Sunday, February 13, 2011


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Well Good Morning again on this 2 Egg
Thanks Steve for the fresh thread
Happy Valentine's Day to you and the
Mrs. ♥ ♥

Headed over to invite all those Eagle Egg Watchers to come over.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle was just calling out about somethimg

Sunday, February 13, 2011 11:35:00 AM

paula eagleholic said...

mt nest

Lib in

Lolly said...

Ready for church and about to leave but heard our boid chirp and had to take a peek. Now two little eggs all alone. Bet someone flies in soon. Ah ha! Just as I expected!

Apparently, right now, Guela it is just boids boids boids and an occaional bar! LOL Lily and Hope Bars, that is!

Bye, see ya later!

Oh and thanks Jo and Steve!

hedgie said...

Repeating: I really love the sunrise pics, but honestly think that Glo's photography is better on the whole!

PLEASE GO BACK TO OLD THREAD and check my links neart end.....interesting reading and some good photos.

Mema Jo said...

I am headed out for a few hours.
I'll touch base upon my return..


hedgie said...

Geula, Tues. is the big name-the panda announcement at Atlanta! Of course, cub won't be out until spring. Most panda news is from overseas.....births and the "loaning" of adults to some zoos (Edinburgh,Scotland for one!).

NatureNut said...

Beautiful Sunday to all!!
Nest is pretty, but windy!
See it's still a 2 egg day--will be watching! ☺

NatureNut said...


Catch up reading--hearing the wind! I forgot it's been that many days since 2nd egg. 3rd would not have an easy life. Seems like most of the chicklets here have had fairly good manners, tho.Very surprising--wonder if it's genetic?!

Gotta get more coffe & check email--yikes. BBL

hedgie said...

Mai and I were just out playing ball......melt is happening....and so is MUD! But I think she's tuckered. Ate her lunch and now she's sound asleep.

kickngbird said...

Egg roll; settled back down

paula eagleholic said...

Lib's white feathers sticking out on the right again ☺

hedgie said...

Got a friend request on FB from Susan that any of our Susans???

paula eagleholic said...

Seems she is a friend of Chrissy. I got one too.

Heading in to work for a couple of hours....bbl

carolinabeachmom said...

Good afternoon all eagle friends.

carolinabeachmom said...

I see that everyone was on and now back off. Oh well. I just got home from church and thought I would try once more today to get on this blog. I have been watching the nest at home and at school, but for some reason, couldn't find where to get back on on this computer at home. I think I finally have it.

carolinabeachmom said...

The nest looks good with the two eggs in it, and it also looks really good to see no snow in it so far since the eggs appeared. Shall we all hope and pray for a better start to Lib and Belle's year in 2011? It sounds like we have sound, but the other night when I looked in, I couldn't see the nest. No lights at night?

Well I guess I'll head back to Facebook to catch up on my farming :) for awhile until everyone returns. You all have a wonderful day.

Lolly said...

Helllllllllllloooooo Candy! Welcome back! Forget your farming and stay here for a while. ☺

No, not much light at night, but we still try to make it out. The moon helps. There is a light but it does not do well and there is nothing at this time that they can do. NCTC is disappointed, as well as us ,in the performance.

BEagle said...

Lib just swooped off after a good stretch.

I think it's Belle floating in.

BEagle said...

Nah. I think that is still Lib.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Afternoon eagle friends. Been trying to work through my emails. Ah Ah that means yep you all got some.

Good to see Candy on.

I have only been on this thread.

Going to vacuum the living room

Oh sound of eagle is beautiful.


carolinabeachmom said...

Egg roll at two eighteen and settled back down on nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Did forget started out in facebook. I was trying to find out if LeLand arrived yet. So Janet can fuss over the baby. lol


wvgal_dana said...


I'm getting like Margy hee hee
say I'm leaving and still here.

Am going will bbl

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Hi Candy. Where ya been?

Our two eaglets in waiting are being tended, I see. Will look back again in a few.

Been trying to do some "I can move around on my own" things this morning. Managed a bit of laundry. Just wish the swelling and aching would put me in their rear view mirror.

Now back to working on the exam I started yesterday.

Hope everyone is dong well. Chrissy, many thanks for the hummingbird pics.

