Sunday, September 04, 2011


Sunday thread.


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stronghunter said...

Thanks for the thread, Steve, and for the call-over, Jim.

Brought over . . .

stronghunter said...
Getting the one picture on the Snowman cam. The other one says it is offline.

Sunday, September 04, 2011 12:00:00 PM

stronghunter said...

Jim, Jim, where are you?

Hoda said...

THANKS STEVE for the new thread. I hope you are having a GREAT Labour Day weekend.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the Holiday thread. Hope you have a good Holiday with family.

Thanks Jim for the call over.

stronghunter said...

Hello, Hoda.

wvgal_dana said...

I am bringing this comment over

Oh Wanda Jayden is going to have a brother or sister. You are hoping for a sister...Prayers for a sister God.

I was going to say tell Gene to snap a picture of the bird. I see you got to see it. A cuckoo are they suppose to be in our area?

stronghunter said...

Hi, DanaWV.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Iris.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

DANAMO Just reading about your friend in the accident I hope she gets the help she need for her alcohol problem after this and I hope everyone will be ok

hedgie said...

Forsooth and for shame:
"On again, off again… We collared Hope. Really we did. Honest. We’ve got pictures to prove it. But, as we write this update, her radio-collar sits next to the computer. Hope wore the collar for over 3 hours. But she gave us the slip again. Darn."

Oh, Hope, don't you KNOW it's for your own good? For your protection??? You're breaking our hearts.

JudyEddy said...

♫♫♫ Happy Birtday to Iris ♫♫♫

wvgal_dana said...

I read the comment on the accident but it did not say if anyone was hurt DanaMo? Or did I miss that part... Can anyone tell me please??? Prayers she gets treatment for her drinking.

JudyEddy said...

Maybe Myrtle went to do some business and will be back for the cucumber LOL You know make room for more LOL Still reading and try to comment as I go Whew

hedgie said...

SHIRLEY: new FinFerry access

hedgie said...

DanaWV---prayers for your friends.
And yes, DanaMo's friends' daughter is very critical.

hedgie said...

Sun is out! Temp rising. Humidity still bad.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you Steve for the new thread. Enjoy the day and a Monday holiday.

Hello Jim. Thanks for stopping by today and giving us a holler for the fresh thread.

Shirley, I only looked at the wooded Snowman. Didn't see/look for the porch.

Lynn, saw the bear post earlier. I suspect Hope is just going to always go her own sweet way. Was greatly relieved to see June's cubs were found and rescued.

wvgal_dana said...

Diane I left a message for you on your beautiful tribute to Lacee. HUGS and ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Shirley those airplanes can be a very expensive hobby. My nephew was into those for a couple of years. I can remember going to see him. He would be working on one. I ask him about them and he went on for about an hour. I told him, "That was an expensive hour!!!". lol

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY so glad you have cooler weather

What is the snowman cam???????

JudyEddy said...

HaPpY DaNcE i HaVe ReAd It AlL nOw TiMe To Go To WoRk See ya after work I want to go to a couple of stores to see if I can find Jordyn Tap shoes wish me luck
I keep watching some of the video over of her doing the JAZZ and keep laughing my butt off what a pickle she is BYE HAGD

stronghunter said...

Snowman Cam

wvgal_dana said...

Ok thank you reading now DanaMo's comment about the car accident.
Dear Lord....multiple fractures, brain and liver bleeds. Her child was in the car with her. Child must have not been injured. Prayers in place.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lynn. I see that nest is almost gone. Wow. Two Osprey there, too.

wvgal_dana said...

I am trying a new cereal call Kashi Go Lean. I hope it does what I am praying it does for me. They had different kinds but I wanted the one with less sugar in it. It is the naturally sweetened fiber twigs, soy ptorein grahams and honey puff cereal. 6g sugar for 1 cup.

DanaMo said...

Whose Hope? I've missed something...a bird, deer, dog, other animal?

stronghunter said...

Hope is a black bear, DanaMo.

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

I like the Kashi cereals, DanaWV.

stronghunter said...

Hungry. Kathryn has a coupon. We need to get Rus going.

movin said...




C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon - Thank you Steve for the
new thread. Now we cn get through the
holiday very well.

Article in Paper stated that Bear Hunting season nears and that MD is to
issue 260 permits. Also as a picture of
a yearling crossing the US 40 highway
near by.
Like you said Lynn - I wish Hope would
realize why her ribbon collar was a must

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I'm ready need to go pick up Mother.

Best to All.

I want to see the kitten pictures when I get back. Glad they are in to get a home...prayers they both get a home ♥♥

DanaMo said...

Oh right, Hope and Lilly...right?
I could never see that cam very well. I don't know why. Is that the one where one of the cubs died last year?

DanaMo said...

Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts for my friend's daughter. She has a very rough, long road ahead. Recovery from the injuries, legal issues for the DUI and the people she hit (who were all treated and released, thank God!) and alcohol treatment she is going to need.

T-Bird said...

