Sunday, February 13, 2011


New thread.


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magpie said...

Are you making the World's Best Brownies again ??

Lynn -
sounds like a good session, guess puppies are so much like children in so many ways, well they ARE children

I am getting OUT of street clothes and into pj's -

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals, and still Morning on the West Coast !

magpie said...

Hello Steve wherever you are...
Happy Valentine's Day to you and Mrs. Steve, and all your folks there at NCTC ♥

magpie said...

yes, the wind is fierce...
temperatures here are warm

kinda surprised the beep beep beeper has not gone off to go to work....very thankful it has NOT

ttfn...have some things here to take care of


hedgie said...

Had to make a quick run to the nearby mom & pop store for bread and milk. TWO stops in driveway before I could get out. A big limb and then trashcan lid----even tho' can was chained to tree, lid popped off when it blew over. It is very dangerous out there.

hedgie said...

Margy, things are hopping in Jeff Co----a couple of fires. Can you imagine in this wind??? Awful.
Some downed lines here....but that, of course, is mostly a power company issue.

Lynne2 said...

well, I just spent a charming 5 minutes chasing my recycle all over the place, in the mud. Guess the brick on the lid wasn't heavy enough! It's terrible out there...worse than when I had the dogs out earlier for their mud baths. Stuff flying all over the place.

Lynne2 said...

the sun is gone, looks almost like it's going to rain. It got to 54 here and it was just BEAUTIFUL outside in the sunshine!

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, might as well roll in the mud yourself...does wonders for the skin and makes red hair shine to high heaven:)

hedgie said...

Now there's a woods fire in southern part of county, Margy. Frederick Co. called for manpower, as well as Jeff Co for fill-in.

Costume Lady said...

We'd like to plant onions, but the mud is not a good start for he 'sets'. Love Spring onions:) We freeze them and use them is so many dishes. Spinach can be planted next month...GG's soil does wonders for a spinach seed an tastes so much better than ours.

I guess Megan is ready to plant her seedlings and seeds. Hoping she has a spectacular year!

Hope Delphia isn't being absent for surgery or anything of that nature...just a nice get-a-way somewhere.

hedgie said...

Temp has dropped here from 56 to 46.....geesh....guess I'm gonna end up turning heat back on earlier than I thought.

Lynne2 said...

LOL Wanda! Well, Puddles dug herself a little hole in the field and rolled in it. She's SO precious!

Lynn, we in this area are under an "enhanced fire danger" alert.

Costume Lady said...

A woods fire on a day like this can be treacherous! Glad my Dustin is not a firefighter, yet. Not for 2 years. Hope he changes his mind before then. Not what I want for him...but, does that matter? He loves farming but we have tried to discourage that...he is not self motivated enough for that and it is HARD WORK! He worked a few times for a farmer down the road from us, and just thought that was fun!

Lynne2 said...

Delphia has gone to WAR!!! with that club she belongs to that does reenactments of Middle Ages/Renaissance crafts, battles, banquets, etc. Sort of like the Civil War reenactors do.

Lynne2 said...

Had to refresh the cam and got an advertisement for the first time in ages....but not poor Ed who forgot his Stabil.

Costume Lady said...

Poor Ed has everything under control, remember... gave him some Sta-Bil for Christmas:)

Thanks, Lynne for report on Delphia. Glad she is doing something fun:)

Mema Jo said...

I had my feet up and now that they are down Hubby is taking me to an early dinner at the OutBack.
I hope we don't blow away. Our sky has
darkened and looks so threatening.

Fires on a day as today is not good. I think there is a new stick laying across the nest - It may be more then one.

I will be back this early evening.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all!
It's a done deal!
Heading back down to take measurements and have a drink and watch the sunset

Catch ya later

hedgie said...

Lynne, sprinkling here now.

hedgie said...

Lynne and Jo, think I'm gonna do the bird count, too.

Lolly said...

Oh, cool, Paula! Enjoy that sunset on your new property! You are going to have a busy spring getting your new place in shape.

Lolly said...

71 here!

Yes, Margy, worlds best brownies! LOL

hedgie said...

CONGRATULATIONS, PAULA!!!! Proud, new resort owner!!

Costume Lady said...

Paula is going to have a ball fixing up her beach house! Kids too:)

Costume Lady said... VALENTINE for us this year...only 2 eggs...but, that is good too:)

Lynne2 said...

You and Ed have fun this evening Jo!


Sun back out here Lynn, hope your sprinkles don't turn into anything major. Not much showing on radar.