Hope the day with Mai continues to be a good one, Lynn.

Also got a friend request from a Susan but I don't do FB, wasn't sure who it is, so deleted.

Glo, I got an attachment from you in an email but it wouldn't open -- said some error occurred.


Lolly said...

Paula and Lynn, you have email from me.

movin said...


GooD MorninG, aLL.



C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

I got a clear look at the eggs on the last roll too.

Belle sure looked like she was trying to lay the third this A.M., but it looks like it's not going to happen. It would sure be unusual if she laid a third egg after this long.

Two eggs, two healthy fledglings will be at least enough however.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Speaking of hummingbirds, the chicks on the Irvine nest are about to fledge. I saw the larger one perched on the side this morning..until a wind gust made him settle part way back. But he was flapping his wings a-mile-a-minute, and you could hear that distinct hummmm.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Right you are, Jim. We won't be greedy.

Lolly, mail back atcha'.

Candy.....good to see you, GF! Hope you can stay with us this time!

movin said...

Firefox gave me a "Site Reported as an Attack Site" (maybe not exact words) when I tried to open the IWS Channel Islands page.

I had to disable that feature in Firefox to open it.

Has anyone else had that happen?? Anybody had malicious stuff from that site installed on their puter??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Now the smaller one is hovering a short time over the nest.. Mom just fed them.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

NatureNut said...

Having major mouse problems. Puter thinks we're installing a new, unknown USB device!!!!'Cuz I've un & replugged it a couple times!Got another somewhere that I really liked--NO cord, but Fubby didn't like batteries dying quickly. Gotta find it & I have plenty of NIMH camera batteries.
BTW, I think Susan-Hill Goodwin is edgy_su on Momsters & she has another Susan name on blog-wvsUSAn.
She ewas on blogs/forums a lot w/Chrissy and mee duriing the Koo troubles.
Wish me techie luck--I need Binky, the techie cat back here!And there's always old 'puter in a pinch.

BEagle said...

Jim. I have had no problems with Channel Islands opening. It's hard to tell about things that pop up like that.

It could have been an ad. My son helped me with one the other day.

BEagle said...

I really like a wireless mouse. But the batteries died very quickly on my store bought. The one at work, battery power lasts a long time. I haven't figure out the difference.

Mema Jo said...

I love my wireless mouse too, however I forget to turn it off overnight - I will probably have a Dead Mouse soon.

It is a beautiful day outside - If the wind would cease completely it would be an awesome weather day.

I see our eggs are being well attended!

movin said...

Beagle, Nature. I've had a Logitech wireless mouse for quite a while... uses AA batteries, standard ones last quite a while.

But I bought a package at Sam's with a charger and maybe 8 batteries, which i have been using for several years.

The rechargeable ones don't last quite as long (??), but I never have to buy least for that purpose.

I think the whole package was under $20.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Great! Just was watching for awhile the Turtle Bay nest - just had an egg
roll. All last year I could not get this cam but now Whoo Hoo!

Lolly said...

Sent you mail back, Lynn. Saw your comments, Loweeda on Susan. Need confirmation about that.

Mema Jo said...

Elsie and Einstein have one egg.. Viewing the nest that is way up high in their tree. You can see the eagle's head that is in the nest.

Lolly said...

It is 68 in my house and 71 outside. I think I am heading outside. LOL Jack just told me that the plants are dead in the neighbors greenhouse. Their greenhouse is just a little larger than ours. I am soooo glad we moved our plants!

WV sUSAn said...

Ted and Lucky are finally sacked out after the Battle for the Bedding, Lily and fam are fairly quiet and Lib (I think) is happity incubating. What a beautiful Sunday afternoon

Lolly said...

My mouse is still attached to my laptop. Have not tried the wireless yet. Interesing to see your comments.

Lolly said...

I see two eggs!

Mema Jo said...

I wanted to mention that it is 57° at Ozak nest.

Wow! Our 2 beautiful eggs are being sunned on.

BEagle said...

Calm eagle letting the egg-o-muffins air out.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Susan - got your invite on FB and
was happy to be your friend!

BEagle said...

My mouse with the wire can be annoying.

Off goes Lib.

One egg looks bluer than the other.

carolinabeachmom said...