I'm off to get ready for WVU vs. Marshall.
I hope you all have a safe Sunday. This weather stuff every weekend is worry some.

stronghunter said...

Yes, the little male died in the spring, DanaMo.

BBL. We got Rus going.

DanaMo said...

Looks like tropical storm Lee is still putting out a lot of rain.

Lolly said...

Home from church. Need to go back and read the blog. Very sad to read that Hope has managed to rid herself of the collar. That is really scary. Hopefully, they will be able to follow her and either be close or recollar her.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all!

DanaMo, so sorry about your friend's accident. How awful. Prayers for her and the family.

Prayers, too, for your frieinds DanaWV.

Lynne2 said...

My stinkbug trap, I'm sorry to say, is a bust. No stinkbugs in the trap. Well, I actually caught one and put it IN the trap thinking if one was there then others would come. And even though the guy who designed it said they couldn't get back out...IT GOT OUT! That guy said he had his trap in his attic. Maybe it was nothing more than dumb luck that he captured so many. Or he's a big fat liar.....GGRRRRRRR

Lolly said...

Lynne, so sorry the trap is a bust.

DanaMo, just read back on the blog and read about the accident. Prayers for your friend, her daughter and granddaughter. What a shame that she has such a problem and was driving with her daughter. She definitely has big problems.

Jack just finished vacuuming, so now I am going to give the tile floors a quick mopping.

Looks like in the morning my neice and her family will be stopping by here for a quick visit. I am excited about that.

Lolly said...

Lynne! Church sermon to today was about forgiveness. I forgive you for making such a yukky post. Also, I am sorry for what I said. Should keep my opinion on the truth to myself. roflmbo ☺

Judie said...

There has been one positive outcome regarding Hope. Dr. Rogers saw a Hunter, I believe near the area where Lily, Hope, and Faith were at the time, and explained why the yearling didn't have a ribboned collar. That hunter, at least, agreed not to shoot any bear accompanying a collared bear. Wish others would also be so kind.

Should be reading but think I will procrastinate by baking an apple pie. After all, I really do need to use the refrigerated crust I bought. Then, as long as I'm in the kitchen, I can procrastinate some more by making spaghetti sauce. Whew, am I good at procrastinating or what?


Lolly said...

You are very good at procrastinating, Judie!! I am sure Jack would love it if I procrastinated by baking an apple pie.

Kay said...

My what a lot of topics have been discussed since I left you all here yesterday afternoon. They've all been adequately addressed with your wise posts, but just want to say.....

Happy Birthday Dear IRIS ♥♥♥

DANAMO, the pain Vicki and family are going through is horrendous. Too often alcohol is part and parcel of such tragic events. My prayers for all concerned !

MARGY, a whole week without a James the Kidster fix ? That's torture !

WANDA, Yippee, Jayden will be a great big brother ! I'll pray for a healthy baby first and then for a girl !

DIANE, what a beautiful tribute to your dear Lacee. We know what's ahead when we bring a pet into our homes, but farewells are heartwrenching nonetheless.♥♥♥

Kay said...

HODA, yes, Study Abroad, Exchange Student Programs and International Travel have all been amazing educational experiences for my kids and now the grandkids. We depression and WWII children were unable to enjoy such experiences, but I'm so grateful for the opportunities that have been affordable and available for succeeding generations. Not so sure right now that future generations will enjoy the same benefits due to the economy here and abroad. :(

Lolly said...

Wanda...forgot to say Congrats on the new expected bambino. We have so enjoyed watching Jayden grow. Hope we get to watch this new one with pictures and videos. I know GG is really excited!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, IRIS!! Hope it's a great day for you!...and,


DanaMO, so sorry to hear about your best friend's daughter's accident! Prayers for Erin, for her little girl, and for Vickie!

Margy, prayers for Fred & Maryalice to have power restored, SOON!

WV Dana, prayers for Terry & Diane Rowland!

Wanda & Gene, congratulations on the news of an expected sister or brother for Jayden! Bet you can hardly wait!

We took Emma to the dog park, and just got home. She had a GREAT time!
Her buddy Sofia the Italian Greyhound was there, also Angel the chihuahua/doxie mix. There was Daisy, the black lab puppy rescued from Mexico. She's a real cutie! She's grown a lot in the last 3 weeks. We had fun watching the dogs on the other side of the fence in the "big dog" side of the park. There is one couple who have SIX Siberian Huskies, plus one Siberian who they recently rescued. All seven of them are just gorgeous, and it's fun to hear them "talking" to each other. (Sort of like, "Wooo-woo-roo-rooo!" "Arrrr-oooo!" "Woo-rooooo!") Boy, when they all decide to run the fenceline, it's crazy! Bet their home is a pretty crazy place!

Well, gotta get going here. Have some stuff to get done. We're planning on going to see "The Help" late this afternoon. Will be back later. Hope everyone has a great day! :o]

NatureNut said...

Making a pit stop to say "Hello"!!


