Monday, September 05, 2011


Labor Day thread.


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JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Saw a young cardinal being fed again today.

Still couldn't get a picture.

magpie said...

GG's hearing aids were not cooperating despite earnest efforts by I was passing notes to GG then she was talking to us in was dear.
I asked her "Do You Miss Jayden ?" then added "I know the answer to that question !!"

magpie said...

and Patterson's Drug Store is still in the same spot...

Hoda said...

MARGY you do of course know that a REINE is Queen in French and REIN is I am not sure I got what you were saying about a free rein...a slightly confused Hoda...clue me in please.!!! LOL!!!

magpie said...

Oh Judie will like this, and probably Shirley and maybe many of you:

Picked up a book at Goodwill entitled:

A Dictionary of Euphemisms, How Not to Say What You Mean
pretty fun, I am learning some new terms

magpie said...

Oh Hoda, sorry, just that you let me go on without directly talking to you for long stretches sometimes, kinda of like
Carte Blanche

magpie said...

shucks that is not in the Euphemisms book

Lolly said...

Hoda, we warmed up leftovers for dinner. We had leftover rolled flank steak with chimichurri sauce, pesto linguine, sliced tomatoes, and a salad. Yum!

magpie said...

oh yes, Hoda...gaining on the time that I can see James the Wise...
Saturday the 10th as fast as my buggy can get there after worktime ends at 4 pm
but I don't break any speed limits

Lolly said...

Hoda...definition of free rein..... "Unlimited freedom to act or make decisions: gave me free rein to reorganize the department." The straps on a horse harness are "the reins". These are the straps to pull the the left, the right or back to halt a horse. To give a horse free rein you drop the reins and go. I think this is where the phrase "free rein" comes from.

Lolly said...

Was that clear? or more confusing?

magpie said...

yes, that is good Professor Lolly...thanks...

Glad to read your posts, always, by the way...
such a variety...
xo ♥

got to find some chow...
this bird is hungry !

Will be comforted to read that Paula has returned home safely...same as Lynn posted earlier...
lots and lots of rain in the area

hedgie said...

Linda, she's a standard poodle----not always "shorn."

POURING still....and satellite is messed up. MIGHT be able to see Rizzoli & Isles....if things slack off by 10.

Shirley---WHO wanted your cell phone #?

magpie said...

little quickie email to you about postal service when you have a chance

ttfn xo

magpie said...

I left a post about Carolyn, just before the Split...

stronghunter said...

Raining here, too. Gently. I put my porch flowers out on the steps.

Lynne2 said...

hello my name is Lynne and my favorite color is clear.

hedgie said...

Oh. I see it ,, on---don't give it to them,!

Margy, actually it was Andy who picked her and Mary agreed!!
Glad you had a nice visit with Wanda and GG!

stronghunter said...

Just Google, Lynn. When I signed in so I could post. I was aggravated because I couldn't find a way to refuse, so I just backed out of the page. Hate it when they make it confusing when you do not want to comply.

hedgie said...

Margy, I think Royal Jewelers was originally on Queen, too, wasn't it?

Lolly said...

Hey...........Lovely Lynne!!! Did you see the very special post on fb? I put it on just for you!!!

magpie said...

um, oh, what are you talking about?
Did I speed read and miss something earlier ???

Okay, Lynn, gotcha !
Pretty neat...good choice...

Lolly said...

Or, Lynne, as I suspect, are you ignoring me? ☺

magpie said...

Royal Jewelers, that's IT !!
Thanks, Lynn....

Wanda and I were wracking our brains...she remembered, or maybe it was GG that remembered Mellart's!

magpie said...

Personally I would give my Eye Teeth to be on site for one of the shows....especially if we would not be busy and I could oogle all the planes, and the guys in uniforms ♥

hedgie said...

Actually, Margy---not to be too picky---it was Melart Jewelers. They, of course, are a chain everywhere! My wedding rings came from them, but at a mall down home.

I wondered if you were going to get to work the Air Show, Margy. You did last year, right?

wvgal_dana said...

Margie a name is hitting me but probably not it Royal Jewerlys???

hedgie said...

I sure hope everything is okay with Jo....wonder where she's been today??

wvgal_dana said...

lol I just got to Hedgie's - Lynn's post Royal Jewerlys. lol

Linda said...

Oh Shirley, I would just love to see baby cardinals!!

Our cardinals left when we went to South Florida for the week of my brother's funeral and haven't returned yet.

Lynne - Favorite Color??? Clear??

Judie said...

Hoda, Bambi seems to be quite the young buck. He's been seen in our yard with at least two different does and one spotty. Maybe he just needed to get away from the girls for a while.

Lynn, please convey congratulations to Carolyn. She will do an excellent job and reap tons of praise.

Goodnight Judy.

Yes, Margy. I believe I would very much like your book of euphemisms.

