Friday, March 25, 2011


TGIF thread.


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SusanP said...

Thanks Shirley! He is a cutie - we rescued him from a battery generator box at my office park when he was still teeny. All of our kitties are rescues

stronghunter said...

So is my George. At the moment, I can't remember where Susan got Max, but her other kitty Chancy is a rescue.

mariadangeloart said...

Christine thanks so much for letting us know what the experts thought. Did you happen to mention Belle burying her egg and Paddy and if they had an explanation for that?
I had watched the PBS special on eagles and they showed a male eagle who had lost his mate with a new female eagle that had shown up. And she was moving sticks around in the nest and they were saying that was an important bonding ritual.
When I started hearing people saying that Trudy might actually be a male, that PBS special was the first thing that came to my mind.

wvgal_dana said...

Kati's link for alcoa davenport eagle fish laying on nest click on blue below:

Alcoa Dvenport's Bald Eagle Nest

wvgal_dana said...

@Kati thanks lady ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Again on the Nctc facebook page. I started a time when I last seen Liberty. Go there and help out. List the day and time if possible when you last seen Liberty.

hedgie said...

Love your photo montage, Scott!!! Very impressive.

mariadangeloart said...

I'm also wondering that if it's in fact the case that Liberty has been driven off and Belle's new mate is "Rudy," does Liberty now go find himself a new mate? Does he actually run off another bird's mate and take over or does he find someone new and build a new nest?

hedgie said...

Shirley, did you see my post to you on Kat's FB?? Let Loretta know about the parts for Frank! He restores old cars!

wvgal_dana said...

Alco Davenport two eggs were laid
the site say's between Feb. 17 and Feb. 20th lol adults are named (F) Liberty and Justice (m).

Harbinger said...

Scott, Your photos are just gorgeous!! Thank you so much for sharing them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for fixing my link to the Alcoa site, wv gal Dana! And thanks for posting the info about them. I was going to mention their names and totally forgot!

Maria, I'd be interested to hear if Christine asked about the burying of the unhatched egg and Paddy. Certainly not normal eagle behavior! I was really afraid other "intruders" would come in and get them. Whew!

Anonymous said...

You ask some good questions, Maria. I wondered what would become of Lib, too. I thought the male kept the nest. And was it inferred that maybe Lib was actually old and Rudy is, well, very young, as we've already established? Still very confusing...

mariadangeloart said...

Yes Kathi, me too. Glad they are buried there. I feel sad thinking about Liberty. I hope he's okay.

Leona said...

I have the link to the PBS eagle episode. It is the full episode.

mariadangeloart said...

Does anyone know approximately how old Liberty is?

mariadangeloart said...

Leona it's an absolutely fabulous documentary. Absolutely fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Is the camera off on the nest or is it my bad internet again? Has anybody else been able to check out the nest this afternoon?

hedgie said...

Red, sure don't know how I missed your great photos before!!!!
Looked and commented on all of them..........and saw a comment from our dear Deb.....shook me at my core for a moment. RIP, Deb.

hedgie said...

Kathi, my cam is running fine. Try cleaning your cache if on Firefox, or your history and cookies if on IE.

Leona said...

I am going to post the link just incase someone wants to watch it.

mariadangeloart said...

When I saw "Trudy" first moving those sticks around in the nest I thought it was the craziest thing since she was a female and that Belle should be attacking her. I thought that Trudy was a bit touched in the head or confused or something. But when everyone started speculating that "Trudy" might actually be "Rudy" a light buld went off in my head and the PBS special was the absolute first thing that entered my mind. I thought it now made some sense but was still confused as to why Liberty was still there. I was also confused because I thought that eagles mate for life and in the PBS special the female eagle actually died in this case Liberty was alive and well.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Red said...

ok get ready for more nest activity. We are going out for dinner shortly.
Hope everyone enjoys. lol

Scott said...

@hedgie. Thank you

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lynn. I told Kathryn and will get in touch with Loretta.

Scott said...

@harbingerdc Thank you

wvgal_dana said...

