Thursday, February 10, 2011


New thread


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Lynne2 said...

UGH, I mean Just Did. And Wanda, not Lynn. Good grief. The blooming crocus has me in a dither!

Lynne2 said...

wow, Just read that NBG has the third egg confirmed now!

Lynne2 said...

Just read Mubarak stepped down.

floralgirl said...

There's a new thread.

glo said...

Sorry not bragging on myself but really didn't want this link to get lost in the split so I am reposting it.

While we are waiting to see if there are 3 eggs yet, I just found out today that one of my entries for February Camera Club was a High Scorer as I had left before the actual competition at our last meeting. Anyway this one is not fishing BUT I still think eagle lovers will like the photo. There is a place to click to enlarge. Also you can see some of the other photos that scored high in our monthly competition. We always have well over 100 entries.

posed for a Leggings shot

glo said...

LOL ok a new thread. Well ya know what. Third time is goona be a charm. You all will be sick of me today, but I don't think you are ever sick of eagles so its all good.

See you and my link on the new thread.

floralgirl said...

Well, I love your picture, Glo. But if you don't want the link to get lost, you're gonna have to post it in the NEW THREAD!

hedgie said...

Not me, Lynne......Wanda! I did not see anything that I thought was a 3rd egg!
Crocus---whoopie!!! Spring CAN'T be far off!
And I just got 2 SB's in sunroom. Had to turn off heat out there for first time in several weeks! Like a sauna with all this sun!

Glo, saw your post on FB----really great job and congrats! Other pics were excellent for their categories, too.

hedgie said...

Really feeling like a nap is coming on.....think I'll take advantage of Mai snoozing. BBL.

Lolly said...

Food delivery. Belle is coveting. LOL Lib flew off. Eggs in view while Belle chows down. Could not tell what it was. Do not think it was fish.

Lolly said...



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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...