It is early but I suspect the sandperson will arrive before much longer. Tomorrow is an early day.

The night light is on for anyone who needs to arise in the dark and Andy and Hoda who are coming in from the West coast. Restful sleep for all and continued prayers for Sherry and Jimmy and all those devastated by the TX fires.

Linda said...

A Dictionary of Euphemisms?

Hmmmmm, this should be interesting. Margy will be having us guessing what she means, I'm sure. Can't wait!

Lolly said...

It is very interesting on facebook. Folks are posting needs for more volunteers to fight the fires. Also, posting needs for horse trailers to move horses from the paths of the fires.

wvgal_dana said...

Signing off

May ALl Be Blessed By God

Prayers are needed and given

magpie said...

Linda...I will pick out a few examples in a little bit...stomach is roaring for din-din now...

Melart's it is, Lynn, thanks
and Yes, DanaWV.
Pine Grove...was on Route 11N
and was on Shepherdstown Rd

Hoda said...

MARGY and LOLLY I get it. I thought I understood free rein,before but did not think of the context. Thanks for he explanation and I think MARGY is saqying that sometimes I do not respond to her posts???If I see a post and someone made a comment that covered what I would have to say I do not say it....Sorry MARGY I will pay more attention...I love reading what you say...

Goodnight to JUDYE JUDIE AND DANA. Sleep well and God Bless.

magpie said...

Negative Hoda...
it is when I do not respond to or comment on some of your posts...
I think I chose the wrong terminology...sorry....
sometimes I have already put one foot out the door, double check posts and see there are some new ones and I don't get back to them...
You should see my sheet of notes:
Here are some expamples:
Trigon Lolly (trigonometry talk)Shirley - amb (about the ambulance on the street two wks ago)
Ct - about Connecticut
Lynne sad dog what kind
Robert Alexis Dad
Paula Catherine (her middle name)
so I get lost in the shuffle sometimes

stronghunter said...

Margy, I agree with Judie. I would love a book of euphemisms.

Getting sleepy.

Hunter slept in this morning, and the rascal is still up. We heard a clunk, and it seems that Hunter managed to fall out of his bed. He does not like to go to bed until him mother comes upstairs. Poor Kathryn does not get much of a break.

Rus was amused when he heard Hunter being reminded to use soap when he took his bath last night. Rus said it reminded him of the Cosby Show.

Lolly said...

Too funny, Margy!!! We all at times get lost on what is being posted.

Lolly said...

And, then there are the times when we sometimes ignore posts. (Ahem! Lynne!) lol

stronghunter said...

Love your expamples, Margy.

Linda said...

Get Lost?? That would be ME....all day today while trying to catch up!

I seem to be lost more than not lately!! LOL

Lolly said...

OMG! Annie is driving us crazy. We have the house open. She is asking out, turns around and asks in, then she wants out, and then back in. Aghhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Nothing good about senility!!!

stronghunter said...

I am really sleepy. Having trouble typing. Good night. I have to go upstairs now. See you tomorrow.

Linda said...

Good Night Shirley!! Sweet Dreams!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Been trying to catch up on mail, check news, etc.
Thanks so much for your caring comments and sympathies.
Things will be OK. Everyone down there in area is alright, so far as we've heard.

Gotta get back to life, & do the do for AM work.Bless you all, &
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...

Good night to those already gone. Have a restful sleep.
Getting Rizzoli and Isles okay on TNT! Thank goodness. It is still raining quite hard.

Still no Jo?

hedgie said...

Loretta, can only imagine how much your heart hurts for Sherry. We always wish we could be there to hold them and let them cry when they need to. Hope you can get to sleep okay.

Hoda said...

NO LYNN still no JO and no PAULA either so far...

magpie said...

I know Jo said this was going to be a Relaxing Kind of Day....
Hope to find that she had that
to the Nth Degree!

Good Night those heading for the pillows...
I'm cranking out some snail mails..
first the cards, then the stamps, then the return address labels, and then the stickers !!!

Oh that Annie...what a wound up cat !
she has got some kinetic energy going, Lolly...wonder where she gets it from ?? ☺

magpie said...

WASH-FM has been playing some wonderful tunes today ♪ ♫
not it is the Delilah show...
still good tunes!

Oh Lolly -- - huge Slug on the sidewalk earlier...I didn't demolish him, but I did lift him up with the trowel and gave him the old Heave-Ho !!

Linda said...

Going to sign off for the night. Wishing everyone restful sleep.

Prayers we hear from Jo and Paula and that they both are okay.

Praying for the so many needs of our members, our families and friends, especially Loretta's daughter and son-in-law as they deal with the damage from the raging wild fires.

May God Bless us all and the critters we so dearly love.... xoxo ♥♥♥

Night ♥

Hoda said...

A Fire Fighter who survived 9/11 God Bless them all.

hedgie said...

Margy....have you ever seen Delilah? You know how so often voices do not match appearances??? When I saw her, she weighed about 300#--really shocked me!

