Thank you for the input. Unfortunately, I had to stop reading at the second sentence already: "I went to the nest today (with 3 other people) to try and understand the dynamics of what has been happening between Liberty, Belle and the intruder", as such a documentation is anything but a documentation. The premiss is to "see what's happening between Liberty, Belle and the intruder", which makes the documentation of no value for this thread: it's by no means a factual reproduction of the situation and therefor useless in this respect.
Hi, Everyone, Glad to see that Bev is out of surgery! Prayers that she will recover quickly, with very little pain! Thanks for the update, Sharon--glad you are there with her! Blessings for you! Bet Tom is relieved!
I've got a new bird in the yard! It's a male Audubon's Warbler! Don't see them very often, so hope he stays around! Had 2 Band-tailed Pigeons yesterday, too. Have had mostly house finches, Anna's hummers, and Mourning doves all winter. Saw a robin at Sis-in-law's house in Yorba Linda!
Somewhere during all this mess. Someone mentioned 2 eggs layed at some eagle nest. I think Maine? Dates laid? Also does anyone know the date the eggs were laid at Lake Sooner Sutton Center in Oklahoma?
OMG, that Hans is a 3 letter word, and a 4 letter word, and probably a 5 letter word. And he has a following, all being led down a path of manipulation.
I found it ---was Maine Cam I egg laid March 24. Sent email to Sutton Sooner Lake Oklahama to find out when those eggs were laid they hatch 1st Feb 1 2nd Feb 4. So I wait for their email back.
I know you all were busy at me dumb chat under our live feed.
Hi to all here and elsewhere. Prayers for those that need them
I have jsut read this thread , not the one before it. Have jsut been at X-rays and they are trying to see what is wrong with my throat.()too Long winded is my guessLOL)
I am here fora short bit as i have to take daughters dog to Groomers.
Maine had first egg so never say never here but.....
Benedict, is sure working it isn't he. Was surprised to see them late last night.
Back from working in church garden. See that Bev is out of surgery. Thanks Sharon! Prayers for her recovery now!
Also see that TB (Turdbird) visited the nest. Wonder if Heather was there to see the visit. His middle "toe" is much longer than the others. Compare that with pictures of Lib's and Belle's.
I think they are still in the tree. Hear something.
You will not like this intruder for awhile , and that is human, but if Lib, and a big if, does not return, you will learn to like this guy,If he proves to be a good mate for Belle.
Those of us that have been watching cams for years, are starting to see our favorite falcons and Eagles get replaced and it is hard. Damn hard.
but i guess it is good for the species.
Your first loves will always be your sweetest. You will always remember them.
In some blogs we do memory lane places where we put our memories and pictures .
too soon here, because I still am optimistic about Lib.
Have a great day and I will check back hope I did not ruffle any feathers with these comments .
I , too , was wondering, if it's not too late to hatch and raise a brood in Maine, why is it too late here?? They get colder (and it comes earlier) than here!
Hedgie-Lynn as we have found out anything is possible. So I watch our nest in hopes Lib and Belle get back together and SURPRISE us with another clutch. ( : Oh happy days that would be wouldn't it?
A conversation I had with my 6-year-old niece Olivia the other day. Olivia: Pammy, can I have a trash bag? Me: Why do you need a trash bag, sweetie? Olivia: Because I want to clean up the earth. Me: The WHOLE earth? Olivia: Yes. Me: OK, but you're going to need more than one trash bag.
I know I am biased, but my nieces (Olivia and Hannah are twins) truly are the sweetest, smartest, funniest, most loving little girls on the planet. ♥♥
When I taught, I would occasionally have my class pick up trash on the playground. Ok, kids, it is a contest, who can get the most trash. LOL Off running they would go.
I will say that the people in that "other place" ain't making me mad at all because I am not much into reading trash and if I don't read it, then it can't piss me off. We know where the true information is.
Paula, doesn't it take a little out of the female's body to produce an egg? Having already laid 2 eggs, just wonder about producing more. I would not think it likely and we have not seen any HP.
I say as after as that chat over there goes. Outdoor need to moderiate their chat room. Take those off full of "bullcrap". Help and help educate those that are good people and want to learn about eagles.
Lolly I am fine with Hans, his ignorance is his own.
I find it interesting that teachers who want to be nosy with what is going on are straying from the childrens forum regarding Belle and Lib and heading over to see what is going on in the adult forum and complaining of the content.
I enjoy a good debate but there isn't one as of yet :( and I am in a debating mood must be one of those days and I refuse to do that here.
Lolly, I think it you have all the pre-egg laying courtship rituals. I did read on another forum, and I don't know where the person got their information from, but I think we all have seen it...that the male bringing fish to the female stimulates her hormones...
I don't know if that is specifically true or not, but we certainly do see the male courting the female by bringing food. It's a fish brought in, and then...well, you know....HP.
Good news, Sharon, looking forward to all updates on Sissy.
I have to admit y'all made me curious and I had to take a look at the OD forum. I'd stayed away from it since leaving last week. Read a few of Hans's posts, gagged, then read his profile. The idjet is "single", imagine that ! I'll stay here for my eagle info fixes. No need to raise the B/P any higher !
