Monday, March 28, 2011


New week thread.


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Leona said...

hamburger in a package oh I would have liked to see that. Now so far the only thing that I have seen that would freak me out is a turtle. Don't know if I could watch that.

hedgie said...

PAmmy, my friend Bill has a hunting camp outside Capon Bridge. Been there several times when he goes up to check on things. I DON'T HUNT!

Linda said...

Oh yeah, they mentioned once in the discussion Q&A that last year they brought up a turtle!!

I've heard if there isn't fish for them, they will eat just about anything - even rodents, snakes, and the like!

paula eagleholic said...

One time at the Pelican Harbor nest, they brought in a cormorant. It was still alive! It tried to bite the adult...well the rest of the story, you may not want to know about...

PammySue said...

Paula, did you mean ground beef or a fast food burger. I got an image of a wrapped up Big Mac or something. rofl

Leona said...

Like I said, only the turtle thing would bug me...that would be hard to watch. I just love turtles...

Linda said...

They must not mind the smell of dead fish lying around either!!

Or dead anything else, for that matter.

paula eagleholic said...

Some think it's kinda gross when they pull out stringy innards! We call it spaghetti! LOL

Lolly said...

You might know! Here it is late at night and my cam has now been running for 48 minutes. Why now?

Lynne2 said...

at the now gone Delta one nest, one of the adults brought in a TEDDY BEAR in 2008!

Linda said...

Wow, that would be a bit tough to watch with it still being alive!

PammySue said...

Lynn, lots of people go to the Capon Bridge area to hunt. All the men in my family hunt. I have never been. I don't have the heart to shoot anything.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh , sorry Leona. We'll warn ya!

The hamburger was like the kind you get from the store, with the styrofoam on the bottom of the package. Took us awhile to figure out that one.

The eagles in the Delta nests bring in all sorts of junk food! They are near a dump! Like, food in bags.

Leona said...

My cam ran for almost 10 hours today until I had to reboot my computer.

hedgie said...

Leona, also a sandwich in a baggy at one of the nests.........and a teddy bear, which, of course, they couldn't eat!

Leona said...

@ Paula... Thanks so much...

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne2, that was the Delta nest with the teddy bear! They recovered the teddy when the nest fell apart.

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey nest are by far the most interesting. Very colorful. The one in CT had a blue teddy all season until the hurricane blew him out. They have found barbie dolls, flip flops, all sorts of junk in osprey nests...they use them to line the nest.

Leona said...

@ hedgie A teddy bear awe.. That would have been neat to see.

hedgie said...

I'm a turtle lover, too, Leona, but mostly box turtles....I have one who has been coming here for 5 summers. You can see pics of her on my blog---her name is Myrtle. She LOVES tomatoes and cantaloupe!
Had some serious interlopers last year. Let me look and give you the dates to look for.

Leona said...

Wow that is awesome. Thanks ladys.

paula eagleholic said...

But all I have ever seen osprey eat is fish...they are like 99% fish eaters.

Linda said...

You know I noticed what looked to be a grocery bag in the nest at the Decorah Eagles nest. I was afraid it would cause problems when those little eggs hatch any day now. I hope it gets loose and blows away.

Linda said...

That is a riot about the osprey nests, Paula.

Leona said...

@ hedgie... that is cool. I have a had a few for about a year. Then let me go. I will have to post picture of them one day.

hedgie said...

LEONA---click on my name, go to my blog Lynn's Lair, and then go to 2009, then Oct. Scroll to the Myrtle pics. Then go to July 2010 for Myrtle's interactions with Hugo---think they were having HP....and then her combat with was getting a bit brutal so I seperated them---she was a female!

Linda said...

I used to get either huge snappers or soft shell turtles in my swimming pool at least 3 or 4 times a year in South Florida. They'd tear up my net trying to get them out!! They were about a foot wide and HEAVY suchker!

They would be on their way from our pond to the lake across the screet and somehow end up in my pool.

Costume Lady said...

Leona, my live cam ran for 10 hours today, too. I mistakenly cut it off and it now needs to be refreshed every 10min 44sec.

Linda said...

Have you ever had a chance to see the turtles hatch on the beach under a full moom.