Lolly said...

Get that slug out of your garden, Margy! Where is your scareslug??

Have talked with Michael. He and Ashley are home. Talked with Laurel and she is headed to bed. Have I ever told you her family pet name is "Wo Wo". When she was just so little she could not say Laurel, called herself Wo Wo. She also called Michael "Oddie". Do not know where that came from, but can sort of hear "Laurel" in "Wo Wo" So,Wo Wo she is. LOL

Anyway, thought I would head to the shower. Ready to get comfy.

hedgie said...

Sure hoping he has gotten heavy duty counseling, Hoda. Survivor's guilt can be disabling.

Lolly said...

High School friend on fb just told me they are packed and have a plan if they have to evacuate. Another hs friend has already had to evacuate. OMG...this is so unreal!

hedgie said...

LOL, Lolly...I called myself La La!

Hoda said...

LYNN I hope so too for the surviving fire fighter.
International papers are full of Anniversary news and reflections.

hedgie said...

From the Bear Center:
Despite some moments of anxiety, all the radio-collared bears ended up safe.

Mema Jo said...

Sorry for any concern for me and my whereabouts - It was a total day of
relaxation around here.

Good Night all and God Bless Everyone and their families and friends..
Prayers for many many and He hears
them all.
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Hi, Jo. Good night, Jo! Glad all is well! Sleep tight.

magpie said...

Thank you Hoda...
difficult, poignant, so very sad

Many experiences like that...
my words are not here...they are in my heart

Good Night to all
Prayers for Peace and Wellness, Comfort where it is needed
and Strength for us all

Prayers of thanks for many gifts given
incuding, that of Friendship and Fellowship here...

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥

Hoda said...

YEAY JO checked in and had a relaxing day...GREAT

LOLLY I laugh at the images of Annie not knowing if he wants to be in or out...reminds me of me sometimes, you called it senelity,HA HA HA !!! I wonder already????
Your supper sounded wonderful and I am glad you enjoyed it. My Salad was a great decision. I will miss the locally grown produce when the season is over

hedgie said...

U of MD won their opening game of the season! Very good! (My Mom's alma mater)

Hoda said...

Annie=she not he as in my last post. Sorry

hedgie said...

Hate to desert you, Hoda, but I'm gonna join Margy and the others with my goodnights. Dreary, soggy boring day has made me one a sleepy gal, too. So glad you had a lovely weather day. It's going to be some time before we do.....MAYBE Sat.
See all y'all tomorrow. Prayers going up for each and every one.

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, a Happy Labor Day thread!!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend!

Just got home...left late, didn't want to leave. Lots of rain on the way home, some of it was just pouring. That rain is cold! It's 60° here!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
It's taken a while for me to get caught up here tonight.

Loretta, so very, very sorry to hear that Sherry and Jimmy have lost their home, but extremely grateful that they are OK. Prayers for them, and for their neighbors. Is there something we can do to help?

DanaMO, praying that Erin's surgery will be a success, and that she will accept the help she needs, and recover. Such a difficult situation!
Prayers for the whole family.

Judy, thanks for the K14 tribute!

Lolly, I'm so relieved that you are finally getting some reasonable temperatures there! Still praying for some rain for you!

It's been pretty nice here today, with the rain and overcast skies this morning. It's been pretty humid this afternoon and evening, though. Supposed to get HOT in the next few days. I am SOOOO ready for winter weather!

Well, it will be an early alarm time for Kubby tomorrow, so I'd better try to start winding down. Prayers have been said for everyone, and every creature. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Hope everyone sleeps well. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

stronghunter said...

Welcome home, Paula. It is raining and windy here, too. I had gone to bed, but haven't been able to fall asleep yet, so here I am.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Andy. Nice to see you checking in.

stronghunter said...

Temperature here is not really cold.

stronghunter said...

75 degrees now.

There was another small aftershock here about noon. Nothing that I felt.

stronghunter said...

Going back upstairs now. Stay safe, everyone.

Hoda said...

Welcome home PAULA and NICk. I am glad you made a safe trip. Wonderful that it is getting cooler.

Goodnight LYNN and all who have already headed to bed. Our weather is in the 80's to 90's most of this week dropping to 50 at night.So the longer we have clear skies and some sun the easier the winter here is going to be for us...Still no socks!!! ;^) !!!and SANDALS glorious SANDALS.

magpie said...

I didn't really go to bed either...

'cause I was waiting on that late night post from Jo and Paula and Nick...Welcome Home Paula and Nick,
Jo - did just what she said was going to do..Relaaaaax....

now, for Wanda....maybe one last peek before I turn this off in a bit

Andy: Kubby, that's cute, don't think I saw you use that before

Lolly said...

Heading to bed folks.

Through email got another prayer request. Sister of a friend at church is having to evacuate in the Bastrop area. This is really scary!! Making me think...what would I pack up?