I should be getting a call from my nephew Jason soon wondering when I will be picking him up for the weekend. Yes mom Jason called me yesterday to spend another weekend over, Tori said in her girly whiny voice.. Why?
Mom is most likely lurking and we haven't spoken in a few hours :)
I love it, Robyn! Leaving a message for your Mom! Hi, Robyn's mom! Come join us!☺
Paula, thanks for your reply. That is what I thought.
Heading outside to mow. It is a riding mower for those who do not know. I have an acre to mow and I do not mind riding around on it at all! Rather like it. LOL It is 81 and bright sunshine!
This is Heathers husband. She is at the site but internet is limited. She saw an eagle as she arrived, but she is not sure of whom it is. No activity at the moment.
What does HP stand for? I know it's something to do with mating, but I can't figure it out. It's going to be really obvious and I'm going to be like, "DUH!" when you tell me.
Lolly, my mom is Bobbi here she reads the forum everyday but avoids posting because one she starts she doesn't get anything done and I believe my dad starts to feel neglected lol
Been away all day at school. Didn't have it on in case of confrontation. Looks like there has been some in and out around the nest? Am I reading correctly that it has all been the intruder? Has Belle or Lib been seen? Just a quick summary would be appreciated. Thanks, even 277 comments are alot to read!
Sharon I respect you highly for not going over to the over blog and especially for not bringing any of it over here. IMHO all of us have much more to be talking about like the nest activities- other nests- food- pets- kids- places- lots of things that really don't upset us. So let's be cool about it by ignoring that it is there. We need your attention 100% plus on here!
Just a quick update before I get some chores done and go to dinner.
I GOT TO SEE THE EAGLETS!!! Natalie Childers and Jim Warren were so nice and I really appreciated their taking the time to talk to me. They pretty much agreed with our conclusions that this is a male and that Liberty is probably gone. They said the intruder looks to be about 5 years old and that all the nestorations are a bonding thing they're going through. It's too late for them to have a new clutch. They can't say anything for sure as they haven't been following as closely as we have. They took me over to the blind and let me take pics of Savannah and the babies....I'll post them later this evening!
They do have the tarp up so you can't see the eaglets from the regular trails. Savannah is not in a good mood though it seemed. She was "cursing" everyone out LOL!! They said they had to take one female out because it was getting way too tense.
I'm glad you liked my Poppet (Sadie) story. Don't worry Pammy, she gets TONS of hugs :) Hoosier sounds like he was a hoot too!
Hi Derrek - Thanks for relaying Heather's observations to our group. The nest is empty in case she asks you. I'm thinking the eagle she saw was up in the tree......
I've been also watching the two Osprey cams. Loch of Lowes Cam 2 no male or female has showed up there yet. Y7 should be showing up there anytime and there they are waiting for the Miracle Lady Isla to show.
2nd Osprey cam I've been watching is Loch Garten EJ has arrived. Waiting for her mate to show up.
It is getting dark over in that area now. Still can see on cams though.
Thank you Christime for the post, well I am sure most of us are still optimistic regarding Lib but if that is the case, I hope for a healthy clutch next mating season
We saw 2 eagles yesterday on the tree, who appeared to be Belle and the intruder. They were both seen in the nest very late last night--often beak to beak. So Belle is still around. Liberty was not seen yesterday.
Oh in my research I read that the further north you go the larger the eagle is, like the Alaska Bald being the biggest while the FLorida eagle is a bit smaller in size.
We are learning lots, Sharon! More than I ever thought possible. I just hope that NCTC is feeding all this activity on their cam to some biologists that are really interested in eagle... You know - Like Dr Rogers and the bears type of interest!
I don't think the nest fell or was destroyed in anyway, Robyn - I am remembering the eagles chose a new nest. For awhile they had 2 cams but only one had the eagles.
Robyn, I had watched that one with everyone - it had to beautiful water behind it and the branch they used to perch on. I didn't know about it being destroyed or else I did know and just didn't remember it.
Sharon, I've learned more in the last week than I ever would've imagined! My first love is wolves, but I got sucked into this bigtime!! They complimented me on my "general" knowledge today, I gave credit to this blog! I'm glad to hear Belle is still around. It's funny how we're a little more willing to accept him than if it were a her?
Oh I asked about the feeding and they said that she was probably keeping him /her "interested" in feeding. I told them how sad it was when we all realized Paddy was gone (I even cried, what a dork!)
By the way, between posts I moved the deck furniture, put 3 boxes in the shed, mowed and raked the yard close to the house (rain coming)and threw a few balls to Poppet!! I'm gonna be tired later!!
Christine, What did they have to say about Belle leaving the nest for long periods, but never bringing back food until it was too late? Seems like she had the opportunity during her long forays away from the nest. Thanks.
They didn't say much about that except that she might have been looking for Liberty or that she would get so far then have to come back because of the intruder. They didn't know for sure. They did agree that she probably got desparate and took a chance when she did get food. She said we don't know what kind of "fighting" was going on outside the nest, but that the intruder probably wouldn't have fought her so much as Liberty.
They also said that Paddy had too much exposure as well as not having food.
I figured exposure would be a big problem there. I read in detail the play-by-play on windows on wildlife (I think it was that one) and it sounds like Paddy stopped breathing before Belle left to get a fish. I wonder if Truder "let" her get the fish once Paddy died, because he was no longer a threat. Maybe they knew it before the food run.