Lynne2 said...

I am making my Valentine a Spice Cake from scratch. I scratched the box open.

Lynne2 said...

geesh, things are banging all over outside, making Puddles a nervous wreck!

hedgie said...

Christie has landed. Always sigh a sigh of relief! We worry about our kids forever!

Lynne2 said...

glad she got there OK!

hedgie said...

Things are going from bad to worse.....60 people fighting the fire and have now called for the Air Nat'l Guard for assistance, and ALL manpower all stations can spare. Oh, my. Three Mile Run Rd., Margy.

hedgie said...

They are cutting down trees to prevent the flames from blowing and jumping up high.......

hedgie said...

Wanda, happy first date anniversary! Hope you can get in to get your lobster! NOT a good night for restaurants!

Jo, enjoy your dinner----remember, they don't open til 5!

hedgie said...

Was just talking to Carolyn and she said they only had a crew of 3 today, Margy. You were VERY lucky not to get called in!

hedgie said...

Cool for Delphia. My cousin does the Civil War re-enactment stuff and she loves it. Lots of fun!

magpie said...

Yes Lynn, thanks.. I knew that...that's why I couldn't take a chance going up to be with James...
same as Sunday daytime, only three

wonder what started fire...careless cigarette tossed out window?
someone trying to burn brush?
sparkes from equipment... sounds bad

magpie said...

It took awhile for the FWS sites to open up...

blog and still cam...

sounds like Paula gets to have a sleepover? Sure hope so, this is NO weather to be driving in

Glad to hear the Christie has landed safely, sure that does let your heart rest, Lynn

magpie said...

it's a real surprise I did not get called in...wonder if someone else might have though

magpie said...

gudss I am going to be brave and open up the live feed

magpie said...

cute Lynne...your post about your Spice Cake from scratch....
that's one of my favorite cakes by the way

I bought ingredients to make a chocolate cake, only has four ingredients,
semi-sweet chocolate
and then powerered sugar sprinkled on top...not sure when I am going to make it

magpie said...

favorite all time cake is
maraschino cherry (with walnuts)]
and cooked icing with the cherry juice in it...
haven't had that for a looooong time

magpie said...

Hope Jo and Ed have reservations...they are probably going to need them !!!!

magpie said...

Know What??
There are 60+ firefighters whose evening Valentine's Day plans have been scorched !
that's where the understanding families really count big-time

magpie said...

sound is definitely diminished at the live feed....have to turn my speakers up loud again, and got the Westvaco ad to start up

magpie said...

glad to think that some of the older decaying branches have been removed from the Sycamore Palace...

Costume Lady said...

No Valentine's dinner for us this hurry, whenever the wind stops...those lobsters will wait:)

Prayers for all those firefighters!

Judie said...

Have returned. Well, did a long time ago but got sidetracked with stuff.

Happy Anniversary to Jenny, Wanda, and Capt. Gene. Uh, make that Jenny, Mr. Jenny, and then Wanda and Gene.

Congratulations on the food supplies and the clothes closet donation. Great relief for sure.

Lolly, enjoy the brownie(s).

Lynn, sure hope Mai continued to be good this afternoon.

Paula, CONGRATULATIONS! This is a date you'll not forget. Enjoy.

So sorry about the fire at Three Mile Run Rd. Sounds dreadful for the firefighters. News this morning referred to today as a red day -- fire warnings.

Glad Christie had a safe landing, Lynn.

Lynn2 - my kind of baker. I can cook but cannot bake much of anything.

Jo, have a lovely dinner out. Try lobster -- Wanda says it tastes good.

Okay, ankle is swelling so need to get to the kitchen to finish dinner prep. Brisket with potatoes, carrots, mushroom gravy. All one pot except cleaning the mushrooms and whisking some flour.


magpie said...

dinner here,
chicken and home-made dumplings, donated by the generous neighbor who likes to cook, AND, share

magpie said...

some of the crib rails are blowing around and getting dislodged a little at the nest

Lynne2 said...

hey Judie! Sounds like a yummy dinner....just don't stay on your ankle too long!

Wow, that fire sounds just horrible. I'll pray that no one gets hurt...

Well, Steve is out driving for work (wasn't supposed to have to do that today) and is on 295 almost to 495 in a standstill of traffic. He's going to get home much later than usual. UGH.

magpie said...

Belle just did a big wing stretching and egg turning

stong talons

Think it would help if Liberty would show up and take care of some of the loose ends

magpie said...

