Thursday, March 17, 2011


St. Patrick's day thread.  Hatch.

Thanks to Paula for posting.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Morning and may the luck of the Irish be with all of you leprechauns.

I must go and find out if there is

JOY today in all your hearts!

WV sUSAn said...

Thank Steve. Happy St Pats Day.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you for the fresh thread!

paula eagleholic said...

Video on EM blog

Click on my name

Lynne2 said...

thanks Steve!


Morning Mema Jo! Thanks Steve

Costume Lady said...

Oh, yes Jo, much joy in our hearts today. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us be glad and re-JOY-ce in it!

Lolly said...

Top of the morning morning and Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Have been slowing reading through the blog and reading all the comments. So, Paddy O'Joy is here! Finally! Well, I am anxious to see the new little one!

Lolly said...

I will be much happier when the nest has fish all over the place.

Costume Lady said...

Hi,Lolly...check out Paula's video. It's very good. Capt. Gene got his first look of PJ through this video....THANK YOU PAULA!

Lolly said...

Now, I like that! PJ....easy and quick to type! LOL

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Wonder where Lib is with breakfast??

glo said...

Belle does some beautiful stretching and some tidying up.


Have to go for a while---My hubby just came home and needs help with the chicken coop--Hate to leave--See you all this afternoon! Happy Watching!

Lynne2 said...

so, she was up, another stretch, another flugg flugg, another look below....AND NO PEEK FOR US!

Lynne2 said...

up again, this time saw the egg, and Joy!

Lolly said...

Egg roll, but she won't let us see the new baby.

Mema Jo said...

Well said, Wanda
Love the video Paula - I've watched it twice so far.

Paddy O'Joy Love it!

Be certain NOT to let any nasty possessive thoughts come into your hearts concerning the other blog - the OC scolded them for non-nest talk. Thanks!

Lolly said...

Glad you saw it Lynne, these eyes did not spot it.

Costume Lady said...

I'm guessing that Belle will call out when she thinks that PJ is ready to eat. Lib will be there in a flash!

Lolly said...

Ohhhhh, hope no one scolds us for non nest talk. Oh wheeeee, we would be in BIG trouble!

Costume Lady said...

Very good advice, Jo. Thank You:)

Lolly said...

Has anyone sent a picture to Steve?

hedgie said...

Cute graphics in the video, Paula!!!

Thanks for call over!

Lynne2 said...

hey look, Paula's video is on the home page!

hedgie said...

Oh, we HAVE been scolded before....but not by anyone official!

Lolly said...

Well, I guess that is my answer. Yea, Paula!

hedgie said...

Here's the story on the non-stabbing! Almost humorous! Cop who nabbed him lives down the road from me--a real cutie!


Lolly said...

I am at 22 minutes and it is still running.

glo said...

I am at 2 1/2 hours and running. So much better than yesterday. Just need lib and a fish. :-)

Mema Jo said...

I called NCTC since Steve is on leave.
They said they knew that the eaglet
was up there in the nest and said
for us to Enjoy! They are waiting for a better viewing!

Judie said...

Good morning and Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Welcome to Paddy O'Joy (PJ) and many thanks to Paula for providing the video and to Steve for adding the video to the home page and giving us the fresh thread.

Have checked the nest twice but but have only seen sunbathing. Would like to see some groceries brought in.

Need to get some more papers graded and have therapy this afternoon. Will check back when I can.

glo said...

Gosh Mema Jo I guess we can't like encourage them to look around and or tell us for SURE they have seen Lib inthe area this morning. I am beinginning to feel something like a robin with white feathers sprouting all over :-)

NatureNut said...

Happy, Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!
Paula's video is on w/Steve's new thread!!!

Lisa said...

Congrats to you all! Best of luck to the chick. :-)

Lisa at Blackwater

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the call over to new thread.

Beautiful video thank you.

I am sorry about posting the name over on the chat underneath our live feed. I'm am trying to get ahold of Outdoor Channel to have that one post removed and why.
If you know the email addy please give it to me ty

NatureNut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

osprey at BWO

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Thank you Lisa!
Hope you can keep those 3 growing eaglets in that nest!

Lolly said...

Lisa, thank you! We are very thrilled! Now waiting for the arrival of #2!

