Friday, March 25, 2011


TGIF thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Just click on "newer" in blue at the bottom or top of the blog page to get to the next page

stronghunter said...

Maybe so, Lynn. That would have been hard to watch.

Lynne2 said...

My toe next to my big toe on my right foot is longer than the same one on the other foot. Not by much, but enough that it makes finding a pair of shoes that fit pretty tough. I'd be happy if I could get a size 10 for my left and a 10 1/2 for my right.

I just know you are all going to sleep better tonight knowing this....

BEagle said...

It seems to me it was mentioned quite a bit about moving the nest when Belle and Lib went missing for a while. I think it was right after the new cam was installed.

Lynne2 said...

I'm not as sure about what was going to happen if Belle hadn't been there. BUT, Trudy could have, and could still, find Paddy.....and hasn't.

BEagle said...

You certainly brighten up the evening with your footwork talk Lynnetwoie.


Lynne2 said...

Yeah Beagle, they scared us! We saw them far less often in Dec of this year than we have in other Decembers based on pictures taken in past years. Then 2 weeks with no sighting at all. Steve and I were going to ride to the nest area after the Holidays to scout, but then we got our (day after) Christmas Miracle!

stronghunter said...

Wonder if they were dealing with some kind of intruder before Christmas?

BEagle said...

I have a circling arrow on my cam right now.

stronghunter said...

Or maybe they were just on vacation somewhere.

Lynne2 said...

I was screaming at my computer screen when Trudy picked Paddy out of the nest and boy was I crying.....

IrisF said...

I agree with you Hedgie/Lynn - I remember saying to myself OH NO - this I can't watch, because I actually thought he was gonna.....

stronghunter said...

Me too, BEagle. I just clicked on the arrow at the bottom and it refreshed, but I can only see blackness anyway.

Lynne2 said...

I think that is a reasonable guess Shirley. In fact now that I think about it, it seems to me, and I could be wrong so someone else help me out here....that Lib didn't bring as much food to the nest after the eggs were laid this time.

BEagle said...

I had that thought too Strong. That Belle and Lib have been battling this intruder for quite a while.

hedgie said...

No, BEagle.....not chipper!! A little relapse in the cough department and missing Mai! But I'll be ok. How's the job going!

paula eagleholic said...

BTW, the timing of the 2 hour off the egg episode...that was on March 4th. And Jo was wondering why Belle attacked Truder on Tuesday night....that was after she was in the nest, and left with the rest of the fish she has brought earlier. It wasn't right after she buried Paddy, that was on Monday afternoon, and then again late afternoon on Monday.

I hope I never ever see a day like Monday again.

BEagle said...

I am glad I did not see that scene Lynne2. I don't know what I would have done.

Lynne2 said...

Have you gotten any updates on Mai Lynn?

stronghunter said...

It would clear up some questions if we had a camera that scanned the area. I am thankful for what we do have, though.

The next best thing is the visits and interviews of people who live around there. It is good that they are interested.

Linda said...

Paula, I signed up at your yahoo group, so look for me. The username is a little different because this one didn't work. I think it is pa_lynn1. Oops, I should have written that down!!

Lynne1 - I totally agree with you on that day when the intruder picked up Paddy in his mouth and moved him around a couple times. I was dying inside and praying he wouldn't consume him!! Thank God that didn't happen!

BEagle said...

Surely, these scenes will never happen again over this cam.

You are coughing Hedgie?

stronghunter said...

Have been thinking about you, Lynn.

Continued prayers for you and for Mai.

Lynne2 said...

on a totally happy thought fantasy's a well known fact that once juvie eagles fledge, and have a clue how to survive, they leave the home nest area and wander til they are old enough to breed. BUT, some will come back from time to time to the original nest my Happy Thought Fantasy Idea of the night is that the juvie eagle John got pictures of was Hidey!!! Second year juvie.....huh??!! Could be!

turtledove said...

I recall that when Truder dug up Paddy, he picked him up in his beak and then put him down before Belle even arrived. I had the same fear about him eating him, but then he put him down almost tenderly. I think he was very curious about the situation, but I'm not sure he was interested in eating him. He had the opportunity to get started before Belle showed up and he didn't Just my opinion.

Christine said...

So Paula, there was a time before Paddy was born that Belle was off the nest for 2 hours? Were the eggs unprotected or was Lib there?

stronghunter said...

That is a nice thought, Lynne. Hidey was my first eaglet.

