Sunday, February 27, 2011


New thread.


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Lori O. said...

Thank you STEVE for this fresh new Sunday Thread on this beautiful day.

Lori O. said...

Belle or Lib looks like their talking or calling and I can't hear it...there's a loud noise in the background.

Lori O. said...

oooopps. I had WEnd up too and the wind noise was coming from there. I'm not hearing anything from Belle.

Is our sound out at the nest?

wvgal_dana said...

ThanksLori for the call over.

Thank you Steve for the new thread.

I hear a dog barking.

Mema Jo said...

Dog barking means 'sound at our nest'

Thanks Steve for the fresh thread
Thanks Lori for the call over......

Enjoy your sunny Sunday everyone...


hedgie said...

Thanks for call over!

The bobbleheads are alone, getting some sun!

No, Dana, the book doesn't give the sounds.

I hear the hum...but it's intermittant. Didn't hear calls, but maybe that was when we were outside.

hedgie said...

If Mai was on a golf course, she would be ejected!! She sure has made LOTS of divots in the moss, which is what most of the yard is covered with. It is so shallowly rooted.....
Charlie is supposedly "on his way"----of course, that could mean HOURS away.

glo said...

Hedgie I sure hope you get your fence measuring done today. Mai sounds like she is one young un just chalk full of energy and personality too. I bet she can really be lots and lots of fun. I would be ejected from a golf course too :-)

BEagle said...

Good morning Eagle Fans!

Stopping in for a short while.

Two eagles on the White Rock nest. Well one by the time I post.

They are comical. The male was actually sitting on the females head at one point.

She was checking the egg cup for size. Haven't seen HP. Just because I didn't see any doesn't mean it isn't happening though.

BEagle said...

Not sure but it looks like Lib on our nest. Just sitting. Haven't seen any movement yet.

BEagle said...

Three little fuzzy heads showing at the BWE. It looks like lunch is in the works.

BEagle said...

TH is sitting. WE is rolling.
Decorah is sitting

Great scene at the Jordon Lake. Two mounds of dark feathers next to each other. It's my guess there is one female and one male.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle you are getting good at making correct calls concerning who is on the nest...... I think it is Lib also....
I bet we're correct.

BEagle said...

Turtle Bay has both on the nest. Looks like the male would like the female to rise so he can have a turn.

BEagle said...

She finally conceded and gave out some calls (at Turtle). I didn't have the sound on but you could tell she was making noise.

BEagle said...

I am sure it's Lib on there MemaJo.
You know, it's hard to tell sometimes.

BEagle said...

Has anyone checked on the Pelican Harbor?

I read the forum some. There is a cam installed now but I am not sure it was installed for public viewing.

I don't see why it wouldn't be.

BEagle said...

NBG sitting.

Mema Jo said...

Eagles 4 Kids - Nest is completely snow covered again

BEagle said...

I suppose WE is only laying one this year. Haven't seen another egg. It's been a few days since the first lay.

Mema Jo said...

My Pelican Harbor nest cam is playing
No one is there now

BEagle said...

It's hard to catch Larry and Lucy. I guess March is a better time for them since they are inland.

Lib just flew off to the right after a good stretch.

BEagle said...

Are you talking the new PH? or the old.

Mema Jo said...

Have you checked out WE
I may need to read the forum but I
don't know what the black drape or whatever is at the nest......

BEagle said...

I think that is Belle that flew on. Errant white feather on the back.

BEagle said...

Rocking her boat now.

BEagle said...

I think it the shadow of the cam at WE. So sharp it looks like something.

Lori O. said...

Hi BEagle!

Hi Jo - felt so DUH yesterday saying Bless you for your hiccups! LOL

Mema Jo said...

I agree with you about Shadow!

I was on the forum.... They used to have Nest Observations but I could only find the daily chat....

I haven't been there since forever and it has changed from what I remember.

NatureNut said...

Good Sunday Morning to Everyone! ☺
Not a bad weather day. Of course we will be having the hummmm lof cars going around in a circle!They are at Phoenix today.
Last nite there was a "Nationwide" Series race & Kyle Busch led every lap!!!
There are more things I can do on this old 'puter than I thought.But I think I'll test new mouse on this one before I call "Peggy" to repair other one!Maybe I'll tell him my name is Lowreeda! LOL

BEagle said...

Hi Lori.

Trying to figure out the Pelican Harbor cam.

The Window on Wildlife forum keeps all the nests updated but I couldn't tell if the PH nest new cam will be aired in place of the old nest cam.

