Friday, March 18, 2011


New thread. Things are still playing out.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Steve. Dana saw Liberty so at least we know he is okay! God Bless Dana's heart!!!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Steve! Nature may be cruel but we just had some good news from Dana!

Thanks for the call over Schicke!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Steve! Hard to watch for sure, impossible not to.

bev. said...

I am going to put the cam up now that I am home.

My heart i sin my throat.

Bless you Dana.

floralgirl said...

Okay, I really need to get back to work, but anyway, the intruder eagle and Liberty are still out of sight. This is why we have not seen him for two days, she will not let him get near the nest. When he tried to approach it, she left the nest tree where she was perched and went right after him. Dana said she was right on his heels, and he was flying very fast. So she sits in the tree above Belle and when lib tries to get there, she goes after him. Hopefully Lib can help wear her out. If I hear back from Dana I'll post from my phone. Just be glad we know both our adult eagles are still alive, and putting up a fight to defend their territory.
And thank Dana, cause she went the extra mile to be the eyes for us!

Lolly said...

Yes, Dana is the hero for the day. Anyone in contact with those going to dinner so that they know about Lib? I could text Lynn.

bev. said...

Could this larger eagle be a juvenille. remember they are at their biggest when they are juveniles and loose size when they are full adults. Maybe a 3rd or 4th year ???

Belle watching

Lynne2 said...

thanks for relaying the info from Dana, Megan!

floralgirl said...

I called Jo and left her a message!

Lynne2 said...

They don't get the white head til 5 years of age Bev. That would be long after they LOOK bigger than the adults due to the longer feathers they have as young juvies.

floralgirl said...

Oh, and Dana says it definitely looks like a young eagle, has spots on head like we saw in the videos and pics from yesterday

floralgirl said...

And it is a very large eagle. Seriously, I'm leaving...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just called Lynn and told her the news. They hadn't heard yet.

Red said...

Lynn2, the two updates I see have todays dates on them. Did they put the wrong dates yesterday?

Lynne2 said...

No Red, both of those things went on yesterday.

Lynne2 said...

I'm so tickled that the Momster Dinner will be a much lighter, happier one now given this new news!

Red said...

I'm sorry for the bad information on the updates but since they had todays dates I figured they went up today.
Good news about Liberty being still around.

Lolly said...

Oh, yes! They are feeling much better at the dinner though still very emotional and wrung out.

Liz said...

I've been watching for 2 days, this is my first comment. TY Dana for being our eyes at ground zero.

Lynne2 said...

welcome Liz! Hope you come on often!

Red said...

Is that a damaged feather on Belle's back?

Lolly said...

Hi Liz! This is a wonderful group! We have been watching this pair for many years. They are family to us and everyone on this blog is family.

Lolly said...

She has a white feather blowing in the breeze on her back.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello Liz! Welcome!

Red said...

The white feather is what I was asking about.

Lolly said...

Hi Sharon! I like your picture as your avatar. Maybe we should all do that, at least for a while.

Liz said...

Red, I saw Belle scratch that area an hour or two ago, like it was a flea, maybe she ruffled that feather.

Red said...

Has that feather always been there or is it new?

Lolly said...

It just looks like a very small, feathery feather. Nothing serious.

Lolly said...

It is new.

paula eagleholic said...

That explains why it is quiet at the nest right now.

bev. said...

Good to know Dana thinks it is a juvenile.
Maybe Liberty and Belles experience will win over.
As for the egg, remember last year. Never say never, but would not want to see another hatch right now.

Lolly said...

I thought that an interesting comment where they thought PJ was the second egg. Paula, did you have an opinion on that?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We need one lousy fish in that nest, just one fish. Doesn't seem like too much to ask for!!

sandyshaw said...

Hurray for brave Dana! I admire her courage and initiative. A toast to Dana!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think we need to see each other's faces to see the love!

Red said...

Here's mine. ha ha

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello Red!! :)

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, if you go back on the old thread but not too far, JudyB has kept records of lots and lots of hatchings and how long they took etc.