I first came on the blog right after Hidey blew out of the nest and everyone was worried about him/her.

BEagle said...

Some of the nests have a distance cam and a nest cam. That would be convenient to be able to zoom that cam around.

Christine said...

I agree Turtle. He/she seeemed almost confused as to why Paddy was buried.

paula eagleholic said...

Done, PA Lynn. Glad you joined us.

We can get a little chatty along with our observations, so if anyone is in need of any information, please just ask!

I have been trying to post daily summaries here on the blog of the visits, and I'm trying to find the best way to record those on the group as well.

Christine said...

Ok, so my new (joking) theory. The untruder is a young eagle with a head wound and is sort of "out of it"! He's hanging around Belle and Lib's next because he doesn't know where to go or what to do.

Lynne2 said...

OH LOOK! Another Lynn! Hi Pa Lynn! We have Hedgie who is Lynn, and Grannyblt who is Lynne, which is why I am Lynne 2 (we both have Es), and now you...Welcome!

T-dove, I was so shocked by the who scene, but I think I do remember that Belle was not in the nest and yelling for her to was totally horrible. And then the shock of amazment when Trudy set Paddy down.

Lynne2 said...

and relief!

stronghunter said...

Sounds possible, Christine.

Linda said...

Your memories of details amazes me. Shows me you guys have been doing this for quite a while and quite intently. Thanks for all the insight. I can see how easily you can get attached and hooked to these eagles. I surely did in a matter of a couple of weeks. I can't seem to get anything else done.

turtledove said...

Since the eagle population is doing so well, I question why this eagle needs to steal someone else's mate. Aren't there other eagles his age that he could court? Or is it that he wants a ready-made nest?

Linda said...

Maybe I should change my name to something else, since there are so many Lynn's on this thread!!

Leona said...

John added another picture of a juvie eagle. Man I did see that one.

Lynne2 said...

@Christine, yes, 2 hours. One of the eagles, can't remember which now...was incubating and got off. Stood next to the nest cup for the LONGEST time, moved around a bit and finally flew off. No other eagle seen at the time.

Lynne2 said...

Pa Lynn, we also have a PA Nana! She is really Diann. No need to change, we can keep it all straight!

paula eagleholic said...

March 25 Nest Activity thus far - 8:30pm

Belle and intruder were in the nest between 12:55am and 1:12am

Intruder was in nest alone for about 1 minute around 6:30 am

Intruder in nest alone for about 15 mins around the 1:30 time

Belle and Truder in nest, Bell 7.25-27, Truder until 7.29

Report from Heather - 3 eagles spotted near the nest this afternoon. Landowners living next to the nest report seeing Liberty and Belle yesterday perched above the nest.

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, Hidey was my first too and I hope it was her! This will be one of the mazillion questions I have for God when I finally get to Heaven.

stronghunter said...

I remember the comments about the two-hour period when the eggs were not tended, but I wasn't watching then.

Maybe they were distracted by the intruder.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I am confused. Where are John's pictures?

Lynne2 said...

T'dove, I guess eagles are just opportunistic. He just got lucky flying into this exact almost perfect habitat at the exact right time to create havoc.

hedgie said...

Scott....the YouTube that Leona posted a little while ago that was comparing the birds was what I was particularly referring to now, but found the same thing on others that were posted on the album and on other sites.

Sharon, glad that they got Sissy's meds adjusted. She needs max relief for at least the first 24 hrs.

Lynne2 said...

In the EM album Shirley. There is a folder of his pictures like there is one for Scott's pics.

Christine said...

Wow, I didn't know that. So this has probably been going on for a while.

Something else they mentioned today when I asked if Liberty may still be around. They said that some specialists claim that the eagles are more loyal to the nest than to eachother. I wish I could remember the words but something like ... "they say eagles mate for life, but others think it's the nest they're attached to and may eventually driven away from" If one eagle dies, no matter which, the other will stay with the same nest until they find a new mate.

Oy, am I making sense?

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lynne.

hedgie said...

PA-Lynn, several of us live quite close......Robyn and Wanda closest on this side of the river, Megan and Donnie in MD. Dana, Margy, Pam, me a little bit further but near.

paula eagleholic said...

I didn't have time to look at them until late last night, they are great pics.

Lolly said...

LOL Lynne! You are always making me snicker. Thank you! I will probably fall asleep tonight thinking of your toes.roflmbo

Welcome PA Lynn to the most wonderful blog ever. Some Momsters are close, however I am in Texas. Have been to the nest twice. This is my 4th season here. Love these eagles.