Now that is neat!! Watching all those little babies run for the surf! Amazing...

paula eagleholic said...

Oh that trash can be deadly. In CT one year, they had plastic wrapped around the chick. They went up and cut it off, thank goodness.

That cam should be on soon. Here's the link to check it. Some people have trouble opening this nest.

Connecticut Ospey

We all watched this one the first year we watched here. One of the gals at the WOW forum, Sherri, lives nearby and gets some nice photos.

Leona said...

@ hedgie... I saw the pictures of the turtle and that is a cute baby...

hedgie said...

PA Lynn...we've seen the grocery bags interwoven in nests before. I worried about them suffocating the eaglets!

Leona said...

I have seen it on tv PA_lynn but never in person. I have yet even been to a beach.

Linda said...

Well I hope that bag is gone soon. It was there earlier today when I checked, but it is too dark to tell now. It was on the right top corner.

They're expecting a hatch on those eggs around 4/1! Three eggs in that nest!

Linda said...

Oh Leona......never been to the beach anywhere?

I lived there for so many years and should have went more, I guess. You get busy in life when you're raising kids and don't have as much time.

Linda said...

I guess we spent a lot of time at the beach when we were teenagers and loved taking the kids there when they were young.

We also went to the California coast on our honeymoon and went to Big Sur, where the ocean meets those massive mountains. Beautiful!

Leona said...

Nope... never been. I have been to Germany, but never to a beach. Maybe I can get my hubby to take me to one this summer.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Leona....the one of my youngest that I posted for her 35th b-day? She was a wee one. Just missed being premature and low birth weight. As some here who have seen her can tell you, she's a lovely lady now!

Haven't watched the turtles hatch on the beach in person, PA Lynn, but have seen the rescued ones at the Stuart, FL rescue operation.

Linda said...

Wow, Germany. The only place outside the US I want to go is Ireland!! I'm an Iris girl! Have some roots there. Probably won't ever go, but it sure looks beautiful.

You'll get to the beach someday, I'm sure!! Hopefully you will get a good breeze and some crashing waves. The majestic and powerful waves are amazing.

hedgie said...

Oh, Leona, you are missing out if you've never been to the beach! You've gotta put that on your bucket list!

Leona said...

@ PA_Lynn My mother is from Germany. Went there to visit with her family. It is a lovely place.

Robyn said...

Lynn my folks are like 25 min from Stuart. Bathtub reef is a nice place I believe they have turtles hatch in that area also, they close the beach down

Linda said...

Well, it's time for me to call it a night!!

Enjoyed the pleasure of talking with you once again. Thank you for letting me join in!

Blessing and prayers to all♥♥♥

Leona said...

@ hedgie My niece just got back from the Golf with her kids. They were down there for a week. It is on my list to do one day.

PammySue said...

Goodnight, PA-Lynn. Sleep tight.

Linda said...

I know where that is Robyn!

We've seen them hatch in New Symrna, too. It's neat!

Leona said...

Night PA_Lynn.

Linda said...


Robyn said...

Night PA-Lynn

Lolly said...

We go to the beach every summer! Love the beach!

Lolly said...

This summer we go to the mountains first...Rocky Mt. Natl Park. We will be camping and hiking. Then last week in the beach!

Leona said...

We go camping. I love to camp.

Lolly said...

Have been watching TV tonight. First DWTS and then Castle. Now watching the news.

PammySue said...

I didn't see the ocean til I was 22 years old. The weird thing was that, even though I live on the East Coast, I saw the Pacific first. I had a friend who lived in San Diego and I flew out there for a visit.

Lolly said...

Oh, we love camping too! Tent camped when the kids were little, now we have a trailer.

PammySue said...

Leona, my boyfriend wants me to go camping. I tell him that I'll go camping at the Holiday Inn. LOL

I don't like bugs or hot weather. I DO like electricity and running water. I am not a camping kind of girl.

Lolly said...

Have gone to the beach every summer all my life. When little we camped on the beach. Still have memories of going to sleep, listening to the waves, and the adults outside the tent playing cards.

NatureNut said...

OOPS! Just saw on news that there is an alert at Nat'l. Zoo. A potent poisonous snake, a cobra, is missing!!
I'm sure Helen knows!

