Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Fresh thread.


magpie said...

Well! This is great Steve...an early start on a New Thread!

Thank you...I will scoot over to the Monday thread and sound the alert

Hope you have a good day !

magpie said...

unless there has been another switch, Lori... I am embarassedly guessing Liberty on the roost now also

We need some more Eagle-Watching Experts !

Lori O. said...

Thanks Margy for the confirmation.

Thanks Steve for the fresh thread.
Hope you had a happy Valentine's Day.

magpie said...

little egg tending there..

I would be interested in knowing if anyone has sound at the live feed...I do NOT...
but have sound at other places

Pls and Thx

Good Morning Eagle Pals...and best wishes for a good day
xo ☺ ☼

magpie said...

oh it is just a confirmed GUESS Lori...

Liberty is so delicate when he tends the eggs....Belle works a little more on it, I seem to be noticing...
he is a Good Dad !

Lori O. said...

Sorry Margy, I can't use the sound in the studio.

magpie said...

understand that Lori...and I do NOT have sound at the office...

I'm amazed that I can even blog from there when I there...
which happens tonight at 2400 :(
(if not before...)

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks Margy. I brought my rant with me. Hahaha

Good morning Eagle peeps! Fourth time in a wk my power has gone off so I've hit the ground running this morning. Whew. Had to stop in quickly and play catch up.

Comgrats to Wamda and Gene. Woohoooo and congrats to Amdrew and Kelsey

Hope meds help Lunas eye.

See we still have two blessed not so little eggs and looks like sweet Lib is in the hot seat.

Hope ankles, knees, backs and hearts are healing today. You folks are great!

Gotta go get ready for work. BBL

Lori O. said...

wiggle wiggle, calling out

Lori O. said...

that seemed like an angry call as he was looking straight up.

Costume Lady said...

Margy, I do not have sound, either.
I, too, had it up until I went to bed last night. The Lord giveth and taketh away:)

Costume Lady said...

Lori, I thought he must be disturbed about something up in the branches or nearby, the way he was twisting and turning his head. Wish we could see two screens, as some sites do...a close-up and one with the whole tree! That would be great...hey, NCTC might still have the old cam...hmmmmm?

Lori O. said...

Good morning Wanda!

Costume Lady said...

The nest looks, to me, as if it is sinking in the middle. Look how deep it is. Lib looks like he is in a Fort:) That could be a good thing...keeps the wind off of him, somewhat. I still think Belle's first egg disappeared down to the apartment below...

magpie said...

thanks Wanda for the info...and Good Morning to you and the Captain !

so we ALL have dinosaur computers this morning with the Live Feed...

Misery loves company! Maybe the wind just blew the speaker system out of whack after so many hours !!

magpie said...

looks like the troublesome swaying in the breeze crib rail has been taken care of also !

Costume Lady said...

My coffee maker dinged...going for coffee. BBS

magpie said...

mine dinged about two hours ago...might be time to fire up another pot of it !

Costume Lady said...

Margy, go to my JUST FOR FUN and check out my little baby...he had a fight with a coffee table. Do you think he will have a very bad scar?

magpie said...

dear Me and gracious, Wanda...
just made that visit and left a comment...yes, I think he might have a scar...he's in the Boy Army now !

((hugs for the little guy ♥ ♥ ))

magpie said...

the post card stamps go up by one penny in April to 29-cents
AND the extra ounce postage goes up 3 cents...to 20-cents
First class remains the same at 44-cents.

Get this, one 44 and one 20 makes 64- you gotta see the 64-cent stamp!
It's a Monarch Butterfly... yes of course I got a whole page of them, I do a lot of extra ounce mailings !!

oops gabbing, missed an egg tending

Costume Lady said...

MMMM, Coffee is extra good this morning:)
Babies do heal fast and well, but, I thought that Boo Boo was a scar-giver too:( BOY ARMY...too cute!

magpie said...

with some TLC and some loving kisses and some good lotions, I don't think it will be a BAD scar...

Costume Lady said...

MONARCH? I want some of those:)
I was telling a lady in church, Saturday, about raising the critters, and she was really fascinated. I took a big jar from the pantry and told her I would give her a caterpillar in the Summer:)

Costume Lady said...

Margy, thanks for the tip about a good lotion...some of those new ones especially for scars would be a great idea! I wasn't on that wave length.

Lori O. said...

Funny comment Wanda on Lib being in a fort.

I was thinking the same thing the other day - maybe its because of them adding so much fluff on top of the big snow.

I thought how great that we wouldn't have to worry about little wobblers and bobblers falling out this year.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I am taking the day off. Just got plumb wore out yesterday after not being able to sleep, then could not sleep last night. The wind was blowing so hard and one of the pieces of siding on my house came loose right under my bedroom window.

It made strange noises all night. Sounded like an animal trying to get in. It took me awhile to figure out what was happening.

I may go back to bed for awhile. Then I have much work to finish.

It is cold here.

Oh my, Wanda. It looks like he might have a scar. I had a doctor who recommended using lotion for scars, too. But then we we've always known our Margy has good ideas.

Lynne2 said...

Goo Morning all! Sunny, breezy and chilly this morning here.