Just came in from outside. Had a wonderful dinner on the back patio. After dinner we sat and talked and enjoyed our wine. Very nice evening!

paula eagleholic said...

Makes sense to me, Christine. No one wants to leave home.

I got rid of that eagles mate for life idea a long time ago...

Robyn said...

Paula I wish we knew what time they saw Liberty in the tree, around 3pm intruder was in the nest then tree above Belle.

paula eagleholic said...

I can't believe you are mowing already!

Lolly said...

Christine, loved your pictures and so jealous of your experience today.

Heather, I am just thrilled to know you saw three eagles. Wow! So our Lib is still around. Bless him! The drama continues.

stronghunter said...

I think so, Christine. I also think that there is plenty we do not know about them.

Linda said...

Lolly, thank you!! That does sound wonderful to have dinner out on the porch with wine. It's 18 degrees here in northeastern PA, so we'll still have to wait a while for that.

Nice to know this is such a wonderful group. I do have trouble keeping up though!! It's fun, I must admit!

Lynne2 said...

speaking of toes again...anyone seen that ad for the dohicky you stick on the bottom of your tub that washes your feet? Interesting....

Lolly said...

Oh, yes Paula. Spring has sprung. The grass is coming along and so are the weeds. I am most excited about the trees! We are getting green leaves!!!

Lynne2 said...

Pictures Lolly.....we need pictures!

OMG...I was going to tell you about my babysitting misadventures the other night......

Lolly said...

Well, PA Lynn, it is not always this wild. There are lots of newbies and more commenting. This group is just fantastic. My hubby and I have been to WV twice to go to open house at NCTC in October. I have had the wonderful experience of meeting these fantastic folks. Love em!!!

Robyn said...

PA-Lynn where in the ne of pa, I use to camp out that way on the NY side and sometimes go down to the Roebling bridge that spans the Delaware River

Robyn said...

Kittatinny to be exact

Linda said...

Lynne2 - Do you mean that thing that you just rub the bottom of your feet on? My Mom got us one of those years ago and we had no clue what it was!! They do work pretty good because they're soft.

Christine said...

@Lynne2 -- LMBO, I want one of those foot washers!! I want to put it in my guest bath and see what people say when they visit!!

I gave my babysitting adventure earlier, what's yours?

Lynne2 said...

Well, I babysit my boss's kids at her mom's house...her mom Gail is one of my closest friends. Anyway the kids and I (who are just past 2 and almost 4) went out on the patio to blow bubbles because it was so pretty out. Mom Julie left to go to work and closed the sliding door behind her. About 15 minutes later, I went to go in and fix dinner. DOOR IS LOCKED.

Lynne2 said...

My purse, with my cell phone in it, was in the house. ALL the doors are locked. So I had to walk uphill about 100 yards to the nearest neighbor, and HOPE they were home....with 2 little kids.

Linda said...

Robyn, I'm in New Milford, PA about 30 minutes north of Scranton and 20 miles due south of Binghamton, NY. We've only been up here for three years, but we love it in the Endless Mountains here. Came from Sunny South Florida where the heat and humidity never give you a break!

People here think we are crazy for moving to the cold country, but we love it.

hedgie said...

Lynne, I know all about anal glands....and GB's odor wasn't them!!! I definitely know the difference unless their odor is different based on circumstances!!
Her fear smell was totally different than her anal gland smell!

Robyn said...

Binghamton, cornell university. I love it up there, camped out in Ithica and went to the east coast canyon up there, it was breathtaking. I don't recall the name

Linda said...

Christine, LMBO!! I love your guest bathroom idea!

Christine said...

Ok, what the heck did I miss??? How did we get to anal glands??????

Lynne2 said...

We finally got there (it's amazing how interesting EVERYTHING is to a child when you are in a hurry) and YAY they were home!

I called the vet office and told Gail what happened. She was ROFL ( I didn't see the humor at this point). She said she'd call her other neighbor who has a key to the house and to meet her back there.

Well, as luck would have it....the other good Dr Jeff, the daddy, got the kids dressed in the AM while Julie left for work. Typical man, he put the older girl's shoes on the younger girls feet. There were no extra shoes at Grammy's to change her into.

Sadly, as she was walking up to a cat to pet it at the neighbors, she lost a shoe and took a header into the porch step.