Mema Jo said...

Lori I thought it was a very nice jesture!

How is Kate doing?

BEagle said...

The view from the new nest cam at PH is an ocean view. The nest is in a tree that has clumps of red berries.

Lori O. said...

Hey BE, let me try it - it always comes up in a Windows Media thing - but it's an awesome picture.

Hello Loretta, Loreeeeeda!

BEagle said...

Lori O. said...

Go here -
then click on the oink for video streaming.

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - Old Micees do die.....
Did you get a new mouse?
I got the new wireless mouse & I forget to turn it off and had to leave myself a sticky!

Lori O. said...

hmmmm, used to be a great picture at PH, but really pixelated looking now.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle is this the page you bring up
All IWS Nests

Lori O. said...

Why is it that I can never get WE to come up with the other two on that link?

Lori O. said...

Rolling eggs at our nest

Lori O. said...

wiggle wiggle, all settled in again.

I'm guessing that's Belle - JO?

Mema Jo said...

Lori I missed the switch but Yes I think now it is Belle.

Not sure about WE cam... Does it come up when you just select the one only?

BEagle said...

That is the page but the cam are arranged differently than what I bring up.

The PH nest is the old one. Here is a link to the update on the new PH nest.

This has the new view if I remember correctly. Copy and paste into your address bar.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle the Window on Wildlife is the new forum that replaced the Maine forum.

hedgie said...

Charlie came! Measured and calculated and is heading to buy the fencing and new posts. Hopefully will have it all installed by the end of the week.
Lovely outside!
Gotta call the Moomma----see they are under a tornado watch...:( Think I forgot to mention that sis fell and broke her thumb last weekend. I just learned about it yesterday. So Mom has b een pretty much on her own cause Gail is having a lot of trouble driving.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the Belle confirmation! I'm getting better at it!

WE comes up when I bring just that one up, but the link with all three cams just gives me coding on the last nest screen. Probably too slow of a connection.

BE - going to try your new PH link - yeah!

BEagle said...

My first sentence on the last post didn't even make sense.

MemaJo, I went to the link you posted. That is the same as I have bookmarked only the cams are arranged in a different order. The Channel Island nests are all on the same page but the Pelican Harbor nest view is still the old view.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle now I understand - a changing of nests!

BEagle said...

You have to have big ram to get the page with three cams on it.

Lori O. said...

that link takes me to the forum about installing on of the cams. Hmmm.

BEagle said...

I had forgotten about the Maine forum going into the Window on Wildlife forum.

The link I posted is from the Channel Island forum that was post on the
W on W forum. (this is making me a little

Mema Jo said...

I have bookmarked these urls & hope I don't need to ask you again for them
BUT as a safeguard - if I do ask please give me the links! lol

Mema Jo said...

I need to take a break...
Need a light lunch as I had a late breakfast.......


BEagle said...

Yes. The link I posted for you to copy and paste is about the installation of the cam at the new PH nest.

In the article they offered a picture of what the new nest at PH will look like.

BEagle said...

When you pull up the Pelican Harbor nest you are not seeing any eagle activity. The eagles have abandoned that nest and built another.

NatureNut said...

Yes, Jo. We got ab
n older wireless out of drawer & it didn't work. Fubby bought 2 new ones--a wireless and w/wire & neither worked. But I just was able to plug new wire one into this old puter & it worked. TAA DAH. The old mouse had a round plug end, not standard USB, but new one has an adapter for both kinds of plugs , so it worked!
(Of course it's "my fault" 'cuz I put in new chip! I removed it for now & no change. Mouse was not happy before new chip& I did not beat up the insides!!)
That's enough about that!
Can't wait to get some time to cruise nest cams & need to send Bear info to another lady at Park w/small GCs.

wvgal_dana said...

I think Dr. Sharpe just loves climing around. I think they all out there are GREAT ( :

Lori O. said...

I'm a little crazy too, you guys are far more advanced in the Eagle world than I am!

Have a nice lunch Jo --

I'm gonna catch a nap, or try to.

Have a great day BEagle!

Lori O. said...

I'm sorry, have a wonderful day Loretta and you, too Dana.

BEagle said...

NatureNut. I hope you get you mice figured out.

Must scoot. Lotsa stuff to do.

hedgie said...

Lowreeda, if you get Peggy, tell him to make it easy on you!! Too funny! Glad that you have at least one mouse working!! Getting close to race time. Better go dig some meat out of freezer...spaghetti on menu for tonight. Haven't fixed it in quite awhile.

movin said...


