Tuesday, February 22, 2011


post snow thread.


paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread, and getting the sound back on.

Our eagles have weathered the storm quite nicely ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Going to post these two videos together. Here's K82 from the TH nest

TH 2nd egg?

K82 get the egg back in the bowl

hedgie said...

Thanks for the call-over, Paula.

Up to 20° here now. Started shoveling---small deck almost done. Snow is h-e-a-v-y, so can't do much at a time.

paula eagleholic said...

BWE has a bird for breakfast....pretty colorful, if you get my drift.

paula eagleholic said...

And 2 eggies definitely spotted at TH this morning

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the call over Paula and I don't think I will view BWE yet. I am just getting some breakfast myself.
I had 2 snow blowers going full blast this early morning - one in the driveway and one on the deck.

Thanks for the pic and new thread Steve

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, that is just awful news about the 2 American couples.

Mema Jo said...

I had the News flash but guess I need to watch TV as it was more or less just a statement and I don't know much about it. I say - Blow them out of the waters!!!

hedgie said...

3 pileateds swooping and diving in a game of chase out back! Have never seen that before!

Judie said...

Good snowy morning all.

Sad about the hijacked couples. Sure would like a few minutes alone with the pirates.

Got lucky with the snow. Enough to cover but streets are clear which is good. Those who have to shovel, take it slow and easy, please.

About to leave for the school house so will catch up later this afternoon.

Lynn, will need to Google Bishop. Not familiar with the case so should be interesting. May record it for future use.


Mema Jo said...

Four Americans taken hostage by Somali pirates off East Africa were shot and killed by their captors Monday, the U.S. military said, the first time that sea bandits have killed U.S. hostages.

I say make it be the last

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Paula for the 2nd video of K82
I held my breath until that 2nd egg successfully slid down into the deep
egg well.

magpie said...

Good Post-Snow Morning Everyone

thank you for posting those videos, just finished watching them both

Thanks for your wishes that I could sleep all night and not get called in....that worked !

magpie said...

sounds like some great Pileated watching

I got kids and dogs running around outside out back having a blast...
little terrier-chihuahua size male trying his best to woo boxer -size female
too funny! He is waaaay too short for her !

magpie said...

I am very sorry to read of the slaughter of the Americans by the Somali pirates.....

I agree Jo
this must not happen ever again
prayers for the victims and their families, I hope the end was very swift

magpie said...

Am I seeing three chicks at BWE
surely see two !

magpie said...

Ok Ok Ok - now I see the 3rd egg is still there

sorry, my eye, you know and the little fluff balls

magpie said...

birdie chow for the two bobbleheads

magpie said...

and the parent is having some of it also I see

paula eagleholic said...

Eatin time at BWE

Fish crows at BWO

magpie said...

got lots to do today

Best wishes for all good things,
Prayers for Luna....for a good outcome at the eye doctor's

and prayers for all good things for all of us also

Nice to read the Jo, Lynn, and Megan all had some kind snow-removal efforts given their way


hedgie said...

I still don't have any sound....:(

magpie said...

beautiful sky at BWO

that is some wing on that bird...at BWE..wonder what it was

paula eagleholic said...

I agree JO...think they got a couple and captured the rest....and then they found out they had killed some of their own.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like a seagull at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe refresh, Lynn. Haven't really heard anything today but the wind...looks rather still there at the moment

magpie said...

I can't even get live feed to open so I definitely don't have sound

need to do a restart I guess

floralgirl said...

Yes, try refreshing your cam. I hear birds singing right now.It's 25° here now with a slight breeze. And beautiful warm sunshine.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning to all in eagle land.

Sad day for the families of the couple the pirates killed.

Sidney eagle I hope will heal.

TH glad she got that egg in the egg cup Thanks Paula

Great names for the bears..Jason has done so much.

Lynne2 sorry you are still sick. I really thought you would be on your way to getting better with the meds. Prayers you respond
to those med and get better.

Prayres for Suzi, Kath and Shirley and that the doctors can help Luna.

Paula thank you for posting the video of TH laying the egg outside the egg cup. Oh my that was terrible. She acted like she
was in so much pain and exhausted. Then taking 2 hrs to get the egg in the cup.
What dedation this eagle Mom had.

