Friday, February 11, 2011


New thread.


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floralgirl said...

Thanks! Sunny day thread:)

Lynne2 said...

Thanks mEGGan and Steve!

Gotta go get pics of my crocus. Then I think I'll go clean out the flower bed out's in front, south side, warm and sunny!

glo said...

Third times is a charm. I really did want to share this link so here it is again.:-)

While we are waiting to see if there are 3 eggs yet, I just found out today that one of my entries for February Camera Club was a High Scorer as I had left before the actual competition at our last meeting. Anyway this one is not fishing BUT I still think eagle lovers will like the photo. There is a place to click to enlarge. Also you can see some of the other photos that scored high in our monthly competition. We always have well over 100 entries.

posed for a Leggings shot

Lynne2 said...

another egg roll....

upon further investigation, it seems there are hyacinths, and tulips popping up, and my sedum too!

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, how is it going today with Mai?

Dana, are you feeling better?

Beautiful Glo!

NatureNut said...

Sneaking on here to check on egg report. Can get Still cam, but can't stay on~~~IT guy upstairs working on 'puters!
Will try to check back later ☺

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve and for the lovely sunny day nest pic.

Hello to all the mid-day nest watchers. Been swamped and just now getting on here to get caught up. I see we still have 2 eggs and checked on NBG and see they now have their third. Oh joy, hopefully we' ll be next.

I see some yard work going on. So very glad to know the weather is nice enough for so many to be working outside today. Hopefully the wkend will continue with the sunshine.

WV sUSAn said...

Funny Loretta. It was as if you were whispering. I'm on still cam as well from the office.

WV sUSAn said...

Yes still two eggs. Hard to tell on still but I'd say that was a roll.

floralgirl said...

Lunch has arrived at the nest!

Lolly said...

Got lost on old thread. LOL

posted on old thread... Lolly said...
Food delivery. Belle is coveting. LOL Lib flew off. Eggs in view while Belle chows down. Could not tell what it was. Do not think it was fish.

Friday, February 11, 2011 2:13:00 PM

floralgirl said...

It looked like a headless fish to me.

floralgirl said...

Both in nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Nice pics Steve, gonna put a couple of those on momsters.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoa, did I miss Lib on the back?

WV sUSAn said...

Yes Lib on back of nest and the eggberts are sunbathing.

paula eagleholic said...

He must have flown in...standing on the back of the nest while she eats. Nice sunshine on 2 eggs.

floralgirl said...

Yep, he's been sitting there for a couple of minutes. He brought food, then left, then came back few minutes later.

floralgirl said...

I like how he sits there and watches the eggs so she can eat.

WV sUSAn said...

I like that too Meggan. Such a good daddy.

Lolly said...

I did not see him sneak back in either.

WV sUSAn said...

That's where Lib was when Chrissy sent the "find the eagle" email last week. Haha

movin said...


Good MorninG, aLL.


The fact that Belle has the eggs uncovered for an extended period probably means she will be laying the third one ... and soon.

What have they got for lunch??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

floralgirl said...

Lunch is gone, Belle flew out, Lib is going to sit on the eggs.

paula eagleholic said...

Uh, I think it's cause she was eating, Jim.

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting looking nestover, not sure if it's a fish or something else.

WV sUSAn said...

She got off the eggs to eat but I sure like the way ya think, Jim. Soon!

Mema Jo said...

I have returned.. Had a wonderful time watching 17 5-6yr olds enjoying lots and lots of sweets! They did favor their grapes, strawberries and cups of applesauce before any candy or sweeter treats were eaten.
Jim I know what you mean that once the full clutch is laid - they do complete incubation. Switches are made without hesitance!
The sun rays are so warming and welcomed.
You know me - once I am out/about for 3-4 hours my Feet go Up! BBL

Mema Jo said...

***Glo your eagle pic is the best.
Tell me about #8 - 3 little adorable varmints which I'm thinking they are otters. They are the sweetest looking little guys/gals.

WV sUSAn said...

Jo. So glad to hear the kids were going for the healthy snacks first.

Just got home and to the Live cam. Is that Belle on the nest with a stick on her back?

hedgie said...

Have no idea what that nestover is....a blob!

Looked to see if any of my spring stuff is peeking through yet....NOPE.

Loretta....hope the IT guy doesn't "catch" you!! What's happening at the park today? Do you all get many school groups this time of year?

hedgie said...