Nest empty with two eggs showing very nicely

BEagle said...

Mouse. The wireless won't get tangled up. It gives you more freedom to move.

Mema Jo said...

I'm glad that was just a short break!

BEagle said...

Belle is back. she approaches the eggs differently than Lib does.

Wiggle, wiggle.

She uses her beak to get just the right pressure to wiggle. So the pressure goes toward the head.

Isn't that something?

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey there Judy, Dana and Lolly. I am on my farm but still watching the nest. Good to be back on. I just hope I can find it again. I miss all of you on here with your info and chater. Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATTIE. May you have a wonderful day.

BEagle said... the pressure goes to the nest and not on the egglings.

carolinabeachmom said...

I want to also say hi to Jim Hedgie, Loretta and BEAgle! And I could't possibly forget to shout out a Hey there to JO!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...


WV sUSAn said...

Thanks Jo. I need more bird lovers in my life. :-)

hedgie said...

HURRAY!! Jr. has the POLE for the Daytona 500 !!!! Jusst one week from today!

Catching up with you all again!

I remember now that wvSusan is Edgy-Su.....hey, gal----how come you haven't added that married name to your FB???

It is 55° here....but with wind, it feels like about 40°.

Jim, I have a logitech wireless mouse for my desktop puter.....batteries last a long time (AA's). The little one I have for the laptop uses AAA's and they barely last a week.

Lolly said...

Okay, Susan, so that is your friend request. I know a WV sUSAn, but was not sure about the person requesting to be a friend on fb. LOL I really truly need a list with names and their user names. Ohhh, so confusing!

magpie said...

did the parents just switch?
I looked away for a few mins

Hello Eagle Pals

magpie said...

I re-loaded the live feed from a link off the FWS site, and things are running more smoothly now...I deleted the other links I had to it
not real sure why that would make a difference, but it did

I am missing MEGAN on here from yesterday AND today...

magpie said...

Happy Birthday Mattie - hope you are enjoying your cruise into the Teen Years ! xoxo ♥

magpie said...

I am going to collect some Vitamins D and K, and fresh air

back in awhile

Hope everyone is having a Super Sunday !

Good to see Dana check back in, and to see our Candy pop on here too !

..And always good to see everyone else also !


hedgie said...

Okay, Susan, now that I know it's you, I accepted you as a friend, too!

Candy, save us to your favorites/bookmarks!!!!! Then you can't lose us!

glo said...

Back from the Dam. Hopefully Vicky is on her way across the state to visit for a couple of days. We will head back out to the dam again tomorrow. Eagle count is going down as temps go up but there were some there and lots and lots of photographers trying to soak up these last days for this year.

Loved your articles Hedgie sounds so much like my life when I am home in the winter. Thanks for your nice compliment too. That photographer has a 400 fixed lens which is a $2500 lens and I am sure mounted on an even more expensive camera. I do have a 100 to 400 lens which is half that amount and its on a relatively nice but fairly inexpensive as Canon's go camera. That way I do NOT miss the 100 mm shots LOL. Well I do at times or lose my focus of course. You can't have it all but you can surely have lots of fun. Its my retirement toy.

Time for tea and take a look at some photos from today. Ahhh I hate to see Eagle Season closing around here. BUT then you all hear that from me every year. Mine has been6 weeks shorter this year though but just as cold and snowy :-)

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all.

Back from work.

I have a wireless mouse, it's great. Uses one battery. Jo, they don't go dead very fast.

paula eagleholic said...

Nugz is woofing at me to play ball, plus I have to scoop the yard.


hedgie said...

Pork Chops with Cranberried Stuffing ready to go in oven for dinner....been hankering for it for a long time! Who's coming??

Lolly said...

I will be right there!

Lolly said...

Actually, I just slipped chicken breasts into the oven to take to Janie, friend of mine just home from the hosp. Made enough for Jack's dinner as well. Diet meal for me. Though I do imagine this recipe does not have a lot of calories, but it is all about portion control and this chicken is sooo good. I am afraid if I take one bite, I could not stop until I ate the whole thing!

hedgie said...

Won't have to worry about these chops drying out. They are an inch thick!! Browned them before putting in baking dish and topping with dressing. Smells good already!

hedgie said...