Lynne2 said...

Pam, just have to go in early or late summer, in the mountains in western MD. Get a spot with water and electric hook up.

OR, get over yourself and get a Luggable thing since sliced bread for the woman camper!

Lolly said...

We do NOT camp in hot weather. We love camping in the mountains in Colorado. We will be in the trailer and our daughter and her family will be in a tent. Nothing like falling asleep in a tent. Fun!

Lynne2 said...

its not hot there, and there are few bugs.

Leona said...

Oh give me camping. My hubby and I went this past fall. Yes I froze you know what off at night, but I loved it. I have pictures of it on my facebook page. I love sleeping in tents. My hubby doesn't. He slept in the truck and he wants a camper.

Lynne2 said...

Loretta, I saw that about the cobra...good grief!

Lolly said...

OMG! Snake alert!!!!!

Leona said...

@ Lynne2 what is a Luggable Loo?

paula eagleholic said...

Lowreeda, they think it's still in the snake house.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I knew somebody was talking trash and I just had to come see who! LOL!

paula eagleholic said...

PALynn, Big Sur is just beautiful, went their in 2007.

BTW, I'm going to the beach this weekend :) Time to get a painting!

hedgie said...

I want to get to Scotland and heritage countries. But doubt I'll ever make it...:(

paula eagleholic said...

Knew that would get you in here, Sharon, ROFLMAO

Lolly said...

We used cots and sleeping bags when we tent camped. Then we went to self inflating mattresses. But, finally we reached the age of pain and now sleep in our bed in the trailer. Love my trailer!

Robyn said...


PammySue said...

We don't have a camper, so we would not be able to hook into water or electricity. He wants to do tent camping. Not happening.

I freely admit that I am a complete wimp. My idea of a great vacation would be staying in a nice hotel, going to museums and plays, and doing other 'touristy' stuff.

hedgie said...

Loretta, it's at the Bronx Zoo, not ours!!!

Robyn said...

Hedgie I would love to take my mom to Scotland to see the Osprey nests

Lynne2 said...

Leona, this is a Luggable Loo! You can actually buy the seat alone and use any 5 or 7 gallon bucket. I put a plastic trash bag in mine and some cat litter at the bottom to eliminate "splashing".

Luggable Loo

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leona said...

@ Robyn.. Thanks for the link that was so cute.

PammySue said...

Lynne, I'm still giggling at you telling me to 'get over myself.' ;)

Lolly said...

We love the Big Sur! LOL The awning on our trailer has scrapes and holes because Jack was hugging the inside of the road too close.

hedgie said...

Robyn, your Mom and I have already compared notes---my mom lived in Port St. Lucie for 16 yrs. (moved in '05), and her brother for over 25 yrs. I have watched it grow from a nice little town to what it has become! Not the same place, for sure!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sissy wasn't quite so nauseated tonight. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for her. I am going to bed now.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. ♥ and ((((HUGS))))

paula eagleholic said...

Oh that's cool, Lynne, kitty litter a good idea! Coulda used that when my water was still off, just peed by the house...

Lynne2 said...

well look who crawled out of a Sand Castle.....Hi Sharon!

Lynn, PA Lynn, when I hit the Mega Millions, we'll be Off to Dublin in the Green in the Green!!!

Leona said...

@ Lynne2 well I didn't know that. The place we camp at last time had outdoor areas all over and the other places we bought a shower tent and have an potty seat in it.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lynne2, are you playing the lottery? You know you have to play to win!

Lolly said...

Now, Pam, give it a try! It can be quite cozy! Insist on a the floor.

Lynne2 said...

Oh Pam, you should try it just once! Campfire, the sounds of nature, bears....

paula eagleholic said...

Where's Judie? Wonder if she'll ever catch up?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Cobras. . .

Leona said...

@ Lynne2 Don't tell her about the bears..

Lolly said...

Have been to Ireland. It is the pubs. LOL

Lynne2 said...

Leona, my camping life will be complete when I can get a solar shower and shower tent! I'll never have to leave the camp site!

Lynne2 said...

Yes Sharon, I bought a ticket for tomorrow...and you'll go to the Preakness if I win!

hedgie said...