NatureNut said...

What I meant to type, was "TY, Lisa".

Robyn said...

Anything on Liberty, spoke to mom and the comments from the outdoor site had her a little upset, that he hasn't been around. He was there yesterday no?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day and happy hatchday to Paddy O'Joy!!! Whoohooo!!!

glo said...

?MeMa Jo ? I have no clue what you are responding too, but I was jokingly hinting that I wish someone at NCTC would look outside and see if they see Lib. I know you aren't going to call them back this morning and he will of course show up with a fish soon. I hope anyway.

Have a good lunch

stronghunter said...

Hoping to see Lib with a fish.

Tried to look at the OC forum, but I cannot get it here at school, only the camera feed.

Glad that I can get this blog.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo and Paula you have mail

Lynne2 said...

belle out of cup....that other egg looks weird!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


hedgie said...

Finally got a REAL sighting and a pic of O'Joy!!!! Will put in album & on my blog,.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle just got up and shook her wings out!

There is our beautiful Joy! Got a couple of pics...interesting coloring on the remaining egg!

Thanks for putting the video on the front of the blog where everyone can find it, Steve.

glo said...

Nice look at our new chick and almost afraid to say I think the other egg is cracked in half. Gosh I am plum out of bananas too.

stronghunter said...

Wow!!! Saw baby.

Other egg is hatching.

stronghunter said...

Oh, I think the other egg is hatching.

Mema Jo said...

Well Glo - I sure read your comment out of context. I surely thought you were referring to the OD Blog. Didn't even think of NCTC.......
Boy did I pull a boo boo :<( Sorry

I didn't even think of asking NCTC to do that for us.

hedgie said...

Okay, posted!!!

Robyn said...

If the other egg hatches today would that make then twins ;)

Beautiful morning, going to be a nice day

stronghunter said...

Posted a picture on my bloc. I think the other chick is halfway out of the egg.

Please bring a fish, Lib.

glo said...

MeMa Jo no problem. I agree with not bringing OC over here to be honest but that too is just my opinion. Lib will show up. I just hope its soon. We really really need to see that bird.

floralgirl said...

It looks like the eggshell from the first chick up against the other egg.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like a band around the middle of the second egg.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, don't worry about getting that post's long gone down the list of comments.

floralgirl said...

Look at Shirley's picture.

Mema Jo said...

Dana - no mail delivered yet

Headed out for lunch

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Megan, you are probably right. I hadn't thought of that.

Did you see Belle jump, LOL.

glo said...

Time to do something else here for a bit. Will check back off and on. Enjoy. Will leave live cam up and listen if it will work for me while I do some other things on my computeras well.

Costume Lady said...

Have we determined a questimated time of hatch for PJ?
I'll bet that little lady or fell ia hungry now...come on Lib!

People on forum are worried that something has happened to Lib. If he doesn't bring a fish soon, I will be worried too!

floralgirl said...

Yeah, saw that jump. When I looked at Lynn's picture I though the same thing, middle of the egg looked funny. But Shirley's picture shows it more closely, looks like the eggshell to me. Missed that last view, keep posting pictures, gotta transplant rudbeckias...

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynn-Hedgie and Shirley for the 2 pictures posted. Could be another hatch going on.

Robyn said...

Maybe I will takea drive up there and tell Lib to get home now

hedgie said...

I, too, thought it was just the old egg, Megan.

hedgie said...

Really think that if there is a second hatch today that it should be named Paddy. P-O'J is a mouthful!! I like O'Joy....and Paddy!

hedgie said...

Yes, Robyn, maybe that would help!!! At least maybe you could see if he is flying around. I think this is rather unusual....

paula eagleholic said...

Well, Lynn, you can call the chick Paddy, Joy, or PJ...I'll probably stick with Joy, but we will all know who we are referring to!

Robyn said...

Buckles would be appropriate since he was our last WWI vet and since the eagle represents our nation, but of course that is just my opinion :)

Robyn said...

Of course I was referring to the 2nd chick :)

Bird Girl said...

Paddy O'Joy? LOL Okay....was that one of us who came up with that, or Steve or ??

paula eagleholic said...