We've been watching the Grand Prix races in Balmer. Neat to have it there & good for the economy. Wonder if Ceil and family can watch it from her place?
Bweebn working outside some---sure is humid!

DanaMo--prayers for your friend & family in the accident. So sad.


NatureNut said...

too many letters in "been"

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Diane, I finally got to see your tribute to Lacee. (Last night it was not there when I looked, but it was now.) What a beautiful dog she was, and such a sweet personality! My heart goes out to you. (((HUGS)))! I bet it's really tough without her. The music on the video was perfect! Well done.

magpie said...

Bweebn - like that Loretta!

Kay said...

Have had a lot of computer down time since about 1 a.m.. One thunderstorm after another moving through every couple of hours and predicted to continue for another 12hours or so. Oh, how I wish we could transfer most of this wet stuff to LOLLY's part of the country ! BBL, if possible !

Lolly said...

Well, drat! I put on my blog, family pics, a picture of my two river rats. However, it is very small and I can not make it larger. Sorry!

Lolly said...

Like Loweeda said, we need to get back to digging that ditch to drain water down this way!

Diane said...

Thank you to those who viewed and had very kind words for my Lacee. She was, indeed, my special girl. And, yes, we know when we get them that one day we will have to say goodbye.

Diane said...

One year ago today, I picked up Danny from Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue. He's my "special" needs boy, but he's so worth it. I believe he came into my life for a help fill the void when Lacee left.

Lolly said...

Diane, just watched the tribute. What a beautiful dog Lacee was! I love Border Collies and she was a Texan at that! Wow!

Hoda said...

Gracious me I realize I went to yoga nad did groceries but did not post before I left!!!.

HI SHIRLEY...a few hours late in responding but glad to read your posts. I hope you got Russ off OK did he join you for lunch before he left.

SORRY HOPE got rid of her collar again, maybe they should try to get her one with a harness!!! Not difficult to make...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY IRIS. And many many more...

DANAMO what an accident. So far no loss of life in either car and that is indeed a blessing. I see the worry in regards rehabilitation and legal problems. Prayers for all involved.

KAY I agree with you that unless the global economy improves International Travel Opportunities will be affected. I hope that does not happen.

WVGAL_DANA so good that you chimed in today and you gave a very good report on your health. Prayers continue to come your way.

WANDA Congratulations on JAYDEN's new sister or brother. I agree with you HEALTHY baby first and then prayer thoughts of it being a sister.

LOLLY LOL on your take on the sermon today, and LYNNE 2 have a great sense of humour.

What's this about procrastinating and baking, cooking and cleaning in the same breath!!! Can not be JUDIE who said so!!!LOL It is SUNDAY JUDIE do you need a reminder?Put your feet up a bit...LOL

Hoda said...

DIANE sorry about LACEE I watched the tribute and thought she had a very good life and you provided her with much love...

magpie said...

Lolly - happy that the temperatures have eased up a bit!
And hope you enjoy that quick maybe not so quick visit from your niece in the morning

Virtual Steam Bath Outside Here! Wish I could go to the creek at Swinging Bridge

magpie said...

I want to say, that
Diane was the VERY FIRST Momster I met, at my first Nest Visit in June 2008.
She and her husband had arrived first, me second...and we stood and watched the third, and the only one yet unfledged, of the three eaglets, jumping up and down on the nest and was - heavenly! Then Paula arrived...she was the second Momster I met...and soon thereafter, I met a whole lot of more Wonderful Momsters, and Dadster Captain Gene, and the Eagle Express....
though I had "met" many on the blog a couple of weeks leading up to the visit.
Someone here - a seasoned Momster....will tell you the name of that third eaglet, and I'm sorry I can't right now

Lori O. said...

MARGY, unless you want another uproar over the safety or lack of safety in swimming alone, dont! ♥

Sure wish I could procrastinate like JUDIE! I have not baked a thing in my oven in 9 years here...2 years before at the last house...and 8 years before that!

magpie said...

The border collies are just those black and white colors
And on Diane's about that snow!
It is indeed, a beautiful tribute, and thanks Diane...for bringing that to us ♥

Lolly said...

Very low humidity here, Margy. It is now 93, looks like we won't make 100 today. If we had made 100 today we would break the record. I am all for NOT breaking the record...just one day.

Lolly said...

Isn't it pathetic that we rejoice with...whoops, 94 now!

magpie said...

Not to worry, Lori, I have learned my lesson well, here
and I appreciate all the concern ☺

Like you, Lori, I have lived here for over 6 years...and use the oven not very often, make some cookies once in a great while....and, well, slow cooker and top of the stove sometimes.

magpie said...

But I really like to bake...
and keep saying I am going to do much more of it...
"one of these days."

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, even a hint of any rain in your forecast? Duh, I can check that. Just did.

LOLLY YOU HAVE A 10% chance of rain this afternoon! rain in the forecast after that through next Saturday. UGH. Rain Dance!

magpie said...

Some day I hope to have a BIG Kitchen with lots and lots of counter spaces, and cabinets, and one of those BIG FARM TABLES
that I see in the Country magazines...

hedgie said...