A Very GooD Sunday

MorniNG tO yOU aLL.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Hi all! Have been checking up on all the comments. When we last hear from Lynne? I want to hear that they have survived!!

Lolly said...

When "did" we last hear from Lynne? Gishhhhhhhhhhh! Now I am leaving out whole words.

movin said...

I think BWE is feeding the youngsters.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

I don't know if it's been noted before, but I just opened the WE cam and they definitely have two eggs in the egg cup now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

BEagle said...

Jim. That is good news about the second egg at the WE nest.

Thanks! I was thinking she only laid the one.

I am also wondering if the Pelican Harbor cam will be replaced with a cam on their new nesting site.

hedgie said...

OMG---OMG------was outside and saw a huge shadow cross yard. Looked up and I SWEAR it was a juvie!!!!! I am almost CERTAIN it was!!! Wings were perfect straight except the fringe feathers were beautiful seperated. It was gliding on the thermals, not flapping at all.

BEagle said...

Both on the nest. Lib just arrived.

wvgal_dana said...

Switch of eagles and I hear gun shots.

BEagle said...

Belle got up and moved to Lib, then flew off to the right.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Hedgie-Lynn you lucky gal you. I am happy for you a juvie .... I bet your heart was really beating. ( :

Shots did not make eagle leave nest.

wvgal_dana said...

I am going to have to go to Dicks Sporting good store. To check out binoculars that have tint in them. Use mine and my eyes just pain and carry on. Of course cost will decide if I can even get tinted ones.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn Hedgesville is not that far away flying wise. Send that juvie over my way !!!!!!

BEagle said...

WoW. Hedgie saw a juvie. Did you have your camera?

hedgie said...

Pounding heard at cam......wonder what that was? Something on farm, I guess.

hedgie said...

Geesh-----fingers couldn't type LY as in perfectLY and beautifulLY!! I was in a rush to tell you!

hedgie said...

Nope, Beagle, camera was inside. Mine probably wouldn't have done it any justice anyway.
Dana....:( it was heading toward the mountain.

Not gun shots, was pounding like with a sledge hammer.

hedgie said...

Since the report is that there is at least one nest in Sleepy the eagle flies, that's only about 3 miles. My old place bordered it behind The Woods Resort.

NatureNut said...

The techie saga continues!! Called the techie co. we have a 1 yr. contract with and SAM tested and said it was a hardware problem w/little board where mouse plugs in! However mouse doesn't work whichever USB plug I used.So, of course that would mean puter would have to go somewhere for physical repair.So, Fubby called Dell, got a 1 month acct. & techie Sarvish had me run all kinds of tests & mouse is OK. Problem he said is Windows software does not recognize the mouse!!!(They must have split uo! LOL)When my cauliflower ear & headache goes away, I will call Dell software section.
Of course, Fubby's solution is buy a new 'puter!!!!I would like to save several $100's by repairing!!!
Thx for letting me report-UGH!

BEagle said...

The Decorah eagle just stood up. They now have two egglets!

BEagle said...

I have no idea when the second egg was laid at Decorah.

Two eggs coming from the same eagle and look so very different.

BEagle said...

New computer NatureN?

Ah-h-h-h-h! Nice idea!

Mema Jo said...

You are a lucky duck! So happy you saw him on the thermals. I bet your heart was racing away! Hope it was a "Good sign" of things to come.......

We watched a taped movie and now
We are heading out for awhile...
For sure I will look to the skies!!


BEagle said...

Eagle change at Deco. This must be mama now. Look at those eggs! One is white the other is a speckled gray.

Lolly said...

Wow, Lynn, that is so exciting. What I would give! I will just continue to marvel at my rs hawks and the Mississsippi Kites we have flying around.

Have done a little straightening in the kitchen and mopped all the tile floors. Think my work for the day is done. Have been thinking of Paula. How much fun she is having!!

Lolly said...

Guess we are going to have to set a fire under the Dallas kids. Have not seen them for several weeks now. That is the way it is with them. Grrrrr!

Lolly said...

It is 76 here and extremly humid. Yuck! Expecting a front tonight, we are on the very edge of possible violent weather. Looks like Arkansas is going to really get it. Let's hope not! I would like to go outside and work, but it is just too yukky!

hedgie said...

SO frustrating, Loretta. Makes no sense that they don't make things compatible. My photo/slide scanner won't work with anything newer than Vista....and, of course, laptop is Windows 7. Anyway that you can download a driver?

glo said...