Prayers for all firefighters and those affected by the fires.

Hee is 69 and dropping!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my Loretta, I am so sorry to hear about Sherry and Jimmy's home. I know that we say it's just things, that they can be replaced...but it has to be heartbreaking for them, and you as well. So glad the kids are OK. Love and Hugs.

paula eagleholic said...

Sleep well, Shirley.

Hoda said...

So glad it is cooler for you in TEXAS LOLLY .

I too am wondering about WANDA MARGY...she will soon chime in to tell us that she is in her roost.

Prayers go to LOLLY'S friend.

Banish that thought from your mind LOLLY you will not need to evacuate, God Willing.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lolly, that's terrible. I think I would make sure my pictures went with me...

Hoda said...

PAULA are you going to work tomorrow? I am so glad to hear that you did not want to leave the beach house, because it says it was not all work for you there this long weekend.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, there were so many similar stories on 9/ many instances of lives being changed by chance...

Hoda said...

...yes PAULA and ten years later iti s very humbling to know that it is ordinary people, it could have been you and me...
How close is LOLLY to BASTROP do you know PAULA?

paula eagleholic said...

Yup Hoda, back to work tomorrow...had a nice weekend, definitely got some play time in! And even if it's an all working weekend, I still don't want to come home, LOL It was just perfect, weatherwise this weekend!

Oh, forgot to report on the ospreys! I think it's just Dad and the fledgling left. Dad was soaring out over the water today, and you could hear the young 'un chasing after him and cheeping, give me fish! Saw Dad arrive twice today with fish! Also saw some cormorants, herons and egrets. The hummers down there are really something, they fly right to you!

My neighbor, when she was checking out my house, scared a whole flock of doves out of my fig trees. But they didn't get them all! We picked all the ripe ones, gave some to my neighbors, Sue Ellen and George, and my brother took the rest home.

paula eagleholic said...

Bastrop is a ways south of Lolly...I think she was just wondering out loud.

Hoda said...

It is indeed PAULA'S PARADISE. I loved the picture of NICK digging on FB

paula eagleholic said...

Looks to be 150 miles or more south of her.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Hoda, everyone's comments were cracking me up! I was reading them to my brother and he was laughing.

magpie said...

One of my father's favorite fruits, Paula...
wish he were around to have some now

Great Osprey report...
Cormorants, they will take as much fish as they can get out of the water..... !!!

magpie said...

did the doves leave any fig leaves Paula ☺

Hoda said...

Thanks for the distancce to LOLLY'S and JACK'S place PAULA. May there not be winds over there.

How wonderful that you and Bro enjoyed laughter...

magpie said...

sounds like you squeezed every last bit of fun AND worktime out of the week-end Paula...happy to read of it, and hope your sleep is Sweeeeeet
Same to everyone else already in bed or headed there soon

I am thinking, Wanda has probably been facebooking with all her many family....
and that she will sign off before faceplanting it here pretty soon...

Time for me to REALLY go to bed now, was finishing up some mailing things

Prayers for Lolly's church friend's sister....with the fire danger

Good Night
and once again
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, they did, Margy!

Sleep well!

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, I had better get to bed too!

Gnite Hoda, sleep well!

(((Hugs for all♥)))

Hoda said...

WANDA wishing you health and wellness and a good sleep.

To all who are headed to work tomorrow have a great day and enjoy all your contributions

Goodmorning to the early morning coffee group.

To all God Bless and sweet dreams. Goodnight.

Hoda said...

It occurs to me the NCTC folks will be back to work tomorrow too so maybe the camera will be up???Just a wonderful and delightful thought...

Costume Lady said...

Read ALL of this blog, now, I may do a faceplant before I can write all that I want to:)

Our visit with MARGY, was so very special...GG was soo happy to see her! I felt so bad that I couldn't get her hearing aids to work. I had changed the batteries in them yesterday and the were working fine. Guess a trip to Dr. Z is in order! Anyway, Margy wrote notes to GG and it worked out very well.

Costume Lady said...

MY DEAR LORETTA...what can we say about Sherri's tragedy?
...looks like it was a beautiful house and property.
I feel so sorry for Sherri, being without hubby while all this has happened...she needs him to grieve with.
Wonder if they will rebuild there or elsewhere?

Prayers for them to be able to quickly pull their lives back together...and for you too.Know that you are heartsick for them♥

Costume Lady said...

Good Night to you, dear Hoda♥

I see it is so very late, once again, so I will be turning in shortly.


Lori O. said...

LORETTA, prayers and sympathies for Sherry & Jimmy. Can't imagine the loss, but I'm so happy for you that both are safe. Amazing you could get those satellite maps of the smoke density.

LINDA, so how was the puree/sauce? Very proud of you for all that effort! Wish I could have seen the TV show of the herding dogs. Love that stuff. Most of all love to watch horses working cattle!

DANAWV, I don't know how long until the vulture baby will be grown enough to have a nest and eggs. I'll have to do some reading. Enough work just getting this one to fledgling status! I was happy to have been able to take pics of him on the barn roof yesterday. He was doing a lot of wingersizing, but seemed like he didn't want to fly off in case there was food on the way...and there way! He flew up into the tree then came back down to get it. Does a mother's heart good! :)

KAY, thanks for the update on all the eaglets. The Back Bay National Wildlife Rescue you wrote about is where the beach house backs up to. We're leaving Friday!!! I can't wait.
I'm taking the two big camera lenses and suspect I'll be set up with a tripod and the largest lens most of the time.

LYNN, if Leisl needs more tennis balls, Dalai has at least ten, and another couple of racquet balls! Tripping over them all the time! :)

Lori O. said...

BUMMER, cams still down.

Lori O. said...



Up to an inch of rain. High only 68. Another inch of rain possible tonight.

Lori O. said...

Belle & Truder would likely only come around during a lull in the rain & there won't be many of those today. Still, wish we had the cam working. :((

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, this avatar is for you darling! Think it's having an effect on the up to 6" of rain we'll have here this week? Take my avatar, please!

DanaMo said...

Good morning Lori.

By the end of the week they say we will get up to 8 inches of rain! Yikes that's a lot of rain.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DANAMO!

Can you imagine, parts of Tennessee had 9" of rain yesterday!
Can't even imagine that.

DanaMo said...

Really all in one day! At least ours will be spread over the week.

The only downside, inside recess-Yuck! The kids really need to get outside during the day. Oh well. Nothing I can do about it.

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼D M☼RINING EAGLE BUDS ITS STORMING OUT BIG TIME GOT WOKE UP TWO TIMES WITH THE THUNDER so I just wanted to say good morning and power down the puter WOW I looked at RADAR lots of rain

Chat at ya later

Lori O. said...

Sorry Danamo...there goes any personal time you could have had for a few moments. You are probably crazy at the end of an all indoors day!?

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
soggy here in Martinsburg too...

would be a nice day to stay home curled up with a book and some tea

Sure was nice to see that Wanda "brought up the rear" last night....great avatar, of Jayden and his Granddaddy Donnie ♥ ☺

Oh Lynne: I saw the Bluebird Pictures that you sent to GG...spectacular !

magpie said...

DOES sound like a whole week of inside recess, DanaMo...
on dear...
Best wishes on your first full week with ALL the kiddies.
How's Aric by the way, after the three-day week-end ?


All reports of baby Vulture sound good, Lori...have you thought of...naming the little tyke??

T-Bird said...

Good morning early birds.

magpie said...

Saw something I like at FinFerry nest early this mroning...
A Hooded Crow...with an osprey on the platform too. Then just the Hooded Crow, with the Ferry Boat back in the distant waters...
Posted on Magpie's Roost.
Think the first two pics are identical actually, but oh well

Lolly Hoody at FinFerry...
I believe you and Jack saw them "last year"

magpie said...

Two O's there now, and a whole lotta Poop Shoot on the platform metals

magpie said...

G☺☺D Morning T-Bird and Buddy !

so, the new starting quarterback has been named for the Redskins

magpie said...

I listened to the story on WASH-FM but...sorry, did not remember or write down the name :(
Bet YOU know already !

Is it soggy down there in Beautiful Bluefield?

magpie said...

might be a shoes and socks kind of day here....if I can FIND some socks!

But I have to start looking...
and get things a'rolllin' here, worktime looms :(

Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy and Joyful Day, Everyone...
hope there is some uplifting news here and there for everyone....

xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

Hey, Good Morning, T-Bird and Margy!

Yes, Redskins have named Rex Grossman their starting QB. What do you think of that T-Bird? And, Buddy's opinion? Woof!

Lori O. said...

MARGY, hope you find your socks. I'm wearing a shirt that has snowflakes on it since it's only going to be in the 60's today!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Cartoons going full blast again. Good vs evil monsters. Oh, my.

Rainy and windy this morning. Lots of people on the East Coast do not need this rainy weather. People in Texas do.

DanaMo said...

Busy morning, getting back into this school routine is tough!

DanaMo said...

Did you say Snow Day Lori? LOL! I'm ready :)

I'm wearing my red, white and blue since we didn't have school yesterday for Labor Day. Good introduction to "Community Helpers"

stronghunter said...

Inside recess. I remember when they did that in Ohio. The teachers needed a break, so they would give the kids break time in the classrooms while appointed teachers patrolled the halls. It did not work very well.

stronghunter said...

Need to go find a hoodie for Hunter to wear to the bus stop this morning. He refused the bright orange Kings Dominion poncho.

magpie said...

darn it, hoody needed!
Well....Shirley, hope Hunter finds one he likes !

Hope Professor Judie has a a good day at the schoolhouse today, guess she won't have to worry about inside recess ☺

GREAT music tunes Lori, and yesterday was Boss !
Oh a snowflake shirt, that's pretty funny !

Okay, must AND socks on

Be careful everyone that has for standing and pooling water

Hope JudyE's storms are not too bad!

ttfn xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

☼ Taking all suggestions! ☼

I'm leaving Friday after work for vacation heading south, down 1-95 toward Virginia Beach. Where would be a good place to stop Friday night (with 2 dogs)? Need a place to hang out Saturday until we can check into the house at 3pm. I'm stumped having never been through the area or to VB. ♥

T-Bird said...

Great picture Magpie.

T-Bird said...

That's right Magpie. I'm having a hard time trusting Coach Shanahan.

T-Bird said...

Lori, Buddy is a little confident but he expresses his underlying distrust of Shanahan too. He feels he will do something crazy like play one quarterback for one game and the other one the next and so forth. He knows that wouldn't work. He is really woofy about the topic.


How about you?

T-Bird said...

I'm off, well in the head too but right now, I'm off to start the day. I hope you all make a good day.

Lori O. said...

MARGY, I'm bummed for James that you won't get to see him this week!

THELMA, I'm with Buddy on the Redskins topic. Never thought about Shanahan doing the QB shuffle every other week, but that would be really frightening. If I've learned anything in DC it's that no matter what happens, the people still love the Redskins and their Pandas more than anything else!

stronghunter said...


Don't know how far south you want to go on Friday. Here's what I found.

Pet Friendly Hotels Near Fredericksburg, VA

Would be fun to see you in Fredericksburg.

stronghunter said...

Okay, last night I had some leftover corn on the cob, so I put two ears on the back porch.

This morning, Hunter and I watched a squirrel just enjoying the heck out of one of those ears of corn. Just now, I caught a glimpse of a squirrel running through the yard next door with something large and yellow.

Lori O. said...

Thank you Shirley, that is a link that will come in handy! If I had any confidence that I would be running on time, I'd set a coffee date right now! LOL

hedgie said...

LOL, Lori, I bet Shirley is flexible enough in retirement to meet up with you on the spur of the moment!!! But wondering why you want to leave Fri. if you can't get in til Sat. PM??? It's NOT a very long drive!

Morning all! Wet and soggy here, too.

Thelma, Buddy and Lori---I frankly think that Shanahan is intentionally trying to stir the discontent pot. And I couldn't believe that they cut at least a third string QB. Heaven help us if two were to go down HAS happened in the past.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Would you believe we saw 59 for a short while this morning? Wow! Presently 63 and heading up.

Thought about accepting your avatar, Lori, but thought it would be terribly confusing. lol

HODA...Bastrop is 181 miles south of us. We live south of Fort Worth, in the country, just south of Burleson.

Lolly said...

The fire at Possum Kingdom is closer to us. They say it is about 85% contained. Not sure what that means. lol

hedgie said...

Shirley, only one corn cob here has disappeared. One is completely pulverized and a second one about halfway. I suspect the deer have worked on them. One is untouched. Hope they are enjoying them!! I sure did my portion!

hedgie said...

59° here, too, Lolly.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Lori, VA beach sounds long are you staying?

paula eagleholic said...

Poo, the cam is still down.

Lori O. said...

LYNN, I wanted to go on Friday because I thought there were so many great places to stop on the way down, but now that the dogs are coming that may have to change.

Lori O. said...

PAULA, Going for a week!

hedgie said...

DID YOU KNOW??? On this day in 1901, President McKinley was shot and mortally wounded. His assassin was executed 1 month later. Swift justice back then...we should be so lucky today.

Lolly said...

Shared a picture on fb of the Austin skyline with the Bastrop fire in the background. A really scary picture. Lynne D. posted it!

hedgie said...

Figs....Paula is harvesting her figs! Also my Dad's favorite fruit. I like them, too.....gotta remember to get some canned ones next grossery trip!

grannyblt said...

Morning eagle buddies.

So sorry to hear of the loss of homes in Bastrop, TX. My neice and her hubby live near Austin and are worried, as anyone should be. I shared a picture from her FB page, as Lolly mentioned. I just got off the phone with a friend of my daughter (like a daughter to me) who lives north of Houston and they had a fire in Magnolia TX yesterday that is thankfully contained, but too close for comfort. Mother Nature is really messin' with us this year.

Lolly said...

I received another e-mail this morning...yet another prayer concern from our church office. Another sister of a very good friend has had to evacuate down near Bastrop.

My hs friend said this morning on fb that they are okay for today, but still keeping a fire watch.

hedgie said...

Just found out that it was apparently Grannyblt's (Lynne1) birthday yesterday, apparently. Saw FB greetings, but her date isn't listed there, either, or with our list. :(


hedgie said...

Well, look at that! HI, Lynne1!!!!
Good to see you! Was yesterday your birthday or earlier in the weekend?? If we had known, we would have showered you with greetings!!!

hedgie said...

Lolly and Lynne1, sorry that more friends and loved ones are in harms way.

Lolly said...

On fb, just had a young friend complain that the fires in TX were not getting enough natl. attention. I told her, I begged to differ, that there were many prayers from the east coast going up.

I am now off to start my day. Jack brought me some coffee cake and sausage for my breakfast. Sat here in my chair to eat. ☺

Have a great day and I be back later!

hedgie said...

What service, Lolly!

Kay said...

Top o' the mornin' to you all ! Getting a late start with computer connected things. This is our second gloriously Fall like day and it's been too nice to be indoors. Malcolm is with me today and we'll pick Seth up after school. Julie will come for them about 4, so I'll catch up with blog details later today.

MARGY, LOL, do you believe in 6 degrees of separation ? I do ! Of course, my little Brother Fred scenario was a product of a wild imagination and a goofy mood ! Wish I could actually figure out those degrees of separation that tie each of us together !

LORI, what a wonderful location for your beach getaway ! You will almost certainly see eagles and who knows what else ? How exciting !

Okay, Malcolm wants some TLC. BBL

grannyblt said...

Thanks for the birthday greetings. It was the 5th. My youngest grandaughter's BD is today. If she had waited another day, she would have been born on the 7th of the month, as both her siblings are--Oct7, July 7

Costume Lady said...

I must get ready and leave, shortly for Soup Kitchen.
I had to stop for a moment and tell LORI to be sure and take the time (in Va. Beach) to visit the Marine Museum. It is WONDERFUL and I know she will love it...Aviary, reptiles, marine critters, hours of inside and outdoor trails along the water.
They also have a magnificient 3-D theatre with wonderful movies. Took Dustin there when he was 3 or 4 and he nearly went bonkers trying to catch the 3-D fish that were, seemingly, swimming all over the auditorium:)
If you have already been there, LORI, then you know how exciting it is. I LOVE VA. BEACH♥
CHILI today at Soup Kitchen,+++++++
Have a great if you can't get outside to play:)

Costume Lady said...

LYNNE 1,♫♪ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ♫♪, sorry we missed it yesterday. Hope you had a fun day:)

Costume Lady said...

Oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your daughter, also, Lynne 1.
7 must be your lucky number:)

Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone.

Happy belated birthday to Lynne1 and granddaughter. Hope both enjoy.

Kay, so sorry to find that your fling with Margy's brother was just a fantasy. Thought we might have another fun topic as we have had Jack with Wanda and Gene with Lolly.

Ah, today is a sweater day. Yippee! Raining and cool. No socks until I get home. Just thinking back to Hoda fussing about the cold. Have to chuckle.

Margy, hope you are having a quiet day at work and, I may be mistaken, but you will have some time with James the Wise later?

Shirley, were you able to get some extra snooze time after Hunter went to school?

Paula, nice you have you and Nick back with us. Can only imagine how much you wanted to stay longer.

Stopping at the grocery on the way home. Will visit again later. Continued prayers for all the fire victims and their families.

Judie said...

Ooops, Wanda, have a great soup kitchen. Weather and chili should pack them in.

stronghunter said...


No snooze time today. I had an appointment for an EKG. I decided that I should have some check-ups since it has been awhile. I will be having a stress test later. So far, all is well.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, though a little late, Lynne 1. . . . And happy birthday to your granddaughter.

Today is my father's birthday. He passed away in 1972.

stronghunter said...

Well, I could take some snooze time now.

Judie said...

Glad to know the EKG was okay, Shirley. Wishing the same for the stress test.

About to depart the big school house. Bye

hedgie said...

Shirley, don't understand: why the stress test? Are you having symptoms of some kind?? :(

stronghunter said...

I have been short of breath at times. I would like to start some exercise. Want to be careful.

Lori O. said...



Lynne1, just think of it as a second birthday this month, courtesy of Momsters who missed your first one.

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, Praises for a good EKG! When is your stress test, so we're with you in spirit. :)

stronghunter said...

They will call me about the stress test.

Lori O. said...

Adult Wanna bees await our Ms. Judie.
Be careful in the rain. You know what it's like driving here in the rain.

The Natl Weather Service is forecasting serious flooding on the Potomac.


Also Flood Watches for:





hedgie said...

That's called the CASCADE EFFECT, Lori! Why aren't you sleeping???

Oh, Shirley, okay...that explains it!

stronghunter said...

When I went to Susan's graduation in May, I realized that I was having a hard time keeping up with her when she was walking around the campus. Of course, she is only 31 years old, but I think I should be able to do better. I figure that I will be getting less exercise rather than more since I have retired, and that is not what I need.

Lori O. said...

Was waiting to hear from Kate after Dr's appts. Pulmonologist says she has acute bronchitis and asthma (we knew that...but the episode could have been caused by gall bladder or GERD? Now, she's at the GP who is the supreme tester. She's have Kate in the lab for weeks!
I love her. Name is Cathy Hunt, Physician's Assistant, I believe.

stronghunter said...

The nurse practitioner at my doctor's office suggested that I should not try a three-mile hike all alone for the present. Doesn't sound like she is terribly worried about my health.

Lori O. said...

Total respect for you Shirley for jumping on it and having things checked out. Your kids are fortunate that you take good care of yourself!

stronghunter said...

Let us know when you hear from Kate, Lori.

Lolly said...

WANDA, thank you so very much for posting on on my link after Angie posted. She is always finding negative things to say. She is a college friend of Laurel's and Laurel gets so upset with her. So, after I "begged to differ with her", I really appreciated you stepping up and saying something.

We have been out watering pots. Going to clean up now and head out. Have some shopping to do.

Oh, and while I was out a rs hawk was really making lots of noise, then flew out of a tree right over my head. I was smiling big!! Beautiful! Still hear him out there calling. Think the jays are really pestering him. Nice having the house open and being able to listen to the birds.

stronghunter said...

Going to nap now, then take care of some cleaning. Hunter is supposed to have a football game tonight, but I don't know. Quite possible it will be called off.

Wondering about flooding on the Rappahannock.

Hoda said...

OH NO NO NO!!! NOT TALK OF SHOES AND SOCKS AND SWEATERS already!!! Enough to ruin a morning I would say...Now MARGY and JUDIE that is not very friendly on your part!!!LOL!!! I experienced resistance at the afore mentioned items and went and put on my sandals with no socks...too early yet I think...I do have to get over it all soon I am sure.

A busy day here so I will head off to go to the lawyere and sign my Will and my Health Care Directive. I will also go to yoga, run some errands and in the afternoon will go to paddling...I'll check in before paddling and after the first lot of busy.

SHIRLEY ECG are not a problem and good on you for wanting to start an exercise preogram and being with a clean bill of health is smart.Keep us posted.

LOLLY the picture on FB of the fires is disturbing, may you and Jack stay safe.I hope they contain the other 15% of the fire that is closer to you...

LORI goes on holidays at the end of the week. HURRAH. Enjoy and I will look forward to pictures and stories.

Camera still not up.


Lolly said...

Way to go Shirley and Hoda. Thanks for the posts on my link. I love you!!!!!

Lori O. said...

Shirley, I know you're napping (good for you!) but I just looked up flood forecasts for the Rappahannock and there's not a Flood Watch or Flood Warning on it yet; however, there are FLASH Flood Watches out everywhere in MD, VA, DC.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello my eagle budlets. Checking in from rainy, dreary Claytor Lake. Hanging out with sis for a couple of days and getting to see my brother we only see a couple of times a year. How is everybody?

hedgie said...

And WV, too, Lori!

hedgie said...

Hi, Shar! Nice that you get some lake time in and work at the sasme time!!! Very cool!!! The best of both worlds, huh??!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Prayers continue for all the folks threatened by the fires in TX, and for Sherry & Jimmy!

Shirley, prayers for your EKG & stress test. Expecting to hear good reports.

Lori, prayers for Kate and her medical tests. Hoping that Cathy Hunt, P.A. will do just the right tests to diagnose any problems, and fix them, pronto!

Would like to request prayers for my Kubby, Ken. He's limping around at work today. His right heel/Achilles tendon area is really hurting! Since today is the day after a holiday weekend, he HAD to go to work. If he had called in sick he wouldn't have been paid. He was limping yesterday. Put "Icy Hot" on it, and he's taking Excedrin Back & Body for it. I'm trying to schedule a Dr. appt. for him ASAP. That's a prayerful situation, too! (Hope he uses the golf cart to get around as much as he can today. That warehouse is over 800,000 sq. ft.!)

Well, need to go pick up a couple of prescriptions, so better get going. Will check in when I get back.

Hope everyone has a good day! Travel carefully! :o]

hedgie said...

Andy, surely will pray that Ken just has a minor heel injury/condition that will quickly resolve. Hope he is using a cart!!
That's a big plant! Not as big as ours was, but still way too much walking!!

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lori. I hadn't seen any flood watch for the Rappahannock, just flash flood watches for the area. I don't live near the river myself.

I will be doing the stress test tomorrow. I have done one before, though it has been awhile.

stronghunter said...

Prepare for the coming split!

Football is canceled. No game today. Not really surprising. Has been raining and raining.

hedgie said...

Shirley, that is some fast scheduling!! Get a good night's rest!! Good that the game was canceled....not fit for man or beast out there!

JudyEddy said...




JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

In keeping with Lynne's idea of using pics of our grandparent's for our avatars this week, here is my Grams and Pop, on their 50th Anniversary, June 1968.

magpie said...
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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...