It was a group effort, Delphia!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle must have told him early this morning not to come back unless he had a fish!

Bird Girl said...

Guess I need to be on the blog more so I know what's going on :P There's someone commenting on the video, using the name "abcdefg" who is apparently trying to run a vote for the chick's name LOL

Shoot maybe there SHOULD be moderators for that comment area. Actually...I kind of wish it wasn't there at all.

hedgie said...

Frankly, Delphia, I'm with you!!!

Robyn said...

I agree Bird Girl, someone named visitor said NCTC officially named the bird, I am sure other cams have different chat areas that give mulitple names to the birds until an official one is decided

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is up

Robyn said...

I wish she would move a bit so I can see the lil one

paula eagleholic said...

A shake, some preening, some fluffing...she appeared to be looking for Lib

Bird Girl said...

Well, actually NCTC does NOT "officially" name the birds. The Momsters name then for our own purposes.

I've been commenting on the video, as Bird Girl (you all know my by that name)

Lolly said...

Ok, missed the good sighting of OJ.

We are out of here. Take lots of good pictures.

wvgal_dana said...

I like the names Paddy and Joy if the 2nd hatches.

Otherwise Paddy O'Joy.

I did send an email to outdoor cam to have my whole comment deleted. I don't know what I was thinking. After you all said that in your comment in here. I do remember we did get some trolls from over there. I am so so sorry. You don't I wouldn't want problems on this blog. I luv you all!!! ( :

Lynne2 said...

I need to get outa here soon for work. Will be back late. Hope Lib gets here soon. Will try to check in from work.

Robyn said...

Does anyone have an idea when it hatched? I left at 3am and no hatching...

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly OJ reminds me of OJ Simpson...

Lynne2 said...

well Robyn, best we know is between then and around 7 or 7:30!

movin said...

GooD MorniNG!!







C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Robyn said...

Thank you Lynne2 :)

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, no OJ shortcut!

movin said...

Look at all the fuzzy, bobble heads at NBG!

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

sunny said...


Lori O. said...

Belle is out of the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Belle up and gone, can see chick and the 1/2 shell in the nest.

Lori O. said...

Lib did not bring any fish!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle back...sat on the stub branch on the left, now back down in the nest.

hedgie said...

Belle out.....who came in????? Please be Lib....but no food. Inspecting cup....EXPERTS: who is it???

Lynne2 said...

saw Belle leave, saw her shadow while on side of nest. No Lib yet? But look at that baby! And now you can clearly see egg shells.

Lynne2 said...

Bye for now!

hedgie said...

Delphia, OC chat does have a moderator. They removed lots of troll comments yesterday morning!

wvgal_dana said...

Just put picture in eagle album of our 1st chick and 2nd egg

Robyn said...

I posted a pic on my FB page

Lori O. said...

ooops. I thought that was Lib jumping in. My bad. So Belle took a quick circle around the tree, sat on the side stub where you could see her shadow, then got back on the nest.
No Lib yet.

hedgie said...

She wasn't gone long enough for a chow run.....poor girl. Maybe just getting the kinks out.

Lori O. said...

Kate just left for physical therapy and I told her to send good thoughts and tell Lib to get to the nest with some food.

She said give him a half hour.

She has a freaky weird animal connection. Maybe it'll work.

Lori O. said...

Baby on view

Lori O. said...

Look at her darling big old wobble head! Someone put a pink dress on her quick!

Lori O. said...

Paula 11:53 GREAT video of POJ

hedgie said...

Got a great pic with O'Joy stretching up!! Putting in album, on blog and FB!

movin said...

Do you mean that Lib has not visited to see his new offspring yet?? Has not brought a couple of rabbits or a large juicy fish for Belle yet!!!???

What's that all about?
I wonder ... remember that little fish he brought her the night before last?... I'm wondering if their usual fishing hole is fished out or if there's more competition on the river this year.

Lib is usually there at the crack of dawn when eggs are laid or when they're hatched.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Bird Girl said...

