Sunday, February 20, 2011


New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Chicks in view at BWE

BEagle said...

Hi Paula! I thought every one was too busy, which I will be in just a few minutes. I allowed myself some time for eagles.

The BWE nest cam froze with the adult in full wing span. What wings they have.

Two little bitty chickies waiting for nibbles of food!

magpie said...

Ditto that Paula that was my last post pre-split ☺

awewsome view

Hi Bob..come on back...visit !

magpie said...

got to go out
Brother not traveling today
house is cleaned up anyway

See you all later on

paula eagleholic said...

Not a dark spot showing on egg #3

magpie said...

Two parents now BWE ~

BEagle said...

I like how the adults tilt their heads when feeding the young.

Oh there's two adults on the BW nest now.

paula eagleholic said...

Both parents now at BWE

BEagle said...

Shoot! Paula got on both side of the split!

magpie said...

WHAT IS that in the nest...
kind of looks like a large SLUG !
bet it's tasty !!

BEagle said...

It's looks like a couple shadows on the left of the unhatched egg.

Both adults took off and the chicks are eyeing them.

magpie said...

Nice to watch the same things with friends all across the miles and the world...
okay bye now

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Mom left at BWE and Dad is in charge again. Hope he can keep that fish off the chicklets.

Looks like he is munching before duty. Second chick finally popped up!

magpie said...

also looks like a very very small fox ! doubt it, but I can see a fox face - BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Ooopsy daisy, he fell over :)

And back up again :)

floralgirl said...

Brrr... it is cold and feels like it's gonna snow out there:(

BEagle said...

A fox? I was thinking it's a fish. One of those poor shores man. What is it?

BEagle said...

What's the big dark thing on the top edge?

BEagle said...

Looks like an eggplant.

BEagle said...

longshoreman fish?

paula eagleholic said...

TH nest is down, Steffani is going to try to check it out today

floralgirl said...

This is what friends of BW is saying about the food in the nest-Our second eaglet has dried off and now looks alert and healthy. We're also impressed with the food being provided -- at least 3 large fish and part of a bird.

Mema Jo said...

Popping in for a minute
Had rain drops on the windshield as we headed back from Hagerstown.. Sky has
snow written all over it.. Wind getting up a little and Everyone just get home or stay home!

Mema Jo said...

Headed out again for 1 hour and will be right back home.....


BEagle said...

It's 61 degrees in the capitol city and the rain on radar seems to be arcing above us. It sure is cloudy though.


Bob Quinn said...

47 degrees on the Eastern Shore. No rain but plenty cloudy here too.

glo said...

Remember 2 years ago when Dad at Blackwater hardly brought any food at all. Looks like he's got this provider thing going pretty good this year.

paula eagleholic said...

It's 35° in Frederick

stronghunter said...


The doctor did not do Luna's surgery today. The pressure in her eye was very high this morning. The doctor was able to bring the pressure down, but she wants to see if Luna will regain the vision before deciding if it is worthwhile doing the surgery. This has been really odd. When the pressure increases, Luna loses her eyesight, but when it decreases, she can see.

The doctor said that it is a good sign that Luna could see most of yesterday. She definitely could not see this morning. We had to coax her down the stairs.

Kathryn is trying to see if Susan can keep Luna tonight. Her apartment is close to the vet's office. It is a long trip for Kathryn to go up there.

Judie said...

Saw the BWE babes and looks as if the 3rd babe will arrive very soon.

Jim, can you send along some info on Phoebe? Would like to watch, too. Can I Google?

Unable to get TH and WE. Need to check NBG.

Shirley, still thinking of Luna.

Nice activity at BWE. Saw both adults and lots of food.

Light rain here, still. Cold at 40º Not wanting snow for going to school tomorrow.

Finished the exam. Whew! Have Spring break to do the final.

Prepared crab cakes for tonight's dining pleasure. Have some cabbage left over -- maybe a simple slaw.


Judie said...

Oh Shirley. So sorry the circumstances for Luna are in limbo. I cannot tell you how much I hope all will work together to get Luna all better.

floralgirl said...

Here you go, Judie- Phoebe hummingbird cam

paula eagleholic said...

BWE - Maybe that is part of the bird at the top of the nest. The bloody mess in front of the lady is a fish.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like rain on BWO lense

paula eagleholic said...

And ysy for a new egg for Phoebe. That is one reproductive hummingbird!

paula eagleholic said...

Duh, no "e" on lens

paula eagleholic said...

Well I have typos everywhere...

Judie said...

Thank you, Megan. Sure hope the s__w takes a sharp turn away from your place. Have you done much planting, yet?

Bob Quinn said...

Speaking of planting, was at Longwood Gardens on Saturday. I've never been there before. Sarah grew up in the area and it was her first time back in over 40 years. Apparently it's where she took her first steps.

hedgie said...

Here I am playing catch-up again.
Been doing someone's taxes, catching up on some taped shows, and FILLING IN HOLES.......muddy holes. It is sleeting.....temp is dropping.
Mai has not been playing nice today.....more holes in my clothes----luckily not in me. We went for two walks....but playing ball inside did not go well.

Cool that Phoebe has laid her egg! Thanks, Jim! Haven't had time to watch cams!

Shirley, is the surgeon just a veterinary opthamologist??? Don't understand why they don't keep a surgical patient there....????

hedgie said...

Someone is firing a cannon again nearby. Good grief----don't think there is anything is the rapid firing would obliterate anything they were shooting.

MArgy, has your brother left CT yet?? Or is he sitting tight until the weather moves out? So hope he is able to make it.

hedgie said...

Hi, Bob! Good to see you again! Any forays to BW lately?

Judie said...

New thread! Y'all come on over.

hedgie said...

Okay, see that Luna did not have surgery. Poor girl doggie. :(

And see that Margy's bro is not en route.

Bob, Longwood Gardens is in PA, right? Never been, but have read about it. Good photo ops there?

It is 34° here.

hedgie said...

Oh-oh....see where Kat just posted on FB that she DOES have to drive to Fairfax.....maybe Suzi can't keep Luna after all?

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks in view at BWE

hedgie said...

BWE chicklets are alone.....oops, WERE....could see those black eyes!!! They were sitting tall!

paula eagleholic said...

New thread!!!!

hedgie said...

Wanda, loved your funny story!!!
Hope you found all well at GG's.

hedgie said...

Fire is rockin' in the woodstove. First time in many days. I was playing lazy!!

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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...