I surely wish Lynne 2 would stop bye and let us know how she and her hubby are feeling. I am worried about her especially since she sounded like she was having a relapse. :-(

hedgie said...

I know,, too. Maybe I should try to call, but sure don't want to wake them up if they are resting well.....

hedgie said...

Feeding at BWE.

Judie said...

Good early evening, everyone.

Once I got downstairs this morning, I sort of had to stay there as I was trying to get caught up on laundry and prepare food ahead for next week. Too difficult to try to make trips up and down.

Good part is that I get to begin the week caught up on laundry and food prepped ahead. Tuesday is exam day and tomorrow begins prep on domestic violence.

Dana, the detective was already a seasoned detective but working on his college degree. Yes, I remember him very well. He was a favorite.

Still having trouble getting cams. Did check our nest which was occupied and quiet a few minutes ago.

Lynn, sorry about Gail. Hope all will be okay. However, so happy you saw a juvie. What a lovely treat.

I agree. Would really like an update from Lynne on health issues.

Lowreeda, dontcha just hate how a mouse is perfectly functional when it sneaks into the kitchen but the one at the computer is the one that's dead?

Not having lobster (hang in there Wanda) or crab legs (jealous) but are having shrimp and salad at Chez Darth.

Did too much today. Ankle the size of Dallas (lookout Lolly).

Will BBL

hedgie said...

Forgot to say that bad weather in MO is southerly, so Mom okay. Map just wasn't very clear on FB. Duh!

Judie, you have worked hard today!
Elevate!!!!! Dinner sounds good!
My sauce is smelling great; time to cook the pasta.

BEagle said...

Lib is up and flew off to the left.

BEagle said...

One potato...two potato.

BEagle said...

We need someone to arrive and sit on those eggs.

Here's Belle.
In from the right.

BEagle said...

She is gingerly going over the eggs.
Digging and fluffing and getting ready to rock her boat.

BEagle said...

Rock rock rock!

BEagle said...

Does anyone go see the Decorah nest.
There is an object on the nest. Looks something like a feather duster.

BEagle said...

I see two eggs at Decorah.

Judie said...

Our nest quiet but two adults at Hornsby -- ooops, one poofed.

Okay, good weather news, Lynn. BTW, spaghetti is later in the week. Enjoy!

Okay, really leaving now.

Lori O. said...

Good evening Lynn and BEagle!

A JUVIE! How exciting, Lynn! Guess Hidey is still too young. Hmmm.

I loved Glo's pic of the juvie in her Pick Three slide show. Gorgeous.

Boy, Poor Judie her ankle sounds painful.

OK - gotta wash out the color in my hair now...lovely grays going away! Hooray!

hedgie said...

Looks like a corn stalk to me, BEagle.....appropriate since it's in Iowa! (My mom's parents home state!)

BEagle said...

Hi Hedgie. I see the cornstalk.
The duster is on the other side of the eagle now and not clearly visible at the moment.

BEagle said...

It just might be an old cornstalk too.
You can see some of the feathery stuff sticking up beyond the eagle.

BEagle said...

Egg roll.

BEagle said...

Rocking now.

BEagle said...

Don't know what that bright light was..going across the nest.

BEagle said...

Belle is grabbing some distant fluff to stuff herself in.

hedgie said...

Lori, you must be prematurely gray!
My Carolyn had her first gray hair at age 3!

hedgie said...

Haven't seen anything behind her yet at Decorah, BEagle!

Sister supposed to be on way to ER...she got a tetanus shot on Weds. Now with hot, red swelling of whole upper arm with a red streak up across her collarbone onto her neck with red spots on her chest....?????? I'm stumped. Sounds like possible blood poisoning. But from a Tet shot?? Never heard of that.

hedgie said...

Wonder what time the moon is due to rise? It was after 1:30AM Fri. night, and didn't notice last night. Stars are out....but they don't help our nest lighting!

stronghunter said...


Wanted to check in and say hello. It turned out to be a decent day here. We got a little bit done in the yard. There is always the poop-scooping to be done. Kathryn and Hunter do that.

I removed a lot of old flower pots that I had not picked up earlier.

stronghunter said...

Will came by with George's collar and put it on him. It worried me when he was missing that it was one of the rare times he was out and also one of the rare times he was not wearing his collar. He even has a chip, but the information about the chip is on his collar along with my address and phone number.

He asked what he could do while he was here and I had him put together the new portable carpet cleaner and took down an old can opener I had replaced.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is having fun with the remote control. We are watching a variety of television programs.

