with a "yellow" avatar ! I'm looking forward to feeling as perky as that cute little scarecrow looks, soon !

LORETTA, joining all in best wishes for your kids. They have a lot of tough decisions ahead. May God bless and direct them !

LYNN, hmmmmm, cheeseburgers, sounds good. I could do that with veggie burgers that are in the freezer, but think NOT ! I'm going to have bacon, eggs and toast. I've lost 12 pounds in the last month and through no plan or thought. Have little appetite and can only eat about half the portions I once ate. Love losing weight, but know this is not the way to go about it ! I've insisted the kids take a break away from my care and keeping this evening. It's been a rough week for them, too.

LORI, glad you're home ! Hoping to listen in on you a bit in the morning. I'm just kind of freewheeling it with my sked, however. I seem to need two hours of rest and sleep for every one hour of activity.

Thanks again for all your prayers on my behalf ! They are working, I just know it ! Luv U All !
♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Mema Jo said...

Well Judy What state is # 5 ?

JudyEddy said...

Yep I was right date last visited it what it is above it on the page here is the link to just that page of the map
The list of visit to the blog via the revolver map

JudyEddy said...

If you click on the link click on the United States to see all the states same as the countries
I tried linking just that page and I guess it takes to the main page to where you have to go in the the US page

Link to the page of countries click on the country you want if this link doesn't take you right to it I am trying again crossing finger LOL

JudyEddy said...

Nope that didn't work takes you to the same page just clink on US I wonder why that one page with just the states won't link

JudyEddy said...

Well I am heading to the beach again looks like it may be pretty one and I made sure I have a sim card tonight LOL and batteries extra BBL

Lolly said...

Hello Kay! Great to hear from you again! You just keep eating and gain some strength. Appetite will come back! Love you!

DanaMo said...

WOW! Now for some eagles!

DanaMo said...

Glad to "see" you on the blog Kay. I hope that means you are feeling better!

hedgie said...

Good grief.......some jerk must have thought Charlie was stupid: selling the old truck they bought for Jess to drive (hen she finally gets around to getting her license) 'cause his sister is letting her have her old Lexus....jerk handed Charlie a check and expected to drive off with the truck!! DUH! Claimed he didn't have time to go to the bank. Double DUH!

hedgie said...

WhooHoo---Kay stopped in to visit!
I bet Malcolm is missing Grandma time as much as Seth is!! Veggie burgers??? NO! You need PROTEIN! Hate to say it because I HATE IT, but you need some liver!!!
Just rest as much as you want and can, Kay!

Liesl is wanting some snuggles...BBIALW.

Mema Jo said...

I think I actually have 2 shows to watch
this evening.. Mystery theaters

I will check back in a little while or at commercials!

Eat some Liver and Onions Kay - Yummy

Hoda said...

Well see the SKINS won and there is jubiliation on the blog...Something about having to play better when they meet LOLLY's Cowboys...LOL!!!

Too much talk about blamnketsd and someone to cuddle up with is the best...I like my home made blankets and they work just fine...knitted , crocheted and woven blankets.

Th Harrop Proctor Fall Fair was a great sucess. We made a lot of money but not so that we crowded the merchants . We were ther more to publicise the Stephen Lewis Foundation and the work we do in Africa.

I saw a flock of geese flying high when I took the ferry over and I saw an eagle flew right across from me when I was on the ferry coming back.

It is autumn weather and even though I was wearing a cotton jacket I felt I could have had my fleece and it would have felt just right.

I bought zucchini and squash and lemon cucumber and chocolate mint...there was music and dancing and dragons for a parade and the little people seemed to be enjoying themselves as much as the older people. I am glad I volunteered.

I am glad to read Kay's post and know she is well.

hedgie said...

Race is postponed until noon tomorrow, Loretta and JudyE. :(

wvgal_dana said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Kay, now we are kindred spirits not only in eaglet momsters but also abscess survivors. Really scary ordeal, isn't it? I thought I was outtahere for sure. Momster prayers are some awesome stuff.

hedgie said...