Heather was permitted access to the property across the street from the viewing point. The gentleman who lives in that property said, "That he saw the original pair together yesterday. (Liberty and Bell). Heather has not seen the eagles yet.
Pammy, could you tell whether they were adults or not?
I didn't realize dcJohn saw a juvie on Sunday until I looked at his album on the group...looked to be a 2nd year juvie. He must have appeared after we left on Sunday.
Well I see taking my nap worked again. Everytime I nap someone visits the nest. Maybe I should just stay away and let everyone watch. lol I'm so glad everyone just loves Hans. He's so full of s..t I bet he has brown eyes. haha
Christine that is what I was thinking. It is windy there but beautiful. Usually I don't have the sound on because I want the sound on for the NCTC nest. When sound is on at the Maine site you can hear the eagles calling usually even the years that they laid no eggs.
Great news that Heather got a bit closer......thanks, Derreck, for keeping us updated! Christine, can't wait for your pics of Savannah and Derek! So glad that you were able to talk to their experts at CRC!
I, too, thought that Paddy had been exposed much too long---sun was hot those couple of days. Poor Paddy O'Joy. :(
Just got a call from Catonsville daughter - gave us 45 min to get ready to go out to eat. Only takes us 10! I want to see her new vehicle - well the color of it! Green toyota Highlander. I think I'll really like it.
Paula - I think John and I saw that juvie eagle just after 4 on Sunday (it was right before we left around 4:15 or so). Thanks for confirming the age - we figured it was pretty young given the coloring. It was soaring right over the nest and then came towards the road (I think John shot that picture as it was passing overhead of us).
Sounds like Heather is getting a visit from the doggie you saw yesterday Pammy! Heading to dinner, will be on and post pictures later.....if I can see straight ;-}
Red: You crack me up. Love your take on life LOL Derrek: thanks for the reports.
Maine 2 nest blew over in November. But there have been sightings of the eagles. Whether they are the same 2 or not , who knows.
The male at Maine 1 has a few black spots so I am thinking a young pair. It was funny last night becasue he came in a few times to take over incubating but the female would not let him.
Sun is out here adn I am just thrilled.
I am a dog lover also. that is why I got my 2 cockers from cocker rescue in Victoria, B.C. My daughters dog is from the SPCA (animal rescue) . most certainly is!!! This is great...I only wish I had found the cams to show my dad before he passed away. He would've sat at his computer all day long watching them. No doubt.
Just an off topic item. Someone on here asked me about my favorite photos that I've taken, so instead of listing them I made a little video...if you want to take a look. No worries if not.
my doggies are here with me in computer room. Can hardly wait till snow goes so they can play in yard. We had to make paths for them to walk on but they venture on top of the deep snow and sometimes sink out of site LOL. they are not used to this cold Hear crows in background
Thanks for the link to the wood ducks! I used to volunteer back in VA(years ago now) with a nest box monitoring program at Huntley Meadows park. Fond memories of wading in mucky water in chest waders from the cold of Feb to the muggy heat of the summer!
I had the Maine cam up this morning....the crows were SO loud it made the dog go running to the window and bark! I was really LOL...he's used to the eagle calls, but the crows...
LOL NO Jo, I had scooby, you would know Toby he is like a 2 yr old boy with adhd SUPER hyper, now I am going to get ready and get my nephew who has adhd before he decides to call me every 10 min asking where I am...
Nice that the farmer let heather on the grounds, we keep showing up he is going to charge us to enter his property lol
Interesting reading about your visit today, Christine. Thanks for filling us in.
The Alcoa nest is looking for its first hatch today. It appears Dad expects it today--there's a big fish on the side of the nest! The camera isn't that great, but I'll take what I can get!
Web address:
Diane and I have two dogs too. One we rescued from an abusive situation. Had a little inside help too. His name is Scooter and he's a character and we love him to pieces. It took a long time for him to accept me since he was being abused by a man. But we are now good buddies. He is a Yorkie mix. My other dog is Rosie who is pure Yorkie. She's our Princess. Photos of both are on my blog. Just click my name and go to Red's Photos.
Wow - the BWE are getting big! Osprey on the nest on BWO cam... it's been too long since we've been to the refuge but it's a lot longer drive from Garrett County MD than it was from Herndon VA
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1031 Newer› Newest»Yeah for SISSY. Thanks for the update Sharon!
Intruder just visited for a few minutes and took off.
Flip back a page for details.
Sharon Great news for Sissy.
So glad it was a quick procedure...
Blessings upon her! Thanks for being there ((hugs))
He wrote...
Thank you for the input. Unfortunately, I had to stop reading at the second sentence already: "I went to the nest today (with 3 other people) to try and understand the dynamics of what has been happening between Liberty, Belle and the intruder", as such a documentation is anything but a documentation. The premiss is to "see what's happening between Liberty, Belle and the intruder", which makes the documentation of no value for this thread: it's by no means a factual reproduction of the situation and therefor useless in this respect.
Do appreciate your contribution, though
Yes great news, hope her recovery is comfortable
I did video, but not much action. Wing feathers are different at the ends as well...will try to do a comparison later...