I see we have a tucked in eagle, a new thread already and NO sound.

My new avatar Robin in Snow reflects the idea that spring is on the way but with due diligence to the fact that it IS still winter!

Lynne2 said...

oh Wanda, poor baby! There is something I see commercials on all the time called Mederma, I think, for prevention of scars.

Shirley, sorry about the siding and lack of sleep. Glad you are taking a day off.

Lynne2 said...

Steve is home too....on his unexpected route drive yesterday, he forgot to grab his lunch, and had to eat at a fast food joint. Seem that it's having a negative effect on his digestive system. Or at least, I hope that's all it is and not a bug that's going to get worse. And then get me.

Lori O. said...

Wanda use vitamin E oil on it.

Lori O. said...

Maderma - that's it Lynne!

magpie said...

Beautiful avatar, Lynne...I am still searching for the first Spring Robin, know there are some around here somewhere ! Sorry to hear that Steve has the punies today !!!

Me too glad, Shirley.... get yourself restored...that sound of smack smack smacking with the siding can be very nerve-wracking...

Shirley... my ideas are from the Company I Keep - on here !!

stronghunter said...

I see what you mean about the nest. Kind of hard to see what we are looking at right now, but it looks like the center of the nest has sunk. Maybe it is just the shadows, though.

Lynne2 said...

when I took the dogs out this morning, there was a male bluebird just singing his little heart out in the young maple tree! I just have loved being out in the AM with the dog more than ever for the last couple of weeks because the birds really are starting to SING rather than just make noise...another sign of spring! Don't worry Margy, the Robins will appear for you before you know it! The Robin tracking site I watch indicates that people are seeing them all over this whole area!

Costume Lady said...

MADERMA, it is! Hope I can pick up some at Walmart...need to get some things for GG today. She always puts 'toilet tissue' on her grocery list...Gene said she has 17 rolls, so that won't be in my cart:) Gotta love her:)

stronghunter said...

Maderma Coupon

magpie said...

I saw two bluebirds last week, strikingly blue and beautiful...
I was driving so couldn't hear them chirp, but the song sparrows and the house finches (little rosy colored sparrows) are starting to do their Spring Songs !
Even the crows are too I think !
gotta love this little urban larceny-prone and indecent snowman exposure neighborhood ☺

Lynne2 said...

well, at least she'll be ready for a blizzard! I'm sure you'll find it at Walmart...the Mederma, I mean!

I've got to say goodbye for now...need to get ready for work, and then I babysit after that. Hope everyone has a good day, and get out and point your face into the sun if you get a chance!

Lori O. said...

Way to go with the coupon Shirley!

I'm gonna have to learn to enter links and type in bold and all the fun things you gals do on here.

That is a pretty avatar Lynne. I really like the thought behind it.

Lynne2 said...

cool Margy! We've got the song sparrows singing, the cardinals and the titmouses. Titmice? They have a VERY LOUD song. We've had few house finches this winter at the feeders which is unusual, but I'm sure they'll be back.....

Lynne2 said...

thanks Lori...sometimes I am just compelled to over think things!

Have a good one!

hedgie said...

Morning all!

The Atlanta Panda cub has been named. He is PO!

No sound here, either, for our cam.
And wind is still blowing mightily.

hedgie said...

Afraid that Jayden will have a scar, Wanda....but the Mederma will help. Jenn had a nasty gash on her chin last year when she wrecked her bicycle...and I got that for her to use, and it seemed to really help.

hedgie said...

It is still only 27° here.

magpie said...

PO - that's a pretty neat name...what is its meaning or translation for us, Lynn...?

Hello and Friendly scratchings to Mai Ying aka Eagle Ocean this morning !

cool reports you gave on the the Westminister Dog show last night ☺

Costume Lady said...

SHIRLEY, thank you for the coupon♥

I have a question, Shirley:
What is the rule for using the words, effect and affect? I have forgotten and sometimes don't know which word to use.

Costume Lady said...

I like your avatar, too, Lynne...you are very poetic with the meaning:)

Lolly said...

Good morning! Already 61 here and going up. Warms the soul!!!☺

A lot of conversation this morning. Wanda, so sorry about Jayden's boo boo. Mean ol' coffee table!

Margy, how much coffee do you run on? LOL Two pots?!!! I have two mug fulls and then it is quits.

Lolly said...

Hmmmmm?? To leave my avatar or go back to the smiley sun..Hmmmmm????

Think I may stick with this for a little while.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Tuesday Morning in Eagleland.

Margy I love your comment
"he's in the Boy Army now" (:

Wanda I will check out
the video. Love your giving
someone a jar and a caterpillar.

Lynne2 nice avatar. Hope Steve's
belly quickly feels better.

Shirley hope you get a little
more rest today bad siding bad!

Still need to finish reading.

wvgal_dana said...

not a link
Wanda Dad did not build the house. He built with (My young brothers help) that brick chimney. Which you can see when you leave church and you are heading home to your house.

wvgal_dana said...

Well I see the name for Atlanta cub your right Po but no translation. I did find in chinese it is Bao.

wvgal_dana said...

