Friday, March 25, 2011


TGIF thread.


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Harbinger said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for our Friday thread.

I will call the others over but
Harb probably already did.

Lolly said...

Thanks Steve! Have you been observing from the ground. Any new theories on NCTC's behalf? We certainly are puzzled!

Brought over....
Lolly said...
Hear the children on the playground. Think I will get me a job as playground aide. LOL

Whoops, now hear the geese.

magpie said...

☺ Thank you for the Friday thread Steve ☺

☺ and thank you harbringerdc for the call over ! 1

must get back to work now...
see you later

while humming ♪♫ i's a small world after all ♪♫ my coworkers are going to clobber me !


xixi ☺

Lolly said...

Jo...Heather said she had internet on her phone, so she might post directly to the blog. She did not ask for phone numbers.

magpie said...

xixi ??
uh, how do we interpret this ?

Lolly said...

Margy, your co workers better not clobber you. They will have a gang of Momsters about to clobber them!☺

Lolly said...

Lori, I put up this sunshine avatar over a year ago when the weather was so bad in WV. I was trying to bring a little sunshine to all. Have just stayed with it with just little side trips away. Thanks for the comments.

Harbinger said...

I have to get back to work, too. And I'm also carrying the ear worm along with me... ♪♫ i's a small world after all ♪♫...

Lolly said...

Time to go eat a bite of breakfast. Have finished my coffee and even read the paper this morning. Trying to overcome my addiction.

Going to church this morning to weed and mulch my garden there.


WV sUSAn said...

Oh Boy, new thread.
Thanks Steve

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lolly - I forget about all these new thingies... lol
Margie - please warn co workers that
momsters have canes...

Praying for Iris' cousin for a peaceful passing.

I really do need cheat sheet if only for the state (City if possible) of each new momster. Or it would be great for their google profile on here to show this. Don't need any personal info like age?

Mema Jo said...

You would think I was from TX - I am looking for my breakfast..toast with honey & peanut butter - It keeps you going.....


hedgie said...

Ha, ha....thought you could lose me, huh?!!!

Don't remember who posted the link to the story about the lady in MI, but all I can say is BS! Since GPS wasn't being used back when she bought the property IN GOOD FAITH, the state should not be able to do anything now except maybe charge her a little rent to use the land.

sUSAn---since I don't really know what others use to make potato salad, I can't say what is different, per se----but it sure tastes a lot different. Many people in this part of WV use a cooked dressing on it---ugh. Some people use pickle juice---ugh. Some people use NO spices except maybe salt----ugh!!
I am not good at relaying recipes because I don't measure much! Mine are mostly pinches and dashes and "to taste". I can email you the ingredients I use if you want....and then, better yet, the next time we have a get-together, I can MAKE some for all y'all!!!

Christine said...

Ok, so I'm going to go off subject for a minute and tell y'all a funny about last night. I have a 5 year-old black lab name Sadie. She's a doll, but a little dorky and is terrified of thunderstorms and especially lightning. She was under a tree that got struck a few years ago.

SO, last night I babysat my best friend's 3 yearold little girl and guess what she that light up with those bright LCD lights!!! By the end of the night my dog was hiding under a blanket!!

WV sUSAn said...

Well I keeping missing EJ when I look at the LG nest, but big sticks are appearing. Go get'em girl!

paula eagleholic said...

FYI - Cell service at the corner is spotty, but I was able to get signals when I walked towards the NCTC gates.

hedgie said...

JO---promise I'll have the cheat sheet done over the weekend!! Too many other things happened through the week!!! I PROMISE!!!!!

Margy is a bit busy at work......but glad she can still watch cam and say a few words here and there!

paula eagleholic said...

Christine - that is too funny!

hedgie said...

Christine that is funny, but can't help but feel sorry for Sadie.....have had two dogs in my life who were petrified of thunderstorms.....but the noise, not the lightening. I definitely think being under a tree that was struck would do that to any animal or person!

stronghunter said...

Poor Sadie!

PammySue said...

Good morning, people. I am still catching up. Just wanted to say hey. So hey.

Also, Lolly, your new names are hilarious. "TB (Turd Bird) and Jezza-Belle"

As far as t-shirts go, I haven't looked through the selection in a long time. Is there one that says Eagleholic?

Christine said...