I know what you mean, Robyn...hard to bite your tongue, sometimes. Mine is almost bleeding;) LOL
Robyn, that Hans just made me madder!
Sharon thank you for the update on Sissy. Glad surgery is over. Now wake up and then healing time. Gla your there with her ( :
Robyn, Thanks for the post from Hans. What an a**.
Sharon, glad that surgery is over. I hope that she doesn't have much pain. I know I'm a wimp and I CANNOT handle pain.
If any pics were taken of this recent visit from our intruder Please post into E_M photos March Album
Wonderful news Sharon, Praise, praise, praise!
Go get something to eat while you wait for your visit, OK?
Sharon, thanks for update!! Is this OP or will they keep her overnight???
Hi, Everyone,
Glad to see that Bev is out of surgery! Prayers that she will recover quickly, with very little pain! Thanks for the update, Sharon--glad you are there with her! Blessings for you! Bet Tom is relieved!
Robyn, I'm not sure whether to thank you for the post from Hans or not. LOL
What a pompous, obnoxious, a-hole.
Oh it wont be bit much longer for all I care they can ban me from OD
Praying the officer that got bit. That the dog had up to date shots.
Let's not go over there anymore! I don't need that adrenalin rush & he gives me a big headache. Thanks
Had completely forgotten to un-puppy proof the sunroom! Just took tin foil off my baskets of small shells!
I've got a new bird in the yard! It's a male Audubon's Warbler! Don't see them very often, so hope he stays around! Had 2 Band-tailed Pigeons yesterday, too. Have had mostly house finches, Anna's hummers, and Mourning doves all winter. Saw a robin at Sis-in-law's house in Yorba Linda!
Well, back to work for a while. Will BBL.... :o]
OK going to toss some eggs on to make MY special egg salad because I don't have Lynne's special eggs...
Robyn lol you mean the eggs Lynne2 lays on lol
Somewhere during all this mess. Someone mentioned 2 eggs layed at some eagle nest. I think Maine? Dates laid? Also does anyone know the date the eggs were laid at Lake Sooner Sutton Center in Oklahoma?
OMG, that Hans is a 3 letter word, and a 4 letter word, and probably a 5 letter word. And he has a following, all being led down a path of manipulation.
Posted my pic of the intruder on the Momster blog.
The NERVE of this guy Hans! Give me a break!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
LOL I lack respect becasue I said Hans was blind, OH PC people...
I'm with you JO ... easier to not go there then get myself all fluffed up over it.
Tobyn, is Toby your avatar?
LOL!!! ROBYN that should be not Tobyn...close to Toby your dog though.
That's ok Lori, Judie thought I took Tori to the vet the other day lol
Yes that is Toby the butt
Your names are all sort of close when you look at them that way.
I would say Victoria but I may confuse everyone because we call her Tori lol.
Toby was his original name when we got him at 7 mths though he answers to many names lol I wont post half of them here
I found it ---was Maine Cam I egg laid March 24. Sent email to Sutton Sooner Lake Oklahama to find out when those eggs were laid they hatch 1st Feb 1 2nd Feb 4. So I wait for their email back.
I know you all were busy at me dumb chat under our live feed.
Looks like EJ is in the nest, ugh now I will be hooked on the Loch's
Just popping in quickly.
Hi to all here and elsewhere.
Prayers for those that need them
I have jsut read this thread , not the one before it.
Have jsut been at X-rays and they are trying to see what is wrong with my throat.()too Long winded is my guessLOL)
I am here fora short bit as i have to take daughters dog to Groomers.
Maine had first egg so never say never here but.....
Benedict, is sure working it isn't he.
Was surprised to see them late last night.
Will come back and check thing out later
Good Luck Bev hope they find what is wrong with your throat and can solve problem easily.
I love this forum, I love you all ;)
Back from working in church garden. See that Bev is out of surgery. Thanks Sharon! Prayers for her recovery now!
Also see that TB (Turdbird) visited the nest. Wonder if Heather was there to see the visit. His middle "toe" is much longer than the others. Compare that with pictures of Lib's and Belle's.
I think they are still in the tree. Hear something.
I have read a few other comments.
You will not like this intruder for awhile , and that is human, but if Lib, and a big if, does not return, you will learn to like this guy,If he proves to be a good mate for Belle.
Those of us that have been watching cams for years, are starting to see our favorite falcons and Eagles get replaced and it is hard. Damn hard.
but i guess it is good for the species.
Your first loves will always be your sweetest. You will always remember them.
In some blogs we do memory lane places where we put our memories and pictures .
too soon here, because I still am optimistic about Lib.
Have a great day and I will check back
hope I did not ruffle any feathers with these comments .
(((Hugs)) Robyn! Do not let Hans get to you. He is a poumpous SOB and does not deserve any recognition of his existance at all!!!
I love the way we have some many variations on Turdys name, and we all know who we are talking about. LOL!
I , too , was wondering, if it's not too late to hatch and raise a brood in Maine, why is it too late here?? They get colder (and it comes earlier) than here!
Nope, I'm not giving up on Liberty yet.
Bev that is so true. We have seen it at other nest and still watch those nest. Will be hard but we will do it for our Belle. If it happens.
Osprey are starting to return and they are watching and waiting for their mates.