The blob must be tasty----Belle is tearing into it with gusto.

WV sUSAn said...

Belle I having another snack. What beautiful eggs on the nest.

WV sUSAn said...

She's tearing it up, Lynn, whatever it is... Must be tasty!

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

NBG gets congrats on #3. Bet our #3 arrives tonight.

Belle looks as if she were really enjoying her food.

Jo, so nice you had a good time with the little ones at their party. I agree, good news they went for healthy first.

Glo, really like the eagle picture. Thank you for sharing and congratulations.

Lynne2 - I'm jealous. Enjoy the little flower parts beginning to emerge from the dark cold dirt. Always such an optimistic sign.

Spent today downstairs. Darth went in search of food and I tackled laundry. Did too much (me, that is) and ankle is not happy. So decided to check in on you all and the nests before doing a Mema Jo and putting my feet up.


glo said...

MeMa Jo Since I didn't stay for the competition that night I didn't get to hear the photographer talk about the photo. I don't know where they are or what they are but I agree. Awfully cute indeed.

WV sUSAn said...

Judie, I don't know what your ankle problem is; have picked up bits and pieces, but it sure sounds liike you are on the mend. If you even felt like moving around so much... That's progress!! I hope every day gets better for you.

hedgie said...

Suzan, Judie fell down some steps at home---back in Nov. I think it was---and for all intents and purposes shattered her ankle. She is full of pins and has been a long and painful recuperation for her.

T-Bird said...

Great picture Steve!!!! Hello all my fine eagle momsters and dadsters.

Lynne2 said...

OK, front flower beds are CLEAN! WOO HOO!

I find it very annoying that the posts from the blog, for some reason one can only imagine, are no longer going to my email. BOO HISS

I hear the geese flying over!

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Tbird

I broke my ankle 5yrs ago and didn't have complications. It healed well. Xrays look great. But that sucker still hurts sometimes. I cant imagine what you've gone thru. I impathize and am glad to see you're getting better.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I have been busy cleaning the kitchen and spending time with Emma. Emma now has nice short, smooth nails. She let me do them without a huge battle! Emma is a VERY good girl! She let me clean her ears, too. Vet told us to use 1/4 vinegar to 3/4 tepid water, and cotton balls. Soak the cotton balls, then squeeze them so they are not drippy, and clean the ear canal (not TOO deep!) and the underside of the ear. Should smell like salad dressing until the liquid dries. Need to do anywhere from every couple of days to once a week. For my next project, I hope to clip the excess hair from the underside of her ears so more air can get to the ear canal, preventing ear problems. She has a LOT of hair around and in her ear! Have to find some ear powder. When we had a cockapoo, I used to pluck the hair out of her ears, using ear powder to make the hair easy to grip.

Ms Bookworm said...

Just checked the nest, and WOW! the weather there today looks nice and sunny! I'm thrilled about that! Our eagles sure need a break this year, after what they went through last winter.

Lynne2 said...

Rest up Judy...before you know it this will all be just a memory!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lynne,
Under the box where you type in your comments, there should be a little box to check that says "Email follow-up comments to: your e-mail address." If you check it, that should do the trick. :o]

Lynne2 said...

oh yeah Andy, I checked it like always. The first couple of posts from this thread got to my email but none of the others have. But I've gotten other email, and YOU have mail....BTW!

I also don't get the little window that used to pop up after I posted either (something about encrypted stuff) and I didn't change my setting for that either.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, need to do some damage control with the hair and makeup. Must go do weekly shopping at Wally World, and wouldn't want to frighten any small children while I'm there! Will bbl, probably after dinnertime. Have a good afternoon/evening! :o]

WV sUSAn said...

Holy moly, didn't that cockapoo go nuts when you plucked ear hairs?!?

Lynne2 said...

time to go poop scoop the yard. Fun.

hedgie said...

Andy, never heard of plucking the ear hair from doggies. Ouch! Can't imagine any dog letting me do that!

Mai has done better today than yesterday----so far!!

Suzan, I had nasty ankle and foot fractures 18 yrs. ago----luckily no hardware needed, either! But I, too, still get pain sometimes. Sure it's just arthritis. Same with my wrists which have also been broken.

hedgie said...

Upper 60's in forecast for end of next week!!! No precip showing, either! Hope they are right and nothing changes! Whoo-hoo---it will feel like summer!