Linda said...

I know that area a little better. My husband was born and raised in Waverly, NY, which is up that way. He REALLY knows the area.

I hope we can visit the Finger Lakes this summer. I hear it's beautiful up there.

hedgie said...

As I said earlier today, I think the Dec. absence had to do with the tree work. With one limb cut off and other trimming that was done.....and maybe the scent of a human on the nest.....I think they were just too wary to settle in right away.

paula eagleholic said...

PA Lynn,

so you are north of Allentown?


I would like a time on that sighting too, but I have to accept the fact that he know what he's talking about...he said he hadn't seen the original male in a couple of days.

Robyn said...

OH yea and use to attempt to hunt in Port Jervis, NY

Lolly said...

It is beautiful there, PA Lynn. We are having fantstic weather right now, but it will be soooo horribly hot this summer. I am a gardener and I stuggle to keep things green. Yes, Florida is and humid!!

Lolly said...

Robyn, are you familiar with Port Jefferson?

paula eagleholic said...

Ooops, Robyn was talking about Kittatiny, Not PAL

Leona said...

I am glad three eagles where saw today. I am hoping one was Lib. Here's to better news tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Want to see new pics of Mai?
Heartbreaking one of her sitting on foster dad's lap----she wouldn't do that with me after she was about 10 weeks old :(

Foster mom says she's now very cuddly when she's worn out!

Lynne2 said...

Sydney passes out when she gets very scared or upset. She rarely does it any more compared to when she was very young. But on this particular day, in front of the neighbor, on his property, she passed out. UGH. And she really looks like she's dying when she does it. I could see the look of "here comes a lawsuit" horror on his face.

But she came around, and we made it back to the house in time to see the other neighbor running down the driveway at top speed. I figured maybe she couldn't wait for us so I checked the door thinking she had unlocked it. WRONG.

Robyn said...

At least he knew something was going on and there was 3 eagles so that is a good sign... I hope

hedgie said...

Iris, that's why I posted DON'T WATCH because I just KNEW it was going to happen...but Belle prevented it.

Christine said...

@Lynne2, aaawwww :( Is she ok?

Linda said...

I love how many different conversations we have going right now......foot washers, getting locked out, PA and NY, and oh yes, the eagles!!! What a group!

Linda said...

Oh wait, I forgot the anal glands!!

Christine said...

Can you imagine living there and watching tose eagles all the time from your back porch? I'd never leave home!

Lynne2 said...

Well, rather than think she had just abandoned us....I figured I'd wait. It was that or schlep the kids 100 yards down the hill and across the street to her house, or back up to the other guys.

She did come back in about 10 minutes....she ran away because she saw on of her dogs running in the woods where it shouldn't be. She let us in. All is well.....

Lolly said...

We have been to Finger Lakes area. Have a nephew and his wife who graduated from Chiropractic College up that way. Went to their graduation, then spent some time driving around the area, stayed at a b & b and did some wine tasting.

paula eagleholic said...

I'd never get anything done, Christine...actually, don't now, but I would get to see them in person!

hedgie said...

BEagle, just the lingering aftermath of bronchitis.....typical for me!!! Just took longer for the cough to settle in this time!

paula eagleholic said...

Geesh, Lynne, what an adventure in babysitting!

Robyn said...

Paula you have me confused... it happens easy these days...

PA-Lynn I moved to WV from NYC, we use to go upstate NY a lot starting as kids with the family on vacations then to Hunter Mt., my best friends dad built an A-Frame right outside Lake George, had a blast up there, here we were 2 17 yr olds getting to the house before her family so we would have several days to run around Lake George before everyone showed up.

Leona said...

The way everyone talks on here looks like I am the one who is father west.

Linda said...

I missed your post! Allentown is about 100 miles south and a little west of us. Not too far of a drive!

Lynne2 said...

But NOOOOO......Samantha, the oldest, wanted to stay in the yard and swing, and she wanted me to push her. She KNOWS how to swing herself BTW. But Syd had wet her pants, socks and shoes since she couldn't go potty and I had to go in and change her. In the middle of doing so I hear this blood curdling screaming...."MISS LYNNE MISS LYNNE COME HERE HURRY" and I about peed myself. I ran outside with flashes of broken noses and bleeding skull. And there she was, just sitting on the swing. I said WHAT"S WRONG?????? And she said just as sweet as could be...."can you please push me on the swing?"

Isn't that precious?

Christine said...