Kati you probably know this. On the Alcoa Davenport Eagle cam it does have sound. There is also a place to get full screen. When I did full screen seen egg with large crack. It might even been part of a shell and there might be a chick.

hedgie said...

Monarchs are beginning their migration from Mexico....and population is going back up!!!! Millions more than last year!!

hedgie said...

Milkweed is the SOLE food source, but they pollinate many flowers/plants!!!

wvgal_dana said...

@Kati I don't know what I am thinking. Kati at Alcoa Davenport the 1st hatch won't be until about
April 23rd. So the male can't be thinking there will be a hatch. What I must have seen was fluf/grass on the egg.

wvgal_dana said...

Getting dark at Maine cam.

JudyEddy said...

Leona thanks for that link Wow really interesting I posted on my face book page also once again thanks

hedgie said...

Lily cam having serious VERIZON technical difficulties!

GrannieKay said...

Hi Everyone, This is my first post here. Healing prayers for everyone having surgery or with broken bones. Also agree totally with descriptions of Hans. He is so full of boy cow droppings. Grrrrrrrrrr!

I do so appreciate that you all post your eagle information here. This blog is great. Thanks to Paula for telling me to come over.

I have been keeping an eye on various eagle cams over the years but this is the first year that I've really gotten hooked.

Will be looking forward to seeing more and up dates on Belle and the TBird.


Leona said...

I really wish they had a cam facing towards the tree.. That way we all could see what was going on around the tree.

Lolly said...

Looks like Belle in the nest.

IrisF said...

Wow, Red is no sooner out the door than in comes someone!!!

WV sUSAn said...

Christine, Heather, Derrek and all n between, thanks for all the great info and updates today. Our "theories" (Hans, yes I went there) seems to be involving every minute.

Getting ready to run out and trying to catch up on reading. Always a treat to hear a variety of views.

B n the nest.

Lolly said...

Followed by TB! Groan!

She is fussing at him!!! Go Belle Go!

mariadangeloart said...

I think Red has an arrangement with these birds! lol

IrisF said...

It's Belle, followed by intruder...Belle is NOT in a good mood - pecking at Rudy who is ignoring her and trying to look like he is doing nestorations.

Lolly said...

Did you see her fussing at him. Let him have it. Come on Belle do it again!

WV sUSAn said...

Followed closely by T. B didn't like. T now digging.

Lolly said...

Belle poofed!

IrisF said...

And Poof, off goes Belle

Lolly said...

TB is picking at the nest in front of the egg cup.

WV sUSAn said...

B flew off. T digging and nesting.

Lolly said...

Now look at that middle toe.

WV sUSAn said...

T off

Lolly said...

TB poofed.

I think they are in the tree.

stronghunter said...

Someone from WV on Jeopardy. Didn't get the name of the place.

WV sUSAn said...

Lolly. Was Ts mid long?

paula eagleholic said...

Cam had stopped, duh...caught the end of the visit

stronghunter said...

I hear some little chirps.

hedgie said...

I've watched that documentary many times, and never cease to be amazed!

hedgie said...

Hi, Kay! Hope your birthday was great!

WV sUSAn said...

Paula... Been there, done that.

wvgal_dana said...

I have two pictures side by side date 1 3 2011 of Liberty looking at his foot he has a "long middle toe".

Then the other picture is taking awhile ago 728pm only eagle in nest after Belle flew out has a "long middle toe".

hedgie said...

Red needs to say he's leaving, but then not go if he wants to see nest action!

Shirley, Hominy Falls, WV----never heard of it!

IrisF said...

Are the pictures on your blog Dana?

Lolly said...

Yes, TB has a long middle toe. Yes, Dana, but doesn't Lib have a toe that is curled.

We are dining outside. Jack is grilling. Gotta go get some veggies ready. YUM!

stronghunter said...

I was looking, too, Iris.

stronghunter said...

Bit chilly to dine outside here. Right now, the forecast is one inch of snow here tomorrow night. It is 50 degrees now.

stronghunter said...

Did the night light come on?

stronghunter said...

Pretty dark here and very bright there.

Lolly said...