Judie said...

Back again. Dinner over. Darth did a very nice job. I cleaned up. After almost 4 months I guess I'm having some "conscience" issues.

Lynn, I gather from your latest comment that your sister is not doing well with some type of infection? I thought it was a broken thumb. Sure do hope that gets resolved very quickly. Never had a reaction to a tetanus or shingles, etc. Wishing her quick recovery.

Shirley, sounds as if you had a very typical "early" Spring day. So glad you had a bit of respite. Relax and try for some serious sleep later.

Lori, color your world beauteous. Thanks. The ankle is still a problem. Swelling is a problem although fractures have healed.

Am headed across the hallway to rest and elevate the offending appendage. Will try to return later. Watching the academy awards NOT!

stronghunter said...

We have the Academy Awards on for the moment, but I do not know for how long. Kathryn is a remoter-control surfer.

We watched parts of Pearl Harbor and Saving Private Ryan until she decided they were too violent and depressing, then some other program, then the Academy Awards with intervals of whatever other program she was watching.

stronghunter said...

Got the dogs outside for awhile this afternoon. Hunter ran up and down the street with Flash. Luna took a slow stroll with Kathryn.

hedgie said...

Oh, Mai oh, Mai----one top canine just came out---retrieved it. Bleeding badly! Toy all covered with blood.

stronghunter said...

Got my prescription issues straightened out today. I have not had a card for my new plan this year and had let myself run out of pills.

I was able to get the new information and got the medicine without any problem, thank goodness. The price for a month's supply is almost $1000, though I am not taking as much as the doctor prescribed since I really do not seem to need it. With the plan, I paid just $35.

hedgie said...

Judie, sis is dealing with both issues! Thanks for concern.

Shirley, had to laugh!!! Not only about putting Will to owrk, but about Kat being a remote-zapper----I've alway said that one of the good things about Bill not being here anymore is that I dont have to put up with the constant channel changes!! Also, when you said "remoter" ith reminded me that when Jess was little, she called the remote a "motor"! I need to remind her of that sometime soon!

stronghunter said...

Didn't know I said "remoter," Lynn.

stronghunter said...

I had suggested the Academy Awards because I thought I might want to see at least part of it. I do not expect to make it to the end.

hedgie said...

Check out video Lisa has on BWE Cam Web Log!!!

hedgie said...

Shirley, glad you got the prescription issue straightened out. Sure took a long time! Good deal, tho', at only $35!
I never got my $250 check from SS for hitting the donut hole.....called them and they said that they would have to investigate with Humana....could take 30 days. Good grief! I should have had it before the end of the year.

Mema Jo said...

Our eagle is standing in the nest around 11:00 and doing an egg roll.
The eggs really show up along with her
white feathers.....

stronghunter said...

Hunter has found a marvelous way to postpone bedtime. He eats very little supper, then starts asking for food at bedtime. He is now eating salad.

stronghunter said...

Pharmacy said that according to Social Security, I was not enrolled in Plan D for this year. I am. I was able to prove it, thank goodness.

Do you ever get the impression that since you are a senior citizen, they think you might not be,ummm, "all there"? Man explained to me that you have to renew your plan every year. Yep, I know that.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn I am hoping your sister will be diagnosed quickly and receive help.

I too am concerned about Lynne and Steve. I did check FB but no entries have been made. If she doesn't come on this evening, I think maybe you could give them a call tomorrow Lynn.

I am headed in to watch a taped show.
BBBGTB (Be back before going to bed)

stronghunter said...

Had to go back and get my files to find out who my appointment is with on Tuesday. This is a new dermatologist.

I have an appointment with my old dermatologist already, but I truly do not want to see him for this job. He is a nice man, but his office is really not up to the 21st century.

There are no computers in the office. When they bill you, everything is written out by hand. The ladies who work there are sweet and they told me they want computers, but the doctor doesn't. I have been wondering what other changes he might be resisting.

hedgie said...

Shirley, I feel so sorry for the elderly people who really don't know or understand the system at all, and are getting fleeced at every turn. It is so unfair. They should all have an appointed eldercare advisor who takes care of these kind of things for them.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lynn, I was happy with the $35. No deductible. I chose this plan because they pay for the Asacol, I need.

Hope everything is better for your sister.

stronghunter said...

Yes, me too, Lynn. I am sure there are plenty of confused people out there. I did get good advice when I started out, and I really needed it.

And I was happy that I could call someone on a Sunday because I really needed the help today.

hedgie said...