Lori prayers for Kat and the esults of MRI.

Prayers for the new eye doctor for Luna in Fairfax. Lord be with Kathryn and Luna. Shirley
did I get that right Luna IS GOING TO FAIRFAX?

Wanda with this snow I am sure you will have plenty of people for the Soup Kitchen. Prayers the roads aren't too bad in town so you can get to GG's.

Hedgie-Lynn I am laughing at Mai opening her mouth with her head up for the snow lol

I know Megan worked some in the night probably getting snow off greenhouse.

hedgie said...

Margy...Carolyn did NOT have a good night. Went to work with a migraine....on the way she got coffee at Sheetz----spilled it in her lap and burned her legs, and stained her new sneakers with it.
Charlie couldn't get truck door closed at Sheetz.....3 strikes....:(

Megan, how come the plow person didn't do your whole lane?

Sad about the pirate victims. Where was our Navy? They've successfully thwarted those thugs before it got so bad before.

Judie, you looked up the Bishop case once before when I asked if you knew about it!

wvgal_dana said...

Megan the dogs were barking on the live feed earlier. ( : Love Sound!

floralgirl said...

Well, the guy who plowed this morning was not our usual neighbor who plows for the development. And they aren't obligated to do the whole lane, just to a certain spot. But this fool decided to pull up his plow and then continue to drive up my lane in his big truck and turn around, rather than back down the lane. And so he packed the snow down big time up here and it is a real pain to shovel now.

floralgirl said...

Eagle just flew in, perched on back of nest.

hedgie said...

Belle off, Lib taking over. Pretty eggs---dry, no snow in cup.

floralgirl said...

Guess that was Belle that just flew out, egg roll and wiggle onto the eggs.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, there were 3-4 ships tailing the hijacked American boat. Word from pirates was they would kill them immediately if they tried anything. Looks like they decided to anyhow.

hedgie said...

Too bad, Megan......

wvgal_dana said...

Well Megan I thought he was doing a favor but packing it down. Where you have to do "hard shovel" was NO FAVOR....SORRY gal :(

Mema Jo said...

I have sound on my live feed - just can hear the wind right now...

magpie said...

Yeah I kind of thought it was a positive favor too Megan...

Lynn - sorry to hear of Carolyn's lousy night...hope tonight will be much better
I'll do my best to be encouraging and cheerful ! Hope the hot coffee burns are OK now and also the migraine

refresh did not bring me live feed so am going to just go ahead and shut down and head outta here for awhile, need to clean off car and so and so forth

xo ttfn ☺ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Breaking for lunch


movin said...


It's cold here in So Cal yet, but the sight of that snow on the nest made me forget about it.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

LOL, Jim....it was really cold last night....low teens. Up to 28° now---yippee. Not enough to do must melting since sun went in.

Margy, Carolyn was going to put aloe from her plant on her legs.I'm sure it's probably 1st degree. Bet sitting in wet pants did nothing to improve her mood, either! I just hope she's sleeping soundly and that the headache goes away. I still believe that the weight of all that hair contributes---I know it did mine and I was much younger. Finally got mine all cut off when I was 26.

floralgirl said...

Darn clouds are blocking the sun now.

movin said...

Anybody know what that is on the BWE nest??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...


Looking at our eagle in the nest makes me feel shivery all over.

Roads here were decent when I took Hunter to school. Must be okay in Culpeper, too, because they are playing the basketball game scheduled for tonight.

Hope Carolyn is better, Lynn. Not an easy night for her.

hedgie said...

Jim, think it WAS a fish!!

hedgie said...

Looks like Lib messing with nest flugg!

floralgirl said...

Both adults at BWe- they had a bird this morning.

floralgirl said...

Feeding time at BWE

floralgirl said...

Parent is eating at BWE- two chicks on either side of 3rd egg.

stronghunter said...

Interesting picture of the brood patch at NBG.

stronghunter said...

Had a woodpecker pecking at my window screen a little while ago. Also came to the window feeder.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Had an early morning appointment to get my do done. I have now done did my do! ☺

Paula, I was awake when
TH laid that egg, even had the cam up, but I was not watching! Drat! Thanks for the videos. Poor 82, she had a time of it!!!

Lynne, so sorry you are so sick. You have really had a time of it!!