Oh she is a mess during storms. I woke up the other night with her under my pillow because of the storms that rolled through! That storm was bad enough that my other dog even joined the mix. Poppet (Sadie) will get under the covers and hyperventilate and curl up as close to me as she can.

T-Bird said...

Hello everyone. TGIF

Christine said...

Did I mention she's a 65lb black lab??? Doesn't fit very good under the pillow ;-}

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I was wondering how your dog could get under the pillow.

paula eagleholic said...

Red, you are exactly right about the OD forum....maybe it should be renamed "Forum for Dummies"

PammySue said...

Red, thanks for the story about the other nest. Our poor Lib may have fought a battle like that.
I hope the missing female comes back.

I just saw the comments about the egg cup being worked on and I went and took a peak. Holy Cow! Have you guys seen the work being done?

Scott said...

@PammySue sure have....sure makes you wonder...

Christine said...

Ok, I'm heading out to CRC soon. I'll be back later this afternoon. It's a nice day so I'll probably be out there for a while!


WV sUSAn said...

Lynn -- yes, please email the recipe. THANKS!!

WV sUSAn said...

Pam/Scott -- Been watching. Man, I hate to even say it, ya know?

Scott said...

@WV sUSAn I know...

@Christine Enjoy!!! Sure wish I was going...thanks for taking the time to ask the questions for all of us.

PammySue said...

Christine, your poor doggie! Makes me want to hug her.

Heather, just in case you don't know: the pull-over area to view the nest is only a few hundred yards past the NCTC entrance. It is right before the sharp curve to the left. When you pull over next to the fence, the nest will be directly out in front of you.
That is how I was given directions, and it was so easy. It is amazing how you pull over, look up, and there is the nest.
Good luck today.

WV sUSAn said...

Christine -- Sadie sounds like a shepherd I used to have. Dear Hoosier was 100 pounds of lovin' and she was terrifed of storms. I returned home one afternoon after there had been a big lightening/thunder storm. My neighbor flagged me down and said my dog was in her house.

This huge baby of mine had jumped through the screen on her door, ran to the back bedroom of HER house and was under the bed. I don't even know how she FIT under the bed. Got her out with a little coaxing and took my big sweetie home. She was such a good girl... except for jumping through screens. hehehe

Mema Jo said...

Christine - oooooh! I would not have thought those crazy kids shoes would have the same affect as Lightning for
Sadie. I'm thinking that if I were ever at a tree that was struck by
lightning I would probably go into a closet and close the door.
Loved the story even though it was so sad for Sadie.

WV sUSAn said...

Christine is our Ambassador of the Day!!!

PammySue said...

Don't mean to ask so many questions this morning, but when was the work done on the egg cup and by who?

Sorry, I did not watch the cam much yesterday since it was empty and I went to the nest. I've been doing more reading of the blog than anything.

Lori O. said...

Hi everyone - just got home! YEAH!

sUSAn - Hoosier sounds like a big lump of lovin'...OMG to do all that and end up under your neighbors bed is something else. Poor honey.

Robyn said...

Good morning all caught up, well almost. Made my cappuccino and made it to the new thread.

Hedgie, things are made very different down here then from the north, took a while to get use to some tastes of food here, good thing I am a very good cook, LOVE NY tastes.

I haven't opened nest yet but *egg cup*? Hmmm

I will be thinking good thoughts for all who are asking for prayers...

IrisF said...

Good late morning everyone!

Prayers for Sissy and medical staff and all her family -

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers for my cousin, waiting to hear.

I finally caught up reading and I was booted off the internet. again grrrrrr

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Hedgie... we have had 31 new Eaglet Momster members - I don't think all of them have been blogging.

WV sUSAn said...

Here's an article that posted on our Lady of the Loch!

hedgie said...

In the new issue of the local Audubon Society newsletter is an article about tree work done for them. Here is a tidbit form the article----Donnie also has a pic on his blog, and it was in our local newspaper:

"On March 3, Valley Trees of Shepherdstown gave PVAS a hand by removing free of charge a large, broken oak-tree tree limb that was dangerously overhanging one of the main trails at the Yankauer Nature Preserve.
The accompanying photo shows Valley Tree technician Nu Bucher, roped into the tree, cutting the limb down.
“This limb was way too high and heavy for our volunteers to handle,” said PVAS President Peter Smith. “We needed expert help to get the job done safely, and we ‘re very grateful to Valley Tree owner Paul Simmons and his crew for volunteering to do it.”