Might mean: Precious not sure

magpie said...

I hope you leave it for awhile, Lolly...
can you add a smiley sun on there somewhere also??

I don't usually go through two pots of coffee...and I never did make the second one...am going on bananas and ice water now...
yesterday was a wash-out for me and I have some catching up to do before getting evening nap in before worktime

I have discovered that this morning, without the sound at the cam...my computer is NOT hanging up at all...

so on that note, I am signing off now...

Hello Dana and all more morning people...hope your day is a good one

hedgie said...

Don't know what Po means, Margy....don't find it in Chinese names. But Daniel said it is after the panda Po in some movie.




hedgie said...

Shirley, sorry about your bummer night, and don't blame you at all for playing hooky today! Is your knee doing any better??

Guess Judie is at the big schoolhouse by now. Hope she is being careful with her baby steps.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Vicky and I will head to Red Lobster for lunch before she leaves to go home. I love to go to Red Lobster. Yummy :-)

Lolly said...

Time to start my day!

Have a great day! May the sun shine on you all day!

stronghunter said...

Affect and effect--I always have to stop and think about that one, too.

So, I looked it up. (I have lots of grammar books. Ask my children.)

The verb affect means "to influence" or "to touch the emotions." The noun effectmeans the result of an action . . ." : Smoking affects the heart. His tears affected her deeply. Drugs have side effects. The effect on sales was good. When used as a verb, effect means "to produce an effect": The medicine effected a complete cure.

That is really complicated. I just remember that effect is usually a noun, which means I can put "the" in front of it, and it makes sense. Remember that "the" ends in e and effect begins with e.

I hope you are not sorry you asked!!

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I like the smiling sun, but the Belle and Lib pic is truly special. It gives me a warm and sunny feeling.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Glo and Vicky have a nice lunch. Safe travels home Vicky

hedgie said...

We always use the term AFFECT when referring to a patients mental and cognitive and emotional status. A flat affect indicates a dull, unemotional persona, or an inappropriate reaction/response to normal stimuli.

hedgie said...

O-blah-ma.....taking up air time again. Did you hear that one of his slashes is cutting the Kids program at the National Zoo? He wants that money, plus other, to go to build a black museum on the National Mall. Grrrrr. The mall doesn't need anymore buildings.....and where is a white museum going to be?

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, thank you for effectively answering my question, I am deeply affected by your generosity;)
Is that correct?

I copied and pasted your answer and will study it and keep it on hand when needed.

Costume Lady said...

TOUCHE', Lynn!

stronghunter said...

True, Lynn. That fits into the "emotional" category. The memory trick I suggested only works for the ordinary ways we use the word.

stronghunter said...

BBL. All of that thinking has worn out my brain. Nap time here.

hedgie said...

Glo, enjoy your lunch! Eat some garlic cheddar biscuits for me! And tell Vicky to have a safe trip home! Hope your visit has been g-r-e-a-t!

magpie said...

Love that Eagle avatar Lynn...but of course, will miss Mai Ying's on there...

Roosting eagle is exposing lots of those 7,000 feathers to Sunshine and Vitamin D ☼

good definitions, Lynn, and Shirley...thanks ! and then there is the sort of synonymous use of "affect"
as in...someone who is "affected" -
well, who sort of , puts on airs, or acts in a way that is artificial, I think...

but I didn't look that up have just learned about it over the years somewhere along the line, probably from my mother years ago

no small wonder kids have trouble wth grammar and spelling and all that jazz !

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, thank you also for effectively finding a meaning for both words...I am truly affected by your kindness;)
By George, I think I've got it:)
I will forget tomorrow...I get brain freezes frequently and that affects my ability to effectively recall things.

Costume Lady said...


wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie he should not bother the National Zoo!!! That is free to the people!!! Baltimore zoo you have to pay to go through. I agree where is the white museum.

magpie said...

computer got all gnarly when I was away from it..

So neat about Vicky and Glo !
Kind of like Iris and Chrissy when they got together !!

I believe I just missed some movement at the nest didn't I...

wvgal_dana said...

Why don't the black people build the museum themselves???

Costume Lady said...


Shirley and Lynn, aren't you sorry I asked? Tee Hee

magpie said...

oh dear :(

neighbors moving in directly overhead, upstairs :(

think it is two young adults maybe three, and possibly one young child.
I don't have a real good feeling about this

magpie said...

Good Day, I hope...to all

xox ♥

Costume Lady said...

I wonder how far Vicky lives from Glo...wonder how the weather is in that neck of the woods?

Costume Lady said...

Oh, no, Margy! Good luck with a child living overhead.

magpie said...

have had them two other times Wanda...it was a problem of sorts both times...last one, aged 8, threw a number of stomping tantrums...

more to be revealed, very shortly after the moving takes place

Agree - leave the National Zoo alone !!! Totally, completely, unequivocally !!!
there is a lot of international good will, comaraderie, cooperation, and education among other things that results from its existence...

Costume Lady said...

At my age, HAPPY HOUR is time for a NAP:)
Enough of this silliness...time to get laundry finished and visit GG.

Mema Jo said...