Hoda, glad you had a nice day! Hope you didn't get chilled.
Speaking of ferries......
No one ever said....did you look at my Hatteras video yesterday???

hedgie said...

Hoda, was the eagle an adult or juvie?? So many lucky people seeing eagles in person lately!!! The rest of us can't even get a glimpse at our nest...:( Belle, where ARE you??

hedgie said...

Dana.....this is not new information. Per the FDA:

There was no increased risk of bladder cancer among Actos users overall, there was an increased risk of bladder cancer among those who had used the drug the longest. There was also a greater risk of bladder cancer among Actos users who had been exposed to the highest cumulative dose of the drug.

Officials say information about this risk will be added to the label of the drug as well as the patient medication guide.

FDA officials say in light of this new information, Actos should not be prescribed to people with bladder cancer or people with a history of bladder cancer.

The FDA says people currently taking Actos should continue taking it until advised otherwise by their health professional. Those who are concerned about the possible risk of bladder cancer should talk to their health care provider.

Hoda said...

I saw your video yesterday LYNN. Very Beautiful area indeed.I hope you do buy property there as I think you would be very happy with the wild life and the opportunities to see it would be high.

The eagle I saw today was an adult eagle, I thought male from its size.Yet I had nothing to compare it to at the moment just a thought that crossed my mind.We have Golden Eagles here too but I do not spot them as often as I do the Bald Eagles.

wvgal_dana said...

Well my feeling is once you have the bladder cancer. Then they can figure you were a high risk patient but truly you weren't. I would rather stop taking it. See if my blood test low enough. That way I don't have to worry if they made a mistake. Like they did with Avandia.....waited too long to take off market. All those people that were affected by it. Now have to suffere because of clinical studies say this and that.

Lolly said...

Hoda, sounds like you had a great day. I do believe you live in a little piece of Heaven. All the activities you participate in sound so interesting.

Just came in. We had chili cheese dogs for supper, a quick but yummy meal. Then I went outside for a while. Jack is still listening to the radio commentaries concerning the game.

I think if I saw an eagle in this area I would faint. Though, a friend of ours did see one once. At first he thought what is that bird carrying in its mouth that is white? The he realized, OMG, it is a bald eagle!

wvgal_dana said...

FDA was wrong about Avandia and kept it on the market. Telling people to go ahead and take it. Look at the suffering now that they have had to go through because the FDA said it was ok to take. Now it is OFF the market!!!! No way when you get the feeling. Sort of like Carolyn's feeling, you go with it. I did with the Avandia. My sister-in-law's doctor said for her to stay on it. It caused her to have a TIA!!! Now she has problems from it. I'll stop taking Actos and test my blood and see if I need something and will be seeing my doctor.

Lolly said...

Looks as if all the rain that was predicted for this evening is not going to actually happen. Storms seem to be north, east, and south. Nothing is west and coming at us. Back to watering, but have to wait until Wednesday. Grrrr!

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly as Suzanne says "Keep your eyes to the sky"....if a friend around there saw one. You just might!!! ( : I hope you do!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e I thought I commented about seeing your video. Sorry if I didn't, meant too. Wanted to ask are you all looking down that far? My friends that go there very year rent a different house. One house had a bowling alley in it. A different one they rented had a Big Theatre in it and the carpet was red with popcorn designs on it. They have a large group that go together every year. They like renting different houses. They have used the ferry many times.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy thank you for telling us about our Sweet Megan. ( :

You sending rocks to Shirley. Maybe she can hide them in the yard. Boy when Hunter finds them. He will really be surprised!!!!! NEAT!!!! lol

Loretta you just keep on coming in here and sharing with us. You and Frank, Sherry and Jimmy have been through a lot with the lose of their house. Yes I am sure the call bothers your heart so deeply for your daughters lost. Prayers still going up for them and you.

Sad :( about the man killing his wife. Prayers for the two pastors he shot. Prayers for families too.

Lynne2 said...

Hello everyone! Just popping in for a moment to say we are home safe! Haven't read back, but I see we are on thread 2000 WOO HOO!