So Nu hasn't retired yet!

mariadangeloart said...

Question, is it too late for another clutch of eggs to be laid? I'm just wondering if indeed Trudy is a male and Liberty has been chased off and is not coming back, is it possible for Trudy and Belle to have eggs this season?

IrisF said...

Christine that is hysterical about your pooch Sadie. Never though about it, but does look a little like lightening if you are already on the floor...☺

Robyn said...

re: Hans, he is an imbecile, I would like to B slap him a few hours.

My cat is intently watching a downey woodpecker on the tree in front of me, I can just imagine his thoughts...

hedgie said...

Thanks, sUSAn, for that link! Now we know what Jonathan looks like!!! I'll email it to Loretta so she doesn't miss it, since she has talked to him!!

Mema Jo said...

Egg cup - it's now a very neat egg cup as we are use to... Concerning to me is that it is the spot where POJ is buried. So I've not yet made up my mind what it is.... Pam I don't think anyone captured the 'digger'

IrisF said...

While I was catching up - finally got some decent sleep last night and since I wasn't coughing as much - probably my neighbors did too.

Anyway - I read about the Kent nest while I was catching up. Isn't that the nest that had a squirell living in the "basement" and it bored a hole right into the nest near the egg cup? I thought that was part of why the nest fell apart. The storm probably helped too.

Mema Jo said...

I don't want to trash my comment but

NOT not now

stronghunter said...

It would be great to see a new clutch. I think most think it is not going to happen, though. I am just watching and waiting to see what happens next.

Don't want to try to guess.

Mema Jo said...

Iris - we called him George (the squirrel at Kent)
Pammy Sue - it was the male that was run off - Female, Starr stayed.

Mema Jo said...

@Maria - it is probably up to Belle
The Maine nest just got their 1st egg.
We just need to Wait and Watch and
Keep the Faith at the same time.

hedgie said...

Red, I agreee 100% about their IQ's!!!

Christine.....doesn't Sadie get a horrible odor when she's scared? My Georgia Brown always did.....and she would lay right next to my bed and stink me out!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - great news of NU & that is the trail others were talking about the other day.
@Scott it's safe to go to the
Yankauer Nature Preserve - the trail is cleared.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PammySue said...

Susan, I love you described your dog as '100 pounds of lovin.' Poor thing.

hedgie said...

Belated HI to Thelma!!!! Hope your day is going well. Know you are worrying about Sissy....but everything will be fine! b ((((HUGS)))

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They took her about 11:15. Now for the waiting game.

PammySue said...

Jo, thnaks for the info on the egg cup.
I thought Red said that the female was missing and the (newest) male was rebuilding the nest by himself. Maybe not, though. My head is spinning from reading so much on here for the past week.

hedgie said...

sUSAn, I had a neighbor's dog who plowed through my door when I was letting my dogs in before a storm. She had been out and her family had left, and she ran through the yards to find a safe haven---zoomed right in and down the steps and hid in the basement!

T-Bird said...

Beverly has been in surgery for a little over an hour. They said it would take 2:30.

Robyn said...

OK I gave in and went to OD, he has his own forum spot. Is this guy for real?

Paula did you post what the biologist said when he mentioned it may most likely be a male?

Then again some people like to be misinformed...

NatureNut said...

Hello Everyone! Sunny, breezy, cool Friday.
Just checking for a Sissy update.
Iris, so sorry about your cousin--thoughts & prayers for both & Delphia's lab results.

I see 2 field trips on for today--Christine (w/ poor scaredy cat dog☺) to CRC & Heather to the nest.We need a scanning cam high in a tree now at NCTC!!Call Nu!

Gotta work--have great day & may the Force be with Lib!!
Talked to naturalist at Park, Greg K. & will send him some of the nest videos. He can't get the Live cam, but read updates, etc. & knows Craig Koppie (sp?) of Chesapeake US/FWS. BBL

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WV sUSAn said...

Lori, Hoosier was the BEST dog I ever had!!!! When my daughter (who is now 31) was born, I didn't know how Hoosier would react since she had been the baby for so long. H never had babies of her own, but she sure took Andrea as her own. Even before Andrea was walking, she wanted to be with A would just lay in the floor with her like she was taking care of things. Such very special memories.

Red said...