Hedgie-Lynn as we have found out anything is possible. So I watch our nest in hopes Lib and Belle get back together and SURPRISE us with another clutch. ( : Oh happy days that would be wouldn't it?
This is so cute, I had to share it with you guys.
A conversation I had with my 6-year-old niece Olivia the other day.
Olivia: Pammy, can I have a trash bag?
Me: Why do you need a trash bag, sweetie?
Olivia: Because I want to clean up the earth.
Me: The WHOLE earth?
Olivia: Yes.
Me: OK, but you're going to need more than one trash bag.
I know I am biased, but my nieces (Olivia and Hannah are twins) truly are the sweetest, smartest, funniest, most loving little girls on the planet. ♥♥
Well, I do hope you gave them a trash bag and let them pick up some litter. LOL
When I taught, I would occasionally have my class pick up trash on the playground. Ok, kids, it is a contest, who can get the most trash. LOL Off running they would go.
Lynn, I think it's too late to start ANOTHER brood after they have already incubated for 40 days. Maine is just starting.
Still no word from Heather? Off to eat a bite of lunch and think I am going to go mow. Our trees are turning green! Love it!!!!
I will say that the people in that "other place" ain't making me mad at all because I am not much into reading trash and if I don't read it, then it can't piss me off. We know where the true information is.
Paula, doesn't it take a little out of the female's body to produce an egg? Having already laid 2 eggs, just wonder about producing more. I would not think it likely and we have not seen any HP.
Way to go, Sharon!!!!!
I say as after as that chat over there goes. Outdoor need to moderiate their chat room. Take those off full of "bullcrap". Help and help educate those that are good people and want to learn about eagles.
Cute story, PammySue.
Lolly I am fine with Hans, his ignorance is his own.
I find it interesting that teachers who want to be nosy with what is going on are straying from the childrens forum regarding Belle and Lib and heading over to see what is going on in the adult forum and complaining of the content.
I enjoy a good debate but there isn't one as of yet :( and I am in a debating mood must be one of those days and I refuse to do that here.
This is my peaceful spot on this blog :)
Lolly, I think it you have all the pre-egg laying courtship rituals. I did read on another forum, and I don't know where the person got their information from, but I think we all have seen it...that the male bringing fish to the female stimulates her hormones...
I don't know if that is specifically true or not, but we certainly do see the male courting the female by bringing food. It's a fish brought in, and then...well, you know....HP.
So that whole ritual would have to start over...
Good news, Sharon, looking forward to all updates on Sissy.
I have to admit y'all made me curious and I had to take a look at the OD forum. I'd stayed away from it since leaving last week. Read a few of Hans's posts, gagged, then read his profile. The idjet is "single", imagine that ! I'll stay here for my eagle info fixes. No need to raise the B/P any higher !
And this new slacker hasn't brought Belle one juicy fish yet...
I should be getting a call from my nephew Jason soon wondering when I will be picking him up for the weekend. Yes mom Jason called me yesterday to spend another weekend over, Tori said in her girly whiny voice.. Why?
Mom is most likely lurking and we haven't spoken in a few hours :)
I love it, Robyn! Leaving a message for your Mom! Hi, Robyn's mom! Come join us!☺
Paula, thanks for your reply. That is what I thought.
Heading outside to mow. It is a riding mower for those who do not know. I have an acre to mow and I do not mind riding around on it at all! Rather like it. LOL It is 81 and bright sunshine!
This is Heathers husband. She is at the site but internet is limited. She saw an eagle as she arrived, but she is not sure of whom it is. No activity at the moment.
What does HP stand for? I know it's something to do with mating, but I can't figure it out. It's going to be really obvious and I'm going to be like, "DUH!" when you tell me.
Thank you Derrick
Lolly, my mom is Bobbi here she reads the forum everyday but avoids posting because one she starts she doesn't get anything done and I believe my dad starts to feel neglected lol
HP = Hanky Panky. :)
Thank you, Derrek!
Derrek, do you know if the eagle was in the tree or flying around?
I love my riding mower, my nephews are quick to say I'll mow when they know they will be on the rider, an acre here too and not quite level.
Pam, Heather may have the same phone issues we had, such a bad area for service, frustrating...
Thank you Derrick (Heather's husband) for report for Heeather.
Turtle, it's much quicker to type "HP" than it is "Mating" or "Bonding" :) And, it's more fun ☺
Thank you Derrek!
oops sry, Derrek misspelled your name
Oh, no wonder I didn't figure it out. Hanky Panky is funny!
Been away all day at school. Didn't have it on in case of confrontation. Looks like there has been some in and out around the nest? Am I reading correctly that it has all been the intruder? Has Belle or Lib been seen? Just a quick summary would be appreciated. Thanks, even 277 comments are alot to read!
Intruder in nest twice.
No sight of Belle or Liberty.
Margy, don't worry I will not let our co-workers clobber you!!
Sharon I respect you highly for not going over to the over blog and
especially for not bringing any of it over here. IMHO all of us have much more to be talking about like the nest activities- other nests- food- pets- kids- places- lots of things that really don't upset us. So let's be cool about it by ignoring that it is there. We need your attention 100% plus on here!
A egg was just layed at the Hornby nest why isn't it feasible to have another her Not for sure how long it takes after HP to produce a egg?