Great trip, got much done. OH my gosh the little baby horse (pics on FB) that I got picture of last time....WOW, she is a whole different color! Got some new pictures and will eventually get them on here, too. LOVE HER! Met the owners, her name is Jade, the stud is Diablo, her daddy, Sierra is her mom. The other 2 are Alexis, the bay mare, and Crystal the black and white paint.

We took a ride early this morning and got some wildflower pics....MARGY, WV is just LOUSY with what I believe are New England Asters!!! I forgot my book so I'll have to look them up later, but I'm pretty sure!

We also saw wild turkeys, about 15 of them, in a field! Clever devils scooted off before I could get a picture though.

wvgal_dana said...

FDA WARNS OF BLADDER CANCER RISK WITH ACTOS: Patients taking the diabetes drug Actos for MORE THAN " A YEAR " may have an incresed rick of bladdre cancer.
More to read at this link


Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I was looking on your LAIR for your video...not there?
Also, saw that my comment about the Edible Bouquet was gone??
I was wondering what the white thingys were...maybe apple or coconut?

hedgie said...

Since Hatteras is pretty well isolated now.....and with some dire predictions for the future....we have decided against buying down that far. We are concentrating on the northern end of the OBX now......and even on the mainland right before the bridge on the Currituck Sound...or Manteo (Roanoke Island--site of the first colony) where ol' Andy Griffith lives!

Every medication and treatment carries a risk of side effects. Most side effects occur in a very small percentage of people. If the benefits outweight the risks, the drug is not going to be taken off the market unless something happens that proves it is TOO big a risk. There is no sure way to predict who will suffer which side is up to a doctor to inform the patient of the possible risks, and then help the patient make the decision---just like with surgeries. And many if not most drugs should not be suddenly stopped without there being an alternative. Most of the time, if the drug wasn't needed, it wouldn't be prescribed.
Every publication we pick up is full of ads by law firms wanting to sue because of drug side effects. They make BIG bucks when they drum up enough people for a class-action lawsuit.

hedgie said...

Wanda, no--the video was on yesterday thread. Labeled Hatteras.
Don't know what happened to your comment on the fruit basket...???? Never saw it on there. I don't know what the white things are! Coconut, maybe? I know Kay mentioned chocolate, too----maybe it marshmallows with chocolate?? Don't know!

hedgie said...

I see Linda's comment on there now....Linda, I was not the Secret Momster! I can only take credit for sharing the pics that Kay sent!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Hedgie-Lynn/e that is right. Would you like either one of your two daughters to be the ones that get BLADDER CANCER because they were taking ACTOS????

Actos Lawsuits: Actos Side Effects May Be Linked To Bladder Cancer, Heart Disease, Cardiovascular Problems | Actos Lawsuits Over Bladder Cancer Have Been Filed WOULD YOU WANT TO BE ONE OF THEM???

hedgie said...

Remember that with this new log-in/log-in junk with google blogs, if you post, it will want you to sign have to UNCHECK the box that says Stay Signed In or your post won't go through...and then there is still usually the security word to do. I know I've lost some by not remembering that!

Costume Lady said...

Judy commented earlier about a shooting of some pastors in Fl.
and that reminded me of our pastors experience at the Airshow, yesterday.
He was in the Grandstand area, standing beside the announcer, who just happened to be the sister of the deceased pilot. When the accident occured, she collapsed into Pastor Eddie's arms. He was so overcome by grief, that he couldn't go on with what happened next. We had a quest speaker, this morning and he took over the pulpit and began his sermon. He was super.
He later came downstairs and joined Gene and I on a tour of the Soup Kitchen Pantry and the Clothes Closet. He was very impressed and full of accolades for us. Hey, you know, it feels really good when someone tells you that you are doing a good thing (blush)!

Lolly said...

Hi Lynne!Glad you have a great weekend. You were missed!

wvgal_dana said...

Yes they might make big bucks as you say. I certainly wouldn't want anyone in my family to be on THAT LIST!!!!!!

AVANDIA was done the same way Hedgie-Lynn/e and it was finally TAKEN OFF THE MARKET!!!!! AFTER IT DID A LOT OF DAMAGE TO PEOPLE..