Yes Iris, George the squirrel had lived in his home under the nest for years. He had raised several families there tood. His nest there may have weakened the nest but it was a bad storm that shook it out. Star was over 20 years old but no one knew her exact age. She may have died of old age.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Sharon ! You're right about
the waiting game. I know just how you feel. ((hugs)) Is Tom ok other than nervous?

PammySue said...

Robyn, ignorance is bliss.

That is about the people on the OC forums, not you. Don't want you to 'get your New York up' and kick my butt. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Say it again JudyE

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn -- Poor Jonathan has his hands full with all the antics going on at SWT/LOTL. I feel sorry for him.

IrisF said...

Thanks Mema Jo for remembering the squirrel's name. Of course, how could I forget GEORGE!

hedgie said...

Loretta, if you can, check your email!!!!

Speaking of squirrels....remember the nest they were building here last year that came down during a violent storm? SOme of that debris was in the fencerow, and both Cinnamon and Mai always investigated it when out, and would then urinate on it......hmmmmm! Warning critters away???!!

T-Bird said...

Thanks Hedgie.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Tom is out paying bills so he is alright.

How could anyone forget George's name. Lol

Red said...

Ok. Get ready for some more nest activity. I'm going to take my nap now. lol
I'll see y'all later.

Robyn said...

LOL never Pam my NY only goes up when need be, and Hans is a good example of my NY flaring...

JudyEddy said...

Just signing on to get comments emailed to me

Robyn said...

As the saying goes... Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience


hedgie said...

Oh-oh.....Margy just got a call from an officer (not sure if deputy or animal control) saying that he got bit on his foot by a dog. Hope it's not serious and that the dog has been vaccinated.

Lolly said...

Christine....never apologize for a story about pets. We love them and think your story was great. Would never have thought that.

Have walked and now headed to church.

Prayers for Bev who is in surgery as we speak. May God guide the hand of the surgeon. Amen!


hedgie said...

Vacuuming is half done.....lunchtime!

Lolly said...

So, that is what it is, Robyn. LOL My son in law is from Long Island. Not that he flares up but man is he stubborn.

JudyEddy said...

I wonder why the comments are coming to my eamil HMMMM OH no issues 'Even my own isn't being emailed to me HMMMM

Robyn said...

Oh yes we are a stubborn lot lol

stronghunter said...

Oh, no! Two to five inches of snow predicted here?? Yikes.

IrisF said...

Sharon - It's not hard when you get as old as I am. Except that...It was my grandfather's name and my dad's middle name, so shame on me!

Let's see, I could blame it on coughing my brains out this week, if you don't believe the age bit.

hedgie said...

Robyn, agreed. Lots of strange cooking in these parts! A lot different even than VA! One of my biggest peeves is people putting sugar in SAUERKRAUT!!! Sorry---don;t mean to offend if anyone does that, but, seriously, what is the point? It's supposed to be SOUR!

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Pammy Sue - I know what you mean about spinning around in circles! Kent cam -
I will read Red's remarks again to be sure.. I was a Kent Forum and nest watcher for about 2 years - before the nest blew down. That nest is where I
witnessed an egg being laid!

Here we go -

stronghunter said...

As I recall, we have George the squirrel, George the eagle, and George the cat. George the cat is happily curled beside me right now. He and I often share the recliner.

We talk about pets frequently on here.

mariadangeloart said...

So Robyn, you have the same impression about this Hans guy over there that I do? When I first found this cam and read his posts even I (who nowhere near knows a lot about eagles) thought the guy was a bit off. He acts like he's an expert and really doesn't seem to know much.

Mema Jo said...

You didn't offend me Lynn BUT I can't do SOUR

Mema Jo said...

Hans just doesn't want anyone's opinion but his. I don't get along with people like that whatsoever!

Liz said...

I agree that Hans is a know it all "wannabe". He ain't. He doesn't know anything yet speaks with authority, and the others just eat it up.

mariadangeloart said...

I really wish somebody would show up in this nest. It's sad to look at.

Robyn said...

Lynn sometimes I will add a little fennel to my saurkraut, yum.

Maria, Hans pissed me off the first post I ever read of his when the intruder first came around.

hedgie said...

Blogger cop is stuttering! My delete.

So if you have comments sent to your email, do you respond by email, too?

LOL, Jo---do you eat sweet kraut?

Robyn said...