After your nap, Shirley tell us about
'then' and 'than' .... You should have gone to school today - we are all adult wannabes. lol

I have Kristen with me and Jenny is on her way with our lunch. I have been
reading here and over on FB and a FEW
I'll be on full force afternoon hour -
after my 'happy hour'. Love that Wanda

movin said...

GooD MOrniNG,



Phoebe's chicks have fledged, but they have the camera on a new nest she is building this morning.

[:~D] Jim

movin said...

Just took a peek at Finney's nest, which appears to be live, and it is a winter wonderland of snow.

[:~D] Jim

Donka Maria said...

Jim, One of her fledglings are there right now on the new nest and Phoebe was there feeding him/her.

Donka Maria said...

Hummingbird poofed!

stronghunter said...

Saw the winter wonderland, Jim.

stronghunter said...

Than is a conjunction used for comparisons.

John is taller than I.

Then is an adverb meaning "at that time" or "next."

We lived in Columbus until 1980; then we moved to Fredericksburg.

stronghunter said...

Luna is having eye problems again.

I called Kathryn and gave her medications. I am worried.

glo said...

Vicky has left. I have that alone feeling. I always miss folks when they leave BUT Vicky is one that is always hard to see go. She lives about 3 1/2 hours from me. Almost all interstate. She is pretty much on the Indiana border and I am pretty much on the Iowa border. In fact we had lunch in IA today and the dam we went to yesterday is also in IA. I have some left over biscuits. Yes they are so so good indeed.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm checking in late today. Hope nobody has been worried about me. Have been spending a LOT of time trying to wear out Emma (She does not have the word "tired" in her vocabulary!) and to work on her commands for puppy class tomorrow night. She can do very well, but only if she KNOWS I have treats, it seems. If she isn't interested or hungry, it just doesn't work.

I have several bills I need to pay online, so better do that now. Will be back when I'm finished!

Oh--Congratulations to Sharon, the Mother of the Groom, and to Andrew and Kelsey! Isn't love grand?!

HAPPY BELATED ANNIVERSARY to Captain Father Gene and Wanda, too!!!!!


stronghunter said...

My bridge game has been canceled for this month because one of the members is in the hospital with heart problems. Bette is 81, but is a very active lady who swims three times a week.

She is a retired kindergarten teacher who taught at our local Catholic school for years.

Bette is a very sharp lady who will give you a run for your money in a bridge game. One of the streets in my old neighborhood is named for Bette and her husband.

Please say a prayer for Bette.

magpie said...

Okay, Shirley,
prayers for Bette...
hope everything will be OK...
also prayers for Luna,
and all amongst who need prayers every day

Nap time here, work time later...
such a beautiful day to have to spend...spend sleeping !!! :(

xo ☺ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Oh Margy! Not knowing the age of the 'overhead' child or the working hours of the adults - you are going to play havoc with your sleep and shift work.
I really hope all goes well.

Shirley thanks for the then and than.

Prayers for your friend's health are being offered up.

I hope Luna's eye can get better.

Mema Jo said...

Glo, I know what you mean about the 'empty' feeling when a special friend departs. I just know you and Vicky had a super good time together.

hedgie said...

Wanda, 216 miles (3 1/2 hrs) from Glo's to Vicky's----or vice versa!

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy, feeling for you........can't imagine having to deal with a kid overhead like that with your schedule. ARGH!
Post a sign on the door to their stairs---NIGHT WORKER/DAY SLEEPER BELOW YOU!

Glo, I always buy extra biscuits when I go to R.L.

Shirley, saw on FB about Luna. Surgery not until Monday??? Shame that they can't schedule it sooner. Hope all goes well between now and then for the poor guy.

Mema Jo said...

Feet up
Happy Hour for Jo


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!
Back again after scheduling bill payments online.
Shirley, prayers for Bette going up from this roost! Hope she recovers quickly.
Gosh, sorry to whine, but I am disgusted with MCI again. We do have a phone line again, but the sound quality is poor (can hear other phone conversations in the background), and if you want to pay your phone bill online, you must either pay with a credit card, or be charged $1.99 for a paper statement if you pay from your checking acct. I'm beginning to wish we had never switched to them. If you pay by phone, there's a charge for that, too. GEEZ! Sorry to be such a complainer, but what a pain!

Lori O. said...

Good Afternoon Jo, Lynn, Shirley and Andy!

Any guesses on who is on the nest now? I'm trying to get better at recognizing Lib and Belle..

I'm gonna say it's Belle. Correct?

Jo, love your "feet up" comments. I just picture you relaxing.

Lori O. said...

I never had more phone troubles than when I lived in Calif. Sympathy for Andy.

Ms Bookworm said...

Praying for Luna, too, Shirley. Sure am hoping for the very best outcome for her! I'm glad you took the day off, and hope you get caught up on sleep!
Well, the gardeners are here now. Need to speak to them about something. Also need to make a quick trip to the grocery store. Need a couple of ingredients to make split pea soup. Will be back asap.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Lori, I'm not certain who's in the nest right now either. I do best when both of them are there. Can anyone offer a more reliable opinion than mine?