Hey, Glo, I forgot to look at the pics you posted yesterday. Will get on that this evening. Nice that you are getting company. Tell Miss Vicky hello from us!!!

Time now for some ball play INSIDE out of the mud with Mai. She has done better today. Only one nip early this AM---in a very bad hole in the upper front of my sweaatshirt.

Mema Jo said...

WV sUSAn is also on our eaglet momster mail as Susan P. Hill-Goodwin
I am glad you are getting more Bird Friends, Susan......

Mema Jo said...

Going out with hubby for awhile

WV sUSAn said...

Mmmmm cranberry dressing and chops.

Lynn. No legal name change. Married almost two years. Single for 20. Had this name for 30+ years, most of my adult life. Too many things to change and insignificant in the big picture. He didn't want to change his either. Hahaahha

Lynne2 said...

Hi all! Well, I guess no third egg, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that these 2 will bring us much fun this season!

I got the pics from yesterday posted on my blog as well as my somewhat less interesting garden/crocus pics. Enjoy!

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks Jo!

Lolly. You have some kind of will power to cook basically two meals and not eat the GOOD stuff. Wow. I'm sure the diet stuff is yummy too though.

NatureNut said...

Hi Gang, found the wireless mouse & cleaned the old one. I love the wireless when you have to try & do delicate things in photo programs, However, this one is Very sensitive--it's a GE. I can control the reg. mouse better.Will use this until batteries go. You know, I don't think it got turned off at night when we used it before! DUH
Went to Amazon & put in to get notifijed when Lady of the Loch is available in Apr. I think "Isla" is Chrissy's special name for her.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Candy, glad you found your way back.

Thanks, Lynn, for the offer, but i think I'm going to have oysters tonight.

Nugz needs fed, bbs.

Judie said...

Headed to the kitchen.

Forgot earlier so BIG APOLOGY: Happy birthday, Mattie. Hope it was a lovely day for you.♥

See the nest is still being attended. Looks like two eaglets in waiting this year -- we are pleased, yes?

WV sUSAn said...

Loretta. Yes, Isla is Chrissy's favorite pet. Lol. Are you refering to the book that the group compiled??

WV sUSAn said...

I think Belle had a cramp in her leg.

paula eagleholic said...

yea, where's Megan?

I'll take 2 eaglets :)

Lynne2 said...

I'm very excited because there has only been one eaglet at a time since I've been watching. It would be very awesome to see them raise 2!

Lynne2 said...

looks like BWE will have first hatch later this week!

WV sUSAn said...

Same for me Lynne2. Hidey and Palmer.

Lynne2 said...

looks like the eagle on our nest is open mouth breathing and heavily. Is it Belle, could it mean an egg on the way???

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks Paula, good to see you on here. I had a terrible time figuring out this computer. I wish I had the old one back. I have now bookmarked this page and the eagle cam for the umteenth time and hope it works for me. Did I see where someone said that Duke has a nest now?

NatureNut said...

Susan, No, this is the one written by a Ms. Aldridge. Chrissy told me also about the one compiled by the group, but I never found out how to get one. I did join the blog group last year to comment when Isla was ill.

Lynne2 said...

mouth closed, resp rate down much slower now.

carolinabeachmom said...

Everyone's dinner sounds fabulous. I can't seem to choose which one to visit first. We are having lasagna. :( Yuk and it is not home made either. Wish I had made some brownies! :)

NatureNut said...

My gosh, I just read the word OYSTER!!!!Guess they'll be gone before I can drive there! LOL
What a great meal idea!!Must go shopping tomorrow.We only had them so far for Xmas Eve stew.

carolinabeachmom said...

We haven't been able to get fresh oysters from our fish place on our road since after Thanksgiving. Josh and his dad always love doing them.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm back boy I didn't think one living room was going to take that long.

Did put food in oven and went washed hair and took shower.

Now food is with me.

Anyone loose sound at the nest?

I think I hear I just thought. Maybe I still have vacuum cleaning ears.

Lynne2 said...

she was also stretching her head out in front of her, moving her mouth...not sure if she was calling out but if so, my sound isn't working. Maybe bringing up a pellet? I've never seen a raptor do it so I don't know what it looks like when they do!