Okay, Jo. Think I will text her tonight if I have her cell number, and then call tomorrow.

Shirley, is the old dermatologist "old" or just old-fashioned??

hedgie said...

Of course, if surgery is required you will want a plastics person!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Watching Academy Awards. Hope TV doesn't go the way of the 'puter!!
Dell software techie sent me to the Dell Dimension techie. We had to get another small account!Her name was Anna. We got disconnected--duh!Called back, got another lady who continued the tests.Didn't get her name, but bet it's Peggy, as she said the motherboard is shot, new one about $300, so better to get a new 'puter!!!Fubby was irrate, 'cuz first person he talked to at Dell said his acct. payment guaranteed a fix!He called floor mgr. & will get a refund, & they'll call tomorrow to sell us a new 'puter!
I'll take orange juice cans and string!!! ☺

NatureNut said...

Lynn, wonderful sighting of your juvie eagle!
So sorry to hear about your sister. Could she have some kind of allergic reaction from shot?
I'm concerned about Lynne & Steve,too. I had sent her an emaqil aboutg a week ago. Have to check if she was able to reply yet.

I thought Kirk Douglas did a great job!
BTW,if I konk out watching Awards, Pleasant Feather Dreams to all hitting the hay.Prayers for all those people & pets in need ;>)

hedgie said...

ROFL, Loretta! I know it's NOT funny, but it IS a comedy of errors, isn't it???

hedgie said...

Still 50° here....but bad weather is coming. Stormy tomorrow---possibly severe. 1-2" rain.

stronghunter said...

Yes, these new people are dermatologists/plastic surgeons. My regular dermatologist is a very nice man, but I can't say much for his personality. Kind of nerdy, I guess you might say. And, hardly young. I have been seeing him about once a year for problems caused by the sun. Comes with being fair-skinned, I think.

I might decide to change over to the new people if I find I like them.

hedgie said...

I sent Lynne a response yet.
I don't really think it's an allergic reaction, Loretta. I think it's a cellulitis.....wonder if the injection hit a vein? Possible that could cause the symptoms.....maybe.
Kirk sure hasn't lost his sense of humor.....and very brave to be on stage now. But he sure does look bad.....poor guy.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the heads-up, Lynn. I see the severe storms prediction.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like Lynne and Steve are really having a hard time. Waiting to hear from them here, too.

NatureNut said...

Yeah, Lynn, I know what you mean!
I might just call the other tech co. tomorrow & see if they will come to the same conclusion. You really can't trust anybody you don't know, nor if they have a PHD in the subject or not! LOL

stronghunter said...

I asked Will about the siding problem while he was here, but he said that he does not know how to fix that. I expect I will need to call someone with a good ladder. Also need someone to hammer in a couple of nails on the gutters. The same nails keep popping out. I would say they need to do something about that.

stronghunter said...

I think about the siding every time we have a storm. gotta do something about it.

stronghunter said...

The back of my house is three stories tall. We do not have a ladder that tall and I don't really want anyone not accustomed to working at that height to be doing it anyway. No way could I climb that high. Couldn't even when I was a kid.

Judie said...

Before I settle in for the night --

Shirley, so glad you were able to resolve the medicine issue and for not a whole bunch of $$. Do hope the new dermatologist is more up-to-date on skills and procedures. Good luck!

Lynn, sorry about the bloody tooth loss. Try to give Mai a gentle hug.

Again, I do agree about contacting Lynne. Concern is growing.

Lowreeda, laughing but so sorry for the computer mess. We've been there and it really is dreadfully frustrating. Hope all is made better tomorrow.

Wonder if Paula is home from the b____?

Going to turn my light off now after checking our nest one more time. Will leave the night light on for others coming in, waking up after the awards, headed to the tub, back the hallway, or just stumbling around in the dark. Pleasant dreams.

stronghunter said...

I heard there would be a lot of color at the Academy Awards this year, but I keep seeing sophisticated black. I think it looks fine.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie. I will not be far behind you. Only have to be ready for one day before I have a day off this week.

Lori O. said...

Good Evening, Loretta, Shirley and Lynn.
Got all that awful gray outta my hair and feel much better. Now get some new glasses this week wne I'll feel like I can see again, too!
I wanted to nominated for Best Picture: "Lib and Belle: Love in a Sycamore." Maybe our talented GLO could make the film and we could get it in for next year!

Or how about "Lib & Belle: A Towering, True story of a Real Love Nest."
☺ ☺ ☺
Obviously I should have been in bed hours ago!