Just a quick update before I get some chores done and go to dinner.
I GOT TO SEE THE EAGLETS!!! Natalie Childers and Jim Warren were so nice and I really appreciated their taking the time to talk to me. They pretty much agreed with our conclusions that this is a male and that Liberty is probably gone. They said the intruder looks to be about 5 years old and that all the nestorations are a bonding thing they're going through. It's too late for them to have a new clutch. They can't say anything for sure as they haven't been following as closely as we have. They took me over to the blind and let me take pics of Savannah and the babies....I'll post them later this evening!
They do have the tarp up so you can't see the eaglets from the regular trails. Savannah is not in a good mood though it seemed. She was "cursing" everyone out LOL!! They said they had to take one female out because it was getting way too tense.
I'm glad you liked my Poppet (Sadie) story. Don't worry Pammy, she gets TONS of hugs :) Hoosier sounds like he was a hoot too!
Ok, have there been any sightings?
Hi Derrek - Thanks for relaying Heather's observations to our group.
The nest is empty in case she asks you.
I'm thinking the eagle she saw was up in the tree......
I've been also watching the two Osprey cams. Loch of Lowes Cam 2 no male or female has showed up there yet. Y7 should be showing up there anytime and there they are waiting for the Miracle Lady Isla to show.
2nd Osprey cam I've been watching is Loch Garten EJ has arrived. Waiting for her mate to show up.
It is getting dark over in that area now. Still can see on cams though.
March 25 Nest Activity thus far - 3:50pm
Intruder was in nest alone for about 1 minute around 6:30 am
Intruder in nest alone for about 15 mins around the 1:30 time
Please feel free to use this format and add to the update as it occurs.
Thanks for the information, Christine. I can't wait to see the pictures.
Hi Christine - so glad you had a very nice visit to CRC - Will be anxious to see your personal photos of the eagles.
Judy - From memory, it is anywhere from 3-10 days after HP that the female produces an egg.
So nobody has seen Belle in the last 2 days? Pammy, did you see both of them yesterday? My mind is a blurr from trying to do too many things at once.
Thank you Christime for the post, well I am sure most of us are still optimistic regarding Lib but if that is the case, I hope for a healthy clutch next mating season
Christine, you lucky dog you! Can't wait to see your pics.
Christine we saw 2 yesterday in tree
March 25 Nest Activity thus far - 3:50pm
Belle and intruder were in the nest between 12:55am and 1:12am
Intruder was in nest alone for about 1 minute around 6:30 am
Intruder in nest alone for about 15 mins around the 1:30 time
Christine - the 3 of us yesterday saw Belle & Intruder.
You go Sharon.
I need an eagle fix.
Christine, you ARE a lucky dog!
We saw 2 eagles yesterday on the tree, who appeared to be Belle and the intruder. They were both seen in the nest very late last night--often beak to beak. So Belle is still around. Liberty was not seen yesterday.
Is anyone going tomorrow? I wonder what Heather is seeing, can't wait for her report
Thelma here is an eagle fix
Maine egg cam 1 laid egg 3/24/2011 about 1:10pm
Dana I thought that nest fell or was it another Maine nest
Team Liberty with some love for Intruder.
It was the Cam II nest at Central Maine that fell.
Oh in my research I read that the further north you go the larger the eagle is, like the Alaska Bald being the biggest while the FLorida eagle is a bit smaller in size.
Then this is the one I use to watch near the coast, I remember the problems they had several years ago with the male fighting for the territory
When was the last confirmed sighting of Liberty -- ie 3 eagles seen?
I bet we all know about eagles than we ever, ever dreamed we would know. Lots of research.
We are learning lots, Sharon! More than I ever thought possible.
I just hope that NCTC is feeding all this activity on their cam to some
biologists that are really interested in eagle... You know - Like Dr Rogers and the bears type of interest!
I don't think the nest fell or was destroyed in anyway, Robyn - I am remembering the eagles chose a new
nest. For awhile they had 2 cams but only one had the eagles.
For this Maine nest cam I which we have watched over the years. Pine tree by the water.
BRI began monitoring this nest in 2006 which produced 2 chicks.
2007 2 chicks but a terrible storm hurrican strength force neither chick to survive.
2008 no nesting
2009 no nesting
2010 no nesting
2011 1st egg laid March 24th
It mentioned that tgheir is speculation that the resident egles of this nest may have changed over the past five years.
Jo, the Maine II nest tree did fall over, this past fall
Jo it was a the other Maine nest tha I didn't watch. I use to watch the one on the coast along with Mits I believe she also watched that one...
PammySue - FYI Brandon is the grandson of Wanda aka Costume Lady.
I believe that was on Tuesday
Robyn, I had watched that one with everyone - it had to beautiful water
behind it and the branch they used
to perch on. I didn't know about
it being destroyed or else I did know and just didn't remember it.
Heather has been permitted to enter the grounds.
Sharon, I've learned more in the last week than I ever would've imagined! My first love is wolves, but I got sucked into this bigtime!! They complimented me on my "general" knowledge today, I gave credit to this blog! I'm glad to hear Belle is still around. It's funny how we're a little more willing to accept him than if it were a her?
Oh I asked about the feeding and they said that she was probably keeping him /her "interested" in feeding. I told them how sad it was when we all realized Paddy was gone (I even cried, what a dork!)