"PLEASE READ - Official word from Outdoor Channel -
Regarding naming the eaglet, the NCTC's official stance is that they do NOT name the eagles, as doing so would be contrary to their scientific mission.
Since the 2006 inaugural launch of the NCTC Eagle Cam, the Eaglet Momsters have been officially recognized by NCTC with the task of organizing the naming of new eaglets and continuing the discussion on their web site at "".
To read the latest Eaglet Momsters Blog, go to "". The name of the first eaglet, the one that hatched early this morning, is PADDY O'JOY.
Since there will be further discussion or disagreement about the selected name, please take those discussions off-site, either to the Eaglet Momsters web site or the Outdoor Channel Community Forums.
In the Comment module on this EagleCam page, in order to keep peace and courtesy, please refer to the first eaglet as Paddy O'Joy.
0 1 4:55PM, Mar 17, 2011
Outdoor Channel"

Lori O. said...

Very cute Lynn! Glad you saw it too.

Robyn said...

was tha a pip in the other eggs?

Lori O. said...

Correct Jim. No Lib yet.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am growing more and more concerned that Lib is not there with food. So unlike him....It looked like Belle was just foraging the nest looking for something to feed POJ!!

Costume Lady said...

What a cutie he is! Yes, big pip in other egg:)

glo said...

I think she was scraping around for nestovers. Perhaps from those 2 small minnow that came in almost 2 days ago now. Not so good at the moment. Soon I hope.

hedgie said...

Oh, my, more good pics....Are they just beaking or is she feeding him.....and if so, WHAT???

Costume Lady said...

LOL, is she feeding him or kissing him? Was food brought in (I've been in the basement)?

Lori O. said...

He is darling Wanda!

Poor Belle wants to feed it.

I'm having faith that LIB will be there within 20 min. They'll be fine.

glo said...

Well wee one knows parent is there. Thats good. Glad its warmer there today too. Dex and I are going for a walk. Catch ya later

wvgal_dana said...

I have put a lot of pictures on by blog. Just click on my name go to
"Nest Of Liberty and Belle".

stronghunter said...

I thought I saw blood or something on her beak.

hedgie said...

Awwwww....cute little bobblehead!!!! Neck looks strong for a wee one!

magpie said...

I can say
that's about the cutest thing I have ever seen

the baby

hedgie said...

Look at the beady eyes!!! Floppy baby!

paula eagleholic said...

Joy is just precious~!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am with you Lori! Our Lib will be there.

hedgie said...

Several pics added to album and my blog!!!!

hedgie said...

Think Joy is tired from all that stretching!

movin said...

Paddy looks large and strong like a female, so that could be a strong indication that she came from egg #1, which would indicate there will be two chicks this year ... just taking their time incubating.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Osprey gone, Eeuuwieees on BWO nest now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Bird Girl said...

I'm sure Liberty is around. PJ sure seems to be gaining strength quickly! And how funny to see the chick looking where Belle was looking!

I've been posting on the video comments as Bird Girl, as you all know me.

paula eagleholic said...

Well Folks, we will prevail on the eaglet name...

Hi Paula

There's a lot of discussion about what the name is that's been selected by the Eaglet Momsters. What's the official word from you? I don't know if any of the other folks who say they're speaking on behalf of the group are really part of the group. No one will accept a name until Outdoor Channel posts a comment stating it. So, let me know. Thanks.


I am going to respond with Paddy O'Joy...Paddy for St Patrick's Day and Joy for the joy of a new eaglet

Is that OK with all of you?

wvgal_dana said...

I am trying to keep my blog updated. Will be hard to do when I have to leave. Checked the album and Lynn-Hedgie has pictures covered so I did not add any.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

That is here name as far as I am concerned! Love it!!! (sure do need to see Lib...)

paula eagleholic said...

Oh cool, guess it's official.

Lori O. said...

Perfect Paula!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Absosmurfly perfect! Paddy O'Joy!

Bird Girl said...

I posted Outdoor Channel's official comment a few posts up. They verify the Momsters' claim on the naming of the chicks LOL

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

THAT'S RIGHT~ Momsters rule!!! That is great that we get that recognition. Very cool!

magpie said...

thanks for the messge Lynn
couldnt reply back
had been reading about the baby
appreciate your confirmation

was very happy to see the little tyke for myself

wonder how wonderful it must feel for baby to be out of the confines of that egg house !!

wvgal_dana said...


Bird Girl said...