Hungry for burgers.....guess I better go light the grill and git 'er done before it gets dark.

hedgie said...

Bad me....scared off 4 deer on the corn. :(

hedgie said...

Hi T-bird!!! Good to see ya'!
What's the weather like in Bedford today? Did you all get snow Weds. night?

WV sUSAn said...

Skiing 3 short days next wkend. Can't ski ALL day. Ouch

WV sUSAn said...

Egg roll. Is that Lib?

Lynne2 said...

can see all 3 at NBG

Lynne2 said...

well, not any more

Mema Jo said...

My feet are back down and I'm ready to go to dinner..

Hello TBird if you check back
The pics on the home page for today are gorgeous! Can't wait for little
bobble heads!

I will sign in upon our return
Enjoy your burgers, Lynn. I'll sure the deer will return!


Lynne2 said...

maybe if I sign out and back in it will fix my email problem

Lynne2 said...


hedgie said...

Oh, I know they will, Jo. Just feel bad when I scare them.

No skiing for this klutz, Suzan!!

Lynne2 said...

good grief, for some reason they are going into my spam folder.

Lynne2 said...

I wonder if and when someone will be working the zoom on our cam.

Lynne2 said...

oh this is I am getting messages on FB from someone saying they liked my comment, only to find it takes me to an ad. I'm beginning to hate facebook.

Judie said...

Back before I head downstairs again to fix a quick dinner.

Had arthritis before the fall and dr. says that will be a problem. He also stated that I am "early in the process" of healing and I could have some trouble with swelling and being able to wear real shoes for a year. I did NOT want to hear that. The only shoes I can get on over the swelling are my 10-year-old walking shoes which are attractive NOT. Memory? How about nightmare?

Anyway, lovely sight at our nest a moment ago. Saw a wiggle wiggle.

Lynn, enjoy your burger. I've made salmon cakes so the rest is easy with asparagus. Glad you had a better day with Mai.

Andy, cannot begin to imagine plucking hair from a dog's ears, or anyone else's for that matter. Glad you have a nice pup.

Okay, will try to visit after dinner and probably a short nap.

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

and muchie time!

NatureNut said...

My ?? are answered! Put cam on first & see adult eating and 2 eggs in well. But the night is young.

WV sUSAn said...

Snacking again and two eggs looking like they want to see triplets in the nest. Is tonight the night?

Lynne2 said...

snack over, wiggle wiggle

Lynne2 said...

boy if it IS tonight, let's hope we have some sort of night light working for us!

NCSuzan said...

Good afternoon egg watchers! Still two beautiful eggs but i think that number may change!

Lynne, I am so jealous over your bulbs coming up. I did not bring any from my old house.

Glo, what a great photo. I enjoyed them all.

Jo, a friend of mine is a kindergarten teacher and before i was sick, I would go and hang out on those special days with the children. They can be a lot of fun.

I have not had the sign-in issues you guys have had.

Andy, you are a hurricane. School, husband, shopping....Do you ever rest?

Dana. are you feeling better?

And Judie, you are so improved. Hope you are feeling better inside, too.

hedgie said...

Judie, I STILL have some swelling---afraid it will always be so for me. :(

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, what a lovely avatar. Did I reads that your days are better with Mai? That's great!

NatureNut said...

Lynn, saw your earlier ?? I am at Chelsea Exhibit Shop on Wed., Fri.~~~no public. That's probably why we see more animals! 8 deer today.
Anyway, Park has had some school groups, but it usually gets heavier after start of April, 'cuz that's when boat tours begin. There are also a few "Traveling Naturalist" programs now where staff visits the schools. They've done a few of those, too.

Lolly said...

Okay, does the watch begin? Come on Belle, deliver us an egg!

Have spent the afternoon organizing pics and burning onto cds. Been doing this on the computer not my laptop. Still have to get the pics off the laptop to the computer. Think I am over for the day. Need to keep an eye on Belle!

WV sUSAn said...

Chittering, moaning and squealing in the den Unrest. Ahhhhh happy again

hedgie said...

BTW---Judie, I love salmon cakes. Used to make some kind of cream sauce for them, and for th elife of me, I can't remember right now what it was!! You may eat my share of asparagus!!

NatureNut said...

Gonna get coffee, so maybe I can watch nest a lot! Hope the light is good tonight. Can't stay up too late, as I think I go to Park tomorrow. My calendar is confused what w/power outages & company!