Lynne2 said...

oh, bright light!

Costume Lady said...

Hi There...
Back from church dinner and GG's.
Such a fun day:)

Looks to me like Belle may have egg #3 when she gets up...we may have to wait a long time to see it, but I really to think she's laboring.

Lynne2 said...

Wanda, I was wondering the same thing about labor!

hedgie said...

Pics are great, Lynne!

Candy, sure don't know why you would lose the bookmarks....frustrating!

Gotcha', wvSusan! Makes sense....funny---he wouldn't change his!! ROFL!

Loretta, can't wait for the book about Isla. I am very afraid that she will not be back this year. :( What a gal.

Lynne2 said...

her respirations are up again.

hedgie said...

Think it's time to eat this good dinner. BBL.

Costume Lady said...

Belle has always layed 3 eggs since I've been watching and I don't think this year is an eggception! Has to be today...tomorrow will be too late for the RUNT to survive very easily with 2 BIG siblings.

Lynne2 said...

Susan, did you come in to the cam while Hidey was still and egg? I didn't get there til she was a few weeks old. So watching Palmer was cool!

Lynne2 said...

I'm still perplexed over the fact that she laid 4 last year! But I am sure glad she did!

paula eagleholic said...

I think Belle is just warm. Those 7000 feathers are great insulators! And the sun has been warm today.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you all for praying for Ed's Aunt Anna Mae. I got an email as of this morning she is in Gods HANDS. So I'm sure she gave Ed a big hug and he hugged her. The family does need prayer. Her sister just wouldn' accept she was that bad. THANK YOU FRIENDS

Costume Lady said...

I was chatting with Chrissy about Isla and, of course she is hoping she comes back this year, but is fearful she will not. It wouldn't surprise me at all...she is a SURVIVOR. If she is alive, she'll return. She is quite a character...always enjoy watching her and listening to her squawk:)

paula eagleholic said...

I think we still have sound, it's just quiet. The wind has stopped.

Costume Lady said...

I couldn't remember which year Belle laid that 4th egg...Palmer, or Hidey. So, it was Palmer?

paula eagleholic said...

Enjoy, Lynn.

The fresh shucked oysters were great. Now, what else do I want?

Lynne2 said...

Yes Wanda, it was Palmer!

Sorry about Anna Mae Dana, but as you said she is is God's hands now.

paula eagleholic said...

Last year, Wanda. Palmer was the 4th egg.

Lori O. said...

Hello Lynn, Lynne, Dana, NatureNut, BeachMom...

Just checkin' in again. Thought for sure by now Belle would be sitting on three eggs.

Lynn, if it's not too late, I'll take you up on the delicious dinner...yummy. Hope it was great.

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, I have read of several instances where an eagle has layed 4 eggs and all lived to fledge. Don't know if there were any more than 4 or not...but, wouldn't that be awesome?

Lori O. said...

Oh, I modified my profile today and took off the Eaglicious ... but it's me...with a new avatar too!

wvgal_dana said...

My wireless mouse I brought when I got the laptop. Batteries have lasted all this time. I love the wireless mouse.

Jo you better put that dead one out or its gonna stink.

hedgie said...

Loretta, how do you tell Amazon to do that?? I can't find it.

Costume Lady said...

Hi, Lori...that's one of my favorite birds! Where did you find him...your photo?

Lori O. said...

Oh, Wanda I missed you in my hellos. Sorry.

Lynne2 said...

oh YEAH Wanda, that would be cool! They'd be some busy parents for sure!

Lori, love your woodpecker! Did you take that yourself?

Lori O. said...

There's actually two in the picture and had trop it. He was here with babies a few years ago. Still see them around. I leave up my smaller dead trees to keep 'em happy.

paula eagleholic said...

I see we get slo mo tonight, pretty wing stretch!

NatureNut said...

Lynne, your pics are really good!!
Been watching Belle & she's very quiet right now. You know, it is amazing that she laid that 4th egg last year--must have known something!
Guess I'll eat my Chinese again! It's good tho--Moo Goo Gai Pan.


paula eagleholic said...

She's looking for nestovers.

hedgie said...

Cam is weird. Herky jerky.

Costume Lady said...