I posted Outdoor Channel's official comment a few posts up. They verify the Momsters' claim on the naming of the chicks LOL

Bird Girl said...

I've just sent this message to Outdoor Channel:


I am posting as Bird Girl on this page, and I am a member of the Eaglet Momsters, and have been since at least 2007. I am also a wild bird rehabilitator.

Frankly, I wish there were no comment area on this page, as there is already a forum, to which you referred in your post. I do appreciate the verification and support of the Eaglet Momsters and our naming of the chick.

You've already seen how out of hand this can get, and of course trolling is highly likely here. We do occasionally get that on the blog, but not very often since we don't allow anonymous comments, and one must have a Gmail account in order to post there.

At any rate, I just wanted to pass on my opinion, as well as my thanks for supporting the Momsters.

Delphia Janiszeski

aka Bird Girl

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for posting that info, Delphia. I haven't had time to monitor their chat this morning....

Lori O. said...

Does anyone remember the last time LIB was at the nest last night or yesterday evening??

Lori O. said...

Belle just took off

Bird Girl said...

Actually, there is some concern as no one has seen Lib. I wonder if perhaps someone who is at the tree might be able to scout around and see if they can spot him?

Lori O. said...

Belle ? back again?

hedgie said...

Out again.....shadow over nest. Who miight it be?

Lori O. said...

Belle took off again

Robyn said...

No need to Paula, there seems to be only one trouble maker well maybe 2, they know where to find the official blog and it is their perogative if they decide to join or not.

hedgie said...

Now all alone.

hedgie said...

I don't think that Belle would leave if Lib was around..........starting to worry.

Bird Girl said...

I'm a bit concerned now....

glo said...

Belle is off looking for something to feed the chick. Hopefully won't have to go far or for too long.

Lori O. said...

starting to get scary.

glo said...

((((hugs))))) Hopefully soon we will see 2 parents and a fish and feel like all our worry was for nothing. Can't be soon enough indeed. Hang tough folks.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!


But WHERE is Lib? I am officially worried about him! Looks like Belle has taken off to find some food for the baby. When's the last time we saw Lib?

Lori O. said...

Bird Girl had a good idea.

Would it be okay for Paula or Jo or someone to call NCTC and have them see if they can spot Lib anywhere, or cruise the tree area for him?

hedgie said...

Then Paddy O'Joy it is. IF the other one hatches before MN, it will also require an Irish name.....

Good post, Delphia. I haven't even looked at their stuff today.

Diane said...

Yay! Just looked. Now, after reading all your comments, I can start to worry. Hopefully Lib will be back soon!

Lori O. said...

There's power in prayer --- and numbers.

Wherever 2 or more are gathered in his name...

We're gathered.

Everyone say a heartfelt prayer of thanks and help finding Lib.

Ms Bookworm said...

I really don't like that our tiny baby is alone in that nest with the other egg. Hope Belle isn't gone too long! WHERE is Lib?

BTW, is that half an eggshell behind the 2nd egg?

paula eagleholic said...

All are certainly welcome to join the blog here and the Yahoo Eaglet Momsters group.

Bird Girl said...

Yes, part of the shell is on the other egg.

Ms Bookworm said...

My heartfelt prayers for Lib are joining in with all of yours! Lord, please bring PJ's daddy home!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

My heart weighs a ton in my chest!!

paula eagleholic said...

I am wondering too...

Red said...

I've been watching the nest today and watching Bird Girls back. lol Some of the newbees there have got their feelings hurt. I believe the Outdoor Channel put them straight though.
Have a Nice St. Patricks Day!

Lori O. said...

Prayer of thanks for many blessings and for Lib to be found safe. Strength for Belle and warmth for Paddy O'Joy.

movin said...

i HOPE it's just that Lib started celebrating St. Paddy's Day a little early.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Bird Girl said...

Hi Red, thank you. I sort of took it upon myself to represent the Momsters there, as I felt that we had to defend ourselves. Plus, they are asking questions that I know I can answer. I like that OUtdoor Channel supports us, if only for the sake of keeping the peace.

Ms Bookworm said...

I haven't really caught up on our blog yet--have been watching the live feed. Has Loretta been here yet this a.m.? Wondering how the injured eagle she posted about is doing. Did they decide where it came from?

Ms Bookworm said...

Sure am glad it looks sunny at our nest. What's the temp there this morning?

Lori O. said...

POJ's fuzz not moving from the wind, and bright full sunlight is all over her. That's good.

Lori O. said...

Your Mama is coming baby...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, I am going to take a shower. If I don't get away from this computer a minute, I am going to bawl!!! BBIALW! I am praying, praying, praying. I got discouraged back in the winter when it looked like they weren't coming back to the nest and that was for nothing. Gonna believe it is true this time as well!

Ms Bookworm said...

POJ was calling out a few seconds ago, and seemed to be looking upward. Now has settled back down. Aaaawwww--would you just look at that little cutie! Sweet little bobblehead! :o]

movin said...

I've got a great pic on the live feed, but there's a loud hum on the sound.

How about yours??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

glo said...

I have said my prayers and shed my tears.

You all know this is harder than watching snow so I am gonna split for a while. When there is good news I am trusting someone will fire off an email. OK thanks.

Bird Girl said...

No hum, just wind on my audio....

I'm getting worried now :( I can't watch but I can't look away, either

Ms Bookworm said...

You and I are on the same page, Bird Girl. It's kinda like watching a traffic accident--can't stand to watch, but can't look away, either!

Serena said...

This is my first year watching this cam and I have to say, as much as I enjoy it, the back and forth over a name is ridiculous. I don't talk there and this is my first time talking here, but IMO the quickest way to stop an argument is to stop arguing. This is what a Momster posted:

Visitor: Yes, the Momsters have done a great deal of fundraising to help NCTC provide this cam so that YOU can watch it; Outdoor Channel is saying that our naming of the chick, which happened before people really started commenting here, is what they are going with for the sake of keeping this comment area under control. Call the chick whatever you like, outside this forum, for the sake of keeping the peace.
1 0 5:42PM, Mar 17, 2011
Bird Girl

And this is how the OC channel responded to the few whiners:

Visitor and abcdefg - For clarification, Eaglet Momsters and NCTC do not donate any funds to Outdoor Channel to provide this live stream. All the cost of streaming and this web page is provided by Outdoor Channel. Thanks.
1 0 5:43PM, Mar 17, 2011
Outdoor Channel

Somebody is obviously misinformed. Whether it be the OC or the Momster who posted I wouldn't know. But I would think that as a group you would all want the ridiculous banter to end. After all, it's just a name AND this is a wild animal so although we may feel an attachment part of respecting the wild is allowing it to remain wild.

Momsters, once again, IMO, should be more worried about where in the heck Liberty is instead of worrying about what a few numbskulls are saying or calling the eaglet on the OC site. One arguing with folks can make this group look bad a a whole. The baby is chirping. :-) Gotta go!

movin said...

Was anyone watching right after sun up this morning?? Were Belle and Lib calling back and forth??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

I sent an email to Randy...don't know if he's available to check and see if Lib or Belle is nearby or not.

Ms Bookworm said...

It does sound windy at the nest. I'm glad the flugg around that baby has fairly high walls. Hopefully, a good windbreak.

Bird Girl said...

Serena, we ARE concerned about where Belle and Liberty are. And I never said that we raise funds for Outdoor Channel, I said we raise funds for NCTC.

Bird Girl said...

Serena, we ARE concerned about where Belle and Liberty are. And I never said that we raise funds for Outdoor Channel, I said we raise funds for NCTC.

hedgie said...

Mai is restless....I think the nicwe weather has her antsy. Impossible to keep her from running, but at least she can't go far! BBIALW.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Serena....we decided to let the folks at OD name it whatever they wanted before the moderator came on and commented about the naming.

Robyn said...

I can always go look but I wouldn't know where to begin, would security allow me to go on site I know the nest is off limits but to scout the area and near the river, it is such a huge place and one person could not possibly do all that :(

Ms Bookworm said...

Don't know whether I can stand to watch any more. Have to get lots of homework done, too, so I can turn it in later today. Would someone who has my Earthlink e-mail address please send me an e-mail with an update when something happens? Doggone, I've GOT to get some work done, and this is nearly killing me!!! TIA.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...