I certainly wouldn't want to tell people to stay on Actos and then find out they got bladder cancer. Would you????

Lolly said...

Jack and I leave two weeks from today for New Mexico and Colorado. We are taking a two week trip. Going to the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta and then going to Colorado to ride on the Durango/Silverton train ride. Really looking forward to two weeks of enjoyment.☺ Sharon and Dan (Sis and BIL) will also be at the Fiesta. They will be with their RV Rally group, but we will see them.

Costume Lady said...

Judy commented earlier about a shooting of some pastors in Fl.
and that reminded me of our pastors experience at the Airshow, yesterday.
He was in the Grandstand area, standing beside the announcer, who just happened to be the sister of the deceased pilot. When the accident occured, she collapsed into Pastor Eddie's arms. He was so overcome by grief, that he couldn't go on with what happened next. We had a quest speaker, this morning and he took over the pulpit and began his sermon. He was super.
He later came downstairs and joined Gene and I on a tour of the Soup Kitchen Pantry and the Clothes Closet. He was very impressed and full of accolades for us. Hey, you know, it feels really good when someone tells you that you are doing a good thing (blush)!

hedgie said...

My last words.....benefits vs. risks. Even if 5% developed the bladder cancer, that leaves 95% that didn't. Would I deny the 95% the benefit because of the 5% who aren't as lucky? No...and it doesn't matter who it is.

Costume Lady said...

I didn't make myself very clear in the previous comment. Our Pastor was telling us of the events of yesterday and couldn't continue on because he was so overcome with grief.
I would imagine, out of the 30,000 that were there, quit a few are grieving today:(
God Bless them all~

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Home safe and sound...making a grilled cheese, then will eat and get caught up.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, just about every medication that I take has a risk of something terrible, stroke, heart attack, tongue and throat swelling and dying from no air, diarrhea, constipation, and the list goes on and on. Yes, the benifits outweigh the risks! Cancer also is one of the risks. Thus, the reaon for going back to the doctor regularly for blood work and check-ups.

Costume Lady said...

...and Tomato Soup, Paula:)
Welcome home~

Costume Lady said...

Lolly and Jack, I do envy you so much, your trip sounds wonderful!
Glad you are going to be just you two:)

JudyEddy said...

The white things in the basket is white chocolate covered fruit and there is some dark chocolate also on some fruit she had said that in the comments she left Went to the beach was so pretty out nice and breeze doesn't see like it was 90's today out there it doesn't The sunset was pretty but there was some clouds right on the horizon so it went behinds the clouds I saw the clouds and began recording while I was walking video is bouncy big time LOL may get drunk it you watch it LOL

I am watching the Emmys

JudyEddy said...

Charlie Sheen was on and was very gracious with his speech

JudyEddy said...

I agree all drugs come with warning My hot flash patches have all kinds of warning on it also but I feel the relief is worth it and its only a small percent

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY Oh that sounds like fun the balloon festival They would have them in Louisville Ky at Derby time was so pretty Take lots of pic and video PLEASE and share as we know you will

JudyEddy said...

Hey Paula Glad you made it safe and sound another trip now time to relax

Lynne2 said...

oh Wanda, so sorry for your pastor, what a horrible thing to witness, but who better for the sister of the pilot to fall into...God bless him, and the pilot and family, and all who witnessed such a tragedy.

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to say that my schedule is ---- up again but every ones is I guess they want the system to do the schedule the latest I am scheduled is 5:30 and I think I can live with that can sleep in and get to see the eagles in the am with the sunset later each day Ok maybe I am coming up with excuse I will say something when I see by boss and see if she can change it or if they are sticking to the rules we will see I can live with thoes hours if need be

JudyEddy said...

Is the race going to be on ESPN I wonder I will set my DVR to record the hours it will be on

Hoda said...

Just for laughs!!!

"An elderly man is stopped by the police around 2 a.m. and is asked
where he is going at this time of night.
The man replies, "I am on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse
and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and
staying out late."
The officer then asks, "Really? Who is giving that lecture at this
time of night?"
The man replies, "That would be my wife.""

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...