I've got to get rid of my POOL BOYS. Need a sweetheart avatar.
Now, watch me miss the egg #3 appearance!

hedgie said...

Belle looks restless.......maybe?????

wvgal_dana said...

I've been excited to see Candy in the comments ( : Nice to see you LADY ( :

I love all the avatars NEAT!

Judie Darth won't have anything to do if you keep that up. lol

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, that's my favorite Chinese dish!

Lori O. said...

Thanks Lynne. I took the pic from inside the house on a winter day a few years ago! If I knew how to use PhotoShop I'd lighten the background. But thanks.

Costume Lady said...

A place in Columbus, Oh. makes the best I've ever had...serves chicken legs as a side dish!

paula eagleholic said...

All settled in, facing 10ish

Costume Lady said...

Lori, I'll just bet you have a lot of COOL photos!

hedgie said...

Guess not. Nestled back down.

magpie said...

Things were pretty ghosly looking there when Belle got up and moved around.....

I would make a terrible Roosting Eagle Mother...I could nevvvvver sit still for so long

Hello Evening Eagle Pals

Beautiful avatar, Lori...nice going

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Dana and Wanda. I am excited to be on again. I was having trouble with the computer. I really want my own, so I don't have to share with my husband. I am going to see if he won't leave this up when he gets on to use it.

magpie said...

I love that evening view of Belle, getting settled in for the night...

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey to you Margie. Nice to see you come back on tonight. I hope you are keeping everyone at work straight. )

magpie said...

Hi Candy - - good to see you HERE with us
Lolly delivered your Hello wish to me the other night ☺

magpie said...

LOL - it's the other way around, Candy...they are keeping me straight!
I work with Lynn's daughter Carolyn on the night shifts !

Say Hello to Jim for me, please!

magpie said...

I'm off for the next two nights, BUT, I am on-call with the beep beep beeper, and there have a lot of illnesses, so I am not too optimistic about really being free

carolinabeachmom said...

Sure will, thanks. Hey has anyone heard from Suzanne or Norma?

magpie said...

have BEEN a lot of illnesses that is...

personally I have not communicated with either Suz or Norma...
but others here might have....they will say so if so

magpie said...

need to disappear for awhile, got some things here to take care of...

Wanda, I will have a few last long loving looks at those four handsome fellows on your avatar...

can't wait to see what appears next

Best wishes for a good evening, friends
ttfn xox ♥

Lynne2 said...

will any of you be participating in the Backyard Bird Count this upcoming weekend? Pretty easy and not too time consuming, just 15 minutes (or more if you want) on at least one of the days, or as many as you like (18th thru the 21st).
<a href=">Backyard Bird Count</a>

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, guess I had better start getting my stuff ready for school tomorrow. Just finished making out the valentines for the children. They will be higher than a kite.
Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day and your sweetheart is good to you. This has been great to connect back up. Maybe I'll see if Wanda is up for coffee in the am. lol. For now, all have a good night. Tomorrow brings a new day.

wvgal_dana said...

I think Jo was going to give Norma a call. Don't know if she did or not.

Hi Lori I see you shortened the name. It's still you though ( :

Yea there Margy your off and did you go driving Back Creek area today?

Lynn I'll have to check out pictures if they are on the older thread.

Lynne2 said...

I guess Valentine would be a lovely name for a third we'd have, God willing, Boo, Lincoln and Valentine!

wvgal_dana said...

First time ever I'm getting what some of you have gotten in the past. Make a comment then go to make next one have to sign in. Don't know what's up with that..oh well.

Glad Mai is having a good day (:

Lolly with that kind of weather will have a sun tan before anyone else lol Lolly what did you fix yourself to eat?

Lynne2 said...

oh wow, my link didn't work and I didn't get a warning....

Backyard Bird Count

wvgal_dana said...

Night Candy take care...those little ones will love those valentines.

Lynne2 said...

blogs been acting weird lately Dana. How is L'man doing?

wvgal_dana said...

On Friday did anyone watch "Tom S." in Blue Blood. On I think he is still so handsome.

wvgal_dana said...

Hear Belle calling out

Lynne2 said...

eagle calls

paula eagleholic said...

I have sound...just heard that calling out

paula eagleholic said...


hedgie said...