Lolly said...

I did not even look at Belle this morning before I left. The sight of her sitting in all that snow last night really bothered me. I know the eaglets in OK survived terrible conditions, but it was really upsetting to see Belle buried in snow!

hedgie said...

Lolly, did you order your coat yet? It's still in newest catalog...so SHOULD be in stock!

Lolly said...

No, I didn't, Lynn. Probably should have but just hesitated. I always like to try things on. I might still.

Lolly said...

Is that the make of coat you have? I am not familiar with it. Have always had a London Fog. It looks very similar but do not know the quality.

stronghunter said...

Lynne, I hope you are better today. Missing you on here.

stronghunter said...

Looks like our eagle is tucked. Oh, just pulled head out. Is it Belle? She had a hard night. Needs a nap for sure.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, Is there a Misty Harbor catalog?

Donka Maria said...

Poor Belle looks cold and tired.

Lolly said...

Eaghlets in view BWE

Mema Jo said...

I took the afternoon off -- glad to be back. Deck out back that was cleared has now melted down to the wood

I bet your 'new do' feels and looks great, Lolly.
Shirley, did I miss any news about Luna?
Also praying that the MRI for Kate goes well.
Guess I missed Donna...

Mema Jo said...

I see a new fresh sprig of pine in the BWE nest!

I checked out the PA Falcon cam up on the Rachel Carson Bldg PA but none to
be seen.

Male is incubating at the NBG nest.
They also have fresh springs of pine.

Mema Jo said...

Oh boy am I ever thinking Spring

It is really a fresh SPRIG of pine at NBG nest.....

I need some daffodils, Lolly!

magpie said...

Just had two now one at NCTC
I did not see who came and who left
but I saw those beautiful eggs !

magpie said...

'cause I was getting signed on
still don't have live feed, going to have to do a restore

Hello everyone

magpie said...

I guess if there are any eggs LAID or HATCHED today they could be named Washington

magpie said...

two at BWE...quickly I'm sure

magpie said...

head to tale and tale to head

magpie said...

and now chicklets and egglet alone at BWE

magpie said...

and a whole bunch of food debris

magpie said...

..and now parent back...
that was all very quick

magpie said...

well - - now I don't see the adult, the refreshes are kinda funky there sometimes

paula eagleholic said...

Whoa! Check out the load of fluff!

paula eagleholic said...

Two again at BWE, think they brought yet another fish to the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Or something!

glo said...

Hope everyone has had a good day. Have watched pop up off and on once I learned it wasn't snowing anymore. I can't take any more snow watching at NCTC. Sorry but it is what it is. I did get to take my camera to the Marina for a while today and actually saw a tree with several eagles, many juvies. It wasn't all that close but good enough I think I will like to have the photo. I am hoping to go back tomorrow. River is frozen some places and thawing nicely in others. Kind of easy to know where to spot them right now BUT not all that easy to get too.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

Retrying On WHAG TV anyone can vote

"Should suspects charged with a violent crime be allowed to be released on bail? Yes or No"


wvgal_dana said...

Well I voted and I guess they are finished. Sorry but you can click there and see results.

magpie said...

I gotta grab some z's before midnight shift.
Brother and his wife going to be here mid-day Wednesday for a couple-hours visit...
then I will get the rest of my sleep after that.

Hoping to read of an update on Luna later...hopefully, a good report....

I trust Wanda got around okay with the snow-driving, looking forward to the Soup Kitchen report later also !
Best wishes, all, for a good evening...
xoxo ♥

glo said...

Good rest Magpie So very very glad to read your brother is coming to visit tomorrow. Pictures pictures :-).

Lolly said...

Isn't it funny how you can get chilled when the weather is nice. It is 65 here but I put on a jacket to walk outside. I was just chilled! Of course I did have a glass with an iced drink in my hand. LOL

Lolly said...

I hear geese!!

magpie said...

Thank you Glo...he is 12 years older than I, of the 8 kids, he is #2, I am #8.
He could not get here for my sister's funeral (she was #6) in December of 2007. And has not been here since...I went to the gravesite today and cleaned the snow off her headstone, and shoveled a little walking path to the burial site...