Hi again. Didn't desert you. I think I want some of Judie's dessert, tho'!
Been watcing the Balmer race, too, Loretta....and Secretariat.
Ceil is watching the race from MM's apartment balcony! It is on Light St. Just don't know which end...but either looks like a good vantage point. I think Jim might be watching from someplace else---maybe street level??!!
Good to see more of you jumping in.
Kay, sorry about your storms. Nothing here yet, but in the forecast.
Getting my Jambalaya started....sure hope it's as good as Shannon and Christie say it is!

magpie said...

And I met Lolly at Open House 2008
and Lori at nest visit June 2009 I think ☺ ☺

magpie said...

and I could go on and on about meeting other Momsters and Dadsters...


magpie said...

going back to what I was doing, when I remember what it was

ttfn Precious Pals
xo ♥

Lolly said...

Yes!!! Open House 2008....a great year! We raised three baby eaglets that year...and I saw Belle and Lib for the first time as well as all the Momsters and Dadsters! Including Margy in her bibs!!! Yea for Margy! Visited Wanda in her shop. Now that is a story!

hedgie said...

MEMA JO.....Sandra said they weren't able to go to Bill's wedding because Tom's M.S> has advanced too far to allow that kind of travel. :(

hedgie said...

FInal Lap......Danica didn't stand a chance. Power won. She was 7th.

hedgie said...

Gee, I can't believe how lucky the Bear folks were to find June's cubs and rescue them. What a totally strange event that was.
So thankful that Hope is safe.....worry so about Faith. I suppose they can't attempt to collar her due to expected growth, huh?

hedgie said...

Frankly, of ocurse, we'll worry about ALL of them, collared or not because there are so many jerks out there.

stronghunter said...


We had a nice dinner at Chili's. Tom called and dropped Hunter off at the restaurant, so we shared lunch with Hunter.

Rus is still here, so we are having a nice visit. When I said we needed to get him going, I meant that we needed to wake him up. He went upstairs and fell asleep. He spent yesterday out in the sun.

I came home after a nice dinner and napped for awhile.

hedgie said...

Dinner is almost ready....smelling delicious!

Oh, Margy, wasn't that 2008 gathering the greatest thing?? We had no idea where it would lead, did we? I still can't believe that I took the plunge here on the blog and with that special day! Certainly turned out to be one of the best and smartest things I ever did! But SO unlike me to do it. Just another step on the road of life...and independence! You all saved me in so many ways!! I thank you and love you all!

I remember poor Diane having just had surgery--for carpal tunnel, I believe--and really not feeling the greatest. What a trooper! But she and her hubby wouldn't join us in the Eagle Express! I don't think they even partook of the goodies!!

hedgie said...

Lori, can't believe you've not baked for so long!!! Does Kate??

Lori O. said...

Lynn, yes, Kate loves to bake...but she hates the stove. Another upgrade needed, but when the time comes. I didn't acquire the latest, greatest appliances when I bought the house, but they have all lasted the past 9 years.

Forgive my manners: STEVE THANK YOU for the NEW THREAD. I hope your Labor Day weekend will provide you with some extra rest and fun!

hedgie said...

Jambalaya is VERY good.....but too hot to eat! Cooling it a bit while I eat some cukes and onions!

stronghunter said...

Was 2008 the first Momster gathering? Somehow, I just thought it had been going on for a long time.

hedgie said...

LOL, Lori....when I bought my house it didn't even HAVE an oven! Luckily, my uncle in FL was replacing his double wall oven so brought the old ones up for me! They were probably 15+ yrs. old then an dI've had them for almost 19....still doing good! Good old Tappan...anyone remember that company?

hedgie said...

Storms are getting close according to radar....I can hear thunder way off in the distance.....could be severe.

stronghunter said...

Speaking of baking. I had a teacher friend who needed a new stove awhile back. She and her roommate had to take the door off the oven to get it open. She said it was hard to bake a cake.

I sold her my mother's old stove for $25.00. It was old, but at least it had a functional door.

stronghunter said...

I remember Tappan.

Hoda said...

This is a wonderful radio program I am listening to right now.The spiritual connection between humans and animalsDominion

wvgal_dana said...

I am back and chewing a piece of gum.

Lolly I posted a comment on your blog picture.

magpie said...

about to check it out Hoda

Shirley, I think back to 2006 - the E-M albums should show that...
my first was in 2008 -

magpie said...

Tropical Storm Lee's" hitting hard down in the South
wish it would rove on over to Texas a little

stronghunter said...

I thought it went back beyond 2008. It seemed like a well-organized tradition when we first went in 2009.

magpie said...

first cam on the nest was in winter 2006 Shirley I think February
that's when I started watching it, still cam only at first

Hoda said...

The Tapestry Program I posted in my last link takes around an hour to listen might be a bit too long for most...I listen to Tapestry regulary on Sunday afternoon.Today it has three different segments.

stronghunter said...