Dinner was good....and I ate too much!
Paula, you can keep your oysters! Or share with Candy!

Candy, how is Josh doing? Have you seen him since Christmas?

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne is well - sometimes works at home - usually get emails through the week from her.. I'll tell her you said Hello.

I have returned once again and I'm not going out again. Hubby and I are watching some taped TV shows. This season it seems 2 are on at the same time too many evenings!

Mema Jo said...

Dana Is Little Man holding his own?
I hope so. Been praying for you both

WV sUSAn said...

Eelle the ghost is moving around. Off the eggs.

WV sUSAn said...

Wow. Stretch and wing flap. Back on the eggs

Mema Jo said...

I have been here seems like from the beginning..BUT for the life of me I can't remember all the facts of Hidey.
I thought we called him/her Hidey because of all the flugg in a deep egg well - But was she a single egg clutch

Hurry and answer me as I have this phobia of not remembering.....

Lynne2 said...

yes Jo, you are right. She wasn't easily seen!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Lynne2 and Mema Jo...I have to do this sometime. Little Man's quality of living was going to consist the vet said Friday 2/11 of: muscle relaxer pill, pain pills, and anxiety pill. On Friday Little Man went through Rainbow Bridge where Ed and Ed's Candy Bag was waiting for his doggie Ed's Little Man. He suffers no longer and he no longer mourns for Daddy. She felt from the shape of the one kidney she had seen on an earlier visit he had a tumor which was causing so much suffering. After he was in my arms and after he was with Ed. I left and went to my Moms. Stayed till late that night. It is an adjustment as we all know. I THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE PRAYERS I KNOW THAT YOU HAVE BEEN SENDING FOR LITTLE MAN AND ME. HUGS TO YOU ALL.

Costume Lady said...

Yes Jo...that is correct! Only eaglet that year.

Costume Lady said...

Gene is holding a movie for me to watch...have put him off for an go now:)

WV sUSAn said...

Good evening all. Trying to catch up.

I should be getting my book any day from LOTL. The Lady /Isla is truly amazing. I'm a huge fan and just want a good restful life for her. She's done so much already.

Oysters yummy! Especially on the grill. Oh yes.

Glad Mai was good today.

Yes, found this cam when Hidey was an egg. This site was my FIRST and I've been hooked ever since.

Will be thinking of Anna Mae and family.

Lolly said...

Hi, I am back. Had to drive into town to deliver the meal and then stayed and talked.

Jo, you are not alone on the memory thing but I do believe other eggs were lost to bad weather. JMHO And, as for our 4th egg last year, that was just miraculous but we had already decided on Palmer for a name so I think it just had to happen.

When Belle was up a minute ago I think she did a poop shoot straight at us! Then she did the wingercise.

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey was part of a 3-egg clutch. One of the eggs disappeared and one of them didn't hatch. Hidey was the 3rd egg.

Costume Lady said...

Blessing for you, know how happy little man is right now, and Ed too...NO MORE SUFFERING FOR LITTLE MAN♥

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Dana, I am so so sorry about your Little Man. I know how much it hurts, and how hard that must have been for you. We don't want them to suffer. I am sure Ed was waiting with open arms. Many hugs to you, Dana.

Mema Jo said...

Dana You did the right thing by Little Man but my heart is shedding some tears for you! Bless you Dana for
having the courage and the consideration for Little Man's life.

Love you, Gal

Costume Lady said...

I think that one egg fell down below the egg cup...probably still there. I still believe Belle laid an egg early on this month and it fell down to the 1st floor below.

WV sUSAn said...

Oh Dana, I'm so sorry to hear. I have been in the situation and it's heartbreaking. A tough decision, but one made in love. I'm glad you could go to your moms after and glad you shared with us.

Hugs to you and RIP Little Man

Lolly said...

Wanda, I was thinking the same thing. That there was a first egg earlier, however there was a big gap before she laid another.????

Dana, so sorry about Little Man. Know what you are going through. (((hugs))) You certainly did the right thing for the little guy.

Lolly said...

I am off to prepare our dinner now.


Lynne2 said...

oh Dana, I'm so sorry for your loss. You took such good care of Little Man! I know you will miss him very much, but that you are happy he is with Ed now!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you all --- you all are truly special to me and a lot of you knew Ed. I feel your love (:

I'm going to go to the recliner.