Today he and his wife are making a quick visit to oldest sister Elisabeth (#1) near Baltimore, and then my sister Anne (#3) in Annandale - them to me at mid-day, and on to another sister's in Roanoke, Mary, she is #4...then on to Florida where he has a place in Naples.

All you needed to know about the numbers for my family I guess...
'Night everyone

wvgal_dana said...

Margy so happy your brother is going to make it in and you two
will get to visit some. Yes get some pictures for us (:

WV sUSAn said...

Oh my goodness Margy, you come from such a large family. I'm so glad to hear he and wife are making the tour and you get to visit.

Lynne -- hope you are feeling better today. The cycle for that crud has GOT to be over soon. wow

What's the word on Luna? Didn't see any followup in reading through blog.

Got to see the lovely little ones at BWE but no hatch on the third that I could see.


Lolly said...

LOL I just love it, Margy! Numbers helped! Too bad you can not all get together at once. Have a great time tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Two in the nest!

glo said...

Both eagles

Lolly said...

Switcheroo taking place!

Lynne2 said...

Hi all....just checking in to say HELLO! Sure has been a rough couple of days, and now Steve is sick. Fever up and down and up and down for 2 days is finally holding steady at 99 now. Steve's fever and cough started last night. I have been completely unable to sleep for the last 48 hours. Beginning to look and feel like a zombie! But in general, although exhausted and very weak, I feel much better now that fever is down.

Been trying to read back some....Margy, so glad your brother will be here tomorrow and I hope you have a great visit!

Was Luna's appointment today? And Kate's MRI? Wonder if I missed the updates....

SO sorry about Carolyn's spill Lynn. OUCH

Lolly said...

Flu, Lynne? Glad you are better but so sorry that Steve has it now.

Lynne2 said...

need to go heat up some soup for my hubby....will try to check back later, but if I don't get back, I miss you guys! Have a good evening~!

Lynne2 said...

not sure Lolly...I've only had the flu once, LONG time ago and vowed never to have it again. Have had a flu shot ever year since, except for this year. DUH. NO sore throat or bad headache this time like when I had it before. It started as a sinus issue and I went the Dr on Friday, got a z-pack and some pred. Then Sunday evening, it hit really all of a sudden. Bad cough, joint pains, the fever....so I guess maybe the flu.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Lynne2's Steve having a fever and sick.

floralgirl said...

Sounds awful, hope you and Steve feel better soon, Lynne.

Mema Jo said...

Hubby & I just returned from Red Lobster and then WalMart for a new coffee pot.
I ate shrimp scampi and coconut shrimp bites and a salad. It was all delicious
especially my biscuits!

hedgie said...

No Misty Harbor catalog that I know of, Paula. They sell through other outlets. Blair catalog has a lot of their stuff.

Lolly, my OLD good trenchcoat is London Fog. My new parka is Misty Harbor---it's nice....not top of the line, but better than anything I saw at TJ Maxx!!!!
Of course, Mai has it covered with dirt from here muddy paws! Need to wash it when we get another warm day.

glo said...

MeMa Jo I ate shrimp scampi and coconut shrimp bites and a salad. It was all delicious
especially my biscuits!

That is exactly what I had at Red Lobster when Vicky came to visit. We were celebrating my birthday a little late :-). It is so good.

hedgie said...

Lynne, SO glad that you are feeling better, and sorry that Steve isn't. Hope he gets sick days from work (as in paid!). Hope he improves rapidly and that you both get back on an even keel.
Sounds like flu, for sure.

Carolyn woke up around 4:30 and says her whole body is sore---movement AND to the touch. Suspect she is coming down with it, too. Thankfully, her headache was gone then, and her burned legs felt okay---good ol' Aloe.

hedgie said...

Margy, great that your bro will make it in tomrrow!! Short visit is better than none! Great that he got to see the Baltimore and Annandale sis's, too!!

Mema Jo said...

I am hoping that BWE gets their 3rd
hatch tonight or tomorrow. I just like seeing the trio closer in age.

Mema Jo said...

Next time you'll in town, Glo, we'll go and eat the same thing again! ♥

Tonight is Terrific Tues TV and
I'm have a few things to do before

Nests look calm........

BBDC (Be back during commercials)

Costume Lady said...