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks for the phone sympathy, Lori. I think part of the problem with CA phones is the fact that there are so MANY people here who have phones! Within the last year, Hubby & I have had to start dialing "1 + our area code" to call anyone in our vicinity!
That's because they ran out of new phone numbers for our area code!:o[
Well, better run for now. So much to do, so little time! BBL...

Judie said...

Arrived home from school a few minutes ago to find a long slender cardboard box outside the door addressed to me. This box had apparently traveled from Shepherdstown WV to Annandale, VA. Quite an accomplishment given the traffic, weather, absence of wheels on the box, neither license plate nor driver. However, the box did indicate it had traveled all the way from NCTC.

Well, I decided to look inside. Afterall, it could be that Belle or Liberty, or Palmer, or Hidey had decided on a visit.

Had I not known before, there is no possible doubt that I have met the nicest group of people anyone could dream of. The box contained an EAGLE CANE! Yippee! Yippee! Yippee!

Now Mema Jo and I can have an Eagle cane duel -- Eagle canes at 20 paces. Loser takes on Lynn and her Eagle cane.

Whoever did this for me I am truly appreciative. Thank you, whoever you are, for being so thoughtful and generous.

Oh good grief, just that fast the cane has disappeared down the hall with Darth. I see the potential for war.

Again, thanks to whomever. Can't wait to show it to my students.

paula eagleholic said...

Quick hello and cya later

Looks like Belle

stronghunter said...

Yay, Judie!!

How nice.

paula eagleholic said...

Ruh Roh, can you trade canes with him, Judie? Or make some kissy kissy to get it back?

Lori O. said...

Yay we were right - Paula the expert says it looks like Belle is in the nest. Thanks Paula!

Prayers for Andy and Energetic Emma, for Luna's eye, Shirley's friend Bette, and that Judie gets her eagle cane back from Darth.

I'm off to bed soon - no Glee for me tonight.

Have a great night everyone.

stronghunter said...

Hey, Judie, I saw an eagle cane on the Eagle Express. You may have to take on Wanda, too.

Judie said...

Good grief! I see Shirley must have been smacked by someone named Siding and Wanda needs Ma Derma.

Shirley, hope you had a nice day off, got some rest and some work done. Very sorry about Bette and hope she recovers quickly. Wish we could all be so full of energy and agile minded at her age. Also, hoping that Luna will be treatable. Always a time of anxiety.

Andy, why not move to the East Coast? We have good phone service on this side of the world.lol

Wanda, hope Jayden will be okay and scarless. Give an extra hug to him and to GG.

Sharon, congratulations to Andrew and Kelsey.

Glo, glad you had such a nice visit with Vicky. Sure she had a safe trip home.

Margy, here's the deal: invite a very large cop friend over for a night or two (innocent stuff, of course) and let the new neighbors see him with his big fat gun and badge. That should solve the noise problem.

Well, Darth is treating me to early bird dinner out which will have the effect of creating a positive affect for me. Also, I won't still be hungry.


Judie said...

Oh yeah, I got the cane back and I'll take on Wanda, also.

Judie said...

And I'm takin' the cane to dinner -- I am such a show off.

stronghunter said...

Judie, you sound like your old self.

On the siding: I leaned out the window and tried to push it back into place, but without success. I think I will head up there in a bit and try some tape as an emergency measure. If I had not known better, I would have sworn that a poltergeist was trying to get into my room last night.

In the middle of the night . . .

I checked both cats because I was wondering if one of them was confined in a closet or something. Both were sleeping peacefully. Then I considered the possibility that a squirrel or some other wild thing was in my closet or someplace in the house.

Finally, I went out the back door and looked up at my window. That is when I spotted the loose siding. I think fixing it will require someone with a ladder.

I had visions of it flying off into space last night. Maybe joining other things we know have blown away. Almost hoped it would, and was trying to remember the name of the color in case I had to order another strip. "Super white," I think.

It squeaked and scraped and sounded like something alive trying to get in. All night long.

Red said...

Glo, we have been wondering where Vicky disappeared to. We have missed her in our little chat group. Don't think she told anyone she was visiting you. Glad you had a nice visit.

hedgie said...

Hi, Red!
You know who else from that general neck of the woods has been missing for a very long time?? Indiana Dave! Guess retirement has made hima photog nomad----he left us in the dust!

Judie---don't lose your cane!! Easy to leave someplace when you aren't accustomed to having one with you!
Just remember, all of you cane duelers----not only do I have 2 eagles canes, but I also have 4 others!! 3 were my Dad's decorator canes (being in foreign service, he received "gifts" from the foreign participants' countries, and many sent heritage canes since he always had to walk with one) plus a lovely handmade cane forma co-worker when I broke my ankle and foot!

hedgie said...

Andy, ditch MCI if you have a choice. Insane what you have gone through! Hey, WV ran out of numbers last year and had to add a new area code. Next door neighbors could have a different one if they got a number since then! So we have to dial area code, too, whoever we call!

Prayers for Bette, Shirley. She sounds like a dynamo.

hedgie said...

Mai is asleep on her back. Head is upside down and front feet are on her chest.....cute!! Guess she is warm!

glo said...