Looks more like Lee is going to come here, unfortunately. Texas needs the rain so much more than we do.

hedgie said...

No, Shirley, 2008 wasn't first one.....I think it was '06.

stronghunter said...

A tapestry program on the radio. It must be pretty hard to describe it that way.

hedgie said...

Blog started in Mar. of '06.

JudyEddy said...

FYI HOPE is also a baby DOLPHIN that Jordyn and I go see

WANDA how exciting a new grand child in the future for you

DIANE First of all hi I don't think we have meet I have been on the wonderful blog since March Pammy introduced me to if from Facebook Good to hear from you and don't be a stranger Your tribute is wonderful

SAD 56 Leroy Selmon died at 430 from the stroke

NatureNut said...

Dear Friends, I must ask a big favor for you to send wishes for the firefighters in TX. My daughter just called and she, kitty, Merry, and laptop, some clothes are at friend's house in Bastrop. Her neighborhood and two others next to her's had to be evacuated due to fire.She could see smoke, but no flames. Power went out before she left, so she couldn't lock garage doors w/pushbutton,only had car keys, so pray no one decides to loot! Jimmy is in Wales.
Fubby got online and read that 60% of fire is contained from Smithville to Bastrop (where she lives.)They are off Hwy 71, 1/2 hour from Austin Airport.
Thanks ☺ This is such a shock---hope Lolly's neighborhood is OK!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lori are Bobby and Leroy litter trained?

wvgal_dana said...

Of course Loretta PRAYERS GOING UP for daughter, kitty Merry and hubby Jimmy. For their home and other neighbors and their homes. Glad they are safe but this is just terrible. I am so so very sorry and saddened for this situation. May the firefighters be protected. God could you just fool us and open the HEAVENS FOR RAIN IN TEXAS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - Prayers for your daughter's safety and for their home and belongings NOT to be
destroyed are being said. We never know what perils we are going to have to endure. I cannot fathom the feelings that she and you and Frank are going through. I am sure her husband will feel helpless as you do.

hedgie said...

Oh, dear, sorry to hear this. Praying for safety and no loss for all, but especially for Sherry. Did she use her key to lock the garage door? If she pulled the red cord to lower it manually, she should have been able to lock it with the key. So thankful that she was there when th eorder came so that the pets are safe.

Mema Jo said...

That is the best prayer DanaWV
Rain Dear Lord - Give TX lots of rain...

wvgal_dana said...

I found a place where they are writing about the fire. Here is what I copied:

A Sharon (not our Sharon)Sharan wrote:
Can someone please tell me where the fires are and what part of town is safe? My sister was evacuated. They are going to a hotel, but I think they should go into Austin.

A David wrote:
The fire is east of town and the state park off of 71. This is where all the trees are. Anyone in and near Bastrop, west of the fire, shouldn't be in danger.

hedgie said...

JudyE---I think it was you who metioned cam repair at nest earlier...if the problem is at the cam housing, it is probably 99.99% sure that it WON'T get fixed until late fall. Costs too much to bring in the bucket truck and crew....and there really is not enough nest activity from now until then to justify it.

hedgie said...

Very dark...thunder close. May have to shut down.
Wow---stadium evacuated in Morgantown (WVU game) due to lightening.....

Lori O. said...

Oh Loretta, prayers for your daughter and her family, pets and humans. What a scary scary feeling that has to be. Prayers, positive thoughts and energy going out now.

DanaWV, yes Leroy and Bobby are potty trained. It's very easy to train kittens. They practically do it themselves. You just swipe their paws through the litter and they get it!

I hope you're feeling better DANA. We all want you to careful so you'll be around forever. We love you!
{{{BIG HUG}}}

wvgal_dana said...

Yes it was 2006 people before me setting on the curve in road. I went to the curve but not when the small group was there. Ed had to drive me.

Angie, Jo, Nilla/Janet and Sunny (Steve W. Steve Chase NCTC) June 5th, 2006

NatureNut said...

Thank you dear friends!
Dana, that is wonderful to know!I know where the State Park is on 71.
Sherry didn't have house keys on her, only car keys.
A cute aside is that the lady, Cindy, where she went to stay is a teacher I think, but also a raccoon fanatic.She takes care of, rehabs orphans and others and has a houseful of raccoon statues, pillows, etc, Sherry said! Sounds like one of us!

wvgal_dana said...

Next nest visit June 17, 2006 Nilla/Janet, Jo, Angie and a Janet M. that drove over 2 hrs to meet the Momsters. Watched from curve n road.

wvgal_dana said...

Nest visit July 23, 2006 at the curve in the road: Paula, Belle, Megan, Nilla/Janet, Vicky from Il., Norma, Jo, oh yes because she took the picture Lisa (Norma's Daughter). YEAH the group is GROWING lol

wvgal_dana said...

Then there was Open House in October 2006 and I went, Ed took me and he stayed with us.

Of course next year was next visits starting for that year 2007.

I just wanted to get the first year in.

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Loretta. That is pretty scary.

But if it is 60% contained, that is a good sign.