I think there is a good possibility that Joy is the second egg. I posted earlier that we'll never know for sure unless that second egg hatches.

Red said...

Hi Sharon! And everyone.

Lolly said...

Hi Red! I like that! Hey maybe we should really start this while the others are away. Something to distract us! We need it!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Mine is the mug in the middle!!

Liz said...

Let's see if my amarillus shows....

paula eagleholic said...

I think Joy is probably the second egg.

Heading to John's

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Tried to change it, did it take?

PammySue said...

Hey guys. I only have a second. I did a super quick scan, and I hope what I am getting is right.
Dana was allowed on the NCTC property?? Yay! And she saw Lib with her own eyes? Double Yay!

I'm in trouble for being on here, so better go. I will have to come back later and read thoroughly.

Whoo hoo!

paula eagleholic said...

The intruder looked like a juvenile when we saw it in the nest...and from Randy's report as well.

Later, love ya'll....eagle love and hugs!

Lynne2 said...

OK, here I am, I think

Lynne2 said...

oh yes, aren't we all beautiful!

Lynne2 said...

I'm sure they are having fun at dinner but WOW, not as much fun as I am here....I have just drowned TWENTY FIVE STINKBUGS!!!! :P

Lolly said...

Hee Hee! This should scare ya!

Lynne2 said...

Lovely Lolly!

Red said...

Ok. Wife is on her way home from work. I need to get prepared to go out for dinner. We go out every Friday.
Hope everything is better when we return.

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, you are having fun, Lynn! Just wait till they return, they will be so jealous!

Liz said...

What is Belle doing? Is she rotating the egg? I haven't seen her rotate once all day.

Lolly said...

Whoops! Sorry, Lynne. LOL Left off the "e".

Belle calling out again, wonder if Trudy is back?

Have to leave now. Going to reheat ribs and left over Bacon Pasta for dinner. Laurel and the boys were going to leave this afternoon but the traffic was too bad in Ft. Worth. So, they stayed and are leaving after dinner. Ha, the get left overs!


bev. said...

how do I post my picture???
Been trying without much luck
do I hear the young one peeping

A few soft squeals from Belle

Liz said...

Whatever she is doing, she's still doing it, like she's poking at the chick. Can't see.

Liz said...

I just got a peek at egg and chick, chick looked alert. Belle is like straddling the nest cup.

bev. said...

Saw the chick and it appears to be o.K.

Genie said...

Can someone tell me how to put my picture on?

Liz said...

Belle just swaddled down on nest cup.

floralgirl said...

Dana was in a spot on the road where she could clearly see the nest.

Liz said...

Yes, Flora, I read all of your wonderful postings from Dana. I appreciate her efforts at ground zero.

Liz said...

Belle is aerating the nest cup now, or is she eating the trigs?

Lynne2 said...

Genie, click on your name and that will take you to your profile. On there, scroll down to your current picture, click remove. Then options will come up for you to get one from the web or your computer!

bev. said...

Belle appears to be watching out at 11.
she is up a bit now and pulling at nest materials at 3 . chick is moving .
Belle shuggling down on top and now facing 4(getting ready for night)

Lynne2 said...

Looks like she is rearranging "flugg" which is the Momster name for "fluff" (we have an extensive Momster vocabulary due to typos on here!) I learned from the NBG site that they do that to, as you said, aerate the cup, and also to make it softer from constanty getting packed down. AND to build up the sides of the cup as well.

Lynne2 said...

Have a nice dinner with the Mrs Red!

Lynne2 said...

yeah Bev., it's gonna be dark soon. Another long night waiting to see what tomorrow brings. But I do feel so much better knowing our Lib is still with us!

Harbinger said...

She looks like she's settling in for the night. I hope she can get some rest.

Lynne2 said...

Hi Harbingerdc, nice to see ya again. Yep, time for tucking in~

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Sure would be a great birthday present to wake up to a nest full of fish in the morning!!

Lynne2 said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

OMG! The intruder is back!!

Harbinger said...

Trudy is back!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I wish really bad things on that bird!!

floralgirl said...


Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Seems like Lib would swoop in on them!!

bev. said...