Lolly said...

Egg roll. Two eggs. Then wiggle wiggle!

Lolly said...

egg roll once again

NCSuzan said...

Wish the light would stay like thios!

Lolly said...

It stayed pretty light last night. Should be that way again tonight.

Laurel just called. She is on her way home. She had middle school Valentine dance duty this afternoon. More fun!

Lolly said...

Looks like Belle is tucked. Guess I should go prepare dinner.

hedgie said...

Too dark at nest to see of anything happens tonight.....:( And moon has disappeared here.

Lolly said...

Lynn, I can see Belle fairly well. She has had her head tucked and is moving around right now. Head is not tucked.

hedgie said...

Suzan, things ARE better.Not as good as Weds. was, but maybe every day will get "more better"!

Lolly, you brought back a horrible memory for me. Jr. Hi Valentine's dance....a neighborhood boy gave me a corsage at the dance......and he was the biggest geek. I was SO embarrassed!!!

Loretta, sounds like you all keep busy with lots of activities. Hmmm....loved that boat ride! Did I ever tell you---sure I did---that I viewed my pics from it as a slideshow and it was like being on the river all over again!

Lolly said...

Belle raised up. Rolling eggs. Wiggle wiggle

NatureNut said...

Just saw Belle do a 180° wiggle, so couldn't see eggs.

Lolly said...

LOL Lynn! And that boy is probably a very nice, very successful man today. Laurel will tell you, her daddy was a geek! Yep, married me a nerd!

floralgirl said...

It's really very clear here. Moon is out and lots of stars.

Lolly said...

Well, MEGGan, hope you are keeping your eagle eye directed on the cam tonight.

hedgie said...

6.8 quake in Chile.

WV sUSAn said...

Hedgie. You may want a bernaise on the salmon and asparagus. Yummy

hope this is the night for #3. Come on girl.

floralgirl said...

Okay, yes, I am watching now.

Bird Girl said...

Was watching this morning when Belle was eating her fish, saw the two eggs very clearly, same shot as the picture on this blog entry!

I'll be offline next week, 14th-21st, you all make sure Belle lays a third egg so my prediction will be correct! HAHAHA!

stronghunter said...


Kathryn and Hunter are at a church event tonight. I am hanging out in my recliner watching Belle. I can see a little bit on the cam. Belle is moving around doing something.

floralgirl said...

Looked like a wing stretch, then an egg roll and some wiggling. She's back down now, facing cam.

NatureNut said...

We need a flashlight!!! She got up, did an egg roll w/well in the front, but couldn't see eggs.
Definitely getting Chinese food tomorrow!

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful view of Belle. Hope it stays that light all evening.
Dinner at Cracker Barrel was great. I also got some Valentine candies for the 5 Hedgesville Great GrandKids for Monday. They will be coming over for the afternoon.

Lolly said...

Have a great recipe for green onion sauce that is also delicious on salmon and crabcakes. Yum!

Mema Jo said...

Delphia I hope she gives us a 3rd egg before you leave!

Mema Jo said...

Snooze time in the nest

NatureNut said...

If Lynne2 comes back, she should look at our PRP Field Trip album---April, '09, I believe, if she hasn't already.I just can't believe that it was the first time anyone saw 3 chicks pop up in the mest!!--like they knew E_Ms & Ds were there. And of course fearless Wanda holding snapper by the tail! ☺

NatureNut said...

Sorry, still can't spell! Guess I'll have to start using Spellchuck!

movin said...

I'm glad I can see the nest well tonight; maybe the third egg will join the group before morning.

I was thinking TH might be starting her clutch this evening, but she's not setting as low in the nest as she was, and she's calling loudly for the male.....

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Jim - TH - you don't think something is already under her, do you?

hedgie said...

Lolly, there are different kinds of nerds and geeks. I bet Jack was a serious, studious brainiac! That is NOT the bad kind of nerd!! And he's too handsome to look like a geek in the true sense of the word!

Mema Jo said...

Belle up for an egg roll I think

Judie said...

All recipes for salmon cake sauces would be most welcome. Always looking for new and exciting - recipes, that is.

Shirley, enjoy your recliner time. Is George keeping you company?

Lowreeda, are you taking Chinese food to Belle and Lib tomorrow?