Robyn, that is one of Jo's favorite videos---she loves the otters!!! Haven't watched it in awhile...thanks!

Leona said...

My hubby has ask me the other day when we were going camping. I am still not sure when and where I want to go this year.

paula eagleholic said...

Is it higher than 312 million now? Saw that last week, I think.

Lolly said...

One time on the way to Colorado to go camping we had Laurel and a college friend of hers with us.
We started telling her about the bears. (there were none!) We were making up all kinds of things. So funny! She was ready to turn around and go home.

Lynne2 said...

I"m thinking it won't be too many more seasons before we have to get off the air mattress and onto cots. PAIN PAIN PAIN oh WHY does my body hurt!!

Leona, there are bears where we camp. I seem to be the only person EVER who hasn't seen one yet.....but I found a sub adult bear skull last year!

Leona said...

@ Lolly ... LOL!!!

Lynne2 said...

Do you travel to different states to camp Leona?

PammySue said...

Oh, I did some camping as a kid. My dad loved to fish, so we would camp down by the river and have a campfire and all that.
I grew up on a farm and have lived in the country most of my life. Maybe that is why I am not worried about camping. I could see and hear nature every day, so it was no big deal.
I love nature, but I want to see and do different things--like plays, museums, etc.

Lynne2 said...

Paula, no, someone in Albany won the big prize. I don't want to appear greedy so I am playing now that it's back down to an amount few people get crazy over. LOL!

Leona said...

Lynne2 I have heard of bears around here, but have not seen any and I have lived in Oklahoma since I was 5 and I am now 53

Lolly said...

We have never camped where there is not a restroom. Rocky Mt. Natl Park has restrooms. No water or electric hookups but potties and sinks. We go into town to the laundry....they have showers! We go about once a week to shower. When in a tent we bathed with heated water in a dish tub.

PammySue said...

Sharon, I love how you added 'cobras' to Lynne's list.

Leona said...

@ Lynne2... We have not left Oklahoma yet. But we started late in life with the camping. Only been doing it for about 5 years.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - dream of retirement!
Harry's Law - she won her case
I am reading what I missed during the
hour I wasn't here....

Lolly said...

We camped in Oklahoma when we went to Sutton to see the eagles. Saw my first piliated woodpecker on that trip. We were at a park just south of OK City.

hedgie said...

Good night, PA Lynn!

Lynne2, sounds like a plan!!! The Irish Momsters!

Paula.....guess that means that you are fairly neighbor-free, huh??!!

We had something very similar to the Loo but it used a chemical that deodorized and ate the paper...and the lid closed tightly. That was in the early days of tent and slide-in camper. No need for it after that except at home if power was out for any length of time---came in handy then!

Good night, Pam....I'll mention that you can rent campers over here in Falling Waters!!!!

Judie is just too busy with school now to even try to catch up with us chatter-boxes!!

Lynne2 said...

Yeah, where we go there are potties but no sinks. We take a big 5 gallon collapsible thing to use for washing up. We can go to the bigger more family friendly area of the park to take showers if we want to.

Do you have Black Bears Leona?

hedgie said...

Good night, Sharon! Hope you and Sissy both sleep really good tonight.

PammySue said...

I'm not worried about bears. I know they are usually much more afraid of us than we are of them. Remember, you guys, I hold Craig's 9-foot Burmese python. I ain't skeerd.
Yet, if a stink bug lands on me, I nearly beat myself to death . . . ??

Lynne2 said...

Leona, 2 summers ago was my very first on my blog, June of 09. My hubby has been camping most of his life.

Robyn said...

Hedgoe, my grandparents moved there in 1980, I remember visting them and there was nothing there, mom and dad moved in 90 it was more built up but the bonus is the Mets training camp. So we would get to see the Mets during spring break when it fell during that time.

paula eagleholic said...

I have only camped once....been at the beach all my life, in a house, lol.

OK folks, gotta go fold some laundry and try and get to bed...the dog is whining for me to come up, and I'm still sleep deficient from this past week...gotta get some work done so I can head to the beach this weekend.

G'nite, and

Hugs to all ♥

Lynne2 said...

I COMPLETELY understand that Pam. I must say, over the week we had the warmer weather, there were far fewer than I thought we'd have. And we are finding MANY dead ones now....

Leona said...

@ Lolly I am going to have to do a web search on Sutton. Just might have to go there this summer.

@ Lynne2 That is what I have heard. I have even heard that they have been seen not even a mile from my home.

Leona said...

If I have missed anyone saying good night... Good Night..

paula eagleholic said...

ROFL laughing, Pammy. Think we all do that with those stink bugs!

Robyn said...

I love camping we went several times last year, we get a cabin a camping cabin with bunks and small pads as mattresses most uncomfortable. oh and a light lol. This year I am letting the girls get their own cabin...

Leona said...

@ PammySue I am like you I can do a snake any day, but a spider... I run.

Lolly said...

Bears have returned now to the Rocky Mts. We used to leave food out on the table. Not has to be in bear boxes or in your car. They say no food in tents. You can not leave anything out that smells like food. Trying to keep the bears out of the camping areas.

Robyn said...

Night Paula

Leona said...

@ Lynn2 I will take a look at your pictures tomorrow. Glad I am not the only one who started late.

PammySue said...

Goodnight, Paula and Sharon, and anyone else hitting the hay.

Craig put up a deer feeder near my parents house in Hampshire County last year. It was filled with corn, and a bear tore it up and ate the corn. Craig was annoyed, but I said what do you expect? You put food in the woods--animals are gonna eat it. It was cool 'cause you could see the claw marks from the bear on the feeder.

Leona said...

Night Paula. I am about to head that way myself.

Lolly said...

Oh, and we did have a bear at our campsite in Yellowstone. He put his paws on our picnic table where Jack was heating water. We were in the car. Yikes! I did not know then to say "It's me bear!" LOL

Lynne2 said...

oh yeah, we lock all that stuff up in the car Lolly. No food left out or in tent. No chewing gum, no toothpaste, no nothing. Our campground has no bear boxes but they do at Deep Creek about 45 minutes away.

PammySue said...

OK-- I have a bad joke for you campers:

What do bears call a tent?

Gift wrap.

hedgie said...

Lynne, do you have the bear skull???? Cool! I love that kind of stuff!! Used to have a rattler skeleton and a turtle skeleton....but ended up giving them to a young man who was REALLY into that stuff and I just knew it would thrill him--and it did....along with a robin's skull.

Too bad I'm so generous sometimes!

Well, dear friends, this is it for me. Tub is calling my name! Thanks for all of your fine company today!

If Bobbi is lurking......Hi there!!! Hope Robyn sees my post--or Bobbi points it out to her---about P.S.L.

And hope Loretta sees that the snake is not at our zoo!!
Prayers for all!!

Lynne2 said...

I don't know if I would camp in Grizzly Country in a tent, that's for sure.

WEll, I'm heading for bed now. Have a good night everyone and prayers for all!

hedgie said...

P.S. LEONA---me, too. Very afraid of spiders!

Lynne2 said...

I sure do Lynn! It's missing the bottom jaw and the canine teeth but in good shape otherwise!

Mema Jo said...

Lotto was won last week but any million would be ok with me.
Sharon I am glad the Sissy was feeling
better and hope tomorrow will be a good
day for her.

Leona - Granddaughter and family lived in Bamberg Germany for 2 yrs (military) She took advantage of being there and ready took in the sites. What were your Germany experiences..

Lolly said...

Jack built this great box. One side dropped open. It had shelves for food, a plastic thingy for the silver wear, and help two tubs for dish washing. It was great for camping. It is still in our attic. But, now we could not use it. We try to find a campsite that has good parking so that you can back in and store in the back of your car.

However, I have my trailer now!☺

Mema Jo said...

Pammy - good one. I love the out-of-doors. I love to camp but not hubby.
However I have a better time if we go
and have a cabin... Don't trust the

Lolly said...

LOL Pam! The night the bear came to our tent in Yellowstone everyone else had campers, we were the only ones in a tent. Jack slept with an axe under his sleeping bag.

hedgie said...