Maybe he is portraying the typical european intellectual... better then US Americans...

Robyn said...

Maybe he is portraying the typical european intellectual... better then US Americans...

hedgie said...

Robyn, I think a lot of German kraut has fennel. I also put fennel in spaghetti sauce and chili!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - do you have any info on Heather who is going to the nest today?
Meaning info as to where she is located.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Well, I'm back, with breakfast and a LOT of coffee on board. Anxiously waiting to hear some good news about Sissy!
Thinking of Delphia, too--I hate waiting for results. I once had to wait 10 weeks for results of a 2nd mammogram! Boy, don't get me started about THAT situation!
Boy, the nest cup looks like somebody plowed it! Any idea what's been going on there?

mariadangeloart said...

LOL That describes him perfectly Robyn! I never saw that post of his at the beginning. I didn't hear about this cam until I think the day after all this started.

Lori O. said...

This blog is buzzing faster than I can keep up today!

Pet stories are the BEST!
sUSAn, pet memories like that of Hoosier are priceless.
It's always great with those once-in-a-lifetime dogs and cats! I had a couple of them. :)
Horses, too.
I always say the best thing you can give a child is a happy memory.

Robyn said...

Lynn coming from NY and have dated my share of italian men and having many Italian friends I learned how to cook Italian food very well.

My sauce usually cooks for up to 24 hrs on a nice low sim it allows the tomatoes to lose that bitterness and blend with what I add.

mariadangeloart said...

Does anyone know why the WVEC is only showing still shots of the nest?

Mema Jo said...

I do eat Sweet Kraut - you know what, it looks just like Sour Kraut but it doesn't tast like it.

This keyboard today just keeps throwing unwanted letters under my fingers..........

I think I am headed for Street Clothes. Here most of you are in the office - WOW - I've been retired for almost 7 years. I think that is a good WOW.

PammySue said...

Since we have been discussing pets so much, I have a question for anyone local to me (Martinsubrg, WV).
Does anyone know of someone who would be interested in a dog. He is a chihuaha/Jack Russell mix and is about 8 years old. He has been spayed, but is not current on shots.
He is very energetic, but has not had much attention paid to him. He loves to play fetch with his tennis ball.

I can't put this up on Facebook because the wrong people will see it. I want to rescue this dog from a bad environment, but I have nowhere to take him. If I take him to a shelter, he will probably be put down within a short time.
This poor fella is often left without food or water. Unfortunately, he belongs to a family member, so if I report it, there will be WWIII.

Lori O. said...

I wish someone would give some memory brain cells!

Lolly said...

If you have blog comments coming by email you have checked the leeetle box below, that is just above the orange publish bar.

Lori O. said...

Ooooooh, Pammy. Tough one. Let me think.

Lori O. said...

Pammy, how tall is he? Weight?

turtledove said...


How would you get the dog away from the family member? Are they open to giving it up? If so, maybe you could arrange to have it brought to one of the no-kill groups that have home fostering. You can usually find those on

Robyn said...

Try Brigga Pam. They don't take all dogs but if he is adoptable they will if and when they have room.

I found a stray puppy a few months ago and rode the neighborhood looking for her owners but nothing, someone dropped her off near where I live. She was a nice puppy brought her to animal control on Queen St told them if no one adopts her call me before they put her down, 2 weeks later I get a call they are going to put her down 1 day before ARGH! I told them to hold her till Friday luckily we have scoobies old crate in basement and a fenced in yard. Kept her until Briggs had an opening and took her a week later. She was adopted by a good home a few weeks later after they trained her and had her fixed.

Ms Bookworm said...

Little Miss Emma is feeling good this morning. Had to spend some time with her in my lap--she was wanting to RUN, and that's a no-no after her surgery, so she needed some one-on-one to settle her down. She is getting pretty spoiled at this point! She IS being very good in her crate right now, though. Watching me work on the computer. Will feed her at 10 am (Pacific time) and give her another pain pill. That should konk her out for a while!

stronghunter said...

Speaking of pets, I am being besieged by basset hounds. Luna wants to come in. Flash is crying for me to let Luna in.

Yes, we have a menagerie around here.

Robyn said...

That is Briggs, in Charles Town

Lori O. said...

Hi Andy. Kisses for Emma.

Mema Jo said...

Hoped to hear from Geula.