I'm home from the Soup Kitchen...Capt. Gene was the designated driver tonight:) I drove into the church, ever so carefully, with no problem (first time I have driven in snow in probably 40 years). Just was too nervous about black ice in the dark.
We had 18-20 guests tonight and they were so grateful that we were open.
Chili Dogs
Mac and Cheese
Fruited Jello

I called GG's hair dresser to see if she made it in to the salon and was told that she couldn't make it. So, I didn't have to drive into that end of town. Snow and ice is always bad going there.
Gene had to drive in to deliver GG's groceries, so he was able to tell about the canceled appointment and give her her pills.
She was unhappy with 'Sylvia', saying "the roads aren't THAT bad, I see cars coming and going past my house":) She was unhappy with me because I didn't go in with Gene. He gave her some goodies that I had for her and she was happy then:)

Margy, so happy for you and your brother, that you will get to spen some time together!

Sorry for those who aren't feeling well and glad for those who are feeling better. Illness sux!

This is TUESDAY TV night, so guess where I, along with a lot of you, are going?:)

glo said...

MeMa Jo Next time you'll in town, Glo, we'll go and eat the same thing again! ♥ I will lokk forward to it

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Oh, I forgot...I have a long clothes rack in my Clothes Closet, at church,full of wonderful clothes and some brand new boots! I am so habby:)

glo said...

Eagle Tree

hedgie said...

Wanda, that is cool that your closet is up and running so well!!! And a good turn-out for your meal!
So GG can be bribed, huh???? Or is it Gene's sweet-talk?!!!

Jo, sounds like a delicious dinner.
Wish I had that dinner in front of me right now!!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone!Been going thru email......& dwnlding camera.
Glo, that is a fantastic pic, like some I've seen in Alaska!
Our Park boss called in AM & said I could come in 1 1/2 hous late. I was waiting to see a little sun before taking off. Roads were OK & NO rush hour!!
I didn't even bother taking any eagle nest pics today. There might have been the top of a head visible, but didn't see it w/out binocs. We did have tundra swans today. Started w/4 in the AM & totaled 6 in PM. Then, later, saw one pair fly away. Heard some of their Hoo Coo sounds, too.
Gotta eat---finally hungry ☺

NatureNut said...


How crummy~~

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, glad to hear your Bro is going to make it down...and lots of visiting, too. Enjoy your visit with him! And uh.. he should have been in Florida in November, LOL!

Lynne, glad you are starting to feel better, take it easy. Poor Steve! Hugs for you and Steve.

Oh Jo, I am jealous! Coconut shrimp bites and biscuits!

Nice picture, Glo. You are really fortunate to be able to see so many eagles.

Lynne2 said...

thanks for all the well wishes gang! Poor Steve is really having a bad time of it. Fever is up to 102.5 now, he is shivering and dizzy. He'll be seeing the Dr in the AM.

Poor Carolyn, Lynn, everything hurting to move AND to touch is just how I started out, and what Steve has going on now. Hope she can kick it before it gets a grip.

I'm heading back up...will check back later....

wvgal_dana said...

I'll have to try and catch up tomorrow.

Body in a lot of pain, my joints are hurting really bad. Had to help neighbor shovel me today.

Prayers for Luna and those that need them.

God Bless

hedgie said...

NCIS---well, duh! Even I know that shooting a monitor doesn't do a thing to the CPU!!!!!!! Do they think we're stupid???

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, Dana, hope you feel better tomorrow!

stronghunter said...

Luna Update . . .

Kathryn went back up to Fairfax and brought Luna home again. They say that she has some vision. She is not running into things. They have not yet done the surgery. Plan to do that on Thursday.

He eyesight might get better when her pupil is not so constricted. It might not. Her chances of a successful surgery are somewhat less than the 80% because of the damage already done and because she is a basset hound.

Kathryn will probably take her to work again tomorrow so she can watch her. Then she will take her to Fairfax again on Thursday.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Dana, Lynne, Steve, and Carolyn.

Lolly said...

Really, really frustrated! Have been looking for a book and can not find it! Finished one book and wanted to start the second one. Laurel had passed them on to me. So..I just downloaded it onto my Kindle. I will probably find it tomorrow. Not going to look for it but will probably trip over it. LOL

Lolly said...