Let me tell you one thing....sectionals with recliners on the end are HEAVY!!!! I took some tylenol (off brand)....I'm feeling the moving it all to vacuum clean.

Thanks again and love you all...I know he jumped with JOY to see Ed.(:

Mema Jo said...

Thank you everyone!


glo said...

Dana I am so sorry to read of your loss of Little Man. I am sure it was indeed a very hard decision and yet I am sure in your heart you knew when it was time and when it needed to happen. Ed and little Man are together once again.

hedgie said...

Asking again for prayers for my friend Ric(k). He has a massive double aspiration pneumonia and is on a ventilator. Drs. say it could go either way.....this is one of those situations where it would be a blessing for the Lord to take him gently. TY.

Judie said...

Dana, I am so saddened for the loss of Little Man. Your decision was painful but I do believe he has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and is cuddled together with Ed as they used to be. Sending hugs of comfort your way.

I thought Hidey's name was because he/she was hiding under the egg shell for so long. Maybe I mis-remember.

Am going to head across the hall to my bed. Ankle is not happy as I have been active today.

Turning my light off early tonight but will leave the night light on for others coming in, heading back the hallway, to the tub, up the stairs, or just wandering in from the West Coast.

Good night everyone. Goodnight Belle and Lib and two eaglets in waiting.

Judie said...

Prayers for a peaceful transition for Ric, Lynn.

Goodnight everyone.

BEagle said...

Dana. I am so sorry about Little Man.
Prayers for your heart to mend quickly.

BEagle said...

Prayers going up for Ric(k).

glo said...

Prayers for Ric(k) Hedgie

stronghunter said...


Dana, I am so sorry to learn of your loss of little man. I think he stayed with you long enough to know you were strong enough to go on without him and Ed.

Kathryn has gone to the pharmacy to get medicine for Luna. Luna is having problems with her one good eye. Kathryn will take her to the eye specialist tomorrow.

The doctor had given Kathryn a prescription to use in case Luna developed a problem. Tonight, Luna's pupil is dilated and she is acting strangely. The medicine is very expensive--$100 to get this prescription filled. Not fun.

Margy (I think it was Margy), you were wondering about the grammar work Rebecca and I did. She is working on an editing certificate in a graduate level course. We worked on a great variety of things that an editor might encounter including punctuation, spelling, capitalization, as well as identifying things like participles, gerunds, infinitives, and so on.

Most of it was more advanced than I usually teach my students, but some of it was similar to the exercises I do with them.

I can see our eagle pretty clearly tonight. I wonder if one egg did get lost. Maybe that is what happened. I just hope we have two healthy eggs now. I have yet to see these eagles raise multiple eaglets.

Hunter's project--His dad came through, and Hunter had the main part of his project done when he got home. Kathryn and I helped him finish it up.

BEagle said...

About that 1st egg. I remember Lib and Belle both looking into the egg something happened. After the long night Belle spent on the nest. I don't think it was too long before the the "first" egg.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Ric(k), Lynn.

BEagle said...

It is nice to actually see Belle on the nest. The full moon is scheduled for the 18th.

hedgie said...

Still playing catch up with all y'all!

Lynne, Paula said she would rather have the eaglet be named Joy instead of Boo. I think that's appropriate. Out of the sorrow of losing Boo, the Joy egg gave us all the reminder that the Lord taketh but the Lord also giveth.

NatureNut said...

Just checked nest & it looks like 5o'clock, not 8:30!

hedgie said...

Candy, enjoy your little ones during the Valentine festivities!
Say hi to Jim and tell him NOT to erase us from the puter!!

Margy, sure hope no one calls off sick and that you get your whole 2 days off.

hedgie said...

BTW-----Suz is doing well.....we are counting down until her retirement this fall.....she only has 237 work days to go!!

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is up and chirping

hedgie said...

Dana, you KNOW I watched my man Tom! What a hunka.....hmmmmmm. You know the rest!

Lolly said...

Just heard a chirp and Belle is up. Just an egg roll, but she chirped!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is tucked in, that must have been Lib calling out.

WV sUSAn said...

And back down.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 512   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED