Thursday, March 17, 2011


St. Patrick's day thread.  Hatch.

Thanks to Paula for posting.


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floralgirl said...

Yeah, at this point I'm as worried about the adults as I am the chick, if not more.

BEagle said...

I think Joy is pooped.

movin said...

I think Belle is stronger than the intruder, but she needs to get food soon, or she won't be able to hold out ... I can't help remembering Norfolk.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

I wish Belle would feed PO'J
some of that half shell - then I would feel better.... & if the other little bobble head would hatch Belle would have more half shells to hold her.......
I just want this to be over
Hope Randy has some luck

Mema Jo said...

This is our third split!

Ms Bookworm said...

I'm back again. Choked down some fast food dinner, and it's sitting down there like a huge lump of lead.
:o{ THANK GOD for Randy!
Lord, nothing and nobody are ever lost to you, so I'm praying with all my heart that you will guide Randy as he searches for Lib. I also pray that Lib will be OK. And please bless Randy for caring!

Still haven't decided whether to go to school tonight or not. Actually, don't HAVE to turn in any more work until the last Thursday of March. I am leaning toward e-mailing my teacher and telling her I will be working at home tonight. (Oh--there is NOT a sign-in sheet for attendance for this class.) What do you guys vote?

WV sUSAn said...

Oh my gosh, thank you Jo and thank you Randy. We can't save the world but maybe help the small piece around us. Knowing that he is going to walk out and really see what's going on is such a huge relief.

Thanks to everbody for the efforts made, correspondance and sharing at this uncertain time. It takes a village....

hedgie said...

I put this on the OC chat:

FYI: An official from NCTC is going to walk the grounds to search for Lib. He doesn't have any idea who the "John" person was who reported on here earlier saying that it was Lib who had been in the nest, etc. He reviewed the video and stills and concurs that there WAS an intruder, and that Belle does appear to have an injury on her beak. He will let us know what he finds out. So lets please stop guessing and making unfounded assumptions.

BEagle said...

I started reading backward through the posts.

Oh no!

glo said...

Well I must have missed info about a half shell but if there is something there then I too pray that soon she and little one can get some kind of nourishment.

Ms Bookworm said...

Right on, Lynn!

Robyn said...

WOW a lot transpired during the time I had dinner with my company. What an eventful day, we are all getting another lesson (which most of us had with Norfolk cam a few years back) how wildlife really exists.

It is an excellent lesson for children even though it is pretty rough on us all.

If it is willing then Belle will prevail as the dominant female and continue her regin with Lib over the territory. This is exciting because it shows there are more eagles out here then we have had in the past, we are just biased regarding Belle and Lib.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, I am finally off of work so I can get away from this computer for a little while. What a happy and joyous and horrible day we have had.

floralgirl said...

Here we go again- intruder back

BEagle said...

No No No

BEagle said...


floralgirl said...

Belle is hollering and staying on the chick, intruder briefly landed on right side of nest then left.

PammySue said...

Poor Belle. Way to go, sweetie.

Genie said...

I feel like this is a re-run of a nightmare. Some of you remember 2 years ago when Gertrude lost not only long term mate, but also her two darling 6 day old chicks when something unknown attacked and killed them. Gertrude came and cried such heartrending cries that it broke your heart. She did that for 3 days, daylight till almost dark. And I couldn't turn off the computer and get away...she was within 50 feet of my door the whole time. I am praying that Belle will have a much happier outcome...Crying for Gertrude and for Belle.

Cathy said...

Oh my gosh. I didn't check the camera this morning before I left for work... got home and saw the chick. I was thrilled. Then I read all the comments. I am just so upset... as I can see everyone else is.

Has Liberty been seen at all?

floralgirl said...

Nightlight just kicked on, getting dark here now. Belle is still vocalizing, not as loud-

floralgirl said...

We have not seen Lib all day:(

BEagle said...

Oh no.

Genie said...

I somehow left out that Gertrude is a sandhill crane who had been bringing her chicks to show us for 5 years. Her mate was Ralph. I think some of their videos are still on Genie616

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for relaying the information over to the other blog, Lynn.

Cathy said...

Thanks Floralgirl. :-(

TJ said...

HOLY COW! Jumped on a little while ago and found quite the drama unfolding today. First off, congrats on your new chick. Just wanted to share a few quick thought and facts about the events unfolding today.
You guys are correct, that is without a doubt an intruding eagle, but I am almost positive it a female. I saw a short video clip of the first interaction with this intruder, and it appeared to be as large as Belle. Also, when Belle lunged at "her", she didn't seem overly concerned. An intruding male most likely would have turned tail at the sight of a large, angry female coming at him in defense of her chick and nest. I believe this intruder is what they sometimes refer to as a "dirty bird", or a fourth year bird coming into it's adult plumage. They sometimes retain small amounts of black in their white plumage, giving them the appearance of being dirty.
Also, there have been questions raised as to how long the chick can go without food. The yolk sac CAN provide nourishment for 2-3 days without any supplemental food, 3 days being the most.
I would also like to point out that an adult eagle CAN raise a brood alone. Three years ago, we had a MALE succussfully raise and fledge 2 chicks by himself. When the chicks were 2 1/2 weeks old, the female just vanished. We never did find out what happened to the female, but the male stepped up and raised the chicks alone. The big difference here is the age of the chick/chicks. The first few weeks the chicks cannot regulate their own temperature well, therefore the adults must brood them quite often to keep them warm. With the case a few years back, the chicks were already at an age where they could regulate much of their own temperature. Couple that with some very nice weather, and the male had little trouble providing for the chicks. Obviously in Belle's case, she would have to leave the chick/chicks unattended for long periods to provide for herself and her brood. A few days of cold, rainy weather this early on would certainly not be good. PRAY FOR NICE WEATHER!!
I really have to go now. The boys are wanting their dinner, badly!! I just wanted to share a few thoughts and maybe ease a few minds as to what appears to be unfolding today. Lets just hope for the best, (Belle sees off this intruder quickly, Lib returns safetly, and things return to normal)!!!
Bye all!!

Mema Jo said...

Any or most of you remember Monica.
This intruder is her sister..

BEagle said...

Thank you TJ

Mema Jo said...

I really really like TJ
He always seems to come on at the right moment

Robyn said...

Question as this has been a confusing day with all the osts...

If an intruder female was canvasing the area, would Lib stay out of it or would he get directly involved. Could he be keeping his distance because it may be a female?

BEagle said...

Was Monica an intruder on Belle's nest?

BEagle said...

Yeah. TJ understands.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, that's my question too, if Liberty was in the area wouldn't he help fight off the intruder? or would he be intimidated by a larger female? I don't know the answer to that.

glo said...

Randy and TJ have taken some of that feeling of aloneness away. One with his actions and one with his words. So very appreciated indeed.

PammySue said...

I am also curious about whether Liberty would try to fight off an intruding female.

I hope TJ is right. I hope Belle fights off this interloper and Liberty comes back. I know this is breaking everyone's hearts.

WV sUSAn said...

Very helpful info TJ. Thank you. A new term, dirty female, and of that makes sense on what io have read and observed in eagles and ospreys. Still the mystery of "where is Lib?". I can't imagine he is nearby and doing nothing. He has to be injured in some way via fighting or other. Ok, back to watching.

G is on board with whatever we can do over the wkend. Rockys, binocs and fishing poles!!

hedgie said...

Thank you, TJ, for adding that perspective. You are a sight for sore eyes today! Bless you.

BEagle, Monica was a female that badly injured Martha (of George and Martha) near the Wilson Bridge between MD and VA on the Beltway outside DC. Martha was rescued and rehabbed and returned to her nesting area. She later was badly injured and died and Monica took the throne with George.

NatureNut said...

Just got back from dinner. Saw nest and Belle, I guess, is back, but dark mark on right side beak near eye. Could it be dirt or bloody nose! I did not read that she brought any food when she returned. Altho it seemed a long time away, she might have just been up in the tree.
Bless Randy. Thank you, Jo, for contacting him. I don't know TJ, but thank you for input.

