Friday, March 25, 2011


TGIF thread.


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stronghunter said...

Well, it does get attention, Margy.

paula eagleholic said...

That is the cut off tree trunk on the left casting a shadow on the nest.

stronghunter said...

No grammar lesson with Rebecca today, Margy. I think she is between courses.

turtledove said...

I should've waited for my shadow comment. Obviously it didn't move. I just got overly excited, I guess!

hedgie said...

Margy, I also sent you the entire newsletter via email!
I'm sure glad you said Eidolon and NOT Avalon---wink,wink!

magpie said...

I apologize
for running up the posts this morning, some of which has been drivel...
I have missed talking with everyone the last few days
so I have been selfish...
keep checking for new thread...
I will try to behave, starting with disappearing right now!

xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Well, it is an interesting shadow, td.

SusanP said...

Turtledove - I thought it might be an eagle shadow too when I first saw it!

Whoever was going to the nest today will need to bundle up - chilly day there too i think! At least it's sunny. Cold in Mountain Maryland today - calling for several inches of snow tonight/tomorrow... sigh...

stronghunter said...

Please do not disappear, Margy. Your presence is much more valuable than a few posts counted out on this blog.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning won't put names so many in here already.

Prayers for Sissy's recovery.

Sorry Lynne2 for your friends husband not being let into the Academy to become a policeman.
Hope they will let him stay at his other job.
Maybe he can put in a request for a hearing with the police.

Have to ask Judie what happened to your avatar. Tell Darth hello ( :

I watched Paula's video on her blog page. I can only say I wished that video Paula has was of Liberty working the nest. I'd
take that even with the wounds saying he got them from fighting the intruder.
That intruder in the video acts like it owns the nest.

I want our Liberty back so badly. I know you all do too. sniffle

Robyn said...

Susan I never really watched the Loch birds, always heard my mom talk about them or when I would visit she would show me them on the cam. I decided to watch EJ last night OH MY GOODNESS! She is adorable, the size of the twigs she would bring back were twice the size of her it seemed then she would get into nest and start kicking things up, at first I thought is she OK? why does she keep losing her balance LOL, she wasn't but it took a time of two for her to do that to understand. I have watched the BW Ospreys time and again in the past and never remember them doing that.

I think I am hooked

magpie said...

we see all kinds of neat things with our eyes...not to worry !
thanks Lynn I got the email but did not open the attachment yet
still trying to take it easy on links and attachments for now

' Bye !!

wvgal_dana said...

I need to find the pictures of Mai who has returned to the name of Trixie.

Susan tell Grey I said hi!

magpie said...

thanks Shirley

lol I think the shadow now resembles a big butterfly or a bat !
See what I mean turtledove?

Good Morning more Morning Eagle People

really....walking away right now !

Lolly said...

Good morning!

NCTC cut off a large dead limb. Left a stump. That is the shadow.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Margy, never apologize for being on here running up posts, that is just how we roll!

hedgie said...

Enjoy the soccer game, Bob. got that perfectly--Mr. Right Now. Hate it--don't throw out the old; the strange might not be right in the long run! TEAM LIBERTY!

Hey, Judie...yeah--where's Bambi?
LOL, Shirley---you been in WV too many times??????

Lolly said...

Sharon, glad to hear Bev is doing okay this morning, except for her headache.

Lolly said...

Jack is leaving for Joseph's soccer game. I have a luncheon to go to...covered dish. Can not get inspired, so think I am going to stop at the grocery store and but a bowl of fresh fruit.

SusanP said...

I'm off to try to actually get something done other than lurking/posting/watching this cam and others. So many cams, so little time...

Have a blessed day all! I'm sure I'll be lurking off and on despite my good intentions.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just lost my live feed. Anybody else?

hedgie said...

Margy, I see that we both were "on the same page" of the paper this morning!! Sorry for my repeat!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, lost it on Sissy's laptop but not mine. Hmmm. Think it is her computer.

Lolly said...

Mine had stopped after 14 minutes but it is back on after I refreshed.

Lolly said...

I have to get busy! I'll try to get back on before I leave.


Mema Jo said...

Hello Everybody! I guess I can be
1026 to start. Slow starting - Hubby and I are living right - another invite for dinner tonight - going out to see Jennifer and having a turkey dinner.
I too was startled by the thought of
"Who's the shadow" Glad the 1st comment I saw said that it's the tree trunk.
I can't possibly read back to where I was saying good night - but I guess I'll try. BBILW

Costume Lady said...

That shadow really does look like an eagle now!
Jo, you are a lucky lady with all your children and dinner invitations. Yes, you raised your children well!

movin said...




C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Hi, Jo. Have a good day. See you later.

Just took a few pictures of the pretty flowers and trees, but got cold doing it.

stronghunter said...

Going to the new thread.

NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!

Robyn said...

At the nest no eagles but a couple from OD chat... hmmm

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...