Sad note on front page is that
88 MD Nat'l Guard members off to Egypt.
Their duty is to enforce the intern'l peace treaty between Egypt & Israel by guarding checkpoints & observation posts throughout the peninsula.

Wear your RED today to show support for all our troops. Bless them all!

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks, Lori! I'll give her a doggy cookie, and tell her it's from you!

Lori O. said...

But, Shirley you would be lonely without your menagerie. :)

IrisF said...

Mema Jo and Lynn, I don't like sweet sauerkraut either, sorry Jo. In my family there are some that "rinse" the kraut if it's too sour. That's not my style either. And I've heard of putting caraway seeds and sugar or apples in while it is cooking.

Just thought of something, my favorite barbeque sauce is North Carolina Style. Which is a vinegar based sauce, very thin, and a little spicy. Guess that goes along with liking sour sauerkraut???

Just personal preference.

stronghunter said...

I do enjoy them, Lori.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Shirley!
Your house sounds like my daughter's house--2 bassets, a new Siamese kitten, and a 12-year-old daughter and a 5-year-old granddaughter running around in circles!

PammySue said...

Lori, the dog, his name is Bobos, is probably less than 2 feet tall at the top of his head. I don't know about his weight. Right now, he is very skinny. :( He is not housebroken, as he is kept outside.
I was planning on calling Briggs, but thanks for mentioning them, Robyn. I know they are usually full, though.
turtledove, they do not want to give him up, so I plan on doing a midnight raid as soon as I find a place to take him. :)

movin said...

Cyberswine ate my sign on comment.

GooD MorniNG tO



What's happening??
Any sightings this A.M.??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Ms Bookworm said...

I LOVE sauerkraut! We make it sour, with caraway seeds and sometimes Braeburn apples, if we bake it with a pork roast. Yum!

stronghunter said...

I like NC barbecue, too, Iris. I grew up eating it.

Sauerkraut--it is okay. I ate it when we lived in Ohio.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PammySue said...

Robyn, I love what you did for that puppy. Way to go. I have nowhere to keep a dog, so I will have to have a home set up before I go on my raid.

Ms Bookworm said...

Better go feed Emma so I can give her another pain pill. Gotta do some more schoolwork, too. Will check back in a little later, around lunchtime. :o]

Robyn said...

Iris and Bookworm when I cook a pork roast I will sometimes add apples and a little brown sugar if I decide to add sauerkraut YUM

hedgie said...

Yes, Jo, she is in Ashburn, VA if I remember correctly---my cheat sheet is in the other room, but I think that's right.

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful feeding of the 3 little rebels at NBG

Lori O. said...

Go Pammy! Happy to hear you're a dog's best friend.
I have two, FloBear and Dalai. AND 5 cats: Freddy, Burry, Briar, Parker and Batman. 3 began as ferals but ended up being inside/outside cats! All are inside at night. And they're all rescues.

PammySue said...

Jim, the intruder was in the nest for a quick minute this morning around 6:30.

turtledove said...

Robyn pointed out that Truder’s plumage will change, so there needs to be a way to identify him to know who Belle ultimately ends up with. How about Liberty? Anything to uniquely identify him? Are the white marks on his back a permanent feature? Anything else?

Robyn said...

Turtledove it was mentioned intruder has a long talon

hedgie said...

Pammy, Briggs Animal Shelter in Charles Town will NOT euthanize. If they have room, they will take the dog. Give them a call!!!! I also can put the word out through our Animal Advocates group---lots of rescue connections. Let me know if you want me to do that.
We were instrumental in placing 80 some puppy mill dogs in 14 hrs. recently!!!!

PammySue said...

Lori, I love all animals, but dogs are probably my favorite.
My dog passed away almost 4 years ago, and where I live now, I can't really have one.
My boyfriend Craig has 5 cats--Buddy, Pepper, Boots, Cleo, and Mo. They are also rescues from various situations. Buddy is the head honcho. He weighs 25 pounds! He's a big chicken, though, not tough at all.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Afternoon

Prayers for Sissy's surgery and healing.

Had catching up to do on blog plus slept in.

wvgal_dana said...

Stories about Sadie & Hoosie are sad but funny.

Robyn said...