Ah, Lynn. Think what it would be like to find out what happened to all the little guys who stood on the opposite side of the gymnasium on "dance night." What a dreadful socialization experience for preteens to live through.

Okay, I'm headed across the hall to the bed to rest my ankle. No drugs tonight. Had a glass of wine. So, will take a nap and try to return to turn on the night light.

hedgie said...

It WAS a green onion sauce.....thanks for jogging my brain!

Guess what? I tilked screen and can see nest again!!! Duh----forgot that I had pushed it back when I was cleaning the screen!

floralgirl said...

I haven't seen any activity to make me think she's laid an egg yet. She did some sort of big stretch around 7:55 that was interesting, but think she was just stretching.

floralgirl said...

Oops, I mean Belle, of course.

WV sUSAn said...

Hedgie. Bernaise on the salmon and asparagus. Yummy

WV sUSAn said...

I haven't seen anything either Megan. Belle is resting, tucked in for the moment

hedgie said...

Yea, Judie! Hope the anti-inflammatories do the trick....along with the wine!!
Don't even remember the recipe anymore for the green onion sauce. Also used to make a simple white sauce with hard-boiled eggs in it, but don't recall what I put it on. All back in the old days when I had to cook dinner for a family every night.
Yep---those pre-teen things were worse for the boys than the girls!

Mema Jo said...

Eggs Goldenrod

I love this - grandmother would make it for me. I need to make it soon!

Mema Jo said...

I'm going to watch 1 TV show at 9:00
then I'll be all eyes on Belle..

stronghunter said...


Recliner time is about over. Need to take care of some chores.

WV sUSAn said...

Been on chores all evening Strong. Progress at last.

Lolly said...

Interesting recipe, Jo. Might have to try it on the boys sometime.

Mema Jo said...


Lolly said...

Belle is up. Looks like egg roll.

Mema Jo said...

I'm Back

She is awake and standing
Wiggling in but I can't see anything

Mema Jo said...

mEGGan are you there???

WV sUSAn said...

Belle looks settled and the light is great tonight.

floralgirl said...

Yep, still watching.

hedgie said...

ARGH----just gt an SB off the kitchen chair. The warmer it gets, the more we will see. YUCK.

Lynne2 said...

WOO HOO I just killed 2 GROOOOOOSS

I think we are gettin' another eggie tonight...

Saw the pics in the album Loretta!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn read back to the recipe I think you were talking about.......

Commercial - all is good

NCSuzan said...

Was there any HP today? How long after HP do we usually see an egg?

NCSuzan said...

LOL! I know we are not privvy to all of their intimate moments but hasn't one or the other been in view all day? Just wonderin'.

hedgie said...

Jo, that's how I made it except that yolk was cut along with the white with the egg slicer and all mixed into the white sauce. Good stuff!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all.

UP AT johns, kids are asleep, kitchen is clean. Watching about Egypt on CNN

NatureNut said...

Judie asked if I would be delivering Chinese food to the nest. They already have egg rolls!
They might like some dish w/chicken, but bet they'd love the roast duck dinner ala Christmas Story.It would be cold by the time I got there, so will have to eat take out at home!
Instead of tilking the screen awhile ago, stood up & cat got my chair!

paula eagleholic said...

No 3rd egg...hope she waits till daylight

NCSuzan said...

Goodnight all.

NatureNut said...

A little strange that awhile ago there was a dark shadow of a stick on Belle's head, & now it's gone. I doubt if the night light moved~~must have been light from 1/2 moon.

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Suzan. Rest well!
Maybe there will be a present waiting in the morning!
Even tho' I hope Belle holds off til daylight, too.

Did Gianni walk for you, Paula??
We need a recent pic!

floralgirl said...

Belle is up

glo said...

Looks like its a happening nest tonight

floralgirl said...

Up on back of nest, maybe a poop shoot. Back down now.

movin said...

I thought Belle might be about to lay the third, but she got up to relieve herself. Got a clear look at two eggs though.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn , Gianni took about 4 steps, she is still cautious. Will try to put video from super bowl Sunday on FB. WILL HAVE TO WAIT TILL SUNDAY. Might go see friends new mini labradoodle tomorrow night

Lolly said...

Bear Update

Very interesting report. Have been so busy with eagles lately that I have neglected them. Can not hear at our nest if I have the Lily cam up.

NatureNut said...

