Friday, September 23, 2011


Rainy thread.


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JudyEddy said...

HMM I could watch that news station Nice looking newsman NICE article HODA

Lynne2 said...

150 more are dead bringing the SBBC to 550 for the far! This is so gross. There are stinkbug poop smears and stinkbug body smears all over the place. And there are thousands outside. They were right, this year is going to be worse. Gives one pause to consider next year....

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, did you see the video of Kim Delaney from Army Wives???? WOW.

hedgie said...

JudyE---your list doesn't SHOW that Perry led the straw poll...??? And think you meant MITT Romney!

JudyEddy said...

I'm gonna miss Brothers & Sister

JudyEddy said...

LYNN Is there no spray that keeps them away???? I wonder if my daughter FIL has any ideas he is a bug exterminator

hedgie said...

Yes, Lynne-ie, I SAW that. WOW! If the hair hadn't been so disheveled, I would have thought maybe she was having a stroke or TIA. Wonder what this is going to do to her future with AW?

JudyEddy said...

The news man on 8 said he was TX governor I guess they got it wrong

hedgie said...

Yeah, JudyE, I'm gonna miss it, too---but the way they wrapped up all the storylines told me that it was going to happen.

No, there is nothing developed yet to REALLY address the SB' new item approved for orchardists this year.....

Lynne, there was a good article in our paper today by the Bug Lady....but it's not online yet. When it is, I'll send it to you.

Lynne2 said...

no JudyE, nothing has proven effective (or safe to use in the house) so far.

I miss B and S too :(

Lynne2 said...

ok Lynn, I'll look forward to it!

Off to the store....

JudyEddy said...

I think I will head to beach See ya all later Looks like it going to be a pretty sunset and if not Is still nice to drive over

hedgie said...

Rice and chicken in the dish....about 2 tablespoons...she's picking the chicken out first. Go for gusto, Dog!!!

We (my GM) is on another bout of deaths....1 retiree yesterday, 1 always seems to run in threes. Bill says that he better not be next! Did get news tho' that another one is very please pray for Debbie. TY!

JudyEddy said...

STINK BUG I googled it check out this youtube video made out of 2lts Pepsi soda bottle, elec tape masking tape, a light bought and Homedopt, razor for cutting, marker

home made stinkbug trap

I thought maybe you may have see these if not then I have done some good
Looks pretty easy to make and it looks like it work

here is another one There are ones you can by at stores I found when I googled it I LOVE GOOGLE
another trap to make

JudyEddy said...

ok now I am leaving bye

hedgie said...

JudyE, Lynne2 made one of those---it hasn't worked yet!

hedgie said...

Yes, Perry IS TX governor. Lolly says he's no good for education!

hedgie said...

Not to complain, but did I tell you all that I am so sore I can hardly walk or sit?? ALl of the bending, kneeling, climbing, and practically standing on my head (LOL--NOT even close!) getting that stereo system done really stressed my muscles!

Mema Jo said...

If the stereo is all set to go - stretch out and relax with some good soothing music!

I hope your Liesl will be all better by tomorrow.


Lolly said...

Hi all! Yes, it was a great day! Jacob's baseball team won their game. Jacob did okay. He is not the athlete that his brother is. He is just so big for his age and has not gotten it together yet.

Then we went to Joseph's soccer game. They won and Joseph did fantastic. He does not like being goalie, he wants to get out and play, but he is soooo good! Very proud of both boys.

We came on home as they immediately headed to the football game. Will see the boys again tomorrow and U. Michael's. Time for Grandmommy to get a new picture with all three grand boys!!

Lolly said...

Lynn...I am so sorry that Liesl is not better.

Lynne, the new car sounds great. Hope it works out great with it!!!

hedgie said...

A little slow to load, but all of our photog buffs will surely appreciate this. May even be familiar scenes to many! I know the locations of the 2 DC pics....things had not changed much even 15 yrs. later when I would remember!

hedgie said...

Jo, I have done that a couple of times today!!! Listened to a half dozen new CD's that I've acquired over the summer!
Put a large towel on my lap for Liesl----just in case!

Lolly, glad the kids did well in their activities!

Mema Jo said...

Going to see some TV
Most shows from yesterday are repeats for tonight so you can see them if you missed them.


Mema Jo said...

Lynn - those pictures from the past were astonishingly wonderful

JudyEddy said...

LYNN those picture are awesome I loved all of them Did you notice on the dinner table hardly no bowls mason jars held most of the food and a bucket of KARO I wonder if that is still syrup but in a bucket Neat pictures

JudyEddy said...

Was a realy clear sunset was pretty out there nice and breezy they had live music on the deck also

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds!We had so many programs scheduled at Park today, but several got cancelled. None of our canoes or kayaks went out because of fast water, very muddy, perhaps hiding branches, etc. Computer was down until 2PM!!Probably got a raindrop on the lines!!LOL
Put some more "After the Storm" pics. Got a couple other Good sets to do from last Tuesday.
A Rec. Council had an indoor picnic today in our big, white old Gun Club bldg.They shared leftovers---CRABS!!!!!I'm going to go nibble!

JudyEddy said...

I did a couple of video but I don't' know why this happens sometimes a odd yellow line goes up and down in middle of the sun like a reflection or something it us to happen to my movie camera also before someone said i need a filter for the sun

PA Nana said...

Honk, Honk! Lynn, I'll give you a hand but you must realize your team is my 3rd favorite. It's just I don't like the 'Boys."

Good evening everyone. Checking in for the day. Teresa & Max arrived safely yesterday. Max told me he was ging to get me a dog. No he's not if I have anything to say. Sorry you dog lovers, but I prefer cats. I like dogs but am not able to walk them.

We've had dogs before a "Heinz," a jack Russel and a Samoyed. Loved that Sammie.

Have a question for Wanda or Megan. Is it too late to plant the columbine seeds?

I haven't been able to plant them because of my condition, but Teresa is here for another day and maybe she'll plant them for me as she plants the bulbs I got tonight. Just couldn't resist the red & yellow hyacinths and allium.


Hoda said...

I spent the last hour or so talking to Samia, my sister in Cairo. She is a chatty one that one and she loves to laugh. She is doing well but I am concerned because she does not sleep much. Her husband has 12 more radiation sessions to get done he had to have 25 sessions, so they are past the half way mark. She loves to baby sit her grandson...she is planning her daughter's wedding sometime late winter or early spring.

Hoda said...

LORRRRETTTA and DDDIANNNNN HUSSSHHHH...They were doing fine so far this evening and I hope you two have not started them up again...Tomorrow will be soon enought...ROTFLMAO

Lolly said...

Howdy Hoda! Glad you got to talk with your sister. Reminds me....I need to call my sister. We will see Sharon and Dan at the Balloon Fista next week in New Mexico. Need to let her know our plans.

T-Bird said...

Go blue and gold.

Lolly said...

Just ignoring them, Hoda. They are not being nice, but that is okay!

Hoda said...

Can a football game ever end in a tie? I am hoping that the game on Monday is a tie. Is this a realistic hope?

Lynne2 said...

no Hoda, never a tie. IF there is a tie score at the end of the 4th quarter, they will play another until there's a winner. But no worries...Dallas will win outright.

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, glad you had such a long chat with your sister!

Hoda said...

LYNNE 2 You won't believe it because I can not either but I am getting anxious!!! LOL!!! I need to spend more time meditating.

Lynne2 said...

JudyE, I did make that SB trap and so far no luck. BUT, when we got back from the store there were actually 2 ON it! New plan is I have placed it outside the spare room window on to the sunporch roof. That seems to be where most are congregating. Maybe I get some tonight!

Lolly said...

Was just on facebook but logged out. Every time I did anything I had to log in. Geeeesh! What a mess!

Lynne2 said...

LOL Hoda!!! Football Fever!

Lynn, so sorry you are so sore today. Not a good thing when you have a sick pup to care for :(

Lolly said...

Time to go heat up some supper. Reheating the delicious dinner we made the other night.

Mema Jo said...

Discouraging to say the least!
Lily the Black Bear
Many have asked about the picture in last night's update. As I was tracing Lily's travels to look for signs of Hope I saw a beautiful shelf fungus. I impulsively broke a twig from a nearby tree and scratched HOPE on the fungus and enclosed it in a heart. Why? I just needed to. It remains there on a tree in the woods where she last roamed. -- Sue M

PA Nana said...

Hmm.. I think there can be a tie in a football game. At least scored that way.

I remember a few years back there was a tied game and McNabb didn't know there was such a thing.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Lynne2 said...

oh Diann, how are you feeling????

Now that I think about it, maybe it only goes ONE extra quarter and if no one scores, it's a tie. I think I was thinking like extra quarters like extra innings in baseball, but I think you are correct.

Lynne2 said...

you are right Diann,

Football tied scores

hedgie said...

Watched one show from last night, Jo! A Gifted Man....I had taped it....quite interesting...but he's a bit of an egotist!

Stoopid sports--they did NOT show the National Anthem. Boo Hiss!

JudyE--I DID notice the Mason jars and the Karo in a can!

hedgie said...

Gee, Loretta...that's some GOOD leftovers!!! Will look at your pics when I get caught up!

Lynne2 said...

Loved those pictures Lynn!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Loretta and Diann!!! HONK right back atcha!

hedgie said...

Oh, my, Di---I've never seen a RED hyacinth. How very cool!!! I want some!!!

stronghunter said...

Went back to the firehouse for more bingo tonight, but no wins this time. Don't think we can count on making a profit this way.

Kathryn is battling a stye today. She's using warm compresses, but it is very painful.

PA Nana said...

Thanks Lynne, I thought so. I remember there was a lot of news about that tie.

I'm doing much better. Forgot myself tonight and tried to lift Max at the restaurant's ladies room, but some nice young lady offered and I accepted.

The new medicine is working great on the nerve pain and my hope is to be able to take walks and get back to gardening (my next favorite thing to do after bird watching). Only problem so far is the new med makes me a little woozy. Perhaps once my system gets used to it I'll do better.

Lynne & Dana WV (and Loretta?), Steelers play tomorrow night. Go Steelers!

Lynne2 said...

I hear geese.....

Lynne2 said...

what is the medicine Diann?

Lynne2 said...

and please NO MORE LIFTING

hedgie said...

Hoda, conditions have to be VERY dire before they would let a game end in a maybe a blizzard, monsoon or earthquake!!
No need to be anxious! The Skins WILL win!!!

Lynne, did you know that the outside of the bottle is supposed to be dark so that they ONLY see the light from the top??? I didn't know that! BTW----since I torched the 8 on Weds. or Thurs. outside the door, I haven't seen anymore!

hedgie said...

Oh, Jo---that is so sad. I am hurting for Lynn and Sue....and all the team. It is so disheartening after all the love and work put into the research.

hedgie said...

Hmmmmm.....WVU might be in trouble with their game.

PA Nana said...

Lynne, garapentin.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, I modified mine to that effect because it seemed to make sense.

Just watched the Kim Delaney thing again. Wonder if she was trying to read from a teleprompter gone wrong?

JudyEddy said...

ILOLLY I know what you mean with face book I am trying to downlaod tonights sunset and so far I had to log in eight and I am about to scream I only got on downloaded and still trying to do the other not for sure if it will take since I have to keep loggin back in so I will try one more time DARN facebook



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


hedgie said...

Halftime: Louisiana State 27-WVU 7.

stronghunter said...

Speaking of stinkbugs, there was one outside my bathroom window this afternoon. No way I can get to it, but it looked like it might be caught in a spider web. It just might stay there for awhile.

I haven't seen the hundreds of SB's Lynne is describing.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, any more suggestions for treating a stye? Kathryn is wondering if she will need to see a doctor.

stronghunter said...

Hoda, I am afraid a tied football game would leave EVERYBODY in a snit. Somebody has to have the bragging rights.

hedgie said...

Diann---gabapentin? Generic Neurontin.

hedgie said...

Lynne---she looked so doubt it was a teleprompter problem. I think she would have been able to ad lib it well if so, because she has seemed well well-spoken on talk shows.

hedgie said...

If you have an all-night pharmacy, I would get some mercuric oxide opthalmic ointment. If they don't have that, then get boric acid ointment, Shirley. Usually kept behind the counter, I think. Though I think there is now something available on the shelf called STYE or a similar name. Keep compressing!!!

Lynne2 said...

She really did look disheveled, but I was wondering if disheveled is the new "in" look for celebs!! I hope if she has fallen off the wagon that she will get help fast...

Diann, my MIL takes Neurontin and it has helped the nerve pain in her feet very well so far. They had her on a very low dose at first but have increased it to the right dose slowly so she can get used to it. Hope it works for you!

Mema Jo said...

New Shows ??????
The Gifted Man
A Person of Interest
Prime Suspect

I'll give them all a second viewing

Lolly said...

Think I am heading to the shower and get comfy. I am tired tonight. We were in the shade for the noon game, but the soccer game we had to sit in the sun and it was hot!

Lynne2 said...

HEY, I see SOMEONE has sneaked in a PATRIOTS logo....LOL!!

Judie said...

It's okay Hoda. The football rivalry is relatively benign. The Redskins/Dallas rivalry is decades old. Gets very intense. Just hang on for the ride.

On a more serious note, Hoda, I hope your sister's husband will complete his treatments and be healthy and well for many, many years.

Kim Delaney -- speculation I read is that she has a history of substance abuse. I've had three TIA's but mine were manifested in vision not speech.

Lynn, prayers for Liesl. So hoping she will be just perfectly okay in the morning. Maybe just to comfort her you could wrap her in a soft blanket and hold her while she sleeps.

Diann, glad the medicine is working but take it easy with lifting.

Shirley, sorry about Kathryn's sty problem. Hope it clears up quickly. Also sorry the bingo was not profitable.

Okay, the sandperson is just outside the door and threatening to abduct me and send me to dreamland.

Restful sleep for all. Sandperson says: HONK!

Lynne2 said...

Time for shower and bed. Hopefully I'll get much better sleep now that the car thing is over with!

Lynn, sure hope Liesl is better by morning!

Good night and prayers for all!

Lynne2 said...

I hear geese again....

hedgie said...

Judie, I was thinking of doing that with Liesl....maybe we'll just stay on the sofa tonight. She always sleeps well on my lap, and I have had her on a towel today when we were there. Not sure about taking her to my bed....electric blanket might not be too good for her.....don't have dual controls anymore.

Remember that female sports reporter a couple of years ago whose speech became so garbled and nonsensical? I think hers was a TIA, wasn't it?

hedgie said...

Goodnight to all turning in. Peaceful sleep for you all.

Hoda said...

Nothing like a wonderful hot is so very refreshing. Now to wait on my hair to dry, that will be a few hours as i do not use a dryer.

LINDA I loved the inbread cat!!! LOL.

LYNN "The Living Bridge" was a success with all the people I sent it to in Europe, Africa, Asia and North America. Thanks for the email...I like getting email from Momsters...

stronghunter said...

Football rivalries. I lived in Columbus during the days of Woody Hayes. Ohio State and Michigan. Now, that was a rivalry. They said that Woody refused to buy gasoline in the state of Michigan and nearly ran out of gas several times when he was recruiting there.

Mema Jo said...

Going to catch the news and head on to

Good Night Everyone
God Bless and Keep You Safe from Harm
Prayers for all our needs
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the suggestion, Lynn. I think Kathryn might be asleep now. Maybe we can hold off until tomorrow at this point.

Kathryn wanted to fix a compress before she went to sleep. She asked Hunter to see if there was a clean washcloth in the bathroom cabinet. Then I heard her say, "Was that on the floor? No, I need a CLEAN washcloth." Good grief. Some things you should not send Hunter to do.

stronghunter said...

I liked "The Living Bridge" and the story of the boat rescue on 9-11. I was not aware of that story. I remember very well wondering how all of those people managed to get away. They were being told to walk out of Manhattan.

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY I did not see the boat rescue on 9/11 do you still have theemail and would you please send it to me if you do...Thanks

hedgie said...

And a lot of them DID walk, Shirley. The boac evac was over 500,000......there are 8 million NYC residents......hard to know how many of those were residents or were commuters.

LOL----what was the washrag doing on the floor to begin with???!!!
Boys!! If she's sleeping comfortably, yes let it wait til morning.

Hoda, I didn't post the bridge story on Momster mail.....don't recall who did. But it was SO neat!

Back in the day....until Carolyn was almost a year hair was very long--and thick. It took about 10 hrs. to dry naturally.

hedgie said...

LSU 40-WVU 21, 9 mins. to go. I'm sure there are some sad fans among our momsters----Bev, Shar, Thelma, Dana Gray, Norma....LSU is ranked #2 in the country, real big surprise that they would beat a team ranked 16th.

Hoda said...

LYNN The Living Bridge came from LYNN R---- I hought that was you.

Lolly said...

Well, I am ready for bed. Might head that way soon. Been watching the news. Got up to 96 today. That just is not right! Saw a grass fire on the way home. Fire watch tomorrow as we have heat, low humidity and wind. Groan!!!!!

hedgie said...

Hoda, Genie (Jewell) sent it must have read it off my reply rather than her original!

Lolly said...

TCU won! UNT won! GA Tech won! All is good! Not really a UNT fan but glad they won as Laurel and family were there. Fun for them!

stronghunter said...

Hoda, I posted it (the 9-11 boat rescue) on my FB page. If you can't get it there, I will see what I can do. It was on the Momster's mail.

I heard stories of people in shoe stores giving out shoes people could walk in. Just think how many women would have been in high heels.

NatureNut said...

Getting late! Time for hitting the hay.
Pleasant Feather Dreams and prayers for all and extra ones for Hope ;>)

Hoda said...

Thanks LYNN.
Thanks SHIRLEY I will go to your FB page.

hedgie said...

Here's the boatlift video:
9/11 Boat lift

hedgie said...

Calling it a day here from my nest. Gonna take my puppy out, get my bath...and ponder the nighttime arrangement.

See all y'all tomorrow. Prayers and peace.

stronghunter said...

Heading upstairs. All is quiet here. See you tomorrow.

PA Nana said...

Well, I'm turning in for the night.
Judie's sandman has such good timing he should make a visit to Florida.

I think JudE has trouble getting to sleep. She says goodnight several times a night. Someone help her.

I'm going to my chair and am praying for everyone to have a restful night. See you Tomorrow.
Lord, please bring Hope home.

God bless us, everyone.

Lolly said...

I have no problems falling asleep! I do wake up too early and then have trouble falling asleep.

Heading that way now.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Just heard a gun shot! Wonder if someone shot an armadillo? Hope so!

Hoda said...

I saw it SHIRLEY Thank You. Right makes Might as was said in Camelot.

Hoda said...

Good night, sweet dreams and God Bless everyone.

Costume Lady said...

I am pleased with the work Dustin did for me today. He cleaned out the left-over hay from the front of the shop and all sorts of debris from the windy storms we have had. He also, raked up and deposited in the garden, 5 wheel barrow loads of leaves. He put the left-over hay in the garden, also. We will have a BIG fire there, before long...if MARGY says it is OK to burn:) Still much work to be done! Not going to open until the first weekend in October.

I can sympathize with Kathryn and her stye. Feels like you have a small cinder in your eye:( It may go away on it's own or you may need to get it lanced. Warm compresses may make it break open and then heal...hope that is the case with Kathryn!

Lynne, was thinking about you, today...did you ever get your jaw problem straightened out?
So very happy the car crisis id over...something just didn't seem kosher about that deal~

DIANN...yes, you can plant the columbine seeds now. Make sure they are planted in an area that won't be raked so that the seeds don't get raked away:) Don't need to do anything special...just scratch the soil and then scatter the seed in that area. Winter weather will press them into the ground where they need to go. The Winter cold will halp them to germinate in the Spring, so, GO FOR IT TERESA!

MARGY, enjoy your time off♥



Ms Bookworm said...

FINALLY got caught up here!

Lynn, saying prayers for Debbie, and for Liesl, too, of course.

Shirley, prayers for Kathryn! Sure hope that eye feels better tomorrow!

Had the neatest experience today!
Kubby & I drove thru the flu shot clinic at the new Kaiser Permanente facility about 2 miles from our home, and got our flu shots. It was for Kaiser Permanente members only. The place has an absolutely ginormous parking lot, and several hundred cars at a time snaked their way up and down the aisles, directed by probably a hundred smiling, waving, and sometimes clowning K.P. employees. At the end of the lot they had us stop, and they took our info--K.P. ID, driver's license, asked if we had any allergies to eggs or latex, etc. They filled out paperwork for each of us, put it under each windshield wiper, and waved us ahead, to where we got our flu shots and a bandaid. Didn't even feel my shot! (She was GOOD!)Didn't cost us anything, and from the time we left home until the time we pulled back into our driveway, it was only 40 minutes! We never even had to get out of the car. Fantastic how organized the whole thing was. They're doing it again for the next 2 Saturdays, and they had a second location in South Orange County, too. Amazing!

Lori, relieved to hear that Bobby kitty is improving. Prayers continue! Have you found out yet how Andie kitty is?

Lynn, thanks for the link to the 9/11 Boat lift video--just awesome!

I am SO worried about Hope! Praying that God will bring her home.

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynne2, that is SO FANTASTIC that you were able to get another car!
It sure sounds nice. I'm SOOOO happy for you and Steve! THANK GOD!!

Linda, praying for the migraine to disappear, PRONTO!! Those darn things are awful!

Gosh, I can't believe how late it is! Think I'd better call it a day.
Prayers are said for everyone, and for every creature--especially Liesl and Bobby. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, all.
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Lori O. said...

LYNN, loved those photos from the link you put up! I liked the one with a storefront that said oranges 1 cent, grapefruit 5 cents. and the kids sleeping on the bed while their parents square-danced. Hated being dragged around when I was little!

Good Morning DanaMO! Didn't want you to think you were alone this morning. Was Boomer a good boy - no clothing eaten - last night? :)

HODA, so cool that you have family in such interesting places. Prayers for Samia and husband. That's a lot of radiation treatments for him.

JO, got tears when you posted about Sue putting HOPE's name in a heart on the tree. They've all been through such an emotional roller coaster.

ANDY, didn't get out yesterday so I'll check on little kitten ANDIE today. Thanks for asking. :)

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, no fun going to play bingo when you don't even get to yell the word! Hope you hit the jackpot next time. I love bingo but have never gone to big gatherings like that.
ROTFLMBO at Hunter and the wash cloth!

DIANN, like LYNN, I've never seen a RED HYACINTH but would love to get some. Where did you buy them? I haven't even put in Chrysanthamums yet!

LOLLY, can't wait to see your pics of the balloon fiesta! That's a photogs paradise!

Lori O. said...

LINDA, hope your head is better today!
What's up for your weekend? Tomatoes?

I will say good morning to JUDY E here who will be up to go to work this morning. I would love to hear what Angie's FIL, the exterminator, has to say about getting rid of stink bugs!

Oh no, cats on the desk and behind monitor...better than in front of it. Cats are not good windows though they think they are!!

DanaMo said...

Good morning Lori.

Try typing with a black nose under your elbow!

Lori O. said...

LOL DanaMo! The bullies, speaking of here is FloBear, aren't bad about that. It's the noise FB makes when he's hungry. Ah, my old man (FloBear). Love him so much!

Lori O. said...

Just a whim, but think I'll check the cams. We did get a little sun yesterday. Maybe that helps dry things out! Nope.
Live cam still has the bad news message. Still cam has the multi-colored band across the top. :(

DanaMo said...

Boomer finally gave up and is here next to me on the floor. The other two went to find a bed! Javalin is my whiner! Oh my she can pour it on!

Lori O. said...

So bummed the cam is still down. As the Lynn/e's & Judie say, BOO HISS!

The big game is the featured Monday Night Football game tomorrow night ... Redskins vs Cowboys @ Dallas. I can already feel the rivalry cranking up on here. Fever pitch today & tomorrow I'm certain! Go Skins!

Lori O. said...

Today's Weather
Just so we know what Belle & Truder may be up to:

Today: A slight chance of showers. Areas of fog before 9am. Otherwise, cloudy, with a high near 77.

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D M☼RNING ÉÄGLÉ BÃœDs Ö ö ☺ ⌂ ☻

Lori O. said...

Good Morning JUDY E! How are you liking your new schedule?

JudyEddy said...

So far I like it I just got finished making bills out and picked up the house I like it seem to get more done even if its only my 2nd day OK got to run to PO to mail bill I made out


JudyEddy said...

now when the cameras come up it may be a different story

hedgie said...

Good Sunday morning!
Cloudy, but comfortable here.
We made it through the night without any messes! But Liesl did you a squirt/squirt when she went out. Funny little girl----can't quite eat rice right! Can't get it out of the corners of the dish, and drops pieces on the floor!

WANDA---love your avatar!!!
Hurray for Dustin and all his help.
Next Sat. IS first weekend in OCt.---will you be ready??

Andy---the VA Hospital here does the drive-thru' flu shots, too. SIL has done it, I think.

Forgot to say last night: Hoda, prayers that your BIL gets through those radiation treatments okay and that he will have a complete and total response. I didn't mind the rad itself so much (except for the awful heartburn it caused me) but that daily (M-F) trip to the hospital for almost 7 weeks was a royal PIA. Already so weak from chemo and having to get up and dressed and presentable and drive 15 miles each way was very hard.

Linda, hope you wake up migraine-free this morning.

ROFL, Lori---your remark about cats not being good Dad always used to ssay (if we were standing in front of TV) "you might be a "pane" but not one I can see through!" Funny---and I've said it to my kids and grands many times, too!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Prayers for your brother-in-law,

Missing the eagles this morning. I do hope there is going to be a camera improvement before the next season.

hedgie said...

Yummm...pumpkin pancakes for breakfast this morning!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Lynn, will say a prayer for Debbie.

News does not look promising for Hope's return. Still saying prayers, though.

Have to go out this afternoon for a police program meet-and-greet. Don't really enjoy such things but...

SBs have arrived here. Not in droves but they are here. Just got a thought Lynn, do you think Liesl ate a SB? Would a SB be toxic?


hedgie said...

Hi, Judie.....they say they are harmless---surprising when we smell them! But I don't THINK she's eaten one. I've seen her shy away from them.

Enjoy your meet'n'greet! Free food???!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - I was anxious to get on here and get the "Liesl Report" Thanks Hedgie for being here with the night's encounters! Maybe she will enjoy a
Pumpkin pancake with you!

Judie - You do good to Spread the Welcome with others.

Did someone mention a Rivalry game with a football this evening??? Should be

Lori I really do need one of the pullies you are making for Redskin Chloe! Let me know how to get it from you!

Pumpkin Patch may be on my 'to do' list today!

Lynne2 said...

good morning all!

I am confused....on Lily's page, they are all acting as if Hope is really dead, but there has been no proof of that yet, has there? Are they not waiting for the DNR to contact them tomorrow??? I know it sounds very dire, but....