Sorry to hear that Lynne :(

Keep the roost fires burning!

Costume Lady said...

Lobster is so good, I would trade Capt. Gene in on a whole tank full...NOT:)
They are a bit we only have them twice a year. We don't buy each other presents, we opt for the nice dinner. Only gift giving time between us is Christmas. After being together for so many years, it's difficult to choose a gift. A nice meal is something we both enjoy and is probably less expensive than 2 gifts:)

Costume Lady said...

I used to bake Gene a rum cake for special occasions, but, I got tipsy one year from sipping the rum that rolled off the cake and onto the plate. Karla asked why I was spooning up the rum and sipping it instead of putting it over the cake...told her it tasted good:) Tee Hee
I don't bake anymore;)

magpie said...

We had a kind soul deliver a pound cake saturated with rum one Christmas at work....

we had to cut it up and have people take their cake HOME with them...couldn't have tipsy 911 dispatchers in there

I volunteered to take care of the cutting, thus, got all of the dreggs !! ☺

Lynne2 said...

the SBBC is up to 30 now, which is actually a bit less than I thought it would be today....although the day isn't over yet.....

magpie said...

I think I did have my birds mixed up
looks like Belle there now
was chirping when she came in
and tried to fix some of the sticks

magpie said...

so tender and delicate with those egglets ♥

hedgie said...

Today was the warmest day since mid-October in DC.

Costume Lady said...

Dreggs? So that is what that good stuff is called,, you know what I'm talking about when I say it was GOOD:)

We have had a lot of SBs today, too, Lynne. And this is just the beginning:(

magpie said...

I believe that Lynn...
it WAS warm earlier

I honestly do not know which parent is on the nest now...
I DO know I need to eat

ttfn oxox

magpie said...

not sure I even spelled it right, Wanda...
but whatever is the leftover of anything down to the last drop or crumb!

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, did you draw that heart free-hand? It is so cute!
As is Lolly's.

hedgie said...

Hope those of you not on FB can watch this. It has me in tears. Beautiful words, beautifully sung. Wonderful pics of Dr. Lynn's career.
Tribute to Dr. Lynn Rogers

magpie said...

well, Google did not exactly match
MY idea of what dregs are,
but there is a neat graphic on the Google Page !

magpie said...

Fan-Tastic, Lynn

Thank You !!

hedgie said...

Probably wise to wait to go out, Wanda. Wind and crowds might make for a miserable evening.

Dregs are sometimes the best part of some dishes!!! LOVE RUM CAKE!
Spice is also one of my favs.

Judie, your dinner sounds great.
I had chicken and dumplings last week, Margy---hit the spot! Tonight is leftover pork chop, dressing and applesauce! Wish it would hurry and get warmed up!

Westminster Dog Show is on tonight---USA channel. Taping it, cause House is on, too!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, pork chops and dressing was one of my Dad's favorite meals. I was the only one who made it for him. His #1 favorite was spaghetti and I learned to make it to his liking. I made him pancakes once when I was a teenager and smashed them down with a cake turner, like you would a hamburger...he had a fit! "Who ever taught you to make pancakes?"..."Nobody, I just guessed!" I still can't make good pancakes:(

hedgie said...

The two biggest Jeopardy champions take on the IBM computer tonight and tomorrow night. Should be interesting. Hope Ken Jennings beats it!!

hedgie said...

Wanda, chefs say not to smash down any meats! Also, do not pierce! Makes for dry meat and all the juices are lost.

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon/early evening everyone.

All the talk about desserts is making my mouth water.

Margie, you talked about a marashino cherry/walnut cake. Yummy! My mother used to make that ahnd I have her recipe somewhere but never made one.

My favorite anything is chocolate, but Jim gets a pie for his b-day.
His sister always made him a pineapple cheese pie for his special day and after we married I continued. There have been some years when I wasn't physically able but our youngest, Chris, picks up the baking slack around here. He makes a good Black Joe cake.

I was the baker at home and my sister, Kathy, was the cook. Sure miss her meals and her.

Lynne, I stopped counting the SB. Seems with warmer weather they became more active inside. Dumb bugs! They should be outside planning their next generation.

Did anyone attend the symposium on stink bugs? If so, is there an explanation for this infestation?
Or any safe way to get rid of them?

Happy anniversary to those who are celebrating. Cannot remember everyones names except Wanda & Gene.

Jim's vooking supper on the grill tonight. Chicken breasts and baked potatoes and a veggie, but I didn't see what that was yet.

magpie said...