Hoda said...

Thanks DANA for the history.
Prayers LORETTA may all be safe.
May TEXAS get rain.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lori that will also help them get adopted. God Bless you for what you have done for Bobby and Leroy. Your such a SPECIAL LADY!! One heart for you the other two one for Bobby and one for Leroy.♥♥♥

magpie said...

Dear Loretta...
the Biggest Prayers today, for Sherry, her husband, you and Frank, and all affected and involved with the situation with the fires in Texas

magpie said...

Thank you for the Tapestry link, I listened all the way through....
profound, inspiring, soulful, provocative

magpie said...

Whale rescue story at the end, simply amazing...

magpie said...

had seen where other college football stadiums had been evacuted due to storms this week-end also, Lynn
downright scary!

Agree with you Lynn...finding this blog and being a part of it, very important part of our lives
and I'll never forget viewing the nest on the cam for the very first time, and then FOR REAL for the very first time

back to whatever I was doing, if I can remember what it was

xo ♥

Hoda said...

MARGY, I am glad you were able to hear TAPESTRY. The Whale Rescue STORY is my favourite. I had tears for the connection and the gratitude the whale showed her rescuers...
The Middle section of the program brought up many questions to me, can we really slaughter animals humanely...I eat meat everyonce in a while, mostly fish nadnsometimes chicken...yet I always have that question.
The first part of the program was interesting and challenged me to think outside of the box in terms of human dominion over animals...
CBC presents good programs, similar to NPR.

stronghunter said...

Jenna, the raccoon rehabber that Susan works with has real, live raccoons in her house.

Jenna is a wonderful rehabber. Different, but a wonderful rehabber. She loves what she does.

Wonder if Cindy and Jenna know each other? Jenna is in Lorton.

The road to Jenna's house is one of the most primitive roads I have ever driven on. Kathryn figures that driving down that road is how Susan managed to knock the shield off the bottom of her car, and she told Susan not to go there again until the shield was replaced. It is hard to believe it is in Fairfax county.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I must have sounded pretty dumb. Tapestry is not quite what I imagined. I think my brain had quit working this afternoon.

Lynne2 said...

oh my gosh Loretta, prayers for your daughter and family and the firefighters. It's pointless to tell you not to worry because I know you will, so prayers for you and fubby too.

hedgie said...

Went out on front deck toget some breeze in my hair---and was greeted by a HUGE limb down on driveway, extending up onto deck rain. Guess I'll have to get out my little chain saw tomorrow to cut it up enough to move it! Hadn't had enough wind yet to do that, so guess it just was ready to let go.
Only a few drops of far. Thunder and lightening not real close.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Margy said Whale Rescue Story at end at end of what???

Where do I go to see please?

stronghunter said...

I felt like a little kid at Christmas the first time I went to the Momster's gathering. It was that exciting to get to meet everyone after all of the months of blogging.

I had met Judie and Frank earlier, and that was exciting, too.

hedgie said...

Duh---deck RAIL!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn did you fall out of bed and hit your head????
Just kidding gal ((HUGS))

hedgie said...

Penguin Happy Feet is on his way home.....he was "released" here is a tracker:
Happy Feet Tracker

hedgie said...

Nope, Dana....just thinking too fast.....thinking rain while I was still on the rail!

magpie said...

at 5:14 pm
Hoda posted a blue link
the word
which was one of the topics for a radio program...54 mins, whale rescue is at end of that
nothing visual "per se"
but audio...which brought lots of
imagery to mind

magpie said...


do YOU have to be the one to cut that up? I can't offer to help but do you want me to round up someone else ?
Please don't overdo anything

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY I actually thought your comment on Tapestry was right on...they try to weave a tapestry of ideas relating to our spiritual connections. It is hard to get it through and a lot of the times there are more questions than answers

DANA the whale rescue was the last segement of a radio program on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
The rescuers spoke of their experience when they were trying to free the whale and how closely she was watching them. When they freed her she swam off only to turn areound and come back right at them stopping short of colliding with them and she tapped them on the chest four times and watched them and allowed them to touch her.She did the exact tapping on the chest to each one of the rescuers.She looked them straight in the eyes and they said it was an experience that they will never forget. She was communicating. So long as they were in the water she was not about to leave.

magpie said...

I was so excited the night before nest visit I could hard stand it!
Open House 2008 same way BUT I had had to work all night prior to it so I was little ditzed out by the end of the day

Judie said...

Hoda, just in case you wonder, Balmer is the way Murlinders (Marylanders) say Baltimore. Yes, you are correct. It is totally out of character for me to procrastinate by actually doing something. Usually I procrastinate by pretending to do something.

Um, Lori, you just open the door, put some food in, turn the dial, close the door. See, wasn't that easy? Well, yes, appliances should last a good many years at the rate you are not using

Kay said...

MARGY, enjoyed your Momster meeting sequence list and experiences ! You are so fortunate in living in the nest area and in close proximity to so many of our lovely Eagle Buds !