We have a nice fire going and Jack is watching the STARS hockey, so guess I am going to stick my nose in my kindle. ☺

Wanda, I am petrified of driving on snow and ice, too. It is scary!

Sounds like your dinner tonight was a winner. Did anyone need clothes tonight?

stronghunter said...

Kathryn e-mailed her father and told him about Luna because he bought her for Hunter from a breeder in Ohio. Kathryn has not been able to reach the breeders to tell them about the problem. It is possible that he will know to locate these people. Of course, it is quite possible they are not breeding these dogs anymore.

Mema Jo said...

Well, the NCIS's are finished.
Both were very enjoyable.
Now for the Good Wife......

Hoping that everyone is ok

Mema Jo said...

Ah Hedgie - you know he blew them up!

stronghunter said...

Going upstairs to my nest. I am getting really sleepy. Will need to be ready to tackle Chaucer tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, sorry to hear about the delay in Luna's surgery, but glad it's going to finally be done Thursday.

NatureNut said...

Ready to konk out in front of TV, so time for all to Have Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Bear Video

Very active in the den...Lily, Hope, Faith....and Jason. LOL Funny bear name, but it is what it is!

magpie said...

Thanks for all the welll-wishes, Friends, on my brother's and his wife's visit tomorrow.
#7 by the way is Prairie Dog John, and #5 is my sister in Massachusetts !

Lynne and Steve...recovery prayers aplenty for you
also that Dana feels better, wow, she had to have her neighber "shovel me" -

paula eagleholic said...

gonna konk out in bed....

Hugs to all ♥

magpie said...

Thanks for the update on Luna, we were waiting for that...
prayers continue for her and all of you...(( hugs ♥ ))

All the WV Eastern Panhandle 8 counties have school delays in morning, Hampshire County is closed - that's where Norma is !

magpie said...

Wanda and Gene - Bravo once again, and hope that GG can get her "do" done soon...

Glo - Love the Eagle Tree !

magpie said...

I hope Carolyn is feeling better!
She has sick leave....she can use...had I read your post earlier I would have emailed you about it...

she will still keep her stellar attendance record....we all have to miss a day here and there...

magpie said...

wish I had time to check out the cubs !
Prairie Dog John is in Frostburg MD but leaves for Colorado in February, usually without letting us know until he gone.
Sister in Mass: named Jane, but goes by her middle name: Dorset

Got to go....would rather stay and catch up and talk...

Prayers for all our needs, and grateful prayers for many gifts given freely

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

Thanks for all updates on everything since I "left"....prayers for health and wellness for all.
I am emotionally drained.....it has not been a good Mai day, and I am struggling with indecision. Heading for tub as soon as the news finishes. I feel a bowl of choco/PB ice cream is in the near future, too.....maybe that will make me feel better.
Carolyn is feeling a bit better, but not great....on her way to work.
Goodnight, my fine, fowl friends.

Lolly said...

Lynn, so sorry today has not been a good day. (((hugs))) You know we are here for you and will back any decision you make. This has really been a rough "ride". Not at all like the wonderful experience you were expecting.

I think I will head for the shower and get comfy. Then continue reading for a while.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

I'm late checking in to say Good Night
I am saying prayers for everyone of us to awaken and feel good - Even all our critters- I am tired.. heavy
Enjoy your brother's visit, Margy
Lynn praying for Mai to mind her manners

Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

This has been one of those looong days and I'm now unwound enough to go to sleep.


magpie said...

It's Wednesday
I have live feed here...(at work)
oh, the Westvaco ad...
no sound here ☺
for obvious reasons