83.5 here! Beautiful day! Mowed, edged and used the blower. Now going to enjoy looking at it while I dine. Hee Hee! Having a good bottle of wine too!☺

WV sUSAn said...

Lolly-- I want to dine outside. Soon...

Lolly said...

We must remember to thank Red!

Need to go back to the old thread and finish reading.

bev. said...


It is my understanding that Lib will just find a spot for the rest of the year. Because it really is too late for hm to re-nest now.

But next year , he can try again here or he will try and find a new spot. If that means dethroning someone, that is what he will do.

They do not always fight to the death. But he would not have given up this site without a struggle. He has too much interest here.
This is speculation, but he might be just biding his time , not far away . I wish the biologsits around there would go and do a search of the site.

my Miss Edmonoton, lost her nest box and jsut went to another builidng , not that far away , but out of the U of A area, for the rest of the season. It was too late for nesting. the next year, she tried for her old site again and lost. I think her transmitter hindered her in a fight. They removed it last season when banding the chick. I was there.
but the next year she found a mate and nested at her new site.
Last year she nested again at her new spot.

Now she was a falocn but the raptors are quite similar.They used to think falcons mated for life also but ....

bev. said...

I am so jealous Lolly.

A high f -14 C here tomorrow.
going to cam now.

bev. said...

Paula , I remember the crows at Maine. I used to tell them they were migrating back here. which they probably were.

stronghunter said...

Brr, Bev.

bev. said...

wind picking up there.

any more news from Heather???

Pizza and paper plates sounds good.

stronghunter said...

Yes. We enjoyed the pizza. Kathryn and Hunter are off to their church thing.

mariadangeloart said...

Bev, thanks so much for that info! Very interesting.

bev. said...

Brr is right ,

There was a report , our falocns might be back. Foolish them if they are.

Peter and I will go there for coffee tomorrow and see.

Some people do not really know what falocns look like. It could be the ravens at the box. I have had reports of falcon down, and gone with my box to rescue and it was a pigeon. LOL

Heather said...

Hi everyone, sorry I was unable to post earlier, my internet service wasn't working. I made the drive to the nest this afternoon with my two daughters, and my mom decided she wanted to come along as well. It was a lovely drive. We arrived around 2:30 pm and just as we pulled up to the corner, we saw one eagle circling above the tree, then take off as we parked the car. We stood at the corner for some time and did not see any activity at all. Shortly after, we met Earl and Rita (and the doggies), who invited us onto the property to get a better view of the nest. They were so kind and welcoming ... lovely, lovely people. We were there for some time, Earl allowed us to view the nest from the deck of one of the properties, and I was able to walk right up to the protective fence. Sometime around 4pm we saw 3 eagles flying behind the nest, near the water. One was in front and two behind, not sure if they were flying together or there was a chase. Unfortunately, at that distance it was impossible to distinguish them. We stayed until 5pm with no further sightings. Earl and Rita said that they had not seen Liberty (he used the term "original male") for several days, until yesterday, when he says he saw he and Belle sitting on the upper branches of the tree. I'm sorry I don't have any more to report, or that we did not get a closer view of the eagles, but we had a wonderful time and it was a great experience.

bev. said...

I have not had pizza fro awhile. If I can find my table , that is a possibility. Or picnic on the couch.

Anonymous said...

wvgal Dana--no, they're estimating that the egg should hatch any day now; it was laid Feb. 17. Surely it will be soon--otherwise Dad wouldn't have left the 2 fish, would he?

Thanks, hedgie, I finally got the camera up, but obviously missed all the fuss! What is going on with Belle and Rudy??????

WE WANT L I B E R T Y ! ! ! !

Anonymous said...

Oh, wvgal Dana, could you REALLY get sound on that Alcoa site? I can't.

JudyEddy said...

Great news hearing there were three eagles Yeah maybe there still is hope ;o)

mariadangeloart said...

Heather was he absolutely sure it was Liberty and Belle and not Trudy/Rudy and Belle?

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Heather. So it sounds as though Lib is probably still there.

Anonymous said...