Who is in the nest. Oh man , it is the intruder

could see the dark on the head. I was hoping liberty with a wound on the head.
Belle is protecting her chick.
other eagle sitting at 5 and is out.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

She flew away! OMG! This is just too much!

Liz said...

Intruder was in nest for a long minute, Belle tried to flap her out of there, but intruder stayed. I saw 3 blood spots or dark feathers on her white head. Intruder looks bigger than Belle.

floralgirl said...

From what Dana was saying, every time Lib attempts to fly towards the nest trudy chases him far away. So I guess she knows he is not nearby.

Harbinger said...

I wonder if Lib drew her away?

floralgirl said...

Dana said Trudy looked very large.

Genie said...

I had to step away and missed the drama there. That is Belle on nest now, right??

floralgirl said...

Yes, that is Belle on the nest now.

Genie said...

And thanks to Lynn2 for info on putting picture on profile.

FuzzleMT said...

Don't forget it looks larger because it's a juvie and their feathers are longer and being closer to the camera also. One thing I noticed is Trudy had her back to Belle so she is not confronting Belle in attack mode - it's kinda like "can I move in here and you leave? Please?" Did anyone notice the black feathers interspersed in the tail feathers also!!

IrisF said...

posted on the Wrong thread...missed the new alert.

IrisF said...
Yikes, Trudy was just in the nest with Belle...Belle defended without compromising the chick and egg, but the nerve of that Trudy!!!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011 7:27:00 PM

IrisF said...
Thanks to Dana, we know that Lib is OK, what a relief that is!!!! I've been unable to get anything done today, have stayed on the cam and blog the whole bloomin' day.

bev. said...

Like I say, thank goodness this is a juvenile.

An adult would have attacked Belle by now.

I tired to put my picutre in here . what size should it be. It is in my profile

JudyB said...

I'm back to wondering if the intruder is male. She/he looks huge - but I can't think of one reason why a female intruder wouldn't have attacked Belle when she turned back to the nestbowl with the intruder still on the nest.

And like Harbingerdc, I'm wondering if Lib approached the nest to draw the intruder off.

If the intruder is male, I rather wish he'd demonstrate his potential as a mate by delivering a fish. Once he's done that, they can return to the business of running him out of their territory - but it would be nice if someone would bring a fish.

Donnie said...

now it's raining on her!
No breaks anywhere!

bev. said...

My picutre is there finally. Should I make it bigger. me and my 2 cockers.

Back to Belle. she immediately turned to protect the youngster. what a mom.

Maybe the juvenille is looking for food. Smart not to bring it to the nest. (eagles are hungry this year in some areas)

Not sure what I hear knocking.or is it rain and that is why Belle was bringing the straw all around the babe. if it is , maybe the intruder will move along.

Donnie said...

It's rain Bev, I'm really close to the nest and it's really pouring right now

floralgirl said...

Yes, it's raining there now, just s few showers passing by us, it looks like. Scattered showers will affect portions of north-central Maryland...eastern West Virginia and northern Virginia through 8 PM. Rainfall amounts will be light. Temperatures will fall into the 50s along the ridges and into the 60s and lower 70s in the valleys.

IrisF said...

The intruder definitely had dark feathers in with the white on the tail feathers, but not many...probably a 4 year old but since she/he was closer to the camera it looked bigger. Belle only had to act aggressive and Trudy left, but Lib could have had a part in that too.

Lynne2 said...

aw Bev., I have a cocker too! Her pics on on my blog...would be in Dec 2010.

Good, you got your picture on Genie!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am at a meeting now. I will check back in after 9. Love you guys.

Lynne2 said...

and Iris! Love seeing faces to go with names!

Lynne2 said...

Love you too Shar!

bev. said...

the rain may be a good thing as it might make the intruder move on.

Juvenilles , on the whole , are not usually a threat. that is why I am thinking it was looking for food. but if male its instinct would be to chase another male.

Let us hope for a better tomorrow.

I have to go for supper but will check in later

god bless everyone here, and our eagle pair and their youngster .

Lynne2 said...

FuzMa, good points. Maybe as a juvie she is too inexperienced to understand what she SHOULD be doing in takeover try.

Lynne2 said...

oh, and my cocker is mostly black with some white too!

IrisF said...

I love seeing everyone's picture again! Momster's ROCK!!!!

bev. said...

We got these two from a cocker rescue on Vancouver Island. Lynne2 they originated in California. We had a tan one before he passed.

Out for supper now.

IrisF said...

Lynne2 thanks for giving Genie the how-to change our pictures...I had forgotten how. It's been awhile.

Genie said...

I love seeing everyone's picture, too. And thanks again, Lynn2, for telling me how to do it. Now all I need to be totally content is to see a big ol fish in that nest

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well ladies and gents, I have sat in this chair for 13 hours today and I am getting up now. Had to make up some time for Wednesday when I had my EGD done. Plus, I have been totally unable to leave this computer. I am going to find a mindless show in TV and crash. Holler if anything happens. I will have my handy-dandy BlackBerry with me!! Love and hugs for the night. See you in the morning light!

Harbinger said...

OK. I think I changed my picture.

grannyblt said...

Hope the drama resolves itself soon.
I only have about 4 pictures of myself on this computer, none less than 5 years old, so just add more wrinkles and gray hair.

Lynne2 said...

Good night Beverly!

Your welcome Iris!

oh bev. I had a tan one too! Boomer! Please post some pics of yours!

Lynne2 said...

Hey Harbingerde and Lynne1 great pics!

floralgirl said...

The peepers are very loud on cam tonight. Still around 64° here and at the nest

IrisF said...

grannyblt - we don't count grey hair or wrinkles on this no problem!!! ;)

IrisF said...

Thanks Megan, good to know it's still warm there - even with the rain

Lynne2 said...

LOL LOL LOL are too funny with that picture!!

floralgirl said...

:) Lynn... can't you tell it's me?
The heaviest patch of rain just passed by the nest, may be some more showers later, but it looks like a lot of it will go under us.

Lolly said...

Alright, Megan!!!! That is not fair!

Iris love seeing your picture!

Lolly said...

Dinner is over, Laurel and the boys have departed, and now I can collapse and spend the evening right here.

I imagine the ladies will be returning soon and we can hear all about the fun.

Can not believe Trudy was back. I am getting very upset with that bird!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Hey, I like having faces on here! Good to see all of you!

You know, I am wondering if "Trudy" is a juvie/almost adult from a previous year, who mistakenly thinks this still could be home! I'm probably just half-crazy from being on the computer doing homework all day, but is it possible?

Lolly said...

Ha, I did not have a picture of me by myself. Had to cut Jack out! Shhhh, do not tell him.

IrisF said...

I wish I knew what it would take to discourage her permanently!!! - Don't mean that the way it sounds Steve...just want her/him gone from NCTC and a certain Sycamore tree!

Ms Bookworm said...

Megan, I LOVE that picture of you! Those peonies are gorgeous!

BEagle said...

Hello Trudy Fans NOT! ZILCH! NaDA!

Just kidding.
Liberty and Belle are holding their ground.

BEagle said...

They are a team aren't they?

BEagle said...

And they are a very powerful team.

Lolly said...

We were talking about that during dinner, Andy. I think there is a possibility of it being an eagle from previous eaglets.

Ms Bookworm said...

...Those are peonies, right? My eyes don't want to focus too well--computer eyeball syndrome, or whatever it's called.LOL :oD

Lolly said...

Yes, we might loose PJand it would be devastating but it would really be hard to loose Lib and Belle.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, those are peonies.

Ms Bookworm said...

Gosh, Lolly!
Are we on the same page? Thought I might be crazy to think so, but maybe that's why "Trudy" isn't totally attacking Belle.

Lolly said...

They really are beautiful, Megan. Looked at them closely and saw your eyes! LOL Recognize you anywhere!☺

BEagle said...

Little Paddy is learning what he/she might have to do one day.

IrisF said...

Good to see your picture too Lolly, promise, I won't tell on you~

Megan you are too funny - Reminds me of the Tool Guy's neighbor - always behind the fence...