I love Lake George! We went up to Watkins Glen last year for a girls weekend and the race. The people who own Hazlitt Winery gave us their lake cabin for the weekend. Sooooo pretty

Linda said...

I've never been to Lake George, but my cousins who live NYC used to have their family reunions up there in the summer. I hear it is beautiful there as well.

I think they got kicked out and had to find another location!

Lolly said...

PA Lynn, you will fit in just fine here. LOL You made me snort!

Lynne, what an experience! Glad Mom thought it was funny. Can't believe the child passed out. That would be scary!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes you are further west. Have you watched the Sutton Center eagle cam?

I was confused...I'm good now :)

Mai lost a lot of her wrinkles!

Christine said...

Lynne2, I take it you're not babysitting them anymore??

paula eagleholic said...

PA Lynne,
I am in Emmitsburg, MD. I thought you were near Allentown before I saw your post.

Linda said...

Watkins Glen, too...........That is another place we want to visit this summer. Maybe it is in the Finger Lakes? My husband knows, but he's watchins some movie and thinks I am diligently working on income taxes!! Heee

Heather said...

Sorry, I just read your posts about the sighting, are you all referring to Earl's sighting? I believe he said it was yesterday morning.

Dumb question ... how can I add a picture icon like you all have? Want to add one of my girls at the nest today :)

Lynne2 said...

It was by far the WORST day of babysitting I have ever had with anyone ever.

BEagle said...

Funny. The BWE eagle can't get those chicks underneath her.

The Hornby is sitting on the nest.

Lolly said...

Leona, I am just south of Fort Worth. Where in OK are you?

stronghunter said...

Good grief, I went to look at John's pictures and you all wrote a book--well several short stories while I was gone.

Leona, we have one from Texas and a couple from California at least.

Christine said...

Paula, did you grow up in Emmitsburg?

Linda said...

How far are you from Allentown?

Robyn said...

Isn't it Christine, my friend had an 1969 red drop top mustang, we had just finished skating and 2 boys needed a ride home so she offered they were around our age, as she started pulling out she goes, "after we bury the bodies what shall we do" the boys turned white and didn't know what to do they asked to be dropped of right where we were lol.

Lynne2 said...

Christine, I will continue to babysit them....I love those kids! I've been babysitting them every Tuesday evening for over a year now. And I will forever more keep my cell phone in my pocket and not my purse in the future!

BEagle said...

The Hornby eagles have an egg.

Lynne2 said...

HEATHER....go to your profile, click edit profile, scroll down and you should see something about adding a picture

Christine said...

Too funny! I grew up in a very rural area (Fairfield, PA) and there were plenty of places to hide bodies ;-}

stronghunter said...

Heather, click on your name, go to "Edit Profile" and scan down until you find the place for your picture.

Lolly said...

Leona, hubby and I went to OK to the Sutton cam. Had a great time, saw many eagles.

Linda said...

I bet you got a lot of snow in Fairfield, too. Is that right by Lake Erie?

Lynne2 said...

Judie knows where to hide bodies....

paula eagleholic said...

I've been here 19 years...originally from Silver Spring, MD. My eldest son now lives in Cashtown.

PA Lynne,
I am about 2 1/2 hours or so from Allentown, southwest.

IrisF said...

Ah Ha Lynn, that's why you knew what I needed for mine. It has been a week today and I'm not close to over it. I'm on my third dose of antibiotic which really seems to have helped with lots , but not the cough. Still on MucinexDM - just 1 twice a day. At this rate I'll be coughing in September

stronghunter said...

Judie knows lots of things . . .

Christine said...

No, Fairfield is right by Emmitsburg (where Paula is from) and Gettysburg, but we did see our share of snow. Right on the MD/PA line.

Christine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

PA Lynne
Fairfield, PA is 10 minutes from me in Emmitsburg, MD

stronghunter said...

Not to worry, Judie is a professor who teaches police officers. She is perfectly safe.

And she is married to Darth.

Heather said...

Thank you, ladies. I'll give it a try.

Heather said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda said...

So I just figured I'm about four hours away from Shepherdstown. That is definitely do-able one of these days!!

hedgie said...

PA Lynn....we have someone who was visiting here who was from Binghamton...anyone remember who that was? Bet Margy will remember.
Anyway, my maternal grandfather had some kin who settled there when they came over from Scotland before moving on to Iowa.
And my maternal great-grandmother was born in Millville.

stronghunter said...