Heather, thank you for your post! It's unfortunate you couldn't see them well enough to ID them, but it was encouraging to know Earl may have seen him yesterday, and he may have been one of the 3 you saw today. We can only hope Lib is alive and well and will get his old nest back!

bev. said...

Thanks Heather, for taking the time to go out.

Well ,you know, that may be why Belle is still acting up. Who knows.

Now this man may really know how to tell them apart if he has been watching for years.
I always talk to people who live in the areas. they have fascinating stories to tell of what they have seen.

bev. said...

If this man said he had not seen the original male for a bit , till yesterday, he msut be able to ID him. Because he would have seen Belle and the intruder , the other days.

Team Liberty
Do not know how to Bold.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your input, Bev. Interesting. I sure hope Lib does bide his time.

I don't care if you can't do bold. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Heather, thanks for relaying to us what you saw this afternoon. Hope our Lib still has a chance. Very nice of Earl and Rita to invite you in.

Heather said...

Well, he seemed to be pretty familiar with them, he knew about the intruder and has seen Belle and the intruder in the tree together as well. He said all three had been hanging out in trees around the property, sometimes as close as right next to the little pond behind the little white house by the road where they reside. Whether or not he can definitely tell them apart, I don't know. He seemed certain about it, that's all I can tell you. I don't want to speculate too much as I'm not too well versed yet in eagle habits, but I was excited to see 3 eagles together, it gave me hope that Liberty was one of those eagles.

paula eagleholic said...


do you make sure you have gloves on when rescuing?

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds good to me, Heather. He knew about the intruder when we were there as well. We were there early, and he came out to get the paper. Then he and Rita left, so we really didn't get a chance to chat. He has invited me on the property before, too.

Heather said...

Paula, yes he was very kind. He and Rita told us a little bit about the history of the property, it was just a really nice experience overall. That deck was just the perfect place to sit and watch the nest, how lucky they are to be able to enjoy that.

hedgie said...

Shirley, looked up Hominy Falls. Bet Sissy and Sharon know where it is. 3 counties away from them. A coal town with a bad story:

Mine accident

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome, GrannieKay! Think most people might have missed your happened to post right before all the action started!

I've been on the phone since I got home! Whew...finally off and got some dinner to boot.

bev. said...

Yes, Paula.
The first time we did it , the biologist was with us to guide us.
There are only a few of us permitted to do this. I am a bit afraid, I must say.

We have a cardboard pet carrier with a towel in the bottom. We also carry a tablecloth with us and throw it over the downed falcon. It calms it. then we carefully pick it up ,making sure the wings are tucked.

We also carry bottle water to drop a bit on beak and head. When in the box we take off tablecloth and take falcon to a cool ,dark ,quiet place and call the biologist or wildlife rescue. Usually do not have time to drive ourselves , as we are watching others.

mariadangeloart said...

Awesome Heather! Maybe Liberty is not only still around but still close to Belle!

stronghunter said...

Hello, GrannieKay! I was about to speak to you when things started happening.

Welcome to our blog.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Heather for the story of your afternoon and please that Derrek for his commentary.

Way up high flying unless you can see
the white head it can sometimes be a

bev. said...

I grew up in a coal mining town and there wre many tragedies.
Used to hate hearing the whistle blow. My uncle was a miner and my grandfather was the mine secretary/negotiator. My dad was a town administrator.
they have underground mine tours in the crows nest Pass now.

Mema Jo said...

Did anyone post any picture of the latest visit of Belle and T.

stronghunter said...

Someone mentioned earlier that Judie and I had gone to see an eagle release. It was two years ago, and it was fascinating. They released three juvie eagles that day.

Leona said...

Here's tonights visit. Found it posted.

March 25, 2011 about 7:30 pm EST

paula eagleholic said...

We here have estimated Lib and Belle to be in the 11-13 yo age range....based upon when they started nest building and had their first brood in the nest. That age really isn't old for an eagle. Wray on the WE nest is 25 yo.

bev. said...

I missed your post GRanny Kay.
I wilt go back and look.

Hiding myself up in computer room while they are working on kitchen. those 4 days are now 2 weeks.