Vicky has arrived home safely. Glad to read Judie. has an eagle cane how great that is.
I only read through quickly so can't remember everything on here. Please forgive me. Oh yeah Magpie needs a big burly cop to stop over so the new upstairs neighbors can learn to be somewhat considerate about noise levels. And Luna needs prayers for her eye drops.Do I ever know how much those prayers are needed. And Shirley's friend Betty needs prayers too.

glo said...

Oh Hedgie Take her picture. Sounds so sweet.

hedgie said...

We all know how much little kids seem to get more fun out of common household items than store-bought toys, right?? Just gave Mai an old tennis ball to play with, and she LOVES it!! The dog balls only interested her if Iwas throwing them....this one she is playing with alone!

hedgie said...

Glo, camera was in office waiting to have previous pics of her in that position downloaded! Knew if I got up to go get it, she would move or wake up!

Sure feel like I am trying to get a cold. Sure hope not. Fixing some good comfort food for dinner-----red-skinned garlic maashed taters, cheater-style. Hope it soothes the throat.

hedgie said...

Help! I've got spooks!
One exterior lamp on garage had burned out a few days ago.....didn't want to try to open it to replace bulb and risk dropping the screws in the snow...now tonight it is burning again. Hmmm!

hedgie said...

Time for a switch? Both in nest.

glo said...

LOL Hedgie your lamp and Mai could BOTH have a mind of their own.

hedgie said...

Getting the ghosty herky-jerky even tho' light looks good at the moment.

hedgie said...

Yep, switch! Pretty eggs.

hedgie said...

And poof!

Lolly said...

Still no sound on cam and now the eagles are moving in slo mo. Anyonc else having this problem? Help!

magpie said...

Excuse me...but...did anyone else see...what I thought I saw ???

a third egg? did not really get a very good look and know it sounds impossible..

but I am just saying what I think I saw

hedgie said...

LOL, Glo....you are right!!!

magpie said...

I can't stay on here long right now,
had to get up to take care of something...and took a look...and need to get back to bed real soon

and I would not have posted it if it is not what I thought I saw....

Lolly said...

OK, just saw your post, so I am not alone. Apparently it is not me.

Judie, how exciting about the cane! It must be great to have an eagle cane but to receive it the way you did is extra special. Yes, this is the greatest group ever!!!☺

magpie said...

Lolly -
did you mean, you thought you saw 3 ?

Lolly said...

Margy, did not see three eggs, but I was not looking at the eggs, just the slo mo eagles.

magpie said...

The Eagle Cane !
How neat!
Someone on here really has the magic touch...a brilliant idea....

you could feel Judie's spirits uplifted
about 1000-fold !

magpie said...

OK Lolly
Maybe it was the apparition effect of the night light that was distorting things...
I switched to still cam but that view was not good enough either...

does not seem like anyone else
noticed it either...

Ok, I have to get back to bed....
hope there is another egg check soon that will set things straight..
and then I will find out later.

Sorry! If i have posted something that is NOT accurate....

magpie said...

No sound all day
and herky-jerky for me also..

hmm large cop friend with gun and badge...making a presence here to avert noise from above....
not a bad idea...that's our Judie !


hedgie said...

I only saw two, Margy....but it is doing that momentary freezy thing, so there are ghost-marks.

Lolly said...

Got to 77 today. Really just a bit too warm. In the car had to turn on AC.

wvgal_dana said...

Friends I am sorry I left without saying something.

Neighbor knocked on door and said he lost his dog. I found I think it was last summer his other dog in my yard. Finally found the owner. This time their pug/chihuahua mix is missing. I've been out for a little more than 2 hrs. looking for him.

I am truly praying someone found him and took him inside. Because he is really more like a chihuahua. Temps get cold at night.

So I seem were I thought Luna is going to have surgery but then someone said just eye drops. I'm praying incase it is surgery.

Judie eagle cane sure picked those spirits up and truly and so special someone sent it to you.

Glo glad you and Vicky had a good time. Happy she got home safe and sound.

I am discussed about the idiot touching any programs at the National Zoo. There are very few things a family can take their kids to that doesn't cost. grrrr

Judie said...

Looks like Belle has settled in. No switch for me to see so don't know about a third egg.

Like the name of the panda bear baby. Also like that the movie people contributed $$ to panda conservation in return for selecting the name.

Okay Shirley, what were you imbibing last night? Poltergeist? Wild critters? Flying garlands (green)? I am sooooo happy you took a day off. I really think you needed a day of rest. Hope tonight brings more quiet and rest (seriously) (maybe).

And to add to the drama there are ghostly lights.

Well, I think it might be time for the Eagle cane brigade to make an offensive attack against any and all "things that go bump in the night, make excessive noise while people sleep, or just do not cooperate with what we want."

Dinner was really nice. First dinner out in over three months.

I could be mistaken but I am absolutely, positively, without a doubt certain that there were more than a few envious side-ways glances at my Eagle cane. Ha! Notcho cane!

Need to elevate the ankle. BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I see Margy is getting over head dwellers. Prayers that it works out for Margy's sleeping.

I see I can be on the recliner for some tv tonight. If re-runs won't be for me.