You did it, Heather.

hedgie said...

Lynne, what a day you had!!! Good grief---just glad that all ended well!

Leona said...

@Lolly I am going to see if my hubby would take me up there.

paula eagleholic said...

You did it, Heather!

Linda said...

Binghamton is only 20 minutes away from us!

magpie said...

You're kidding me! I made it to the end of the posts!

Welcome PA-Lynn and GrannieKay
Hope I got Grannie's moniker right, that was a few hundred posts back

Howdy Y'all ☺

Lynne2 said...

oh Iris, I feel your pain!
I think mine got so bad because I was on Pred for the initial sinus infection, and pred is an imunosuppressant.

Christine said...

Wow, we may have crossed paths at some point Paula. I was born at Holy Cross and lived in Wheaton when real young then moved to Fairfield when I was 10. Used to tend bar at the Palms in Emmitsburg and lived in an apartment above Paul's Pitt Stop for a while. Moved to Columbus, OH for 4 years then back to Germantown, MD until I moved here in 2005

stronghunter said...

Shepherdstown is a very nice town when you can find it. Kathryn and I have managed to find it twice now. But it was an adventure the first time. We keep ending up in the same neighborhood, though. But it is a small enough town that getting lost is not too bad.

hedgie said...

Oh, Leona...not quite! We have Jim, Andy and Anne Marie in California!!!! To the east, we have Chrissy in England and Geula in Israel! We are truly an international group! Iris went to England last spring and visited Chrissy!!!!

magpie said...

I have live feed going for one hour and 37 minutes

Whoo Hooo! And I thought I heard faint Eagle calling at about 10:45

Lolly said...

Great Heather! You have two cuties!

Heather said...

Yay, thanks!

Lolly said...

Well, Margy, I am still stopping at 14 minutes! Grrrrrr!

stronghunter said...

When were you in Columbus, Christine? We lived in that area for a number of years. Might have been before your time--1968-1980. We lived in Columbus and then in New Albany.

paula eagleholic said...

PA Lynne,
You are up there! I used to travel to Stroudsburg for work sometimes. It's pretty up there.

Linda said...

Thanks magpie!! I'm having a blast! Great group here.

magpie said...

chuckled at your comment about Coughing your Branins Out...

I was doing the exact same thing a couple of weeks back

Good Report that things went well for Sissy

Christine and Heather,
enjoyed your reorts very much !
Thank you !

Paula I Like your daily summary format

stronghunter said...

They are cuties, Heather.

paula eagleholic said...

Good for you Margy!

Heather, your girls are adorable!

magpie said...

I TOLD you all I saw Nu's picture....cutting those limbs at Yankauer
get this, he is not much bigger than I am !

Lolly said...

And, we have Delphia (Bird Girl) in Arizona.

Also, isn't a newbie in Idaho?

Christine said...

My live cam rarely stops. Lived in Columbus 1989-1993. Cool town. Used to go back and visit a lot, but not in the last 10 years I think.

IrisF said...

PA Lynn, I'm from near York, PA just a bit south of Harrisburg and if my memory were better I'd remember the name of the lady on here from Lancaster...just won't come to me, sorry

hedgie said...

LOL, Iris----personal experience, yes, plus the fact that I'm a nurse!!!

Lolly said...

Now Margy, he may not be taller but I bet he is bigger!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Wow Christine, I lived in Kensington until I was 5, then we moved to Silver Spring. Used to go to Wheaton all the time. Sounds like you know Eburg! My parents had a lot up in Fairfield, the area that used to be called Charnita.

Linda said...

Stroudsburg is southeast of us in the Poconos, but only by an hour or an hour and a half, I believe. I am still getting my bearings up here.

I think there is another Fairfield, PA on the extreme western end of PA as well. Funny!

paula eagleholic said...

PA Nana/Diann is from Lancaster.

magpie said...

when live feed is on blogging is tough, my letteres on last few posts were all ajumble !

Someone - is it Donka Marie, ? is not far from Binghamton...I think

Linda said...

Iris, you're not far either.

It's neat to connect geographically to see where we are all from.

magpie said...

funny, at work I was timing out at 14 or 15 mins...I can't believe this !

stronghunter said...

Where is Bird Girl?

Christine said...

You remember the name Charnita??? That's where our house was (carroll valley). Our house over looked the golf course on the Ski Liberty side. And yes, I know Emmitsburg well............too well!! I'm sure we know a lot of the same people.