There is always HOpe .

wvgal_dana said...

Get your email: Jo, Lori, Paula, Lolly, Megan, Lynn-Hedgie, and Lynne2. Sorry I didn't have new peoples email.

bev. said...

once you are here Granny Kay, you get hooked LOL

I have a feeling if falocns are back I will have to go and ID them.

bev. said...

could not get that to work Leona.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Leona. Very interesting. I had missed the first part of that visit. Belle did not seem entirely happy, did she?

Leona said...

Bev it has been posted on Nctc Eagle Cam on facebook.

stronghunter said...

I had to tease it along a bit, Bev.

Robyn said...

Heather you lucky girl and how nice for your daughter's to see the eagles that close. Even their dogs are nice, as Jo described last night.

Interesting how he knew of the 3 eagles and the original male, then he must know enough to be somewhat knowledgeable about who is who.


I am back from having supper at Dubbie's with my nephew, brought Tori her fried pickles and a club, they have really good food.

hedgie said...

Heather, thanks so much for that good report. Not only am I glad that you got a chance to come up and see things for yourself, but it's also encouraging to know that there are still at least 3 eagles.....can only pray that one was Lib and not the juvie that John photographed. And how wonderful of Earl and Rita to be so hospitable!!!! Good report! Now that you know where we are, we expect you to come back when we have a gathering!!!

wvgal_dana said...

@Kati you are right Alcoa should hatch any day. So that could have been at part of a shell or a very big crack. Sorry my mind is tired and all running together. Thank you for helping me out. When I re-looked at my papers; it showed you was right. I think I need to go to the recliner.

Robyn said...

Earl, love that name, it was my grandfathers :)

bev. said...

I went over to WOW and watched it.

I think Belle is just establishing who wears the pants in the family LOL

BEagle said...

Hello everyone.

I was looking through some eagle videos on and found this video. It could have been posted already. Don't know.

It's a view of Belle and Lib compared to a view of Belle and new eagle.

It was good. I haven't seen Lib for a long time and about forgot what he looked like.

Anonymous said...

wvgal dana: no problem! You know, the last 5 days have been hard on us all with worrying about Paddy, Belle and Lib. I'm beat myself, and plan to go to bed shortly. Gotta get up early for work tomorrow.

Looked like I saw a chick underneath Liberty (the Alcoa female) but not sure.

paula eagleholic said...

March 25 Nest Activity thus far - 8:30pm

Belle and intruder were in the nest between 12:55am and 1:12am

Intruder was in nest alone for about 1 minute around 6:30 am

Intruder in nest alone for about 15 mins around the 1:30 time

Belle and Truder in nest, Bell 7.25-27, Truder until 7.29

Heather said...

Robyn, it was very exciting for my girls (especially my 8-year-old, Sara, who has been following this story along with me). Sara was actually the first to spot the 3 eagles together, that was wonderful. I wish we would have had the opportunity to get a closer look at the eagles, especially since we had such a great view of the nest. But it was a great visit nonetheless, and we will definitely return at some point. I took a few pictures, not sure they would be of any interest though because they are only of the nest, and I'm no professional photographer, lol.

wvgal_dana said...

Welcome Grannie Kay it is good to have you here. Things good pretty busy on the cam and in here when you commented. We will be hoping you come and comment some more. We will try to answer sooner next time. Please return we are a friendly bunch. ( :

Judie said...

Scott, lovely video of pictures. Thank you so much.

The sandperson has arrived early. Will turn the night light on for others. Goodnight and restful sleep.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening folks. I am home and have to work about another 45 minutes today and 4 hours tomorrow. Sissy was in quite a bit of pain tonight so they had to change her dosing a little, from 6 hours to 4 hours and that helped considerably. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers today. Love you all!

DanaMo said...

Heather, it's great to hear that you were able to see the eagles. I hope I have the same luck when I go on Sunday. Another teacher and I are taking the drive over. I am really looking forward to it. I am also hoping that we (my family) can take part in "this race is for the birds". It sounds like a great experience.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, Sharon. Sorry Sissy's in pain, but we're praying for her!