I see Belle tucked in

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I've sort of caught up on here, after getting home from school pretty late.
I'm working on the transcription I need to do for my Externship class--I'm doing the Pathology unit, and transcribing autopsy reports! Needless to say, my brain is fried right now.
Lynne, glad you feel somewhat better, but poor Steve! Prayers for both of you, and ((HUGS)) too!
Lynn, sorry Mai was a naughty girl for you. ((HUGS)), and prayers. Prayers for Carolyn, too! Yikes!
I had an awful time trying to get Emma to walk on a loose leash today--she spent the whole time pulling HARD--so hard she was walking on her hind legs! Front feet never did touch the ground. Then Hubby said that while I was at school, she was doing the loose leash walk PERFECTLY for him!
I am frustrated with school because I will have to go there tomorrow evening to see whether I have a class at 6 pm or not. Should be going to puppy class instead, and Hubby doesn't want to go there by himself. I understand why--Emma, even with a doggy "seat belt" attached to her harness, is a whiney, jumpy, twisty, basket case. She can drive you nuts before you reach your destination. I am wondering whether we should just get a pro-rated refund and try again later.
Ooh--peeked at the nest just in time to see an egg roll, and now Belle is settled down again and tucked in.
Dana, hope you feel better in the morning! ((HUGS)) and prayers for you!
I'm glad they've determined that Luna has some eyesight, and hope that she will have a successful surgery on Thursday!
Well, my brain is refusing to function at this point, so will say goodnight. Have said prayers for everyone in need. Checking the night light and the porch light. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep tight! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

magpie said...

Moon is out - almost "only half"
skies are clear here

NCTC Nest is bright

Belle is tucked in
Lady Blackwater also

back to work for me now

BEagle said...

Good morning!

Still a snowy nest this morning. I was very happy to see the sun shine on Lib and Belle yesterday.

Belle lifted up her head this morn and I heard some chortling. She looks tucked in and warm now.

The Belle of the West Coast...#82.. certainly was cute with her surprise egg especially when she rolls her egg into the cup. : )

She did look wore out like the NBG did on her second egg.

Paula, thank you for the videos.

See yall later.

magpie said...

Wasn't that something to see !

Liberty arrived
Belle stood
flapped and flapped her wings
took off,
Liberty tended the eggs, and there he is now on the roost

BEagle said...

Belle just got up because Lib arrived.
She shook and shook and I think she left a feather on Lib after all that shaking.

She took off to the right and Lib wiggled down.

magpie said...

Hi BEagle and all Morning People...

lots of pinery at BWE -
and feeding going on at this time

BEagle said...

Daylight is coming and the night vision adjusted.

What night vision? That's a good question but you could see the light adjustment. : D

magpie said...

looks like Christmas at that nest

BEagle said...

Hi Magpie! Hope work is smooth and easy.

BEagle said...

Belle really covers the nest when she does that wing flapping.

magpie said...

I have to sign off before I get tempted to get distracted...this is usually a busy of the morning

Hope everyone has a good day...

back later on in the day


movin said...


Good morning, aLL.


C(°?°)3 Jim

Costume Lady said...


Hey Jim, you are up bright and early. Sleep evading you again?

We have 17° here right now...going up to 42°, which isn't warm, but enough heat to help melt the snow in the nest.

movin said...

Yeah, Wanda. My sleep schedule is screwed up again.

I might or might not go back for some more winks; depends how I feel in a while.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Costume Lady said...

Nothing worse than needing sleep and it won't come:(

Costume Lady said...

Parent (I think Belle) is taking a panda nap...head tucked in and looks very comfy. Oh, to be like wildlife, and not worry about a ton of snow all around you:) I imagine most of it will disappear today and tomorrow...for sure by the weekend. No more snow in sight for a while, but rain will be coming to wash the remainder of the snow away.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Lynne2, sorry your and Steve are having such a rough week of flu symptoms. Hope today will bring improvement.

Lynn, sorry about Carolyn's awful night. Glad the aloe helped the burns but sorry she is feeling flu-like. Also, guess I have halfsheimers as I cannot remember looking up the Bishop case. Too many killers and too little sleep. Slept through last night but one of my students emailed he tried to tape it.

Misty Harbor used to be made by London Fog. Was the clothing line for women.

Margy, enjoy the visit with your brother. Will be nice to catch up, I'm sure.

Wanda, such good news about the crowd at the soup kitchen AND about the clothes and boots. You have a right to be habby. Hi to the Capt.

Glo, love the eagle tree. So jealous.

Dana, I hope you are feeling better this a.m.

Shirley, will continue positive thoughts for Luna. Give Kathryn and Hunter an extra hug -- oh, and give yourself one, also.

Hi Glo, BEagle, Jo, and Andy.

Need to check out Paula's videos and get some more coffee.


Judie said...

Oh, with all I wrote hard to image but I meant to add:

I like the names Jason and Faith and I really have enjoyed looking at Phoebe -- incredible colors.

BBL for real this time

floralgirl said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...