Lynn was a life saver, if she never mentioned briggs the poor girl may have been put down or my home would have been very unsettled if I kept her. Toby had his share of abuse by his former owners and is very protective of us from other dogs especially our scooby, almost 3 years we had to keep them seperated. But scooby doesn't look to be on good days lately, hs arthritis is starting to get the best of him an I hate to think what may be next. For a large dog at 12 plus is had good life so far but not sure how much longer he will be with us :(

turtledove said...


You have to consider the possibility that if the dog disappears, they may just get another one. Makes me wonder if a rescue through an animal rights group might work, as then maybe they will be under observation if they try to get another dog. Sounds extreme, but how do you stop them from just neglecting another dog? Keeping a dog outside all the time is cruel on its own level. They need warmth and companionship.

PammySue said...

Lynn, thank you so much. I am going to go call Briggs to see if they can guarantee me a spot, which I know is a longshot. I have to have something set up before I go get the dog because I have nowhere to keep him.
Oh, forgot to mention, he does have a tendency to bark. I think it is because he wants attention. He is a sweet dog that deserves better.

Scott said...

@Mema Jo thanks, I might try it. The weather doesn't look to promising for next weekend though, but that's a way off.

Robyn said...

LOL, reading Hans posts has become entertaining.

PammySue said...

Briggs is full. No surprise there.

PammySue said...

turtledove, you have a good point about them getting another dog. But I know these people very well, and I really don't think they will. They are just too lazy to bother with getting a new dog.

Robyn said...

They may be full but did you look for rescue places on line? There are many organizations that rescue animals, my ex sis in law in NY has doen her share of dog rescues over the years. I will call her later, not sure how well she would help here but she may know an organization.

Also with Briggs I kept on them wrote them sent pictures of the puppy etc.

hedgie said...

Want me to put out the word, Pammy? We can also put them on a "DNA" (Do Not Adopt) list that rescues and animal control maintains.

hedgie said...

Pammy, I think you should join our Animal Advocates group!!! Check us out on FB---Animal Advocates of West Virginia.

hedgie said...

Pammy, can you get a pic of the dog???

Lori O. said...

Family being unkind to animals is so tough. I get that all too well. Keeping animals chained is awful - can't take that either.
Pammy, if he's gone then they probably wouldn't make a big fuss about looking for him. Hugs for Buddy. Parker is my jumbo boy...and my only real love-bug cat. :)

hedgie said...

JO----I was wrong---Heather is in Warrenton, VA---closer to Shirley!

turtledove said...

Pammy, That's great news that they probably wouldn't get another one. TO find other no-kill organizations, try The info on each organization usually specifies if they are no-kill. You could even try one out of your immediate area, too, like DC. Maybe they can put you on a waiting list.

turtledove said...

The "Do Not Adopt" list is a GREAT idea, I didn't know about that. GOod to know.

stronghunter said...

Warrenton is not far from Fredericksburg. Even closer to Culpeper.

hedgie said...

Potomac Valley Audubon Society schedule of events for:
Calendar of Upcoming Events
April 2: Open House/Volunteer Day, Ranson’s Flowing Springs Park
April 6: Bird walk, Cool Spring Farm
April 7: Birding 101 begins at NCTC
April 8: Stink Bugs Program, Ice House in Berkeley Springs
April 9: “This Race is for the Birds” at NCTC
April 13: PVAS program, NCTC “Youth Initiatives of the Fish and Wildlife Service”
April 15: Timber Rattlesnake Program, Ice House in Berkeley Springs
April 16: Birding trip, Shenandoah River
April 16: Wildflower Festival, Yankauer Nature Preserve
April 17: Egg Hunt!,Yankauer Nature Preserve
April 17: Wildflower and Wildlife Walks, Eidolon Nature Preserve
April 20: Birding trip, Lilypons Water Gardens
April 22: EARTH DAY!
April 22: Potomac Valley Nature Photographers meeting, NCTC
April 30: Birding field trip, Sleepy Creek Wildlife Management Area
April 30: Native Plant Open House, Winston Gardens in Swan Pond
May 1: Birding field trip, C&O Canal in the Hancock
May 11: PVAS program, NCTC “The Natural History of the Potomac River.”
May 14-15: Ruth Anne Dean Memorial Birdathon
May 27: Potomac Valley Nature Photographers meeting, NCTC
May 28: Birding field trip, Stauffer’s Marsh
May 31: Summer Camp Begins!
June 4: PVAS fundraiser at Harewood, Charles Town
June 11: PVAS Annual Pot Luck Dinner Meeting and Elections
June 24: Potomac Valley Nature Photographers meeting, NCTC

Some good sounding events in there!