Go Heather!!!
By the way, between posts I moved the deck furniture, put 3 boxes in the shed, mowed and raked the yard close to the house (rain coming)and threw a few balls to Poppet!! I'm gonna be tired later!!
OK ME nest we are going to watch with one egg is the same one we watch a year or two ago. Right?
Yay for Heather!!
Taking a break - bold print whatever Heather has to report.
Christine, What did they have to say about Belle leaving the nest for long periods, but never bringing back food until it was too late? Seems like she had the opportunity during her long forays away from the nest. Thanks.
Another cam we watch is
Peregrine Falcon cam Racje; Carson Bldg. Harrisburg PA.
1st egg laid 3/11, 2nd egg laid 3/14, 3rd egg laid 3/16so far 4th egg laid 3/18
That above takes you to the cam click on it she is laying there and they do close ups.
Yes Mema Jo it is the nest we watch before at Maine eagles.
They didn't say much about that except that she might have been looking for Liberty or that she would get so far then have to come back because of the intruder. They didn't know for sure. They did agree that she probably got desparate and took a chance when she did get food. She said we don't know what kind of "fighting" was going on outside the nest, but that the intruder probably wouldn't have fought her so much as Liberty.
They also said that Paddy had too much exposure as well as not having food.
Jo, the Maine nest that has the egg is the ORIGINAL NEST
Mema Jo your Great Horned Owl at Valmont. Xcel Energy Owl Cam has "eggs".
Click below this takes you to the cam:
Valmont Great Horned Owl has laid two egg 1st laid Feb. 21 and 2nd laid Feb. 25 so far 2 eggs
I think it is rather amazing that Paddy lived as long as he did, given the circumstances
I agree, Paula. Paddy survived for quite awhile.
I figured exposure would be a big problem there. I read in detail the play-by-play on windows on wildlife (I think it was that one) and it sounds like Paddy stopped breathing before Belle left to get a fish. I wonder if Truder "let" her get the fish once Paddy died, because he was no longer a threat. Maybe they knew it before the food run.
Heather was permitted access to the property across the street from the viewing point. The gentleman who lives in that property said, "That he saw the original pair together yesterday. (Liberty and Bell).
Heather has not seen the eagles yet.
Mema Jo here is the starting of your "wood ducks".
Click on blue below takes you to the cam:
Lays 9 to 12 eggs---1st egg has been laid March 23, 2011 remember these are the chicks when hatch jump from high up out of box to ground
Thanks Derrek for Heather's report.
Beautiful close up of eagle at Maine.
Maine just turned the egg and turn around facing the water now and wiggled wiggled onto egg cup.
Looks like her back is to the wind? That can't be fun
turledove, last CONFIRMED sighting of Lib was on Sunday. I saw 3 eagles soaring together on Tuesday, but could not say it was absolutely him.
Mema Jo, Ohhhhhh. Wanda's grandson. I directed him over here. Don't know if he will come in or not.
Turtle...Truder was NOT around when Belle left to go get the fish....but he did follow her back
About what Derrek said - I wonder if the property owner mistook the intruder for Liberty? He may not know the difference.
It would be really cool if it was Lib, though!
Derrek, if Heather is at the "Farm property" with the 2 houses, that is not NCTC she there at the corner property?
Pammy, could you tell whether they were adults or not?
I didn't realize dcJohn saw a juvie on Sunday until I looked at his album on the group...looked to be a 2nd year juvie. He must have appeared after we left on Sunday.
That's what I was thinking about the guy on the corner as well.
Well I see taking my nap worked again. Everytime I nap someone visits the nest. Maybe I should just stay away and let everyone watch. lol
I'm so glad everyone just loves Hans. He's so full of s..t I bet he has brown eyes. haha
Well, I am going to get out of my apartment for a while. I'm headed to Winchester to go grab a bite with my Honey.
I will TRY to catch up later, but who knows.
Have a good evening, you guys.
Christine that is what I was thinking. It is windy there but beautiful. Usually I don't have the sound on because I want the sound on for the NCTC nest. When sound is on at the Maine site you can hear the eagles calling usually even the years that they laid no eggs.
Great news,Sharon. Give our best to Sissy.
You know it!!
Thanks for asking CRC all those questions!
Great news that Heather got a bit closer......thanks, Derreck, for keeping us updated!
Christine, can't wait for your pics of Savannah and Derek! So glad that you were able to talk to their experts at CRC!
I, too, thought that Paddy had been exposed much too long---sun was hot those couple of days. Poor Paddy O'Joy. :(
Enjoy and have fun, Pam.
Sharon, how long does Sissy have to stay in the hospital?
Thanks Dana - I was also checking on the Mother Goose - she is still incubating.
What did I miss about Wanda's Brandon, Pam?? Was he on the FB page or on OC forum?
Lolly, I always like mowing on the riding mower. WHen the kids were little, I called it my only time of peace if not quiet!! Now I use my iPod!
Toby is a sweetheart! Robyn had him in the car yesterday!
Mema Jo which one is Mother Goose?
Hedgie - NCTC Eagle Cam on FB
Brandon was on it - go read..