BEagle said...

I was thinking the other day that it is probably one of Belle's offspring.
She will have to scoot along. Her help is not needed.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, hate to, but have to go for a while. We are babysitting Sis-in-law's bulldogs this weekend, and haven't had dinner yet, either. Will be back sometime later tonight. Can't wait to hear about the Momsters' meeting!

Lolly said...

Hello BEagle, time to change your picture!

No, we definitely are NOT Trudy fans!

BEagle said...

Bye Trudy!

BEagle said...

I don't want you to keel over !!!!

Lolly said...

Talk with you later, Andy.

IrisF said...

hmmm Lolly and Ms Bookworm, that could be why Belle hasn't taken out Trudy... Because a nesting female can be ferocious(sp.)

BEagle said...

That ferocious female is slightly bigger than Belle, at least it looked like it to me.

The bigger they are the harder they fall. She just needs to go on and mind her own business.

NatureNut said...

YAY, Dana!! Read back on last thread & most of this. I guess Dana went to Rumsey.Haven't seen her post. Wonder how she got in NCTC?
Had to go to store after work, & need to get coffee & din-din. I have some leftover lobster dinner from last night.
I'm wondering now from what Dana said if Randy's account from last night was that Lib was in tree or intruder??? I wish a young man eagle would come by & tickle her fancy! BE GONE!!! Hope the Rumsey Momsters drink to that!!!!
BBSoon, But the Spirit is with you!!! ☺

BEagle said...

Glo....Thank you so much for sharing those verses from Numbers. Those are my most favorite verses, found from working on "peace."

BEagle said...

Well, actually found them before when I was working on "His face."

Lolly said...

Yes, we are there in spirit!! I think it was the intruder in the tree last night. I think Lib would have come to the nest before going up in the tree. Guess we will never know.

Lolly said...

I think Dana was possible out on the road and not on the NCTC grounds.

NatureNut said...

P.S. Just thought with Judie's superior "criminal" mind, she and Darth should lead a "fishing" party you know where!!!!
Maybe I could make a sign for the guard shack--Admittance-One Fish!Surely someone could throw them up the hill!!!

NatureNut said...

Lolly, you're probably right--Dana could see from the road!
Gotta eat~~~~

sunny said...

Trudy isn't Spunky, is she?

Lolly said...

That could possibly be the right age. I came on the blog after Spunky.

IrisF said...

Spunky would be 5 years old now, so she should have all white head and tail feathers...JMHO from 2006clutch, right?

sunny said...

Yes, Spunky was 2006 - our first love!

stronghunter said...

I have been reading comments. I have to head upstairs. I am tired again tonight.

Lolly said...

Nite Shirley! See you tomorrow!

Lynne2 said...

Looweeda and BEagle, where are your pictures girls???

Lynne2 said...

and Shirley!

BEagle said...

I'll have to see if my son can help me with a pic on my avatar.

IrisF said...

Sorry, had to reboot -

BEagle said...

I was trying to catch up on the posts and now my eyes are weary.

I thought it was interesting about the dirty bird post. I actually thought that was blood from Belle pecking at it's head. Little do I know.

IrisF said...

Spunky, Big Boy and Ms. In-Between - What a year for eagles! We didn't know how good we had it did we? They were definitely our first loves!

BEagle said...

Belle is tending to Paddy and egg.

IrisF said...

They looked like peck marks to me too BEagle... or Talon marks but the darker feathers on the tail were what finally convinced me it was an older juvenile.

Lolly said...

Yes, I see her moving around. She has not tucked tonight like she did last night.

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, the nest suddenly got brighter and is lasting longer than usual. Think some of the gang have gone to the nest and shining there headlights up? LOL

BEagle said...

Thanks Iris. I hadn't got a good look at the intruder long enough.

I wonder if the other egg hatched.

floralgirl said...

Still pretty cloudy here, the moon is trying to peek out. Full tomorrow night, the worm moon. And sure enough, it's warm tonight and the nightcrawlers are all over the ground here. Also there is a peeper frog on my door

Donnie said...

this is the moon tonight. Really bright out there right now

BEagle said...