BEagle, looked at that video. Belle was the one digging. She throttled Rudy a bit at the beginning, then he proceeded to dig. You don't suppose they're looking for carrion....?

Paula, thanks for the recap.


stronghunter said...

Saw Sissy's post on FB. Glad that she is getting more pain meds now.


Anonymous said...

G'night all! Pleasant dreams.

I'll be a lurker mostly tomorrow while I'm at work.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie and Kathi.

DanaMo said...

Paula, thanks for the update on the nest activity. I like being able to see a brief rundown. I haven't been able to get on much lately the last few days.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the video link.

Can't quite put my finger on it with Truder's feet....flat footed? Narrow?

Also, his tail feathers are uneven....different lengths, like they are not all down growing in yet.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley check your mail.

DanaMo said...

Good night all! I'm glad tomorrow is Saturday, maybe I will actually be able to get some cam time and catch some Eagles in the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

And she certainly didn't want him near that bowl when she was digging in it.

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch taped movie

Great Bev is doing well Sharon


wvgal_dana said...

Glad they move up Sissy's dosage for now.

Sharon you get some rest too.

Night Judie and Kati slept well.

Leona said...

Could someone who has watched Belle and Liberty tell me in the past years after their eaglets have left the nest did they still stay around the nest until breeding season again?

Robyn said...

Heather I am sure I can speak for everyone that any pics of the eagles is of interest to all of us here :)

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Leona, they stay around the general area.

paula eagleholic said...

And they do visit the nest during that time, not as often, but they do.

Scott said...

@Judie Thank you...

wvgal_dana said...

I'm going along with Earl and Rita. They have lived there and watched this pair for years. They knew their was an intruder. So I think they know what they are talking about. No matter how confusing the live cam makes us feel.

Glad to know Liberty is alive...thank Earl and Rita ( :

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Dana. I know some of you are experts on Lib's toes. I would have to see the two sets of toes side-by-side to make any judgment.

Leona said...

Thanks Paula.

stronghunter said...

It is not like watching them raise a young one, but they come to the nest. We always enjoy each other in the off-season, too. That is when we explore lots of other sites and get to know one another better. Sometimes we get together at various places. We had a good visit to Conowingo one year.

BEagle said...

The new eagle has much larger feet than Lib has. He holds his toes closer together when in the nest.

DanaMo said...

If I get any good pictures on Sunday how do I post them to the blog?

stronghunter said...

One of the nests we've watched is in Oklahoma. The Sutton site.

stronghunter said...

You can post them on your own blog, DanaMo.

stronghunter said...

You have an avatar, so you have already edited your profile. If you go there and look at the top, you will see "My Account." You work from there.

Christine said...

Good evening, I think I'm caught up. Interesting that Belle was first into the nest and not so nice to Rudy after we hear that Lib may be back in the picture. Maybe the fight isn't over!

I did indeed ask about Belle burying Paddy and they said that they've heard of/seen many ways in which eagles will "dispose" of a dead eaglet. I asked about TRudy unburing him without trying to harm or eat it and she said that sounded kind of strange. She said Belle may have buried Paddy to keep him away from predators. That did seem to catch their attention though.

I think because all of this is being seen live and captured on video it is catching the attention of more people than we think. I think that the "specialists" are afraid to confirm anything because this is indeed a different scenario than what they've witnessed. They're all waiting for it to play out.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for coming back and sharing that, Christine.

Heather said...

wvgal_dana, I'm inclined to agree with you, just based on what they said to us. They knew the intruder was a younger eagle and that Belle and Liberty were "older", and although I didn't ask them how long they've been there (maybe you all would know), Earl talked about watching the cam being put in place and knew it's size, etc. They seemed pretty knowledgeable to me, but I didn't want to pester them with too many questions, and I am definitely no expert so I can't say with any certainty exactly how knowledgeable they are.
Should I post the few pics I took of the nest on the momsters group site? No eagle pics, though, sorry. :(

stronghunter said...

Post them, Heather. We always enjoy pictures.

PammySue said...