Lynne2 said...

oh geez, there go the dang geese again....

Lolly said...

Good morning! About time to get ready for church. This afternoon we are headed to Dallas. Michael and Ashley are grilling steaks for us all. All will be there except Joey. He claims he needs to rest his back, however he did go to the UNT game yesterday!

Glad Liesl made it through the night without incident. Maybe it is getting better. Hope so!

Have a great day!

magpie said...

Good Sunday Morning Eagle Pals,
and best wishes for a Blessed Sunday...

I had a lovely visit with my sister Dorset, and her son Norman....they stayed here overnight
Thank you ALL for all the positive wishes on this...

I am having some major problems with the computer....
I know there are some Prayer Needs that have been added...I'm On it !
Even though I don't know what they all are; for now it will be a BLANKET PRAYER.

and I hope to chitty chat later, and catch up on all the news, good and not so good..but for now I am signing completely off and headed for a nap.

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Momma Potted Plant Owl is incubating those 3 eggs in the sunlight
Red Pandas are in their boxes
Decorah's are out and about
Winter the Dolphin is lazily swimming in the pool

That's all to report

Mema Jo said...

I'm praying that Hope is snugged up
in her own bed of white pine needles..
They don't have proof of any harmful act
against her, Lynne. Let's keep our
prayers going for her return. They need to get rid of those collars and start using a microchip!

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, there has been a lot of goose sounds on this blog....

Hope you have a fun day in DALLAS!!! WOO HOO!

Margy, so glad you had a nice visit with Dorsett....oops, LOL!. So glad you had a nice visit with Dorset and Norman! Hope you get a good nap and can fix the dinosaur later!

Lynne2 said...

I HOPE she is too Jo. And not with just this case, but in ANY case, I have a serious issue with "baiting" and those who call that hunting. In fact, all I needed to see at Walmart yesterday evening to get me started on a tangent in the store was the "Deer Corn" in the hunting section. UGH.

Lynne2 said...

I have noticed a lot of crows very near the house for the past few days. I am wondering if they are eating sinkbugs? That would be most helpful!

hedgie said...

Jo, game isn't until TOMORROW night! That would be cool if Lori could make a pull toy for your Skins' granddog!!!

Liesl has had two episodes this morning....small and last one starting to show some form.
Jo, I opened the pumpkin for her---she gets it straight! I borrowed half-a-cup for my pannekuchens!!

Have a nice afternoon, Lolly! Is Joey a bit of a loner??

Mema Jo said...

Lynn thanks for keeping me straight on the game dates! Duhhhhhhhhh......

Sure hope Liesl is on the mend.

Me Too! Very large crows in my trees and chasing or flying after the squirrels when they find a peanut. They aren't attacking them - just following them.

hedgie said...

Lynne, the deer corn is also used for good purposes---like my feeder so that I can watch, photograph, and in season feel like I am providing them a safer haven than out in the big bad woods.

Are you hearing geese at your house, or do you have sound on the kerphlooey cam?

Hi, Margy. Glad you had a great visit with Dorset and Norman! What's the story on the leak now??

BTW---final score of the WVU game was LSU 47-WVU 21! Did my heart good after they beat up UMD last week!

hedgie said...

Jo, microchipping doesn't work for tracking. It is only for when the animal is "in hand" and a scanner provides the info for contacting the owner.

hedgie said...

They should invent an implantable OnStar lo-jack thingy!!

Hoda said...



stronghunter said...

Oh, good grief. Kathryn and Hunter went to DC to go to the museums. I decided to stay home. Just got a call. They have locked themselves out of the car at the Springfield Metro. Guess who will be taking the extra key to Springfield? But not until they are ready to come back home.

Guess it is a good thing that I am here. Otherwise, we would all be locked out of the car with the only extra key hanging in the laundry room here.

stronghunter said...

Heading to the

NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judie said...

New thread. Y'all come on over.

magpie said...
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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...