Glo, finally got a chance to look at photos! Yours are GREAT & I really like some of the landscapes. (However, the light blue ceramic vase pic w/orange flowers has a paper monarch on the handle.NO NO)

Lolly said...

Belle was moving, but it looks like she is tucked again. It is really strange looking at night when she is moving.

stronghunter said...

Going to head upstairs now. Another busy day.

Funny thing, students were surprised to find out I have an iPhone. I guess I am not supposed to be that cool. Or I am supposed to be unable to master operating such a thing.

See you tomorrow.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Back here after dinner and watching a recorded NCIS.

Gosh, our cockapoo didn't even flinch when I pulled the hair out of her ears, a couple at a time! Used the clippers to get rid of the hair around the ear opening. The ear powder made the hairs inside the ear VERY dry and easy to keep hold of, so it was possible to yank them very quickly. Got the whole idea from a groomer we used at the time. May not try to do that with Emma. She's got LOTS more hair in there! Will just do the hair on the OUTSIDE.

Ms Bookworm said...

Golly, the moon must be brighter tonight--I can see Belle a whole lot better! Hope we have another egg by morning.

paula eagleholic said...

I still can't get the live feed on my phone but the still pic looks pretty good

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - I got a good laugh reading about the Chinese food Judie wants you to take to the nest... and you said they already have Egg Rolls! lol

I am getting heavy eyed... Moon light is great on the nest. Eggs show up well when Belle moves off..

Ms Bookworm said...

Need to check some new e-mails. Will BBIALW.

Mema Jo said...

mEGGan ! I just saw my p-nut butter cookies - I can even smell them!

paula eagleholic said...

Battery is low so signing off for now, catch ya later

glo said...

Well speaking of hair removal from dogs ears, both of my shiht'zus have always needed that done. Now I only have Dex of course. He is pretty used to it. I do use the powder. I used to yank quickly BUT I have learned it actually bothers him less in fact very little if I just grab after the powder and gently tug just a little at a time. I usually do it once every 2 weeks or so , so it doesn't get too bad.

Naturenut (However, the light blue ceramic vase pic w/orange flowers has a paper monarch on the handle.NO NO)

So you didn't care for that person's photo I take it. People photograph all kinds of things. Its amazing actually. I am sure it was entered into the right category or it couldn't have scored high. Probably Creative or Pictoral is my guess. Mine was entered into Nature. It can have no Hand of Man in it anywhere. A vase and paper butterfly of course would all had of

glo said...

Well I guess I will need to wait til morning to see if there is another egg. Calling it a day here. Good Night everyone.

Lolly said...

Nite Glo! Very quiet at the nest. Did see headlights a minute ago.

hedgie said...

Been looking at more real estate on the OBX. Couple of possibilities......willsee what Frank&Irene think...

hedgie said...

Surprised that Margy has not checked in. Hope her alarm went off!

Nest is weird in this light---motion is fuzzy and seems slow.

I am heading for the tub. Everyone have a good night....prayers going up for all. Let's hope for an eggciting day tomorrow!

Lolly said...

Certainly hope you find something that is just perfect, Lynn.

Lolly said...

Belle sat there for a long time but she is tucked once again.

Mema Jo said...

Good night Lynn and all others who have hit the pillows. I am also headed that way..
Belle seems very content to snooze away with head tucked. May an egg in the early morning!
Lolly you are in charge! Carry on...

Goodnight All - Pleasant dreams and restful sleep
Prayers for all of you
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I'm back again.
Thanks for the input about doggie ear hair. Need to find some of that ear powder first, then may give it a try.
Will definitely proceed carefully--wouldn't want to hurt her. Our cockapoo just never reacted negatively to the process.

Looks like Belle is all tucked in for the night. Might check back later to see if anything's changed.

I'm gonna go watch some TV, but want to turn on the night light and porch light first. Have said prayers for everyone, and all our pets. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Hope we all manage to get enough sleep, with all our nest watching! Stay snug and warm, and I'll talk to you in the morning. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Lolly said...

Belle is still tucked. Going to go shower and get comfy. Will be back but will not be up a whole lot longer.

NatureNut said...

Getting time to hit the hay.
Glo, if that pic was in a category allowing artificial objects, then it's fine. It's very pretty, I just thought if it had to be all nature, it wasn't.
Jo, we're really going to have to get Chinese--might help w/a 3rd egg roll!LOL

Belle looks all tucked in like I should be, too~~so~~
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Well.....I am back for a little while. All comfy in my bear pj's.