Hey guys. Just got back home. I saw a post on Facebook that Heather saw 3 eagles. Please let that be true.

I will go back and catch up. I would just like to know about the possible sighting of Lib.


hedgie said...

Hey, BEagle...wondered where you were!!!

Leona, gotta watch your link....bbiaf.

stronghunter said...

DanaMo, there should be someone here to walk you through any problems you might have posting pictures.

I do a combination of muddling through and asking for help when I try to do something new. Then I forget what I did and have to muddle again, but I have learned a lot about birds, cameras, and blogs here.

paula eagleholic said...

Heather, they have been there for a few years, but I'm not sure how many...I would suspect they can ID the eagles as well as anyone.

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMo, they can also be added to the Yahoo group.

JudyEddy said...

PammySue check about 752 this is her post I copied and pasted it
Hi everyone, sorry I was unable to post earlier, my internet service wasn't working. I made the drive to the nest this afternoon with my two daughters, and my mom decided she wanted to come along as well. It was a lovely drive. We arrived around 2:30 pm and just as we pulled up to the corner, we saw one eagle circling above the tree, then take off as we parked the car. We stood at the corner for some time and did not see any activity at all. Shortly after, we met Earl and Rita (and the doggies), who invited us onto the property to get a better view of the nest. They were so kind and welcoming ... lovely, lovely people. We were there for some time, Earl allowed us to view the nest from the deck of one of the properties, and I was able to walk right up to the protective fence. Sometime around 4pm we saw 3 eagles flying behind the nest, near the water. One was in front and two behind, not sure if they were flying together or there was a chase. Unfortunately, at that distance it was impossible to distinguish them. We stayed until 5pm with no further sightings. Earl and Rita said that they had not seen Liberty (he used the term "original male") for several days, until yesterday, when he says he saw he and Belle sitting on the upper branches of the tree. I'm sorry I don't have any more to report, or that we did not get a closer view of the eagles, but we had a wonderful time and it was a great experience.

stronghunter said...

Yes. That is the part I muddle through. But I posted on the Yahoo Group tonight.

Linda said...

Hello Shepherdstown Eagle Lovers!

I found you through the friendly members over at wow and knew Paula and Robyn were here as well. There are a few of us that have moved over from the OC Forums and I must say, it is wonderful getting information here.

Heather, thank you for sharing your experience today viewing three eagles. How exciting to hope Liberty is still in the area.

I know you have had quite a few newbies join your sites lately, but I must say I love your dedication and devotion to these amazing creatures!

Thanks for letting me be a part of this!

stronghunter said...

Hi Pa-Lynn. Welcome!

PammySue said...

Judy, thanks for answering me. And Heather, thank you so much.
I know it is not a guarantee, but I am going to assume one of those eagles was Liberty.


hedgie said...

Almost all of the pictures from the cam end up washing out so badly on their heads that it is really hard to see stuff, or just too small when posted on YouTube.....argh!!
Thanks, Leona, for finding that last one.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It is so good to hear that Lib is still in the area. I love him!


Going to watch some TV with Mattie.

BEagle said...

Hi Hedgie! You feeling chipper?

The report from the nest site was interesting. Thank you.

JudyEddy said...

*PammySue I got your msg in my email box but when I went on Face book the comment wasn't there I wonder if it could be with the two day block thing?? Just a thought- ok I got to get ready for bed -God Bless this nest and all those who watch it and thank you Steve for providing this for us ♥♥♥ You and all who provides us this information are a God Send

stronghunter said...

I guess there could be any number of eagles around there, but I figure that it is more likely to be Belle.

BEagle said...

Glad to hear the Sissy is doing well.

stronghunter said...

Whoops, I mean Lib.

Linda said...

Thanks, stronghunter!! I'm happy to be here!

paula eagleholic said...

Hi PA-Lynn, glad you could join us.

Scott said...

@hedgie Which photos? I may be able to work with them in photoshop to make them a bit better..

Linda said...

Thanks Paula!

Linda said...

Are there many of you who live near the Shepherdstown area?

stronghunter said...

Quite a few live very near, others of us live reasonably near, but we have people far away as well.