LORETTA, praying for your family, the firefighters and some old friends I have in Bastrop.

LYNN, be careful with that chain saw ! About 5 this afternoon a huge limb fell from a tree, crashing though a car's read window, on this condo property. No where near me. What a mess !

You've all whetted my appetite for attending the Open House next Spring ! I'm sure I will be too excited to sleep well leading up to it, too. I already lost a lot of sleep just anticipating DANAMO's visit and it was all for naught.:(

Judie said...

Loretta, so sorry about the fire evacuation for Sherry. I know you and Frank are worried. All will be well. Prayers for the firefighters.

Hoda said...

The MURLINDERS, are the PEOPLE of MERLIN and they all know magic and are very smart folks in understanding the goings on without buying into appearances. One very wise cousin of MERLIN'S is JUDIE OF THE MURLINDERS.She blogs her wisdom and her magic even about procrastinating...she has a sharp humour...and she is greatly loved and appreciated.

Kay said...

Can't tell you how happy I am with this new puter ! SIL and I figured out how to have multiple screens up--he'd not even tried since his office got Windows 7---so it was a learning experience for him, too.** He found the Laptop Guys who have a couple of shops in town. They'll take all the stuff off the laptop harddrive and give me a disc we can work from for only 60 bucks. There were companies who wanted "hundreds" to do the job. I'll take mine to them this week. So far, knock on wood, Blogger Cop or any of the blogger glitches have nailed me since I started using this thing. Again, knock on wood !

**Don't ask me how, I can do it but I can't tell you how ! ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Oooppps lightening and hail. I'm off

Mema Jo said...

I just finished an hour WETA broadcast from the BBC on the Eagles. I never knew there were so many different species from all over the world. Some only breed every 2 yrs and only 1 chick. Their hunting habits and their prey is from mice to flamingos! It was a remarkable presentation.

magpie said...

whoa hope they show that one again, Jo...
I had seen there was a program earlier on about skunks...

- Yes, you are so right...lucky to be close or pretty close to at least a dozen Momsters...and Captain Gene...
and the nest itself

stronghunter said...

Hmm, someone from Taipei is on here. Interesting.

Kay said...

I've seen the Eagle and the Skunk docs on our PBS affiliate this year. What an amazing job they do on their Nature programming. Many Columbus neighborhoods are complaining about increased numbers in the skunk population lately. That program outlines the best defenses against them---including playing a radio outside---that's where I got the idea for the Armadillo tribe in TX. Don't think anyone down there took me seriously. ☺

Kay said...

It's raining cats n' dogs here now---don't worry LOLLY, nary a drop of water ! No lightning n' thunder this time, yeah !

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, the revolving map only shows me--to me--what do you do to get it to show all lurkers and bloggers ?

stronghunter said...

Got it, Kay. No water. Cats and dogs. No thunder, meows and woofs.

stronghunter said...

Nothing, Kay. It shows me and the Taipei connection. Sometimes it shows others, sometimes it doesn't. Now I see Columbus.

stronghunter said...

Taipei is gone.

stronghunter said...

Now I see Kelowna, British Columbia.

stronghunter said...

Now Martinsburg is showing.

Kay said...

Okay, sorry Taipei, didn't mean to barge in and push you off the map ! LOL SHIRLEY, it the cats n' dogs start meowing and woofing I'll be outta here ! LOLLY's too busy with Laurel, the boys and serving up rolled flank steak, to be bothered with us tonight !

magpie said...

and I saw Kelowna British Columbia
and Columbus Ohio!

sure glad it does not show me in Rochester NY tonight

Judie said...

Shirley, Taipei? Is that in the land of Tappan?

Ah, Hoda. You are just too clever. You figured out I am actually a Murlinder pretending to be a Virginian. How's that for magic?

Rats! Missed the WETA eagle program. Will look to see if it will repeat.

Back to my murder investigation program. BBL

magpie said...

wondering why I don't see Fredericksburg Shirley...

stronghunter said...

Now Alexandria.

magpie said...

Now it should show me
Going to Bed!
Just saw Alexandria Va...
that would be Judie, more or less ☺

think will finish out the day with some reading

Prayers for all our many many needs, friends

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Kay said...

Now I see BC and can tell Columbus is riding over the top of at least one Virginia and several other American flag locations. Wish we could see them all !

stronghunter said...

I don't know. It can't be showing everyone who is on here. There are 4 hits showing on my map now.

stronghunter said...

You can make the map larger. Try clicking on the icons.

magpie said...

Want to see something really wild
hit on the word Revolver Maps

hedgie said...

Well, we had a little storm. Not much to it. Anybody else?

magpie said...

let it roll for a few seconds...sure all those people are not hitting OUR site, but...shows hits on other sites I guess for Revolver Map
too tired to research it any further right now

'G Night xo

Hoda said...

Well Her Majesty the Queen is looking for a new Butler. She is willing to pay 24 thousan dollars a year salary and the candidate will work mostly out of Buckingham Palace but must also be willing to Work out of Windsor Castle and Scotland for three months of the year!!! I found this information on the Court Circular, it does not strike me as a lot of money, but room and board is provided.