Nite Loweeda!

Lolly said...

Belle still tucked, facing 9-10 o'clock.

PA Nana said...

Hi Lolly. Are we the only ones left? I'm up to my old schedule again.

Uh oh, got the around the world arrow a few seconds ago, but everything seems fine.

PA Nana said...

Belle is moving around a bit and probably did an egg roll.

Back down facing 4 o'clock

PA Nana said...

Okay, going to look at the bear den.
Prayers for everyone.

Lolly said...

Heading to bed now. Belle is now facing the opposite direction and all tucked.

Maybe, just maybe there will be an egg in the morning but no indication right now that one is on the way.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

PA Nana said...

Nite Lolly!

Lolly said...

Hi Diann, you snuck in on me. Yes I guess we are the only ones and I am about to depart. I am ready for bed. All is quiet in the nest.


paula eagleholic said...

Home from John's, they had a nice time out!

Checking back to see what I missed, then heading to bed.

paula eagleholic said...

Lowreeda, did you order 3 egg rolls?

Lynn, guess the other place didn't pan out after the heat pump issue? Too bad. Hope you can find something else!

Hugs to all ♥

magpie said...

internet up and down at my roost, maybe I can catch up here from work....think I have some catching up to do...

Good Night to anyone still up and about...

magpie said...

I see Paula is still up

Hi Paula

Lynne2 said...

SO dark now at nest I can barely make out Belle's head and can only MAYBE see her tail. Looks to be head at 12 and tail at 6, but no amount of tilking can fix this darkness.

Back to bed....

kickngbird said...

Lots of fidgeting going on

kickngbird said...

It looked like she got up twice in a short span of time, then when she was sitting at one point there were a lot of white feathers visible, then she got up & looked down at the eggs. Too dark for me to tell if there were more than two eggs, though. She seems settled now...

Glo, your photo was gorgeous!! I think I mentioned that I'm in the same state; used to get to Starved Rock every January for bald eagle watching, but after I broke my ankle from slipping on ice 4 years ago in my driveway (now have 8 pins & a plate), I haven't gone every year because best viewing was from picnic table, which meant climbing some snow mounds that MIGHT be icy. Did go this year to Elgin, where some eagles appeared on the Fox River near the public library - parking lot there not icy at all so no worries! Spotting scope & binocs - I was in heaven - ALMOST don't mind the bitter cold when you see them AND hear them!

magpie said...

can't really much to do eyewitnessing
until daylight
going to sign off from here for awhile

Hope everyone is getting some good sleep

magpie said...

can't type either

can't really SEE much to do any eyewitnesing....just too plain old dark for me to discern anything

movin said...

I slept away last evening with some lightweight disease under a warm blanket in a cold clime; so...
I'm up into the early morning now.

I can't see really well, but in "full screen" mode, I can make Belle out well enough to see she's not doing any egg laying now. In fact she's blowing some zzzzzzzzz's with her head tucked and pointing to about 12:30.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

She just got up and rolled the eggs, but I couldn't see any eggs. Just a feeling, but from the moves, I think there are only two at this time.

180° turn, and she has her head tucked again.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

bELLE just rolled eggs and turned about 180 again.

I could see eggs, and I think there are only two yet at this hour.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...



magpie said...


movin said...

Belle just rolled and rotated again, but I did not get a glimpse of eggs.

She's facing about 8:30 now. It's not much brighter than it was about 1/2 hour ago, but it should be dawn before too long.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Good morning, Magpie Margie. Glad to see you on the blog this A.M.

On that last egg turn, I even had my magnifier at work and couldn't see the eggs.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

you seem to have a pretty unusual sleep schedule....
hope you are kicking those ailments you mention....

movin said...

Me too, believe me, Magpie.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

WV sUSAn said...

All is quiet at the nest. Belle resting and tucked. She's waiting until daylight to lay that egg so we ALLLL can get a good look at their prizes.

movin said...

It's getting a lot lighter now, so we should be able to see when she gets up again.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

Be watchful also for a SPLIT coming up pretty soon

magpie said...

Be watchful also for a SPLIT coming up pretty soon

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is up. Still looks like two eggs.

T-Bird said...

Switching spots.

T-Bird said...

Changing of the guard would be a better saying.

T-Bird said...

I love watching it. Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...