Robyn said...

Hi PA-Lynn :)

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!!

Fist and foremost, thanks to CHRISTINE for getting all of the great insights from the eagle experts on our behalf today!!!

And thanks to HEATHER and Family (and it was surely a family affair!) for the info gathered today as well by visiting the nest area. And I want to just KISS Earl and Rita! It really does sound like they know what's going on there....

and with that HOPE in mind, when Lib and Belle have their clutch next year, the first hatched should be named HOPE. Because I am still going with my thought on how the nesting season for them is over for the year, as is a real need to defend the territory. Lib will get very well fed and strong this summer, and once HP season returns, so will Lib to fight run the intruder off once and for all.

stronghunter said...

If you click on our names, you can find out a bit about us.

BEagle said...

Feet of usurper eagle don't appear to be experienced at walking in the nest.

Christine said...

Ok, I actually did a blog. Click on my name for 3 of the pictures I took today. One is of Savannah and her eaglets from the blind!! Tell me what you think :)

Linda said...

Hi Robyn!! Great to see you and to be here. I really needed a break from the OC, especially after the "theory to refute" thread!!!

Scott said...

@Christine Looks great!!

stronghunter said...

I am jealous, Christine. I would love to go there.

I posted a comment on your blog.

stronghunter said...

Couldn't quite figure out what the theory was over there. Glad it is closed down.

paula eagleholic said...

PA-Lynn and other new bloggers.

Please don't forget to request membership in the Yahoo Group as well. The Yahoo Group and the blog are separate and membership must be requested to the group. Just go to

Yahoo Eaglet Momster Group

and request an invite. It would be helpful if you can put the name you you on the blog as well. Just click on the blue link above to be taken to the site. You may want to right click it and open it in a new window or tab.

All are welcome in the nest! Thanks!

Lynne2 said...

I'll have to check pictures of "toes". Must say that I am a bit skeptical of using that for ID. It would seem to me, and it's JMHO, that the nest is far too uneven for good analysis. Because a toe on a stick that is sitting upwards slightly could make a toe look longer when it's actually slightly raised, and vice versa with shorter looking toes. Again, JMHO. I'll have to check out the pictures....

Christine said...

Thanks! My hands shake so bad I was afraid I'd never get a good picture. I love the eagle's head though! I thought it was Derek, but after looking again I don't think it is

BEagle said...

That's an interesting thought Lynne2.

stronghunter said...

Tell us what you think, Lynne. I haven't done much toe analysis.

BEagle said...

Is there a chance that Lib and Belle were working on another nest?

stronghunter said...

We are about to split. Newbies, don't get lost. We will be on a new page. If you post after #600 you you will be taken over there.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, I think the theory was I'm right and no one can disprove I'm wrong!

stronghunter said...

So far, I don't think we have heard of anyone seeing them working on another nest. We were wondering where they were just before Christmas, though.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, if you are still here....when some dogs get very frightened and even very angry, the fear can cause and unconscious expression of their anal glands. These are small glands at the 4 and 8 o'clock positions of a dogs anus and contain a substance that smells HORRID.

BTW it was I who posted the article about the property dispute this morning. It is a mess, isn't is??

paula eagleholic said...

Great pics, Christine. How many eagles do they normally have in the enclosure when there aren't chicks? I know you said they had to remove one female.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Paula. I really got annoyed when he said he would not even read all of your account of your visit to the nest. Science? Nope, just egotism.

hedgie said...

Christine, it truly looked to me like Truder would have eaten Paddy's remains if Belle hadn't intervened. I think that was his intention when he dug him up.

Lynne2 said...

LOL!!!! Wouldn't it a HOOT if Lib and Belle WERE working on another nest nearby??? Poor Trudy is going to be SO upset when he finds out he got the Sycamore Palace and not the Queen!

paula eagleholic said...

Just click on "newer" in blue at the bottom or top of the blog page to get to the next page

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1/8/25 PM

  4:21 PM he comes in the nest with a nice load of bedding  4:21 PM. he leaves  4:25 PM. He comes to the nest with a load of bedding. He pic...