Sweet dreams everyone. May your favorite movie win tonight.

stronghunter said...

I am going to say good night and head upstairs. Maybe the day will come soon when I can sit up late more often, but it is not here yet.

stronghunter said...

Love your nomination, Lori.

stronghunter said...

I keep thinking about my students who thought our eagles must be babies because they look so small in comparison to the size of the nest. That is one huge nest. I can see why they are confused if they don't know what a baby eagle looks like.

hedgie said...

Shirley, show the kids the picture of Paula or Sharon in front of the wingspan chart!!! That will make it sseem more realistic!! They should be in the Open House album for 2008!

hedgie said...

Goodnight to you and Judie.
BTW----I could climb the ladder, Shirley, but I wouldn't be able to DO anything when I got up there!!! I'd be holding on tight with both hands!!

stronghunter said...

Good idea, Lynne. I will check the wingspan chart. The kids seemed really interested.

I will see you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

I would have a heart attack even watching Will go up a ladder to the back of my house.

Good night for real.

Costume Lady said...


magpie said...

better slide on here before internet crashes...again...
think I am caught up on posts...

Lynn, hoping to hear your sister will be okay, healing and recovering soon...
and definitely
want to know how Lynne and Steve are doing

Nice possible juvie eagle sighting for you today, Lynn...

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Wanda. You've been quiet!!! Sleep tight!

magpie said...

goofy, was redirected to sign in, I only had to enter my password, first part was already done for me

There is NO WAY I can keep up with all the eagles nests...
can keep up with NCTC and Blackwater... and once in awhile a few others, but it sure sounds like most of the rest of you are having a heyday watching all the action

Good Night Wanda and Sweet Dreams to you and Gene too ♥

magpie said...

I got a reprieve this morning and only had to stay an extra 45 mins...someone we called, came in to work it instead.....
a rather serious scheduling snafu...can't really have that in our line of work, too few fannies in the building

magpie said...

What a perfectly wonderful weather day it was hereabouts...
hope that Paula had the same kind of weather at the beach house...
tomorrow, could be tricky, with the predicted thunderstorms...
I am NOT on the schedule, thank goodness....

magpie said...

sounds very frustrating, the computer make-over...
makes me think I will just hold steady with what I have until I CAN afford a new dinosaur...
might be awhile...

Have some serious sleep catching up to do...spent a large part of the afternoon with the grandson up in Berkeley Springs...
going to start on the sleeping very soon...

Prayers for wellness and inner peace....
and grateful prayers for many gifts given

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Back to say good night
Glad you washed that gray right out of your hair, Lorie.
Thanks for sending a text, Lynn.
Shirley, it is important to get the doc
you are comfortable with - good luck.
Margy hope you have a good enjoyable few days off.
Loretta - because I don't turn off my wireless mouse, hubby just had to put in a new battery for me.

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy, so glad you got off almost on time!! And that you had a good time with James. Now get sweet sleep!

Jo, I turn my mouse off whenever I walk away from puter, but still have to replace batts every week.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Home safe and sound.

Will be back shortly

Mema Jo said...

Welcome back, Paula
I am sure you had a good day getting
things fixed up at the house.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn that may be a good way for me to remember turning it off.. instead of
losing power when I am typing......

hedgie said...

Well, my fine, fowl friends....heading for tub in a few and then between the sheets I go. See you all tomorrow. Prayers and peace.

Mema Jo said...

I need to follow you Lynn - well down my open hallway that is. Paula I wish I could stay longer to hear you but
you can get off to sleep because no one is here..... ♥

Good Night to everyone and may you have restful sleep
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

p.s. - I don't really have an OPEN hallway.... it has walls on either side


Lolly said...

Hi all! Been reading this evening. Storms in our area now, we are getting wind and rain. We are at the tail end of a long line of bad stuff.

paula eagleholic said...

Lori & Jo...the link to the page with 3 WE cam doesn't come up either. Think they need to fix the page.

IWS is still trying to determine if the PH pair is going to use the "new" nest ... or perhaps a 3rd nest? They haven't seen much activity at the original or "new" nest. If they use the "new" one...they have a camera in place, and are working on getting it online.

The CHIL/IWS forum does have a nest observations section, you can access it from the main forum page.

And Yay for 2 eggs at the WE nest! And 2 for Decorah!

Oh, Lynn saw a juvie!!

Will have to check out the BWE video. Sounds like a lot of nest action around Eagleland!

Hope Lynne checks in soon!