I have wild violets in bloom!!! Guess the snow will take care of them. :(
Mom says they got an inch in St. Louis area, with more predicted tomorrow.
Hey, Bobbi, if you are lurking....Hello!!!!
Just got a call from Catonsville daughter - gave us 45 min to get ready to go out to eat. Only takes us 10!
I want to see her new vehicle - well the color of it! Green toyota Highlander. I think I'll really like it.
Mother Goose
Paula - I think John and I saw that juvie eagle just after 4 on Sunday (it was right before we left around 4:15 or so). Thanks for confirming the age - we figured it was pretty young given the coloring. It was soaring right over the nest and then came towards the road (I think John shot that picture as it was passing overhead of us).
Sounds like Heather is getting a visit from the doggie you saw yesterday Pammy!
Heading to dinner, will be on and post pictures later.....if I can see straight ;-}
Absolutely at the NBG is ripping off food and handing it to mom, who in turn is feeding the chicks...awesome!
I am just back checking up
Red: You crack me up. Love your take on life LOL
Derrek: thanks for the reports.
Maine 2 nest blew over in November. But there have been sightings of the eagles. Whether they are the same 2 or not , who knows.
The male at Maine 1 has a few black spots so I am thinking a young pair. It was funny last night becasue he came in a few times to take over incubating but the female would not let him.
Sun is out here adn I am just thrilled.
I am a dog lover also. that is why I got my 2 cockers from cocker rescue in Victoria, B.C. My daughters dog is from the SPCA (animal rescue) .
I never read those chats on the front of cams.
Go to Nctc Eagle Cam facebook page
and add date where I have ask last time anyone seen Liberty? Go there and put your date.
Isn't that cool, Scott!
This is a test post to see if the picture I added shows up now (it's one of my kitties, and the one where I am his favorite human :-))
Jo looks like maybe she has 7 eggs. I was counting fast as she was putting fluff over the eggs. most certainly is!!! This is great...I only wish I had found the cams to show my dad before he passed away. He would've sat at his computer all day long watching them. No doubt.
Just an off topic item. Someone on here asked me about my favorite photos that I've taken, so instead of listing them I made a little video...if you want to take a look. No worries if not.
my doggies are here with me in computer room.
Can hardly wait till snow goes so they can play in yard.
We had to make paths for them to walk on but they venture on top of the deep snow and sometimes sink out of site LOL. they are not used to this cold
Hear crows in background
Cute cat
Thanks for the link to the wood ducks! I used to volunteer back in VA(years ago now) with a nest box monitoring program at Huntley Meadows park. Fond memories of wading in mucky water in chest waders from the cold of Feb to the muggy heat of the summer!
I am going to pull a "red" and leave for a few hours.. Let's see if this will bring in the eagles
Those were awesome Scott.
I love the sunsets.
Want to come up to Canada and take pcitures of my daughters Wedding nest April?LOL
I will have too go soon and pick up daughters dog at groomers.
can hear song birds . would like to hear eagles
Hear voices now
@bev Thanks...I would LOVE to...:)
Great photos, Scott!
I had the Maine cam up this morning....the crows were SO loud it made the dog go running to the window and bark! I was really LOL...he's used to the eagle calls, but the crows...
LOL NO Jo, I had scooby, you would know Toby he is like a 2 yr old boy with adhd SUPER hyper, now I am going to get ready and get my nephew who has adhd before he decides to call me every 10 min asking where I am...
Nice that the farmer let heather on the grounds, we keep showing up he is going to charge us to enter his property lol
Hi, everybody!
Interesting reading about your visit today, Christine. Thanks for filling us in.
The Alcoa nest is looking for its first hatch today. It appears Dad expects it today--there's a big fish on the side of the nest! The camera isn't that great, but I'll take what I can get!
Web address:
Glad to hear Sissy's doing ok after surgery.
Why didn't I get that website right?
Ok, Jo. Thanks! Found Brandon!
LOL, Red....did you tell Hans off yet?
Pammie, are you on spring break?
Dad must be very confident there will be a hatch at Alcoa today--he just brought another fish!
@Kathi your link worked fine for me. Can't click it but I copied and pasted it just fine.
@Scott Thanks for the beautiful slideshow of photos you like. Beautiful sunset and of course teee hee eagles.
Thanks for the Mother Goose link, Jo.
Scott, that's normal behavior for the papa! They are most attentive once the chicks have hatched!!
So if Susan and Grey and John saw a juvie Sunday, then there are at least 4 eagles in close proximity!
Diane and I have two dogs too. One we rescued from an abusive situation. Had a little inside help too. His name is Scooter and he's a character and we love him to pieces. It took a long time for him to accept me since he was being abused by a man. But we are now good buddies. He is a Yorkie mix. My other dog is Rosie who is pure Yorkie. She's our Princess. Photos of both are on my blog. Just click my name and go to Red's Photos.
I think Hans has closed his forum.
@hedgie I figured so cause I've seen him do it a couple of times. Still amazes me each time!!!
Ordered pizza and set the table with paper plates. Completely lazy day here.
Split coming.
Wow - the BWE are getting big! Osprey on the nest on BWO cam... it's been too long since we've been to the refuge but it's a lot longer drive from Garrett County MD than it was from Herndon VA
Cute kitty, Susan. Looks a bit like my Susan's Max.
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