Hoping that Steve is okay
maybe he made a Valentine's Day Week-end of it at HIS Roost

ttfn xo

Mema Jo said...

Hello We just blew out of the Outback and into the house. That wind moves you right along - we held onto each other. Had a few raindrops coming up the mountain and the skies are still horrible looking.
We had 4:15 reservations but at the Outback we usually take a booth around
the bar area if it is available. We're not drinkers but we just like the space.

magpie said...

Eagle just did another turnaround and egg-turning a few mins ago

they they will need to avoid those blowing crib rails

dinner is done
got chores to do

magpie said...

sounds good Jo...
what did you have for dinner??

Mema Jo said...

I always get the steak and hubby get the Chicken. Both very good meals.

wvgal_dana said...


Have caught up on some of the comments. Not all yet..

Christie trip to Indianapolis

Wanda clothes'll be
getting things from me (:

So happy you have your food order in through MountAINEER FOOD Bank. I know how you and Gene want to be spending the monies in HONOR OF GOD.

Hedgie fire is not near Berkeley Station area is it?
Also glad person got to see Mai in house. Prayers for you two (: I believe truly you two were put together and your working through it will be a PRIZE at the
finish line.

That ad isn't on anymore I told them they had to remove
Ed is was becoming to upsetting that MY ED would be that DUMB LOL (kidding)


Jo and Ed hold onto each other tight and have an enjoyable Valentine's Dinner.

magpie said...

sure sounds good...

actually, the wind and the rough looking weather did NOT sound good, but I meant,
sounds good that you were HOME ☺

watching Belle get ready for the night, it was so beautiful, watching the roosting Liberty getting things ready for Mother

hedgie said...

Fire appears to be under control.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh good thanks for the report Hedgie.

I have to tell this to us it was funny. At mall parked to go into post office door. First space against curve and tree. Mom opened her door it blew out of her hands and she thought it was going to keep going. lol She was outside and I was trying to get out. My door was against the wind. I'm not a Suzanne or a tiny Megan. That door could NOT be FORCED to open all the way. Mom motioned for me to come on. I'm laughing because I was yelling come help hold this door. It was funny though when she realized I couldn't get out of the car. lol

hedgie said...

No, Dana...south end of county.

Jo, your Outback is better than ours! Ours doesn't open til 5 and no reservations.

magpie said...

if you got your ♥ balloon today Dana I bet it was about to take off WITH you...

Lolly said...

we are now in. Did some yard work and then sat outside by the upper pond for a while.

68 presently and they said 70's for the rest of the week. Sounds good to me.

Saw Lib on the nest. He was up and rolling the eggs when Belle flew in, out she flew. Looks like she is now settled for the night.

magpie said...

I was mixed up on the parents earlier Lolly
but when Belle flew in this last time then I finally knew for sure

Costume Lady said... monies involved with Soup Kitchen or Clothes Closet. We have been receiving donations from our church congregation and have raised over a thousand dollars. Gene is very frugal when buying needed groceries for our meals. He looks at the store ads and buys only sale items...stocks up on them if it is a VERY good sale. We have had donations of food. For instance, 4 turkeys were donated by church members who got them as Christmas presents from employers and didn't want them. That is what I made turkey salad woth for our last Soup Kitchen and turkey noodle soup. The only money we spent was for rolls and cake mix.
We still have over a thousand dollars and now that we will be drawing from the FOOD BANK, we shouldn't have to spend much at all. Although, we will need a new freezer and fridge. Hoping the congregation will help with that exense.

Costume Lady said...

I think I got carried away and forgot to mention that we don't charge for the food or clothing. It is our pleasure to feed and clothe the least of us:)

Mema Jo said...

Reservations as you think of them is not what the OutBack has. We called and had our name placed on the list for 4:15 and had there been other walk-ins before us we would have been seated first. We would have needed to waited, but for a shorter length of time.

hedgie said...

Tilking time......not a good pic.

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break - want to get into
comfy clothes......


hedgie said...

Gotcha', Jo...."call ahead seating" I think that is called.

wvgal_dana said...

lol Lynne2 love it from scratch "I scratched the box open" real good one thumbs up !!

Was praying for Christie's flying trip and the wind...glad she is on the ground.

Will be glad for you Lynne2 when Steve walks through the door.

So sad that fire...with the winds...prayers for all them to be safe. 3 Run Road as I've
called it..Is that the same as 3 Mile Run Rd off of Rt. 51???

wvgal_dana said...

WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT????? Looked like white burst of fireworks going off in different places at nest.

Mema Jo said...

Tomorrow we get to find out the name of the little dude at Zoo Atlanta.

wvgal_dana said...

Got the balloon and the red flowers with sparkling hearts. Put it all up in the wind down at Rosedale. Put 6 M & M's in for LM and Ed hee hee they got to have a little candy. Anchored it to the chained cup. Figured if I anchored it to the flat headstone it would be more costly to replace when it goes blowing into OUTERSPACE ...

Mema Jo said...

Margy - FYI
Steve is alive and well and has made some comments on FB - No need to worry
about da man!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie I'll have to check map again. Duh me

Off eggs see them ..turning to face other way and wiggle down onto eggs.

Good thought to tape Dog Show thanks.

wvgal_dana said...

I'll do my part and start praying for the freezer and new frig. Wanda. I know you and Gene truly care. I went to that church when I was a child. Took home from hospital to 521 E. Moler Ave. I say, "Hi house every time I go by it". Pokey the turtle is buried on the bank. That chimney on that house. You can see it best when coming from church for you heading home. My Dad and brother (when little) built that.

Costume Lady said...

Which house is that, Dana. many houses up from the church, color, etc. I didn't know that. Interesting.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for the prayers for the appliances...we need a freezer desperately. We have meat available to us through the Food Bank, but need a freezer to keep it in until we can use it. Of course, meat is our main expense. I did order 40 pound of Chicken chunks for something like $5.00. It is hard to pass up a deal like that, but it will fill our freezer to the brim!

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda Address is 521 E. Moler Ave. leave church as if you are heading home. House is on left on Moler Ave. Do you remember where the blind man Bohrer had the store on the right hand side if you are heading home. Right across the street green shingled house on corner of Moler Ave and Western Ave.(I think is name of that street)

wvgal_dana said...

I want to go through that house so badly. I feel it probably is almost the same inside.

wvgal_dana said...

oOOppps our eagle has turned back around facing towards us. Must be hard to settle in that strong wind.

Lynne2 said...

Steve is home, and it's been a bad day for him. UGH. He's trying to be happy and shake it off!

Time for dinner.....

NCSuzan said...

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

Lynn, I am happy that the trainer spent extra time today with you and Mai. Hope things get better every day.

Dana, I am so sorry about Little Man. What a love you had for your friend and he for you. Thank you for sharing him with me.

Wanda, you and Gene have a special love for humankind. thank you for caring and I hope you have continued success.

Paula, congratulations. Have fun!

Lolly, it got up to 68 here today but we have strong winds also. But that sun felt mighty good.

Lynne, bring on the spice cake!

NatureNut, I remember Hidey as you do. Those parents were not going to show their baby until he fledged!! LOL

Lynne2 said...

I forget who asked, but I DID make the heart on the eagle avatar in Paint. And put the I Love You in the heart, and outlined it in black AND had to put in the other fingers! Took FOREVER! It's the same eagle I had for Halloween and I just did the heart over the pumpkin.

Costume Lady said...


Lynne2 said...

Hey Suz! I am happy to report that despite the increased SB activity in the house today, there were no SB problems while icing the Spice cake!!

wvgal_dana said...

Has anyone heard whether Janet's (Nilla's) grandson Nathan's gf Stacy has had the baby yet???

Lynne2 said...

New thread Dana, and missed Wanda's callover!

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Oh my goodness! Do some of us know about what dregs are? Dregs as in rum cake? I would give a whole lobster dinner to see Wanda tipsy. Tee hee!

Dana, so happy you and your mom are not flying about pretending to be shiny green garlands. Sounds like a good outing.

Not enjoying the Jeopardy congest between humans and computer. Interesting, I guess, but prefer competition between/among human brains.

I guess someday I will have to make a really serious visit to learn all the great history such as where Pokey the turtle is buried, etc. Need to visit the swinging bridge that doesn't swing, and all that fun stuff you people do in WV. Around here, we just have congresspersons who do really stupid stuff and then resign.

Lynn2, hope Steve is feeling better now that he's home and had a nice dinner with you.

Going to try to watch a little mindless t.v. so will be back later. Been a busy day and last I looked, the nest was attended and all is quiet.

Oh, check out the videos posted for Lily and Hope and there are a couple of good views of the bear babes on the videos. Amazing how gentle Lily and Hope are when they play but are so careful not to hurt the babes.


Lolly said...

NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...