Weather was great at the beach, must have been over 50°...had sunshine until 2-3 or so, then clouds. Didn't get everything done today that I wanted, but did get everything out of the truck and into the house and placed.

Nugz did good in the yard, had him off the leash about 1/2 the time. He didn't get in the water today, cause I had him on the leash down on the beach.

Also met a neighbor, SueEllen. Lives in PA. There is an osprey nest a couple of houses up from me!! The guy takes down the platform in the winter! OH AND THE EAGLES SIT IN THE LOBLOLLY PINES IN THE LOT NEXT DOOR! But I haven't seen them there yet. She said they don't sit there when the osprey come back!

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, part of that I think we are getting overnight or tomorrow. No rain here yet...don't know when it's supposed to start.

Lolly said...

Very worried about Lynne and Steve. Saw where you tried to reach them Lynn, thanks. Maybe tomorrow!

paula eagleholic said...

Radar shows rain in the area, but haven't seen any yet.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, the blog is all yours, and Andy's. Gonna try and hit the hay, tired from all the driving!

G'nite and hugs to all ♥

Mema Jo said...

**Guess what - Boom Boom Man was just heard overhead!

I guess it is going to rain!

Nite !

Lolly said...

Bear Update video

Lot of action in this video. Faith and Jason are really growing.

Lolly said...

Storm has already passed us. We just got the narrow bottom end. Well, as least we got the ground wet. Sigh....

Paula, your place sound absolutely fantastic. Eagles!!! Can hardly wait until you see one. Keep that camera ready!!

Lolly said...

One more video..Jason's Great Escape

This video is fantastic. At the end the way Hope is tending to Jason is amazing. Wow!

Going to call it quits now.

Nite all! Sweet dreams! I did peek in at Belle...alls well in the nest. ☺

Lolly said...

I lied...pulling a Margy.

Just saw this on fb about PH nest.

After two days of searching we finally found the newest new nest for the PH pair. It is located in a pine about 1.5 km west of their original nest and over 7.5 km from the new one we recently put the camera on. It is in a remote area that has no good observation points, so we are going to have to rely on the adults' behavior to tell us what is going on while we view the nest from our boat.

Lolly said...

Also, this from PH....

I wouldn't have even seen the nest if they hadn't started flying and vocalizing. I could not see into the nest bowl, but based upon the adults' behavior, I'm pretty sure they are sitting on eggs. The nest looks much better than the last two and seems to have plenty of support. As you can probably tell, there will not be a camera on this nest because of its location. We'll do our best to keep you updated on what is going on, but we will probably only know that chicks have hatched when we see the adults feeding them, and we may not even know how many there are until banding

Really am going to bed now!

movin said...

OK, here's the link to Dr. Sharpe's report on the PH nest:

Newest PH Nest Report

Jim [C~:]

Lori O. said...

Still very dark at the nest.

No telling who is in there but likely Belle at this time, just waiting for light and breakfast.

Paula, where is your beach house? Sounds so cool with all the raptors there! What a dream come true.

Geula said...

ahhh, a nice early morning nest eagle all tucked in!

Good Morning!

Geula said...

the view is still choppy...Momma Belle called out a while ago...egg turning time and a wig-gle wig-gle (still choppy!)

Lori O. said...

Lost the Internet for a while... it's back now.

Hello Geula!

Any guesses on if that's Belle or Lib?

Lori O. said...

She looks pretty wide, so I'll guess Belle.

Geula said...

I can't tell them apart, but I know that Belle taked the night shift and if there wasn't a switch while I was watching Jason's escape the it's still Belle......but your guess is as good as mine!

Geula said...

Hey! I just made a new word! TAKED!

floralgirl said...

We just had a switch in the nest.
Today's nest weather- Showers and thunderstorms. Some thunderstorms may produce damaging winds...then some thunderstorms may be severe with damaging winds this afternoon. Locally heavy rainfall possible this afternoon. Breezy with highs in the mid 60s. Southeast winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph...becoming southwest 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph this afternoon. Chance of rain near 100 percent.

Geula said...

NAP TIME! bbl...zzzzzzzzzzz

Lori O. said...

Ah, Good morning Megan - you always spot the switch!

More wild weather today, eh?

floralgirl said...

Morning Lori:) I just happened to open the cam just before they switched. Cause I couldnl't get my tired butt out of bed earlier.

Costume Lady said...

Wish the rain would hold off til tomorrow:( Wanted to do some cleaning up outside. The winds that we have been having has made my yard look like the City Dump! I think we have litter in our yard from 7 miles away;

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 260   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...