The fullness of the full moon is tomorrow night.

stronghunter said...

Well, I am back! Kathryn and Hunter just got home.

Lynne2 said...

I changed my picture. something more recent.

Not only is it the full worm moon, it's super moon!

Lolly said...

I guess it gets brighter when clouds move away from blocking the moon. I have seen it get suddenly brighter several times.

Diane said...

OMG!! I almost didn't want to check again today...too sad. But am so glad I did! This is exactly what I was thinking, that Liberty was just laying low, knowing he needed to survive. As sad as it would be if the chick doesn't make it, at least these two wonderful adults are alive and can go on.

A great, BIG hug for you, Dana!!

Lolly said...

Good picture, Lynne! Though the other picture was good, too!

Donnie said...

I cant hear the peeper frogs in the canal yet.

Lolly said...

Yes, Diane, we are all relieved that Lib was seen. Now to get rid of Trudy the Intruder and get on with feed PJ!

Lynne2 said...

Hi Diane, glad you checked in too!

We decided to all put our real pics on so we could put faces to names during this time so if you want to, please do!

BEagle said...

Whatsa worm moon?

stronghunter said...

Got Kathryn to take my picture.

Lynne2 said...

Donnie, we have them here in full song!

and speaking of Peepers....MEGAN, are you here? Are the pics of the frogs on Facebook Peeper Frogs??

stronghunter said...

Lots of peepers here, too.

Lynne2 said...

oh good Shirely!

BEagle, every full moon has a name, or even several, from folklore, Farmers Almanac, or native americans, etc. Megan (FLoralgirl) keeps us posted on what each months full moon is and this month is the Worm Moon. Named as such because this is traditionally the month that earthworms begin to be coming active as the ground thaws, and in time for the arrival of the flocks of robins.

PA Nana said...

Good evening. Been following the blog off and on since Wednesday.
Glad to hear that Lib is in the vicinity. Hooray for Dana for putting our stress in check.

See that there are some newbies and oldies -hi and welcome. I'm not good with names so forgive me if I don't address you individually. Maybe I'll get better with the pictures. I remember some of you that I met at the June nest visit. Hope to make that trip again someday soon.

Wish I lived closer so I could be with you all. I'm always with you in spirit.

Lynne2 that's a great idea for pictures, but I don't allow pix of me so I don't have one.

It's getting late so I'll say goodnight and God bless!

Lolly said...

Yea, Shirley! Like your picture. I thought you were headed upstairs! Can not stay away, huh?

IrisF said...

I have to admit, I have the worst time remembering people's "real" names when I can't see their's old age I guess!!!

Lynne2 said...

well now Diann, I have some pics of you from the nest visit and I'll just use your picture as my own if you don't cooperate!!! Oh, come on, you are beautiful and we love you!

stronghunter said...

I was about to go upstairs when Kathryn and Hunter got home. I wanted to spend some time with Kathryn.

Hunter has gone to play his X-Box 360--a reward for getting up and downstairs on time this morning.

Lynne2 said...

Iris, it does help to see the real faces!

Hey New Bloggers and Infrequent Bloggers....we ALL use or have used "cheat sheets" especially at first so we could remember real names and things about the other bloggers! I still have to make notes sometimes!

Lolly said...

LOL Lynne! You did a typo that I do all the time! You typed "Shirely". Glad I am in such fine company as I am always having to think when I type her name.

stronghunter said...

He gets time with the game system as a reward. It was a Christmas gift.

Lynne2 said...

How's Luna Shirley?

stronghunter said...

Just don't type a "t" where the "r" goes. I have to be careful about that.

Lolly said...

Oh, I still am lost with names! But, everyone can remember me!

stronghunter said...

Luna had a check-up yesterday. She is doing well. Medications have been decreased.

Lolly said...

Well, 'Shirely", I certainly have not had that problem. Thank goodness! But can see where the r and t can get mixed up.

IrisF said...

I never thought of a "cheat sheet" - that would help for sure!
Anyone have one they are willing to share?

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...