Lolly said...

Leona, I emailed Sutton before going there. They were very nice and replied. Told me where to find the nest. Have not been to the new nest in OK.

hedgie said...

Heather, you have two cuties!!

Margy, you made it!!! You sure had a busy day....whew!!!

Looks now like we are going to be spared the worst of the snow-----only about an inch. Shirley, looks like you will get the most. 2 1/2" predicted.

Linda said...

Well I have thoroughly enjoyed talking with you tonight!! Look forward to more chat in the future as well. Hopefully I will get some work done tomorrow!

Thank you for welcoming me so warmly. I'm off to take a nice hot shower and then to bed!!

Night all!

magpie said...

much more muscular for sure Lolly ☺

Robyn said...

Stroudsburg, isn't that where the train is that you can ride?

stronghunter said...

Someone mentioned Lake George. I spent a summer at Silver Bay. It was beautiful.

magpie said...

forget it Pa-Lynn - you won't get ANY work done Saturday! ☺ Good Night

paula eagleholic said...

This picture is too pretty to not share

Eagles in Britsh Columbia

Linda said...

What train and to where?

Christine said...

Ok, I'm still trying to figure out what the anal gland conversation was! My dog's snoring reminded me...

Robyn said...

Stroudsburg, Pa. I remember as a kid my folks took my brother and I to pa for a few days and we rode the train in Stroudsburg I was just verifying as i could be wrong of the name.

I am sure when my mom reads the blog tomorrow she will call and let me know lol

Lolly said...

Good night, PA Lynn! Nice meeting you!

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lordy, Lynn. The last time I looked, it said you all wouldn't get any and we would get an inch. But earlier they thought we might get as much as five inches.

Five inches would play havoc with all of the blooming trees, I'm afraid.

Lynne2 said...

Hey Margy...was thinking of you earlier. Found some tiny flowers growing in the yard at work. They are BLUE, very blue. The longish slender leaves are at ground and they have a single stem for each flower that comes up out of the middle. The flowers are bent at the head so they drop down. Not sure if due to frost this morning or if this is how they really grow. They have 6 (i think) petals but they sort of look closes up a bit, like a tulip. Haven't checked the books yet....

magpie said...

sure was nice to see Jewels today here Lynn, but only one post !

Wonder how Family Friday Fun went for Wanda tonight

cannot open any other links tonight, maybe Saturday, and I will check out Mai's pics

stronghunter said...

Great picture, Paula.

Lynne2 said...

Christine, Lynn mentioned way way back about a "smell" from a frightened dog, and I thought it could be from anal glands.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, this article fits right in with what is happening at our nest. Click on the pic to see it larger. The eagle on the left is the 4 yo. Look familiar?

Eagle Battle

Robyn said...

Night Pa-Lynn, glad you joined us

stronghunter said...

Maybe I should take some pictures of the blooming trees while I can.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Pa-Lynn.

hedgie said...

Yep, I think it was Donka Marie, Margy. Knew you would know!!!

magpie said...

hmmmm Lynne2 - too early for Bellflowers that's what comes to mind...will have to do some searching

I'm going out to find Coltsfoot this week-end !!

stronghunter said...

We will be splitting again soon. Poor Steve is going to wonder what is going on here.

Linda said...

Thanks again and Good Night! :)

paula eagleholic said...

My Dad wanted to build a house in the mountains. My Mom wanted the beach. We could only ID the lot by the "dump" that was on it. Couldn't build at that time on the lot. Finally sold the lot. They bought the beach house :)

hedgie said...

Heading for the tub. Will check back before I turn in.
CHEAT SHEET will be produced tomorrow!!!! I promise!

stronghunter said...

Another good picture, Paula.

Christine said...

@Paula, that pictures brings images I don't want to think about with Liberty! :(

Ok, I'm pooped. Talk to y'all tomorrow!

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, PA Lynn!

Lolly said...

Great pictures, Paula. Loved the one of the juvie with the line up of adults. LOL Reminded me of a picture of Jacob. He was in a school program. The kids were in a straight line singing. Jacob turned his back to the audience.
Which one in this line is different? LOL

stronghunter said...

Good night, Christine.

magpie said...

the dog bite to officer's foot did not break skin, but he went home early anyway today

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1/8/25 PM

  4:21 PM he comes in the nest with a nice load of bedding  4:21 PM. he leaves  4:25 PM. He comes to the nest with a load of bedding. He pic...