Robyn---you did see it!!! My uncle was a huge Mets fan....when my grandma would go down to visit, she got the biggest kick out of going to watch them! His house---and then Mom's, too---were both only about a mile from the field.

hedgie said...

Bye again! Goodnight to all.

PammySue said...

Lolly, a bear came to your tent?!?!? Omigosh, I would have peed my pants.

Leona said...

@ Mema Jo My mothers family lived in Mianz. We walked all over Mianz and the Rhine River. I was in the 7th grade when I was there. My younger sister and I just went all over by ourselves.

Lolly said...

Time for me to go shower and get comfy. Think I will read for a while.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

It's been fun chatting with you!

Leona said...

Well everyone it is past that time for me. My little dog is looking at me telling me it's past time to put her to bed. Thanks everyone for answering my question. I enjoyed myself tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though most are calling it a
night. You all had some very good talks
this evening. Daughter is coming over in the morning so I best better head down the hallway
Hope we get some reports in the am from the nest...
Good night everyone and sweet dreams toall. Prayers for those in need.
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

PammySue said...

Goodnight, everybody. Talk to you tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Yes, a bear came to our tent. That was about 40 years ago..we were young! LOL I was coming back for the restroom and here came the bear...traveling at a good clip. We jumped in the car fast! He put his paws up on the table and nosed the boiling water. Jack was afraid he was going to go into the tent as it was open, but he didn't. Food was in the trunk of the car. We took pictures!

PammySue said...

Lolly, I'm glad you made it to the car.
Maybe he was just looking for a pic-a-nic basket. ;)

PammySue said...

OK, I'm really going this time.

Sweet dreams, everyone.

Robyn said...

St. Lucie west...

It has chenged a lot just over the last 5 years, they have the road that goes right from 95 straight up to mom and dad's no more cutting thru traffic which is crazy there...

NatureNut said...

Thx, Lynn, about what Zoo. (Better there than here!) BAAAD

Gotta hit the hay...
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Prayers for Good Health

PA Nana said...

Must say goodnight/good morning and get to bed. It's late and the early risers will be up too soon.

Prayers for all needs and wants. God bless us all.

Costume Lady said...

For those who wondered...I did go shopping with the Good Captain:)
We had breakfast/lunch at Shoney's in Hagerstown, went shopping and got Capt. some Summer shirts and myself, some pretty tops to wear to church when the weather gets warm. Finished up the day at the Save-A-Lot grocery store. Got some breakfast foods for GG, one of which looks really good...Bob Evans sausage gravy and some frozen pancakes to go along with it. Other meat products (she doesn't eat enough meat) and Mangos, bananas and strawberries.
Great store and Great prices.


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Land Friends!

Geez, you guys have some, uh, interesting conversations at night time around here. Glad I was already in bed,Pammy Sue. Snake talk at night gives me bad dreams. Yuck. My rule around here is see a snake, rescue a cat. Cats eat the rodents that snakes hunt to eat thus diminishing their food supply!

Lori O. said...

And, breakfast is definitly out after the posts on Osprey nests and Eagle food. LOL!

Jo, have a fun day with your daughter.

Lori O. said...

The nest is so dark this morning I would think they just turned off the cam except I can see the lightness of the tree branches on the right side of the picture.

Very dark!

Lori O. said...

And, I'd just like to weigh in on the snake or stink bug comments ... Wish we could do polls on here. :)

Give me a stink bug anyday. I'll take your SB's if you take my snakes! Shivers!

Lori O. said...

Have a great day everyone.

Don't know that I'll be able to check in from work, though I say that and can't stay away!!!

Geula said...

YAY! I got all caught up......while you all were asleep! I usually read the last few comments to see if I can get a clue about the nest or something...

I think it may be the time to show respect for the intruder. If he's going to be a new mate for Belle next year then he deserves a more fitting name. We'll always love Lib and we'll all be thrilled if Belle gives the intruder up and Lib comes back into the picture, but that may not happen. At least we'll find it easy to identify him....I've heard he's got long middle talons. why don't we figure out a good name for him, which is neutral as far as out attachment to him goes. Mr. Long Toes is good for starters...let's brainstorm, okay?

Good morning to all!

Geula said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

Good Morning Geula. I hope all is well for you in your part of the world this morning, or afternoon for you.