Kay said...

Have a good night, MARGY ! I'm right behind you---lost too much sleep to those meows and woofs last night !

Have a good night all---see you on Labor/Labour Day !

Prayers for all in need and thanks being offered for blessings received on this Sunday, Sept. 4th !
♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !

magpie said...

about 7 minutes of a slow rain here Lynn
not enuf to cut the heat !

stronghunter said...

Good Lord, now it might just be showing everyone who is on here how. Yikes! Those are recent visitors.

hedgie said...

JO---what was the name of the show, please??? If I know that, I can look to see if it's going to repeat!

hedgie said...

Oh, HODA, you are waxing near poetic with Judie!!

KAY, so glad the new puter is doing so well, and that you can recover your stuff at a reasonable rate!

Hoda said...

JUDIE I see in your future property in the land of the Murlinders...The crystal ball is clear...!!!

How ever clouds and fog as I think the globe shows me as being in Kelowna while I am really in Nelson. Sometimes it shows me as Casltegar or all depends on which tower has the strongest signal I suppose. Kelownaq is four hours away from here...

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

Went to the 64th annual hard crab derby has been a trip to Lowes for the roof repair materials and the friut stand for some last of the season corn and the antique shop where I found a couple of cool things

Think we got the roof the lawn mowed and we are burning some pine cones, needles and branches

Going to head for the shower...I am really grubby!

Willcheck back in a little while!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and the moon is really pretty on the water

Kay said...

Back to say, Oofta Mata Chata Vena ! It's a regular United Nations out there in Revolver Mapland ! Caio !

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy, you're so sweet.....I can manage this! It's only about as big around as my calf for maybe 4-5 ft., and then two small branch arms with little ones branches off. And since it is dead, I shouldn't have to use too much pressure. In the past, I have ended up with unusable hands and wrists for a couple of days....but this is nothing like what I had tried to cut then!

Hoda said...

It sounds like a GREAT day PAULA. Glad the roof problem is looked you have company? Did you hire someone to do it? Did the neighbours help?I enjoyed the poicture of the crab derby on FB...

Hoda said...

not poicture rather picture on my last post to PAULA

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I'll have to check also to see if that will be on again. Would like to see it.

Rain has stopped here.

paula eagleholic said...

They are having fireworks in Crisfield can hear them here...ok off to the shower

wvgal_dana said...

Paula so glad you were able to fix the roof. Happy again in Paradise.♥

Kay that sounds like a good deal for the computer.

hedgie said...

Paula, so cool that you are getting into the local festivities!
Did you have help with the roof repair?? (Besides Nick, of course!)

Good night to the sleepyheads. Rest peacefully!

WVU game happening again.

stronghunter said...

I posted a picture of the very busy Revolver Map on my blog. I can't even find myself in all of those hits.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Hoda. Your comments to Judie had me laughing. Rus looked at me strangely. He isn't used to watching me blog.

JudyEddy said...

I was successful in getting a pair of tap shoes for Jordyn HOPE they fit also bought a cute dress up dress and a couple of dress shoes She loves to play dress up And I got another Pizza Pie singing ELMO this one I will give to Ariana Jordyn cousin Jordyn already has one that I got awhile back, She loves Elmo also

Was very nice to hear about the adventures of the meeting of the momster and dadsters I can't wait for my story in the future maybe in Oct when I go to NC I might swing by Lots more reading to do I want to go watch the races so I will read and watch Just thought I would pop in POP and say nitey nite


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


stronghunter said...

Oh, now I see Fredericksburg. Can you all find yourselves?

Hoda said...

I see Kelowna, Shepherdstown and Seminole...I have to scroll upward to b able to see it...the blog is way lower than the place of the globe. Sometimes at night I see many places in Europe, Holland, England, Sweden , Finland, to mention but a few...

hedgie said...

Bears are safe

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn do you want me to come up there tomorrow while you cut that. So someone is there with you?? I will??

Judie said...

Okay, I can't stand it any longer. Where are you all finding these fun things? Revolving Globe? Help!

Paula, hope the leak is repaired or soon will be. Just know the weather has been really nice for you and Nick.

Judie said...

Judy, congratulations on finding tap shoes and dressy dresses. Jordyn will be so very happy. Guess your area is bracing for even more C. Anthony publicity and media activity. I know you and others wish it would all go away.

stronghunter said...

Good to know that the bears were safe for another day.

hedgie said...

Raining again.

stronghunter said...

It is on the first page of Steve's Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily blog, Judie. Scroll down a bit. A revolving globe.

Hoda said...

Scroll to the top of the screen JUDIE.Only a part way down you will see a rotating globe.It is below Deb Palmer's picture of Liberty and Belle and also below Steve Chase's photo.

almost time for the split....who is going to get wax???

stronghunter said...

If you click on the "Revolver Map" icon at the lower right hand corner, you can go to a new page that shows all of the hits being made.

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...