Too many cane dueling fights....I'll keep my canes out of it..they are hung in the closet with the walker.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley prayers for your bridge partner Bette.

stronghunter said...

Watson is demolishing the others on Jeopardy, but missed the final question while they both got it.

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Dana. Bette has been a good friend for years.

hedgie said...

NCIS time!

hedgie said...

I don't like Watson!!!

Hope the little doggie is safe, Dana. Nice of you to help in the search.

Judie, you WERE due for dinner out! Where did you go and what did you have??

NCSuzan said...

Good Evening Everyone! Hope you all are feeling better and NOT trying to become ill.

Our days have been in the sixties but still cool nights. Hope winter is on the outs for everyone.

Judie, an eagle cane. That's fantastic!

It is so much fun watching all the nests and the progress that is being made in eagleland for the new babies. I love it!

wvgal_dana said...

I'm wrapping up in blanket and watching NCIS. I got chilled out there looking.

Prayers for those that need them.

Judie said...

Shirley, please let us know when you have news of Bette. Hoping for the best the soonest.

Went to a place called Silverado. Sounds south-of-the-border but is not. Have the most delectable chicken tenders and slaw AND flourless chocolate waffle with ice cream and a drizzle of some sauce and it really is decadent.

Headed over to the bed to watch some 48 Hours. Just in case I fall down asleep I will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed to the tub, up the stairs, to the recliner, or just wandering in after the west coast sunset. Happy eaglets-to-be dreams. I'll have my Eagle cane next to me.

hedgie said...

WANDA---barn fire at intersection of Gosling Marsh and Winebrenners.

Lolly said...

Judie said it again! "fall down to sleep." Judie, no where in your vocabulary should you have "fall down"!

Shirley, prayers for Bette. I am sure she is a wonderful person, after all retired kindergarten teacher! ☺

I see Belle is tucked for the night. Miss the wind sound, not the wind. Has anyone asked Steve about the sound?

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, I caught that too! No more fall down go boom!

I'll send Steve an email about the sound...will send to Outdoor too

Costume Lady said...

LYNN...I just came here to see if you heard anything about a fire down our way...fire trucks, crash truck, police cars coming and going. I think they couln't find where they were called to go.
Oh, a firetruck just went by again, fire must be out!
Thanks or the heads up!

Costume Lady said...

JUDIE, I have been using my eagle cane for about 6 months now, and have gotten so many compliments and inquiries about it that I have lost count:) Be careful of letting it fall. Mine has fallen so many times, his beak is gone. I bought another at Open House...Gene puts some kind of clear finish on it to keep it from absorbig dirt and oils.
My cne is Jayden's favorite when he comes for a visit:)

hedgie said...

Hi, Wanda....not sure if it's out...don't THINK so. They are probably going out to get more water....I went and took my bath at 9, so have missed what they are saying.....now hearing that tankers are still hauling...pretty sure that it's still that fire. Jeff and Berk both on it. Is that intersection down there by where Dr. Soule's office/house used to be?

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone in Eaglelaqnd. Was dwnlding pics & had phone call after dinner. The TX Girl called from Memphis! Only there for 2 days. She made sure she went over to hotel where ducks live in the fountain. They had gone upstairs for the night, but she got to go in gift shope before 6PM. She stayed there a few years ago & saw the ducks!
Saw eagles in the nest today & found the nest across the river that Lynne saw! With telescope, you can make out a head!
Gotta check cams & comments---

hedgie said...

Wanda, veterinarian on the way to check the animals......praying that all are okay. They are still pouring on water.
I remember the barn fire on the Banks farm many years ago.....bad one.

WV sUSAn said...

Hello ladies. Not sure who's on right now but wanted to jump on here and say HEY. Sounds like everybody is being affected and brightened by the effects of the warm sunny days. Hahaha

Dogs are in check and hoping relief for Luna soon.

Belle is finally tucked in for a while.

Loose siding is unsettling, no doubt.

Still thinking about first egg on the first floor. The looks on their faces said it all

Watching Visitors and Belle, who is now awake again. Hope everyone is having a good evening.

hedgie said...

Bill's employee Bill lost his wife at 2AM today. Jane had suffered for along time.

hedgie said...

Judie, glad you enjoyed your meal!

Hi, Susan.

Recording The Good Wife....watching the dog show live for the finale---don't want to read the results on FB or hear it on the news!! I'm rooting for the SharPei to win it all---not likely, BUT.....I'm hoping!

hedgie said...

Our nest light is amazing tonight....wonder if some adjustments were made or if it's just the moon becoming more full??!!

hedgie said...

Friend Ric(k) is off the vent. I think the fmaily has finally decided that if he survives this episode, there will not be any more life support allowed when he takes the next downturn. Amen.

hedgie said...

Belle sure seems alert tonight.

WV sUSAn said...

Belle has sure been watching something at 2:30 off and on all evening. Any ideas on what that may be?

hedgie said...

Nope, no idea. Just did a minor adjustment and resettled.

stronghunter said...

Am about ready to go upstairs and crawl into my comfy nest. I don't think there are any poltergeists up there. Oh, I hope not.