WV sUSAn said...

Hopefully Paddy O'Joy kept her lil bro warm today. He'll be too scared to come out.

That da@m bird is STILL there. Go find your own nest dirty bird!!!!

WV sUSAn said...

And another thing (oh yes I did), if that IS blood on Belles beak and since beaks don't bleed, she put a "hurtn" on somebody today!! Hang n there B, you're such a good protector and we love you and Lib and fam!!!!

NatureNut said...

TY, Lynn. You took the thoughts right out of my mind about the "dirty bird" that injured Martha. Did not remember her name was Monica!

I've also read I think Paula's note that NCTC has hands off policy. And I have leftover lobster! I fear that may happen at Park where I work. If so, I could resign, but then I will be missing seeing all that makes it a usually wonderful place.

BEagle said...

I think the blood on Belle's beak came from the other bird. The intruder didn't look good at all.

Mema Jo said...

Finally now I see 65° beside the live feed cam......

Mema Jo said...

Guess we are also going to have another moonlight night.

Am I right in saying that Lib did bring Belle 2 small fishes yesterday afternoon or very early evening.

hedgie said...

Don't forget that I have a lot of pictures fro today posted on my blog.

glo said...

Lib did bring 2 small fish but i thought it was tues afternoon. Could have been yesterday I guess. I can't go back and read. :-(

DanaMo said...

No word from the walk about?

DanaMo said...

Any news on the walk about?

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Mema Jo,
Lib did bring a small fish to Belle yesterday afternoon, although I would have to check to see what time that was. The 3-hour time difference always messes me up. Did Lib bring a second small fish, or did Belle bring the second fish? Not sure.

Robyn said...

Remember when the eaglet in Norflk flew out of nest and ended up hanging upside down, didn't he have to get back by his own?

floralgirl said...

Yep, moon is full on Saturday, and the sky is clear out tonight, so it's really bright.

Mema Jo said...

Do you hear all the noise on the live cam - Do you think it is the search party? I wish..

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Dana,
I don't think there has been any news from Randy yet.

DanaMo said...

I'm trying to post but it's not showing up. I apologize if multiple post eventually show up. I'm wondering if there has been any word from the walk about.

floralgirl said...

No Dana, no word from anyone at NCTC yet.

hedgie said...

No, Jo, I think it was yesterday morning that Lib brought the little fish.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Glo & Andy - I don't want to read back either, Glo...
Guess I was trying to get my timeline in order as to the last time we saw Lib...

floralgirl said...

Update your blog page, go to the main page and read the post from Steve.

Mema Jo said...

OK Lynn.

Dana you don't have your pic - where did you lose it.

I for sure upon receiving any emails will put them out there
for all to see.

NatureNut said...

I remember some one saying adult brought in a still wiggling "minnow". Not positive if it was Wed. or Tu.

I guess the intruder was seen again before I got home.
I wonder if people can fish at river bank there. Maybe someone saw something about an eagle recently there..


I am back--having been watching from a distance with the girls--haven't told them much except that Belle is taking good care of POJ and doing the very best she can. Lots of prayers from here for this wonderful group. Will keep looking for a post from Randy.

floralgirl said...


PammySue said...

Someone said something earlier about a person on the OC blog talking about getting to the eaglet . . .
I know NCTC would not allow that to happen, but why would anyone even think of trying something like that? Can you imagine coming face to face with an angry mama eagle? No way she would let you take her baby(ies)! She would rip you to shreds.

WV sUSAn said...

Thank goodness B is tucked and resting.

WV sUSAn said...

Not for long. Awake and could hear wings flapping.

Diane said...

I'm asking myself why I do this to myself. :-(
Does anyone remember when there was all that upheaval at the Norfolk nest a couple of years ago (I think)? The mom was missing for a few days and an intruder kept coming to the nest. Mom ended up coming back. I don't think we ever knew what the heck happened. So maybe there's hope! I'm trying hard to think positive.

paula eagleholic said...

New Thread is up with a comment from Steve

WV sUSAn said...

When did Steven Tyler start wearing girly tops?? Interesting.

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...