Robyn said...

Lori, our Toby was chained to a tree since he was a puppy and thru the ice storm in 08 or 09 I can't get my years correct anymore. The kids would try and ride him or hit him, the local redneck neighbor's would throw fireworks his way which prolly explains his fear of the noise and the gunshots that were shot near him by the same neighbors. They fed him nothing but table scraps. Tori and I thought many times how to dognap him w/o going to jail I just told them when they want to give him up call me, they did not long after by then he was 7 mths when we got him.

Mr Puppy as Tori calls him is now spoiled rotten and my new furniture needs a sheet because he claimed my chair and a half when I am not in it...

turtledove said...

eagle on nest

Robyn said...

no offense to rednecks but many understand what I mean...

Noise in tree, they must be perched ... Intruder in nest

wvgal_dana said...

Intruder just landed

turtledove said...

It's Truder.

hedgie said...

Think I just heard a clunk.

Mema Jo said...


hedgie said...

Yep,,,,there's Truder.

WV sUSAn said...

T on the nest

Costume Lady said...


Robyn said...

I must admit he is awful at courting if he wants to prove himself he better show her by bringing a big fat juicy fish...

Mema Jo said...

Take note of the back of his collar
of white feathers.... Very ruffled look - maybe from the fight.

That dark spot on top of head may not be feathers - might just be a scar
from Lib

WV sUSAn said...

Looks so looonnng at that angle facing 1:00

Lori O. said...

Must be windy up there. Trudy's feathers are getting ruffled! LOL

PammySue said...

Lynn, yes you can put the word out. Thank you so much. HUGS I will try to get a pic. There may be one on Facebook.

Robyn, looks like Lynn might be able to help with her connections, but thank you too.

As far as putting them on a list or reporting them, I think that could be dangerous. They live in a rural area with no neighbors and they know that I don't approve of how they care for the dog. If they got reported, they would KNOW it was me.
I have tried to make gentle suggestions about the dog, but they instantly get pi$$ed off and snippy. I'm embarassed to say that it is a close family member, so I have to tread lightly.

Thank you to everyone for your responses. Hopefully Bobos will benefit from it. :)

Robyn said...

Hate to be a downer right now but did anyone see what Hans wrote about Paula's observation? He doesn't want the truth!!

mariadangeloart said...

I think he's watching Belle.

Anonymous said...

I saw that Robyn. I have to sit on my hands when I read that site. If I tell Hans what I really think of his comments, they'll ban me lol.

hedgie said...

Wish Lib would come and say goodbye, homewrecker and chase him out!


turtledove said...

Truder seems to have a slightly inverted V pattern on the back of his collar. I've noticed this before.

Harbinger said...

He sure is giving everyone a good look at himself.

mariadangeloart said...

Is someone taping this in case something happens? Figures, I have to leave for work now....

Costume Lady said...

Robyn, he can't HANDLE the truth!

Mema Jo said...

Notice tail feathers (white) are shorter then Belle's .

turtledove said...

I can't be bothered going back there. What did Hans say about Paula's observations.

Rattling noise and Truder almost took off. Maybe Belle left.

hedgie said...

Okay, Pam, I'll put the word out!!!
Do you have a contact number for our folks to call you? Email me with it, ok?

Costume Lady said...

Just noticed intruder has the beginnings of an inverted V on neck feathers in Belle? Still not convinced of it's gender.

turtledove said...

I found a few sites that say males have smaller talons than females. His are definitely smaller. Seems to be male.

PammySue said...

Is Red still napping? Guess we have him to thank for this look at TurdBird.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She is out of surgery and it went well. She will be in recovery for an hour and then we will get to see her.

turtledove said...

I think someone said they're napping. LOL!

stronghunter said...

Not much of a tail on this bird.

Harbinger said...

Wonderful news, Sharon!!!

stronghunter said...

Grabbed a pic, but can't do a video.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for sharing, Sharon. Good news!!

Clunk. Someone's there.

turtledove said...

Camera shook.

stronghunter said...


Robyn said...

Wanda that made me think instantly of a few good men, you want the truth, you can't handle the truth lol

I posted and I was polite, that was very difficult for me...

turtledove said...

Clunk and shake again.

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...