Yes, Judie, I did a little bit of imbibing tonight. A little bit of wine. Maybe that will scare away the poltergeists.

And, remember, I live on a Civil War Battleground--Chancellorsville. Plenty of ghosts around here.

Finished grading a set of papers, but it seems that I will never catch up.

But I confirmed what I suspected. The one young lady who keeps complaining that I am not explaining enough made a terrible grade, while most of the others did pretty well to very well.

Nope, I am not explaining a whole lot right now in this class. It is an honors/dual enrollment class and I am pushing them to do more on their own as this is their final semester before college.

The young lady with the terrible grade has been hiding her textbook behind books in a bookcase in the room so she does not have to carry it home.

She wants me to give her the answers so she can give them back to me. Today, she was in in-school suspension. Not the place where a good student should be located! They have so much to learn.

And, yes, I do a heck of a lot of explaining in my regular classes.

Yes, Lolly, kindergarten teachers are special people. I would have enjoyed kindergarten, but we did not have kindergarten when I was a child. I missed out.

I see there was a fire. I hope it was not too bad.

See you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Puppy dogs and kitty cats are peacefully sleeping in my house. Time for me to do the same.

WV sUSAn said...

Belle has rolled, wiggled in and again staring toward 3:00. What the heck is over there?

hedgie said...

The Scottish Deerhound won! Lovely dog.

magpie said...

sorry to read of Bill's employee's wife, peace prayers for the family
and regarding Ric, sounds like a compassionate decision for the next hurdle

magpie said...

lots of nearly-full moonlight at the nest...will be watching overnight and into the daylight from work

magpie said...

have small birthday gig at work for one of our supervisors tonight...
he's a dog lover
got a large sound card, about the size of a 33 rpm album cover

open it up, five dogs
verse: Happy Birthday from your Mutt-ley Crew
music: Who Let the Dogs Out ?
It's pretty funny, and LOUD

NatureNut said...

Getting droopy eyed!
Lynn, thx for dog report. I was looking all over the regular channels and couldn't find it!

Pleasant Feather Dreams & Prayers for all in need ;>)

magpie said...

Time to get ready for work now...
so, Good Night Everyone

Hope all is well in your respective roosts...
sure enjoyed the Eagle Cane posts from Judie

Prayers for our needs being said

God Bless Us, Every One
xox ♥

WV sUSAn said...

So sorry to near about Ric I can't imagine.

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta, it was on USA.

Margy, sounds like a fun party night. Andy??

Shirley, did not know you lived on the battlefield.....didn't realize they actually allowed a development on the hallowed ground. :( Sorry, I'm a battlefield hugger...
That young lady definitely needs a wake-up call. Tell her parents about the book deal!

WV sUSAn said...

About to hit the nest. Sweet dreams.

paula eagleholic said...

Back again to say good night.

Belle is finally tucked again.

Been trying to look at beach house stuff.

gotta hit the hay, long day tomorrow.

Hugs to all humans and animals ♥

hedgie said...

Gonna say my adieus now. Gotta reboot. Mail not coming in, and I know there's supposed to be some.

See you all in the morning.

Lynne, hope you and Steve are both feeling better and getting lots of rest!

Andy, hope you are enjoying your break!

magpie said...

Yep - Andy, Lynn...
one gal who was supposed to bring lasagna has been not-so-well, not sure if she will be there tonight...
Veronica is coming on her night off.

Okay, Sayonara xo

Mema Jo said...

I was involved in the Teriffic Three TV Tues shows. Wonderful news about
a new cane activist! lol
I am ready to go to bed so I will TTUL

Good Night & Prayers for all our needs and for our friends and for our pets.
Hugs for all! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Lynn, Dr. Soule's former house is near the intersecton of Winebrenners and Goslilng Marsh. I suspect the barn fire was the Lemasters...farmer that I was telling about Dustin working for. There has been a lot of distress in that family for a long time...they certainly will suffer if the fire was in their barn. That time of the evening, their cows are out in the field, thank goodness. I doubt very much if they have insurance. We will drive down in the morning an see if it was them and if we can help in any way.


Lolly said...

Have had my nose in a book tonight.

Bell is asleep. All is well.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

magpie said...

Belle is up, just did an egg-tending, can see two only....but I think I know why I thought I might have seen 3 Tues evening - ghostly aparition of some kind of stray object or stick of something..


Lori O. said...

Hi Margy -

I read the blog and was wondering if all the animals in that barn fire are okay?

Nest is lighter this morning - good moonlight.

magpie said...

Hi Lori
I can't say for sure because the fire was in the next county over from ours -
but as far as I know...the animals were okay, believe the cows were out in the pasture at the time of the fire
I can't see much at the nest right now
moon has set, but I'm watching while I can

Lori O. said...

Belle must have moved the eggs. She's facing 12 and looking around.

So nice to be able to see a little more with the moon so big.

Lori O. said...

Thanks Margy for the barn fire animal update. Great news. Thank you Lord!

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

Light and bright at the nest.

Belle still facing nest wall at
11 - 12. Looking our for Lib & a breakfast break no doubt.

floralgirl said...

There's a new thread!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...