I agree about the name. My heart breaks at the thought of possibly not seeing LIB again since he may have moved on already, or not, but we may have to live with intruder.


Geula said...

Lori! what time is it where you are? Don't you ever sleep?

Lori O. said...

Hi Geula! Of course I sleep. I work very early hours. It's 4:30AM here now.
So, I know how it is when you want to see the nest and chat with your friends and no one else is awake!

So glad you're here this morning!

Lori O. said...

Oh, congratulations on getting caught up on the blog! Not easy these days with so many posts and all the nest drama. :)

Lori O. said...

Darkness, but nothing unsual in the nest this past hour.

Kay said...

Good morning Lori and Geula ! The nest is still dark, but hoping to catch what has become the traditional morning visit within the next hour or so.

Geula, if I have my time differences right, it is now about time for lunch where you are. I have a special place in my heart for you because you were the first to welcome me when I slid over from the ODC. Most mornings I'm up early and have been enjoying your posts, Lori. I feel I'm in good company with the "early birds" !

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends
Trying to watch
Computer woke up grouchy

Hope it's a good day for everyone

I can't blog much when live feed is going...sometimes

Kay said...

But, hey, I really feel I'm in good company with anyone who shares my eagle addiction---whether morning, afternoon or evening ! I've been having fun reading your profiles and learning about this diverse group of great people.

Kay said...

Good morning, Magpie !

Lori O. said...

Good Morning early birds KAY IM and MARGY!

Lori O. said...

Margy I don't think you've had a grouchy day in your lifetime! :)

Lori O. said...

OH - I see - COMPUTER woke up grouchy. We need to get you a new one. Let me talk to Kate and see if she knows anyone that is upgrading or something.

Lori O. said...

Margy: Kate works in IT so that's her field.

KAY IM - I consider you GREAT COMPANY as well. :)

Kay said...

I see that we're supposed to send sighting info in bold type. Just in case I'm in on that---so far I've had the knack of having left right before Belle or Truder arrive---how do you get bold letters on messages ?

Lori O. said...

I'd do anything to have a GPS unit on LIB so we would know where he is.

I know humans think differently and he doesn't care if I miss him -but I WANT TO KNOW HE is OKAY.

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Good morning about to leave for work and wanted to make a odd comment or question My cam has been running all nite it is at
18 hours now but the screen is really dark
I opened up another browser and the cam is lighter Why is it dark from running all nite and the new is lighter???

Kay said...

I agree, Lori, I long to see Lib or here something about his welfare. NCTC promised frequent updates and I thought we'd get more insight from them, but I guess they are very busy there with little time for keeping us informed.

JudyEddy said...

ok off to work on nest

Kay said...

Don't yet know how to do bold, but eagle in nest. It's Truder , moving stuff around.

WV sUSAn said...

T on time and digging

WV sUSAn said...

And now B

WV sUSAn said...

How he loves to get n the egg cup that he's working

Lori O. said...


WV sUSAn said...

T digging

WV sUSAn said...

Hi folks

Lori O. said...

Intruder in nest cup

WV sUSAn said...

B is gone

Lori O. said...


WV sUSAn said...

Now T is gone

Lori O. said...

Truder gone

DanaMo said...

Wow...I came down just in time to see the two eagles in the nest, and watch them each fly away. I sure do miss Lib.

Kay said...

Belle up, up and away. Followed closely by T.

Good morning wv sUSAn !

Lori, how did you get the bold type ?

DanaMo said...

oh Good Morning everyone!

magpie said...

SPLIT coming up
watch for it

Lori O. said...

Very calm visit by the duo of Belle and Intruder this morning. No fighting or fear or squaking that I could see.

WV sUSAn said...

They are undoubtedly the timliest two I've seen

floralgirl said...

Hello:) I think it's morning...
Here's the nest weather for today-
Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 40s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph.

Kay said...

Good morning DanaMo. You're right, Lori, they were very quiet. All I heard was the twitter of little birds and a dog barking off in the distance.

Lori O. said...


Put this before what you want to bold. . .

AND, put this at the end of whatever you want to
print in bold. . .

I hope this works this time.

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...